90 Days They're Lived In Forest Build Stone House ,Water Well,Underground Swimming Pool & Fish Pond

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The Survival Wild

The Survival Wild

2 роки тому

90 Days They're Lived In Forest Build Natural Stone House ,Water Well, Underground Swimming Pool & Fish Pond

@onetanimal9725 2 роки тому
All of the channels like this need to get together and make a village.
@caleba3282 2 роки тому
Yes.. just yes
@abbyarias6421 2 роки тому
A village for those who are homeless? YES. Absolutely
@lil_nightmare_XXX 2 роки тому
Best idea i heard in a min
@carsongentile8639 2 роки тому
Thats the best idea ive ever heard
@btsmainarmyeditor5497 2 роки тому
Lol true
@theblondestboy7757 2 роки тому
They have silk touch on whatever tool it was they used to pick up that grass
@samiaromeu8196 2 роки тому
Quando eu olhei eu chorei moça eu já contei essa história do meu primo desse animal Esse homem tá doente desde o início da covid _ 19
@DarkFlames42 2 роки тому
@laquisha 2 роки тому
@garrettdaley8907 Рік тому
@@samiaromeu8196 is going home to eat and eat at chipotle so tonight will
@simplyshandara 2 роки тому
This is amazing. Even more so because they did it by hand. If I had the energy, I would buy some land & build this. However, my back is hurting just from watching this video 😭. Great job!
@Max-du9uo 2 роки тому
They use heavy machinery and tools off camera. C’mon now, use your head.
@RandomGuy-jr9ik Рік тому
@@Max-du9uo You don't even know if thats true or not literally just assuming stop down playing their hard work💀💀
@shaverred1030 Рік тому
@@RandomGuy-jr9ik Max is 100% right. The tool marks are 100% modern machinery.
@mrmunch5615 Рік тому
@@RandomGuy-jr9ik search up how primitive building videos are staged
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
@@RandomGuy-jr9ik yes because these humans footprints are so big that they make excavator tracks💀💀💀
@jeideee9005 Рік тому
Fake or not.. they're still amazing and still satisfying to watch these men making these... Such a therapy
@nikolaishepherd5109 2 роки тому
Could you imagine being lost in the forest and you look over and see these guys
@s0nick322 2 роки тому
To be honest I don't even think you would want to go back home if you saw these guys
@FlowersRL 2 роки тому
@@s0nick322 I sure wouldn’t ever go I mean,these guys have everything they want
@prasantabhattacherjee3975 2 роки тому
@diriddle9218 2 роки тому
I would never go back home
@SkillzIIMillz 2 роки тому
I’d definitely start helping and working so I could stay around!
@mythtorrent1808 2 роки тому
me: skips a minute at the start them: the house is done
@krlostp7886 2 роки тому
@carloscueva6326 2 роки тому
Rosa de guadalupe
@ishakyoucef4033 2 роки тому
@ryan campbell مفيد
@cyng3094 2 роки тому
@tuantutv9106 2 роки тому
@@krlostp7886 ooooooooopoooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooloopoooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOoÔOoopOoÔOOlOoOOÔlOOoOoooÔOooOoooolloOloOooOoooÔoooooOoLôOoooOooLOoÔOoooOooOOoooOÔOooÔOooOoooooOoÔOOoooooooOooÔOOÔOoÔOoOÔPoOÔOOÔÔOOOOÔOÔOoÔÔOÔooooooooooooooooooolooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooooooooloopoooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolloooooooooooooooooooooooOoloooooooolooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooloopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooopooooooloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooOOOÔOÔOÔÔÔOooooooooooooooooooopoolooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooloooooooooooooooopoooooOÔOooOOOOOÔOOÔÔOÔPooÔÔOÔOLOlÔÔOoOLoOoOOoOoLoÔOooOPloÔÔLoOoOOOoOooÔOooOÔOoOooOolopÔOoOÔÔLoÔlÔOoÔÔpÔOooÔOoOoLoÔOoOooOÔOÔOoLoooÔOoooÔOÔOOooPÔÔOooOooOoooOOooOOloooOooooooOoÔoooooooooloooooooooppooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOooooÔOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooolooooooooloooooooooooooooopOloOoooOloÔOoooOoÔOOloooooLoOooooOoooOoOooooOpooooooooOoooloolloooooooooOOooooooooloOoooolLooooOooOooOoOooLOoooLooÔOÔOooOooÔooOooLoOoooOÔLoOOoooÔOoOooOoOoOoooooOooOpoOoOooooOolOoOoOoooOoooolOooOpOooooooOlOÔOOoooooOoooooooOPooOOoooooOoooLoooooooOoooOooÔOoOooOoOooooooÔOooÔOoOlÔOooooÔOoOooooooLôOoooooooooooooooÔOOoooÔÔpÔoopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooloooooooloooooooloooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooloooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooloooolooloooooopoooooooooooooopooopooooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooopooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooloooooooooooooooooloooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooÔooooplooooooooloooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooooooooooloooooooloooooooooopoooooooloopooooooooooo
@asuwannabe2015 2 роки тому
It's so incredible to see the color change of the house exterior as the clay thoroughly dries! Nature is amazing and y'all make beautiful work of it and contribute back to it so wonderfully!
@VG-ke2xk 2 роки тому
sorry to burst your bubble
@VG-ke2xk 2 роки тому
but its not clay it's concrete
@s.t.2130 2 роки тому
@@VG-ke2xk otherwise it would wash away in the first major rainstorm...
@sgoldendragon3603 2 роки тому
@@VG-ke2xk That does make sense, but isn't it interesting either way? I mean, regardless of how much of the work they actually did themselves or what materials they used, it's still an interesting structure, at least to me.
@yellowpillpeople4745 Рік тому
are you being sarcastic? because it is all fake!
@parkerhardy8398 2 роки тому
On christmas or birthdays I wonder if these dudes give each other new digging sticks. Like here you go brother I got you a new digging stick. This one is especially good at digging.
@notadumbblond3 2 роки тому
Somewhere on earth there is a forest with a bunch of mud cement made structures. Some with underground pools, some just hideouts, some with regular pools and some mini homes with pools. It would be awesome to come across one of these one day.
@rubengamez2975 2 роки тому
ñao amarelo les
@rubengamez2975 2 роки тому
bu vro ñaó ña rŕ fru tkb
@entropydynamic906 2 роки тому
sad truth behind these constructions.. they look too good to be true because what you see is not exactly what goes on.. ukposts.info/have/v-deo/kXOqgI2fh6SikoE.html ukposts.info/have/v-deo/l2BeqYJ9cIalr6M.html ukposts.info/have/v-deo/fXWJjKqHmYZj05c.html - Cement, plastics and paints used behind cameras - Structures are abandoned soon after filming - Trash left behind - Holes and pools are left to rot, animals get trapped and die inside - Cement mixed into soil, spoils the soil - Not sustainable or practical in such climate - Made for views and money Apologies for being ‘ants on a picnic’ but people need to see what they are really watching .
@stevenalderley9036 2 роки тому
If you came across it, the "pool" would be stagnant dirty water. Because they aren't pools, they are holes in the ground filled with water.
@h.n9993 2 роки тому
What do you even know what your saying?
@deepfake4021 2 роки тому
Put these guys on survivor! Have a whole village built with a coffee shop and Wi-Fi by the time the show is three episodes in.
@basachiiOfficial 2 роки тому
That's some anime shit down to watch that happening
@default5790 2 роки тому
The contestants wouldn’t want to leave lol.
@sdeee3842 2 роки тому
Fi reel 💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@benmitschele7740 2 роки тому
Sixty ninth like
@user-wm2ri9my2t 2 роки тому
@FatimaZahra-cm1zo Рік тому
Che meraviglia ragazzi ❣️😍 che bello veramente wauuuuu questo pezzettino di paradiso che avete costruito. 👏 siete dei grandi artisti. Bravi maestri
@user-kg5mj5he3g Рік тому
вот что значит здоровый образ жизни, молодцы!, Терпение и труд, всё перетрут
@mgames2216 2 роки тому
normal youtubers show their home tour. Ultra Legendary youtubers show their full home building process🔥🔥
@gustavorodriguez2543 2 роки тому
@nooblight1953 2 роки тому
@SkillzIIMillz 2 роки тому
This is epic!
@bronklyy 2 роки тому
If only it was real
@slowkpop6583 2 роки тому
@@bronklyy U Mean If it was real As Ultra Legendary UKpostsrs Show their Full Home Building Process Or What they are doing is not real because if so 100000000% Of it is real They Built all that
@diudiaiks2495 2 роки тому
I love how they just don’t talk
@kagisosifiso 2 роки тому
And it’s like they are telepathic how they just stop one task and do another
@SkillzIIMillz 2 роки тому
less talk more work💪💪 they just work 🏊‍♂️ 🏊‍♂️
@jacobsvensson8193 2 роки тому
they're mutes
@Reei0 2 роки тому
They are robots🤖
@Liam-mv3iw 2 роки тому
The owner of the channel gives them a blueprint to follow so they know what to do
@amongstve5193 Рік тому
Huge shoutout to the team of several construction workers who built this masterpiece ❤️
@Imagetherealist Рік тому
@Imagetherealist Рік тому
So stupid and ignorant cause i cant do this there is no way two people can
@kandiwolfe1125 Рік тому
Absolutely beautiful! These gentlemen never cease to amaze me !! Their unending creativity, dedicated work ethics and top-notch craftsmanship speak volumes and are not easily matched these days! Thank you for sharing another one of your gorgeous and well-constructed homes with all of us!! Peace to all.....💜🦋💜🦋💜🦋💜
@d0u81a5 2 роки тому
I love how they use natural resources and materials to make insane buildings!
@yuridenisrosado9724 2 роки тому
They live there? Or in a city???
@DavidKirklandJr 2 роки тому
Ummm all building are made from natural resources
@brittonhowell2096 2 роки тому
@@DavidKirklandJr not all buildings, some are made from steel.
@joebowl8315 2 роки тому
....steel is a natural resource lmao. Anything from the earth is.
@sardoniclysane 2 роки тому
@@brittonhowell2096 steel is “unnatural” now. Goddamn Sith ruin everything.
@katieleechee8198 2 роки тому
I would pay these men thousands to build me one for a a vacation. Fr.
@mckenna_laine 2 роки тому
Nah fam they deserve millions
@aali778 2 роки тому
@@mckenna_laine Lmao that is very true
@alexusrussell9585 2 роки тому
This is ridiculously crazy but satisfying to watch! I can’t believe I just sat here for 36 minutes and 48 seconds watching this! It’s absolutely amazing ✅
@krazyk1799 Рік тому
@Joanne Carrejo you're so smart lol
@mamabear3834 Рік тому
BEAUTIFUL!! Genius! We as westerners have forgotten how to use our hands. Thank you for sparking life back into my soul.
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂 they build these houses on private property and then abandon them
@amicable5899 2 роки тому
I will always acknowledge how they enjoy fruits and pure natural water.
@sophiabaia9485 2 роки тому
SOPHIA 😀☺👍👏💏
@HolyRomanEmpire962-1806 2 роки тому
MARIO 🐢⛑️🤠
@amajozi8740 2 роки тому
Mhhh hai other people are so gifted the engineer work it's so amazing I wonder how they think about the plan it seems as if this two think alike may God bless their work
@notsafef0rlife 2 роки тому
@The Trashman you missed the point of the video
@notsafef0rlife 2 роки тому
@The Trashman not to mention, they make cement and put it all over the house and pillars. All the brown stuff is handmade cement with straw added to make spreading it by hand easier since there's no mixer or placement tools
@PurpleMayE 2 роки тому
I would like to see what's left of one of these constructions after one year.
@emperorpalpatine5559 2 роки тому
@The Trashman I’d wager its More durable than that. It IS cement so. You can even make mortar with it which is the predecessor to concrete.
@emperorpalpatine5559 2 роки тому
@Vince C i wouldnt go that far lol
@krachr1 2 роки тому
I would def do a week vacation there pre monsoon season. and if i had unlimited funds a week or three post monsoon season. Heck id pay to try and keep up for a month just to get in excellent shape and learn stuff. i think this is going to be the new club med.
@chriscarrow1044 2 роки тому
@@emperorpalpatine5559 it is not cement.
@emperorpalpatine5559 2 роки тому
@@chriscarrow1044 It is. Look up “survival cement”.. actually no. I’ll provide you evidence. “In a survival situation, a mixture of mud and grasses can be used to create a substance known as “survival cement”. Survival cement can be used to construct shelters, create cookware, kilns, and to wrap foods for “clay baking”. It takes two ingredients to make cement in the wild - mud and grass.”
@moodyblewis5881 Рік тому
I'd live in that house! Amazing how talented, determined and patient they are. No modern technology needed. Very inspiring!
@watch_a_mod354 Рік тому
In fact it has been exposed already. Its fake they use power tools , excavators. and there is not less then 12 poeple working at a site
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
"no modern technology needed" these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂 they build these houses on private property and then abandon them
@zekolonon Рік тому
@@hesshelwalkin2977 someone did the dirty work for us and “illegally” flew a drone on these properties to show the destruction they did to said forestland
@artandacarter9364 Рік тому
These guys are such hard workers and deserve to be commended for their achievements. Most teens & adults, myself included, wouldn't have the slightest clue how to even begin such a project. I hope you guys can see that your work is admired the world over. Any family would be very proud to live in the house and enjoy the pool and well. It's self sufficient and is really very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
@notresponsibleforyourtears Рік тому
and the fact that they didnt even do this by themselves
@ammagnolia Рік тому
It's fake silly goose.
@happyaccident2263 Рік тому
It’s so obviously fake lmao
@dannav_17 Рік тому
@@ripoffaccount4714 yeah well its all fake because i love finding perfectly cut and sized pieces of wood in the wild all the time
@fluffylittlebear Рік тому
@@ripoffaccount4714 They have been exposed thoroughly. People have flown drones over the area and seen a crew of 12+ people using power tools and an excavator. They also have a few videos where they weren't quite careful enough to hide all the excavator tracks.
@johnlaslett4793 2 роки тому
What i find more amazing is some if the "yeah it's great but ...." Comments. There are always people who feel the need to criticise. And what's even more amazing is they can't even build a matchstick model. I think you guys are amazing builders who build amazing and beautiful things with just your hands and a machete. No blueprints no spirit levels. Look how plumb the walls are with no trowels just their bare hands. Absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing with us
@heinzwilhelmguderian1373 2 роки тому
They are amazing but dont be stupid, they didnt use just their "bare hands"
@heinzwilhelmguderian1373 2 роки тому
Well....gosh......seeing how the logs are ALREADY dried, weatherized and have saw marks id say they cut, cleared, stacked them with a chainsaw before hand.
@heinzwilhelmguderian1373 2 роки тому
And .......uh.......gosh, seeing how you can see the prefabbed pieces of 2x6 i would have to assume those were cut,formed and plained with machinery.
@heinzwilhelmguderian1373 2 роки тому
And "look how plumb the walls are with no trowels" ...🙄even thoughbyou can see trowel marks.
@heinzwilhelmguderian1373 2 роки тому
Come on mam, like i said yes they ARE amazing, but they did not do this all "by hand". Dont be stupi d
@Noah_Tarbay 2 роки тому
Them making amazing structures and being out doors Us inside watching on our couches
@ayebee4718 2 роки тому
I literally stepped outside after watching this 😭😂😐
@danb8690 Рік тому
It’s pretty hard to believe that they get a bunch of the same size wood perfect for each part but it’s still awesome watching them do this
@hannahrhcp Рік тому
There are documentals about this videos . They are fake. They have machinery and a whole team
@Tlar1 Рік тому
@@hannahrhcp you can tell they cut the wood with a some type of power saw or chainsaw, the cut is too clean and you can tell by the marks on the cut end
@cattleherder1912 Рік тому
its unbelievable cause its fake.
@whattheworldsneedswhatneed774 2 роки тому
They do this for a living, I'm sure they sold these houses they built. The only thing Im Worry about is that is it strong enough to withstand weather conditions. Father and son building houses amazing 👏 🙌.
@aydalistfuturist2494 2 роки тому
Imagine you are a tourist, you are on vacation and you see thousands of magnificent stone houses in the forest.
@katum9391 2 роки тому
Except that it is no stone house, but wood frame and mud, the later washing away when rained upon and falling off when getting moist.
@GO-eo8kg 2 роки тому
This home is absolutely amazing! 😱 And to think it only took them a few months and they're using all natural resources! These men are clearly very talented! 💙
@theoutsiderspost4982 2 роки тому
All building materials comes from natural resources…
@mrsmackenzie7850 2 роки тому
They should do a detailed walk through would love to attempt it. Amazing…
@katum9391 2 роки тому
Uhm... I doubt you find waterproof paint as natural resource
@repentoryouwilllikewiseper8741 2 роки тому
Repent to Jesus Christ “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@jasonday8334 2 роки тому
I thought I saw a Home Depot.
@LunetteFox Рік тому
The awesome part of watching videos like this with 2 guys working is seeing them work almost in perfect sync with each other, one is never farther than the other in a task and they just naturally work around each other without ever being in the way of the other. It's so cool and shows how incredible humans can be.
@ForneusThirty Рік тому
Yeah, until you know that they're totally actors and they've done like less than one percent of all this.
@mama9902 Рік тому
@@ForneusThirty fr like does anyone notice the clean chainsaw cuts on every single stick not to mention they’re all the same length 😂
@Bro-rj8vu Рік тому
It so well produced that it seems like a dozen people worked on this🧐
@kendalladams5975 Рік тому
Lol someone else has seen the vid where this whole thing gets debunked I see lol. I love the pic where they have the backhoe in the background
@GracewithHumility Рік тому
These videos have been exposed as fake and misleading. But they are still interesting to watch.
@generalbil6437 Рік тому
@@alegriart there are several videos showing how a dozen people work on this, and they use machinery as well
@deadmeat5150butt 2 роки тому
Im amazed at how many people in the comments dont understand how sturdy this kind of construction is. Clay and straw together makes for a great insulating material as well.
@ZiggyIsHere1 2 роки тому
Maybe the fact that there is no solid foundation to the house itself asfar as we know because we dont see them make that
@deadmeat5150butt 2 роки тому
@@ZiggyIsHere1 It shows them digging holes for the foundation poles.
@sofiarivard1317 2 роки тому
@julienpillonca3228 2 роки тому
This tape is an evidence showing them how much they are weak , so they need to underestimate this work to feel better themself.
@julienpillonca3228 2 роки тому
@Master Monkey i amsurprised a master couldn't catch this sense.
@bigpedro559 2 роки тому
We need these guys in Cali to make these for all the homeless people
@Bulldog23636 2 роки тому
They can do it themselves not like they’re doing anything anyways
@Bryan-il1vu 2 роки тому
homeless does not like to stay in house , they want to stay off house and easy to get drug
@Love-jf7rs 2 роки тому
Google exec is building communities in the Mid-West desert. Maybe homeless can become part of the building or involve in other areas there. God Bless
@momograham8861 Рік тому
When God created this beautiful earth ,He made sure to bless us with everything we shall ever need. Sad how we are too blinded not to see the beauty in creation.
@dawnworrell6585 Рік тому
Omg it's amazing how much they get done without using expensive things 😉 I love it 😍
@bram13666 Рік тому
Too bad these video's are all fake.
@matthewmoquin754 2 роки тому
If these dudes came to America and showed this as a resume they’d be premium paid architects
@MrYOTOSTAR 2 роки тому
The quality of the house is probably also better than the average american house
@ArashiKageTaro 2 роки тому
@The Trashman Go cry in your American flag pillow and pray to trump.
@ravioliguy7113 2 роки тому
@@ArashiKageTaro it's not an American Flag pillow It's an Eagle pillow
@bmankelly872 2 роки тому
And you can say that again!!
@roborob8518 2 роки тому
Nah, they do amazing work. But it's always primitive hard labor work. That's why they stick out so much. Architecture has come along way from this level. Still think they are amazing though.
@vaafusuaga48 2 роки тому
3 steps to be like them: 1 don’t be afraid of heights 2 don’t be afraid to get your hands and feet dirty 3 never give up! Also who is recording?????
@krmKB 2 роки тому
@user-pf9tm9ds7g 2 роки тому
apparently the fish is recording
@tobiaspetersson6446 2 роки тому
you also have to actually want to do it.
@johnjones8821 2 роки тому
Also know how to never talk
@skyinats8143 2 роки тому
@@johnjones8821 when your working hard you don’t really wanna talk
@lisaschuler6286 Рік тому
These two guys are remarkable most unbelievable Talent I've seen building it almost seems so easy but you know that's a work of art those two do! They're just unbelievable and unbelievably talented. Makes you want to go out and do your own... or could you? I can't stop watching these two
@nicoleford7127 Рік тому
God gives us everything we need!! Absolutely beautiful 🤩!
@croculusshrek3951 2 роки тому
I love how effortless they make it look. Throughout the entire process they didn’t talk once. They just glided through the whole thing
@nicotinegum1704 2 роки тому
These dudes got a whole team of people working in the background helping them, and they are just edited out
@ariongold2661 2 роки тому
They are getting paid 100$ for the job they are happy
@dislikebutton966 2 роки тому
They dont have a language to speak, they just know how to build
@frappy0 2 роки тому
bruh it's like a video🤯 I'm shook
@CyberwizardProductions 2 роки тому
They talked, they just didn't include any of that in the video. They also have a camera man you don't see.
@clydeart-james4799 2 роки тому
Love this time lapse show you what can be done humanly possible at a steady pace,now give theses men some power tools.
@Litewrkslab Рік тому
@anianaomicorner302 Рік тому
Right I knew thsss were fake
@prempoornima2678 2 роки тому
What an architect!!! Absolutely fabulous
@Hyperr14 2 роки тому
When mom tells you to stop playing Minecraft and go outside.
@armsport128 2 роки тому
Unrated comment.
@parthchavan4450 2 роки тому
@hammersmithodeon9884 2 роки тому
@marshmallowqueennn 2 роки тому
@sofiarivard1317 2 роки тому
I mean if you can build a snow fort during winter why not make a dirt stone and mud/clay fort during the other month's
@waterflow900 2 роки тому
Architecture professor: Present about a stone architecture as a team These guys: Yes
@ladyqueenthatsme6134 Рік тому
This truly amazing. The amount of patience,hard work, dedication, and talent this takes is immense. Who cares if they have a crew. Whether it’s just them building it or multiple people helping they literally just built a house from the ground up. A stone house at that. As you can see Nature provides for everything we need. Big UPs to them anyone else who can and does this.
@gaynormca8992 2 роки тому
Absolutely fantastic! I think this must be the most incredible and inspirational vid I’ve ever watched on YT! Reminded me of an old saying: If you want to go fast go alone; if you want to go far go together.
@uduakwexler6781 2 роки тому
Imagine these guys going to the beach and just build a giant fortress
@user-ym8qf2qp4s 2 роки тому
@meknesfes5081 2 роки тому
@rockjets 1 .
@meknesfes5081 2 роки тому
@animalloverlilla5420 2 роки тому
It would be hard for them to carve the sand.
@user-et9wi6eg1k 2 роки тому
@petastafford908 2 роки тому
Man imagine being kids again and you and your friends come across this badass base/cubby house in the bush
Great Job! Beautiful work Thank you for sharing. 😎🤜🤛
@TheRyanihdee 2 роки тому
Crazy what you can build in just over 30 minutes
@Andrea-tc9mw 2 роки тому
**grabs grass and pats it down on some dry soil** “You’re my friend now. We’re eating soft taco’s later!”
@SpringDavid 2 роки тому
friendship :D
@nibz3902 2 роки тому
frien :>
@sfxfreakz8446 2 роки тому
Fri :-)
@miap1344 2 роки тому
@acestriker3704 2 роки тому
Friendship:D 😌
@simonepereira6470 2 роки тому
Muito lindo.esse trabalho deles muita inteligência. 😍👏👏👏👏
@Papikai11 2 роки тому
Bless these men 🙏🏼 they have all the 90 days in the world 🥺
@kauanribeiro18 2 роки тому
Jesus meu sonho que coisa inacreditavel que perfeiçao ❤❤❤
@user-zf9li6rq6g 2 роки тому
Дай Бог вам здоров'я , и силу для роботы, ваша робота супер, вы настоящие мастера на планете.👍👍👍👍
@lotus7589 2 роки тому
All I can think about is how all those small stones are like little agents of satan, bringing the stepping-on-legos experience to even these remote corners of the world.
@horrorrockett 2 роки тому
This was exactly my thought. Those river stones would kill you. Also, that water would get incredibly stagnant after awhile :| still cool though.
@lotus7589 2 роки тому
@@horrorrockett yeah I do wonder just how quickly all that water goes gross since there's no filtration. They should make that their next challenge :') filtered pools!
@juzzzzzzzzz Рік тому
То самое чувство когда за пол часа видел, я сплел маленький браслет, а эти талантливые парни целый дом
@ruthzerp4856 Рік тому
To have a home like this in the nature is amazing 💖
@winstonfromblackchat238 2 роки тому
These 2 are incredible at building, they could probably build a whole forest city
@YaniFlow 2 роки тому
In probably 423 days
@sofiarivard1317 2 роки тому
Imagine what they could do with 10 people with an entire forest
@SundryHorror 2 роки тому
@q0468 2 роки тому
@nurbaniyecetiner9928 2 роки тому
Nerede oturuyon
@valeriedelgado8558 2 роки тому
This is so awesome! Human beings are so incredible. Could you imagine doing this for so many of the countries that are considered third world. Being able to provide a simple basic need as shelter. And these guys only took 2 months with sheer determination and natural resources without damaging the environment and people’s pocket. Amazing!
@JanieBee 2 роки тому
Yes 🥺 I wish more people could live like this, and off the land. But we're being overseen by a billionaire ruling class and saving the planet doesn't make them money...💔
@nilsholgerson1625 2 роки тому
You know that this is fake?!
@oreothebest 2 роки тому
@@nilsholgerson1625 how?
@entropydynamic906 2 роки тому
@@oreothebest sad truth behind these constructions.. they look too good to be true because what you see is not exactly what goes on.. ukposts.info/have/v-deo/kXOqgI2fh6SikoE.html ukposts.info/have/v-deo/l2BeqYJ9cIalr6M.html ukposts.info/have/v-deo/fXWJjKqHmYZj05c.html - Cement, plastics and paints used behind cameras - Structures are abandoned soon after filming - Trash left behind - Holes and pools are left to rot, animals get trapped and die inside - Cement mixed into soil, spoils the soil - Not sustainable or practical in such climate - Made for views and money Apologies for being ‘ants on a picnic’ but people need to see what they are really watching .
@yiannisyannakis7698 2 роки тому
Can you imagine doing that in amurika
@scottwhite6939 Рік тому
I like all of the lumber they found in the woods that was all the same length and had perfectly sawn ends.
@pamelastevens2404 Рік тому
Maybe people would respect their surroundings more if they had to do it themselves. miracle of man and the earth
@SwingingPythons 2 роки тому
American kids: I can build a teepee These guys: hold my beer
@spm2058 2 роки тому
@keegankh7091 2 роки тому
I mean, I can build a dugout?
@crack5826 2 роки тому
more like hold my civilization
@lDreadl 2 роки тому
I doubt these kids did that fake video
@lightiamagay1625 2 роки тому
What's a teepee
@ironwolf4692 2 роки тому
Its hard to believe that before this it was just bare ground
@jayc_1229 2 роки тому
Yeah it’s hard to believe every single building we saw is just bare ground before
@halasharaf4854 2 роки тому
Right 😭
@pavankumarpavankumar2205 2 роки тому
@fadhiaadi7160 2 роки тому
@@pavankumarpavankumar2205 ,,okind OMG IMJ8
@SwingingPythons 2 роки тому
It’s absolutely incredible. I wonder how long it will last.
@eileenfrank3686 2 роки тому
These two men are something far beyond what a Higher Power or Darwin could ever have imagined; and the camera work that captured their labor and creativity is superb!
@genuwinefemale Рік тому
Lol u sound crazy! God created the world out of nothing lol these men were created by Him as well. Men digging holes and building huts in no way compares to God! Their amazing talents gives God glory in His creation!!
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂
@autumnuniverse1940 Рік тому
This statement is just stupid 😂 Especially when you realize 1) thinking digging is above God (Noah built an Ark!!!) 2) It’s fake because they have a whole production team
@1tonzz Рік тому
These guys are amazing, love watching these two put all this together with the stuff from the forest and bare hands, great job!
@jeideee9005 Рік тому
@Deez Stonks fake or not, you can still see their hard work and that's why we appreciate it.. their videos are satisfying and a therapy.. also we're not asking if it's fake or not
@mgunny05 2 роки тому
I am blown away by this! The sense of self satisfaction and pride after it’s all done, that I did this through hard work and that “mud and bamboo mixture”! 👏👏🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺!
@s.t.2130 2 роки тому
if that was only "mud and bamboo" I would like to see it after the first major rainstorm.
@nickspistolsfl9736 2 роки тому
I am interested in the properties of the local soil. Particularly interesting is water-impermeable clay. if you have such a versatile building material, it is much easier to make adobe bricks.
@VivienMoonstone 2 роки тому
Me too! It’s like the soil was made for them.
@necrobinicalastercourte3483 2 роки тому
Plus their use of termite-clay! It's what they mixed the straw in with to create that straw-clay mixture. Termite mounds are so incredibly rich in beautiful clay that's just. The best for building. The water-proof clay might be also termite clay, but theyve never shown it.
@sardoniclysane 2 роки тому
They only have photoshop.
@David-se2vg Рік тому
Wow two men building a whole house very very impressive it looks so fantastic and well made its amazing how resourceful these people are
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂 they build these houses on private property and then abandon them
@billsmith8339 Рік тому
The entire build is amazing, but I can't imagine filling the pool up a bucket at a time!
@gingerninja408 2 роки тому
Do you reckon they leave these where they are? And people just randomly wander into them and wonder where they came from?
@keytendegraef982 2 роки тому
Somewhere in Asia I assume maybe Laos or Vietnam?
@bleachismyfriend 2 роки тому
I just want the life they're living. I've always wanted to just be outside and make stuff just because I can, but living in an urban area doesn't allow me to do this type of stuff haha. I just want to feel that sort of satisfaction they feel when they get to swim in the pool they built themselves, just enjoy their creation. it must be nice :)
@joseacuna3239 2 роки тому
Oh, first world problems I see
@bleachismyfriend 2 роки тому
@@joseacuna3239 is it bad to dislike modern “commodities” that actually make my life less enjoyable?
@joseacuna3239 2 роки тому
@@bleachismyfriend the human race paradox. You’ll never enjoy what you have, you’ll always “need” what you don’t have.
@@joseacuna3239 this is so sad :(
@NathanMandjes 2 роки тому
I think it’s incredibly hard work. Maybe these guys make these videos because they need money? What you see on UKposts is the romantic side of it I guess. If it is too good to be true, then it often is.
@mothmanthegendergoblin8749 2 роки тому
honestly, i really like the vibe of this channel. the houses are pretty, you actually get to see the work people are doing as apposed to skipping it, and you get to see the peoples faces. it’s rly nice and satisfies the little itch in my brain for buildy stuff
@mama9902 Рік тому
No it satisfies your dopamine receptors lol it’s all fake anyway if u have a building itch in your brain go out and build something
@Fremantlismm Рік тому
Its all fake you know?
@katrinasouza853 Рік тому
I feel real stupid for believing it was just them when I was younger
@joewhipd 2 роки тому
Imagine what they could do with modern tools and building materials. Omg they could build some serious stuff
@foreskinman2463 2 роки тому
It’s a lot harder to build with steel and concrete than it is mud and sticks
@kevinray6302 2 роки тому
That is the whole point my man you don't need all the tools ! Don't you see this is survival mof the fittest!
@user-px4fg1tj9o 2 роки тому
Мне на работу в 6 утра вставать, сейчас половина первого ночи. Зачем я это смотрю и почему не могу остановиться!?!
@danilnikin706 2 роки тому
Хахахах такая же херня, как отработал?
@suzuka_suka 2 роки тому
Как я тебя понимаю...
@user-gi3tj2mz8v 2 роки тому
@vickieadams6648 2 роки тому
These guys are hell with a hollow stick and machete😳😳!! Wish I could hire them to build me a mini mansion. I'm bet they build these projects for the rich people's kids. They should be hired to teach woodshop and construction classes over here in the states. They did a lot of prep work. You notice they're not arguing either. They just get the job done. This is very relaxing to watch. Their work is functional and beautiful to look at.
@EricaBaker2023 Рік тому
Omg! Its beautiful! These are what you call REAL Working Men! So talented!
@PersonDude993 2 роки тому
Pretty cool to see the they built a whole house by themselves.
@dreamerboy7078 2 роки тому
@emperorpalpatine5559 2 роки тому
@@dreamerboy7078 Sure there’s definitely behind the scenes but they defo built the house. Or did you just hop on the vid to say “fake” without actually watching them build it?
@KP-ek9ok 2 роки тому
It’s funny how they never say a word. It’s like someone doesn’t want us to know who or where they are
@silviaaparecida7929 2 роки тому
Cheguei agora
@spm2058 2 роки тому
@gobblegobble1876 2 роки тому
@ivanmoody1043 2 роки тому
They did in another video and it's perfect English
@KP-ek9ok 2 роки тому
@@ivanmoody1043 lol
@dabkowsky 2 роки тому
This is incredible they use Forest stuff to make an village There should be more like this houses in the world!!
@jasonday8334 2 роки тому
Ahh I get it they didn’t have a lawnmower so why have a yard, when you can have a pool instead. Brilliant, this is very impressive!!
@krmKB 2 роки тому
I have a question, what do they do with all of the houses they make? Do they just sell them/exchange them, Donate it or do they own all of the properties?
@stevewright8834 2 роки тому
its fake
@oogyboof 2 роки тому
@@stevewright8834 how do you fake making a building. CGI ain't this good.
@EsauistheCaucasian 2 роки тому
@@oogyboof esau being esau.
@kingdomgorillastudios983 2 роки тому
@@stevewright8834 Let me guess . . . you're a Biden/Harris voter aren't you? Smh.
@XxMrsCullenzxX 2 роки тому
I am and I know its not fake political opinion is not relevant
@zelloid8940 2 роки тому
I’m absolutely impressed by everything of course but the most impressive part for me is how they step on rocks like it’s nothing😂 how do your feet not hurt???
@riley5630 2 роки тому
its fake
@tylerthepotato4052 2 роки тому
@@riley5630 The rocks are fake?
@tamitami9275 2 роки тому
If you do not wear shoes, nothing hurts your feet. They toughen up. I do not wear them unless I have to. Sometimes if I get a cut, I will not know.
@Max-hp5bv 2 роки тому
@@tamitami9275 yeah that's true. as a kid id walk outside barefoot all the time and they become calloused and it doesn't hurt anymore
@tamitami9275 2 роки тому
@stirange I live on the Coast of Florida.
@lindsaydelyon3363 2 роки тому
These guys do an amazing job to bed more people don’t know how to do this so that they don’t become homeless . And if they were homeless just build something like this!
@bobbyportman7403 2 роки тому
It amazes me how they can walk so easy on those little stones
@BCTennessee 2 роки тому
“Hey bud, you got a place I could stay tonight?” “No, but I could build ya something’.”
@cyng3094 2 роки тому
@user-mp1gj9rj4t 2 роки тому
@DarkFlames42 2 роки тому
@toxicpickle9721 2 роки тому
You'd need to wait quite a while before using the house because bulding it would take months
@DarkFlames42 2 роки тому
@@toxicpickle9721 yes obviously, but it’s a joke
@luke5767 2 роки тому
Amazing to watch, and the skill and hard work is impressive. Would be curious to see how well this structure holds up after a few monsoon seasons.
@spm2058 2 роки тому
@honeybuzzard2843 2 роки тому
I want to see that pool in 4 weeks, with no filtration, no chlorine. Yikes
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂 they build these houses on private property and then abandon them
@Bagels4eva135 2 роки тому
I want someone to go interview these guys and show behind the scenes! Love this channel so good!
@zekolonon Рік тому
Bruh it’s faked that’s why there will never be a “behind the scenes” and they jump cuts/time skip so much
@yukonheart 2 роки тому
Wow !!! I really enjoyed watching your craftsmanship!
@hesshelwalkin2977 Рік тому
these people have an entire team filled with water pumps and excavators, and they also used concrete😂 they build these houses on private property and then abandon them
@user-ed1rt6di1f 2 роки тому
Никакие слова не смогут передать мое восхищение и удивление работе этих двух ребят!!!
@LyffiMalen Рік тому
Мне вот интересно что они потом с этими постройками делают
@MaxVerstegen1637 2 роки тому
I wonder what they do with the houses they build
@gbond1010 2 роки тому
Murder holes for the villagers.
@LunatheMoonDragon 2 роки тому
Abandon them immediately after filming, as these are not structurally sound and they build them just for youtube views
@broshoeyayoutuber2200 2 роки тому
Is it strong enough for furniture installment??
@jonathandominguez6387 2 роки тому
@The Trashman i see you comment a lot on this u seem like a hater what they have is literal talent
@MaxVerstegen1637 2 роки тому
@The Trashman people still build houses in this way i just wonder what they do with it afterwards
@Shannon77785 Рік тому
Wow !!! These guys are amazing !!! They did a great job on building that house and everything around it !!! What great builders !!! 😳🤗👍
@yusmarysarria6965 Рік тому
Lo veo y no lo puedo creer es increible que con barro,bambù,pintura,cuerdas hayan hecho todo eso wow.QUE LOCURA.
@UnoHoo1 2 роки тому
That is nothing short of amazing. What hard workers they are, and they are living the minimal life, and loving it! Seriously, well done, guys!
@katum9391 2 роки тому
Yes, them and the camera crew
@kahunatomata9478 Рік тому
@@katum9391 And the backhoe, and the guys mixing the paint, and the guys providing those conveniently washed and pretty stones....
@watch_a_mod354 Рік тому
its fake. didnt you know `?
@robh7671 Рік тому
This puts us to shame!! Good learning tip anyway.
@kathi3276 Рік тому
Very cool to see the finished product. But I have a few questions... why sod around the house and well just to tear it up again? Last minute design change? How did they make the paint? Is it natural or artificial mixture?
@packsrus1763 2 роки тому
And here I am, procrastinating about cleaning my bathroom
@SkillzIIMillz 2 роки тому
Just build a new one🤣
@ladiimarlz8987 2 роки тому
@simlocity3730 2 роки тому
@gamervoyoger 2 роки тому
fack that one hit deep within me, feeling the anxiety already....
@gamervoyoger 2 роки тому
also while building a new bathroom you can take inspiration from these guy and switch the tiles for uneven rocks. i plan on decorating my entire floor with rocks from the walkway into the house to my bed
@Jessica.8669 2 роки тому
I try to imagine what I would feel if i stumbled upon one of these incredible builds..
@setharnold9735 Рік тому
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