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Battlefield V Update - Chapter 1: Overture

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5 років тому

@raigee5506 5 років тому
"What do we do now Peter?" "Hold X to repair."
@jorgewagnerdafonseca5428 3 роки тому
w3r 3wa
@robertolotofacil3570 3 роки тому
w3r w43r w3
@antoniomontagna6709 5 років тому
The last tiger is an excellent war story *VERY GOOD DICE*
@spentcomb7864 4 роки тому
@yesbruv9419 4 роки тому
I hope this wasn't sarcasm.
@helpiamstuckonthismanshead3385 4 роки тому
@carlosviniciusdecarvalho1729 3 роки тому
w3r w3 rwa3
@nivaldosoares4119 3 роки тому
3wr w3r w3rwa
@ahmedmurad9919 5 років тому
1:07 Just a German soldier throwing his cigarette!! God I love these details.
@floydwalsh8591 4 роки тому
I think It was a joint
@nivaldosoares4119 3 роки тому
w3r w3 rw
@DaviSantos-gr8nf 3 роки тому
3wr 43wer w3
@TheWolf133 3 роки тому
Yeah that definitely was a big blunt
@p.f.886 5 років тому
**spoiler alert** 9/10 The commander's name isn't Hans.
@jorgewagnerdafonseca5428 3 роки тому
w3r w3ra
@nivaldosoares4119 3 роки тому
3wr w3r 3
@DaviSantos-gr8nf 3 роки тому
w3r w34r 3w
@valmirbertolinodealmeida5561 3 роки тому
w3r fw3r 3w
@m.bukhori2304 5 років тому
*Hans, ze transmission is broke*
@ItsMickIntosh 5 років тому
Kommandant, ver ist ze track?
@aussieman4791 5 років тому
They knocked our track
@frankvucak7550 5 років тому
Get ze Luger
@Hodenkobold1981 5 років тому
Get to da choppa
@Huchu1000 5 років тому
you mean the panzerkampfwagentransmissionsanlage?
@novaprospekt9902 4 роки тому
1:19 That ricochet is amazing.
@helenadomingues8492 3 роки тому
4et e4te4t
@rosaria8384 5 років тому
Panzerstorm = Caspian Border. I'm ready when the delay ends!
@alextsuyou2156 5 років тому
Panzerstorm (battle of hannut) is french vs German reality is not British vs German. I am french
@darksidious4971 5 років тому
@@alextsuyou2156 me too jsui Francais
@helenadomingues8492 3 роки тому
e4t e4tes4t
@robertolotofacil3570 3 роки тому
3wr 43wr a
@gammersunity4117 2 роки тому
@@helenadomingues8492stop spamming every where
@chrisd6736 5 років тому
If this thing was the first trailer you guys would have outsold BO4.
@reviewsedepoimentos4997 3 роки тому
w3r w43r 3
@leonardocamposferreira7750 3 роки тому
w3r f4ewraa3w r
@funnyman5254 3 роки тому
It’s two years later, but they outsold BO4 by nearly 5 times.
@dwitsha 5 років тому
Can we appreciate Herr Müller's voice for just one moment?
@landodo1421 5 років тому
Senri Shiki I can’t tell if this is a joke.
@dwitsha 5 років тому
@Senri Shiki can you clarify?
@masontthompson81 5 років тому
Simon Werner is the voice actor for Müller
@mattwilkinson_2686 5 років тому
Sounds badass
@auntyskoden924 5 років тому
Herr Müler has a great voice
@winterizedflame8065 5 років тому
Panzerstorm remind anyone else of Armored Shield from BF3?
@richiepadgett2509 5 років тому
You right
@moatasemtarek9984 5 років тому
Or caspain border
@nicholasgmatthews 5 років тому
I thought of caspian border as well
@unreal396 5 років тому
Dam Right
@MauroFrederico 5 років тому
Actually it remembered me of Harvest day from bad company 2.
@passchooo 5 років тому
This game had so much potential, if the original trailer had been anything remotely close to this everyone would have bought the game up. This new mission alone might make me buy the game, keep releasing content like this and people might come back to battlefield
@jrh7178 5 років тому
They will. In only half a year foward this game might be the best in the franchise
@MusicGamesEverything 5 років тому
@@jrh7178 Don't hold your breath
@SM-tn8mn 5 років тому
@KnightTimePoetry 5 років тому
It's really not even that if they wouldn't have put a female in their trailer they would have honestly gotten so much more and only released this female has a reskin for women that want to play which is exactly what they did accept they put that female in the trailer and I think that's what really killed the game like I said in one of the top comments I have two friends and I'm arguing with right now that I'm about to lose my relationship over because I'm defending a great game that has so much potential and is doing great things and doing new things they've never done before and as usual graphical improvements Battlefield has always been a great game and even if people give it s*** I'll play it for one either the campaign or the other multiplayer either or it doesn't matter I'm still going to purchase this game I'm still going to play it I'm still going to love it because it doesn't matter what other f****** people say I don't give a f*** if it's historically accurate or not they never ever once said that this game is going to be historically accurate between that and the fact that 400,000 women died during everything from combat to be nurses and technicians in World War II also something close to 600 deaths in World War II related to combat that had to do with women in World War II and I'm not talking about pows or civilians in other countries I'm talkin about women that served that were in combat positions in the military considering it was illegal it was highly unlikely for you to hear about this in the media at the time
@zero-dh1pc 5 років тому
No, their too butthurt just because some woman showed up on a virtual world in a virtual game.
@airshipkirov3707 4 роки тому
BF5:*eleases campain in which you play as German* Media:ITS FREE REAL ESTATE ps its best war story in BF5
@DaviSantos-gr8nf 3 роки тому
w3r w34r w3
@valmirbertolinodealmeida5561 3 роки тому
w3r 4ewraw3r w3r
@drchtct 5 років тому
Peter needs a SANITÄTER
@mickaelf.2638 5 років тому
@ckr3167 5 років тому
@CatBack94 5 років тому
I'm pretty thankful for post scriptum teaching me this
@luuquangthang9667 5 років тому
That remind me of COD 1,2, Lolololol
@drchtct 5 років тому
Kann mir denn keiner HELFEEEEN?
@sadcide1165 5 років тому
If this was the first Teaser your Sales would have been 50% higher.
@KwakWack 5 років тому
You say that for every video. But if people weren't so stupid they wouldn't have ignored this game.
@n8tiveashii 5 років тому
The sales aren't down because of this its because of the gender issue which I don't know why they give a dam about it but it really shows how diverse our society is
@bigshobe 5 років тому
n8tiveashii We live in a society
@androsida8704 5 років тому
@@bigshobe lol
@nadirmasrour9941 5 років тому
@@n8tiveashii its not about the gender issue its about that they are saying if you dont like it dont buy it and calling your buyers unedicated well no point for me to buy it then
@Wolle009 5 років тому
1:10 FEUER!
@hardguyjye5837 5 років тому
It’s fire
@thissickfucker9983 5 років тому
@oscarcabrera6999 4 роки тому
Hard guy Jye Oh mein gott
@emiliorosales9196 4 роки тому
Later of that Feuer is... LADEN!
@Lightning_studios437 4 роки тому
@Jackarooooo 5 років тому
“The Last Tiger” now that sounds like it’d be a badass movie, let alone the ingame story! We need this to happen!
@soviet_potato_8295 5 років тому
So in the war story we will be playing aganst Americans... Well thats a first!
@don_p7546 5 років тому
Marios Christ yeah I was actually surprised since the developers are American. We never get to play against Americans in almost any game!
@ChannelCODMW3 5 років тому
@@don_p7546 actually the developers are swedish
@don_p7546 5 років тому
Shadow Broker oh really? That's so cool I didn't know that! I know that there was like a convention or something in Stockholm but I didn't know that was where they are from. Thanks for telling me!
@RedShocktrooperRST 5 років тому
I had to double check and see what flavor of "long gun" was on one of those Shermans. Wrong style of muzzle break and turret to be a Firefly, so it's probably a US Army M4 76 (can't see the suspension from the shot, so I can't tell if it's an E8 or not). Don't be surprised if the Sherman soon comes to Multiplayer as an Allied tank as "counterpart" of sorts to the Panzer IV more so than the Valentine is supposed to be currently.
@ChrisWellejus 5 років тому
@@don_p7546 wow, just wow
@CinematicCaptures 5 років тому
This mission looks beautiful
@memeik 5 років тому
@ragnar3187 5 років тому
@toxdawn8246 5 років тому
Jo is ganz geil ;D
@sdys3121 5 років тому
@AlwaysCooper 5 років тому
Felix B what do you mean? The last war stories were already historically accurate.
@tyrionlannister4920 5 років тому
played it. loved it. brilliant. pls more… "5 years earlier…"
@robertolotofacil3570 3 роки тому
w3rw43r w
@midasgaming1212 5 років тому
Top 10 Anime Comebacks in the History: #1: *"Battlefield V Chapter 1 Update Trailer"*
@threadworm437 4 роки тому
Look how far we've gotten :*)
@JokingGuy1342 5 років тому
I hope The Last Tiger is at least 2 hours long
@twandepan 5 років тому
JokingGuy it probably isn’t but it looks like the first campaign with a bit of historical accuracy which is what I’m most hyped about
@TechCarnivore1 5 років тому
40 minutes
@twandepan 5 років тому
Urocyon that’s actually decent
@msaeedazizi 5 років тому
@@twandepan bro Tirailleur was very historically accurate too. But I'd say this one has the most WW2 vibe of them all
@dawsonindustries 5 років тому
Prob 2hrs with easy mode
@bielefeldexistiert8379 5 років тому
Oh mein GOTT
@das_edelweiss8736 5 років тому
@Black8Soul 5 років тому
Haha Jojo reference
@farrypro 5 років тому
@user-pn3yq9ij8y 5 років тому
Sehe ich genau so
@PeterCieply 5 років тому
Jkm 24/7 what he say?
@yvesv7098 5 років тому
Will you release a full version of that cool panzerlied vibed theme song from the intro?
@mjeverette3858 4 роки тому
1:54 I think they changed the name for chapter 4 because chapter 4 is called defying all odds and that looks like it starts with a F
@karlaszuzickas5671 4 роки тому
Yeah that's interesting I wouldn't be surprised if they were planing to add less content (especially maps, since we should get 5 maps before the pacific update), but had to update their roadmap to accommodate the community's disappointment.
@mjeverette3858 4 роки тому
Karlas Zuzickas yea true
@Playfair95 5 років тому
This beats the reveal trailer and it's only a DLC
@richiepadgett2509 5 років тому
Could you call it dlc. it's free?
@caprise-music6722 5 років тому
IsThatCallum indeed it does. But the Launch trailer was the bees knees. One of the best BF trailers ever!
@jakovnikolic4502 5 років тому
Richie Padgett DLC = Down-Loadable Content Anything that can be downloaded is DLC.
@richiepadgett2509 5 років тому
It's was a joke. Like cod with the dcl still costing money. Like really the supplie​ drops we're bad enough
@asimb0mb 5 років тому
Anything beats the reveal trailer. It was so bad. Luckily every trailer after it convinced me to buy the game.
@real_Zuramaru 5 років тому
where is s a n i t ä t e r
@MBOmnis 5 років тому
E r s t e h i l f e
@sebastians5690 5 років тому
Sanitäter Sturmsoldat Scharfschütze Versorger
@weeo 5 років тому
Nepgear gang rise up
@cap-tomo794 5 років тому
Im from Germany it is so funny to read all this comments😂👌🏻
@nahx6205 5 років тому
I appreciate finally having a German campaign, I hope they do it right it could be really interesting.
@maxhelm3763 5 років тому
Please change the ttk changes back to the roots
@Lightguardian_HOH 5 років тому
its not that bad its just 1 bullet up
@lokisg3 5 років тому
@@Lightguardian_HOH Guess you never played Medic & use sub machine gun.
@natureza2002 5 років тому
already solved
@connermoore5815 5 років тому
@@Lightguardian_HOH For semi auto rifles its really bad.
@joaodascouves7261 3 роки тому
3wr w34r 3w
@nilsmayer1144 5 років тому
As a german i'm really excited for that war story
@RingoSkye 5 років тому
Ich hoffe nur das es nicht so endet wie die story von battlefront 2
@nilsmayer1144 5 років тому
@@RingoSkye Hoff ich auch
@TheLoc217 5 років тому
@Ringo (Skye) Die Befürchtung hab ich auch 😅
@Makarov3792 5 років тому
It's literally "Are we the baddies?" level of writing, so nothing interesting.
@shoaib3385 5 років тому
Nils Mayer ask your grandparents about their experiences
@DANNYonPC 5 років тому
I like the audio syncing
@killat0n 5 років тому
@abdullahakhtar9824 5 років тому
@xXKOKSXx1 5 років тому
i like the way at the end they're saying it's a "free update" make you think about the other word...
@p.kachatczy3186 5 років тому
Tanks suck bad in BF V. No real Battlefield anymore.
@SGVSOUTHSIDE 5 років тому
Daddy Danny
@manny101x 5 років тому
Bring back the old ttk!
@user-pn3yq9ij8y 5 років тому
The old TTK was ways better than the new
@kgb1234 5 років тому
Done xd
@SaintHerald 5 років тому
Jkm 24/7 they changed it thank god 🥶😭
@SeeDeath 5 років тому
King Of Finland ... you dumb? How quickly you can kill people in game with weapons
@Lotto303 4 роки тому
This is relevant even now
@jimmyrivera1148 5 років тому
Please fix the map loading problem every time im in a match and it ends the next map wont load pleeeeease fix this
@Lukk4z 5 років тому
Hans, get ze flammenwerfer
@hannovonbahrenfeld5986 5 років тому
What does it do?
@codypanek 5 років тому
It werfer ze flammen!
@IAMMERCER1324 5 років тому
Hans, erhalten der wechselapparat!
@Chrisket 5 років тому
@hannovonbahrenfeld5986 5 років тому
@@IAMMERCER1324 What? That's not even a sentence
@rosaria8384 5 років тому
@Latinkon 5 років тому
Panzerlied would also be a good song to accompany this War Story. A modern day take on the "Battle of the Bulge" rendition of the song would be epic if done right.
@gyro902 5 років тому
Akane Miyoshi ERIKA *three panzer shots ring*
@CrazyPlatinum92 5 років тому
What about das englandlied ?
@Lukk4z 5 років тому
Alexa play das Panzerlied
@ckr3167 5 років тому
Akane Miyoshi “playing uh.... Erika”
@patrickkorie897 5 років тому
Why can't I complete the hold the fort challeng I have gotten many kills with many stationary weapons and it still won't compete is it bugged?
@hot_molotov2929 5 років тому
Why isn't in the western front?
@skahww1036 5 років тому
I love the gunplay in this game! It’s WAY better than battlefield 1! I appreciate the close connection to the community, even though the game gets some hate :)
@fryer05maverick31 5 років тому
I see I'm not the oldest playing this game.
@JesseWhiteman117 5 років тому
I think EA screwed up the advertising and marketing big time. Kinda similar to Titanfall 2. But the games are somewhat still fresh and good in areas that are respectively supposed to be in. I hope EA won't fire any Dice workers. They are the ones who are still keeping Battlefield fun.
@Makarov3792 5 років тому
@@JesseWhiteman117 Also DICE screwed up at making a new game and not a reskin of previous one. And EA fucked up at communnity management, are they still okay with the fact that some former players haven't bought the game?
@NorthCinematics 5 років тому
This should have been the direction dice took BF5 this trailer is the ww2 I wanted
@kormikdunbar2094 5 років тому
@@Makarov3792 Dude this isn't a reskin of Battlefield 1
@SamTehman10 5 років тому
They should do a war story of a Japanese Kamikaze pilot and a Russian Sniper.
@Hokunin 5 років тому
Actually, Russian sniper story sounds interesting. There could be some neat gameplay parts
@ShiftyDrums 5 років тому
Or the Finnish sniper... Soma hayha?? I thik
@ShiftyDrums 5 років тому
Something hayha
@jyrde6965 5 років тому
Shifty49 yea its Simo Häyhä but that would be really cool because im finnish
@MBOmnis 5 років тому
Russian sniper is kinda overdone. Enemy at the Gates, CoD Black Ops...
@weberm75 5 років тому
Is this story only playable for a limited time? Because I haven’t finished the other war stories yet!
@harryhdez1575 5 років тому
Hi, just want to know when the glitch to receive the skin for the tiger will be fixed, thanks. ;)
@BananarchOfTedKacistan 5 років тому
Anyone else getting a Caspian Border/Armored Shield vibe? This is what Battlefield is about.
@CaptainAwesome-mz6mt 5 років тому
I think that would be the main reason they put it in, I'm loving the vibes too!
@DhruvKumar_DK 5 років тому
Dear Battlefield, You have not let me down this time, so just keep the ball rolling, and the news and updates coming, and the content fresh, and squash out the bugs, and make the gaming world a happier place. Sincerely, A Battlefield fan since 2008
@MonteMD 5 років тому
Dhruv Kumar same here!!!
@FREQQLES 5 років тому
If you've been playing bf since 2008, you know the shelf life of a superiority map. Quickest map to make with the least replayability. I think it's going to be quite a wait for a map that people will sink their teeth into.
@MonteMD 5 років тому
FREQQLES it seems like we get a decent amount of content in between though so I’m happy for now lol
@dawsonindustries 5 років тому
@sekytwo 5 років тому
DICE employee ^^
@Immorticus 5 років тому
How do I access the panzerstorm map? I have the update but do not see it in the rotation.
@fin5494 5 років тому
1:25 I got that animation in-game when i snuck up on a sniper!
@ditto476 5 років тому
Oh my god finally a German WW2 Story in a Videogame. This have to be a miracle
@MBOmnis 5 років тому
Empire Earth had a German campaign covering World War one and two. It's an old RTS and it hasn't aged very well, but you may wanna give it a look-see. :) Oh, and if you want something more recent, Company of Heroes also had a short German campaign in one of its expansions. I think it was Tales of Valor.
@daddythanos2945 5 років тому
@@MBOmnis and i think in call of duty 2 you playd as a german in the final mission
@VRichardsn 5 років тому
@@MBOmnis Company of Heroes had 3 German campaigns: Operation Market Garden, a standard length campaign in Opposing Fronts, and two short ones: Tiger Ace and Falaise, from Tales of Valor.
@nosoyporta 5 років тому
@@daddythanos2945 that's not true, you never play as a German in call of duty 2, only in multiplayer
@MBOmnis 5 років тому
@@VRichardsn Thanks for reminding me. I only had the Tiger Ace campaign fresh in memory.
@miscellaneous9506 5 років тому
This trailer is really well done.
@phishndaphrog-1895 5 років тому
What's the song you hear when you get the adds on UKposts
@edpursey920 5 років тому
In the last tiger on the first mission the challenge were you have to do the chapter without repairing is already ticked off but it doesn't count towards completing it and if you actually do it it doesn't count I also reinstalled it but that didn't work either if so can anyone tell me or other people with the glitch how to fix it or is it a glitch in the update?
@jrh7178 5 років тому
Guys what do you think the Chapter 4 will have? Because The Battle for Greece took place in 1940-1941, so we are closing up to the USSR offensive😬😬
@jrh7178 5 років тому
@@waftarko2724 yeah probably
@daddythanos2945 5 років тому
@@waftarko2724 naw japan will probobly be in chapter 6 with the americans on the atlantic theater
@twandepan 5 років тому
JRH air superiority would perhaps make a return in the form of the Battle of Britain probably too
@JustAgreekPassing 5 років тому
Battle for Greece isn't a campaign mission. It's a multiplayer map (possibly the BR map)
@twandepan 5 років тому
@@JustAgreekPassing we know
@bill_y500 5 років тому
Axis powers, for a change.
@daamstaar 5 років тому
Jeffrey Williams what is axis
@bill_y500 5 років тому
@@daamstaar You haven't heard of World War II?!
@bill_y500 5 років тому
@@existentialcrisis_4421 ❓
@schroedinger42 5 років тому
@@daamstaar The axis powers where Germany, Italy and Japan. Later with romania, bulgaria etc.
@GoodGames. 5 років тому
@nowai why?
@sabaton5fdpfan066 5 років тому
Hey the last tiger won't give me my skin even though I collected all letters and did all challenges. When are you going to fix this because I am not the only one with this issue.
@crestfall4 5 років тому
im so excited for the plane skin!!!
@x-raymnd3972 5 років тому
Finally a WW2 game that makes u play as a German soldier
@markguardiana600 5 років тому
Best of all... *its in the campaign!!!*
@DimasAlif 5 років тому
Obelisk Titian, fix your grammar first degenerates
@leccopiedi4761 5 років тому
Ya goddamn traitor Micah
@bastiangaete2419 5 років тому
And there its a theory then Peter Muller its the grandfather of miller from the tank mission on Battlefield 3
@4uno423 5 років тому
Obelisk Titian Murmurmurmur
@jakegump871 5 років тому
The last tiger looks great so far
@das_edelweiss8736 5 років тому
I wanted a tiger 2 :(
@Dan-hu7fi 5 років тому
@@das_edelweiss8736 soon my friend, it will come and demolish t34s
@jivkoiordanov8705 5 років тому
@@Dan-hu7fi Even first tiger demolish t34s. Need group of 3-4 t34s to put down 1 tiger.
@robertveiga9295 5 років тому
I can not get the unique sking it tells me in the tigers bite that I need to do the whole chapter without repairing but when in game it tells me I already did it. It is the last thing I have to do
@danielzhou7369 5 років тому
Hopefully they can add a mission about the Dunkirk Evacuation in the future
@bernhardhuber562 5 років тому
0:14 Müller not Muller
@benjamindushman179 5 років тому
Selling Replay Bottoms: Allied Tanks: 1:00 Axis Tanks: 1:05 Planes: 1:20 Tank Smashing Wall: 1:25 New melee: 1:26
@gavinjara2053 5 років тому
Benjamin Dushman the melee isn’t new it was in the game it just was not finished and messy plus it was hard to get you had to like knife a player in prone
@warthunder6797 5 років тому
@GRAstroskopiaTV 5 років тому
Axis Tanks = in normal world we called them GERMAN TANKS you know... but i understand let's be gentle and politicacorec.. ech. they only killed millions of people :)
@twandepan 5 років тому
GRAstroskopia. Pl Germany was on the axis side so I don’t see your problem with anyone calling them axis tanks
@GRAstroskopiaTV 5 років тому
next we will have Axis concentration camp...
@tiranotitan7891 5 років тому
Não vai ter outros países? urss, japao, italia, frança? Igual teve no bf1
@yuvallenchner6892 4 роки тому
I can play as anatzi in a war story but not as a German in battlefield 1?
@armoredspain7053 5 років тому
That head kill animation just omg
@looming_ 5 років тому
@Deifan Empire Aberkan-auguste really? How do you activate it?
@dawsonindustries 5 років тому
Yeah they are wrking on epic melee animations like snapping their necks
@looming_ 5 років тому
@@dawsonindustries LOL looking fwd to that
@don_p7546 5 років тому
BF Flyer yeah me too!
@armoredspain7053 5 років тому
@@looming_ maybe when the enemy is down with the face heading to the sky, follow TaisonTV is spanish but i think you can put subtitles in english, is the best in info of Battlefield
@DANNYonPC 5 років тому
Lets do this
@ellis8238 5 років тому
@DANNYonPC 5 років тому
@@ellis8238 oi
@straightupgamer354 5 років тому
hell yeahhhh Danny Boii!!! =]
@ragnar3187 5 років тому
It looks coooool man
@greekbaguette8167 5 років тому
Stop being everywhere dammit
@robdorn3157 5 років тому
does the test range require a online sub
@Zenith0000 5 років тому
why last tiger is still shows as locked even after dec 4th with all updates?
@_nathyy7262 5 років тому
They found a bug so they wait for the uptade
@freshyoungchris5536 5 років тому
Glad their not portraying the German soldiers as bad guys in this
@slazeblaze319 5 років тому
How do you know?
@dickles3538 5 років тому
Cameron Shell if you are playing as one you are a german soldier it doesn’t mean you are evil automaticly and im pretty sure these guys in the story are just normal guys with normal lives before the war started and have to do their duty for their country.
@slazeblaze319 5 років тому
Dickles no I mean how do you know they won’t betray halfway through the mission?
@eltadashi1 5 років тому
@@slazeblaze319 He does not, most likely they will portray them as evil guys, but let's wait. Hopefully we get the patch on 2018. LuL
@daddythanos2945 5 років тому
@@eltadashi1 if battlefront 2 thout us anything, is that we need to hope we dont become the good guys half way thro
@Sentinel4002 5 років тому
Panzerstorm looks beautiful 👍
@starwarsgamerhq5888 5 років тому
Can you add D-DAY as a story?
@noerojas11 5 років тому
Tengo un problema eh estado jugando grandes operaciones y no me dan el premio para la siguiente fase de travesía de guerra eh gano varias veces las operaciones completas y no me dan el premio ????
@holygrailrose 5 років тому
Omg I’m so ready.
@TheOskiBoski 5 років тому
and if u werent, does it matter?
@Zaedrius 5 років тому
random_kid what a needless comment
@setesh1294 5 років тому
that intro for Panzerstorm looks like the intro for World of Tanks.
@Bs-jr5ke 5 років тому
The map panzerstorm actually is world of tanks😂
@jlrgames375 5 років тому
Does anyone know the length of the campaign missions
@StevieTurtle37D 5 років тому
Are they finally adding the mechanic where you grab someone and choke them/slam your helmet into thier skull?
@LNF828 5 років тому
i can't wait sure for the last tiger
@DiegoClaudioSergio 5 років тому
in the real life, last tiger was a Tiger II in Berlin
@fra3969 5 років тому
*We believe in this update, don't disappoint us* 😢
@LtuBoy123 5 років тому
How is it delayed ? It comes tomorow
@SirTripps 5 років тому
@LtuBoy123 5 років тому
@ sorry didn't know there was a livestream
@smartalves 5 років тому
@ They always forget the principal: first make a trailer with a date and seconds later tell everybody its delayed.... Dice keeps shooting at is feet's....
@janhopf70 5 років тому
Yeah nice nice everyone talking about the tank and me I'm so hyped for the headbutt😅
@ohdft1798 5 років тому
Why i cant play the last Tiger!? Its the 5th. Of december and i got the Deluxe!?
@TheBrokenMachine 5 років тому
@MrdannyFZR 5 років тому
Cheeky buggah.
@wtfkae9348 5 років тому
Jammy dodger
@TheBrokenMachine 5 років тому
@@MrdannyFZR oi
@TheBrokenMachine 5 років тому
@@wtfkae9348 cheeky
@TheAssassinManny 5 років тому
Play the last tiger on stream ;)
@Ascend_NCOW 5 років тому
Goosebumps. Panzerstorm makes me think of the Armored Shield maps from Battlefield 3. Keep up the work guys!
@berliner-bear0306 5 років тому
Ich hab ein back in der letzten Story da durch bekomm ich nich die Tiger Tarnung ich hab alle Aufgaben gemeistert alle briefe gefunden und trotzdem zeigt er mir das ich nur 4 gefunden hab schade das die letzte kriegsgechichte verbackt ist echt schade
@Captain23rdGaming 5 років тому
Well if we're gonna be playing as the germans for the first time in history, does this also mean we will be playing as other diffrent factions aswell, like the Finnish during the winter war?
@AQDuck 5 років тому
No Blitzkrieg mode?... Come on DICE... We need Tank Superiority!
@dukekassinger3028 5 років тому
I mean, 10 tanks vs 10 tanks AND airplanes+transports on top of it is gonna make for some vehicle heavy gameplay
@NightForRunners 5 років тому
Finally they used an actuall german speaker for a german character ^^ all germans currently ingame just sound cringy with their american accents
@Crispywafers11 5 років тому
even ingame voices? or just the english announcer?
@AlwaysCooper 5 років тому
NightForRunners What “English Accent”? I’m pretty sure we don’t have accents...
@bbcmotd 5 років тому
@@AlwaysCooper everybody has an accent to people from other parts of the world
@sirunoriginal2508 5 років тому
I'm pretty sure my German Recon shouted VERDAMMT, BLUD, and most importantly, SANITÄTER!
@TheEarlsRenegade 5 років тому
@@bbcmotd ikr, and northern yanks think they have no accent...
@leo-io5vg 5 років тому
I hope to see zoom variation eventually. Would love to have 2x iron sights like in bf1
@MrAlex4001 5 років тому
put the ttk back to how it was
@chrisplays0666 5 років тому
Child : how did it look like in ww2 Grandpa : *PEGI 18*
@darthrevan5707 5 років тому
FSK 16
@chrisplays0666 5 років тому
My bad
@cosmichorror1503 5 років тому
@chrisplays0666 5 років тому
Are you gonna make more flex products
@cosmichorror1503 5 років тому
@@chrisplays0666 the world had enough flex *TO NOW*
@federi5466 5 років тому
Hans, get the luger
@privatemurphy1815 5 років тому
Are we going to get any more war stories because I would love to be a soldier or pilot or even a sailor in the Pacific
@privatemurphy1815 5 років тому
Also what about Russians in a war storie
@Malvasala 5 років тому
Still having the bug with the loading screen and the double v symbol just turning forever.... wasn’t addressed in the patch
@andreroberson6554 5 років тому
Dice knows how to make great trailers
@yudianiyani2571 5 років тому
Except for the reveal trailer
@i_nameless_i-jgsdf 5 років тому
@@yudianiyani2571 Guess what? There is ''first'' for everything...
@yudianiyani2571 5 років тому
@@andreroberson6554 whatever dude
@LezzSamurai 5 років тому
No, RollieThePollie knows how to make good trailers, he must have done this one lol he's done all the past multiplayer trailers and always features himself in the first few minutes with his gamertag clearly showing as he gets crazy kills.
@ibrahimsafwat 5 років тому
@@i_nameless_i-jgsdf this isn't the first time dice had done reveal trailers you dumbfuck.
@nickarvel5144 5 років тому
Plz with every update add some New tracks
@Deus4Atheist_Official 5 років тому
Ohhhh. The Tide of War lagging. Stationary weapon kill bug. When you fix it?
@hollowfragment237 5 років тому
Was trying to play today but I had a power outage wont be able to play until Wednesday
@wtfkae9348 5 років тому
Hypetrain is near it's destination! Can't wait
@samyj0ePlays 5 років тому
Let us all be shaken by the faces of this war
@generalseal2181 5 років тому
The new mission has a glitch where you can’t complete a Challenge for the first part of the mission where it says to complete the chapter without repairing
@ProperLeg 5 років тому
Can you please fix the infinite load screen after every round on PS4???
@tecnicstudios 5 років тому
COD BO4 update: allows you to pay for the ability to earn things BFV update: gives you a new war story, a new map, a practice range and new gear, new weapons, new skins which you can unlock by playing the game normally
@rokobrunodonkov9035 5 років тому
For free
@richiepadgett2509 5 років тому
Cod bo4 did worse than the reveal trailer. I love how the game is free to play
@tecnicstudios 5 років тому
@@richiepadgett2509 you mean BFV's DLC is free?
@moatasemtarek9984 5 років тому
@@tecnicstudios yep
@luisf2793 5 років тому
TecnicStudios and it has been out for less time
@kingkevo3705 5 років тому
Fix the tides of war challenge it’s broken 😕
@Drainslime 5 років тому
It won't load new map on Xbox. It gets two loading circles until I exit.
@fxzp5799 5 років тому
Is anyone else having having a glitch when building fortifications??