Can You Find The Winning Move? A Mind Boggling Study By Mark Liburkin

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2 роки тому

Here's the FEN for the position:
5K2/6p1/7b/8/1B3P2/7k/4N3/8 w - - 0 1
Knight and Bishop Mate Video:
• How to checkmate with ...
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@nickcellino1503 Рік тому
No one dissects these chess studies as well as Nelson. It's such a pleasure to listen to him examine all the intricacies of the positions. This is a fascinating puzzle brought to life with Nelson's perfect commentary. I also love the FEN he listed that makes it easy to set up the position in a chess engine. I wish everyone published the FEN.
@jonass_-yd3ww Рік тому
That's not true in my opinion. The video from gotham about puzzles was more detailed. Nelson didn't show in this video the line with Ng3 in the scenario, where we captured the bishop and let the pawn push✌🏻
@nolifeconsolegamer Рік тому
4:25 move knight to g3. Protected by bishop and threatens Queen advancement
@5k_Sub_challenge_with_no_video 2 роки тому
Imagine getting in exact same position in real match and your enemy is GM but u know trick
@Tylke 2 роки тому
İf you can remember this in a week you are likely a GM too
@5k_Sub_challenge_with_no_video 2 роки тому
@@Tylke haha 😂 lol
@sparkwind Рік тому
I scrolled down on your channel and I don't consider it a waste of time so who is the real winner here
@denisl2760 Рік тому
@@Tylke If you're up a piece in an endgame against a GM you're likely a super GM.
@Tylke Рік тому
@@denisl2760 then he's also likely a super GM, and he will foresee these forced line and surrender to avoid humiliation
@zhongxinayourseconddad6814 Рік тому
4:21 You can move the Knight to G3 and King can't take your Knight because your Bishop is defending it and at the same time, you block the pawn to become Queen.
@nobodyreally2144 Рік тому
No. Black plays f2 and the king enters with Kg4-f3-g2 and promotion.
@pimpsauce Рік тому
I was thinking this too, but as Nobody Really already mentioned, the pawn can still safely promote if covered by the king. The bishop can try to blockade / take the pawn, but then you'll lose either the bishop or knight in the process, forcing stalemate.
@luuduonghy659 Рік тому
@@pimpsauce Thus the outcome for this case will be draw
@pimpsauce Рік тому
@@luuduonghy659 Yes.
@AbouTaim-Lille Рік тому
Absolutely No !! Coz the black can manage to get the king to G2 before the white king can reach to E2 , and then after promotion , Knight takes , then king takes the kignt and the new situation is the white only has one bishop against the black king which can't force a checkmate.
@FloydMaxwell 2 роки тому
A truly amazing puzzle. For future Liburkin puzzle videos I will no longer be pausing the video, lol
@Mikhail-tal-the-GOAT 2 роки тому
Even GM's will no longer pause the video 🤣😂
@justarandomanimegirlpassin5341 2 роки тому
they only look tough most moves are actually quite forcing
@zbabyg6998 2 роки тому
@@justarandomanimegirlpassin5341 not for me lol, I can't even beat the lvl 1 chess bot
@justarandomanimegirlpassin5341 2 роки тому
chess is not hard people that teach chess and makes courses wants you to think it is but its just not all you do in this game is just gather information most chess players just dont do that instead they just follow braindead chess principles wanting quick results which they get but not much more
@FloydMaxwell 2 роки тому
@@justarandomanimegirlpassin5341 I'll be sure to pass all this on to Magnus Carlsen. Thank you for your thoughts.
@nyankers 2 роки тому
"Even though they have all these pieces, they're just jammed up in this weird way and they can't do anything. It's absolutely fascinating." this guy would find my chess play fascinating
@coolcat23 Рік тому
Kudos to Mr. Liburkin for figuring out such a fascinating puzzle without the aid of a computer.
@your_average_joe5781 2 роки тому
This is your gift in life Nelson 👍 The ability to explain all the reasons for the moves in this chess puzzle is beyond the average player. There is just no way I could explain it to someone else! You are amazing 😉👌
@3trilogy 2 роки тому
Agreed. This is the most amazing puzzle I have ever seen!!!
@darrylkassle361 2 роки тому
Yes a lot of things are hard to explain clearly . There are a lot ofoftitled titled players that understand the game well in an intuitive way however they are hopeless at articulating the how and why of chess. In fact Magnus Carlsen is one of them. I have seen manythe videos of him explaininga things and he is hopeless at articulating what needs to be understood maybe he just assumed it's obvious and not much needs to be explained.
@Drew_goo 2 роки тому
Currently doing my first tournament in person because of your OTB guide. 1-1 so far. Wish me luck on the last 2 :)
@snowman3456 2 роки тому
Good luck
@rickyfrazier3327 2 роки тому
Good luck
@Drew_goo 2 роки тому
ended 2-2, in case anyone was wondering
@3trilogy 2 роки тому
@@Drew_goo Pretty good for your first OTB tournament. You'll do even better next time.
@ChessVibesOfficial 2 роки тому
@DrewGoo Nice! 2-2 is not bad at all!
@tehatte Рік тому
I like the word you kept using “fascinating”. It is, indeed! One of the best puzzles I’ve seen. And, well explained on every detail! Thank you!
@arthurscemama5500 Рік тому
Hey Nelson ! i discovered your channel a few weeks ago, and i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your content, your energy and your genuine love of chess. It's honestly a pleasure to watch Thank you very much
@meanderingmarley3910 2 роки тому
Your enthusiasm for the game is highly contagious!
@andrewmays3988 Рік тому
Thoroughly enjoyed the mental workout, Coach Nelson. Thank you!! Keep up your great efforts to make Chess fun and educational at several different levels!!😇
@diaha4398 2 роки тому
Wow thank you for the explanation! Did not find those moves myself
@cookies23z Рік тому
when you were letting me find one of the three, the king to g8 stood out to prevent the bishop moving to attack yours, but moving the bishop one back didnt occur to me, yet it solves that problem so well. Cool puzzle
@bea2488 2 роки тому
4:27 why not move the knight to g3? The king cant take it because of the bishop and it stops the pawn from getting a queen so they're kinda forced to move their king
@frostythesnowman9306 Рік тому
After g3 stockfish says it’s a draw, as they push pawn to f2 and then walk their king to g2, trading the knight for the pawn and thus draw by lack of material
@dragoneyeshatesg00gle76 Рік тому
@@frostythesnowman9306 not really because white can close in with the king as long as the bishop is covering it the king cant touch the knight and in one move the knight can not only check the king but force the pawn not to move you could squeeze the game without losing your pieces
@denisl2760 Рік тому
@@dragoneyeshatesg00gle76 cool, you know more than stockfish? What's your ELO? Like 3800 or something?
@amoldivo Рік тому
Actually no, it won't be a draw, I calculated the moves and I found a way to keep the black king in checks and eventually let the king part from the pawn with knight and bishop... You can also use the king, but It's a much longer steps...
@pineapplesareyummy6352 2 роки тому
Fascinating position. But I was actually lost back at 2:45. Why does black have to play g5? The black king can also go to f3 to try to chase away the knight while attacking the pawn on f4 with the bishop and king. Yes, the knight can move away and give check, but this opens up a whole other line that needs to be explored.
@Trepur349 2 роки тому
They don't, this puzzle was created in 1945, and while Liburkin at the time thought that was the only good move for black, modern chess engines think the best move there is actually Kf3. White still wins eventually either way, but it takes much longer to checkmate after that move then g5. It's still a great puzzle overall, such a fascinating position after g5
@skyrahmad5594 2 роки тому
@@Trepur349 WTF, Created by 1945 world war II You have to be kiding me....
@timothybentley8909 2 роки тому
One interesting line is Kf3 Nd4+ Ke4 Ne6 Kd5 Nxg7 Kxd6 Nf5+ forking the king and bishop with an easy knight+pawn ending.
@W.E. Рік тому
... and 1. Kg8 might even be shorter ( to Mate! )
@tykemorris 6 місяців тому
That's another "fascinating" option but I would sac the knight just to get the king on the second rank. Just push the white pawn. If Black declines the sacrifice to threaten your pawn just a move to white Kg6 protects it. The black pawn is doomed really since the Black King can't save it and white can just come and get it, willing to trade pieces to clear the way for the white pawn. If Black King does accept the Knight Sac he is too far away to help in the real battle. White Bf8. White is willing to trade their Bishop for both the Bishop and pawn so black may as well finally move their Bishop, losing the pawn. Still, with white chasing the Bishop out of useful diagonals willing to trade, there will be a pawn coronation. Black could not afford their king being so far away, allowing white free moves.
@saharanpunit7701 2 роки тому
The person who composed these kind of puzzles will be having a elo 5000
@robertf6344 Рік тому
Well presented. Enjoyed it !
@chessshorts6804 2 роки тому
Thanks for these beautiful puzzles 🙏
@yonatanelisha9218 2 роки тому
This is just fascinating. Tysm.
@NerdyWordyMatt 2 роки тому
This puzzle made me feel smart because I was able to work out many (not all) of the next moves.
@clintongryke6887 2 роки тому
Another beautiful and instructive puzzle.
@blackhole37 7 місяців тому
hey hey ! 5:11, when the black pawn is on f3, white can plpay knight to g3, protecting the knight with the bishop so the king can't take, and preventing pawn to f1 queen or anything.
@zogzog1063 Рік тому
Splendid explanation!
@shreyjain3197 Рік тому
for the first time one of these studies is actually based on a position that has a decent chance of occuring
@aaravreddy9263 Рік тому
We can move knight from e2 to g3 it's protected from the bishop and stops f1
@samuelrussell5760 2 роки тому
I think that the three different moves that all work are basically just 3 ways to lose a tempo without giving up anything important. It’s just fascinating that there are several ways to do that that seem quite different from each other but also specific as compared to similar looking moves that don’t work.
@beakt Рік тому
I like how when I pause to think of the next move, Nelson sits perfectly still, staring at me while waiting.
@danielevans8728 2 роки тому
Well done sir!
@snigerxd1264 Рік тому
I had an idea to stop that pawn in 4:13, it is, moving knight to G3 (right an square low of the king) and king can't eat it because the bishop is covering the knight so if black moves pawn to F1 and get anything the knight will get him because blacks pawn is in the L knight zone. Good video
@amoldivo Рік тому
Black won't go pawn f1 lmao... King will play afterwards...
@ryanbritt4459 Рік тому
Had the same thought
@Jerohnable 2 роки тому
Amazing puzzle!
@yonatanelisha9218 2 роки тому
Mind blowing pazzle just fascinating
@2010sunshine Рік тому
Nice analysis
@jamesknapp64 Рік тому
A truly remarkable solution.
@Noname-ri4nf Рік тому
We want more videos like this
@yogi9631 Рік тому
This one is super complex 👏👏👍
@bryanthawes Рік тому
At 4:08, once the black pawn moves to f3, white can play knight to g3. Knight is protected by bishop, pawn can make bottom row but that square is covered by knight. White king can move to take pawn, and if Black king moves to take bishop, bishop can reposition. It may be a longer game, but the play is good.
@theneoreformationist Рік тому
No, black will move the pawn to the end under the protection of his king (Kg2). If you take the piece, you will lose the knight and it's a draw.
@amoldivo Рік тому
@@theneoreformationist keep the king in checks, duh... Separate king with pawn with bishop and knight by checking the king endlessly till it moved away... If you need some guarantee, you can mobilize white king, but not preferable because it takes out white's tempi for checks...
@theneoreformationist Рік тому
@@amoldivo You can't even put the king in check. Move the bishop and he'll take the knight. Move the knight and it's not defending the square anymore.
@amoldivo Рік тому
@@theneoreformationist you don't have to put the knight to defend the square at all times zzz =,= as long as you keep the king in check! The pawn won't go anywhere lol Ng3 pf2, Nf1 Kf3, Nd2 Ke3, Nf1 Ke2, Ng3 Ke1, Bd4 Kd1, then mobilize the white king for support, black only moves were either king towards bishop which doesn't accomplish anything, or promoting pawn into anything but will get captured right away anyway...?! So it's simply white wins?! Notice every time white moves, black king got checked so it has to move... Not sure which point you were trying to say lol
@theneoreformationist Рік тому
​@@amoldivo It's a decent strategy, but it won't force a win. All the king has to do is move on a white square the knight cannot reach in one move to avoid check. In the example you gave, the king on f3 could move to g2 and force a draw. Or the king on e2 could move to f3 (not e1), then to g2 on the following move, forcing a draw. the knight would have to move twice to put the king in check again, but that would allow the pawn to advance. Continually moving the same pieces back and forth would also be a draw, and there's nothing stopping black from trying that if you have to keep his king in check.
@jamesireland6606 Рік тому
This is awesome good way to use your mind
@dragoneyeshatesg00gle76 Рік тому
with the pawn swap you did not include putting knight to G3 it was covered by the bishop and could take the pawn if it moved to become a queen
@derpydqelinuent Рік тому
4:09 Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Ng3 would be good, defended by the bishop, preventing the promotion square.
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@1981lemberg 2 роки тому
Do ponds move backwards now? I'm so confused how this position was actually accomplished
@m.z.671 Рік тому
Hello! What program do you use to analyse the situation? I would like to play around a bit with this position (for example, what happens if I were to move Knight to g3 at 4:07), but I clearly like attentiveness and ability to think ahead to do it myself.
@W.E. Рік тому
Short answer f2
@Qril Рік тому
@@W.E. So what though? The promotion square is covered, so the black king would need to get involved
@W.E. Рік тому
@@Qril The question was: " what happens if I were to move Knight to g3 at 4;07 ? " " I replied f2. " ... and the Position is Drawn. Let me know if you have other questions.
@W.E. Рік тому
@@Qril Let me know if you have other questions. If: Ng3 Kh4 Nf5 leads to much badness for Black. OR . . . If: Ng3 Kh3 Ne4 leads to much the same for Black.
@Official_Stupidguy Рік тому
4:10 he’s talking about how you can’t block the pawn from getting to the other side of the board. But if you move the horse to g3. your horse will be protected by the bishop and it takes the last square for the pawn.
@oliverhickman9747 Рік тому
The king will just follow the pawn and it will be a draw?
@oliverhickman9747 Рік тому
After promotion knight takes and long takes back leaving white with only a bishop and king. White king too far away to stop
@bared473 Рік тому
4:24 And if we play preventively the bishop in C5 to stop the point before he cross the case, does it work ?
@henriquelaydner4080 3 місяці тому
4:07 Why not Knight to G3? It would be protected by the bishop and would prevent the pawn from promoting.
@emanueljohansson5956 8 місяців тому
At 4:03 wouldn't the knight just be able to move to g3 (being protected by the bishop and therefore safe) and prevent f1 from happening. Eventually you will have an opportunity where the bishop can move to c5 (if the pawn has moved to f2) and win from there.
@tykemorris 6 місяців тому
No because the Black King can capture whatever piece captures his pawn. That is a draw, not a win.
@mohidzaman9697 Рік тому
Nelson, if at 4:27 you moved the knight to g3 you would be able to stop the development of that pawn moving forward into a queen or other type of chess piece, giving you time to move your king into a position of attack and take the pawn without suffering any loss and the king wouldnt be able to take the knight because there is a bishop protecting it so even if the king tried, it wouldnt be able to, rendering it a correct move to be used.
@annatuominen6496 Рік тому
Black would move their king to a square next to f1, and promote. And when you take it's a draw (if you don't take black gets quite a nice advantage). Black's king gets there faster than your king, so the draw is essentially forced.
@lifesciences6981 2 роки тому
A perfect puzzle.
@carlosruiz-mateos9550 Рік тому
these are really tricky and cool challenges
@dickmacgurn590 Рік тому
The amazing thing about this puzzle is it's been sitting in the table base database for decades waiting to be discovered 😀
@sealand000 Рік тому
2:54 What if Black plays Kf3? It seems that black can either win the knight, trade off the bishops and pawns, or get a draw by repetition or 50-move rule.
@renatsc240 Рік тому
you can check mate wih bishop and a knight/horsey
@bssmacrobssmacro1370 Рік тому
after you move the king closer to the bishop pawn takes then you take bishop then if he moves his pawn fowards you protect the last square with knight to g3 and he cant take because knight is protected by bishop.
@kreamator Рік тому
At 4:12, whats wrong woth Knight to G3? It threatens to take whatever the pawn becomes if it moves forward, and is protected by the bishop. Blacck king could theoretically try to loop around to protect it to force a draw, but if the king strays far enough away to no longer threaten the knight, then the bishop shluld be able to line up an attack, maybe even a skewer on the pawn while knight stops its advance
@shivaargula4735 Рік тому
So the idea from black is to force a bishop knight trade and make it a draw. The idea from white is either 1: move the bishop out away while still protecting the knight. 2: Move the knight away from danger from the king while staying close enough to still help, or 3: Maintain position by moving king, keeping control over the bishop and forcing a zhugswang move out of black to break their defense. Very clever puzzle and I love that there were so few ways out. I wonder if anyone could reasonably find their way out in such a position in a real time match.
@davidzajc8836 2 роки тому
what if when black pushes the pawn 2 squares, you do kg6, pf4, kh6, pf3 and kg3? doesnt that just stop the pawn?
@fisterrkill9391 Рік тому
At 4:17 of the vid isn't its possible to move white knight to g3 and then black go fowar because king won't be of any use and then bishop white to e5 or c7 to still protect the knight from getting attack and then black go forward to get a quenn or anything esel and attack hit?
@malharmanagoli 2 роки тому
There's also 2 Bd2 where after 2 ... g5 3 f5 Kxf5, the bishop on h6 is trapped and the pawn on g5 is pinned. Then, you can just get your knight to f6 and then to g8 to win the bishop. Just keep the black king away from h5.
@xCorvus7x 2 роки тому
I think I found it. After 3 ... Kxf5, the straightforward way for the Knight to f6 seems to be g3. Then the black King can go to g4 which gets him in reach of h5 but frees e4 for the Knight to get to f6. Knight to f6 checks the King on h5 and after the black King flees to h4, the white Bishop can check him again, forcing him to retreat even further, which gives the Knight enough room to go to g8 and then capture on h6.
@baramba9553 2 роки тому
4:17 couldn’t you have played knight g3 someone please explain
@Tangermusic 2 роки тому
exactly what i thought
@bornon221269 2 роки тому
then f2 followed by King f3-g2 supporting pawn promotion
@baramba9553 2 роки тому
@@bornon221269 why didn’t I see that
@ZdenekMicke69 2 роки тому
1. Ng3 f2 2. Nf1 Kf3 3. Nd2+ Ke2 4. Nf1 Kxf1 5. Bg3 Ke1 6. Bxf2+ Kxf2
@samsiggers5383 2 роки тому
@@bornon221269 so then it instantly gets taken by the knight so as its promoted. No need to move the knight or bishop around after knight to g3.
@wallacejeffery5786 Рік тому
@somerandomnarutofan3504 Рік тому
At 4:19 you can play KNIGHT G 3 and prevent the pawn from promoting, which would end up as a draw or win.
@interesting3956 Рік тому
i dont think Ng3 works that would result in a draw. The entire puzzle is that you need to try to win. A pre-requisite is that you can checkmate with bishop and knight
@somerandomnarutofan3504 Рік тому
@@interesting3956 oh, forgot we were going for a win. lol
@bambiemalano8556 Рік тому
4:09 Why not Horse e3 the bishop protect and can avoid queen
@solonkazos1379 Рік тому
It might help id the board were switched to the correct position. You have black pawn heading to the black side of the board. When I first looked at this I thought it was a trick question.
@pasipulkkinencom Рік тому
4:19 Knight to G3. Prevents queen and is guarded by bishop
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@alyvav.trauma2440 Рік тому
2:55 You forgot to explain the idea for black moving the King to f5 instead of moving the pawn.
@niravapurv4578 Рік тому
Amazing puzzle, but too difficult. Did not manage to find and after explain. I cant find it again. To find this in a game is just way above my level.
@conradbamboozled1653 2 роки тому
At 4:10 , is knight to g3 a viable move? It’s protected by the bishop and covers the promotion square. Would this move allow the white king to move to a valuable position to secure the pawn?
@later1245 2 роки тому
I was thinking this one too, i tried it and it seems to be winning for white
@conradbamboozled1653 2 роки тому
@@later1245 it might end up trading a night for a pawn, which ends in a draw
@Trepur349 2 роки тому
If white moves Ng3 black simply pushes the pawn and white has no way to stop it from promoting
@KioKah 2 роки тому
After Ng3, f2 is drawing as the only way to prevent promotion is to trade the pawn with one of your pieces. After f2 you have no useful moves (engine suggests Nf1, Bb8 or Kg6, all "+0.09") and Black will play Kf3 or Kf5, getting closer to their pawn to take back the knight on f1 after promoting.
@samsiggers5383 2 роки тому
@@conradbamboozled1653 how would you lose a knight? If its protected and you wouldn't have to move the bishop at all or the knight after g3. Basically it will turn into a stalemate between 2 kings moving around the one piece or the black getting to the pawn in which case opens up plenty of moves for the bishop to play on the black to move it forward.
@JohnSmith-dr5zn 2 роки тому
12:00 wouldn't bishop to c5 also win as with bishop to c7?
@skakdosmer 2 роки тому
Well, after 1.Kf7 Kg4 2.Bd6 what does white do after 2..Kf3?
@Noah.Konidaris 2 роки тому
4:40 couldn’t you move knight to G3 and you could kill whatever you promote the pawn to and if the black king takes it it will be checkmate
@bradylikesgames7395 2 роки тому
9:20 Well Nelson, instead of the king moving to e2, why cant the king go to g3, and then come around to defend the pawn the opposite way?
@himanshudwivedi9217 Рік тому
@perappelgren948 Рік тому
Great! You're making me take up chess again. 👍
@emoes5949 Рік тому
What if the king move to f3 instead of pawn to g5
@KolejowySzynszyl901 Рік тому
The only way to defend the knight after black king go to E4, is to move bishop to E5 and after that, black king can't capture the pawn because of check.
@v1nce421 Рік тому
5:14 Bc7? I'm not that good at chess, but I'm wondering if anything is wrong with it
@christopherheckman7957 Рік тому
4:22 I presume that Ng3 isn't any good, either, because Black walks his king to g2 and promotes the pawn. 7:38 One thing the moves have in COMMON is that they are all retreats.
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
Ng3 No, black got a draw.
@marley206 Рік тому
In the king g6 line why can’t you go knight g3 to stop the pawn from promoting?
@bricefleckenstein9666 Рік тому
5:28 and discussion before. Knight to G3 DOES stop the pawn. Why didn't you even LOOK at that option?
@mensch79music3 Рік тому
4:25 Just move knight to g3, then the pawn can be taken once he turns and your knight is protected and can't be taken by the king. Worst that could happen would be repetition. Not the ideal solution, but noteworthy I feel.(I'm a fairly mediocre chess player, so feel free to correct me)
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@unclebill5336 Рік тому
Please bring back the QUIZ VIDS. Thank you.
@nolifeconsolegamer Рік тому
4:25 move knight to g3. Protected by bishop and threatens Queen advancement
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@RohitKulan 9 місяців тому
Bold of you to assume that I can checkmate with a bishop and a knight.
@goosewithwifi840 Рік тому
At 4:25 you can move the knight to g3 and kill the pawn
@q-tuber7034 Рік тому
4:17 why not knight to b3, where it attacks the promotion square and is protected by the bishop? … I guess the black king will maneuver to b2 to protect the promotion square
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@661Justice Рік тому
Swell, now my brain hurts.
@hangglideforfun Рік тому
@4:21 why not k night to g3?
@maxtuna2691 Рік тому
4.25play you can move knight to g3
@andyclark8991 Рік тому
Would say. Knight to E4, although might do King to G6.
@andyclark8991 Рік тому
Again wrong
@Francesco_Di_Pereira Рік тому
6:25 What really nice idea from black? Black can simply take the knight
@francescocipriano407 2 роки тому
Why wouldn't knight to g3 work of its protected by the bishop?
@19MarkDavid 2 роки тому
Could you show the for white if Black King goes to h3. Don't believe you gave that scenario.
@tykemorris 6 місяців тому
I had tried knight to f1 but I couldn't make it work. I did finally find Bc6 just to lose tempo, but it took so long I was embarrassed to know there were 3 right answers and I barely found just one.
@shiningcyberdragon Рік тому
What about knight g3, it is protected by the bishop and the next move you can maneuver the knight to block the pawn
@MrAaronvee Рік тому
To which position are you referring?
@colinmccarthy7921 Рік тому
That was a good ending.That is the type of game I play.I leave no stones unturned.
@miao-5862 Рік тому
4:20 can't you move the knight to g3 to protect the last row?
@mythbusters866 11 місяців тому
No, black got a draw.
@yaboithunder5608 Рік тому
I’m the Kg6 line, after black plays f3, couldn’t you play Ng3 to stop the pawn?
@patugordu7226 9 місяців тому
4:20 but you could move the knight to g3, right?
@emoes5949 Рік тому
What if the second move of black is king to f3 instead of moving the pawn to g5? I think it's a draw
@tonybarfridge4369 2 роки тому
With white's king move, black moves his king, then the white king moves to h7 coming after the bishop, but then the bishop can go back to either be captured by the white bishop, allowing the black king to take the white knight, or else taking the white bishop. Is that right or am I mistaken?
@quesoquesadila6094 Рік тому
Why can’t you move knight to g3 at 4:21 doesn’t it trap the pawn and have the bishop protect the knight?
@antsatuisku Рік тому
No because black's king can go to h3 and then g2, and after that it is just a draw.
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