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For Honor: What is For Honor Trailer

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@aidangaming7498 Місяць тому
I love how Ubisoft still gives a lot of support and attention to For Honor because it truly is a really good game
@kclink1579 Місяць тому
That won't even exist soon.
@jarl_filip2617 Місяць тому
@@kclink1579 oh you know this how? Cuz theyve said theyre gonna go for ATLEAST 2 more years
@alvinwhitehead1069 Місяць тому
Really never played it !!
@bla0005551 Місяць тому
i liked it mind you at the time i played watching yourself die from a centurion like its a movie was ruff
@alvinwhitehead1069 Місяць тому
@@bla0005551 any tips
@HavokYT Місяць тому
Man, this makes me so happy to see
@skrillex1498 Місяць тому
Yooo is that the legendary rep (not yet) 80 warden?!?!
@banditdoggo Місяць тому
I wanna fight you
@revan6441 Місяць тому
It’s about damn time for a marketing push
@sambeast13 Місяць тому
Warmonger better 🤫
@Hellisforever240 Місяць тому
Havooook! Ily man. 💯
@coffejoesmagic8692 Місяць тому
"What is For Honor?" "A path where sadness goes along with pain." -For Honor 2017
@GogzogFacerippa Місяць тому
this trailer was so good
@nateberube5629 Місяць тому
"And glory is the color of blood..."
@coffejoesmagic8692 Місяць тому
@@nateberube5629 This narrow path goes only one way....
@kaelanchristie6449 Місяць тому
A way covered with enemies and brothers...
@nateberube5629 Місяць тому
@@kaelanchristie6449 "And it will take you, without any shame, into the hands of death..."
@LeedleLeePatrick Місяць тому
My two biggest regrets in this life are that Ubisoft has a patent on the For Honor combat stance system and WB Games has a patent on the nemesis system.
@mrjhong7413 Місяць тому
Did they really? I remember only WB, but newer heard thath Ubi make it to For Honor
@Cole-ft4rr Місяць тому
For real… Biggest gaming regrets **
@kevinl5219 Місяць тому
A trailer 8 years after release ??? What a strange decision Ubisoft... 8 years with new free heros, events, armors, weapons, skin, execution... So impressive to see all the work Ubi did on For Honor ! Maybe my favorite game of all time, with 2639 hours of play. ( and i still bad :) ) Thanks a lot Ubisoft !
@wolfeye2066 Місяць тому
It's for the new players
@benighted.despair Місяць тому
rookie numbers.
@shelbyheinreis9160 Місяць тому
Im at 2100 hours and not that great too 😅
@ryantactics9968 Місяць тому
It's time for a new For Honor game. Ubisoft however is on the edge of bankruptcy and is probably trying to use this game to save them. With only 6k concurrent players on Steam this is probably a pipe dream to keep their company alive.
@benighted.despair Місяць тому
@@ryantactics9968 why a new For Honor exactly?
@erwinneopiano Місяць тому
if one day ubi made an open world fantasy rpg with this combat system it would be the greatest game ever
@spaghettisnake2238 Місяць тому
Even if they made it an mmo with "breach" grinding and huge raids for gear, I'd mf spend HOURS on it
@Deusgo101 Місяць тому
Exactly. The game is really good. Now imagine a game with an expanded war map with loads of fortresses, playing modes like dominion and elimination would let you conquer zones on the map, and help push up to an enemy fortress for breach. Sounds so good
@benighted.despair Місяць тому
that's a recipe for disaster. Keep those modern assassin's creed tropes out of For Honor.
@revan6441 Місяць тому
I want it now
@ajgor215 Місяць тому
I would kill myself if they did
@Blackstonelegion Місяць тому
For Honor definitely needs a Marketing push like this.
@juiceboxbzrk Місяць тому
Biggest problem the game has is that nobody knows it exists. And the lack of maps. And the delay of decent reworks. And the, 😬ughh, outlanders.
@Blackstonelegion Місяць тому
Still waiting for the Lawbringer rework. Also we are getting converted maps for Dominion so at least there is that. As for the Outlanders I'm mostly just sick of the lore for them always being "Horkos does bad thing, Horkos ticks off Outlander, Outlander comes to Heathmore for payback". Its getting repetitive.
@loudpissingnoise8574 Місяць тому
@@juiceboxbzrk i mean we would have more maps and reworks if more people played the game, therefore they made more money, therefore more funds allocated from ubisoft to for honor
@jackhill9238 Місяць тому
@@Blackstonelegion lawbringer got reworked already
@Blackstonelegion Місяць тому
@@jackhill9238 all they did was give Lawbringer Hyperarmor...thats not a rework
@HamaAladdin Місяць тому
The game is painfull but somehow can’t quit it its addictive but it’s fun
@gasparm2195 Місяць тому
Yknow, like cocaine
@marioneira5165 Місяць тому
It's basically the angrier and less cool little brother of dark souls
@MM3OG Місяць тому
​@@marioneira5165 it's nothing like dark souls not even close dude lol
@marioneira5165 Місяць тому
@@MM3OG I mean, we both have katana r1 spammers so that's a thing Both are fantasy settings (though I know dark souls is technically dark fantasy) Both have cool knights (and technically samurai if you count shiva of the east as one) Both have their own toxic fandom Fans keep coming back after raging at the game (though at least dark souls players seem to enjoy it) The combat is a little similar (lock on to the enemy and either heavy attack, light attack, parry, block or dodge) And big, hefty swords seem to be infuriating to fight against but fun to use (giant dad and highlander)
@gasparm2195 Місяць тому
@@MM3OG we rollin
@TrueAuthenticSweets Місяць тому
They’re really saying “We’re still here, and we aren’t going anywhere” You absolutely love to see it
@jada_9827 Місяць тому
this might be a bit late ubi, but good luck, this game is unique and deserved and still deserves better
@papapaladingamingnstreaming Місяць тому
You right, Wouldn't be a Goobisoft game without a gestation period bwaha
@tadakatsu123456 Місяць тому
I mean the game did get the fame it deserves. They made millions off the game and it still make a ton of money with the battle passes and all that stuff.
@GodZax2.0 Місяць тому
This is the feeling you will have in the beginning of the game: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And at the end game this is what you will feel like: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
@j.d.4697 Місяць тому
I thought Ubisoft only make AAAA games.
@davikhiin Місяць тому
For Honor is the game that changed my life and made me pass from being depressed and with dangerous thought to realise how good feels to fight until your last breath, to never surrender noatter how bad the things are. And thanks to that i achieved my goals irl and become stronger than ever. Thank you for everything For Honor.
@Yilue Місяць тому
The for honor combat is so unique and fun I'm surprised I have seen almost 0 games try to replicate it in their own way.
@robinmiglioretto2516 Місяць тому
Gothic remake Took the krossguard for parring
@labodge7322 Місяць тому
the game play style is copyrithed soo hard to make other games like it
@crypto40 Місяць тому
It’s because Ubisoft owns the rights to the combat style so no one else can use it. But for some reason Ubisoft only put it in for honor instead of more games like this. Imagine this combat in a Star Wars game or ect
@Yilue Місяць тому
@@crypto40 I cant find anything on a patent. If they have patented it ubisoft would own it. But I dont hink they have. And as long as somone dosnt do a 1:1 copy it should be fine
@chialuenlis5931 Місяць тому
Legally, no one can. Ubisoft has copyrighted the game mechanic.
@archthrone5815 Місяць тому
Over a 1000hrs in the game, yet I still fully watched this trailer. I’m glad For Honor is still relevant
@bauk8754 Місяць тому
Those are rookie numbers
@archthrone5815 Місяць тому
@@bauk8754 :,(
@fayqminhaj3697 Місяць тому
Over 2000 hours here And i agree
@DeadKing01 Місяць тому
This game is like a gambling addiction, you wanna quit but that little voice in your head says "keep going try again"
@51TD0wN Місяць тому
There's no other game that makes you feel more like you're in a movie swordfight. There's a reason I've sunk 2000 hours into For Honor. This game is one of a kind, and it deserves all the support it gets.
@j.d.4697 Місяць тому
Lol in a really bad one maybe.
@51TD0wN Місяць тому
Two person animations, and no strafing and bunny hopping already puts it above everything else.
@goldexpete4772 Місяць тому
I hope this game gets the recognition it deserves. Hands down the most unique and addicting game I’ve played.
@revan6441 Місяць тому
@spectre2803 Місяць тому
They really know how to make For Honor look like it's fun
@zer0_ner034 Місяць тому
Wym? It is fun-unless I'm losing
@skrillex1498 Місяць тому
Is allways fun when u play with friend to
@roguerex292 Місяць тому
@@zer0_ner034lol exactly
@header80dragon93 Місяць тому
Its a game no matter how long you play it, it always finds a way the match is different from the last one and thats what makes it special i hate/love it
@x_jojo-t1122 Місяць тому
if this is a sign that ubisoft is pumping money into reviving FH similar to how Siege was revived then i’m all for it
@D.0.Z.E.R Місяць тому
I genuinely believe For Honor and maybe Siege is the best Ubisoft’s multiplayer games by far, glad they are marketing For Honor again to more new players
@KrusaderYT Місяць тому
Finally the game is being advertised!
@shrednaught5 Місяць тому
say what you want abt the ups and downs of the game but it rlly is one of the most innovative games ever
@revan6441 Місяць тому
@juiceboxbzrk Місяць тому
Ubi confirming ledging is a big brain tactic explains why everyone always spams "wow" after i do it. They must be really impressed 😁
@Spealder Місяць тому
I love that the devs never gave up on the game. I really respect the hell out of them!
@LoLGuy452 Місяць тому
One of my favorite games of all time. It’s pure love and rage
@LoLGuy452 Місяць тому
Also, please add last hero standing and heralds of chimera as permanent game modes. And please add them to customs too, they’re so fun to play
@mitanoo9090 Місяць тому
Everyone has tried this game at least once or least knows it. Obviously the player base is super weak but my god during beta when they showed gameplay and i saw streamers play it i JUMPED out of my seat i never have had that excitement for a game ever since. I hope they make more of this. Hell even a open world with this combat system dam imagine
@revan6441 Місяць тому
Yes pls.
@christophersardinha1403 Місяць тому
It’s couple 100,000 players come and go just they got to master light parrying and then they will be ok
@sittthugyii6514 Місяць тому
After all these years, for honor still give us addictive and unique gameplay experience.
@OkMatty Місяць тому
Cross progression when?
@zachinglish4508 Місяць тому
@dinoluka11 Місяць тому
THIS! I moved from PS4 to PC recently but all my reps and gear are on PS4.
@revan6441 Місяць тому
Still waiting unfortunately 😔
@kaylormurillo7207 Місяць тому
If they add it, then I'm maining this game again
@ExtradaemonYT Місяць тому
One of the best multiplayer games ever made. Appreciate the continued support.
@1blueeye Місяць тому
amen brother
@Kruppuchino Місяць тому
Rare Ubisoft W ngl
@Flygandestenen Місяць тому
What is For Honor? me: pain
@KyNamVan Місяць тому
Even though I stopped playing this game maybe like 3 4 years ago but I have to admit this is one of the best game in the market because it's so unique you cannot get it anywhere else.
@soon2bboosted Місяць тому
Just started playing again after only playing 1st year. This game is still a top tier fighting game. Imo best fighting system so far thats out there.
@dandelius2820 Місяць тому
One of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Appreciate the continued support.
@SalvationCode Місяць тому
For Honor marketing push in 2024? Never thought I'd see the day. I just came back to the game for the first time since 2021 to check out Y8S1. Been playing since the technical alpha in 2016. Really liking where things are at right now, and I hope a budget increase is in this game's future at some point. As flawed as it is, there's really nothing else like it out there. Ubisoft needs to capitalize.
@sorrdiegamed695 Місяць тому
@hamdighost Місяць тому
A unique game that deserves support from both Ubisoft and the community 👏
@SwatIntellect Місяць тому
Truly one of the best games ever made
@dgonatan7382 Місяць тому
This game just refuse to die. And I love it
@Tyromant Місяць тому
I hope this trailer gets some new players to this really underrated game :) For Honor is just unique and by far my favourite game of all time!
@EA-wr2xg Місяць тому
Been playing since Beta, oce quit a few times, sometimes out of rage, sometines out of hate, sometimes out of depression, but no game has evee scratched the same itch ive had with this game, in my heart i know i will always love it, flaws an all, it might just be the unique system but there is truly not a game that has given me the same feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, hate, and anger as For Honor does, may it see the end of this decade at least.
@endrad7355 Місяць тому
It took me many years before I could buy this game since there is a lot of problem regarding servers and low players but when crossplay has been introduced I tried it and oh boy I love this game even force my friends to buy and download it yes there will be a lot of rage but this medieval fighting game is the best that I have ever play
@Rw-ev7rw Місяць тому
This trailer makes me even more excited for the next samurai hero
@professionalcynic3836 Місяць тому
Finally, this game will hopefully get some more publicity.
@lucas-9840 Місяць тому
Incredible game. There is nothing like it.
@TheChosenOne._. Місяць тому
I love that Ubisoft is working hard on this game. It truly is underrated and they're doing the right thing by not letting it die.
@DrTreason Місяць тому
The game that makes me to have hope for Ubisoft
@bergerheim8392 Місяць тому
Best Ubisoft game. Everybody talk about R6 Siege, AC or FC. Everybody forget For Honor. Still one of the best fighting game on the market right now.
@battomitsu Місяць тому
i love for honor since i play demo, for me is one of the best fighting games ever made, is really visionary that vision of a gamelike that
@sawkman2092 Місяць тому
What's this? Actual advertisement for us? This is the game equivalent of your dad coming back from getting milk.
@drzesaru2648 Місяць тому
Wait, I know what For Honor is. I've invested 4700+ hours in it.
@danielalonso3560 Місяць тому
I hope this game gets more attention from people. I am glad that Ubisoft is paying more attention to it and increasing marketing for it :) Hopefully they give it more funding too so we can get higher quality content.
@1blueeye Місяць тому
For Honor is by far the best PvP game online and has been for years. Nothing like it, very grateful it still gets love. For all the hate Ubisoft gets, I'm eternally grateful they've given us For Honor and buy the battle passes out of principal, to support the game I love. GGs everyone!
@CobbzyYT Місяць тому
This is awesome to see. Me and for honor have a love hate relationship, like most of its regular player base.
@MercenaryJames Місяць тому
Glad to see For Honor getting some newfound love! Since it released in 2017 I've been playing it almost consistently. No other game compares in how it handles combat. Brutal, challenging, and rewarding are good words for it.
@eddy6969100 Місяць тому
I do not like Ubisoft as a compagny these recent years one bit , But after playing this game since the original Beta and not giving up on it , I can truly say this is a fantastic game . A very infuriating , soul crushing , victorious and chaotic one , but a great game
@treyericson-thomas7012 Місяць тому
I feel like For Honor and R6: Siege are the only games keeping Ubisoft afloat nowadays. All of their recent games just ain't hitting anymore.💯
@lultimebiscuit9688 Місяць тому
I would love this game to have more dedicated players. This game is awesome and deserves it. Thank you Ubisoft.
@B2wasTaken Місяць тому
I do wonder what would happen if For Honor got a huge marketing campaign this late in its life. You might get a good catch from people with vague memories from years ago like me.
@luvtolys Місяць тому
Best game ever made. I’m playing dis till I die
@Monica72215 Місяць тому
Cross progression when
@nicolas.marsicano Місяць тому
People did not have the patience to learn this game to enjoy it in the meantime and even more later. They've got frustrated because dying so much against people with more time in the game. Hope the community gets bigger, cause it has the best medieval combat system
@fabiandagr8 Місяць тому
This is what ubisoft needs to keep doing, pushing trailers, edits and everything more to advertise the games uniqueness
@christopherjohnferrer3771 Місяць тому
Yeah right because Ubisoft, still not all modes where being played by players. Since it has battlepass why not make it F2P on Steam so it will be more popular?
@Altowashere Місяць тому
What we need is more story mode for all heroes
@revan6441 Місяць тому
Little mini-campaigns for each hero would amazing!!! ❤❤❤
@PrimeRicci Місяць тому
Glad to see the game still getting support. I hope new players wants to give it a shot because it really is a good game
@halfdeadlore1979 Місяць тому
By far the best Multiplayer game and the Combat System is just unique to perfection :)
@Nova_King_ Місяць тому
Looks like an awesome game to me
@erenaguero Місяць тому
If the game was released in this state, it would be the best fighting game by far.
@el_slender Місяць тому
this game includes scenes
@darkismile101 Місяць тому
Thanks for the support ubisoft, i love you.
@benighted.despair Місяць тому
One of the few genuinely interesting games Ubisoft has at this moment. Please give the team more budget. This is a gold mine you are ignoring.
@TommorowISNAP Місяць тому
Hell yeah, keep raking in those new players! Great video to lure them into this mess of glorious depression.
@Killgore1103 Місяць тому
Best fighting game out there
@jkrai9684 Місяць тому
"Like 2v2 brawl or elimination" Shows Breach both times lmao
@anthonyfellows9013 Місяць тому
Hell yeah, Ubi! Keep the flame alive!
@RUGER5264 Місяць тому
Thanks Ubi for the support you put into this game. Add the griddy. 😂
@SilverAsakura Місяць тому
3:11 Poor Warlord, he was only invited to the trailer to get wrecked #justiceforwarlord
@Betlar Місяць тому
They allowed my boy to RAH in the "trailer" Now im satisfied :)
@JohZaru Місяць тому
I will always fully support for honor! It is an amazng game! 6000 hours in and heres to 6000 more!
@danielhines366 Місяць тому
People don't play for honor because it's intimidating.
@germanshepherd2701 Місяць тому
Brutal… challenging… rewa- well, maybe not that “rewarding” but still… addicting. Welcome to For Honor!
@migueldilone4844 Місяць тому
I retired from the game due to mental health but I will say it's a genuinely fun game. Sometimes it's tilting, sometimes it's just toxic, but it does give me a good time. It's like a drug, it hurts you, but it's great at the same time.
@jansen868 Місяць тому
A game that brings my blood to a boil..... yet i still come back every other month or so
@rage_tv4493 Місяць тому
for honor is one of ubisofts best games in recent memory. it’s not classic ubi garbage like most of the games they produce. this one is actually unique and is actually pretty fun.
@mrjhong7413 Місяць тому
This game was released at a time when ubisoft garbage thing was not yet a classic
@rage_tv4493 Місяць тому
@@mrjhong7413 yes that makes sense
@hewhy Місяць тому
I wished they would have implement its combat system inside Skulls and Bones, instead of getting stupid cinematics of ship raiding, it would be fun to PVP players while raiding or even on the land, This game (Skulls and Bones) is really a missed opportunity for Ubisoft that could have been something like Sea of Theavsbut with a better graphics and combat system. And for For Honor, I am really still playing this game and loving its unique gameplay that has no resemblance with any other game in the market, yes its not a prefect game, yet its unique and good to play especially with friends, love that they are still supporting it!
@bhosaleranveer99 Місяць тому
The thing I like the most about for honor is the GAME TRAILERS videos.
@categorical2662 Місяць тому
For Honor is a fabulous game.
@adamnemethofficial3095 Місяць тому
This is the only game I play for a year now
@danielsalisbury2012 Місяць тому
I have an idea ubi should consider, make a star wars game in the style of For Honor
@SpaceRally Місяць тому
Would go hard af
@Okatago Місяць тому
Now all I can think of is on May 4th (May the Force (Fourth) be with you) they make the character's weapons lightsabers on For Honor. (that's an actual thing they did)
@banditdoggo Місяць тому
I think its possible since brawlhalla got a star wars collab and blue mammoth is owned by ubi
@leejet4730 Місяць тому
“For honor is all about skills” When the opponents dont use the heroes relased after year 5
@Rafao-vg2tw Місяць тому
I love this game
@cavaleirosemnome8882 Місяць тому
I really wish we could have an open world RPG for honor game.
@anthonyventura8465 Місяць тому
I have 1500 hours of gameplay on this one. I don’t regret a single second I have spent on this game. I am a proud Centurion main, and I identify as INCREDIBLIS! For Honor player for life. ⚔️
@youngfargo8099 Місяць тому
what i find crazy is why not work on a sequel.. especially with all the games revolving around multiplayer recently. this games mechanics would stand out if it hasn’t already.
@ykiikii Місяць тому
It's really nice seeing For Honor still going strong. I really expected development to slow down until it stops, but nope. Really glad about that.
@RebelliousPadawan Місяць тому
Genuinely an incredible game and very unique. But STILL waiting on a Musketeer hero, make it happen 🗣️
@spingfire Місяць тому
@SgtBearPatrol Місяць тому
3:17 RAH
@simonko5557 Місяць тому
please make a wu lin hero with a jian !!
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