Game Theory: Is Minecraft Netherite From SPACE?

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The Game Theorists

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Welcome back to our series about the secret lore of Minecraft. Today we are unlocking the history of Netherite and the Piglins. What is their connection? Where did Netherite come from? That and more in today's episode!
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#Minecraft #Netherite #Piglins #Nether #MinecraftTheory #MinecraftLore #MatPat #Theory #GameTheory
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Writers: Matthew Patrick , Tom Robinson and Justin Kuiper
Editors: AbsolutePixel and Tyler Mascola
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

@Septavian 2 роки тому
MatPat is like autofill, giving us the questions AND answers we never knew we needed.
@hazzard_destroyer 2 роки тому
Now I wanna know if he can come up with a theory about Glowstone or when 1.19 comes out some theory’s about the deep dark
@NebuIize 2 роки тому
@The Gаme Theorists 🅥 fake verified mark lol
@mrmeme1950 2 роки тому
youve called them
@bak3d_ptatos 2 роки тому
@ТоmmуInnit 🅥 this is a rickroll right
@monk3811 2 роки тому
@The Gаme Theorists 🅥 no
@Harry_AKG 2 роки тому
The achievement "Those were the days" Can be unlocked by going to a nether bastion this may refer to the old days they lived when they had netherite
@talen9235 2 роки тому
Also opening one of the chests gets you and advancement called “war pigs” meaning maybe some connection to what he was saying
@exponentialchicken3456 2 роки тому
In my opinion the theory sucks it has no traction first of all the bastions have no chance that they were made of netherite it’s made of blackstone BLACK STONE it’s just kinda stone that has been heated up a lot like the volcanic rocks you see or a less advanced form of obsidian or in simple terms burned rock also the piglins are probably just collecting resources and that little war he mentioned WHY DO THEY NOT ATTACK YOU WITH GOLD ARMOR ON if you were an invasive species there top target would be you they wouldn’t stop and barter with you they would just try to kill you
@CatManReal 2 роки тому
@@exponentialchicken3456 they might not attack you when you have gold on you because in their culture it is likely a sign of being rich and you are capable of bartering.
@exponentialchicken3456 2 роки тому
@@CatManReal well wi the “evidence” in the video it wouldn’t make sense just because your rich and anyways wouldn’t they just kill you for the gold
@CatManReal 2 роки тому
@@exponentialchicken3456 The piglins would be too busy trading with you to rebuild their civilization to kill you.
@wrathfulcoma4357 Рік тому
Considering they are not hostile to builders wearing gold, maybe there was a faction of the ancient builders that chose to Allie with the piglings
@Chinacommunist Рік тому
I think the Wither that killed a bunch of the builders entered the nether. The fortresses had wither skeletons which would the be infected ancient builders with some kind of disease from the original wither. But the odd thing is the skeleton remains if a rib cage is oddly similar to the the rib cage of the torso of a wither. The original wither could have been the size as the big zombie or bigger. What if the Wither died in the nether. It wouldn’t make sense for the nether fortress to be over runned with wither skeletons and certain bridges blown apart in masses. If bastions were strong how did it look destroyed worser than it would have if an army had been there.
@ltnatilietanaka Рік тому
i like this theory!
@cactusguy4363 Рік тому
Or maybe just the fact that you have access to gold and may be willing to trade with them
@aaron2891 Рік тому
@@Chinacommunist what doesn’t make sense to me is the idea that you can spawn a wither without access to wither skeletons. It makes more sense that builders went to the nether, died, became skeletons, and then someone harvested 3 skulls to build a wither. Unless piglins can become wither skeletons? I know that the overworld builders can turn into both zombies and skeletons, so is it far-fetched to say that piglins can do the same? But even then, piglins likely only exist in the Nether because ancient builders sent them there, so it still necessitates that builders gained access to the Nether before spawning the Wither.
@underground_americana 11 місяців тому
@@cactusguy4363 Maybe they won't attack because they're afraid to damage the gold
@gavinm3328 2 роки тому
In a previous theory, you showed that wither skeletons are the dead ancient builders. If they were at war with the piglins, it would then explain why piglins and wither skeletons hate each other in the game.
@aidanedwards8931 Рік тому
OMG you’re right!!!
@RafaelMunizYT Рік тому
if wither skeletons are remnants of the ancient builders is the wither a triplet godlike human?
@pancakeboy8262 Рік тому
yeah your a smart theorist Gavin!!!
@jestfullgremblim8002 Рік тому
@@RafaelMunizYT yes indeed
@yallareblind4948 Рік тому
But matpat theorized this in the og pigman video.
@iansonofthor 2 роки тому
When a scary mob that lives in the deepest of the dark can 2 shot someone wearing interstellar armor stronger than the strongest natural material on Earth.
@ELIZABETH-hf9he 2 роки тому
🆔ⓈⒺⓍⓈⒽⓄⓅ🔞↷ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏˡⁱⁿᵏ👇 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔞 👉 ❤ UKposts: This is fine Someone: Says "heck" UKposts: Be gone однако я люблю таких рыбаков Интересно забавно девушка смешная 垃圾 ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . ! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物
@Mxl._frfr 2 роки тому
@FirestoneAnimation 2 роки тому
Vex army: *Sure buddy.*
@MagickPaladin 2 роки тому
Sounds like Earth
@nightwatch3889 2 роки тому
One shot, pretty sure
@bennettam.9330 2 роки тому
Matpat slowly piecing together the lore is the most satisfying thing to watch.
@Mxl._frfr 2 роки тому
@len10799 2 роки тому
@winstonsmith3703 2 роки тому
Don't think he's piecing anything together but its a fun headcanon
@Cman04092 2 роки тому
Same. Hell i don't even play minecraft but I still enjoyed this video.
@Crystalline_cos2548 2 роки тому
Try watching him do it with fnaf lore
@eddiefirstenberg1000 2 роки тому
"Which is even stronger than the cubic structure of diamond" Well yeah, hexagons are the bestagons
@ramongilbertada5754 Рік тому
shut up squares are the best 😡😡
@wolty_ Рік тому
@ramongilbertada5754 Рік тому
squaressssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaarrrrreeee tttthhhhheeeeee bbbbbeeeeesssssstttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Arewmon Рік тому
Ah, I see you are a man of hexagon as well!
@wolty_ Рік тому
@@Arewmon Hexagon cult 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@BlankSpaceMonsterASMR 2 роки тому
Man Matpat is going to have a hay day when the Ancient Cities, Deep Dark, Warden, and Archaeology update comes out soon
@SoapyBun Рік тому
@BlankSpaceMonsterASMR Рік тому
@@SoapyBun ah, yes. Me indeed lmao
@BlankSpaceMonsterASMR Рік тому
@UC_Scripter quite disappointing
@Fitzgerald420 Рік тому
@@BlankSpaceMonsterASMR reality is often disappointing.
@laurenromero2134 Рік тому
Rain world please
@leylapank4671 2 роки тому
This theory would also explain the achievement “those were the days” you get when entering a bastion. ‘Those days’ were days of war, “glory days” now lying there in irony. Considering the goals of peace that jens has. It would make sense to show the wreck and ruin of war, and what it leaves behind. Those were the days that left ruin and wreck.
@hanskrebs2069 2 роки тому
also a reference to mary hopkin
@GoldenRust 2 роки тому
@hanskrebs2069 2 роки тому
srsly the song "those were the days" exists.
@amsigi5125 2 роки тому
makes sense but never knew minecraft had lore
@dragonplus7354 2 роки тому
yes I always wondered about that acheivement
@axelplayz919 2 роки тому
I can just imagine how old matpat would be when finishing this lore. The complete story. No fakes, No suprises, That would be it. How I desperately wait for that day.
@itzflaymegd8018 2 роки тому
He never will, because the updates will never stop
@leeman23664 2 роки тому🔥🔥
@shadowdevil126 2 роки тому
The same goes for fnaf
@brixxby9930 2 роки тому
If that would happen i will cry
@kyuremthefrozen8539 2 роки тому
Gonna be in his 80s
@animeking5068 2 роки тому
CGP Grey once made the historic quote of "Hexagons are the Bestagons" and Matpat just proved it today
@imaflippingkirbo1461 2 роки тому
Mojang actually confirmed this theory with a splash text that read: “it came from space.”
@PushingPiston536 Рік тому
They didnt confirm it its just a refrence to the theory.
@imaflippingkirbo1461 Рік тому
@@PushingPiston536 oh thanks for informing me 🙂
@mihaleben6051 Рік тому
Actualy what does it really refer too?
@nether322 Рік тому
It Just says "IT came from space" but what actually?
@danrib4048 Рік тому
I always thought it was more of a reference to the movie “It”, Pennywise being an alien played by a Swedish actor
@shade5554 2 роки тому
Matpat: "What is netherite? What's its origin according to minecraft lore?" Mojang: *Nether.....Netherite!*
@sonicx7488 2 роки тому
@Redstone Creator saul
@justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 2 роки тому
8:15 Bastion remnants are also where you find "pigstep", a music disc with instruments and style in it found in no other music disc, and given the piglin dances, that also means the piglins can not only enjoy music, like humans and parrots, but also MAKE music. That means making instruments, which requires decidimg to craft something not useful for survival, a sign of great intelligence!
@gamepro0167 2 роки тому
Where did they get the diamond for the jukebox?
@AwesomeCrow-oj2zu 2 роки тому
@@gamepro0167 The fortress?
@MrMoron-qn5rx 2 роки тому
@@gamepro0167 if matpat is correct, if netherite is just a stronger diamond, and it gets made in the nether, diamonds might have grown in the nether. its just that the war made it W A Y more usefull, and therefore it got mined into extinction just like natural netherite.
@b12-valenciabrandonjohan28 2 роки тому
It also means the have brass cuz trombone jk
@MiyuwiTV 2 роки тому
The disk is labeled Lena Raine, so maybe Lena Raine is canon in game
@titanictnt7476 Рік тому
MatPat: "The scariest part of the Minecraft world, the Nether." The Deep Dark: Allow us to introduce ourselves.
@backupphoenix 2 роки тому
Minecraft is one of the few games where there isn't a laid out path but still is choc full of lore
@CommandswithCat 2 роки тому
"Nothing harder than diamonds?" "Try waking up at 6am" I'm dying.
@markythesharky3382 2 роки тому
this pains me
@eriklazo5499 2 роки тому
as someone who need to wake up a 6 am to go to school it is the definition of pain
@Pearier 2 роки тому
@Sovi59 2 роки тому
waking up at 6am? that's cute, try not sleeping until 3am, waking up at 5am, then going to the gym
@CommandswithCat 2 роки тому
@@Sovi59 did you... not understand that this is a reaction?
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 2 роки тому
7:40 “Hmmm sweet juicy lore” Next up on food theory: “How would Piglins taste like?”
@khalilmartinez6063 2 роки тому
they will taste like mcrib
@Pikachu-yb1pg 2 роки тому
@milktea6676 2 роки тому
Juicy lore makes the holidays
@milktea6676 2 роки тому
@poisedacid18 2 роки тому
@@khalilmartinez6063 as a McDonald’s employee I can confirm
@stresstaco 2 роки тому
Great theory, MatPat, absolutely love where all these things are going. I think the next thing you should do a theory on (keeping with the topic of the nether) is the Ghast and the Blaze. Don't know how you're going to do it, but I'd love to see what you can find! I'll be trying to find some stuff about it as well.
@kitkat25195 2 роки тому
Blazes might be artificially made because they drop the blaze rods that we need to make the ‘make potion thing’(I forgot the name)
@diegohiramguidogarcia6003 Рік тому
@@kitkat25195 potion stand
@kitkat25195 Рік тому
@@diegohiramguidogarcia6003 Oh ok thx-
@oatmeal_doodles8114 2 роки тому
I think this could possibly be a similar case to the villagers in the overworld. The piglins, having many similarities and even a close intellect to humans being able to barter and fight in flocks, even there clothing suggests overworld origins. It’s posible that after overworlders go to the nether some may have split separate ways, and after centuries if evolving they were unrecognizable. Then they may have fought with there ancestors for being traitors and not helping them in any way when they were attacked by the wither, and instead went into hiding witch is why we only see them in a recent update. It would explain the many similarities to Steve and also Tie into many other points made like the wither perfectly. It may also explain the end of the civilization.
@ricknaturalls2065 2 роки тому
"Is Netherrite from SPACE?" Matpat- No. But here's another cooler theory.
@hello5125 2 роки тому
Thats a whole lot of bots
@nojob16 2 роки тому
@@hello5125 yep
@bob9224 2 роки тому
@@hello5125 ye
@saxonkeel4445 2 роки тому
More like, *hotter* theory
@comix_edits 2 роки тому
@T A N I A • © The fak ;-; I aint no simp
@you-serious-homie 2 роки тому
4:17 This proves CGP Grey's theory. Hexagons, are the bestagons.
@bradysample9950 2 роки тому
Hexagons are the bestsgons
@nib1448 2 роки тому
Hexagons are strongagon
@gs4984 2 роки тому
Especially the crispy kind
@coppersponge 2 роки тому
Theory, it’s barley a theory with everything grey put out it’s more of a fact
@jacobbehindtheriver8743 2 роки тому
Hexagons are the bestagons
@ginnybobpiratepants Рік тому
Trying to play as a pacifist as much as possible but run into piglin, 10:17 “You were born into a war you didn’t know about.”
@Moonlight_Drawing Рік тому
1:10 the question is, is mojang just using matpat to create the lore for them then pretending they made it?
@catpoke9557 2 роки тому
The irony of the bed scene when talking about how rare netherite is, is that sleeping is the best way to get netherite. Just get a ton of beds and blow the nether into oblivion. It works super well
@bbittercoffee 2 роки тому
that's the joke.
@Classic-ip5dr 2 роки тому
In mu experience, the bed method isn’t that great
@bbittercoffee 2 роки тому
@@Classic-ip5dr it's the most efficient, it's cheap and easy to do.
@Classic-ip5dr 2 роки тому
Well, it may be more efficient, but I just haven’t found much luck with it and I find it a bit tedious. Just personal experience
@KracklinDark 2 роки тому
@@Classic-ip5dr it's only tedious of you die from the explosion. If you do it properly (not dying) it should be a breeze.
@thelazygamer2195 2 роки тому
“Netherite is from space.” *This is only the second craziest thing I’ve heard today.*
@Glow_Stikk 2 роки тому
What’s the first???
@Leegendari 2 роки тому
@faridayeasmin6050 2 роки тому
What's the first??
@ELIZABETH-hf9he 2 роки тому
🆔ⓈⒺⓍⓈⒽⓄⓅ🔞↷ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏˡⁱⁿᵏ👇 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔞 👉 ❤ UKposts: This is fine Someone: Says "heck" UKposts: Be gone однако я люблю таких рыбаков Интересно забавно девушка смешная 垃圾 ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . ! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物
@theulmateunit648 2 роки тому
@@Leegendari now that’s the craziest thing I read
@MistSGM Рік тому
"Nothing's harder than diamond? Trying waking up at 6AM" I see what you did there......
@fishwithnoname4486 2 роки тому
A theory: aincient debris is fosilized hoglin turds, and since piglins hunt hoglins, the population could have dropped making the debris more rare, and the piglins could have mass mined most of it.
@retronimus 2 роки тому
A note to add is that Netherite seems to be magnetic, since it is used to make lodestones, plus lodestones are magnets ( the game use them to redirect compasses when clicked with one even).
@EctocoolerEI 2 роки тому
This would make beds magnetic also.
@Starryeyeddreamer2001 2 роки тому
@@EctocoolerEI how so?
@EctocoolerEI 2 роки тому
@@Starryeyeddreamer2001 The compass points to your bed as well
@vbucksroblox7368 2 роки тому
@Mumboli Jumboli yessir 🔥
@ThatInfernosGuy 2 роки тому
@@EctocoolerEI no as a matter of fact the regular compass always points to world spawn and not a players spawn point
@katanadogg808 2 роки тому
MatPat: "nothing on earth is harder than diamonds" Me: Nothing on earth, yes that's why netherite is in *HELL*
@Ophelios 2 роки тому
@arjacx9207 2 роки тому
Nothing on, but not nothing IN
@mrseryous8122 2 роки тому
*coughing in bedrock*
@stevedudeman916 2 роки тому
You are kinda right.... BUT I come from a future where scientists at Florida University made platinum-gold alloy which is 25× harder than industrial steel and is malleable and is a bit dark and expensive!!!!
@vik.o1598 2 роки тому
@@stevedudeman916 so, the iron man's armour
@belle4774 2 роки тому
Me: **uninterested in minecraft** Also me: **binging MatPat’s minecraft theories**
@torracatt.c.e2845 Рік тому
MatPat: *talks about lonsdaleite* my brain: WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
@brightboyz1206 2 роки тому
Another interesting theory: Lonsdaleite isn’t actually the only material harder than diamond. Wurtzite Boron Nitride, a material formed from the heat and pressure of the hearts of super volcanoes (which the Nether resembles), is around 18% harder than diamond. (Edit) I forgot to mention that Lonsdaleite is also a much brighter color that our Netherite in question, whereas w-BN is a much closer grey. This theory could also explain why Netherite isn't as huge improvement over diamond as you would think, as w-BN is still weaker than Lonsdaleite.
@Reddeath7665 2 роки тому
@f1shyspace 2 роки тому
Ye but it’s basically the same thing, it still requires heat and pressure
@GhostedMemes 2 роки тому
and interestingly enough, the nether has volcanoes, in the form of the basalt biome
@iwillhelpyou613 2 роки тому
@@GhostedMemes OOOOOOOO
@wyattmurphy7153 2 роки тому
the pictures of wurtzite i found look sort of like netherite too
@cherryLUL 2 роки тому
“The ancient race of builders” is the new “The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft”
@KaRmaTheSchemer 2 роки тому
@oppenheimerbobm 2 роки тому
@dogge4649 2 роки тому
@bappp0 2 роки тому
nothing can replace "The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft"
@supriyapatil537 Рік тому
"Nothing harder than diamond? Try waking up at 6am" "Facet-nating" The editor rly went ham on the puns in the editor's dungeon
@evavv9960 2 роки тому
I seriously can not wait for MatPat to theorise about the new deep dark and the warden
@miscellaneouschaos6693 2 роки тому
i like how the intro is literally just two piano keys yet already sounds so nostalgic
@marley9800 2 роки тому
What's the name of it
@miscellaneouschaos6693 2 роки тому
@@marley9800 there is no name its just two piano keys
@dudewithacat52 2 роки тому
@@marley9800 i think MP actually made it himself
@babya1069 2 роки тому
@@miscellaneouschaos6693 lemme get 2 mc chickens with pickles & bacon
@leeman23664 2 роки тому🔥🔥
@LiliannEnder 2 роки тому
"Is Minecraft Netherite from space?" Sokka's sword:
@ThiccFurryBoi34 2 роки тому
Space sword was so strong it entered a new dimension and crash a lot of heat and materials
@ultimateuthman680 2 роки тому
rip space sword :_(
@TheSprixie 2 роки тому
@T A N I A • © why did you do this
@catpoke9557 2 роки тому
Why... Why would you say this?
@LiliannEnder 2 роки тому
@@catpoke9557 why not?
@peebo6929 2 роки тому
One thing that I’m still thinking about, though, is why do pigeons just chill around their zombified variations? You’d think one would attack the other, at least.
@ArabForce Рік тому
Devs: making a game just simple game Matpat or game theory: WELL HELLO THERE
@captainkirk4637 2 роки тому
“Scariest part of Minecraft’s world, the nether” The deep dark: I am about to ruins this whole mans career
@heyj64 2 роки тому
The End: "Kids, kids, please stop fighting"
@megagreninja 2 роки тому
@@heyj64 I'd say the end is more ominous scary while the nether is more up in your face scary
@imdeadinside5912 2 роки тому
@@heyj64 lol
@IanS533 2 роки тому
*Game theory talking about how netherite is the strongest* Cactus: “I CAN AND WILL DESTROY ALL!”
@kitkat25195 2 роки тому
Me: iron is better
@spideyfan7554 2 роки тому
The joke is that cactus kills every item
@chengfeiyu9687 Рік тому
It's not technically the strongest, he said it was the hardest, which is different.
@nonamechannl Рік тому
@@kitkat25195 throw one at a cactus then
@vhs360 Рік тому
@sameluh6456 6 днів тому
How would the meteors get through the nether ceiling?
@bartowo 2 роки тому
I love these minecraft videos! Growing up watvhing your videos casually, i only retrospectivally as a 17 year old realize how great this channel is and have found a great respect for matpat and what the channel stands for.
@billytheguh 2 роки тому
"want something harder than diamond?try waking up at 6 am" -matpat's minecraft title screen
@ThiccFurryBoi34 2 роки тому
Is it hitting your head hard and get a headache
@user-mo3hm5oh9p 2 роки тому
Here in the Philippines, 6 am is already late. We usually wake up at 5 am
@ninsophy9798 2 роки тому
Eat it, Mat! I wake up at 4 AM
@tourmelion9221 2 роки тому
I woke up at 5 I've got so much jet lag
@gordonlowe2508 2 роки тому
Well, I sty awake until 4 and wake up at 6. Beat that. I'm so tired :(
@karalyzel3177 2 роки тому
Something I like about this theory is that it could tie into how zombie Piglins came to be. If the Piglins won the war against the builders, why wouldn’t they push the offensive into the overworld? I think that may be how they were introduced to the virus, hence why you can find ruined portals in both dimensions!
@egyroll9701 2 роки тому
@redforest9269 2 роки тому
@@egyroll9701 How To Convert PDF To Word Without Using Any Software by Activation 4 you
@birdyboi8509 2 роки тому
Could have something to do with the previous theory on why the builders escaped to the end. Something like this: "After losing the war with the piglin the builders prepared for an offensive on there homeland. Knowing that there was a chance that they could not defeat the piglin again, the builders turned to magic. They had tried to revive there dead and sicked the skeletal husks on the piglins. But the piglins held strong against there forces, they turned to the extreme. Making prime warriors who were the ultimate destructive force also known as The Wither. Pushing the piglins back with the Wither and curse of zombification the piglins had there civilization destroyed defending against the Wither that came through to there land and barely survived. But in the overworld the builders were betrayed by there own creation forcing them to the end." You know how the rest of the theory goes with the Old Builders prepared solving into endermen to survive and such.
@dagothurgaming7016 2 роки тому
Minecraft biological warfare
@bathtublover 2 роки тому
the piglins are already a sophisticated (sort of) society, myabe they didnt want to risk more losses as they had no netherite and their bastions were destroyed
@lelandharris9639 8 місяців тому
It would be cool if you were able to place down gold blocks to then make the piglins befriend you ad you brought them a special resource they need
@nightfox805 2 роки тому
You say the Nether is the scariest part of Minecraft but I’m not scared into making backups for the Nether but I am scared into making backups for the End
@rdx8272 2 роки тому
Here's a theory: Piglin Brutes are actually wearing netherite, which is why they are so hard to kill in comparison to normal piglins
@bepiculcool 2 роки тому
and they probably mended it with gold to blend in
@aviachakrabarti3064 2 роки тому
Also that would explain why you can find ancient debris in some chest
@user-we2on3nj4o 2 роки тому
And that explains why they are strong despite having an axe made of butter
@TheEditFactory 2 роки тому
@@bepiculcool I wonder why there so obsessed with Gold? Is it because all other materials don't make armour? (Other than Netherite which is extremely hard to even get)?
@sleeeepyy_ 2 роки тому
@@TheEditFactory they live in the nether, so there's not really any other ores apart from netherite and gold in there
@optimisticprime2436 2 роки тому
“Baba?” “Yes, my son?” “Can you tell me a story?” MatPat: “Netherite is the vibranium of Minecraft and the Piglins are the Wakandans.”
@Akira-Aerins 2 роки тому
This guy gets it
@b12-valenciabrandonjohan28 2 роки тому
*REALIZATION* Happiness 100
@boop8871 2 роки тому
Wakanda forever 🙏🏽🙅🏽‍♀️
@Umbrollax5x7 Рік тому
the text at the title screen 🤣 "nothing's harder than diamond? Try waking up at 6AM" if you know you know
@Mujoujinsoku 2 роки тому
MatPat: "Netherite makes diamond look like cobblestone" *Netherite requires diamonds to use* Diamonds: Am I a joke to you?
@command_flo9986 2 роки тому
Someone should make a animated series about this events in cronological order.
@jasi9988 2 роки тому
@thunderthorax7660 2 роки тому
@cautiousnoxious2545 2 роки тому
that would be great
@The_Imperatrix 2 роки тому
@shadowcween7890 2 роки тому
As long as it's not based of what Mathew is saying here
@mydoggo4904 2 роки тому
8:45 not only that but in treasure bastions (one of the forms of bastions) you can find netherite in the bottom chests. This makes me guess that the different types of bastions had different purposes in the war (like treasure bastion for storing their valuables). Also probably the piglin brutes were the guards (since they are hostile no matter what and do more damage) and the normal piglins were just the ones who did some work around their homes. Idk, just a follow-up theory I had about that
@thelittleraz4523 2 роки тому
@vbucksroblox7368 2 роки тому
@Mumboli Jumboli yessir
@shrekecomment8056 2 роки тому
@Mumboli Jumboli yessir
@projekttaku1 2 роки тому
things I learned today: josuke's stand should be called crazy lonsdaleite
@jken5314 Рік тому
Lonsdaleite: Has hexagonal structure CPG Grey: Hexagons are the bestagons
@lissybug0176 2 роки тому
We all know Herobrine doesn’t exist in the game but I’m curious what Matpat would come up with if he approached him as a purely lore character for Minecraft
@somuchtocook9159 2 роки тому
A ghost of the ancient builders
@Human_traain 2 роки тому
@@somuchtocook9159 sure
@justinyang6267 2 роки тому
A glitched dead Steve
@kodzuken9731 2 роки тому
a failed text subject of wither
@eriklazo5499 2 роки тому
a manifestation of the sore and pain of the ancient builders during there final moments in the overworld
@depth1576 2 роки тому
Mat pat: you can't find netherite in a chest, while showing a bastion chest, where netherite is found
@obergruppenmajorfring 2 роки тому
@Crazyturtle879 2 роки тому
probably meant you cant find actual netherite tools, blocks or ingots, only the ancient debris
@myweirdsecondchannelwithap9070 2 роки тому
He meant in nether fortresses, basically he was saying the ancient race had to be different from the piglins bc piglins have netherite in their chests while the ancient race had none in their fortresses
@108Pi 2 роки тому
@@Crazyturtle879 you can find tools
@soupywolf5234 2 роки тому
@@Crazyturtle879 But you _can_ find Netherite ingots in Bastion Treasure Rooms (iirc there’s even something like a ~42% chance for a treasure room chest to have one, so it’s not even that rare)
@Woopor 11 місяців тому
4:20 Even MatPat admits the truth that Hexagons are the Bestagons
@thesweatychild Рік тому
I just realized something: When you kill an evoker, they don't pop the totem, but when you kill it it drops it, so maybe the reason the illagers do raids is for souls that in turn are used for totems that would give them immortality. like this so matpat can see
@enderstrikegaming8578 2 роки тому
I always just assumed netherite was super compacted blocks, maybe something like compact blackstone. It's an underground dimension, meaning it's closer to the center of the planet. The closer you get to the center of the planet, the more pressure there is. Maybe the pressure condensed Blackstone it into the super strong blocks they are. As for how they are so dense if everything else is so fragile (as in netherack is a super weak block) I think it's because the netherite was made much deeper down and the lava did what it does and made a volcanic eruption as to boost all that netherite up. And the lava eventually cooled down into the soft netherack. This also explains how we find lava pockets.
@DarkPniEntanglrDarkPniEntanglr 2 роки тому
Hot pockets
@PancakeTheKat 2 роки тому
That makes much more sense
@audosis6860 2 роки тому
Thats smart and all but remember that the metal itself is used as plating and netherite blocks are found naturally unless its in bastion loot I believe. And also, Mojang confirmed that the nether isnt like the Underworld. It could be a separate planet for all we know. Also blackstone doesn’t look close to ancient debris, which is what netherite blocks are made of. So..
@patrickhinckley7913 2 роки тому
I thought it was proven the nether isn't under the overworld, but rather a different world or dimension altogether
@jrooooooooood 2 роки тому
That makes sense because the basalt deltas were formed from ancient volcanos
@melaniepodlesny4453 2 роки тому
Theory: I always wondered about the bone blocks and when in the nether, you would find them in a shape as if there use to be large creatures that roamed the nether. And as like coal, coal was made from fossilized/buried remains. And I always thought the debris came from buried remains of those mysterious skeleton found in the nether. ( Since the large skeletons HINT that things decomposed. And netherite could of came from these remains just like coal )Thats why I thought it was called "ancient debris." I think you should DEFINITELY do a theory on the "Nether fossils." I think they're really mysterious and interesting and tends to be overlooked a lot.
@RCian0 2 роки тому
Personally I would think that they were just oversized hoglins because I have nothing else to base those skeletons on except maybe the ender dragon
@takeo_624 2 роки тому
@@RCian0 there's a video that analyze those fossils and end up concluding that it's the remains of a giant Wither. I like the theory and would love if Mat were to look into it since I think there's a chance he's looking at the lore from the wrong perspective and everything actually started in the Nether
@RCian0 2 роки тому
@@takeo_624 possiblys
@clearsky466 2 роки тому
This needs a theory
@master-gaming9338 2 роки тому
I think it could have been the giant zombie.
@f.index_ Рік тому
0:34 bro ... I can confirm this is true, as it now in my country is currently 6AM.
@thegeneralofskies Рік тому
4:19 Hexagons are the Bestagons
@shaunm6383 2 роки тому
With the amount of lore Matpat is discovering, it could be enough to fill an entire trilogy or more of movies.
@NinetyLegos 2 роки тому
That's a great idea
@NinetyLegos 2 роки тому
@Josh the Joshey Boii What?
@gkalswhd1274 2 роки тому
@@NinetyLegos never seen spam bots before?
@shaunm6383 2 роки тому
@@gkalswhd1274 Just report it as spam and don't worry about it
@uways100 2 роки тому
To confirm this theory, it'd be interesting if the piglins had a reaction to ancient debris/netherite itself being traded with them
@justinyang6267 2 роки тому
Like Hero of the Village but in the Nether?
@GloriG_C17 2 роки тому
@@justinyang6267 yes, It will be a lot cooler. You got some armies
@Kumergence 2 роки тому
Hero of the village but in a bastion is far from getting added. Your species destroyed their village. They would never forgive.
@nerd9347. 2 роки тому
@kairossorkian1180 2 роки тому
Three gravel, take it or leave it
@lightningbolt9155 Рік тому
4:16 *HEXAGONS ARE THE **_B E S T A G O N S ! ! ! !_*
@lulubou86 11 місяців тому
Enderite be like : dang it I’m not in the game yet and this updated diamond is making fun of me
@raptor73921 2 роки тому
Mojang: Should we add lore? Developers: Why should we when they do all the work for us?
@virtualagent4878 2 роки тому
@thebreadbunny1863 2 роки тому
Well, they add pseudo lore so that players can make their own, which is what we are doing.
@raptor73921 2 роки тому
@@thebreadbunny1863 well, you aren’t lying
@nolzstwynkievicz 2 роки тому
Actually you can find netherite gear in chests, it's just incredibly rare.
@Maltheus_ 2 роки тому
You are probably right, but his point still stands tho
@Sinix946 2 роки тому
Yea i saw that on dream manhunt
@LPHGUYBB 2 роки тому
@@Sinix946 Thats odd knowing dream cheated in his manhunts
@desired_effect5251 2 роки тому
@@LPHGUYBB No, he cheated in his regular speedrun
@elementgermanium 2 роки тому
You can't. Used to be able to in snapshots, not anymore
@Discordisnotagoodthing 2 роки тому
You should make a theory on what phantoms are and why they only attack you when you don’t sleep for 3 or more days
@The_Ghost_Of_Somewhere 2 роки тому
Bruh it took me a minute to process “You think diamond’s hard? Try waking up at 6am” than it clicked
@alexzhao4483 2 роки тому
I feel like netherite may actually act as a form of catalyst that rearranges the carbon atoms in diamond to form a harder structure - which is why a diamond base item is required
@Lumberjack_king 2 роки тому
Him so it isnt harder than diamond by its self it just makes diamond harder. Intresting
@eddiejonesiii6254 2 роки тому
If that's the case, that makes Netherite by itself...significantly more mundane..
@sidneysaldevia81 2 роки тому
@@eddiejonesiii6254 yeah
@neil963 2 роки тому
That’s… not what a catalyst does
@alexzhao4483 2 роки тому
@@neil963 Ah, I'm not very sure about my chemistry knowledge; but I think what I meant was that it allows/speeds up the reaction of the formation of such a structure in carbon, unless no such reaction exists?
@daediut8970 2 роки тому
Matpat: they seem to win the war but they lost the most valuable thing Piglins: we won but at what cost
@repentofyoursinsandbelieve629 2 роки тому
Jesus loves you! I warn you of your sins, repent and believe the Gospel! If you love Him then keep His commandments! MAKE THE CHOICE, JESUS OR THE WORLD, JESUS IS ETERNAL, THE WORLD IS PASSING AWAY.
@slameno-JR 2 роки тому
@@repentofyoursinsandbelieve629 meh,not as bad as the essay long ones
@Account-vr4ch 2 роки тому
@@repentofyoursinsandbelieve629 i'm an athiest
@GloriG_C17 2 роки тому
@@Account-vr4ch Who asked?
@buklau837 2 роки тому
@@repentofyoursinsandbelieve629 I’ll stick to the world. Jesus sound like a pretty cool guy but Christians don’t accurately depict him which is weird.
@JacobTomkins-hw8vh 10 місяців тому
Mat pat I think your getting closer to the end of the lore story but somehow I feel like this is only the beginning
@N1ght_Breaker 2 роки тому
PLEASE do the next part of the lore analysis! The new ancient underground cities in the newest snapshots (and when the deep dark update goes live as well) can be an absolutely HUGE addition to the story you've been telling!! 😁
@cosmink. 2 роки тому
A certain stick figure once told me that "hexagons are the bestagons" so to hear that a space gem is stronger than a diamond because of its hexagonal structure formed by three times the amount of heat and pressure of a normal diamond further proves this statement.
@camdenschiff8128 2 роки тому
@talen9235 2 роки тому
Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s CGP Gray, right?
@cosmink. 2 роки тому
@@talen9235 yep, that's the one.
@destlopez8076 2 роки тому
I came here to say this, albeit a month post upload lol
@RexelBartolome 2 роки тому
@zacharydemko1800 2 роки тому
Once this series has ended I hope someone makes a Minecraft series based on the lore. That would be sick! Like start from the beginning of the Ancient Builders all the way up to The End
@krisdayanti9282 2 роки тому
@whytho1478 2 роки тому
@@krisdayanti9282 wtf
@SollidnitrogeN 2 роки тому
I feel like Minecraft would be less interesting if you actually showed the backstory. In my opinion, a proper minecraft series would be an atmospheric slice of life about exploring this abandoned and empty world.
@shrekecomment8056 2 роки тому
@user-ix5ci2vt2p Рік тому
Me: Can’t remember stuff from school I learned an hour ago Also me: Remembers every bit of minecraft lore I’ve learned over the span of 4 years.
@Tombud-ti7gn Рік тому
Love the doom/halo esque drums
@AlyxTremblay 2 роки тому
"Hexagons are the bestagons" - Lonsdaleite... probably.
@Ektrix 2 роки тому
I went down to the comments to indeed find someone who states that hexagons are the bestagons
@virtualagent4878 2 роки тому
@anonymouz8017 2 роки тому
hexagons or the bestagons cult gang
@Whatishappening32 2 роки тому
I'm convinced they have no idea, and are letting fans decide the lore 😂
@NoumanAliKhanBdarija 2 роки тому
Every dev that has ever existed
@someguy3197 2 роки тому
That’s a genius idea just leaving clues for the players imaginations.
@j0k3rqwtyeet11 2 роки тому
A genius idea to grab stuff for fans and put it into a game then say it was all intended 🤌
@jsk6239 2 роки тому
If you think about it literally anything in the nether or end is from space. Dimensions exist in difference space times. The Nether is not earth, and anything not from earth is considered alien. So yes, it is from space. I don't know why they needed a whole 11 minutes to say something that took me 30 seconds to type lol
@bordan1311 2 роки тому
@@jsk6239 So you can get on a spaceship and go to different dimensions?
@mrincognito69 2 роки тому
Me: I gotta get more sleep also me at 3 am: Yes Matpat, go on
@elegantcrown8522 Рік тому
i think that the ancient debris texture looks like petrified wood with the rings on bottom and the sides look like bark
@mjrule8445 2 роки тому
mojang: we want them to figure it out by themselves" matpat: *challenge accepted*
@somebodysomewhere5571 2 роки тому
Matpat realising his theories are being confirmed deny mojang. “Yes yes yes” Him realising they are probably basing the lore on his theories not the other way around “No no no”
@yaenamika2050 2 роки тому
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💜 NUDE.SNAPGIRLS.TODAY/anne 💜 PRIVATE S*X #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
@potatolord9715 2 роки тому
I’m sorry
@vbucksroblox7368 2 роки тому
@Mumboli Jumboli yessir 🔥
@shrekecomment8056 2 роки тому
@Mumboli Jumboli yessir
@virtualagent4878 2 роки тому
@raeblox9623 2 роки тому
Mojang and everyone who plays Minecraft: "well, at least Game Theory hasn't come for *us* yet." Game Theory: *ahem.*
@biankaweber8511 2 роки тому
Matbap :Diamond is the hardest thing on earth Nokia:Are you sure about that?
@NickAndriadze 2 роки тому
*6:52* I would argue with that. Bastion chests have exactly 42.1% Chance to spawn with Netherite Ingots in them, but not just that, they might also spawn with debris, scraps and even with Netherite goods like a lodestone!
@burkemanring7033 2 роки тому
You're right about bastion chests. Matpat talks about them later in the video. What he is talking about here are the chests found in nether fortresses, which do not contain nephrite.
@alh5090 2 роки тому
piglin structures though, he means ancient human structures don’t have netherite in chests
@klabauter4449 2 роки тому
i thought that too
@klabauter4449 2 роки тому
@@alh5090 he shows a chest from a bastion
@NickAndriadze 2 роки тому
@@burkemanring7033 Oh I see. I thought he said about the entirety of Nether chests.
@depth1576 2 роки тому
"The scariest part of minecraft, the nether" The deep dark cities and the warden: am i a joke to you?
@jackkennedyoldsport1450 2 роки тому
Well they dont exist......... *yet*
@smartaleckduck4135 2 роки тому
When they get released I’m sure they’ll give the nether a run for its money
@omogenews 2 роки тому TOTALLY Exposed..k😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣 exposed6
@omogenews 2 роки тому TOTALLY Exposed..k😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣 exposed2
@waynealexander5668 2 роки тому
They don't exist yet
@spalco8436 10 місяців тому
MatPat: Netherite, the material that makes diamonds look like cobblestone Also MatPat: Netherite is weak
@Spoods17 9 місяців тому
I believe that netherite is tungsten because it can be mixed with gold to form an alloy and is much stronger and resilient than diamonds, at first I thought netherite could’ve been carbon fibre but carbon fibre cannot be mixed with gold
@TimeBucks 2 роки тому
I always love these Minecraft theories.
@ItzCalamityYT08 2 роки тому
@hasabob4275 2 роки тому
@thevioletskull8158 2 роки тому
@minhtannguyen5448 2 роки тому
@NaughtyNovaroo69 2 роки тому
tho I wish diamonds and emeralds were more common in the nether as well as maybe copper and iron in the end??? idk but would make it better because there's no bronze and steel and other gemstones and diamond colours in the game
@glitchy9905 2 роки тому
Hey Mattpat. Inscription has a lot more lore than I imagined. I completely beat the game but I feel like there's more than what I can imagine. Can we get a game theory on this game? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the game!!
@shwqa 2 роки тому
It is the same guy that made pony island. So the super deep crazy lore should be expected
@glitchy9905 2 роки тому
@@shwqa that's why I'm so overly attached. There's so much lore to those guys, they really know how to truly make a scary game and I love it. I just stink at collecting clues and figuring out mysteries myself...
@coagulatedsalts4711 2 роки тому
@@glitchy9905 matpat is playing it on gtlive rn. give him a few weeks lol
@JohnL365 2 роки тому
This video is not a rickroll
@gamernerd_blue4410 2 роки тому
Thanks for pointing that out really wanna see an inscryption theory
@unknownboxer 2 роки тому
Matt patt:there is no strongest material except for diamonds Also Matt patt:lonsdaleite
@JordanTheRabbitMonkey 7 місяців тому
Compound aluminum, Compound aluminum, that's what netherite scraps are
@relic4460 2 роки тому
"Nothing's harder than diamond? Try waking up at 6 am!" Everyone in middle-high school: "Allow us to introduce ourselves..." 100 likes in 2 days. Am I famous?
@Samdafurry 2 роки тому
I had to do that for my first two years of college.
@alankreith7539 2 роки тому
@planetrdc 2 роки тому
Haha pain.
@oxygencat6383 2 роки тому
one minor detail matpat forgot to point out, was when he said “Piglins are immediately hostile to you the player” when the piglins (Except for the brute variant) won’t attack you if you wear gold gear like golden boots
@allenholloway5109 2 роки тому
I mean, he also said they were "blinded by gold" so it's more like it didn't fit in his script properly, and he decided to imply it instead.
@wilmagregg3131 2 роки тому
though that also makes sense the piglins were always depicted as greedy and hoarders so even if they see one of there great enemies apporaching if they are wearing gold its a sign they want to barter aka give the piglins gold hoping theyll give them something great in return
@florinaghimpeteanu5944 2 роки тому
Maybe they are a bit "stupid" and think that you are just another piglin when wearing a gold armor just like them.
@bingley_music 2 роки тому
If brutes are smarter and stronger, and cant be fooled by you wearing gold, or tempted by it being given to them, who are the leaders of the bastion?
@ben-ig3bu 2 роки тому
@Rubberduckie3000 3 місяці тому
4:16 hexagons really are the bestagons
@Adachi_Zephyr Рік тому
what if piglins were with gold like the ancient Egyptians were with their cats. they don't want to hurt their precious gold
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