I interviewed more animals with a tiny mic

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@mayahiga Рік тому
who was your favorite and why? :D ⬇
@user-tp6ho4un2c Рік тому
Tyson the snake
@ZenithTech35 Рік тому
I'm a fan of Giggles, personally. I feel like he'd make me feel really secure, constantly laughing at my jokes
@arthurmorgansleftkneecap Рік тому
i would die for route
@jatlistheoctopusofficial Рік тому
Pasta😎😎the italian combination of cheese, macaroni and tomato is perfect ;)
@efremvercaigne7265 Рік тому
Giggles; he... she? Is hilarious. Sultan too. Just wanted some peace and quiet. Not that third degree interview!
@fanpet3912 Рік тому
Legend says Penelope is still chewing that peach to this day
@SlingshotReal Рік тому
*chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *chomp*
@pho8480 Рік тому
penelope asmr lol
@facundoperez2766 Рік тому
Who is this Legend guy and why is he always saying things like that??
@xpgoose Рік тому
Dammit i typed this and then saw your comment haha
@toadilyodie Рік тому
LoL 😂😂😂
@meganfaith4052 Рік тому
You don’t understand what joy it brings me to see Giggles
@Monotap_3 Рік тому
Giggles is love, giggles is life
@kingvamp. Рік тому
he's the best!!
@princesspandyroadtoeleinak2708 Рік тому
You had 999 likes, now it’s 1K because of me :) I agree I get so much joy seeing Giggles
@gntletulip Рік тому
giggles makes me giggle
@grenode5341 Рік тому
Giggles is my fav ❤
@Itsnottmax Рік тому
3:59 I like how giggles move his head when you talk to him it’s soo cute
@dr.vspace 6 місяців тому
that was the best, haha
@qopparune 3 місяці тому
She’s a girl
@cindycollins3989 2 місяці тому
What bird is giggles
@LyricaSilvan Місяць тому
@@cindycollins3989Kookaburra, I think.
@kasynblake4124 Рік тому
5:56 "Walmart Guns"
@NorrisNutsFan620 Рік тому
“Syd, what makes you the most happy?” Syd: *eats tiny mic*
@jammsbananas 11 місяців тому
I think Syd likes eating the tiny mic
@someoneontheinternet40 5 місяців тому
Syd's response is literally just *nom*
@gm_gonz Рік тому
In my head Curtis was like "I'm literally so baked right now" and the 2nd time was like "on a scale of 1-10, i'm 420"
@scientificallyaccuratespino Рік тому
Time stamp?
@gm_gonz Рік тому
@@scientificallyaccuratespino 3:20 and 5:10 I think
@scientificallyaccuratespino Рік тому
@@gm_gonz Thanks
@Legendary_Detective-Wobbuffet Рік тому
I have a coworker named Curtis, and your post is 190% him.
@PlasticEel Рік тому
My man curtis is so high on antidepressants he can't even focus lmao
@RedHotMessResell Рік тому
The way that monkey grabbed that mic with such confidence.😂 it’s almost like we are… related ? 🤷‍♀️😂
@itssimply.ririii Рік тому
haha its easy to tell that we evolved from them because theyre the only animal that moves like a human soometimes
@The_Dirt_Block Місяць тому
@@itssimply.ririiithe faces of monkeys and apes look also kinda human
@connortg5 Рік тому
you cannot imagine the serotonin i get from Giggles, they are amazing, precious, a treasure, a bird of the people, a comedian, 11/10 also dear god someone please get Curtis a therapist, or 5
@imjustslushy1323 11 місяців тому
@kanirabbit9408 Рік тому
6:26 The way Freya looks at the camera after her profound words of wisdom, pausing to let you take it in... her grace... her profile... truly a woman of the world. edit: came back to this and saw it got like 4k likes. if you're reading this, you're funny and everyone thinks you're cool
@Gulliolm Рік тому
1000 years of wisdom in those beautiful eyes
@whippethacreem7299 Рік тому
The Queen of Valkyries back at it again
@damienthomas8541 Рік тому
Your 1000th like 😌
@lunarnightingales8651 Рік тому
Freya's my favorite of the interviewees in these videos... such a distinguished lady!
@gabriella2682 Рік тому
She is queen. I adore all animals, but birds have always been my favoriteeee.
@MischiefAndTrickery Рік тому
Giggles was so hyped to be interviewed. What a lovely guy
@haramstuferot6393 Рік тому
I swear love him 💞
@revilostudios.173 Рік тому
Giggles when he gets interviewed: heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe 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heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehhehehehehehehehheehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehe- oh umm sorry about that..? hehe.. uhh
@v4l0ur7 Рік тому
​@@revilostudios.173 yes
@snoosy398 Рік тому
Me? 9h right the animal
@jP-zt8cz Рік тому
He’s just a kookaburra
@its.astro. Рік тому
Sultan is so comforting, i would love him as a friend
@sultanrshah Місяць тому
thx i appreciate it
@alexandriahurboda756 Рік тому
4:41 sultan thank you and ily for that ❤❤❤❤
@elliewellie_YouTube Рік тому
7:01 "Tyson, how does it make you feel when people call you scary?" Tyson: "Powerful"
@somethingelse4948 Рік тому
Tyson is M O T I V A T E D
@wipkpremium5691 Рік тому
Tyson: "I FEED OFF IT"
@reznorettee Рік тому
Honestly we could count that as a jumpscare lmao
@cyclonix187 Рік тому
@@reznorettee that scared the shit out of me
@lsswappedcessna Рік тому
I love how bald eagles look perpetually surprised but majestic, and then they make seagull noises. They're goofy, surprised and majestic, all rolled into one.
@death_m3t4l_octopus Рік тому
@kariak55 Рік тому
Bald eagles are honestly kind of jerks, too. I saw a bunch of ravens one time that clearly claimed some roadkill, and a bald eagle just swooped in out of nowhere and stole it from them. Like, dude, come on. It was clearly theirs. Ravens are also kind of jerks, but at least they’re funny and have personality.
@lsswappedcessna Рік тому
@@kariak55 The perfect bird for America. Goofy, silly, looks cool, and kind of a jerk.
@E_FoxSnowspirit Рік тому
So true lol
@juanit0tackit0tackito2 Рік тому
the Kingdom of GOD is coming…“Silver is for the kettle, and gold for the furnace, but The LORD is the tester of hearts- Bible” your heart is like discovered silver, dirty and not pure, when silver is purified it is melted over and over, to the point that when it’s melted and glows red hot, it is pure enough to see your own reflection in the puddle, so also does the LORD purify your heart, till HE can see HIS own reflection in it, seek the LORD and be reborn, ask The LORD to renew and restore you, repent and ask The LORD for HIS Salvation for those who seek will find and those who knock the door will be open unto them, no man is good, all are in need of salvation, Jesus died so that our sins will be wiped away and so that we could be made new, seek The Kingdom of GOD for if you would be wise you would be wise for yourself, pick up your cross and deny your flesh and follow the path of GOD, for The Kingdom of GOD is at hand, in JESUS MIGHTY NAME Amen and Amen
@ther0ck98 Рік тому
@cloudyskies9956 Рік тому
1:38 route is SOOOO CUTEEEEE OMGAHHH I could have my entire life ruined and I would see him and smile
@dadtookmytv Рік тому
Anyone else get a mini jump-scare when Tyson went for the mic?
@redredpanda_2 Рік тому
Nope, it's natural for animals to think there being fed, especially when they are hand fed so I see this all the time video or irl.
@halyoalex8942 Рік тому
I was kinda expecting it as a duality with Oreo but it was still REALLY fast 😅
@strawbawrri249 Рік тому
@@redredpanda_2 yeah but it was still a jumpscare if you weren't expecting it. Tyson is super cute though.
@coena9377 Рік тому
Yep, dropped my phone lol.
@smol-one Рік тому
No, your comment served as a warning, actually. So thank you. :)
@stealthlock6634 Рік тому
2:32 The fact you got to capture this entire call is so cool
@Sunrisepatch.WarriorCatz Рік тому
Probably the most hellish but cutest thing I’ve ever heard
@raheesh7101 10 місяців тому
In australia we here those exact noises multiple time a day in our yard and its pretty cool. Some birds let you hold them!
@calebmcintosh1991 Рік тому
I love kookaburras so much, I didn't even realize how much I missed their laughs. A facility I used to work at had three kookaburra chicks who I saw grow up from eggs, I was even the one to unofficially name them (donors are always the ones who "officially" name the zoo babies there). Cody, Rex, Fives, wherever you are out there, I miss you, buddies
@LuvlyLollipxpYT 11 місяців тому
@XTheJenovaProjectX Рік тому
Whoever is naming these animals is doing a great job.
@sweeetjuicetv Рік тому
route is so LITTLE the tiny mic is perfectly proportional for her 🥺😭😭
@E_FoxSnowspirit Рік тому
I never thought about that before but it is cuteeeeeee
@addictedperson 11 місяців тому
route sounds like a boy name though
@bacicinvatteneaca 8 місяців тому
@@addictedperson it's feminine in french. That e at the end represents a former schwah sound, because french started dropping the end sounds first of the masculine Latin, and had to keep on more sound in the feminine at each stage to keep them distinct (since only the original final sound was different) It means road, and in Latin rupta means broken
@addictedperson 8 місяців тому
@@bacicinvatteneaca oh
@robloxian900 Рік тому
Giggles because she is so cute. My evidence is when she talks and my most favorite part is 2:35 and 4:04. My second evidence is she is a type of bird which I love and also she is so funny with her replies when she’s so honest like when she is saying “YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!” That was very honest and her saying “Reeeeeeeeeeeeee.” Made my day.
@THEREALUTTP Місяць тому
Giggles is male
@i_post_stupid_stuff 9 місяців тому
Aurora saying "WALMART GUNS" made me crack up.🤣
@aila6814 Рік тому
Sydney slowly leaning in to munch on the mic is no doubt my favorite part everytime she does it.
@azpizzazz3442 Рік тому
lmao same got me every single time
@Hunter-dy2xy Рік тому
"If you don't dream to fly, you won't wake up with wings" Words to live by, Freya.
@juliechoi4053 11 місяців тому
1:17 Her(?) bird song really sounds like she's saying "Heheheheheh"! Is that why she's named "Giggles"? That's so adorable!!
@alexandriahurboda756 Рік тому
5:18 Curtis that’s we called *me and the audience stands up and said…* “self love and self care”
@boldyeller Рік тому
I'm a ranch hand at an animal sanctuary and it's the best job I've ever had. Feeding the animals in the morning and afternoon are my absolute favorite times of the day. It's amazing how each animal of every species (even the geese!) have such diverse personalities and ways of interacting. I've always loved animals, but I never developed as great an appreciation for them until I got this job! Keep the tiny mics coming!
@Nazo422 Рік тому
Any advice for someone who’d like to get into a job like that ?
@boldyeller Рік тому
@@Nazo422 Well, the people who own the sanctuary are good friends of mine, so I really just happened into the job when I was looking for work and ended up really enjoying it. BUT I would recommend just looking up information on local sanctuaries in your area and see if they need any help. Many sanctuaries hire people on more of a volunteer basis, but depending on their needs, you may be able to find some that offer paid positions. Hope you find something!
@gorpazorp7309 Рік тому
@boldyeller Рік тому
@@gorpazorp7309 huh?
@ClydeOnPluto Рік тому
Thank you for your awesome work! I’m sure the animals appreciate it :)
@hannahyamauchi839 Рік тому
Oh that was a PROPER kookaburra laugh from Giggles! Love the Aussie animal rep in this episode!
@Black-xd1gr 7 місяців тому
glad theres no one going “OoOh AuStRaLiA iS fAkE” or “AuStRaLiA iS uPsIdE dOwN
@Iatemultiplechildrentoday Рік тому
0:52 start of interviewing, THANK YOU MAYA FOR THIS MASTERPIECE!
@dasspanch01 Рік тому
I was falling off the bed when Curtis says "I'm just stuck with this face" XDDD I love him he is too funny and little bit creepy😂
@shawnbreckenridge9000 Рік тому
3:18 my boy Curtis is stoned, no doubt about it lol
@Soundhypno Рік тому
Yet another phenomenal edition of tiny mic, possibly the best content on the tube!
@lucidalice5334 Рік тому
Totally agree
@gabriella2682 Рік тому
I concur !
@user-si9nt6dv8v 10 місяців тому
5:45 some asmr right there
@emilyliang7134 11 місяців тому
giggles is so adorable!!! also i saw the hidden text
@evangeline8193 Рік тому
Route is the MOST PRECIOUS little thing ever!!!
@Doctor_17 Рік тому
Sultan's wisdom and also his honesty is so refreshing, because he's also working on his shy self.
@Arandompersonig Рік тому
Idk why but at 2:52 when you said the otters name was tucker I thought “my dogs name is tucker!! :O” I got so excited 😭
@pestpicque Рік тому
4:23 oh my god!!! he is so cute>
@mayahiga Рік тому
Giggles was on beat at 4:08
@gabriella2682 Рік тому
The beat go hard though
@pundertalefan4391 Рік тому
Giggles is awesome. I love Kookaburras.
@AimanZQ Рік тому
yeah it does!
@flooftyenthusiast Рік тому
no but he really was
@FLYYADIGG24 Рік тому
Whats the music
@sentientmeat96 Рік тому
Curtis is the most baked-looking animal i have ever laid eyes on. i love him also Freya is a gorgeous bird!
@Trebuh62016 8 місяців тому
a perfect name doesnt exis- **giggles walks in**
@SweetNSourAngel Рік тому
The thing that makes Syd the most happy is....✨Biting the mic✨
@angelsavage1333 Рік тому
I'd watch an entire video of just Penelope eating the same piece of peach and I wouldn't even be mad about it.
@katin6238 Рік тому
Animals chomping on food is just the best ASMR. Cannot stand hearing humans eat, but animals? ALL. THE. LIVE. LONG. DAY. (Especially porcupines. The frigging CUTENESS, omfg.)
@venturerweegee64 Рік тому
Penelope's partaking of peach was positively precious!
@fpcooper95 11 місяців тому
@nicholaelley8329 2 місяці тому
When the eagle said " walmart guns" that was so funny
@miriampraus2740 8 місяців тому
you have no idea how happy I am I found your channel 🥰
@KestrelDC Рік тому
The snakes getting scared of the microphone (or maybe Tyson thought it was food, it *is* about the right size) immediately after you said people think they're scary is perfect lmfao. For being one of the most common phobias, snakes sure are scaredy cats themselves! Sometimes my sand boa will be burrowed in her sand but have her face poking out and lift the corner of the lid to pour some water into her bowl and I'll just that little face shoot backwards into the sand. Also Curtis is such a mood lmfao. I wanna go love on all these animals but I know I wouldn't be able to, for a number of reasons. I want to love on every animal there is, but I know better enough to not just recklessly indulge that impulse and get mauled XD
@emiliasearcy-jorgensen8948 Рік тому
also have a snek and they got two moods. Ah! Existence is terrifying (I was holding you 20 minutes ago how is me filling up the water scary), or just food! Gimme!
@Akashathesilentassassin Рік тому
@@emiliasearcy-jorgensen8948 Aww, LMAO.
@sampagano205 Рік тому
Tyson is also a king snake and king snakes think practically anything they can fit their mouth around is food.
@Alexa-eq7zq Рік тому
My roommate has a snake. He's a corn snake. I am terrified of snakes so she has a blanket over the part of his aquarium that I can see when I walk by her room. I know logically they're more scared of me than I am of them, but for some reason that's not comforting when I think about the fact that I technically live with a snake
@Siberius- Рік тому
The microphone was wiggling around like how one would feed a snake. Hands be shakin'. Looked like he was going to try to latch on, so yea a feeding response makes the most sense I say. Definitely the worst kind of bite to get, but that boy is tiny so it still does next to nothing (since snake owners are generally okay with snakes and can avoid the psychological trauma element lol). When I had a Spotted Python, she only bit me once when I spooked her in dim light and she would have been sleeping. I adjusted my behaviour to not make that oopsie, and never got bit again. Just a strike, no mark, possible that she didn't even really open her mouth (like a silly hog nose). The only other time was when my father was holding her and I had a rock solid frozen rat in my hand near by, and she struck at it and got the back of my father's hand and latched on lol. I didn't see that coming at all. She usually took a hundred years to figure out how to eat a rat, and it was frozen. Very odd. Just waited a few moments for her to let go, since father didn't care none. Tiny little silly teethies.
@seal3249 Рік тому
1:29 the monkey is so cuteee
@KodyTheGreenCircle 12 днів тому
His name is Route❤❤❤
@vegon.begone Рік тому
Well spoken, beautiful, funny, INTELLIGENT. These interviews inspired me Giggles changed my life
@samlauchlan1703 8 місяців тому
These are so fun also the editing is incredible!!!
@JoyaLewisTheMusician Рік тому
Giggles is my favorite - he knows how to have a good day And Sultan’s just giving great life advice and then gets startles omg 😂😂
@tangerinefruit7205 Рік тому
6:55 I saw that one coming, Kingsnakes are always hungry it seems 😂. Silly snakes even try to eat themselves sometimes.
@candelapizano1047 Рік тому
Oreo is so adorable. He's not scary. I love him ❤ I actually love Pixel too because he's so beautiful and I'm from Argentina so 💞
@vickybonnell8293 Рік тому
You haven't changed a bit! Gorgeous! Thank you for more tiny mic!!!!
@giovanasoares3702 Рік тому
6:56 my boy didn't deny
@DreamskyDance Рік тому
Giggles and Penelope are the best :3 And Giggles genuinely did the "..*silence*... get out! .." thing at a dad joke about runners :D
@lasanniee Рік тому
i letteraly loved that, thank you for this interview 💓
@CloudEpik Місяць тому
I love these so much. Just pure serotonin
@itsemzily Рік тому
This is so cute - wish there was an overlay of what each animal is for the ones we may not see often or recognize
@blueygooey8899 Рік тому
Oh my god I was scanning my memory banks for that thick blue tongued lizard boy but came up blank 😩
@personagenerator Рік тому
@@blueygooey8899 Blue tongued skink
@LordCarledo Рік тому
Yeah, go full scientific name and native region on that info. I'm not scared to learn. Fun things...
@vanguardiris3232 Рік тому
A little chiron with their name and species, as if they're being interviewed for the local news!
@zzodysseuszz Рік тому
I recognised most of these as nearly all of them are Australian animals and I live around them in the wild. Like I see kookaburra’s, kangaroo’s, cockatoos and bearded dragons in the wild a lot.
@frecklefreak1467 Рік тому
All of them are so delightful and adorable! Oreo was such an adorable snake, and I loved the constant cuts back to Penelope munching on her peach. Quite frankly, I'd watch a full video of just Penelope snacking 😂 Another incredible addition to the series, and I look forward to more!
@icarusbinns3156 Рік тому
Oreo is adorable! So is Tyson
@MagsJaz Рік тому
You don’t understand how nostalgic it is to hear the kookaburras… I remember hearing those everyday before primary school.. tysm for bringing those old memories back :3
@prettypuff1 11 місяців тому
Very excited for these interviews. Perspectives we all need
@austinberry5696 Рік тому
I was not expecting that WALMART GUNS answer and it made me choke on air 😂
@TimeTheory2099 Рік тому
I hope that question was sarcasm, if i were an animal that would be my least favorite answer. More hairless apes with cheep guns.
@sillylittleowlguy2392 Рік тому
6:02 Preachin' to the choir.
@thedragonthatlovesskittles7132 Місяць тому
@Uwua-yn2le 11 місяців тому
Route is so adorable 😭✨i just love active and energetic animals, love him
@Cokiecat-et7ox 11 місяців тому
2:31 giggles was so happy and i love it
@ChevyboyCaprice_ Рік тому
2:35 that was awesome, if only Giggles laughed like that at the USB joke ❤️❤️❤️💯
@sydney_oj4819 Рік тому
The wisdom and love in Freyas eyes are palpable. My goodness I love that bird.
@fpcooper95 11 місяців тому
I feel like this one is the best, idk why but something was just so special about this one, and they're all so great 😅😂❤
@dakotadunzhaupt9681 5 місяців тому
I love how giggles legit waits for the punchline
@Jay-sl9jo Рік тому
"Oh good heavens!" killed me hahaha. Your style and sense of humor in these just get better and better.
@chihiro5156 Рік тому
1:21 but this jokes actually funny, though. 🤣 no wonder Gigles is laughing..
@xxhorsegirlxx1558 Рік тому
I love how Penelope just keeps on eating that peach slice 😂
@MementoVita 4 місяці тому
These videos are so wholesome🥰
@matrixiekitty2127 Рік тому
Waiting on the edge of my seat for Penelope’s personal rating of the peach, also Route is so adorable😭💖 they all are!
@strawbxrrypanic_ Рік тому
Penelope spent the whole video thinking about every attribute of that peach, I personally would call her a peach expert
@rembedi7636 Рік тому
I can’t understand how this person can be so freaking adorable and sweet? What??? Oh my goodness gracious amazing work keep it up- this really made me smile :)
@solidskullz5736 9 місяців тому
Giggles is very enthusiastic
@MagicalPuddinPops Рік тому
I legit missed Maya and it’s good to see her back
@phoenix_13 Рік тому
props to the people who named all of these lovely creatures!! they're all so fitting
@sophielee6717 Рік тому
I love these omggg
@Boxell_o7 Рік тому
These are my favorite videos of All Time
@Stoobid98 Рік тому
I love Syd because he always just eats the mic and Giggles because he/she (lol) actually laughs at your jokes.
@MrT_Rex Рік тому
3:27 yeah me too
@maddiejayce Рік тому
Penelope is the sweetest looking animal ever. I love Curtis’s face. Sultan is precious. I really hope Tyson got a treat since he was tricked by accident 🥺
@Vizslamum54321 Рік тому
I think Curtis is still pondering the question of his permanent smile😊! Love your tiny mic videos ♥️
@AwolSlayz Рік тому
Good video, glad to see tiny mic is back! Also I saw the secret text
@rosenia5409 Рік тому
2:30 I laughed so hard when Giggles said yes many times, omg I think I woke up the neighbor xD
@SteamHyenaz Рік тому
You are about 6 years old
@ethanshow_8369 Рік тому
@@SteamHyenaz oof
@Hazie. Рік тому
@@SteamHyenaz they can’t be, they have had the acc for 10 years
@sails3414 Рік тому
@@Hazie. lol
@smile-gg3le Рік тому
@@SteamHyenaz how??
@moon16879 Рік тому
"i think maybe a... 10 outta 10 yup! *slowly succumbs to the crushing weight of self doubt and insecurity* ok 4 outta 10" that little man is me fr fr
@idkimbored279 Рік тому
Oreo: "microphone scawy" Tyson: *N O M*
@HAPPYtobehappy Рік тому
1:23 The bird's name fits well as it Giggles
@tikayscake2416 Рік тому
The secret text needs more cryptic secrets Loved this ep of tiny mic Maya keep it upp
@alexandriahurboda756 Рік тому
6:33 freya thank you it was so beautiful and motivational in the same time😢
@blessure858 Рік тому
We need more ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@SuperSonic-vs2jw Рік тому
4:30 oh my GOD my parents have a king snake with that exact water bowl. His name is Kadier and he has a little heart shaped set of scales on his head. California King Snakes are lovers when you treat them right, people. That’s a promise.
@budgiebirb3409 Рік тому
Maya: "What's your favorite thing about America?" Aurora: "WALMART GUNS" Aurora is the most american eagle I've ever seen
@arelylopez3722 Рік тому
Did not expect to see an otter in one of these aaaaaa i love Tucker
@avthenas 8 місяців тому
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