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Markiplier Plays Raft W/Friends (FULL VOD) PART 1

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Markiplier Vods (Fan Channel)

Markiplier Vods (Fan Channel)

4 роки тому

@snoopy324 2 роки тому
i've been watching so many mark, bob, and wade videos and one thing i noticed is that there have been a fair amount of times where mark has been dying and freaking out and bob just goes "you in some kind of trouble?" and i love it.
@messyalien5164 2 роки тому
It's like an endless loop.
@emmaward8108 2 роки тому
You 8 o
@NJisaverage 2 роки тому
Bob has no care in the world lol
@snoopy324 2 роки тому
:o when did this get so many likes wtf, and why are there so many spam comments 😭
@ekamarie6632 2 роки тому
I like how he basically has the catchphrase “oh my god, you’re freakin wizard” anytime anyone does something kind of cool.
@xanderjames8682 4 роки тому
Because the character models are the same it made me laugh thinking its just one person who actually went crazy at sea
@chazking8137 4 роки тому
Bob: The calm, smart and productive personality Mark: The clueless and crazy personality Wade: The wild and angry personality
@xanderjames8682 4 роки тому
@@chazking8137 last one supposed to be wade im guessing. Yeah tht tracks
@chazking8137 4 роки тому
@@xanderjames8682 Yeh oops! Wrote bob by accident :/ thanks
@nakeysnakey6220 4 роки тому
Or what if it’s one person moving so fast it looks like there are three different ones
@maureenobrien9054 4 роки тому
Jack sparrow intensifys
@AStangeSoup 3 роки тому
"Sister husband Wade." Mark truly earned every last sub he has
@thegamingfrenzy698 2 роки тому
Especially all the subs from alabama
@messyalien5164 2 роки тому
All 30 million, every single one even mine, even yours, even his, even hers....
@thestrangemusician168 2 роки тому
I would like, but the count is at 666 and I just can't mess it up
@AStangeSoup 2 роки тому
@@thestrangemusician168 understandable
@heyitshay297 2 роки тому
I was the 666th like lol
@leannsimmons9930 3 роки тому
Mark literally was holding enough materials to make almost everything bob and wade needed
@fishingwithyogi3432 3 роки тому
Theres no “mark” in team
@thehorrorarcadepreductions9451 3 роки тому
@@fishingwithyogi3432 That's almost fully true!
@anxieteadraws3538 2 роки тому
@@fishingwithyogi3432 What about the 'M'? Does that not count?
@trashcan7140 2 роки тому
@@anxieteadraws3538 it does not
@orthusgames9888 2 роки тому
He's that guy you go to in prison who has everything everyone needs...
@Ivizz-cm9km 3 роки тому
Mark: i love how our team just works. Also mark: I WILL BE IN YOUR THROAT
@alexandria5422 4 роки тому
i love how this went from "I dOnT lIkE wHeN yOu TaLk WAAADE" to "ah yes thank, you are great bob you're welcome wade"
@gqmm286 2 роки тому
keep the likes at the ha ha funny number of 69
@peterpumpkineater6928 Рік тому
@@gqmm286 someday 690
@katsukibakugou2582 27 днів тому
That day is today, and that like was me >:)​@@peterpumpkineater6928
@tomtenthij5676 13 днів тому
He's a Hero
@rememberization 3 роки тому
The guys: Constantly complaining they’re out of planks. Me: Watches a twenty-foot tall Jenga tower worth of wood float away.
@idk_imbored77 2 роки тому
What time stamp is that?
@MysticSkyes 2 роки тому
@Cassandra Hartsgrove wait are you guys talking about the abandoned rafts?
@kaleishy404 2 роки тому
@Cassandra Hartsgrove @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@s@s@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@s@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@ss@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ss@@@@s@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@s@@@@@@s@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@ss@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ss@s@@s@@@@@@@@s@@@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@ss@@@s@@@ss@@@s@@s@@s@@@@@@s@@@@ss@@sss@@@@s@@@@@@@s@s@ss@@@@@s@@@@@s@s@@s@s@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@s@s@@@@@@@@ssss@@@s@@@@@@@@ss@@@@s@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@@@ss@@@@@@@s@@@@@ ss s s z!s@qzq@@zq@@s s zas@s@zqzq@z@s sqzssq@q ss z@@qs@ssqzqq@s@s ss@zq s ss s@@@z@qz@ss ss zq
@josephprezzy8320 2 роки тому
@Cassandra Hartsgrove ok I kk
@josephprezzy8320 2 роки тому
Nionjon o on o
@WhatNobodyExpects 4 роки тому
Mark: *so when someone donates A kidney there a hero but when I donate 5 I’m a killer and I’m arrested?* Every body: Yes
@davidjohn8056 4 роки тому
Philip Beckley You used the wrong there
@shaquifabruh9150 3 роки тому
What I I gotta
@fireflame413 3 роки тому
what if he has an odd medical condition for his kidneys, where they just keep multiplying?
@charmedrools1 3 роки тому
do you know there is a person, or was i forget if he died or not, that had 4 kidneys in his living body.
@choofiewoo4875 3 роки тому
Mystery hero donates 500 kidneys to a hospital
@thetableoflegend9814 2 роки тому
Less then 2 minutes in “Brother-Wife Mark” This is gonna be a good stream
@average_baconhair2007 2 роки тому
Yeah my mom came down with a rare disease called ligma………… balls!
@PeacefulWasteland 2 роки тому
@@average_baconhair2007 that is a over used joke
@bobbohobbo5836 2 роки тому
@@PeacefulWasteland So is......... your momma
@PeacefulWasteland 2 роки тому
@@bobbohobbo5836 hahaha, not, funny
@bobbohobbo5836 2 роки тому
@@PeacefulWasteland you know what else is not funny...... your momma
@TheGuardingDark 2 роки тому
"Might I have a potate?" Still makes me giggle
@alexandriayoung8759 4 роки тому
I like uncut content
@bridgettuft3008 4 роки тому
@TragerM 3 роки тому
Should I ask if that also means uncircum------- errrr, nebbermind... (innocent humming)
@slendercreep 3 роки тому
@@TragerM dang you beat me
@byxitsjh6fdh631 3 роки тому
same here man
@charmedrools1 3 роки тому
i like to consume longer, uncut things too
@guerney2000 2 роки тому
When you realize that sharks don't usually actively hunt humans for food, that even if they are territorial, the guys covered significant distance and the shark is still there, and they proved to be much harder to kill than they're worth, I can come to only one conclusion - those sharks are doing it out of pure spite. I can respect that.
@whaleman1358 2 роки тому
The sharks territory is the water in their blood
@guerney2000 2 роки тому
@@whaleman1358 Anchor goes in the water, Mark goes in the water. Shark's in the water. Their shark. Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies...
@whaleman1358 2 роки тому
@@guerney2000 yoooo thanks I had closed youtube and this reply in my notifications allowed me to finish the vid
@andreasletsplay4845 2 роки тому
No he just wanted a autograph from them
@gclifton63 2 роки тому
@constantine7534 3 роки тому
Mark: ‘*puts beet in shoe*’ My brain: “Beats New........... *SHOES* !!!!!!!!!!
@nathangilbreath788 2 роки тому
Shoes by Dre
@messyalien5164 2 роки тому
*DiReCtIvE!?* Edit: *(WALL-E reference)*
@kalebjones5649 2 роки тому
Me: when seeing the shoe first -_- "what is the shoe for" Mark: Beet in Shoe Me now: "died from laughing to hard"
@chancematters 2 роки тому
I’ve watched this several times as I went to sleep and such, which is great because every time it’s like a new video when I watch the parts I slept through!
@kythwilde4654 2 роки тому
@ellenalouise8569 2 роки тому
Omg same!
@charlynroberts5063 2 роки тому
I love waking up to see it's on cause that happens to me every time!
@wolfehowls9435 2 роки тому
Exactly what I did
@scarlettedington7679 2 роки тому
I now same
@Maxilche 3 роки тому
If anybody asked; "Where's Jack?"... He's playing 'Man Eater' here... He's the shark eying their @$$ and toes...
@m.otoole7501 3 роки тому
"Gimme them toes! Gimme them wobbly knees!"
@The_Mahrtian 3 роки тому
“Gimme those but cheeks”
@The_Mahrtian 3 роки тому
@Elena young yeah I know
@kingderper928 3 роки тому
@@The_Mahrtian Why can i hear him saying this?
@bethanyjones2868 3 роки тому
He also made a raft series with the Irish lads.
@Hauntedmoth2105 2 роки тому
Wade: I need rope! Were out of rope! Mark: yeah it's unfortunate. [ proceeds to make a million rope for himself]
@phantomdecor5758 2 роки тому
These are really nice to just listen to while I’m working on art
@Natatattatification 2 роки тому
Yep. I like listening to long vods when working on my sewing
@shroomsyblooms 2 роки тому
same, currently cross stitching while listening :D
@SergeantDC 2 роки тому
Whatchu drawing buster?
@ih8evry1eqlly88 2 роки тому
Same, except Skyrim. I'm not artistic
@kalebjones5649 2 роки тому
i agree he gives me some inspiration to draw about the video
@laylax2672 2 роки тому
5:16 Mark was so scared he defied the laws of gravity and hopped out of the water entirely
@reillyleach2193 Рік тому
Raft moment
@thetimeempress1518 4 роки тому
Placeholder 2:53:00 3:00:16 good seagull Bye, seagull 3:03:36 Double Sail 3:08:36 Big Shark Dies 3:12:24 Bob has left the chat 3:15:52
@quinnbailey3416 2 роки тому
I love how no matter how popular mark got, he still stuck with the same friends.
@I_Eat_Lemons 2 роки тому
@@TraumaBeast What the hell is wrong with you?
@Foxboi681 2 роки тому
@@TraumaBeast hmmm... sure Sean has changed, but he's not fake. He just matured and screams less lmao. I've been watching both for years and they both changed quite a lot imo. But that doesn't mean they changed for the worse..
@ang3lic_b3ing Рік тому
@@TraumaBeast THIS. this is the reason i refuse to watch jack. hes changed far too much, barely does lets plays anymore, and doesn’t appreciate his fans nearly as much as mark does.. we love markimoo!!
@boopboop9313 Рік тому
@boopboop9313 Рік тому
@@ang3lic_b3ing of course hes changed just because he isnt thanking us for every penny we give him doesnt me he doesnt appreciate us we dont need him sucking our dick every minute he gets
@thetimeempress1518 4 роки тому
A good look at the raft 3:20:44 ZipZapBob 3:21:38 4 Smelters 3:25:34 World Saved 3:26:16 You Right 3:27:02 Bad Connection 3:28:08 Abrupt Ending 3:28:50
@KittyBoi69420 2 роки тому
1 whole year no reply’s?? Wait… now there’s a reply noooooooo
@mueeefi Рік тому
Now you got two replies after commenting this two years ago… congratulations
@Kiri_IsHere 10 місяців тому
3 replies three years after
@EmmyHatesChu 4 роки тому
Please keep posting . I can never watch streams so this is great.
@gqmm286 2 роки тому
@maddoxmares8652 2 роки тому
does he stream on twitch or something?
@3reeormorecharacters 2 роки тому
@tatum1213 4 роки тому
bro are we gonna ignore how fricken polluted this water is i mean i get it they need scraps but goddam
@cathie9504 4 роки тому
maybe there was civilization then a great flood came wiped everything out and that is the remains of what was before the flood 🤔
@adityaagarwal2381 4 роки тому
@@cathie9504 ur right lol, the campaign ends with you finding a oil rig type building and there are newspapers from 2030 that talk about the ice caps melting and the planet flooding
@chrisc2497 3 роки тому
just like real life
@ethansgamingchannel9806 3 роки тому
O origins
@ethansgamingchannel9806 3 роки тому
O origins
@eleithias 2 роки тому
26:30 Lol was hilarious Wade speed building raft sections, mark looks at the water, then turns back around Wade's like *shoop* whole new section of raft
@katthawthorne1027 3 роки тому
I need more three and a half hour let's plays in my life
@astridstarr2787 2 роки тому
I know! They’re amazing for sleeping
@katthawthorne1027 2 роки тому
@@astridstarr2787 I like to have them on while I'm working ^_^ (Also, my middle name is Astrid!)
@roundedsinger49 2 роки тому
Bob: calm down, calm down Mark: No, I won’t Bob: Taters!?
@leahw193 3 роки тому
Me: This is too long to watch Also Me: *3 hours later* That was worth it
@glitterrave453 2 роки тому
@Duplizapper what's your deal dude?
@kalebjones5649 2 роки тому
i watch the whole video with no stopping
@DinoLover_ 11 місяців тому
Exactly!! Every time me and my family see a live from him, we think “omg, that will be a long time..” and then we end up watching the whole thing until 12:00 am! 🤣🤣 he’s so entertaining and so good with humor that you can’t stand the fact that you didn’t see it all! 🤣🤣
@infestedribcage 2 роки тому
i love rewatching this as background noise and listen to the asmr of three big man babies bicker with each other like brothers
@kraken8255 4 роки тому
Love how mark just uploaded a part of this video and I search raft and ended up finding this your are a legend my friend 🦑
@pinkkniife 4 роки тому
Literally same
@kraken8255 4 роки тому
@@pinkkniife love how ors the full thing too
@nate9022 4 роки тому
Lol same
@anabelestevez1108 4 роки тому
Agreed. Love ❤️ you for this.
@kazneal7717 Рік тому
Pretty sure its mark, because I remember him and Bob talking about it. Like Bob tried getting the channel flagged and mark was like "yeah no, thats me. Thanks though!" "I got your back buddy" laughing.
@lordaragon901 2 роки тому
Me and my friends are also doing a multiplayer of this, it’s super efficient to have like different sectors. At first when we were still building up we only had one raft but what we did was we made multiple separate areas connected by bridges, kinda like separate rafts part of one raft cluster. We assigned specific zones like zone 1 was the crafting sector, zone 2 was general storage, zone 3 was food and water sector, zone 4 was the garden/farming sector, while in the middle of the 4 zones was one big area called zone 0 which was basically the base zone where we eventually had like a big building and each had our own rooms inside with our own beds. We had a navigator who was stationed at zone 0 cuz that’s where the sail was which we eventually replaced with the engine and rudders. We had one friend assigned to each of the other zones, like one friend was in charge of zone 1 and handled putting ores in the furnaces and then putting smelted ores in the storage sector. One friend was in charge of the food and water sector and basically handled fishing, cooking and managing the water purifiers. One was in charge of the garden sector and handled planting and harvesting, and then there was me the builder/planner who built and designed everything and decided on all the arrangements of stuff. I handled repairs, and expansion, although we eventually stopped expanding horizontally and instead vertically and I was in charge of building the upper floors, each of the 4 sectors now has 3 floors and the base zone 0 now has 4 floors. We’re well aware there’s a story to follow so our navigator is in charge of that.
@phenomrocky3627 2 роки тому
Bob’s reactions are the best. “I learned table, holy sh*t!”
@nicholas6369 2 роки тому
Bruh I'm not joking as soon as I read this comment Bob said that holy shit what are the odds
@scottwpilgrim 2 роки тому
Bob has the best kind of comedy. It's infectious and rib-breaking.
@phenomrocky3627 2 роки тому
@@scottwpilgrim I Absolutely agree!
@LegoEngineer003 4 роки тому
Note for myself: sleeping, pick up at 2:00:00
@nate9022 4 роки тому
@lydia8226 4 роки тому
I wonder if they woke up yet
@LegoEngineer003 4 роки тому
Lydia Imus Unfortunately, yes
@Kitsune-gx7km 4 роки тому
Smart bro
@CheapRobot 2 роки тому
It is honestly impressive how much the devs put into this game. You could play this game forever.
@scottwpilgrim 2 роки тому
Check out the Reddit and see some of the greatest pirate ships come to life! 😂😂😂
@CheapRobot 2 роки тому
@@scottwpilgrim thanks I will
@demiseitrofv 3 роки тому
Mark’s vocal range is crazy Bob always makes me laugh Wade as Peter Lorre is 🤣
@gqmm286 2 роки тому
mark casually makes nine rope bob two seconds later we need rope
@piggy761 2 роки тому
Mark: All of our characters are male Also Mark Bob and Wade: *All have on the female character option*
@Vatsyayana87 2 роки тому
Thats the result of PC Pussyism.
@Crimson0001 4 роки тому
People who after Markiplier's video, can click this 1:07:24 Second: 2:22:31
@Plastikhalo 4 роки тому
Thank u
@Crimson0001 4 роки тому
Your welcome :)
@JMANGREEN 4 роки тому
Thank you m8
@tg1900 4 роки тому
@hahacatgoprrrrrr7025 4 роки тому
@Taco-Seller 2 роки тому
"That's definitely jizz, but all of our characters are males" - Markiplier
@fart676 Рік тому
I was staying up late watching some UKposts like I usually do, but then I randomly just fell asleep. I slept for a whole two hours of this and I woke up hearing “hey can we cook this tree?”
@stevenholt5210 3 роки тому
Is it just me or is the thumbs up the characters give when placing things satisfying. Lol
@theulmitter5725 4 роки тому
Mark's probably going to spread this over 7 videos. But I have found this hahahaha
@christianchilds5911 2 роки тому
Man this is a year old but I really love how they keep asking Bob if it's okay to eat and he keeps going yep yep yep yep go ahead guys have fun and they just keep on asking
@finwick3253 Рік тому
It's like that one SpongeBob episode with that conch shell
@aubrey9694 3 роки тому
I am so confused rn i saw this in my recommended and i was like "oh cool Marks playing raft" and I'm at 2:34:57 and just realized that this vod is over a year old
@kitkatpita6703 2 роки тому
Lol me too broski
@squggus 4 роки тому
i would love to see mark and wade and bob beat this game, together, but i don't think they will knowing mark.
@ChrisVang93 4 роки тому
What do you mean?
@shikarifox4337 4 роки тому
He seemed to genuinely enjoy playing it and he asked if Wade could save it so don't rule out a continuation.
@gabiee_9137 3 роки тому
Then you’re wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
@holydracoeva2476 3 роки тому
there's an ending?
@raffila 2 роки тому
The reason they cant get to "ending" is they never mention that by ignoring "quests", they're missing the actual game. The story content is intense and fascinating. Finishing quests gets you to islands where you learn more, discover animals and nuclear reactors. A huge cast of inhabitants who came before. Its not a survival only game. Its complex, rewarding, end of the world mystery. Mark is in chapter 1. Serious players are eagerly awaiting chapter 3 release. Its a long long way to the "ending". Hasnt been written yet
@Sir_Bonesly 2 роки тому
No matter how many times I watch this, the "cringiest bit ever" at 2:00 always makes me laugh and smile
@BinkyDoinkus 3 роки тому
1:29:30. Best impression ive ever heard. The boys were probably so confused. It sounded like the real trap sh!t.
@hannaherickson2713 4 роки тому
I’m so happy I saw this! I wanted to see more when the other video ended 😂
@swifteeeeee Рік тому
There is another one but u commented this 2 yrs ago so
@chibi_kiwi3294 4 роки тому
Thank you for making this cuz now I don't hav to wait to see the raft vids
@jessicamcglaughlin9152 3 роки тому
I don’t watch twitch streams, or any streams in general, but I did the math and in the individual vids mark post (outros and all) it’s a total of: 4 hours, 52 minutes The pt 1 and pt 2 you post unedited is a total of: 5 hours. So I am missing valuable content if I didn’t watch this
@sleepykitty8918 3 роки тому
You should watch both. One is complete, the other has fun edits. I'm going to watch this one first then later, when I feel like watching again' I can watch the edited ones for a bit of flair :D
@kara7229 3 роки тому
It makes me so happy to see them together. This is how I deal with my depression so thank you Mark!!
@fallon-grey5896 2 роки тому
This isn’t Mark, it’s a re upload from his Twitch stream by a fan
@saucesaucesaucesauce1380 2 роки тому
@@fallon-grey5896 but it is mark, its just not uploaded by mark actually it was uploaded by mark, it just wasnt uploaded by mark on youtube
@Banidil 3 роки тому
Its relaxing but also a constant terror of wondering when the shark will attack lol.
@3DPDK 2 роки тому
The person you guys are fumbling around mimicking (2:39:33) is Peter Lorre, an Hungarian actor from the late 1920s to the mid 1960s. Many of his rolls were of the "lackey", subservient, right-hand-man type of character. He played in "gang-land", mobster type movies as well as in many horror and psychological thrillers in that type of roll. The common mistake is that people use his Hungarian accent and unique voice as a catch-all "Igor" character, but he never actually played a character specifically named "Igor". He was caricaturized by Warner Bros. in several Bugs Bunny cartoons as Igor, but the cartoon character was never voiced by Peter Lorre himself.
@reivax6368 2 роки тому
50% game, 25% bullying Wade, 25% Mark making weird combos of words
@sarrrilee6303 4 роки тому
I love this so much, thank you! I really want to download this I've watched it at least 10 times (11 counting this time) you're awesome
@vedritmathias9193 3 роки тому
Mark and friends: HOT GRILLS IN YOUR AREA!
@old3rbrother Рік тому
"Aw, I didn't know we were going for a b***h ass island." *Mark* "Yeah, well Wade"
@stonedflow Рік тому
Me, my brother and my dad met Mark, Bob, wade, and Jack years ago at indie pop con, I was not mentally prepared for the height difference between Bob/Wade, and Mark
@Jester666X 3 роки тому
It's a shame you can't use the shark head for a scarecrow
@gorb065 2 роки тому
“If I’m gonna be scared of something it’s gotta be big and beefy.”
@princessblazena 2 роки тому
But that still doesn't scare him, he just respects the power 😜😂
@kotabee3630 2 роки тому
Thanks for posting these!
@gothickitten243 2 роки тому
I like how they're just calling everything cute and adorable
@deegermain9470 4 роки тому
"I need another bowl for my soup. There is more soup." Well go to the other aisle! "THERE'S MORE SOUP!" WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BOWLS IN A SOUP STORE! "FUCK YOU!"
@stephanymckellip3078 2 роки тому
Only the true pro’s understand this reference
@finalbreath15 2 роки тому
First thing mark does: tries to throw hook at wades head.
@hazmatiouse 10 місяців тому
Mark: I want a big shark, this shark small Raft: I got you pall
@skylord6462 2 роки тому
I love how Mark stares at like things he needs underwater and just doesn't get it
@butwhyyyythough 2 роки тому
I understand everyone's playstyle is different, but the OCD in me was wondering why he wasn't sweeping the ocean floor of everything it had half way thru the video😭 I wanted Mark to grab all of the copper and metal ore he could find lol. With that being said, this video was a joy to watch!! 😃
@TwoMisdirections Рік тому
i got my corn dogs, i got chocolate pudding, and im ready to watch all 3 hours of this
@theothenbrabbit998 Рік тому
I have found someone rewatching this
@nicolechannell9022 11 місяців тому
“The wind doesn’t really change” *wind changes*
@kaleenkelley6903 2 роки тому
I've watched this whole raft thing more then 20 times it's so funny I love this
@sneakyheathen4164 2 роки тому
Bob does the best whiny Mark impression 🤣☠️
@Aemilla 4 роки тому
This is really making me appreciate Lixian's editing skills. Thank you for recording and posting the uncut version!
@iamupinacloud Рік тому
I really APPREESH these uploads!
@sndawihc6713 3 роки тому
they should add giant abandoned rafts with a lot of loot but they sink really fast.
@ghastlyangelix 2 роки тому
Is this a joke? Because they already have this
@Verifiedsinger Рік тому
I can't stop laughing when Mark starts singing "I picked up a dry brick, should I put it in the research table, really quick and I researched to myself"...In the voice of Louis Armstrong 😆😆😆😆
@faithartist8565 Рік тому
My dudes, I just sneezed at the same time mark sneezed, and it almost sounded like Bob said "was that a violent sneeze" to me... I've never felt more loved by a person who will die never knowing I existed
@backfromthepast324 2 роки тому
Honestly such a good content creator. Amazing video.
@okraleon_262 Рік тому
"If I'm gonna be scared of something, it's gotta be big and beefy." *they added the rhino shark a few years after this.*
@linknotzelda Рік тому
These are great to listen to as I’m falling asleep, so I can randomly laugh as I dose off! 😂😊
@risksandhope1849 Рік тому
Every time I watch these I get the urge to play Raft. I'd be interested to see them play a bit with the update to the raft decorations
@JJ-kc2nx 2 роки тому
'you have arms like a god, all you must do is outstretch them' was a beautiful quote that I was not expecting to hear
@livia251 3 роки тому
I really preesh this kind of immaculate content
@mikejohnson7725 Рік тому
"you gotta be cold, and you gotta be hard to succeed in life" -markiplier 2020
@smalls4325 2 роки тому
Mark: it needs to be big and beefy to actually scare me Also mark: 5:16
@werner1 2 роки тому
These videos extremely entertaining and satisfying to watch, great teamwork!
@stephanie1733 2 роки тому
This is by far my favorite series.
@dorisrutaquio8204 2 роки тому
Wade: I do need some water tho Mark: mul mul mul mul????? I love him sm! To people who dunno mul=water in korean hehehe
@zombievomitxd 2 роки тому
Why did I forget Mark was part Korean and was shocked when he said 물
@naiomig3358 2 роки тому
Cant wait to see the ending to this series!!! Lol I'm so excited!!
@iam_eeeryes4608 Рік тому
this took me 2 days and 4 hours to watch, worth it
@alphagames1498 3 роки тому
Literally Mark's moddo " if I'm going to be scared of something it needs to be big and beefy!"😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
@fallon-grey5896 2 роки тому
*motto 🙂
@Cachorro619 2 роки тому
Mark: That shark is fast Me: telling mark sharks swim at 31 mph
@donkeyman699 2 роки тому
The shark hunting them is a great white. They swim 35 mph and sharks dont swim 34 mph much only for like 5 seconds before they get tired.
@nikolab.4065 10 місяців тому
Way better than their full release playthrough, much more relaxing
@grap3lamps 11 місяців тому
This man comforts me when im crying 10/10 distraction
@TheGentleman104 3 роки тому
Ironically I watched their scrap mechanic VOD right before I came here Game sound: "hey,Mark is crafting lots of rope,let's make it sound like his character is chewing on bones!"
@rcand1469 4 роки тому
Thx... more pls...
@kaperjuice 4 роки тому
Thank you for this 👌
@mandalf2717 2 роки тому
Nothing is better than watching Mark Bob and Wade play games 😂
@ravenkilmer7490 2 роки тому
I've been inspired to draw bob as tiana for his amazing shark grilling skillz
@RhizomeRoots 2 роки тому
Anyone else remember when the Raft player character was literally just a fucking pair of floating arms
@buybacksniper4140 2 роки тому
Hay mark during covid your vids made a whole year Better u don't know what I would do without you
@linksbetweendrinks7032 Рік тому
This was a delightful stream. It only filled me with slight burning rage every time they failed to use fore, aft, starboard, or port.