Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter

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Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter. This was amazingly intense...
George: / georgenotfound
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We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is not the other rendition of it, where there is an assassin. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin"
This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. My friend George tries to beat the game, while I try to prevent him from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.
If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again!
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin

@dream 2 роки тому
Subscribe, you can always change your mind later :)
@axed6925 2 роки тому
Yes sir
@kagamine6512 2 роки тому
Hi Dream
@pedroo5690 2 роки тому
Huh what
@hungnguyenvan-ng9ks 2 роки тому
@Rwar69 2 роки тому
Already subbed -
@chipcroswell1738 4 роки тому
*"Task failed successfully."*
@jami2580 4 роки тому
What do you mean
@humblebrian1978 4 роки тому
@@jami2580 Yes
@MikeyNowKura 4 роки тому
666 don't ruin the streak
@jami2580 4 роки тому
@@MikeyNowKura exactly
@MikeyNowKura 4 роки тому
I like how as soon as I said that someone ruined the streak
@minionleadergru 3 роки тому
George: **frantically running away trying not to die** Dream: goes fishing
@nicfamelli 3 роки тому
yea xD
@ericsauce0 3 роки тому
yea xD
@biggecheeze 3 роки тому
yea xD
@gamerkevink 3 роки тому
yea xD
@LGNDPND 3 роки тому
yea xD
@sajid_43_d_82 Рік тому
Watching this on Dream's POV looks like a strategic play But Watching this on George's POV looks like a horror movie 😂
@itzfaresgamingyt Рік тому
fr lol
@user-wy3oe9uc3z 10 місяців тому
For real
@Green_Cameraman1 9 місяців тому
@Jellybean-cf7tm 8 місяців тому
So true lol
@Queen_here69 6 місяців тому
​@@Green_Cameraman1so what?
@austinsmith17 Рік тому
When dream plays strategy game when George plays survival horror
@kodzuken4160 Рік тому
fr the music makes it worse too😭
@donovanisabeast1946 Рік тому
@@kodzuken4160 better*
@kolinneangelapatayan5645 7 місяців тому
@Blank16244 7 місяців тому
Yeah even George cant hide and cant run
Dream: Oh shit i lost everything Dream (1 second later): nevermind.
@djsalad7891 4 роки тому
That was literally his plan
@spudfellow5514 4 роки тому
*bad pun incoming* Dream (1 second later): I guess that was just a dream
@TarsonTalon 4 роки тому
Joker: "All he needs is a little...PUSH!" Boop.
@williamsiegfried8675 4 роки тому
It was part of his plan :/
@Rick16701 4 роки тому
@@williamsiegfried8675 He is talking of the end
@mr.mcpenguino3754 4 роки тому
George: Oh I... I thought you were dead. Dream: My death was... greatly exaggerated.
@glitch_the_pix 4 роки тому
Nice Megamind reference
@hosay. 4 роки тому
TheDualDuetists that’s a weird way of pronouncing *Mark Twain*
@angelajayne7463 4 роки тому
Your profile is the face of humor
@davidraine2217 4 роки тому
@@hosay. Yes! finally someone else gets it!
@horizonh3098 3 роки тому
also every supernatural character ever too
@R4shid Рік тому
27:10 Dream missing mlg 27:35 Dream killing George with nothing
@jaydonroberts1110 Рік тому
George: *mad as heck that Dream planted his spawn near the end portal*
@cemileaycibin9062 6 місяців тому
Yes hahaha
@muzammilaltafmulla 5 місяців тому
George was punched to death by Dream😂
@Somethingrandom_yt 5 місяців тому
Thanks for the spoiler alert
@xIvoryRosex 4 місяці тому
​@@Somethingrandom_ytmate it's been up for a year 🤣🤣
@hichicken4523 9 місяців тому
I like how Dream never dies for him being the hunter, but died in the worst place posible and still manage to win.
@spyxle6213 4 роки тому
The end is the equivalence of stepping on a leaf and it crunches perfectly
@isaiahgifford9990 4 роки тому
It was more like you step on a leaf and it wasn't crunchy, then the very next leaf crunched so damn hard
@addie2035 4 роки тому
@BobbySmith222 4 роки тому
I wanted george to win
@addie2035 4 роки тому
Special Microwave sorry, but when has that happened?
@Ikeyy 4 роки тому
brrPlays Pokémon exactly his point
@thydokhanhpho489 4 роки тому
Minecraft Speedrunner vs. in a Nutshell: Dream: *GEEEOOOOORRGE~* George: *Oh, DRREEEEEEAAAMM~*
@scarlamite1688 4 роки тому
you forgot all the omg'eds
@missing840 4 роки тому
Ahegao intensives
@thome581 4 роки тому
@karantr2075 4 роки тому
“Minecraft but” in a nutshell: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE
@luistzunun-caxaj1961 4 роки тому
Never say that again
@Li_tells Рік тому
It was weird seeing Dream as a hunter. But you can tell he is a speedrunner at heart. And at the end of the day we still got the Dream move, so I am very happy.
@gravity3471 Рік тому
8:58, this is the proof of George using his brain to the maximum
@user-gn6dx4iw7k 9 місяців тому
ok dude dont do him like that
@hellomypeople9070 5 місяців тому
@@user-gn6dx4iw7ki will
@caesar_0015 3 роки тому
11:13 George: „Who is that?“ Dream: „Get out!“ Bad: *sad villager noise*
@Kaydays0 3 роки тому
@insecuree8194 3 роки тому
@violet634 3 роки тому
ik kinda made me sad bc he had the villager noise on point!!!
@catgirl9392 3 роки тому
I N S E C U R EE ?
@_JustJoe 3 роки тому
I N S E C U R EE ?
@massivecowbreakout7555 3 роки тому
Dream: (softly) ohh no I feeell George: Seems legit
@lord_khufu 3 роки тому
Massive Cow Breakout 755 If he actually fell without the bed, he would scream lol
@seraphinaday4748 3 роки тому
Best. Acting. Ever.
@UncertifiedBruh 3 роки тому
@Beese Churger u ask me bots lol
@shawnaroth7430 3 роки тому
Oh no.
@user-bc4nn1rs5i 3 роки тому
Where this moment?
@ojasngp Рік тому
I like how you can hear so much excitement and breath in dream's laugh at 9:26
@lyraparker4258 Рік тому
u can hear how proud dream was when gog escaped his portal trap
@joopslmao 3 роки тому
my favorite part is when dream goes "i lost all my stuff..." and then continues to open a chest with all his stuff.
@MISSDARKOSARA 3 роки тому
My favorite part was "i literally suck" and then he hits George down to the void😂😂😂 Español: mi parte favorita fue "yo literalmente apesto" y luego tira a George al vacio 😂😂😂
@abacaba_ 3 роки тому
@frisk no one understands what you are saying
@tachycardia790 3 роки тому
@@abacaba_ yeah
@ignaciolopez6924 3 роки тому
@@MISSDARKOSARA hahaahahaha xD español: jajajajajaj xD
@BartholomewHiggins816 3 роки тому
@@abacaba_ he said dream x goerge=DreamNotFound
@bun2738 3 роки тому
“ughhh i literally suck” *punches george into void*
@AzenAnimation 3 роки тому
He said it to trick george to make george think that he was 100% gonna win.
@thecinere4323 3 роки тому
@@AzenAnimation mind games
@lukestacey9250 3 роки тому
Lol just the final: "bye George"
@Celticshade 3 роки тому
i genuinely didnt expect that ending to this video, he slept in the bed and i totally forgot XD
@itsFnD 3 роки тому
@@Celticshade same thing
@jackieobermeier9633 Рік тому
I always love coming back to this video when it was just these two. So sweet and wholesome
@chanulopatha 20 днів тому
The good ol' days, when 2 friends were playing manhunt for fun ❤ (Not saying that the new vids are bad or anything😊)
@-Eren_Ye4ger 3 роки тому
Me seeing 40 seconds left in the video: "Oh man.. He lost" Dream: "I'm about to end this mans whole career"
@thesabersvr9519 3 роки тому
Yes exactly
@theteardrop615 3 роки тому
Plz dont slap me
@theteardrop615 3 роки тому
@Nish The Great Ow
@user-mw6fm5ht4m 3 роки тому
@@theteardrop615 slap
@theteardrop615 3 роки тому
@a Ow
@SrtaWoods-fy9eq 3 роки тому
Dream: *dies* Me, knowing that there's like half a minute left: oh ok here we go
@justgiz 3 роки тому
that is why I try my best to not look at the current progress. It's spoilery. But once i remembered his bed. I knew it was all over.
@mustafa_mahfuz 3 роки тому
i clicked off the video when dream died
@coolkid678 3 роки тому
@mustafa_mahfuz 3 роки тому
@@waterman3838 i know then i watched a 200iq dream video, then i got to know what happened later
@skateblade9543 4 місяці тому
Props to George for reaching the end🤯
@p0_0rtal 8 місяців тому
the ending was literally 2 plot twists
@miku4977 4 роки тому
dream sounds like a serial killer when he starts saying "ohhhhh georgeeee"
@blank2303 4 роки тому
its that guy from The Shining
@Blorckits 4 роки тому
Georgeeeeee, come get ur booooaaaatttttt
@benniethejanitor7159 4 роки тому
@Solely_Jason 4 роки тому
Joshua Haskett he is😂
@Ashacarlosalbert 4 роки тому
come out to play XD
@Alfleila_ 4 роки тому
The ending was anticlimactic and hilarious
@abbiefa 4 роки тому
Ikkkk I was drinking and I almost choked 😂😂😂😂
@user-kx8pu6ys5i 4 роки тому
Dream fell into the trap and then *PUNCH*
@tanimamurtoza7 4 роки тому
Hahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaha Is This Long Enough Now?
@jakeyh4817 4 роки тому
Tanima Murtoza no
@hrmsk 4 роки тому
plot twist
@user-hf1ug8zh7f 8 місяців тому
I think this isn't fair to george at all. you are literally the legend of minecraft
@fuyusan Рік тому
Dream when he's the speedrunner: kills George multiple times Dream when hes the hunter:
@aidenpike2480 4 роки тому
19:02 He said “Bye Dream” at the perfect time Edit:
@cordbox 4 роки тому
Perfection 😂
@PokeShadow77 4 роки тому
I've never seen such a perfectly hidden natural ravine before
@billybob905x5 4 роки тому
Very nice👌👌👌
@themoonwalkergamer4026 4 роки тому
crack 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙨 𝙞𝙢 𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙨
@meltingzero3853 4 роки тому
@bowababyyy148 3 роки тому
11:12 Robot: "buddy joined your channel!" George: "who is that?" Dream: "get out." Bad: " *Erh* "
@user-lt8lu7qg7t 3 роки тому
@axolnebulous9065 3 роки тому
@adi irsyad True
@matttowle6699 3 роки тому
@barkatkhairunnisagilani4969 3 роки тому
@aqua_berryy5223 3 роки тому
@lilbitfruity42 Рік тому
It's always so fun to rewatch these and see how flirty they were without realizing it before they had such a big fan base, they were so care free 😂 😊
@sc1_b01 6 місяців тому
@tgraceacc1373 4 роки тому
“omg i suckkk” *two seconds later* oh.
@travis175 4 роки тому
@guywithaguitar1827 4 роки тому
Couldn’t agree more bois
@digitalgamingctcc4110 4 роки тому
@Pancake-og4ct 4 роки тому
@freshlemonade5638 3 роки тому
@@travis175 ikr
@triflest3542 4 роки тому
Dream: * perfect tactics, traps, diamonds and well-planned ambushes * George: RAVINES
@think127 4 роки тому
And they worked :D
@naytj4l126 4 роки тому
And they worked :D
@think127 4 роки тому
@@naytj4l126 Lol, wth?
@naytj4l126 4 роки тому
@@think127 Woah...Why’d you copy me? Rude..
@nadiayousaf1472 4 роки тому
Travis David if you actually check the dates, his comment was before yours
@samuelpoiriermartinsson6852 5 місяців тому
It’s actually a great idea, dream VS the hunters where he tries to stop them and they try to beat the dragon. Add another hunter every few videos until its unstistanable.
@iPropheci 5 місяців тому
Dream can simulate a dolphin quite well!
@spritemaster8980 4 роки тому
The ending was incredible, but Dream hopping in George's boat as he tried to row away was what killed me.
@hush7359 4 роки тому
@rachels.9984 4 роки тому
That was the FUNNIEST
@Jerkal 4 роки тому
at 21:24 if anyone's wondering.
@blake276 4 роки тому
villager noise guy?
@kynleefrenchfry8368 4 роки тому
Jerkal Thanks so much I was looking for it
@plainlyabrick 3 роки тому
Dream, in the most monotone voice ever, showing no suffering whatsoever: "oh oh oh no no noooo.. I lost all my stuff I can't believe I died, oh no. after all of this, you're gonna somehow win..." George, completely believing it: **victory laugh**
@verce_clan8825 3 роки тому
He could of ended him in the first 6 mins he just needed a video
@ikiasoul 3 роки тому
Sir Admin that has me wheezing and I don’t know why
@djsnopel9594 3 роки тому
Ive been saying that rhe hunter needs to trap the player in the nether, but he shouldve broken 4 obby blocks, because George got diamonds, which means he could make a diapick
@wotamalon5055 3 роки тому
Plot twist, he hits George into the void
@sawyershoe 3 роки тому
DJ Snopel it’s in the rules you can’t break portals
@juicylemon2222 Рік тому
I love going back and watching these 😂 this is some quality content
@enforcedocean4492 Рік тому
The start was the definition of toying with you're prey.
@kitteninabag7402 4 роки тому
"Oh no I lost all my stuff" *sneak 100*
@mscottcarpenter 4 роки тому
@UC9yMibvxq7lEkWjmTqPHglQ do I want to know or is it dissapointing? I kind of like his content and honestly ignorance is bliss
@kayj312 4 роки тому
more like *Misdirection*, but whatever
@lottiethepoodle7863 4 роки тому
My favorite thing was that he didn’t even sound sincere, like agitated or anything he was just like «oh, noo..» and George fully believed it
@juffff5748 4 роки тому
Oh I died and I have no chance :sneak 2000
@jonh092 3 роки тому
Acting 100
@mijntjetimmer6586 3 роки тому
"Oh no I died" Best acting ever😂
@sadie1814 3 роки тому
The best part is when George buys it
@Key-dg2os 3 роки тому
One more like pls
@ryannetic 3 роки тому
Hey Guys, Not Self Promoting, But I Was Wondering If Yall Can Help Me Get To 500Subs After My Old Channel Got Hacked At 15k, So It Would Mean A Lot If Yall Can Help Achieve My Goal, Thank U💚💚
@plasticanimator9295 3 роки тому
@@ryannetic Litterely your self promoting so... pls leave and get a life
@gabe9557 3 роки тому
@MakoWako7 Рік тому
I like how you add Christmas music every time you find diamonds.
@Kironewastaken 8 місяців тому
the biggest come back in minecraft manhunt history
@wafflespoon 3 роки тому
Dream: I found your stick George: what’s a stick *stealth 100*
@thatturtleguy5795 3 роки тому
Hahahaha thats so true!😅😂😂🤣🤣😅
@Peanutlint 3 роки тому
Dream that for Minecraft he killed him
@tmor9336 3 роки тому
Lol I made almost the exact same comment and then saw this haha
@QwertQwertQwerterlertert 3 роки тому
got it to 420 likes lol
@topgamer_winne2545 3 роки тому
@BlurryByrd 4 роки тому
"Stick?" "Yeah, you must've went in the village" "What's a stick?" "A stick. What do you mean what's a stick?"
@overmind009 4 роки тому
Kinda like Miles "who's Morales" Morales
@cyber_runner Рік тому
When you're rewatching past videos now that you finally have a face to go with the voice
@JakeWalker23664 Рік тому
That was longer than expected lol
@borkshork8238 3 роки тому
"Who is that" "get out" Bad: *sad villager noise*
@kayleerae3383 3 роки тому
i thought it was bad lol
@shola.i8262 3 роки тому
kaylee rae badboyhalo??
@Dankster-yo8xv 3 роки тому
@@shola.i8262 badboyhalo
@kayleerae3383 3 роки тому
Shola Iluyemi yes sorry for the confusion
@shola.i8262 3 роки тому
kaylee rae omg no need to apologise ❤️
@cassieboylol5012 4 роки тому
Lesson learned: even the unarmed are dangerous when you dont watch out
@kennyy260 4 роки тому
The lack of comments in this comment shows our self crippling depression on the fear of being judged of other people as we value other people’s opinion and our own self confidence are on the line by getting absolutely broken down by comments, worrying that we might have done something wrong as someone notices and we strengthens the anxiety and depression within us, either that or people were to lazy to comment, quack- A VERY normal turkey
@doswin4394 4 роки тому
Very Normal Turkey I smell Pennies
@spartapros2120 4 роки тому
This comment reminds me of technoblade in bedwars
@userhbiron1806 4 роки тому
@@doswin4394 who hath summoned the ancient one?
@halomuffin5554 4 роки тому
Do turkeys quack?
@dorcasoyamenda8082 8 місяців тому
I just saw how the compass was dancing when the jiggle bell song rang
@o_p_t_i_m_u_s_p_r_i_m_e. Рік тому
Dream never fails to fool anyone 🤣
@pcssfc 4 роки тому
I love how George can't see through the monotone in dreams voice
@paladinoficetea766 4 роки тому
It's just acting, probably. hopefully.
@robloxmaster1177 4 роки тому
Ikr.. I saw this from George's perspective first and it was so obvious
@mootwo_ 4 роки тому
@@paladinoficetea766 if it actually isn't acting, I guess George'sBrainNotFound
@thecorneliusexperience 4 роки тому
@sergvaz45 4 роки тому
Dream mlgs water bucket in da hood Lol
@mohamedshouky5853 4 роки тому
All these videos are basically just dream hunting all his friends even when he is the speedrunner EDIT: thanks kind strangers for the likes this is my highest liked comment ever and it is just a fact that everyone knows but I am not going to say no , thanks again kind strangers
@jaydenzheng7613 3 роки тому
So true
@hacker1oo173 3 роки тому
@morganstaats5784 3 роки тому
and that’s why I enjoy them
@ratman3413 3 роки тому
@nxgyeetier131 3 роки тому
Lmao true
@rajnipatel803 Місяць тому
22:07 was terrifying moment
@mohdjaas2816 Рік тому
The only thing Dream needed at the end was just a fist punch for George in the End
@ZaggyCandoit Рік тому
Omg this is still famous
@ichangedmynamebecauseitwas620 4 роки тому
That ending was the only and the biggest wheeze of my life
@TaIathar 4 роки тому
Apparently you haven't seen Stryder7x's "Book of Mario but it's badly translated" series.
@b.bittner2578 4 роки тому
@DANIEL557 4 роки тому
@ichangedmynamebecauseitwas620 4 роки тому
@@TaIathar guess what. ı haven't.
@randon19yearold 4 роки тому
I'm in shock
@islagretan6553 3 роки тому
Dream as Hunter: C'MERE GEORGE Dream as Speedrunner: C'MERE GEORGE Me: I see no difference
@Amixan0402 3 роки тому
There is non
@roopehall7454 3 роки тому
George: i see this is an absolute lose lose situation
@rashedadel1358 3 роки тому
@brookethomas7536 3 роки тому
For real I thought it was the other way around at first lol I was kinda confused
@melonzo 3 роки тому
@Elijah-md2kk 7 місяців тому
@megamihir Рік тому
dream's laugh should be a meme
@lyvu3063 4 роки тому
Dream: finds diamonds **Christmas music intensifies**
@oben6853 4 роки тому
I commented that on a different video. Coincidence? I THINK NOT
@zero-tf7oj 4 роки тому
Everytime that music come out when he found diamonds lol
@corneliu8827 3 роки тому
it's become the norm to hear christmas music when diamonds are found at this point
@zdubdub5707 4 роки тому
Dream needs to be hunter more bruh he’s straight up evil
@nightknight1618 4 роки тому
@Junnyfer 4 роки тому
@wilbysot343 4 роки тому
yeah did you hear his laugh at the end jesus
@xsuperneroxb4046 4 роки тому
imo he's really smart but bad at pvp/chasing
@Foxyboi1 4 роки тому
@POTATO_STARCH123 7 місяців тому
I love dreams laugh, the wheezing, I have the same laugh
@aceyuman8105 Рік тому
This video and the rest like this is a classic, I keep watching it every now and then, never gets old
@varunsingh6114 3 роки тому
George trying to play it cool: “A stick? What’s a stick?”
@sentient5 3 роки тому
Beep Boop Not that dumb!
@scrublord3376 3 роки тому
Beep Boop Not that smart either! Cmon get it right!
@kirstyvandeventer8467 3 роки тому
@scrublord3376 3 роки тому
Beep Boop im quoting what george’s would be saying if it can speak like sentient spoon.
@Fakeadminyt 3 роки тому
He's to cool for school
@jjswagger2809 4 роки тому
"Thank you for playing Dream" "That is very kind of you" *In memory of one of George's last words*
@jjswagger2809 4 роки тому
@Ben MITCHELL I believe it was "What" from his last phrase "What? What!"
@georniecastillo6853 3 роки тому
Ben MITCHELL ONE of George’s last words
@ardirg1424 3 роки тому
His last word was "WHAT WHAT WHA- ?!"
@yakamurachenabacar5774 3 роки тому
@kenziebuchanan710 3 роки тому
His last words were actually “wHaT”
@jeon_ji_in Рік тому
I love the way dream laughs😩😂
@vinayk01 Рік тому
George finds diamonds: YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS Dream finds diamonds: *cues Christmas music*
@memegumin 4 роки тому
George when chasing Dream: *Sadistically laughing* Dream when chasing George: *Maniacally laughing*
@Agus-lh9rc 4 роки тому
Also Dream when chasing George: Georgeeeee~ Also George when chasing Dream: Oh, Dreeeeeeaaaaam~
@nashfeighny4757 4 роки тому
@memegumin 4 роки тому
@@nashfeighny4757 oh yeah thanks for that
@TheAustronaut03 4 роки тому
George chasing, Dream and George meet George: *drEEEAAMMM* Dream: NO, PLEASE, LEAVE ME ALONE! Dream chasing, Dream and George meet George: Oh my GOD NO! Dream: *_W H E E E Z E_*
@TheAustronaut03 4 роки тому
@@SpookySkyy-gg5tv "geoOOOOOORGE" *screams and spams iron doors*
@brainrot-np2pp 3 роки тому
George: **being productive and getting iron** Dream: *fishes*
@djlittlemind 3 роки тому
@doodlethesheep1540 3 роки тому
The master has his ways (That was a joke I’m not one of those crazy dream stans chill.)
@covenantkinguriel9178 3 роки тому
lmao i fish in my spare time. Fishing is great, epic bows and books.
@albiongaming5129 3 роки тому
@Blargo245 3 роки тому
Wow I watched the video too bitch
@Nighty1324-Real- 2 місяці тому
Another video: George:Dream~ This video: Dream: George~
@Blank16244 7 місяців тому
The real definition of never give up
@lanthan598 4 роки тому
Dream: loses all of his stuff George: I'm gonna win ! Dream: I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move
@xshullaw 4 роки тому
666 likes, I'm just gonna leave it.
@mahdinew903 4 роки тому
Just 1 touch of a winner to enemy and make him a loser
@codacheetah 4 роки тому
3:12 Y'know George has made some fantastic sounds before but I think "dying pig on helium" is my current favorite
@NotPrototype 4 роки тому
@bradley8907 3 роки тому
@bradsanchez6589 3 роки тому
Pirate music intensifies
@bomella 3 роки тому
So true!
@maggieuribe1095 3 роки тому
@zedarkenigma 3 місяці тому
I must have replayed the ending around 6 times, and it doesn't stop being hilarious. 😂
@vatoXtoTHEmoon 7 місяців тому
it's unbelievable how dream has evolved in 3 years in minecraft. in this video it feels like he's noob compared to his prime vs 5 hunters video XD
@Kris-pj4il 3 роки тому
Alt title: How to bully GeorgeNotFound in minecraft
@z4ynexd 3 роки тому
@battle_cat_level_over_20000 3 роки тому
@johnroyvasaya1273 3 роки тому
@tubbosbee6151 3 роки тому
hahah lol.
@10000Subs 4 роки тому
Somehow Dream got further into the game than George, and that wasn't even his objective...
@OKKirby 4 роки тому
10,000 Subscribers with Memes and Minecraft dream is better than George at minecraft
@ilyxsoul 4 роки тому
at 5:21 Dream could've easily ended the video and killed him but he need watch time and shlt so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@fallencobra5197 4 роки тому
oldchoppa no George would have gotten away since every hit would boost him
@caladrius9302 4 роки тому
@@ilyxsoul i mean to be fair it is more entertaining for us as well. I would rather watch 27 instead of 5 minutes of this challenge, but i get what you're saying
@ilyxsoul 4 роки тому
@@fallencobra5197 George was probably low hp after Dream hittinghim, and if Dream actually tried to chase him after im sure George would've died. Anyways, I don't mind because the rest of the video paid off 💯
@-Nakime. Рік тому
The way dream always says"george~" is probably giving george a nightmare
@aprilhead9202 8 місяців тому
The comeback though 😂😂
@ggtiket 4 роки тому
George: “Thank you for playing, Dream” Dream: *uno reverse card*
@derboy2083 4 роки тому
😂 Oooofff
@lucasr7467 4 роки тому
Nice (Context: it had 69 likes)
@wienroma 4 роки тому
The uno revers card is too powerful 0-0
@Deletinq 4 роки тому
@darkloom3919 4 роки тому
I read this right before it happened
@giordanojehosua5247 4 роки тому
this is literally just Dream cyberbullying George for 27 minutes straight
@JustAKomiFan 4 роки тому
27:44:374952 seconds I think you mean
@cherrythepicki2005 4 роки тому
Fun fact:they actually have been playing for 1-3 hrs
@jnix_visuals 4 роки тому
@rehanaabubacar8584 4 роки тому
@jadoggoman7120 4 роки тому
@Bibbleonfire 8 днів тому
The way he said "George~" at 3:30 I guarantee had him blushing😭😭
@mrmissy9444 Рік тому
5:20 he let George live for content 😂
@zoecourt9414 3 роки тому
George: *sneezes* dream, in the walls: bless you George: god?
@popopie6869 3 роки тому
L Mfao
@frogboy9268 3 роки тому
@iggythedog7972 3 роки тому
@serena5086 3 роки тому
What time?
@minimoonie6431 3 роки тому
Blue Berry It’s not in the video -._-.
@candlewaxx6736 4 роки тому
19:03 that block literally decided the whole game's fate.
@matthewhamilton2913 4 роки тому
More like the absence of one
@rsoexists 4 роки тому
So true
@brettmueller6867 4 роки тому
Actually no, he had a water bucket in his hand. So he would have taken no fall damage
@rsoexists 4 роки тому
@@brettmueller6867 not surely, he could die like in the vid when he couldn't mlg when a dragon yeeted him
@OFICIALBestPlayer 4 роки тому
16:03 this one too
@Turtles0890 Місяць тому
And 3 years later he learned his mistakes of him losing his items
@grizzlywhisker 2 місяці тому
The ending of this one might be the best of them all.
@plinkthenecrobird8851 3 роки тому
Dream: I found your stick in the village George to himself: Play dumb George: What’s a stick? George to himself: NOT THAT DUMB
@chandranplakkal6495 3 роки тому
That the line you said that 'not that dumb is from the spiderman into the verse Good one tho
@ErikaCartet 3 роки тому
@@chandranplakkal6495 yeah they were making a reference
@chandranplakkal6495 3 роки тому
@Dankumemes 3 роки тому
@@chandranplakkal6495 r/whoosh
@g4bel3ss30 3 роки тому
Captain Rex that wasn’t supposed to be the joke so why are you r/wooshing
@isshunova 3 роки тому
I don’t know what’s worse: dream’s acting or George actually falling for it
@skroll2027 3 роки тому
The fact that he fell for it.
@theproguy1827 3 роки тому
He literally *fell* for it
@speltarp2026 3 роки тому
Its both the worst
@fryingpanda9103 3 роки тому
nooo... i just lost all... my stuff... i am sad...
@diegovillarreal933 3 роки тому
I think Dream actually acted like that for his viewers to know
@Illuminasamdude 6 місяців тому
I thought you'd lose but luckily, you managed to make it to the end portal in time to stop George from beating the ender dragon by knocking him off with one hit somehow. Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
@prometheusRDS 9 місяців тому
5:08 This is the first time I think we see Dream be a masterful story teller. He hooks people in by dropping on George and getting him one hit (two crits and two half charged hits would bring someone to that threshold). Then, you see him start to chase to finish it, but decides the video would be better and it would be a better story if he just stole George's iron. Putting him at a clear advantage while still allowing some guerilla tactics improv to keep the fight going. He's so damn good at this shit.
@co1894 3 роки тому
Dream with a stacked inventory and enchanted items: *dies* Dream 7 seconds later with nothing to his name: *wins*
@jettyboiu 3 роки тому
He purposely died so that he could get to the portal and knock george off while pretending he died by accident so that george would think he was safe for a while
@co1894 3 роки тому
JetGames No, Dream wasn’t pretending. He legitimately died. He got tricked by George into breaking that Cobblestone and falling to his death. Dream even tried to place water down to save himself. Dream doesn’t even go back for his stuff afterwards because he knows it’s too far away and he needs to stop George from killing the Enderdragon immediately. Why would Dream ever think that going to the End with nothing is a good idea? He was forced to rush to the End to stop George. Dream got lucky that George was building across the void and just took advantage and punched him off lmao, George was so close to a W in this one
@Randomguy-xi6td 3 роки тому
People who replied to this comment are suffering from critical depression :D
@randomclips9715 3 роки тому
@@blackyofficial9433 how is george the winner -_-
@steppyblock5740 3 роки тому
@@blackyofficial9433 George is not the winner. Because George only wins if he kills the ender dragon. Dream wins if George dies.
@brianjanssens8020 4 роки тому
George: *Sets a trap* Dream: * Falls for the trap and dies* Also Dream: *Uno reverse card*
@me-hz3ui 4 роки тому
He must've been like SIKE
@veronicasilva8601 4 роки тому
No dream i am so bad SIKE kills george
@averagerustyspoon Рік тому
22:14 the pain i felt in this clip
@HeatSGamingXD Рік тому
When Dream just jumped into the boat alongwith George near that house on the lake with full enchanted gear, it was like a couple going on a honeymoon
@Checkmate___ 3 роки тому
4:36 POV it's the middle of the night, you're sleeping in your comfy, warm bed, suddenly the door bursts opens and Dream comes in, sword in hand, he takes your bed and leaves. You're sitting in the cold floor of your room, half asleep and in shock, wondering what just happened
@yuu-fv6fg 3 роки тому
@chippy7208 3 роки тому
The life of a villager
@siyorno 3 роки тому
dont forget he also takes stuff from your chest
@alektro9493 3 роки тому
At that point it’s not Dream stealing your bed, it’s Nightmare
@Pacdeez 3 роки тому
The bread good comment! I liked
@rohanbommana1601 3 роки тому
Dream: i found ur stick George's mind: play dumb George: whats a stick? George's mind: not that dumb!
@cattemstudios5865 3 роки тому
Nice spiderverse reference
@ghost812 3 роки тому
Fizzy Pop I understood that reference
@computercat7081 3 роки тому
BeccaDoesArt I didn’t- what is it?
@leopeerutin998 3 роки тому
ComputerCat spiderverse
@computercat7081 3 роки тому
Leo Peerutin ohh I remember thanks
@dreamfanboy149 7 місяців тому
These numbers are wrong wait till u do the boys (Titan vs boys) Soldier boy kills everyone and says “titans are knockoffs”
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