Morning Talk with my Mynah "Kaleo"

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14 років тому

Kaleo was rescued around 3 days old and has learned to say many different things and sometimes in different ways..

@SpoonGoonKay 9 років тому
Poor bird is going through an identity crisis.
@newecreator 9 років тому
"I'm a little duck. Quack quack quack."
@UrsaMaul 9 років тому
He's gunna grow up with identity issues...
@fearanger1 9 років тому
I still can't believe the Mynahs are capable of mimicing speech. The same thing that's constantly screeching outside my window!
@jewgirl952 9 років тому
We had a myna bird once. They are excellent talkers. Ours would ring just like the phone and then answer like my mother.
@Netsaver 7 років тому
I quite like how his body puff's up when he laughs and does certain lines.
@SquashedBananaPie 9 років тому
I had no idea those cheeky buggers in my back yard can talk.
@xXkakuayaXx 9 років тому
The owner and the bird are both so cute, the bird talks all innocently and the owner has such one of the kindest, loving voices i have ever heard ^__^
@javinbond8714 9 років тому
LMAO! I love it when he emulates the laugh.
@CJCroen1393 9 років тому
Mynahs are such brainy birds!
@nlo114 7 років тому
Wonderful birds. When I was a kid, I was an errand-boy for a vegetable truck. I had free entry to every house on my round, one of them had a mynah. It startled me at first when I went into one house and heard: "Andrew, Andrew! Breakfast, come on you'll be late for school!" I am now 60, but the bird's voice was a spit-copy of the kid's mother. I'll never forget those days.
@MegaVijayaraghavan 7 років тому
nice bird
@PillDex 10 років тому
Definitely not a fake. We have exactly the same type of bird known as an Indian Minah here in South Africa. I hand reared one that had fallen out of a nest and he lived for 15 years. Was an incredible talker. Very intelligent birds!
@tf2whackyengineer 10 років тому
Your bird knows more about Chickens than the Bluth family.
@OK2BCK 9 років тому
I have pigeons they won't say shit
@ptl44 9 років тому
I always thought that only birds in the parrot family could talk.
@MrFist 7 років тому
Once a Mynah was badly enjurd, I took him to the Zoological Hospital. But there a mad doctor told me that why have you brought it? This is a very ordinary bird. But today I came to realize that no living being is ordinary.
@1hellocat 9 років тому
i can't stop watching these videos! SOOOO adorable! I want one so bad!! lol
@stevenwickes7156 9 років тому
Eventually would drive you crazy lol
@BrotherTree1 10 років тому
Wow, he can quack better than an actual duck :O
@nathanrogers4144 7 років тому
the birds clever but im pretty sure the woman is crazier than a bag of cats
@kshitisharma5686 7 років тому
Little bird. Massive personality. 🐤🐥🐦💕
@TravelDude 10 років тому
At 1:25 he shows off his plume. So cute.
@13ishmaverick 10 років тому
This bird is so cute and lovely :)
@blitz-o-byte 7 років тому
0:52 Im a little duck quackquackquackquack
@nessar5104 9 років тому
I haven't seen a mynah bird in a long time, but I knew they were great talkers. This one is adorable. :)
@nerdomaniac 10 років тому
"I'm a little duck" - evil talking bird.
@annecollier2455 7 років тому
what a dear little bird, he is so clever, and you sound a nice caring lady.
@MariselaFrancoo 7 років тому
"I'm a turkey talker"
@MegaTUHAU 7 років тому
in singapore you can see them all the foodcourts..
@richardquinones2959 7 років тому
OMG this is so hilarious but it goes to show how smart birds are😄👍👍
@DanHomeAtLast 7 років тому
what a cutie! we have these in Sydney at times on migration in large numbers and some stay around all year, they're not aggressive at all and are very resourceful. What i do notice is they have very sophisticated set of communication skills and voices they use between themselves​, they are also very very good at mimics of car alarms mobile phones etc... quite an interesting bird.
@wasabiperson2616 7 років тому
Oh my gosh, he is just the cutest little baby, aaaw. I love birds so much, I can't get over this little sweetheart.
@MissBophaLokei 10 років тому
woman, you're a great owner. i love how kind and patient you talk to the mynah!
@CeeBee781 10 років тому
This is incredible. I've never, ever seen anything like this in my life.
@VentricDual 7 років тому
I love watching parrot talking videos but half the time I can't understand them. This is the clearest speech I have ever heard from a bird! Amazing!
@andreacurrie4245 7 років тому
you have a soothing voice ma'am! I'd love to have stories read by you, very relaxing!
@DunateoRom8v37 9 років тому
Thats amazing. But these birds are displacing our native birds in South Africa. They are considered as pests and dealt with. At least this little fella will be safe.
@A.L.Davis4 12 років тому
I love this bird's voice, and the way it moves, everything about it is so intriguing to me.
@jamesdeal8884 9 років тому
I'm a Turkey Talker ! Just love this !
@MelissaGemini 10 років тому
a bird doing a bird limitations priceless.
@ferrethome 10 років тому
Sweet little mynah bird. Talks so well!
@t1joel 10 років тому
What a beautiful bird! He speaks very well, too! Such an awesome relationship between this woman and her bird friend.
@lisashadows7681 7 років тому
they classify this bird as a pest in Australia. so sad.
@tiffanynicole8615 10 років тому
I can't get over how smart he is. So cute :)
@JamieBarrington 10 років тому
So adorable! My favorite is when Kaleo says "you're so cute!" Love it!
@Corax404 10 років тому
This is cute and everything, but can you imagine how terrifying it would be to hear this in the middle of the night? Especially the laughter. To be fair, I'm sure this bird would scare the hell out of you, and then immediately imitate a chicken just to mock you.
@janedarc1471 9 років тому
Cute little bird.
@DegixHorse 7 років тому
This video just made me smile all the time, I feel so happy! :D
@littlebluedaewoo 9 років тому
Goodness, what a talented bird and what a great job you have done in teaching it. Adorable :)
@KFrost-fx7dt 7 років тому
Minas, parrots, starlings, crows, ravens can all talk! They should have a talking dinosaur in Jurassic World 2, since birds and dinosaurs are so closely related.
@lovemybirds 13 років тому
"Whatcha Tink?" I think he's so cute... and so bright!!! He makes my African Grey look Well done, he's obviously well loved and well cared for to have learned as much as he has. Bravo!!!
@harryschlonge5762 9 років тому
It's crazy how they can literally mock a full vocal on any person and sound like the owner. I always wanted to see this in person.
@Khrisstyan86 10 років тому
But...what the fox say?
@marcevania100 9 років тому
oh my God... what a little beautiful... wonderful!!!
@queenkoi 7 років тому
Wow what a beautiful creature. I had never heard of them, thanks for sharing =). I am happy for the little bird that it got to be with such a great human.
@nathan3780 9 років тому
My aunt rescued a Mynah bird from under her porch. It liked to mimic her son to get attention. It would say mommy, and so she would come because she thought it was him. Funny.
@gottlicherhammer 9 років тому
Smart bird. Teach it to remind you to hold the camera in landscape orientation.
@shilohhuntsberry6778 9 років тому
That bird is so smart and adorablee. I love that bird so much he always makes me laugh where I can barely breath.
@MishelleyLane 12 років тому
I would love to see more of these, I never get tired of watching this precious bird with his wonderful owner! Please give us more :)
@dmsdana4501 7 років тому
"I love you, my little friend." Annnnd....waterworks.
@locomojoboy2 7 років тому
Reminds me of the looney toons character that would always say "I'm a Chicken-Hawk."
@fakey4793 7 років тому
I like how he puffs up every time he talks
@robinminkler 10 років тому
Awesome!!! I couldn't tell where her speech ended and Kaleo's started!
@ahmedza9303 7 років тому
Hi , this was over 6 years ago so how is the bird doing now?
@mukeshpandya4171 7 років тому
I laughed my ass off.. frankly here in melb so many have complained them to be a pest from India but we know they are smartest bird than Crows but i havent seen anyone ever training him, you trained him so well... proves every animals/ bird have brain emotion and feelings just like us.
@domingosmundo4138 10 років тому
most people are to young to remember these amazing little birds' i remember back in the 1970's there was one in the bait shop in clarksville tenn and it was very vocal ' it was amazing how much its vocabulary was, alot of people went in there and so it learned alot'
@emmawilliams8253 7 років тому
What a cute little fella 😄
@enticedTwice 7 років тому
awww ... he is so precious ... i love him ... hugs and kisses little birdie.
@chiihasagi7430 7 років тому
was he imitating a duck on the first one? lol i thought he was a duck lol
@bone101ify 9 років тому
@meloearth 12 років тому
I'm impressed at how smart he is.
@jamessmail6734 7 років тому
Too FUNNY... I like the Little TURKEY...🙊🙉🙈😎👍
@Jhasmynecheri 7 років тому
Omg when he imitates the laugh or says "so cute"
@ashleyervin602 7 років тому
I LOVE how he tells himself that he is cute
@rosewaters2533 7 років тому
Omg! I've never heard mynahs talk before! He's so clever! 😍
@YY4Me133 12 років тому
I love that she/he laughs at her/his own jokes. What a cutie.
@jenna.s1256 10 років тому
Beautiful amazing bird. Love Love Love :)
@TheAgentAssassin 9 років тому
these birds are all over Maui living wild
@lizallcote7808 7 років тому
Haha haha, your so cute, I love you my little duck xxx❤xxx
@rockybudgeboa 13 років тому
What a great little bundle of energy. I LOVE KALEO
@creation9449 7 років тому
i have also a call me ( ma) mynah sounds like it....really funny and adorable pet
@JackAStibium 11 років тому
What an incredible being! So graceful and intelligent.
@awakeningsoul4626 7 років тому
gosh it looks like they make a lot of effort to say words, so cute
@rustypanels1917 7 років тому
That is sooo cute, talks very clear.
@kellygervais3440 7 років тому
what a beautiful bird...
@discoverydavid 7 років тому
I lived out in the wilderness of Thailand myna birds common as crows in Europe. They always seemed to be in pairs, very attentive towards each other and very curious to humans. You see the intelligence in their eyes, they reminded of little dinosaurs (raptures). Love em!
@ceilao1 13 років тому
what can I say, but that I'm soo in love with you, Little Kaleo! Your Mum just brings out all your talents and the love you have for her is enviable-keep it up, sweet little Kaleo XXXOOO
@al01100 10 років тому
great bird! love him the best way you`ll feel an emptiness that can`t be filled when he`s gone.
@majesticbadass1038 9 років тому
I was looking threw the comments looking for someone to say something like "this is fake" I was about to say dude im a licensed scientist, it's not fake.
@barbarastepien-foad4519 7 років тому
wow he's just such a star! I love this bird.
@patriciacallahan8327 9 років тому
I thought this was adorable! It made me smile.
@cmhhawaii 11 років тому
They are a big commitment as they chose a mate for life... you will be it.. They need lots of love, patience and attention to be happy
@Cheere 7 років тому
Birds are smart, easy to learn
@fly69doc 7 років тому
this bird is amazing..
@ryancooper42lp 10 років тому
My son and I watch these videos staring Kaleo over and over. We are obsessed!
@Saranaprasadam 9 років тому
Still way better than talking to Cortana BS
@southernbelladonna78 7 років тому
This is like the coolest thing I have ever seen.......It's like crazy. Lol.
@feyrune3205 7 років тому
Awww hes such a cutie! Amazing how he can intimidate sounds! Im wondering why only birds can mimic sounds 🤔 Anyways, cute video, give him a hug from me! :3 💕
@dbm-yv1gl 7 років тому
Holy shit! It can talk better than other birds I have heard! OMG I cannot imagine a normal mynah bird i saw outside could talk like this!
@sarah6557 7 років тому
He's a hansome and cute bird love it 💖
Talented Hill Mynah video in Philippines! This bird can speak ;-)
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