My first ESP32 project: Bluetooth Low Energy RGB LED Controller

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Marco Reps

Marco Reps

День тому

ESP32 for you:
Seems like they finished Bluetooth Classic now!
First impressions and first working project with Espressifs new dual core SoC. Controlling 450 WS2812 LEDs and adding a bare minimum of security to a Bluetooth Low Energy connection.

@MrCipolenio 6 років тому
You have a special kind of humour that I find amusing. Keep it up!
@IgnoreMyChan 6 років тому
One of the very few tech channels I really do what the definition "LOL" stands for! :-D
@tanishqbhaiji103 2 роки тому
@tanishqbhaiji103 2 роки тому
@4.0.4 6 років тому
- Honey what are you laughing at? - Oh there's this German guy with a soft voice discussing low-level implementation details from a microcontroller project of his, and there's this table with enumerated parameters, and... - ???
@jnevercast 6 років тому
@lucasmonta1 6 років тому
Lol, I absolutely understand you!
@orunsir8394 5 років тому
Chrysippus r/iamverysmart
@samrockseagle 6 років тому
Dog chasing the LED is the best. Wonder what a cat will do.
@tigerchills2079 6 років тому
I bet chasing it
@sivalley 6 років тому
samrockseagle seizure. Source: has a cat
@dobrowolsk 3 роки тому
Cat would attack the LED stripe, possibly destoying it with one of the knives embedded in the fluffy paw.
@slawson1990 6 років тому
Hi Marco, thanks for your insight and sharing your experience. I knew these were going to be powerful but I lost track with the ESP32 development just as they came out and I was focussed else where. I will definitely be getting some of these soon!
@maccheese3006 6 років тому
On a marathon watching your videos! Subbed!
@reps 6 років тому
Don't go back too far, it gets very cringy before the PCB laser printer :|
@Remowylliams 7 років тому
Hi Marco, nice video, keep up the good work, enjoy your humor and your English is great.
@tigerchills2079 6 років тому
What's with that remark about his English..?
@Vido89 6 років тому
Great video I will love to see more stuff like this cheers
@johnlittle6415 6 років тому
3M's Z-axis tape may work in place of pogo pins. It is a conductive tape, but only conducts in the z axis (top to bottom). I'm not sure how well it would work with such fine pitch, but in theory, you could just put some over an esp breakout board, then press the esp on top to program it.
@LanceThumping 6 років тому
I think it'd be pretty interesting for you to do some more in depth tutorials on these sort of things.
@leozendo3500 7 років тому
@loiphin 5 років тому
Waahaha! Love your dry sense of humour :)
@samrockseagle 6 років тому
The mini usb devices are great, because they can be powered by a simple usb power bank, like you showed in the video.
@AhmadLafi-TheFirst 5 років тому
The breakout PCB used at 4:38 isn't good as it has the copper tracks laid out under the ESP32 PCB antenna.
@MCsCreations 7 років тому
Really interesting!
@halanpulquister6716 6 років тому
WOW! It's fantastic! Where can I find the complete project?
@stylesoftware 6 років тому
10/10 fing awesome.
@adaminsanoff 6 років тому
Sehr sehr informativ!
@ivanguerrero6151 6 років тому
Hi Bro!, I'm on a school project with this chip right now, and I'm having difficulties with the concept of allowing only specific conexions, I'm using arduino core, and I think your aproach of the button could help me so much, do you think that you could share or teach me your concept of the button ? only the side of the esp, I think the android event I can handle it, maybe I did't get quite well what is doing the code in the minute 3:47. Thanks for your video bro, is really helpful to see some of the interesting things that can be done with this esp.
@JelleWie 4 роки тому
4:29 anyone who also have read these codes? I don't think some handles in there are ... ehm quite official?
@younismalik8809 3 роки тому
Haha! Well spotted!
@inakiinchaurregui4848 5 років тому
Hi! Do you know if you can change the name of the bluetooth so that it appears as we want, when looking for it with another device?
@lucasmonta1 6 років тому
Man, you need to make a reddit, or something like that. I feel like this channel joins together a niche of dudes (and ladies, why not) that are doing the same stuff, in bigger or smaller scale than you, be it proffessionaly or as a hobby, but I do believe that we are all hardware electronis suckers here lol
@Siorinex 6 років тому
In rtp - if more 21 pixel - error at memory! Plz - how about ws2812 code???
@WillianMai 4 роки тому
0x2ABA seems promising
@Ringer1982 6 років тому
Could you tell the settings you are using to solder this chip and maybe some tips. I tried 2 times to solder esp32 using hot air but without success... I was able to solder it using soldering iron but the result is not as pretty as it can be. Thanks for the video!
@iwantitpaintedblack 5 років тому
preheat the board surroundings, use lots of flux, perhaps pre tin the pads, or for more ease use a solder lead paste,
@austria117 5 років тому
Gibt es irgendwo zufällig ein ähnliches Projekt mit einer halbwegs brauchbaren Anleitung? Ich muss nämlich etwas ähnliches präsentieren, nur reichen bei mir ordinäre RGB LED‘s anstatt der ws2812b
@leozendo3500 7 років тому
Why this project top secret? Is it possible to transfer ESP8266 file into ESP32 directly in Arduino IDE and have everything compiled and work? I am trying to control 250 WS2812s in a matrix with a ESP32 to display animation, text and work as spectrum analyzer but it was hard.
@weerobot 6 років тому
@paulhendrix8599 6 років тому
Not boring at all.
@SinanAkkoyun 4 роки тому
can you please upload your RMT code for the LEDs? I implemented some esp-idf library but when I use WiFi at the same time the RGB pixels get corrupted and false colors....
@arminemmert8250 4 роки тому
Makes me think of ADC2 pins on the ESP32, that can’t be used when wifi is on.
@Arnthorg 6 років тому
Can you share the code for the bluetooth communication? I spent 2 days on the espressif examples and felt I didn't make any progress.
@reps 6 років тому
What part do you need? I have recently tried to compile my old code with an updated esp-idf and got dozens of errors because of changes they made .... But I think most of it is in the examples!
@leozendo3500 6 років тому
Would you please open source an ESP32 WS2812b project, please?
@Reaper035 4 роки тому
So still nobody commented about the disappearing LED strip at 2:10? Just wanna mention it hasn't been unnoticed. ;) Btw: Would like to see more of the ESP32, there's still not that many about it on YT.
@AERuffy 5 років тому
share the code for the rotary encoder light chaser. would be fun or my dog.
@rodmcmahon4829 6 років тому
Hi Banggod sells a Test Board Smal Batch Run that will bewhat u want Also I have had more success with using an adhoc wifi than bluetooth for range. Or set up to read a local server
@Fantonrko 3 роки тому
How much does a BLE esp32 consume?
@gvukster 6 років тому
is this computer science, electrical engineering; I'm interested in this stuff and wondering what type of education I would need to learn the basics of the things on this amazing channel?
@akj7 6 років тому
Actually, there isn't any special education you need. I study math and i program Microcontrollers as hobby. Ok i have to mention that everything started as i was asked (without any previous experience) to build some kind of arduino based robots. Microcontrollers are (mostly) easy to learn, C and python (and maybe Assembly) are too. However, students in informatics, electrical and mechanical engineering (mechatronics) will one way or the other, learn about microcontrollers.
@gvukster 6 років тому
Jules A, I'm a Mechanical Systems Engineer and we only touched briefly on Microcontrollers in my studies... I imagine to have high proficiency in this technology either electrical or comp. sci. would be most beneficial, that's why i queried the community. looking to take some post grad and college night classes to stay up to date.. Thanks and cheers from Steel City Canada
@akj7 6 років тому
gvukster At my university, there is a course on microprocessor for mechanical engineering. However, this only explain the structures. I believe the best way to really learn about microprocessors, is to use them and hobby them, brief self-teaching, assuming one already has knowledge about basic electrical engineering.
@tobiforst7245 6 років тому
Buy an Arduino Starter Kit (well documented examples) for around 30 bugs and things will start growing. 🤘
@gvukster 6 років тому
Sure, I have multiple Arduino shields, I program in Python, C+, MatLAB, I built a 4-axis CNC, and I have a 4 year Mechanical Engineering Degree specializing on Solids,,, I know that certain topics need formal training on especially for commercial application; my daughter is interested in this stuff more than Mechanics so I was curious as to the communities response. Cheers from Steel City, Canada
@gacherumburu9958 5 років тому
@douro20 7 років тому
Do you do hardware design for a living?
@reps 7 років тому
Not yet, this was a 'friend of a friend' kinda thing
@alittlebitintellectual7361 6 років тому
Where can i get those Programmable led strips?
@browaruspierogus2182 6 років тому
aliexpress, bangood, dx dot com
@iwantitpaintedblack 5 років тому
WS2812 Leds
@squalltk1 6 років тому
Hast du von den PogoPins eine passende Version gefunden ? Die Art des Flashens würde mich ziemlich reizen.
@reps 6 років тому
In einem anderen Kommentar von Álvaro M. Valdebenito B. ist etwas passendes verlinkt - habe ich aber noch nicht ausprobiert
@squalltk1 6 років тому
Völlig übersehen. aber sieht klasse aus. danke :-)
@RTOHIO 6 років тому
What is the name of your hot air soldering gun and source? If you would be so kind.
@UCpMA19LPZI 6 років тому
Should be a WEP 858D(+), or at least I saw one in another video somewhere. I have got one here as well and so far it works perfectly fine (especially considering the price...).
@tobiforst7245 6 років тому
ESP32 programmer:
@sarotouloughian1890 5 років тому
I'm not one for outward show of emotion or even admiration. I'm logic oriented no matter how eccentric my logic gets. It's still logic. But having watched many (all) of your videos and I'm embarrassed to say, your monotone robotic voice, sense of humor so dry the Sahara would be jealous and dare I say, incredible physical attributes such as a noble and handsome face, and bionic posterior, and general emotion free presentation of your work have caused me to turn my homes air conditioning on max as you have made it too hot to handle. I imagine you are a cyborg of my design with artificial intelligence far superior to any being developed by so called genius scientists. Please, my left lobe candy brain wrestle them to the ground with my right lobe restrained. Genius my also bionic posterior. Any way, I imagine I created you to replace a biological son who did not inherit my brilliance and therefore can never earn my respect. Therefore I created you, Marco Reps to be the son I can respect and admire. What a delight then that your northern German accent and monotone voice resemble that of a cyborg. I'm tempted to invite you to my home in the United States to act out this dream. Don't worry, I don't have any biological offspring, therefore there won't be any concern of sub par feelings being trampled upon. Any way, I would be proud to not be a father figure or inventor, but to be a friend and who knows, I've already gushed like a school maiden, if your tastes run to the highly evolved and open sourced, part time student...or lover. Which ever gets your rocks off and curls your toes. I'm down for the getting down. But that's enough of that. If I embarrassed you, you have only your self to blame for shamelessly flaunting your robotic hotness all over my now sticky UKposts screen. How is anyone with superior IQ supposed to resist. You digital pile of binary sexiness!
@martinvollderpro 4 роки тому
Beeep beeep booop bop
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