My Visual Studio Code Setup for Web Development

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My focus lately as a developer has been building websites & web apps, and VS Code is the main tool I use to get that done. It's the most popular IDE/code editor among developers, according to the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. So, I want to show you how I use VS Code, my preferred extensions, my current theme, and my favorite VS Code settings that I’ve been using for many different types of web development.
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@fknight Рік тому
Calling all devs! We've just launched our brand new newsletter, Dev Notes! Delivered weekly, Dev Notes is your specialized briefing into the world of technology, computer science research, and software engineering, tailored specifically for those who are building it: the developers. Go to to learn more and sign up! We've also just announced Studious, a Notion template built specifically for students to keep track of everything in your student life. For a very limited time, you can receive the early bird discount by going to and entering your email before the projected launch date of July 31, 2023. Upon the official launch, you will be notified via an email containing your discount code so you can organize your studies with Studious in time for your Fall semester. _Posted July 20, 2023 by Forrest Knight_ *Original Comment:* So, what are _your_ favorite VS Code settings & extensions? And what theme are you running?
@132_priyankrai5 Рік тому
Instead use vscodium
@RianY2K Рік тому
You can try Mayukai Theme if you like. And use material icon theme for icons.
@xezuthegamer8544 Рік тому
Vscode has an auto rename tag feature but it is not enabled by default. Navigate to settings and enable editor.linkedEditing
@pegexo Рік тому
@@xezuthegamer8544 it does not works with reactJs
@Nozxoki Рік тому
The way this dude pronounces andromeda should be a crime
@FantomDoesWork Рік тому
Here are some interesting extensions you might find useful: Error Lens - Highlights errors and warnings inline rather than having to hover over red swiggly lines to inspect the error/warning Git Lens - Nice way to see who wrote certain pieces of code quickly. Very useful if the project is developed by a team. Path Intellisense - Autocompletes file names Thunder Client - Lightweight tool to make api calls like postman or insomnia Theme - Atom One Dark, since everyone was commenting what themes they use 😅
@izkuipers Рік тому
Error lens and Git Lens are two amazing extensions. Being able to see what errors have occured inlined into your code is amazing
@LilYet Рік тому
I don’t like atom dark to vibrant my favourite is firefly pro midnight
@MarkEdwardTan Рік тому
Error Lens clutters the editor but I will get used to it.
@justd1zzy383 Рік тому
Hi @Fantom, thanks for sharing! I just started coding last month and this would help a lot. Would like to add "Prettier" as well which makes the codes easier to read not sure if any of those 4 has this feature. :)
@logato7128 Рік тому
I believe Andromeda would be offended by that pronunciation.
@DavidCSaint Рік тому
@DavidCSaint Рік тому
Always good to look up words you don’t know 🎉just to be safe 🎉
@stressedout1354 Рік тому
Funny thing, that is the correct pronunciation in Greek
@graceoverall 9 місяців тому
​@@DavidCSaint an-DRO-me-da 😋
@AndRooooooo 8 місяців тому
That's as far as I got in the video before jumping into the comments to make sure someone else caught that 😅
@Showmatic Рік тому
I used the Synthwave '84 theme for almost a year then recently switched to Moonlight. What can I say, I love the glowing text.
@thatrandomguy2723 Рік тому
Absolutely loved the video , the new era of ForrestKnight is definitely something to not miss out on !! About to start my fall semester with my first computer science class! Thanks for all the inspiration Forrest!
@martinelsasser9729 Рік тому
Nice video. Some extensions I really like are: REST Client: To make requests. It is script based and supports comments, thus you can use it as a temporary replacement for API docs. Find it to be really useful. Remote - SSH: Really great if you are working with Remote Servers. JavaScript REPL: Is really nice if you are working on some algorithm and want a fast response to what you are tweaking. MongoDB for VS Code: Basically a database client for MongoDB within VSCode. Theme Cobalt2 - Really pleasing to the eye.
@voidmind Рік тому
Looking at your chosen theme and the fact that you like dimmed pastels in other contexts, the Rainier theme would probably interest you, since it's a middle ground between high saturation colors and dimmed pastels (the colors look like chalk). BTW you can disable font ligatures (the merged characters) in the VS code setting and Fira Code (or any other programming font) would render characters without them.
@Nerkzor Рік тому
THANK! I've been looking for a well rounded theme and Rainier does exactly that! I have been using Fira Code for a long time now with ligatures, I prefer with than without now.
@kimuyu Рік тому
It's beautiful. Will be my vs code theme for a long time
@abdulrahmanmohamed8298 Рік тому
thanks a lot for the Rainier theme recommendation, bro! tried it earlier this morning, it's PERFECT
@badral-balushi5911 Рік тому
well, finally I got the extension for the icons *_* thanks a lot and my fav/current theme is Monokai Pro (Filter Octagon)
@santiagomontoyas2020 Рік тому
Nice vid! I've been using "Bearded Theme Monokai Black" for a while, I strongly recommend, their extension comes with different styles to match your taste
@JeffLowkey Рік тому
That's the one!🔥
@geisenm Рік тому
We had a guy join the team about a year ago, 25+ year industry vet. Whole team uses VSCode with a recommended set of extensions but he was used to his Vim and we weren’t going to force him to make the change. It didn’t end up working out, and it was too little too late but he did eventually realize he made a mistake when he watched me CMD-click through a series of inherited classes that had been taking him literal hours to navigate before
@zenbrandon Рік тому
Shoulda told him about the vim extension for vs code lol
@PamellaCardoso-pp5tr 11 місяців тому
bro just didn't knew about LSP navigation on neovim. right now i can do "gd" on any thing on my code and it simply takes me to the damn definition, even if it's something defined on the language itself, it shows me the actual implementation of said function lol. the guy you hired were just a vim noob tbh
@fincali197 11 місяців тому
Ctrl + D and Ctrl + U(prefferably with zz) be like frfr
@phucnguyen0110 Рік тому
That Andromeda theme is stunning! I've been using Dainty - Panda Theme for my own VS Code setup too!
@Cyapow Рік тому
Nice theme. I use phpstorm myself and use Materials oceanic theme with high contrast. Might try and make the switch to vs code once my license ends
@shaynejay 5 місяців тому
my favorite theme is "beautiful dracula darker" its absolutely gorgeous
@Imbalize Рік тому
I've made my own theme, or well. It's based on Shades of Purple - but I've tweaked some parts. It's called 'Colorful Explosion'. Currently working on a new version to see if I can make any improvements
@tmthy.mp4 Рік тому
I've been using electron theme for a bit, definitely has colors that pop while still being easy on the eyes
@Tendhix Рік тому
Also used that one for a while and rly liked it, until I stumbled over Electronic Moonlight. It's based off Electron and absolutely perfect for me. Such a chill theme. If you like Electron, maybe it'd be something for you too. I personally like it even better than Electron.
@TheCodeholic Рік тому
I really loved your setup. In fact I am using WSL2 with Ubuntu as well. However I would add few more extensions. 1. Code Spell Checker 2. Auto Close Tag 3. DotENV 4. EditorConfig for VS Code 5. RapidAPI Client 6. TODO Highlight 7. WSL 8. Docker And I use Community Material Theme (Palenight High Contrast) with Material Icon theme. Great Video 👍
@a4yster Рік тому
i love your php vids!
@RepByK Рік тому
Jesus! I didn't know about an Ubuntu tab on terminal. Had to use google for copleof minutes, but the result is amazing. Thanks a lot!
@brhh Рік тому
the live server extension is fairly good for beginners but for more professional use of vanilla js html css coding, it's better now to just npm init vite and start a vanilla project through vite
@romanherrera2060 Рік тому
God I love your channel dude, thank you for being you!
@praveendilruck1169 Рік тому
Thank you bro Very important video❤️
@tupler Рік тому
It's so cool listening to Halbrand (Sauron) talking about vs code setup
@abubow Рік тому
Your linux setup looks so cool, could you tell what you're using as tilling manager/ window manager
@utilyre Рік тому
@fknight Рік тому
@felixc.programs8209 Рік тому
Great advices here! You motivated me to switch career, start my Tech UKposts channel, and start passive income. Thanks!
@aguynamedandre350 Рік тому
Strange... I didn't realize I wasn't subscribed. Thanks for a great video my guy!
@texugobr Рік тому
Great video, I use Moonlight as theme and its pretty good
@alexguillen2493 Рік тому
I like the arch linny idea senor! Would enjoy that vid!
@BrockRocket Рік тому
Themes I use in rotation: Night Owl (light + dark) Cobalt2 CyberWave DuoTone (package of multiple themed themes) Noctis (package, light + dark) Red Tokyo Night/Storm Tomorrow Night Vue
@harryporter3116 Рік тому
My favourite themes by far are the dark variants of Gruvbox Material and Everforest, both by the same guy as far as I know. They have softer contrast though, so probably not a super helpful recommendation, hey. For those who like less pop, though, I'd highly recommend either, especially the first. I actually don't mind ligatures either; I generally use JetBrains Mono day to day.
@krazymeanie Рік тому
Jetbrains Mono? You, my friend, are a real one.
@icaroonofre6055 Рік тому
I've been using emacs for my workflow, it works like a charm, it really is funny how people are being bound to an editor/IDE, but in a real world you have to get things done, if spending a lot of time configuring an editor is actually making you more productive, then go for it.
@_wise_one Рік тому
I created cpu optimised ec2 instance and installed code-server(by coder), it allows me to use vscode in the browser, it's really fast, responsive and I love it. 100X better than coding on my laptop.
@gffftxxx Рік тому
Do you have the ability to forward ports?
@_wise_one Рік тому
@@gffftxxx not sure
@gffftxxx Рік тому
@@_wise_one in such case it will not be a full development(
@_wise_one Рік тому
@@gffftxxx I don't need port forwarding but if you do, you can use vscode and ssh into ec2, you will have the option to forward port.
@gffftxxx Рік тому
@@_wise_one yes you are right. If I use remote machine with installed ssh server, but If i can not install ssh server on my remote machine but I can install cli utill (code server) ((
@JoelJosephReji Рік тому
I really like the OG VS Code theme and I use it even in my neovim config xD! Also, Gitlens is the extension that I use that you didn't mention (definitely a widely used extension)
@b1zzler Рік тому
with you 100%, I've spent hours trying all kinds of themes just to come back to the default theme as my favorite 😅
@quixote5986 Рік тому
@@b1zzler lmao
@dmitriyobidin6049 Рік тому
3:45 But Fira Code doesn't force you to use ligatures, you can turn them off. Tbh, difference between editors really matters when you thinking is much faster than your typing. For me it is true maybe 10% to 20% of the time. And i tried very hard to force myself to learn vim, but in reality it's just not my cup of tea. I'm not fast enough to fully utilize vim but i'm not ready to give up that idea :)
@d-e-v-esh Рік тому
Vim or neovim even with all the plugins is pretty meh at best and there is no upside of using it these days. Almost every system has a UI. The best way to use it is to just use a vim extension for whatever code editor you use.
@codelanguages Рік тому
Very helpful video. Visual Studio Code is my go-to code software.
@izkuipers Рік тому
One thing you didn't cover is your font, because that's one thing I did customize in VSCode. My font is Source Code Pro and my theme is One Dark Pro Flat. Oh, and btw, F2 can also change tag names in React, Svelte, etc. Just put your cursor on a tag and hit F2, specify the new name and it'll update it.
@ahmed-osama2022 Рік тому
Thanks a lot for sharing, It's a very helpful content 😃, I really have a question for you: Where did you learn react and nodejs??
@thaddnarrative 8 місяців тому
Thanks for this mannn
@thomasdaskalakis442 Рік тому
Wow, found this channel by YT recommendations, am impressed!
@bagwaa9948 Рік тому
rescued the video at 30 seconds when you said neovim was good, I was just about to sharpen my pitchfork :D
@joseamayadev Рік тому
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing!
@kia4now Рік тому
Great video, can you show how to have multiple monitors in vscode? Being able to undock various tabs and put them on seperate screens is so helpful and I can't seem to figure out how to do it with vscode. WIth pycharm and spyder it was easy
@TrollingMyLawn Рік тому
Great video! FYI, "Andromeda" is pronounced an·draa·muh·duh. "An-dro-me-duh" gave me a good laugh. Appreciate the tips!
@Simiaaaa Рік тому
My favorite theme is Ayu ! I LOVE this one
@abdelrahman9186 Рік тому
10:23, you don't actually need this extension, just hit ( f2 ) and rename the tag to whatever you want, it works for renaming other things like: variables, functions, classes... etc.
@yb3985 Рік тому
yeah, nowadays f2 (refactor) is quite impressive. In my case, i use it a lot to rename variable, function, and class across different files, and it also automatically saved.
@gadzbi123 Рік тому
I started using ArcoLinux 2 days ago and there is a lot to learn but it's very rewarding. Hope to see a vid with you leaving Windows Soon :)
@Mr.AmeliasDad Рік тому
What made you swap off of Arch? Also, I would be very interested in seeing that setup. Thanks for all you do!
@suryaaytha7376 Рік тому
I actually tried the theme "oceanic blue", I felt that great and suggest everyone try once
@rsdnt_of_kyiv 9 місяців тому
Nice content! Thanks!
@elddr2 Рік тому
the terminal website is fantastic!
@Hinrikao 9 місяців тому
I was looking for this exactly, but I didn't find your config.json I loved much more than others This one became my favorite Help me, I'm from Brazil we love this guy so much
@mr.mo0nrock272 Рік тому
My favorite theme so far is Doki Theme: Re:Zero: Ram.. the first one.. easy on the eyes and very nice contrast
@ahha4264 Рік тому
for someone who try to get into linux community and choosing arch I would like to see video of setup arch for work enviroment for web development the more detail it get the better I dont care how long the video are I will watch the entire video also yes I do know there a better distro for beginner friendly but still I want the ultimate customize ability so yeah
@theowillis6870 Рік тому
theme: doki theme. allows you to have anime girl stickers in your editor and a theme surrounding it (sayori-dark for the bg and senko for the sticker is my fav and current) terminal: powershell (WSL is great. but until you have todo git commits. then you have togo through adding your git token) wakatime: this is an extension that tracks your time coding discord RPC. code runner as well. saves time so you wont have to write in the terminal to save your code. you juts press a button.
@b1zzler Рік тому
I love ligatures, but my favorite font is Cascadia Code / Caskaydia Kove
@brunofunnie Рік тому
TabNine is awesome, been using it for a while. Once you use it is impossible to stop, the same goes for the terminal, when you install "fish-like autosuggestions" with bash or zsh is impossible to not use it.
@BilalAhmed-tw5cr Рік тому
i have issues with it , it makes all other extensions hang , have u ever encounted this issue or
@brunofunnie Рік тому
@@BilalAhmed-tw5cr no, everything work fine, maybe is one of the other extensions that is conflicting with it, maybe the machine is out of resources (ram, disk) as well
@Jrizy. 9 місяців тому
LOVING that keyboard - what is it, if you don't mind me asking?
@Chiramisudo 8 місяців тому
I *am* subscribed Forrest, and have been for some years. You look much better with the shorter hair too BTW.
@foo3268 Рік тому
my fav theme is the blueberry series, I find them pleasing but banana has better contrast than the default one. I even built my site around banana blueberry.
@bamideleemmanuel2036 Рік тому
can you share a link to your site?
@iagod6660 Рік тому
reason for lint instead of hint is probably because a a "Linter" checks for coding, HTML isn't coding, it's just a markup language, so he gives you a hint to make it better
@lillyinthefield2787 8 місяців тому
I wish you did this video for newbies
@satyamskillz Рік тому
This video is gold mine
@eboyHvH Рік тому
Atom One Dark Theme, the best for me❤
@Whisky4Brekfest Місяць тому
I’m way into the super vibrant/saturated look. I run the Monokai Charcoal main theme.
@captainobvious7898 Рік тому
Good video. Worth watching. Thank You! Looked for Andromeda Theme and it looked like there are many variations. I tried a few but IMHO none of them are as good as SynthWave'84 by Robb Owen which I think really "pops". (Assuming you like a dark theme that really "pops").
@paulina5247 Рік тому
Great video! Very useful😊
@Jonas-sg1eo Рік тому
Would be nice to know how you even open or where did you find all those defaults settings.
@ChillAutos Рік тому
I completely get where youre coming from with Fira code when I first tried it I hated it and it was kinda more confusing however after a few months I can say that I like both ways, and dont really care either way. I currently use Fira, and its not confusing anymore I can easily tell == and === apart but yeh its really just a preference thing.
@naturalfps Рік тому
You can always use the Vim Hotkeys in VS Code if that's your cup of tea.
@mosa1Kcode 7 місяців тому
hey @fknight, would it be possible to get the whole "settings.json" code from this video? would appreciate it a lot! thanks
@mrmusanda3576 Рік тому
"MutableAI" is a Github replacement; Error Lens help with seeing errors clearly ; Parameter Hint extension,
@_tanzil_ 9 місяців тому
Obviously Dracula theme. Dracula has meaning in syntax highlighting. One dark pro is almost same, but there were some codes that dracula decided to highlight better which One dark pro just kept it default. So I use dracula.
@ScepticEngineer 5 місяців тому
Fira Code is great when working in Elixir. Pipe functions look great
@vuongqtvn Рік тому
nice setup 🚀
@mardibenton7366 Рік тому
Thank you so much @forestknight you legend! very useful!
@alibinnaseer 8 місяців тому
The default theme is the best
@andres3665 Рік тому
Vs code with the vim extension is all I need.
@sergedmytrienko5605 Рік тому
i'm a software engineer since 20 years, in the greatest web society in France, i only use vim, it's like a guitarist, the music is in your fingers not in the instrument
@maits18 Рік тому
I used Just black as my theme for years but recently I switched to Seti-Black
@aarontech8048 Рік тому
Thanks, Learning resources !
@oacl Рік тому
Is it possible that the reason VS Code opens to remote (1:33) is because it remembers your last instance? I vaguely remember VS Code opening into remote even after I uninstalled WSL because I was using the WSL features last time I had VS Code open.
@taiebxr Рік тому
Anyways just too excited to see you back
@datkumar1024 Рік тому
Some useful extensions: Import cost DotENV Thunder Client (Postman alternative)
@c2k482 Рік тому
i would love to learn how to make a terminal website just like u That was anwsome!
@Oswee Рік тому
Unfortunately for a few years already I have no any IDE installed anymore. All i have is little cozy gruvboxed Neovim. :) I just get sick of using mouse more and more by every year. But... i have a custom keyboard with custom Colemak layout, so its more natural/ergonomic for me to live in the terminal. Before my current setup i liked VS Code pretty much. Thou, can't remember any favourite plugins for it. Ouh... and lately I felt in love with Comic Code font.
@elatedbento Рік тому
Can I have color themes switch immediately according to the language used? I like Github theme for python, but would like to switch immediately to Dracula when the file is HTML or CSS. Is it possible? Please help. Great video!
@paerra Рік тому
Comic Code font. I love it!
@shanecorning5222 9 місяців тому
Nah I'm gana use "YOUR" theme, here, homie, lookin' SLICK yes indeed!!!! ... .. And some nice extension recommendations that "Prettier" is a Must Have for any real coders out there. For sure. WOW , VS Code is so awesome. ~ Cheers , ~ "the" Rev
@aleksandarmartinov5073 Рік тому
Liked the video :) Can you tell me what is that keyboard of yours?
@taiebxr Рік тому
OMG are you going to start web dev course or what , I guess I should watch complete video then comment lol
@sem.2803 Рік тому
bro changed my life with auto close tag
@natywubet2175 Рік тому
one side note: if you like to use linux but also love the privacy most linux have dont use ubuntu unconfigured
@brhh Рік тому
for html tag changer users, use Pug, not a vscode extension, an html pre-processor. Really improves code readability and doesn't require you to end your html file with
@royz_1 Рік тому
3:29 this is font ligature. this is available in lot of modern fonts and you can turn it off. even for fira code
@yarrichar 3 місяці тому
Since you use both, what do you get out of vscode that you don't get out of intellij? I've thought about switching (save some $), but intellij just feels snappier and nicer
@craigasketch Рік тому
I love WSL + Windows. Ultimately though I had to go back to mac or ubuntu. I was just too distracted by all the games I wanted to play on steam etc. I found I had no self control. I found why I'm so unproductive on windows and it's nothing to do with windows and everything to do with me. :)
@JulianColeman03 Рік тому
Not saying that Vim is the best, but I would be cautious to blanket statement "no one uses Vim in a professional development environment". Vim is great. What VSCode has over Vim is the accessibility to great plugins. Vim is much more hands-on, and you need a plugin manager (usually, unless you're using Vim 8.1+). That being said, I'm a highly opinionated frontend software engineer myself and I really enjoy the perspective of other highly opinionated engineers! Keep being opinionated!
@lukemoralesTV Рік тому
> Not saying that Vim is the best, but I would be cautious to blanket statement "no one uses Vim in a professional development environment". This comment is exactly why he said that statement
@killzonia41 Рік тому
Vim plugin in vs code. Boom. Best of both worlds
@JulianColeman03 Рік тому
@@killzonia41 I slightly agree and disagree. If Vim motions are what you're after (meaning your hands stay on the keyboard), then yep! Match made in heaven. However, I prefer Vim as an editor because it's fundamentally lightweight compared to an IDE. It is mostly out of my way as a developer
@killzonia41 Рік тому
@@JulianColeman03 Yup I agree vim definitely has the upper hand for being lightweight. Vim was a must at one of the companies I worked at where I wasn't given a very beefy development machine. It's all situational for sure
@diabeticnomad 9 місяців тому
Did you post the files somewhere?
@premdav Рік тому
Theme: - Github Dark Settings: - Bracket Pair Colorization: Enabled (couldn't live without this) Extensions: - Git Blame - Rainbow CSV
@mattbr1ght Рік тому
but you can disable fira code's ligatures and just have a nice looking font... i just love the ligatures but without them its also cool
@Yash15361 Рік тому
Love your content :}
@daydreamers8254 2 місяці тому
what is your cooling system like? i have the SAME case, idk about motherboard, my RTX is 2060 or 2080, i have a 600 or 650 watt but i bought a 750wat gold and haven't installed it as i'm scared to mess with my pc. the water cooler ihave is made by CollerMASTER and its the ONLY MODEL without any thing to download from their site... so i downloaded msi afterburner to help. i wish i could keep the glass panel on since it gets so hot , theres the water cooler fan that barely pushes any air out, the 3 fans on the GPU that are on the bottom, a fan on top where that grate is on top of the case (we have same case), i have 4x 8gb ram sticks but i was looking at the exact sticks you have, have a ryzen 7 somethin that's quite strong. then i bought an extra fan and i couldn't find anywhere to install it celt one spot under the watercooler (i had to take it out to plug in this fan) and i have it in the front located/screwed in blowing towards EVERYTHING. i have so many programs that show internal stats, i.e. NZXT, MSI afterburner (but i only get this running), and a couple other... I really want to do a full swap out of the water cooler to nothing but fans placed in the right way so i have acess to the motherboard beter. plus i have no idea how to de-dust the interio without damaging ANYTHING so if you see this please tell me what i need to do in order to clean the inside.. it needs it ASAP and i need to be able to put the glass on without it overheating (idk what's bottlenecked, the PSU? or what) cuz everything i have when i pre-ordered it as a custom build it said i could play triple A games from ds3 to wow to whatever with 120+ fps which is true, 144 refresh hz, at ultra EVERYTHING in every game. with no lag. however it gets SUPER HOT SUPRER fast when the glass panel on... otherise it hovers around 90-101F or 29-32C IOBit Uninstaller has a neat program that lets me RAM dump but i have to click it manually over and over. then it shows RPM of fan sped (idk which fan i guesss GPU) then it shows whats eating up the most RAM, as well as Internal heat of CPU (currently at 55C cuz i'm streaming a coded website thats a mock bookies for the footbal game)and GPU around 47C then again i'm running 2 screens both gaming asus screens, cept one is slightly smaller. main one runs at 4k, other one can run at half of that (1440 or maybe just 1080 can't recall) but i think everything is hot due to OBS being open, a live server for VSCode showing website for twitch stream. and like 30+ tabs open as well as a dozen edge tabs. Use opera mainly and when i'm doing important stuff i usually only have half a dozen or less tabs open. so my cpu/gpu temps are higher by 10-15 C degrees than usual and 20 more than having nothing happen.
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