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Rainbow Six Siege: Year 6 Reveal | Ubisoft [NA]

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Ubisoft North America

Ubisoft North America

3 роки тому

"His mom taught him empathy above all" Straps explosives to RC cars
@callum493 3 роки тому
I, mean.. he ain't fuze but he's damn right close enough!
@MadameMinty 3 роки тому
@@callum493 can't wait to blow up the hostage with Flores
@bowenlavalley3297 3 роки тому
Flores: kills hostage Fuze: :D
@flashybomber 3 роки тому
rip speaker guy who says “Do not attempt to board the helicopter” he got nerfed hard
@f1nn15 3 роки тому
@motherlover4493 3 роки тому
@zexocxeesy268 3 роки тому
So basically this whole year is a buff for the attackers
@apollogonzalez9881 3 роки тому
Yeah because siege is heavily defender favored, they take around 60% of rounds in comp
@obxurv 3 роки тому
@@apollogonzalez9881 is it because people are garbage or cause the game
@mariocamacho8446 3 роки тому
@@obxurv it's the game. This is data from comp. I can tell you very easily these people are not bad
@setsjunk 3 роки тому
Voiyage it's because by nature, defenders have an advantage. They can sit and wait rather than taking risks. That's the nature of defense.
@obxurv 3 роки тому
@@setsjunk yes and that's exaggerated by giving like 7 defenders traps. Obviously siege is easy on defense cause all your gadgets and traps work for you. On attack you have to worry about the actual defender shooting, their trap AND planting the bomb. Why does it make sense for attackers to carry an entire explosive round, but unreasonable for them to have an emp nade??
@echo12345ish 3 роки тому
Everyone: So... what about R6 Parasite? Ubisoft: We see you, so here's a R6 Siege board game
@fitfuzzballgaming 3 роки тому
Everyone: excited for house casual rework Ubisoft : here’s favela causal rework Everyone : riot
@thebboi3339 3 роки тому
Tbh I'm not even mad about a board game for r6
@tezknowsball7605 3 роки тому
@@fitfuzzballgaming I'm not a fan of the house rework. Leave the OG maps like House, Hereford, and Plane alone. Pretty sure they've all been here since beta so I hate the changes.
@_kingfish_4158 3 роки тому
r6 parasite lol how about an actual rainbow six game no one asked for a zombie shooter they gotta strip off that tom clancy's rainbow six tag if they wanna fully put focus on this esports title
@fitfuzzballgaming 3 роки тому
@@_kingfish_4158 too different dev teams it won’t make a difference
@o2_breathless839 3 роки тому
The new operation is cool and all but I’m really here for the board game
@avindorsay8189 3 роки тому
is that fr gonna be a thing?
@Workaround224 3 роки тому
@@avindorsay8189 yea
@ericoperuzzi8963 3 роки тому
What board game? Please time stamp
@o2_breathless839 3 роки тому
@@ericoperuzzi8963 I’m to lazy to find it but it should be like the last thing they ever show
@Order-tg5gb 3 роки тому
@@ericoperuzzi8963 46:40
@lun4tic26 3 роки тому
8:05 nice map villa has become...
@allahakbar5230 3 роки тому
@phoenixfox8923 3 роки тому
They did that a lot while showing these like menu changes, just goes to show it’s concepts not actual changes yet😂
@braincube013 3 роки тому
@h73x95 3 роки тому
Also Kaplan and Kapkan lol
@RexoftheWest 3 роки тому
8:11 I guess they decided to rework Kapkan’s Name
@Dis626 3 роки тому
Bruhhhhh 😭😂
@StormFox_1 3 роки тому
Jeff Kaplan
@h_3795 3 роки тому
Lmao I remember when I first saw him I was like Kaplan? Who is this jewish guy
@artynsnow514 3 роки тому
@prabowonegoro3693 3 роки тому
what's the point of nerfing mira -_- she's already lost 2 stadium game. she didnt see that coming yo
@dausenmoore 3 роки тому
SHe's simply too strong on many objectives.
@RDB0199118 3 роки тому
@@dausenmoore on kafe kitchen she’s so op
@colley_guy 3 роки тому
@@RDB0199118 on any objective she’s op 😂
@timon20061995 3 роки тому
Well that was a full French experience.
@zone7rizzo 3 роки тому
@rambo4670 3 роки тому
Ikr my guy at 8:47 is struggling to not speak French lmaoo
@jubaerkhan4329 3 роки тому
13:20 sacre bleu
@Algebruh2407 3 роки тому
LMAO I needed to add captions to understand him at times
@rainewhite4013 3 роки тому
not only is ubisoft a french company but the main branch of ubisoft that is working on the game is in Montreal so its like double french
@FajnyFilip2137 3 роки тому
*ubisoft taking massive dump on Castle*
@JusticeGamingNY 3 роки тому
Ill never not use castle my channel is living proof Castle is underrated
@RatKing369 3 роки тому
and Maestro too.
@brandenblomberg3048 3 роки тому
@@JusticeGamingNY Castle is the pinnacle of an underrated good boy.
@ChuckTaylorBoi313 3 роки тому
During black history month lol
@justindaily1677 3 роки тому
Give him the elite skin we want
@mrtouchmynub4178 3 роки тому
Wait.. Did I see an Yokai drone being used even though Echo was dead?!?! The possibility of memes...
@Luminousea 3 роки тому
The memes will rise
@bruhchang2833 3 роки тому
This brings a new meaning to “Yokai can do the rest”
@Dickinabox 3 роки тому
ngl its gonna be infuriating the whole point of them is to be anchors that stay alive with intel gathering gadgets that are useless when they die. Now I still kill maestro and and still cant plant das some bs
@abobus_meln 3 роки тому
@@Dickinabox Yeah, the only hope is that they remove/balance it out on the TS
@weeps7798 3 роки тому
@@Dickinabox yea but maestro and yokai got massive nerfs which makes it easier to deal with their gadgets. You also have the gonne.
@panera_employee 3 роки тому
I like how the goyo placeholder animation is just the evil eye animation
@patstel9024 3 роки тому
as they said it’s just a prototype so the shape and animation will change
@patstel9024 3 роки тому
@@sprucebadger8229 17:30 go from there
@sprucebadger8229 3 роки тому
@@patstel9024 aw man, why get rid of the shields tho? didn't they ditch the idea of just having Jerry cans back in ember rise?
@patstel9024 3 роки тому
@@sprucebadger8229 idk, but i prefer the idea of no shield, we’ll see what happens once released
@Chamungus 3 роки тому
@@sprucebadger8229 no shield is better because you can stick it to unexpected places, like next to doorways, now the goyo + kapkan combo is better
@sethbierman7946 3 роки тому
“Said Jeff you’ve got bait on your hook”
@gibby4631 3 роки тому
“It’s a big one down there”
@infernorain469 3 роки тому
25:35 Bruh they seriously putting Rick and Morty in siege
@lordbron_tck7299 3 роки тому
Yeah a not so subtle hint
@MrDSLow 3 роки тому
So you could detect a degenerate before game even starts.
@dausenmoore 3 роки тому
Wonder what they'll do. I'm excited to find out.
@gigabyte3420 3 роки тому
@@dausenmoore skins
@whyteterror4168 3 роки тому
@@dausenmoore April Fools event.
@HamBro__ 3 роки тому
8:00 UI변경 10:00 평판시스템 추가 13:00공격팀 드로닝시간 오퍼변경 추가 16:00 2갑체력-120/3갑체력-140 17:50 멜루시 특능 너프(비활성화-방탄/활성화-총으로 파괴가능) 18:50 핀카 자가소생 롤백 20:00디도스 대안 21:00 10초: 스킨 커스터마이징 22:00조피아 두 번째 정예스킨 23:00 도깨비 에코 스킨번들 추가 ~신오퍼 설명+국경 리워크 플레이 영상
@zaidvalencia2516 2 роки тому
대단히 감사합니다, 그것은 나를 위해 일을 훨씬 쉽게했다!
@ricfon1372 3 роки тому
at this point melusi is just an operator with a gun
@karthikRameshNatarajan 3 роки тому
@pno 3 роки тому
20:58 damn he's hella rich bro
@nafizimtiazsaimon3298 3 роки тому
It's a test server. They can change anything they want.
@Chamungus 3 роки тому
@@nafizimtiazsaimon3298 yes it's called a "joke"
@justindaily1677 3 роки тому
Yeah and he's lvl 0 lol
@pno 3 роки тому
@@justindaily1677 shhheeeessshhhh
@staffordstark1748 3 роки тому
Yes I heard about the elite customization idea a long time ago I'm so hyped for it to finally be in game soon
@sanguinius_yt 3 роки тому
Did it say when ?
@cocelijah 3 роки тому
@@sanguinius_yt 21:12
@WD40Gaming 3 роки тому
What do we want, MONTY ELITE, when do we want it, NOW
@hh6248 3 роки тому
No we dont
@gigabyte3420 3 роки тому
@@hh6248 yea we do
@RDB0199118 3 роки тому
Also remove the melee animation when you hit his shield
@Dis626 3 роки тому
@@hh6248 excuse me what (jokes btw we all have our opinion)
@blazzenblaze133 3 роки тому
@frostynawf 3 роки тому
So this drone is bigger then twitch’s drone but can jump. Makes sense 😂
@melongraffers4884 3 роки тому
A kangaroo is bigger than twitches drone and it can jump. I really dont think size is the reason twitch drones cant jump
@melongraffers4884 3 роки тому
@@benjibeatzz5096 I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to @Frosty R6
@stormstrikerpro 3 роки тому
Honestly no clue how it jumps. Base drones have a spring that propelled them up, which is replace by the taser on Twitch (hence why it can’t jump). Do how the big hunk a junk can jump is beyond me.
@colley_guy 3 роки тому
@@melongraffers4884 😂 😂 😂
@patstel9024 3 роки тому
twitches drone can’t jump because that ability was subbed with its quietness
@reaperace7977 3 роки тому
So we only pick Castle for the fancy red stripes from now on?
@Predetor4 3 роки тому
That camera change is gonna be wild if it sticks
@thebboi3339 3 роки тому
Yeah I think it'll add some chaos but fun chaos. I'm just glad that ops like twitch will be able to use their utility even after death
@quinnkishbaugh7571 3 роки тому
It should only be in casual
@NotaRealScientist 3 роки тому
@@quinnkishbaugh7571 thats never gonna happen
@audify3833 3 роки тому
@@NotaRealScientist Completely ruins the art of preplaced drones and callouts upon death if all you can do is jump on a drone while dead and give another teammate LIVE info while dead Just imagine if an attacker rushes and dies, he can just jump on a drone nearby and give live info WHILE dead and get another teammate to refrag. Normally you would give callouts just as you died but now you can just drone a teammate in with LIVE info WHILE dead. I hope it gets removed. Also this new attacker repick is terrible
@onlyDTA 3 роки тому
The camera after death and repicks HAVE TO GO.
@adamknight5089 3 роки тому
I really like the changes - like being able to change operator in prep stage, and controlling cameras/drones after death, also the new weapon to destroy bulletfrom cameras, very good
@Not-Nert 3 роки тому
Some of these people really need subtitles
@iitspengwin 3 роки тому
That’s kinda why there’s a subtitle option
@RattlebonesTheThird 3 роки тому
Americans when someone speaks in accent thats not american
@WheresMyDoggo 3 роки тому
@@iitspengwin well theres no official subs sonit doesnt always make sense
@iitspengwin 3 роки тому
@@WheresMyDoggo there is 🤨
@WheresMyDoggo 3 роки тому
@@iitspengwin can only see autogenerated subs
@ErickLopez-vc8vh 3 роки тому
honestly need subtitles to understand most of what they’re saying
@Lucas-tj2qc 3 роки тому
Siege making alot of changes I like it. Siege community our time is coming
@michaelr.7968 3 роки тому
8:04 thats not villa . . .
@smith8825 3 роки тому
@dice581 3 роки тому
The most interesting year in a long while for sure.
@sir_tacothe1st 3 роки тому
You can say that again
@TheGooGaming 3 роки тому
@@sir_tacothe1st Shadow Legacy was interesting, the new sights I think did a lot for the game's variety
@dice581 3 роки тому
​@@TheGooGaming Not even close to this.Switching ops,using drones/gadgets post death,secondary pistol as a mini ash charge and an op with 4 IED drones that can clear entire bomb sites of gadgets is huge.
@TheGooGaming 3 роки тому
@@dice581 The issue here is that my comment is only a reply to the other guy saying it was the most interesting "in a long while" while Shadow Legacy was a few months ago.
@LaKillingFrenzyy 3 роки тому
@@dice581 Not all of that is coming this season. That's also stuff coming later.
@rocketmuffin6694 3 роки тому
they just made robin hood with a c-4 hotwheel
@matthewloring5220 3 роки тому
I love that rotate from East stairs into break room!
@drillofthedeath879 3 роки тому
The new gameplay changes look really cool!
@eekoonchew3424 3 роки тому
One simple way to fix the ranking system imo is to just decrease the mmr gap , I really hate the fact whenever I try to get into higher ranks and I have a unranked or bronze low level player
@Snansy 3 роки тому
i'm guessing that kali elite skin will release by the time the rework,revamp,nerf or buff kali
@masaruechoenatsu7102 3 роки тому
I'm going to lay down for a bit, Yokai can handle them
@maloneyr6309 3 роки тому
4th wall breaking type beat
@djxp0676 3 роки тому
@justindaily1677 3 роки тому
When you die as echo just be like
@black_hydra1618 3 роки тому
With the repick, I always was happy when I guessed my opponents strat and where they will be next and countering them as much as possible, the skill of that wont be necessary anymore, maybe this should be a newcomer setting getting new players familiarized with counters to strats counters to ops n stuff
@miav7817 3 роки тому
13:56 did anyone else see buck’s “!!broomstick”?
@mellokillz 3 роки тому
Its boomstick. It's probably what they called the gonne-6 internally.
@notarobot5815 3 роки тому
"I'm the king of the gods, you primitive screw head, and this is my boomstick! *Shotgun fires* "
@S1x_ 3 роки тому
You picked Bandit on Consulate? Well, don't mind if we switch to Thatcher, Thermite, Hibana, Maverick and Ace.
@callum493 3 роки тому
Gives attackers the buff they need. Eleviates the defenders advantage ever so slightly
@moxieswaygan 3 роки тому
Thatchers banned
@Tribalpotato 3 роки тому
Attack repick makes so much sense, it can make a huge difference for the attackers. Being able to counter pick, and adopt your strategy knowing what team you are going to face is very good concept. This small concept can actually change the meta hugely, the sooner the better.
@austin842 3 роки тому
Good job keeping the game feeling fresh after 6 years. Looking forward to year 6!
@nikolatesla5308 3 роки тому
Goyo's shields now are replaced with lunchbox
@kian2302 3 роки тому
I don't mean to be like racist but I had a really hard time understanding you guys at the beginning
@grimoireweiss5203 3 роки тому
You are not racist for feeling like this because guess what once that chick started talking I had to stop doing anything and completely focus on listening to understand some words.
@savagedabsavage877 3 роки тому
yeah I don't know why they don't just have people that we can understand easily giving us the info
@Chamungus 3 роки тому
thats why captions exist
@richardavelino7383 3 роки тому
I'm very cool with the attacking team being stronger than the defending. Attackers have up to 2 different times to beat. Makes sense why their assault weapons should have their advantage.
@dee3246 3 роки тому
8:42 i know this guy! He was in a video from "wired"! The video title was every r6 operstor explained! Its a really cool video!
@callum493 3 роки тому
Yeah.. we all saw it
@dee3246 3 роки тому
@@callum493 nice
@dx2049 3 роки тому
*Flores meets Dokkabei” Flores: Nice shades 😏
@lndv 3 роки тому
27:11 For Flores
@blank5895 3 роки тому
So is there anything to do about all the sumerfs cuz that is y I stopped playing as a new player
@maxthebear7765 3 роки тому
So if I went Twitch and switched to a different operator in the prep phase, what would happen to the twitch drone?
@KingsGoated 3 роки тому
Ubi you guys are goated. This year's gonna be a banger for Siege.
@patrickcassidy5437 3 роки тому
Being able to switch on attack? That’s op, like imagine having a twitch drone get bandits wires then switch to ace and get the plant, or just get counters for all the enemy ops
@coltonh4642 3 роки тому
They can switch during prep phase. Not during the round
@habanero16 3 роки тому
Twitch will probably get one or two normal drones in addition to her two shock drones
@pumpkinplays9277 3 роки тому
@@coltonh4642 but uses twitch drone during prep faze and then switchez to another operator
@coltonh4642 3 роки тому
@@pumpkinplays9277 true. Guessing they won’t let twitch drones to be used until the round starts like Holden said above
@pumpkinplays9277 3 роки тому
@@coltonh4642 probably but thats kinda bad for those operators but ok
@henrylindsey9121 3 роки тому
So two things that I see that can improve the Match Replay system is a tick on the bar when someone on the map dies. So an orange for defense and a blue for offense. Another improvement is for people to be able to report someone on a team for suspicious behavior when you are watching a match replay.
@rahulganesh8540 3 роки тому
okay so one bug that i saw is that it shows 1v3 instead of 3v1 if theres one guy in opposite team...other than that, im really excited to try the new season out ... Great Job!
@davionray5440 3 роки тому
This is the moment I've been waiting for
@Mikail_199 3 роки тому
We all bro We all
@SoulieCanolie 3 роки тому
WOOOOOOO yea baby! That’swhativebeenwaitingfor!
@Booty.Warrior 3 роки тому
8:45 brodies speakin cursive
@aidan7655 3 роки тому
That redhead lady was speaking dyslexia
@xproto4651 3 роки тому
Omg yessss
@steven4217 3 роки тому
maybe melusis gadet could be a little better if it took more than 1 round to destroy it. Like, what if it had to take 5 bullets to be destroyed that way more effort is required to take it out and cause the attackers to spend more time getting rid of it. Having to shoot the extra bullets to destroy it can be great for the defenders because it gives up the position of the attacker better than 1 shot does and an attacker can perhaps miss a couple of shots to the melusi gadget and spend that much more time trying not to miss.
@twistedrealityy5937 3 роки тому
Is there gonna be any new weapons through out this year?
@gumerzambrano 3 роки тому
Yeah the pistol with an explosive
@callum493 3 роки тому
They physically can't make any new guns unless they make them up. They've made all irl guns that dint have licenses that need to be paid for to use
@reaper-_-lol-_- 3 роки тому
@@callum493 dont worry next weapon will be an automatic grenade luancher the does 5 dmg
@Holy_grail 3 роки тому
If am going to be honest I thought this video would talk about the new skins in the season pass
@Ghosty_In_4K 3 роки тому
Tbh I don’t think we will be getting a season pass this year can’t say for sure tho obviously
@alien_666 3 роки тому
There won't be a year/season pass
@Ghosty_In_4K 3 роки тому
@AL1EN666 we might be but we don’t know yet
@Sgt.Bagel36 3 роки тому
@@Ghosty_In_4K no it literally said the ops r in the battle pass
@levil7903 3 роки тому
The ops will be in the battle pass so no season pass
@adityaharsaatyanta9917 3 роки тому
just wonderring about the "repairing and fixing" line from if i'm not wrong a year ago at last year SI
@rygetlost6002 3 роки тому
The podcas- I mean project panel was great!
@topfrag612 3 роки тому
Can we get an option to turn off screen shake? Please and thanks.
@colley_guy 3 роки тому
It should be removed all together IMO
@just-me-4-20-8 3 роки тому
*Kali gets Elite* (Castle and Monty the only season one operators that don't have Elites) Am I a joke to you?
@justindaily1677 3 роки тому
Not season 1 that was black ice, you mean since launch
@datedwizard989 2 роки тому
I’m here after the year 6 season 4 reveal so let’s have a look at all the things that were mentioned in this video but haven’t been added. - Ranked rework/ matchmaking - Reputation system (was actually first mentioned year 5) - Anti cheat - Attacker repick - Droning after death (was in ts in season 2 but not mentioned since) - Goyo rework - Smurffing changes Thankfully though they were able to change the logo of the game.
@sanguinius_yt 3 роки тому
Anyone know when the elite customisation is coming to siege ?
@jayjay-jz2tg 3 роки тому
43:05 Black ice shield
@colley_guy 3 роки тому
@savyken2918 3 роки тому
rick and north crossover?? all of the cosmetics i’m loving already especially echos new skin
@rutgerminneboo 3 роки тому
North is mt favourite character
@christopherjackaman7346 3 роки тому
So if you are a 3 health does the cap for doc stims work the same or not
@callum493 3 роки тому
Yesss. You get a boost of 20 that degenerates over time
@christopherjackaman7346 3 роки тому
@@callum493 thanks. Yeah there are gonna be a lot of tests done with all these changes
@sosogamer771 3 роки тому
So does the reputation and friendly fire punishments apply to private matches or other similar stuff?
@jtnika 3 роки тому
Ah yes my favorite operator Kaplan
@huzaifaarsalan 3 роки тому
25:30 now these are some nice skins.
@h73x95 3 роки тому
These changes are pretty big and are going to mix things up quite a bit I think. I’m excited for this year!
@radinjafari2469 3 роки тому
Love it 😍
@bredmaekr 3 роки тому
I feel like the attackers changing in drone phase is a bit too much, tre whole point of attackers is to predict the enemy especially in ranked.
@callum493 3 роки тому
The problem is defenders have an advantage
@attackmaster519 3 роки тому
@@callum493 Yeah, and completely ruining every single strategy the defenders can employ, forcing them to employ only the most effective, never straying, is not the way to fix that.
@callum493 3 роки тому
@@attackmaster519 not really. There are ways to counter perfect strats. There's many time attackers perfectly predict the enemies anyway and does that confirm the win for them? No. Nit even remotely. It just gives the defenders a challenge and forces the same defenders to think harder on how to counter. For example bandit tricking or nozzle 0lacement, positioning, etc
@itsLandonT 3 роки тому
Instead they should give a 6th pick during the prep phase so it can help attackers without becoming broken
@attackmaster519 3 роки тому
@@callum493 Correct, but this literally throws out any surprise strats is my point. Defenders used to be able to take weaker ops in an attempt to surprise the attackers expecting a specific strat or lineup.
@ckennedy8598 3 роки тому
Y'all need to add captions.
@plenic3723 3 роки тому
Fr bro goddamn
@_Cheddae_ 3 роки тому
Loves to see it
@charleouel9012 3 роки тому
Doka whit BosG + the Gonne-6 So much bullet wow!
@schlime1386 3 роки тому
Guess I gotta wait another year for a new map smh
@riege2656 3 роки тому
No we get a new map either next season or after that because coastline is getting reworked
@setsjunk 3 роки тому
The community hasn't liked the last 3 or 4 new maps anyway, so it's not like it matters.
@wisdomincoming12 3 роки тому
They better change the ranked rotation or am done. Also still 1 op a season lol. More reworks? Why?
@pokeveteran8682 3 роки тому
@@wisdomincoming12 ....because current content has issues? Would you rather see new shiny stuff or would you rather have the current content be better?
@roachdoggjr6893 3 роки тому
@@wisdomincoming12the ranked rotation is great rn
@jakeesapien 3 роки тому
Subtitles are needed.
@mrcycoom4335 3 роки тому
@@MacikSeba you can try the automatic generated one works really good
@trafficcone7893 3 роки тому
@@MacikSeba even if english is your first language, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what they’re saying because of their French accents
@gabriel.barbosa 3 роки тому
on ubisoft channel (not ubisoft na) they have the subtitles.
@DiegoGonzalez-hl1sw 3 роки тому
@@mrcycoom4335 it’s not even auto they subtitled the whole video
@ryanschmidt58 3 роки тому
Can we maybe get more time for the battle pass or less tiers? I find myself buying the pass and missing out on 75% of the possible content I could’ve gotten because I only had 4 weeks to finish it
@danemolnar4380 3 роки тому
Do we get our credits back if we naught ops when they where more exspensive?
@bulletnotloaded3586 3 роки тому
@LionLegend7765 3 роки тому
I bet there’s going to be ever more people who bring MnK to console.
@gumerzambrano 3 роки тому
@noxymex 3 роки тому
I really hope not
@lvwafflsvl2354 3 роки тому
@@gumerzambrano So, MnK isn't fair for players who are staying on controller
@MrVWW 3 роки тому
I quit siege on ps4 after playing 5 years straight since the beginning. I watched this to see if they had sorted out the mnk problem. They mentioned nothing. Its a great game that ruined by the mnk nonsense on console. Ubisoft really need to address this if they are serious about dealing with cheaters.
@matth4devil65 3 роки тому
@@MrVWW they dont care about console sadly
@Kira_1_ 3 роки тому
wow more reworks cant wait
@zch-miller 3 роки тому
Can someone tell me what the boomstick is on buck (13:56)
@kinamiqi4025 3 роки тому
The Siege Invitational map was almost perfect; it felt like attacking with the current meta was possible, and I think the route you guys took with the Siege Invitational was nearly perfect since attackers could get into the map with relative ease
@Momo-qz8il 3 роки тому
Did I just see a repick feature??
@callum493 3 роки тому
Its a very good idea imo. Loving it
@mimzyexpress2320 3 роки тому
@@callum493 nope imagine being mute and they switch to twitch, shoot you out then switch back to Ash
@mohlankana8417 3 роки тому
@@mimzyexpress2320 you will be only able to switch once
@HaIIow 3 роки тому
The explosive me like, the last name we share me like too.
@SaladBoi37 3 роки тому
This video is like making me cry :,)
@MynameisGeoff 3 роки тому
the battlepass shown on the video is the next one or the current one but on the new UI?
@MynameisGeoff 3 роки тому
also Jill costume for zovia? Revolver Ocelot outfit would fit her waaaay better
@bodocua1387 3 роки тому
THANK YOU, now finka can revive herself.... was kinda illogic before lmao
@not-a-memer 3 роки тому
Why don't y'all rework Bartlett and bring it back to rainbow six rotate in casual or ranked
@gh0stxp517 3 роки тому
Exactly they ruining all the good maps
@KilloWatts 3 роки тому
Well this new rework seems very good and I'm quite impressed by them wanting to actually keep this game alive since i already gave up on it
@not-a-memer 3 роки тому
@@lvpist at the start of siege it was made for multi-player and t-hunt
@playervsk 3 роки тому
Yes! Enjoying games of Ubisoft!
@nahzook5452 3 роки тому
Will there be working audio in this season?
@callum493 3 роки тому
Depends where and when you are
@spaghetti806 3 роки тому
I'm one of 6 people on earth who enjoys border pre rework 😔
@radalicy894 3 роки тому
I like it, it’s a really good change one of my favorite reworks
@adamdoherty3736 3 роки тому
I actually love it
@cristianvazquez7190 3 роки тому
@miniooziie6532 3 роки тому
you talking about the circle right?
@qwaii 3 роки тому
I think it’s a small hint for the new “parasite” game
@YahrielIsrael 3 роки тому
I've been playing with castle since day one . .wheres the elite skin??
@jokrhiguy2426 3 роки тому
I do have a question does the battle pass come with the year pass or do you still buy that separately
@callum493 3 роки тому
Currently it has to be bought separately but part of me feels like now with this battle pass and operator mix thing happening they might mix it all and might a year battle pass if you know what I mean
@jokrhiguy2426 3 роки тому
@@callum493 yee I hope so I've been playing the game since beta and I really like alot of these changes but alot of them are kinda iffy if u catch my drift
@callum493 3 роки тому
@@jokrhiguy2426 as a beta player myself I feel you. They are definitely not qualified to nerf and buff these ops sometimes, hell they can't even stick to a ui for more than 2 years at a time
@HosselMossel 3 роки тому
Rick and morty huh? Let’s make doc Rick and mozzie will be morty then
@zanderhughes525 3 роки тому
you mean rook?
@mimzyexpress2320 3 роки тому
Changing operator during prep phase? Oh they gotta mute lemme switch rq to twitch then shoot it out then go back to Ash. Great stuff ubi great stuff
@blazzenblaze133 3 роки тому
@braincube013 3 роки тому
Literally the only things I crave are Crouchspam to be fixed ( un-ADS when crouching ) and a system that detects MnK and Macros.
@st0rmtm 3 роки тому
I would to love to have the pro league replays