Season 8 Official Trailer: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Well, a thing or two has happened since we’ve been away, but we’ll be back soon! See you on February 14th.
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@AlwaysAPotterhead 3 роки тому
When the world needed him most He returned
@A.H.A.J 3 роки тому
After a hundred years?
@bimich7339 3 роки тому
@@A.H.A.J felt like a hundred years
@higashi_arts 3 роки тому
@@A.H.A.J Not quite that long. But it sure felt like it.
@someonesghost3868 3 роки тому
My favorite comment ever
@Darkhorse1291 3 роки тому
I believe John Oliver can save the world
@tylerburney8576 3 роки тому
RIP John’s sanity after not having been able to comment on any of the wild shit that’s happened since the show’s been on hiatus
@slybuster 3 роки тому
You mean he was triggered his show couldn't unironically echo the Reichstag Fire Decree, labeling rioters as Nazi terrorists who plotted an organized insurrection?
@jojbenedoot7459 3 роки тому
@@slybuster stop whining, lib
@FelisImpurrator 3 роки тому
@@jojbenedoot7459 Not a lib, that's a triggered right-winger.
@rafaelmonteirorodrigues4672 3 роки тому
it's ok, he'll just have to shoot a 12 hour long episode to cover it.
@adamchristopher6917 3 роки тому
@@rafaelmonteirorodrigues4672 Or daily/nightly like everyone else with a news gig.
@EpyonRules 3 роки тому
February 14th? Looks like John Oliver is gonna be everyone's Valentine!
@shumeister1059 3 роки тому
Can't wait. It's been a long dreary winter.
@disaceter1130 3 роки тому
Finally. I won't be alone.
@skyskynomnom4674 3 роки тому
He’s gonna hate this comment 😂😂😂
@12inchesofworm26 3 роки тому
Aw :>
@xDroflmao1337 3 роки тому
@CassandraBankson 3 роки тому
*John come back we need you the world is falling apart feb 14 can’t come soon enough I’m watching this on replay rocking side to side in the corner of my room please appease*
@daddyhoot2130 3 роки тому
I absolutely agree!! I can't rewatch enough
@myhairisverypoofy7741 3 роки тому
Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need.
@ef-19tornado20 3 роки тому
Two days until our king comes back
@Azamra18 3 роки тому
He’s not the hero we asked for, but he’s the hero we need.
@MountainSnowInc 3 роки тому
@kg_sammich 3 роки тому
What do you mean? I prayed that this came back since it went on break
@Briggsby 3 роки тому
I don't know about you people, but I've been asking for him. Let the Zazu run free!
@iwontliveinfear 3 роки тому
@@Briggsby My wife and I call the show The Zazu Report.
@Azamra18 3 роки тому
@@iwontliveinfear 🤣🤣🤣
@LapNguyen-rq8zt 3 роки тому
So ready for a British accented toucan to bless me with humor in this depressing world
@SwirlyCub 3 роки тому
I thought he was a toucan
@LapNguyen-rq8zt 3 роки тому
@@SwirlyCub I think you're right!
@reaper_panda994 3 роки тому
Nice save
@diggygenetics8227 3 роки тому
I kinda hope he doesn’t have an audience, still
@whydidmyhandlechangefromAlice 3 роки тому
A British accented toucan with spider fingers
@moistsnailpoop5295 3 роки тому
"Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance." - Perfect yearbook quote.
@jeyruff429 2 роки тому
Or the quote from nearly every 80's action movie. --J
@nickkurzy2246 Рік тому
This is such a raw line you'd expect it to be form a Bond movie or maybe the Dark Knight trilogy, but no, it's John.
@MSte21 3 роки тому
I love how even this trailer has thousands of dislikes, lol. It means he's pissing off the right people.
@peterfathom4922 3 роки тому
They know he's coming for their necks...
@joshwilkinson4708 3 роки тому
To be fair, it's listed as a trailer for season 8, but everything in it is from season 7. I'm guessing a hefty chunk of the downvotes are because of that, and not necessarily from angry conservatives. Or people who live in Danbury, CT.
@neuralmute 3 роки тому
And one from Adam Driver.
@moniquej2997 3 роки тому
@@joshwilkinson4708 well considering it's not filmed ahead of time, why wouldn't it be clips from the last season?
@lilduderob1 3 роки тому
It didn’t say anything bad about conservatives it had everything from last year. It was just a boring trailer.
@SynergistN7 3 роки тому
Hello HBO? John Oliver can’t go on hiatus anymore, okay? We need him every week. The whole year round. Thanks.
@scan4707 3 роки тому
There's always some shit happening nowadays, so a 3-month break from this show sucks for us
@roberthayes7737 3 роки тому
You realize he does have a life outside of work, right?
@closedcl8 3 роки тому
No, please, that'd break his entire being asunder.
@sempressfi 3 роки тому
@@roberthayes7737 pfft this is America, gotta worship the almighty dollar and work 24/7! 😆
@sempressfi 3 роки тому
@@roberthayes7737 on a serious note, I'm sure the original comment wasn't meant to be literal. As much as most of us would love to see him at least weekly, he's got a family and is just as affected by all the shit going on as we are.
@rgermanix 3 роки тому
I'm so glad someone at HBO made the objectively insane choice to give Zazu an unlimited expense account and little/no supervision.
@user-cs1ep6jj2o 3 роки тому
Cuz it's not TV, it's HBO.
@firmi_2119 3 роки тому
have my like
@BolttheSuperPony 3 роки тому
@amaannanji3113 3 роки тому
He did the voice of Zazu in the lion king remake
@firmi_2119 3 роки тому
@@BolttheSuperPony that bird in the lion king, also a nickname for john oliver
@tourvella 3 роки тому
Why can't I watch you on UKposts anymore? Feb 14th is long passed and nothing on the free platform? Miss you.
@aslefjeldstad 3 роки тому
The description says “we’ll be back soon! See you on February 14th.” Is that SOON?! How can that be soon when Wednesday is a lifetime away?!
@jazliek9941 3 роки тому
Only 2 days!!!!!
@vinomendoza6752 3 роки тому
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@DamascusVT 3 роки тому
"Let tomorrow be about solutions; today is about vengeance." Raw fuckin line
@Mondfischli 3 роки тому that other comment a Troll with humor or AI with a vengeance 🤣..🤧..😷
@NeutralEvilLawfulGood 3 роки тому
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@AnonFaux2244 3 роки тому
Straight out of an action flick bruh if someone a tad bit more manly had said it I would’ve gotten chills
@joedufour8188 3 роки тому
The entire clip is way better. It's the season 7 finale clip on their page.
@jayaplanthara 3 роки тому
"Let tomorrow be about solutions, today is about vengeance" - John Oliver 2021
@MOBROOKS 3 роки тому
@In_TheMoonlight 3 роки тому
Truly wise words 😌
@iwantsexseemyvideo1694 3 роки тому
@DizzleDog 3 роки тому
He said it at the end of the 2020 season
@martinsantibanez1589 3 роки тому
Is that a referrence on 007 ???
@seanthompson1197 3 роки тому
John, you have been gone and we have needed you. So damn happy you are back. Decided to google who your wife is since you were on hiatus presumably enjoying some well earned rest with your family, and you are married to an American war vet. For some reason that makes me so happy. America (the good parts at least) loves you.
@mirna-garcia 3 роки тому
I'm readyyyyyy!!!! Love from Spain, dear Oliver!!! Please, start inmediately, we need you!
@daniellelanphear6547 3 роки тому
The Adam Driver bit is one of his best. “I’m America’s naughtiest bitch.”
@wildflower1397 3 роки тому
Yesss! The Adam Driver bit is absolutely the funniest thing I saw in all of 2020. 😂😂
@cezarcatalin1406 3 роки тому
Wildflower Apparently we all love harassing wealthy movie stars with stupid shit and memes. They better get used to it.
@RusstheTroubadour 3 роки тому
He was in on the bit
@wildflower1397 3 роки тому
@@RusstheTroubadour Yes he was in on it, but it was still hysterical. 😂
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@jopo7996 3 роки тому
So much has happened, John's first show in February will need to be 5 hours long.
@Pandemonis 3 роки тому
Wait, we're still one FULL MONTH away from Feb 14th
@martinflores1370 3 роки тому
@@Pandemonis 😢
@Sunshine00Chaos 3 роки тому
I would love a 5 hour long show it would be great.
@Holbytatown 3 роки тому
At this point I've no idea about what could happen any more in one month. Let's hope we'll all survive this 30 days of waiting...
@plantpowered269 3 роки тому
and I would watch it all!
@JohnZimmer-MannerofSpeaking 3 роки тому
A two-minute John Oliver trailer is better than most complete television programmes.
@sachinkaremore5479 3 роки тому
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618814773
@flyrobin2544 3 роки тому
Feb's here ! 💞💗💓💋💋💋
@LGCYBeats 3 роки тому
We’re going to need a Last Month Tonight for everything that’s been going on.
@jayannakelley9051 3 роки тому
Yes, Yes we are! 👌
@franceschen2234 3 роки тому
I have no doubt he would but by the time that show is over we'll need a Last Year Tonight
@LGCYBeats 3 роки тому
@@franceschen2234 HAHAHA
@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 роки тому
It'll have to be a recap, like "Previously, on Earth..."
@CharlesThomas23 3 роки тому
I am not opposed.
@TheVivvav 3 роки тому
I've been thinking all week "god I wish we had John Oliver for all of this".
@winter_silhouette 3 роки тому
@SC-kz8pp 3 роки тому
@SGcrossaved 3 роки тому
You and me both!
@thebrightest1230 3 роки тому
Omg SAME! John. We need you ASAP omg
@thebrightest1230 3 роки тому
John Oliver. you and Stephen Colbert sure make this whole shitshow more digestible Please AT LEAST do a web exclusive before February PLEASE I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW Please wisdom daddy PLEASE
@paulmahoney7619 3 роки тому
With everything that’s been happening John Oliver is going to have a hard time deciding what the start of Season 8 is going to be about.
@PauloRicardo-md4ji 3 роки тому
im half expecting a 3 hour show to be aired lmao
@margotvirzana9943 3 роки тому
And right in time to distract me from my first anniversary as a widow! Thank you, John Oliver. I’ll need it
@tammystockley-loughlin7680 3 роки тому
Sorry for your loss, Positive vibes from New Hampshire and remember to be kind to each other and yourself during this pandemic and social crisis
@vinylbuff1515 3 роки тому
“A thing or two has happened since weve been away” yeah no kidding
@baylinkdashyt 3 роки тому
The Brits have a talent for understatement. A real talent.
@amitverma4203 3 роки тому
@@baylinkdashyt that's true. I would know best since I am from India.
@gkm2928 3 роки тому
@@amitverma4203 I can sure relate as I'm Irish..
@amitverma4203 3 роки тому
@@gkm2928 thanks for giving Saorise Ronan to this world. Love her, she is just an amazing actress.
@armedwombat6816 3 роки тому
That was the easiest prediction ever. He could have filmed that in 2016 and knew he'd get a chance to use it now.
@alemar1122 3 роки тому
something deep inside me really needed to hear John say "I'm America's naughtiest Bitch" thank you for that HBO
@JavierFernandez01 3 роки тому
:) yea
@jakestavinsky3480 3 роки тому
I literally started crying cause i was caught so off guard
@jacobbuss9283 3 роки тому
"I'll leave tomorrow for solutions but today is for vengeance" is the single best line I've ever heard
@galfinsp7216 3 роки тому
I’m sure many of us thought that to some extent
@KouriRyu 3 роки тому
Miss you, Daddy John Oliver!
@KomodoDojo 3 роки тому
Looks like nothing substantive happened while John was on hiatus.
@_MrMoney 3 роки тому
Nope, nothing at all
@dinamosflams 3 роки тому
I Hope the US don't start a civil war before the show returns
@MrJjones543 3 роки тому
I'm going to be honest he's going to have a field day with the capitol insurrection when he comes back
@emdotrod 3 роки тому
Yep. Pretty much nothing
@AVR7771 3 роки тому
@@dinamosflams i wont hold my breath though lol
@bushidotestu1997 3 роки тому
“Let tomorrow be about solutions, let today be about vengeance” I want that on a shirt
@Soken50 3 роки тому
I'll take seven to keep up the pretense.
@brigittereed2239 3 роки тому
You can probably have it printed by a custom t-shirt company. You know, the ones ginormous Utahn families use to make shirts for their family reunions. ^ ^; Seriously. My former mother-in-law had 12 biological siblings. O.o
@soulkarver956 3 роки тому
Then you'll never get to the solutions.
@annushankar3032 3 роки тому
Imma live by that in 2021. 2020 was such a shit year for me in some ways, so 2021 is going to be about undoing all of it
@lyannawinter405 3 роки тому
@@annushankar3032 i feel you. Good luck with everything
@kingofnonation5843 3 роки тому
Is the button ready "we got him!" for real this time lol
@GlassesnMouthplates 3 роки тому
The best Valentine's Day gift ever.
@jonathanlindsey8864 3 роки тому
@shouvley 3 роки тому
I hope he did miss everything because that means we’re past the insanity 🤞🏻
@vladimirseven777 3 роки тому
2021 only started.
@SuperLemun 3 роки тому
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@JaydevRaol 3 роки тому
@cl20999 3 роки тому
@kevadu 3 роки тому
Try blinking. It's good for you.
@pandemicpapi2414 3 роки тому
@@kevadu try shutting up it's healthier for you
@iwantsexseemyvideo1694 3 роки тому
@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 роки тому
@jeronimo486 3 роки тому
I wish I could claim that this comment wouldn't reflect my life perfectly. But I can't. It does.
@attackpatterndelta8949 3 роки тому
John, we only have the budget to blow up this sign once. So don’t fuck it up.
@peterbillings3276 3 роки тому
John returns on Valentine’s Day. My heart!
@thepiggery7253 3 роки тому
I'm eager to see what unusual ways John will be able to spend HBO's money this year. I'm scared.
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@SpookyBEX 3 роки тому
Eager and scared is pretty accurate lol
@ObligedUniform 3 роки тому
"Get fucked business daddy wallet!"
@stevenwhite00000 3 роки тому
Speaking of which, I wonder if he's ever going to say anything about Bob the coal miner dude that died.
@nuzayerov 3 роки тому
@@stevenwhite00000, really?
@RuthandThomas 3 роки тому
Still love that John Cena took his shirt off unprompted. 😂😂
@lizzywizzy3720 3 роки тому
He totally moved up on my free pass list doing that. 😊
@RuthandThomas 3 роки тому
@@lizzywizzy3720 haha mine too, but only cos my wife doubts that I’m his type.. 🤣
@Corbomite_Meatballs 3 роки тому
He's allergic to torso clothing.
@bradnichelson7966 3 роки тому
I'm guessing this is Ruth and not Thomas. But I might get cancelled for having a thought.
@fanbuoy9234 3 роки тому
@@bradnichelson7966 Based on the follow-up comment, that would mean that either Thomas is Ruth's wife or they switched seats in between comments. Or maybe Ruth and Thomas aren't even married and there's a third party involved. OMG, the possibilities!
@nirmalsuki 3 роки тому
The best Valentine's day gift ever!
@disappointmentjuice8676 3 роки тому
its february 14th and im counting the seconds until he shows up again
@lizzyd9082 3 роки тому
It was so hard going through this time without John 😭 so glad he’s coming back
@tookitogo 3 роки тому
I know, right?? We deserved to have his play-by-play reactions to this calamity in slow motion...
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@SomeYouTubeTraveler 3 роки тому
Yeah man I had to actually force my poor ears to listen to Seth Meyers for a week or so... **shudder**
@LoveLove-fp2rn 3 роки тому
@@SomeUKpostsTraveler Hey, Seth Myers isn't bad.
@lizzyd9082 3 роки тому
@@SomeUKpostsTraveler I resorted to James Corden
@MsGrapeNehi 3 роки тому
I can only imagine what John will have to say about recent events, but I know it’s going to be epic. We missed you, Nearsighted Parrot Who Works at the Bank.
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@MorpheusOne 3 роки тому
@Ariti Naomi: When your profile is finally deleted, rest assured; fore it will inevitably have had something to do with me! Thanx for the spam. Moron. You're welcome!
@mermaidismyname 3 роки тому
@@MorpheusOne probably a bot
@MorpheusOne 3 роки тому
@mermaidismyname: Yea, probably. I have said that to many of the spamming idiots, though, and sometimes I get cursed at. It's funny as hell! YT seems determined to do little to nothing about it as possible.
@MikeJProto 3 роки тому
@@mermaidismyname probably an ip logger
@MegsCarpentry-lovedogs 3 роки тому
Gosh! I just really appreciate John Oliver! Thank you so, so, so much John for being you! 🇨🇦 👍 💚 🌈 💯 😷
@laihoa8439 3 роки тому
Adam's hair is to die for! Those waves! That shine! OMG!
@thelazyman 3 роки тому
I feel like I’ve got less intelligent whilst this show was away
@demonstar7921 3 роки тому
You and me both.
@skylar4602 3 роки тому
Same 😞🙌
@slybuster 3 роки тому
Yeah, stupid people usually feel more secure when they're being told what to think.
@KindredKay 3 роки тому
@@slybuster Is that why you always watch fox?
@thelazyman 3 роки тому
@@slybuster Very true. Fox News misses you 👀
@petuniapop7819 3 роки тому
We have all been thinking “wtf would John say right now” PLZ COME BACCCKKKKK
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@St.Linguini_of_Pesto 3 роки тому
Yes, I most certainly have thought that, since the 6th. Thank Dog he's coming back in a couple weeks.
@amystaudte9855 3 роки тому
Best Valentines Day gift ever!
@ReadyMindsetGo 3 роки тому
I looooove how they used that 'the best is yet to come' ironically
@averyw1497 3 роки тому
I have been DYING to hear John’s take on all the crazy shit that has been happening the last few weeks. Can’t wait for season 8!!!
@BewareTheLilyOfTheValley 3 роки тому
Coming back on Single's Awareness Day, I mean Valentine's Day, I see.
@AxxLAfriku 3 роки тому
I was a boy. They were two girls. Can I make it any more obvious? I am the ULTlMATE L0VER on this platform. Don't enter my ch*nnel if you are not above a certain age, dear flu
@Vortex_ICEcold 3 роки тому
He’s coming back on the high school shooting day
@MsGrapeNehi 3 роки тому
I call it Half-Price Chocolate Eve.
@user-zh4vo1kw1z 3 роки тому
Deadpool day
@mori1bund 3 роки тому
@@Vortex_ICEcold you mean the David Bowie song? ^^
@coreylong4855 3 роки тому
The fact that I've seen everyone of these makes this video that much better
@thriversoffset 3 роки тому
Who else refreshes his channel frantically? It’s time to post an EPISODE JOOOOOOOOOOHN
@VanessaMagick 3 роки тому
Part 1: hpbmns Part 2: cno056 ID's for the episode on streamable
@John-uk2lp 3 роки тому
"the best is yet... To come!!" Well, that aged poorly...
@zak7181 3 роки тому
Everything they say or do ages poorly. Even if it's not true at the time they say it (which is rare), it's guaranteed to go south quickly.
@sijuvk 3 роки тому
Kimberly Guilfoyle Aged poorly too.
@mortusdominus 3 роки тому
No. It aged perfectly. Never forget.
@JamesSwearingen 3 роки тому
Did it though? Personally I agree with her. The best is yet to come, in like a week or two lol.
@dongeraci8599 3 роки тому
It aged poorly before she even said it.
@kanden27 3 роки тому
“A thing or two has happened...” -The description to this video.
@workhot 3 роки тому
Yeah we all knew they’d capitol tour by force
@proudcanadian3564 3 роки тому
Can't wait! I've been binge watching his old episodes. Love Ya John!
@johnbevere690 3 роки тому
Hi nice comment, And a happy new year 👋🏻
@Norciusz 3 роки тому
The best gift on Valentine's day
@michaleandmore5111 3 роки тому
He's coming back on Valentine's Day, awwww
@fanbuoy9234 3 роки тому
Yay, I'll have someone to spend Valentine's with! I don't know if these are tears of laughter or just the same eternal crying I've been having for the past months.
@eanovak8429 3 роки тому
@@fanbuoy9234 That's what I was going to say. Now, I feel sorrier for you than I do for me. So, thanks for the therapy, I guess. If it helps, know I'm far more pathetic than you. Feel better? ~HUGS~
@St.Linguini_of_Pesto 3 роки тому
@michaleandmore5111 3 роки тому
@@eanovak8429 don't worry guys we all are in the same boat, 😂
@michaleandmore5111 3 роки тому
@@fanbuoy9234 don't worry you ain't alone, your in the John Oliver fan club
@gman102formyspace 3 роки тому
Finally, I've been waiting for this since the Capitol storming
@saharshshukla4367 3 роки тому
Oh hell yes.
@karankapoor2701 3 роки тому
Nothing changing , he'll obviously act as a mouthpiece for DNC
@cdsackett 3 роки тому
@@karankapoor2701 that sounds great. Thanks Karen
@karankapoor2701 3 роки тому
@@cdsackett I'm an Asian but go on living in an echo chamber 😂😂no wonder you like sniffing Aoc
@karankapoor2701 3 роки тому
@@cdsackett your name is SACKett😂😂 I'm sure that's what your mommy named you
@Matunahelper 3 роки тому
So glad this is coming back. John Oliver is one of two shows that are both informative and funny (RIP Patriot Act).
@juanmanuelpenaloza9264 3 роки тому
There's so much to talk about in this month alone!! Come back, Toucan Man!!
@myladyfire1376 3 роки тому
America’s naughtiest B Still gets me every time 😂
@user-ke9jl9uy1q 3 роки тому
Which episode is it from?
@aurora5481 3 роки тому
@@user-ke9jl9uy1q Last season finale.
@azoth6641 3 роки тому
Oh boy, can't wait to hear what John has to say about all the craziness that happened while he is out on vacation. That, and his mancrush on Adam Driver.
@TheWarriorofHonor 3 роки тому
i actually exspect Adam driver to appear before John at some point, the video call alone was hillarious last time
@marilynlamas9482 3 роки тому
SO GREAT! I SAW THIS TWICE!!!! FEB 14th...oh boy I cannot wait...from Miami, FL
@ThindiGee 3 роки тому
I missed you so much! And you'll be back on Valentine's Day! Purrrfect
@blipmachine 3 роки тому
"Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance." I believe he's addressing the "let's pardon trump in the name of unity and healing" crowd.
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@RyuKaze 3 роки тому
Nah, he said that way before current events took place.
@Thee_DaVeed 3 роки тому
The way he throws the Detonator away like he just dropped hot mic on stage.
@FalconsEye58094 3 роки тому
Every episode brings me new awareness on some issues and makes me glad other people are on my side with others. I really think there's a lot to unpack from even just the last few weeks and more than can be discussed in a season
@aurayeu7271 3 роки тому
Can’t wait ... I’m waiting from January with al the current events that was happening .. I always thought how would John Oliver convey the message and condemn people ... ❤️❤️ missed you
@justinianthe1st790 3 роки тому
I look foward to John talking about the batshit insane Trumpets that incited a coup.
@scan4707 3 роки тому
We're expecting a 1-hour episode when you come back, because a lot of shit has happened since November.
@dalpz205 3 роки тому
Yes. This.
@luiginastro8831 3 роки тому
Oh, really? _haven't noticed_
@razorflamekun118 3 роки тому
wouldnt be surprised about seeing a 2-3 hour episode. I know that will never happen but if he could cover most if not all it would be a quarter or even half a season put into 1 episode
@FattylipidsSuck 3 роки тому
Best Valentine's day 🎁 ever
@rebekah5052 3 роки тому
The very first scene of his show when he comes back: "okay. Give me a minute" *goes off camera to scream* "I'm not better, but that did feel nice. Moving on."
@HBarnill 3 роки тому
I wish he’d talk about the capitol riots.
@brianpenglase7137 3 роки тому
I’m sure he’ll have a whole segment on it for sure
@FriedrichHerschel 3 роки тому
I bet this will the first show in the new season.
@HBarnill 3 роки тому
@@brianpenglase7137 It’ll be old news at that point. Unless it’s 9/11 or a new Shrek movie, Americans have a very short term memory span.
@atlas8827 3 роки тому
me too
@karankapoor2701 3 роки тому
He'll start being a mouthpiece of DNC nothing new 😂
@abthedragon4921 3 роки тому
Yes! He's back baby!
@guiniverebehounek6174 3 роки тому
Wish I could like this a million times!
@iwantsexseemyvideo1694 3 роки тому
@iwantsexseemyvideo890 3 роки тому
@user-zr9hu3tf1y 3 роки тому like a month from now :/
@BNuriB 3 роки тому
Please please please please, John, never ever stop doing this.
@hiiamelecktro4985 3 роки тому
The real reason he got a sewage plant named after him is because when he’s back, he’s gonna have to deal with a lot of shit.
@aritinaomi7487 3 роки тому
@shumeister1059 3 роки тому
He might as well capitalize on that! He could sell cheesy souvenirs.
@neerajmeghani6772 3 роки тому
John's coming back on Valentine's and there's nobody else that I'd accept as the love of my life. Thanks John. PS all jokes aside, I like how John's the only source of accurate news that I've been hooked on to for years.
@shimomiaizo 3 роки тому
OMFG. I love him.
@monique6516 3 роки тому
What about Trevor Noah- Daily Show too ??
@wildflower1397 3 роки тому
And Stephen Colbert?
@SacredMilkOG 3 роки тому
Finely and evenly combined, yes. I agree. And no, Colbert and the others just... I think their teams are weaker. The coverage LWT manages to provide and even elaborate on for us really shows the professionalism that's behind all that informative and humorous talk. It's just the right amount of serious too.
@LoveLove-fp2rn 3 роки тому
@@monique6516 I love Trevor Noah. But John Oliver is a special guy. Same with Colbert. None of them are a perfect match for John
@Honestopinion4u 3 роки тому
One of the most awaited thing in 2021....looking forward to it!!!
@TentativeArsonist 3 роки тому
It's only a matter of hours
@apurvnagare 3 роки тому
At what time is it premiering. In us
@saltymajor5806 3 роки тому
@@apurvnagare 10 pm ET according to HBOs website, but it also says the on demand release is on the 15th
@Haedox 3 роки тому
Biggest Pog of the Day.
@roccomemes 3 роки тому
wooooooooooo yaaaaaaa baby that what we been whating for wooooooo!
@vincenzoalbanese6021 3 роки тому
What is a pog?
@kuchenjaeger2164 3 роки тому
@@vincenzoalbanese6021 A miserable pile of secrets
@Alovon 3 роки тому
Hey, Haedox! Didn't know you watched John
@kumbaya69421 3 роки тому
Oh look, verified account. MUST LIKE
@lordodysseus 3 роки тому
Why do I get the impression that Adam Driver has been in on this whole thing all year?
@toniglenn-hall 3 роки тому
John talked about it in an interview. They started it as a one time thing but the audience liked it so much they kept going and then reached out to his people. He was fine with it but wanted to be part of a finale for it. He wasn’t really in on it but he was fine with it.
@nedcurfman3486 3 роки тому
@@toniglenn-hall correction- the audience didn’t like it the first time around, which was actually the reason they decided to make it a running joke.
@emmajars58 3 роки тому
I am so happy and excited I could cry! In these crazy days I’ve missed John SO MUCH!!!
@erinnyren5564 3 роки тому
I love that last bit so much I just watched this video twice in a row just to see John push that button!
@GeorgiaOverdrive 3 роки тому
For some reason John is always on break when the strangest shit happens in the world.
@varana 3 роки тому
Coincidence? I think not! ;D *puts on tinfoil hat
@TheBigGSN5 3 роки тому
Carrying on The Daily Show tradition.
@kbrock9146 3 роки тому
Coincidence does not mean correlation...... or does it?? 🧐
@seanthomason8418 3 роки тому
Probably because it seems to happen around holidays and summer break times
@kasnitch 3 роки тому
how else is he going to mastermind a global take over ?
@lisafuller624 3 роки тому
This is how much people love John Oliver: half a million people have watched a commercial for his next season! Can't wait.
@shumeister1059 3 роки тому
now climbing to 1.7m.
@MarcelaElviraTimis 3 роки тому
Almost 1.830.000
@ghostnike901 3 роки тому
2 million now and I just so happened to watch it 3 times
@DK-hy6hn 3 роки тому
WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT YOU!!! I am actually afraid of the thought of that 😓 sending all my ♥️ from 🍁🥂
@MGood-ij1hi 3 роки тому
Threatening to permanently name a sewer treatment plant after John Oliver was a stupid idea. He'll just smile and make a donation toward that cause.
@fatalshore5068 3 роки тому
He has to strongarm them to actually do it by threatening to support charities in all the neighbouring towns an not them lol. They were going to bail until he did that.
@RA-jx5si 3 роки тому
What the world needs I can’t stop smiling
@iwantsexseemyvideo890 3 роки тому
@latentsymphony2746 3 роки тому
Time flies and I cannot wait for John to return. He makes my Sunday nights more sane.
@calimerohnir3311 3 роки тому
and fruit flies like a banana
@petitechaos883 3 роки тому
OH THANK GOD. We need you, John Oliver.
@dennistucker1153 3 роки тому
Great trailer...excellent show. Love you John.
@Confron7a7ion7 3 роки тому
I'm so ready for his return. The only thing that makes the news bearable for me anymore is if it's delivered in comedy form.
@Hates-handle 3 роки тому
Imagine being proud of not being able to listen to the news unless its spoon fed to you by your favorite corporate approved partisan cheerleader
@beebeeguy69 3 роки тому
@@Hates-handle Imagine being a humourless git. Oh, you don't have to imagine that.
@AngryNotSoOldHippy 3 роки тому
After Adam Driver dresses him down: "Ohhhhh, that hurt so good." :)
@cezarcatalin1406 3 роки тому
That segment was extra-nasty.
@granville7 3 роки тому
not sure if the dressing down part is just enough for him...^^
@shumeister1059 3 роки тому
AngryNoSoOldHippy, you're such a tease. It'll be funny, but you know it's never gonna happen.
@Rosalinda1459 3 роки тому
So so so ready for this..... Man, I've missed your raw sense of humor.
@divyanshusingh7767 3 роки тому
So ready for a British accented goose to bless us with his weird humour that I don't know why I love Pre'e stchupid innit
@shoutoutpangae1221 3 роки тому
The return of the king!
@thegodofimagination 3 роки тому
Cool profile picture
@darksideseem 3 роки тому
Oh, I can't wait. No, seriously. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
@BioGoji-zm5ph 3 роки тому
Oh, John... we miss you. We miss you SO MUCH.
@iRiShNFT 3 роки тому
@LastWeekTonight : Can't wait for the news season , You've really left us hanging during tough times. Best of luck you Historically Murderous and Pompous Penguin impersonator , Love from Ireland
@divalea 3 роки тому
John, you and your staff got me through the nightmare of the last four years, and I’m grateful.
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