Stainless Steel Company will go Bankrupt if you know this! Just 1.5V Battery will repair everything

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Inventor K

Inventor K

4 місяці тому

Hello everyone! You are watching video " Stainless Steel Company will go Bankrupt if you know this! Just 1.5V Battery will repair everything "
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►Just a 1.5V battery will repair: • Even a NASA professor ...
►Idea of using 1,5V battery to weld: • You will thank me for ...
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@user-xp8su3jt8i 3 місяці тому
Из рубрики: "зачем делать просто, когда можно всё усложнить!?" ))).
@gurmeetgulati807 27 днів тому
Music suno
@vitaliycherepanov225 4 місяці тому
Сколько всего нужно сломать, чтобы отремонтировать чайник😢
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Chào bạn, rất vui được trò chuyện với bạn, tôi là người thích khám phá những điều mới mẻ giúp tôi hoàn thành công việc, tôi yêu công việc sửa chữa của mình, còn bạn thì sao? Bạn có thích công việc của bạn không? Chúc bạn và gia đình một mùa Giáng sinh vui vẻ và bình an nhé bạn thân yêu
@Roq5Brdv 3 місяці тому
да еще по столу постучал, стол полировать надо...
@avaneskaramyan4460 Місяць тому
Просто человек нахрен заниматься😂
@vvkalt 2 місяці тому
спасибо большое за подсказку!!! не знал как батарейку от шуруповерта угробить , да и щетку хотел выкидывать, но вспомнил что чайничик без ручки под мелочью стоит . теперь все, если литиевый пожар не устрою то заварю чайку .👍
@mistar-t 2 місяці тому
забыл сказать что на фоне у него кулером шумит сварочный инвертор
@HimeraZP 2 місяці тому
Твой чай уже никогда не будет прежним.
@user-pe7wk4ud7f Місяць тому
Йцййййй ййййцццйцйййййй 0:01 йцйййй йцйййййййййййв 0:01 йцйййцййа 0:01 ЦЦЦЦЦЦЙЦЦЦЦЦЦ йййййцйцй 0:01 ййййййцйййцйййййййй йцйййййййййййвй йййцай 0:01 ййййййййййшцййййвййййцйййццййййййййййй 0:01 😂цзццццццццццййццццйццццшцйццццццйццццццшццц 0:01 йцйййцййййййцйййййййййййййййййй 0:01 цццццццццццццц ййййцв😂ййййййййй😂йййййццшй?1 ?😂😅😅😂 0:01 0:01 😅😂 0:01 😂😂​
@user-pe7wk4ud7f Місяць тому
Ййййййаййййййццйцййй😅😅й 0:01 😂йога ШЙЦЙЦЙЦЙЦЙЙЙЦЦ ццццц йшййай 0:01 ййййййййцйййццйц 0:01 😅😅😅ййййацйцййвйй😂😅 0:01 😅😂 0:01 😂😅😅​@UCgafI8MqYng886OqM8H5FUw
@user-pe7wk4ud7f Місяць тому
Ццац 0:01 😅цшцйййц😂цц😅ццшй😅цц😅йййййййййййвйййййййвййцшйййй😅цццццйццц😅йцййййййй 0:01 цццц😅ццй 0:01 йййййййййййййййййййййцййййййцйцйцйцйцйййцыййшййййй 0:01 ЦЦЦЦАЦЙЙЙЦЦЦЙР йййййцййййййййшййцйййй😅цццццццццццццццццццццц😂йайй😅ц😅 0:01 ццццццц😅ййййййййййййцййй😂ццуйц😅цццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццвцццца😅цццццц😅ццццццццццццццаццццццццццццвццццца😂ццвйайццццйцйцайццйцвйййццйццйцццйццццццццццццвцццаццйццййццйцвцйшй😅ццайцййайцййййййцвйййййцййййййййвйвйййвйчййййййцш😂ццццццццвц 0:01 ццйцйццц 0:01 ацйццйвццйцццццйййццццццццшцц😅 0:01 йуц 0:01 ццв 0:01 ццццццццвцццйй шшййцйвй 0:01 ццццвцццццц😅а😅йцаццвццц😅цц😂црцццццццццццуцц😅цццццццаццццццй😅ццайййййцвйййцвйцййййцайцййцвыййййййцйцййц😅цувйцЦувйцчцццццацццвццццццуй йййййййййыййййыййц😂ййййййййййййвйййййцййцййййыйцйййцййай😅йцц😅ццццццрцу 😅 0:01 ? ???😂йй😅 ?? 0:01 0:01 0:01 😅😅😅 0:01 0:01 😅 0:01 ​
@TipsDIY8989 Місяць тому
Wow, what an ingenious solution! This video not only showcases the repair of stainless steel objects but also introduces a homemade welding machine. The demonstration of welding thin stainless steel with such precision is truly impressive. The lesson here is that with a little creativity and the right tools, we can tackle complex repairs ourselves, saving both time and money. Thank
@adriandel_sur 14 днів тому
Don't you realize it's fake? And assuming that the welding was real, does it seem "creative" to you to break an outlet, a steel brush, a drill battery for a measly kettle? You are too ignorant or naive.
@1414141x 6 днів тому
This won't work. The weld will not be good. You will ruin the battery using it like this and that probably a lot of money. How many hours to make the equipment ? Cheaper to buy a new good quality pot !!
@TipsDIY8989 6 днів тому
@@1414141x I think it's quite useful for life. You can support their efforts.
@user-vw6qm5pw2g 2 місяці тому
Да ,сколько нужного и полезного можно узнать благодаря интэрнэту✋🏻😉
@AmazingSmart-ngth Місяць тому
"Wow, this video is a game-changer! I never knew that repairing stainless steel could be so simple. The DIY welding machine is genius, and the demonstration of welding thin stainless steel without puncturing it is impressive. This video taught me that with just a 1.5V battery and some ingenuity, we can solve complex problems. Thank you, INVENTOR K, for sharing this invaluable knowledge!"
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive shares, you are a good friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤, We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@AtomicElectronCo 3 місяці тому
Howdy from Arizona! Gotta love what you put together here! I see what you mean how the dry-cell rod is the "key" to it all. Everything else is around it. Common items to find, even the power source! This is perfect for "spot welding" smaller lithium batteries together inside projects. I'm trying to repair/replace batteries in a powerful flashlight and this may do the trick without having to break apart a microwave oven. Very clever. Well done, sir.
@ogi22 3 місяці тому
This "dry cell rod" is a simple graphite. You can buy it in a paper store, no need to destroy a battery. It's electrical and thermal properties were a base of making an arc lamp in 17th century. Check Davy lamp. I played with an arc lamp at physics classes in my high school. The power source is most probably Li-Ion battery, which CAN'T be fully discharged or overcharged and it has some restrict using protocols. Or else you can have a fire on your desk with a possibility to burn down your whole house if you don't know what you are doing. And you CAN'T put out that battery fire. Please, don't praise the lack of knowledge and experience (or simple stupidity). This guy clearly knows a thing or two and completly disregards any safety. Not even a warning agains discharging that battery!!!!!! I don't mind people making things. A lot of the time they take shortcuts and they understand what they are doing. But the next guy, who has no such knowledge will do the same and destroy his home or even hurt someone. What then??? Who will you blame? Will you applaud that guy for being smart or will you just curse him for stupidity and lack of critical thinking?
@franssantos9417 2 місяці тому
@@ogi22 Dont fuss friend. Jesus will help.
@ogi22 2 місяці тому
@@franssantos9417 With what? Holding an extinguisher for you? Or perheaps will he magically remove a non extinguishable battery pack from your home after you say a certain prayer? Or maybe he will filter out toxic fumes from your home, after such battery catch on fire? Because it would be something I would call helpful.
@acepace158 2 місяці тому
Absolutely agree with Ogi22 here. These apparent "DIYers" need to be more responsible. This guy has blatant disregard for personal safety. He might know a thing or 2 but thousands watching these videos have no idea how dangerous any of those things can get when mishandled. Batteries can get shorted in a matter of seconds catching fire and putting out a battery fire is a whole different ball game to let's just say "regular" fire. Before you know the house is burning. And don't get me started on the amount of time and energy wasted on doing all that just to make a highly unsafe what looks like a tac welder lol. Please be responsible people.
@ogi22 2 місяці тому
@@acepace158 It looks like the curse of our times. So many people have access to media, that it seems impossible to control stupidity... And I don't mean censoring. Not at all. I have the same attitude as Sir Rowan Atkinson, when he was making a statement about "political correctness". Nothing should be banned. Such clips just need an added warning and explanation, why they are harmful or dangerous. People will always experiment, it's in our nature and it's good. Failed experiment is as wonderful as the succesful one - each gives a bit more knowledge about the surrounding world.
@HindunNurhayati-cp4we 4 місяці тому
Saya senang dengan ilmu2yg anda miliki dan terimakasi telah membagi ilmu nya yg sangat berguna
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@manuelreza4942 4 місяці тому
Que destroza para soldar gracias mi amigo por compartir. Tu amigo de Veracruz veracruz
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@user-ob5rx2nt1n 4 місяці тому
Отлично👍надо было и крышку приварить! Чтобы не отваливалась😂
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥, Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@user-ny5py1ij4n 3 місяці тому
С юмором , это "по -нашему " ...👍
@jayantilalshah5145 Місяць тому
5:30 5:30 5:30
@jayantilalshah5145 Місяць тому
5:30 5:30
@jayantilalshah5145 Місяць тому
5:30 5:30
@sakdatiyapak4052 2 місяці тому
เราไม่เคยรู้เรื่องแบบนี้มาก่อนเลย ขอบคุณนะครับ
@user-lx6ek7uu3g 3 місяці тому
당신은 기술이 앞으로 더욱더 발전하기 기원합니다
@hxtome6719 4 місяці тому
Muito obrigado, dicas de ouro, que conheci agora, parabéns.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@danielmauro3906 Місяць тому
Muy utiles tus videos Soy Daniel de la provincia de Buenos Aires , rep Argentina y te saludo Tengo 72 años y 55 años de oficio de metalurgico , rama mecanica y caldereria , pero sigo aprendiendo cosas nuevas Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos 😉
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@user_Luka 2 місяці тому
Спасибо за видео,старина!
@josefranciscosouzamartins5308 4 місяці тому
Só não fez um passo a passo desta ideia ou projeto,gostei Parabéns
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@DIYTechTrends 4 місяці тому
Great ideas ❤ you always discover something new, and I'll test it out to see how useful it is! Thank you for sharing
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, I'm happy to receive your good comments, thank you my good friend, nice to meet you, my main job is repairing and I like it very much , it helps me be creative. And I think you are also a person who is passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas, dear friend
@DIYTechTrends 4 місяці тому
@@inventorK20 Thank you!, you are the inspiration for me to constantly move forward, I hope one day my channel develops better, I will invite you to my house and have a toast together.
@user-dh4jq7rc5r 4 місяці тому
Отличная идея!!!
@jogyudongnim 3 місяці тому
스폿트용접 멋지군요~
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it helps me have more motivation to complete my work, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥, I look forward to receiving your support during this time. this time. this time. next time. upcoming. upcoming. I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@ronnymellons4961 2 місяці тому
Abdi Ronny MR ti Jawa Barat, wilujeung tepang haturnuhun kang videona sae pisan 🥰
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day
@roquelopez5375 4 місяці тому
Excelente idea. Gracias por compartir, de México, saludos.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@chesterfu7272 3 місяці тому
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I'm very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥, SO nice to meet you. We look forward to your support in the near future, my good friend. Wishing you a happy new day.
@Air_at_X_lis Місяць тому
Даже не вздумайте повторять сие адское изделие, аккумулятор не предназначен что бы его замыкали накоротко, загорится аккумулятор, не потушишь его ничем.
@Alotipsalo Місяць тому
"Incredible work, as always! Your dedication to finding practical solutions shines through in this video. The way you demonstrate welding stainless steel with such finesse and precision is awe-inspiring. This video serves as a reminder that with determination and creativity, we can overcome any obstacle. Thank you for not only teaching us valuable repair techniques but also for fostering a sense of community and friendship. Looking forward to more enlightening content from your channel!"
@inventorK20 29 днів тому
Hello, thank you very much for your sharing, ❤️ ❤️ ❤, you are a good friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️, we look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@mohamedelsaka7043 4 місяці тому
Thanks from Cairo Egypt. Simple idea but l may use it one day wishes and happy new year.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@akaretnikov 4 місяці тому
Именно этот чайник проще спаять. Нужен только обычный оловянный припой и кислота. Можно обойтись даже без паяльника, нагрев детали на конфорке газовой плиты. А делать из аккумулятора сварку - дорогое удовольствие. Его при такой эксплутации надолго не хватит, а стоит он как пять таких новых чайников!
@user-tp4bh4hg8e 4 місяці тому
Так верх для надёжности припаян. Кислота на видео видно как остывает. Видать что-то пошло не так.
@user-tp4bh4hg8e 4 місяці тому
@grialan5925 4 місяці тому
С языка снял, так и надо делать, а не мутить паравоз.
@Starleytlt 4 місяці тому
Аккумулятору ничего не будет, там защита от перегрузки по току
@akaretnikov 4 місяці тому
Если будет срабатывать защита, то сварка не будет работать. Там токи короткого замыкания. Так что... или варить или - аккумулятор.
@Ribik-wg1ti 4 місяці тому
Благодарю))! Как раз чайник надо починить.
@user-et5sr8lp6k 4 місяці тому
Sin duda con todo el trabajo de arreglar esa jarra, más económico es comprar otra de mejor calidad. 😅
@myunjoo1 2 місяці тому
Hello, I am from South Korea. Thank you for the unique video.😊
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. 1 Korean friend, 1 beautiful country, You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a nice day
@eduardopedrovidal1447 2 місяці тому
Muy buena idea simple Ok!
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day
@ahmetartsefe3474 4 місяці тому
Emeğe saygı için yorum yapmak istedim😎 Çaydanlık kulpu kaynatmak için süreç çok uzun ve zahmetli, kullandığımız bir çok eski malzemeyi değerlendirmeniz güzel ancak her insanın elinin altında olacak malzemeler değiller. Bu tür eşyaları tamir eden biri olursa tamir yaptırırım ancak tamir yapan yoksa çaydanlığın yenisini almayı tercih ederim😊
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for sharing with us, ♥️♥️❤️, I think you are also a creative enthusiast, and repair work helps you unleash your creativity and find joy in life. , We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year.
@Faruk1099 3 місяці тому
Haklısın katılırum.işkenceye gerek yok.kaynakcılar herzaman lazım.
@medcert9277 4 місяці тому
Отлично , молодец !!! Пригодится
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, happy to hear your positive comments, I think nothing can make it difficult for you, ♥️♥️♥️ ♥️, you are a creative enthusiast. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year, dear friend
@necatidindar4175 25 днів тому
Süper eğitici vidyo teşekürler
@inventorK20 25 днів тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, thank you for sharing, I'm happy that what I do can help everyone ❤️️ ❤️. ❤Thank you. Have a good day
@ahmetkokten9307 3 місяці тому
Çok güzel olmuş ellerine sağlık hayırlı günler olsun
@chuksudemba6416 4 місяці тому
Thanks. You're creative.
@dantas2234 4 місяці тому
Muito bom, resolveu o seu problema. Saudações desde Natal - Brasil.🤜
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, I am happy to chat with you, thank you very much for your positive shares, especially this from a friend from Brazil, a beautiful country with hospitable people. and tourist-friendly destinations. They bring football to everyone, attractive samba dances, I love your country, wish you and your family a happy Christmas.
@dantas2234 4 місяці тому
@xxvenom7630 3 місяці тому
Bando de gringo sem noção a questao ai ea criatividade a ferramenta manual em ci e nao a questao concertar a peça e obvil q seria mais barato comprar uma nova mais o video ai esta falando da ferramenta a criatividade do rapaz .
@user-yx6hw6ug2o Місяць тому
@user-jz4bl8cx1p 2 місяці тому
좋은정보 고맙습니다. 잘배웠습니다
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you for sharing. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day.
@valeenorris921 3 місяці тому
Excellent project, thank you for posting this 🎇
@user-vk2hm2pj3d 4 місяці тому
Таких золотых рук скоро не останется!!!😢❤ кругом одни попы гитаристы барабанщики и кнопкодавы !!!
@user-uh6hs8xf7p 4 місяці тому
А китайцы.....
@user-vk2hm2pj3d 3 місяці тому
Уже мы оказались в болоте маде ин чайна !!!🤐
@MrPopsax 3 місяці тому
Да уж, этих точно скоро не останется. Или болгаркой отрежет, или дрелью продырявит.
@eh9830 Місяць тому
золота не увидел. Лишь грязь да дурость
@Air_at_X_lis Місяць тому
Он себя сожжёт этим аккумом и других людей докучи!!! Нафиг таких левшей
@yusufarabac54 4 місяці тому
Usta bu güzel iş. Ama bunu yapabilmek için de bayağı ustalık gerek. Kolay gelsin. 🙏🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@ahmetkokten9307 3 місяці тому
Yaptıklarınız hoşuma gitti teşekkürler ederim
@user-st8us5ty7v 4 місяці тому
Ingenioso,práctico y barato, felicitaciones
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year. Wishing you and your family all the best.
@mohamedhamza2199 4 місяці тому
Sorry I will bay New one saving many and time thank you for your project ❤
@ericslik9190 19 днів тому
Hi from Sydney Australia thx for the Tips
@marknagval989 3 місяці тому
Журнал "Радио" за 1961 год, номер не вспомню, но вырезку храню. Тогда толстые провода сваривали таким образом. Питали от обмотки 6,3 В достаточно маломощного трансформатора.
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for giving me more useful information, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥, SO nice to meet you. We look forward to your support in the near future, my good friend. Wishing you a happy new day.
@1wetpant 3 місяці тому
Würdest du mir bitte diesen Ausschnitt per PN schicken? Wäre sehr froh darüber. Danke im voraus, Grisu
@1wetpant 3 місяці тому
Würdest du mir bitte diesen Ausschnitt per PN zusenden? Wäre sehr froh darüber. Danke im voraus, Grisu
@user-gl6jo56ve2e 2 місяці тому
А какой флюс надо использовать?, или без флюса?
@Boguchany 2 місяці тому
@@user-gl6jo56ve2e Какой флюс, это точечная сварка!!! )))
@tuir52 4 місяці тому
No início eu pensei que tinha perdido meu tempo, mas depois vi que o projeto é top de linha. Parabéns e obrigado.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ♥️♥️♥️♥️, I look forward to receiving your support in the near future. upcoming. upcoming. I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@asmkaynak9036 3 місяці тому
Teşekkürler çok güzel
@globalcomsur 3 місяці тому
This idea save a lot of money to weld steel and alu
@user-lq7is2gj9l 2 місяці тому
Excelente enseñanza❤
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day
@FARIDMKYLDRISSI 3 місяці тому
مرحبا بكم شكرآ لك. 🖐🌹
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it helps me have more motivation to complete my work, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. We wish you a happy new day
@agtekno 4 місяці тому
Nice idea
@mhmchannel2592 4 місяці тому
Yes... Very nice
@pengajianuntukindonesia2160 4 місяці тому
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you, I am a person who likes to explore new things and I am very interested in new things. things around me. can help me complete my work, it helps me be creative, and you, do you love your job? We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas, dear friends.
@tieuma1959 4 місяці тому
Good ❤
@rajendranmanghat902 4 місяці тому
@jeremiasguilherme1312 4 місяці тому
Parabéns 😊
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, ♥️ ♥️ ♥. Thank you for sharing your very positive comments with us. I look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you a happy new day
@cnbcontents6072 Місяць тому
실용성이 좋으네요 ~~~🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive shares, ❤️ ❤️ ❤, you are a good friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️, we look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@user-qr9kl2ce4w 4 місяці тому
ถ้าต้องทำถึงขนาดนี้โดยต้องเสียอุปกรณ์หลายๆชิ้นไม่น่าจะเรียก DIY ดูจะเป็นการทำลายมากกว่า ซื้อใหม่ง่ายกว่า ไร้ประโยชน์
@2sansamify 4 місяці тому
세상에! 👍 배우고 갑니다
@BoPplle 2 місяці тому
@user-kt3rd7fl4f 2 місяці тому
what are you doing?
@NasehatMotivasi 7 днів тому
Thank you very much good job
@inventorK20 5 днів тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive shares, ❤️ ❤️ ❤, you are a good friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️, we look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@sidimohamedsanef7250 4 місяці тому
Merci pour cette idée fabuleuse je suis d, algérie
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Chào bạn, mình rất vui khi nghe những nhận xét tích cực của bạn dành cho mình, nó giúp mình có thêm động lực để hoàn thành công việc của mình, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥, rất mong nhận được sự ủng hộ của bạn trong thời gian này. lần tới. sắp tới. sắp tới. Tôi chúc bạn và gia đình một năm mới bình an và hạnh phúc
@jacks5kids 4 місяці тому
A great instructional video: 3:00: Best way to get an abrasion wound 3:20: How to drill a hole in your hand 4:57: How to destroy the battery of your hand tools 5:37: How to quickly destroy your scissors 5:40: How to cut your eyes open with bits of a razor blade 7:10: How to burn your skin 7:38: How to leave sharp edges that will cut anyone who uses your repaired pot. Over $100 worth of stuff destroyed to repair a $5 pot. No, the stainless steel company won't go bankrupt, you will. But first take an ambulance ride to see if someone can save your eyes or fingers.
@Andresvideo 4 місяці тому
Came to the comments to say exactly this! 😂😂😂
@ArifIkhwan-if4fp 4 місяці тому
😁😂🤣 I like this comment, very detail....
@TimeSurfer206 4 місяці тому
Let us not forget the lack of gloves when playing with the electrolytes in said battery. Potassium Hydroxide, a chemical cousin of LYE. Quite a caustic little substance, it is. Having your skin turn into SOAP while still attached to you isn't much fun. It was also rather amusing to see the Magic Blue Smoke being released when he did the "Spark test."
@FranciscoBernardoOficial 4 місяці тому
@Jeremyisyourhandyman 4 місяці тому
I enjoyed this comment very much 🎉🍿
@murazkaraev1161 4 місяці тому
Молодец. Хорошая идея.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you, I am a person who likes to explore new things and I am very interested in new things. things around me. can help me complete my work, it helps me be creative, and you, do you love your job? We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas, dear friends.
@martinusandi5414 2 місяці тому
Lombok nyimak mantul terimakasih ilmunya.
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day
@Bayuhutamamotor Місяць тому
Video ini sgt membantu. Makasih sudah sharing ilmunya
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, thank you for sharing, I'm happy that what I do can help people ❤️️ ❤️. ❤Thank you. Have a good day.
@blg53 4 місяці тому
This battery is 18V, not 1.5V. And you seem to destroy quite few useful things in order to make this temporary welder. If you keep going like this you will become bankrupt long before the stainless steel companies. One of the principles of DIY is to use junk for the source materials, not to break perfectly good devices.
@Sobat_kreatiff 4 місяці тому
Its good 😅
@IasonPetridis-ng3ve 4 місяці тому
😂😂😂 What destroyed is an old empty 1.5V battery only.
@francismnyele 4 місяці тому
I dislike unnecessarily wasteful DIY. It defeats the purpose of DIYing where I am concerned
@lamtran5629 4 місяці тому
Khổ quá ông ơi! 1,5v là viên pin hỏng được tận dụng lấy lỏi chì để làm đầu mỏ hàn kia chứ ko phải là củ pin nguồn của máy khoan đâu ông nội? Vả lại tất cả chúng ta nên học hỏi và công nhận những điều hay ho, những sáng kiến tuy ko phải là phát minh vĩ đại gì nhưng thực sự hữu dụng, được nhiều người chia sẻ với ý thức áp dụng vào những trường hợp mà điều kiện hoàn cảnh của nó thực sự thiếu thốn, cần thiết phải khắc phục để giải quyết ngay nhu cầu sinh hoạt thiết yếu hằng ngày. Hơn nữa về ý nghĩa của việc giữ gìn môi trường dù rằng nó ko phải là bắt buộc trong những trường hợp ít ỏi này! Tuy nhiên thực tế thì quá trình làm việc này của người sáng kiến cũng ko phá hủy thứ gì gọi là đáng giá hoặc thải ra môi trường số lượng rác thải gì đáng kể để người ta phải lo ngại rồi lên tiếng cảnh báo, chỉ trích! Có chăng chỉ là sự ích kỷ nhỏ nhen, ko muốn công nhận bất cứ sự việc tốt đẹp nào của người khác ngoài bản thân mình.
@XBootlicker 4 місяці тому
Could have bought 10 teapots by now
@gholamrezaabolahrari3118 4 місяці тому
I am from iran.
@hotfacts786 4 місяці тому
Salam nice to meet you
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to talk to you, nice to meet you, my good friend from Iran, my childhood dream is to travel all over the world to get to know each other. Knowing them, I come from VIETNAM, the country of indomitable heroes, I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas my friend.
@alexiselizondo6174 4 місяці тому
Buenas tardes. Desde Costa Rica. Estoy viendo tu video. Es interesante somo.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ♥️♥️♥️♥️,Costa Rica, a beautiful country, I really like it. like it. We hope to receive your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@migueltfernandes5131 15 днів тому
Ótima opção para vários consertos . Obrigado por compartilhar. Saudações do Brasil!
@inventorK20 11 днів тому
Hello, I am happy to chat with you, especially a friend from Brazil, a beautiful country with hospitable people and friendly tourist destinations. I love your country, I wish you and your family all the best
@user-ph2wt6bj7p 4 місяці тому
수많은 공정, 수많은 재료,엄청난 시간과 정열낭비네요 다이소에가면 아무리 많이줘도 $3면 될텐데 암튼 연구하시고 영상 만드시느라 고생 하셨습니다 스텐 공장 걱정은 안하셔도 될듯 ^^
@andrescastillo1063 2 місяці тому
La creatividad vale más que el oro.
@user-hv6yx8gi1f 2 місяці тому
ㅋㅋ 한국인은 이런 댓글 달줄 알았음 나도 재료낭비에 시간낭비 그냥 새로 사는게 좋지 않을까? 라고 할라다가 혹시나하고 내려봤는데 역시나 있네
@wfilhovariedades1105 4 місяці тому
Fiquei cansado só de assistir o trabalho que dá pra fazer.
@andrescastillo1063 2 місяці тому
Es para personas Creativas, y es la creatividad vale más de lo que se puede comprar, y hay personas que se quitan de su tiempo para estás actividades.
@duongle5215 4 місяці тому
Khó vậy mà anh cũng nghĩ ra. Rất tuyệt vời 👍
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for sharing with us, thank you, My main job is repairing, it helps me unleash my creativity and I find joy in it. And I think you are also a creative enthusiast, wish you a good job, we look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Have a good day
@abdullahdoel8653 4 місяці тому
Mantap Slalu sukses Pekanbaru Indonesia
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ♥️♥️♥️♥️, I look forward to receiving your support in the near future. upcoming. upcoming. I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@WeldingMask 4 місяці тому
とてもクールだよ、友よ。 この考えを知って急須を捨てなかった
@ailail-ks1sh 4 місяці тому
The cost of a welder was more expensive than the price of a tea sparkle😂
@user-ym4ww8ky1i 3 місяці тому
Tekniğini çok beğendim.emeğine saygılarımla selamlıyorum.
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it helps me have more motivation to complete my work, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥, I look forward to receiving your support during this time. this time. next time. upcoming. upcoming. I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@Vladimir-nj6sr Місяць тому
Супер 👍 Вот это я понимаю мастер своего дела, спасибо за ролик.
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a good friend. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@Farquardi 3 місяці тому
Parabéns 👏 pelo trabalho... Parece que alguma coisa saiu errada ao lado do bule,pois foi refeito a soldagem em outra posição... Parabéns pelo trabalho.
@user-yd9jv7or5y 4 місяці тому
Хочешь варить графитовым стержнем - заведи инвертор и вари, сколько душе угодно. Вот и весь вопрос с угробленным аккумулятором.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to talk to you, thank you for sharing with us, my main job is repairing and I like it very much, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and creativity at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas
@mistar-t 2 місяці тому
он им и варил, звук инвертора индусская башка не стал убирать 🤣🤣
@yt-vid2296 4 місяці тому
Than you, liked, loved
@necatigovenc3951 3 місяці тому
Türkiyeden izliyorum selamlar
@aleksandreruslanov-ci6op 4 місяці тому
Хорошая идея 👍
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, I'm happy to receive your good comments, thank you my good friend, nice to meet you, my main job is repairing and I like it very much , it helps me be creative. And I think you are also a person who is passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas, dear friend
@BANKET12 4 місяці тому
Этой при способой можно сварить контакты АКБ, запаять , произвести точечную сварку. Не обязательно от АКБ шуруповерта . Но . Возможно такая вещь должна лежать в ящике с инструментом.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@bkmobile5135 3 місяці тому
Thank​ you​🎉😊
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day
@mikenorris2736 3 місяці тому
A lot truoble for a 2 dollar pot
@arturlutsenko7538 13 днів тому
Это только начало 😅
@ththeod2538 4 місяці тому
Thanks for the video. Is this patent suitable as spot welding machine for batteries? Have you any experience with this?
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year. Wishing you and your family all the best.
@anisnisa2142 4 місяці тому
Brebes Indonesia hadir menyimak video anda
@aliimronaliimron4965 12 днів тому
Jakarta Selatan om.. terima kasih atas ilmunya yg bermanfaat...semoga menjadi ladang amal... sehat selalu ya bosquh
@inventorK20 11 днів тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive shares, ❤️ ❤️ ❤, a good friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️, we look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you and your family a happy new day
@ArifIkhwan-if4fp 4 місяці тому
The power tools battery will soon hot and damage because of short circuit for welding, you can buy 10 stainless small kettle like that rather than damaging the battery.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, it's a pleasure to chat with you. Thank you for giving me extremely valuable knowledge and I will apply it. I think nothing can make it difficult for you. My main job is to repair and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also a person who is passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas
@viktaryasiukevich1848 4 місяці тому
Сварка угольным электродом известна уже более века и излагается в учебниках по сварке, только в этом случае применена без ума. Во-первых гробится маломощный аккумулятор стоимостью в несколько раз дороже плохо сваренного чайника. Здесь более приемлема пайка, даже ПОС-61, а лучше всего цинковым припоем с флюсом от китайцев.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, it's nice to chat with you, thank you for giving me extremely valuable knowledge and I will use them, I am a person who likes to discover new things to help me complete my work, I love repair work, what about you? Do you like your job? Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas, dear friend
@victorp.6907 4 місяці тому
ПОС-61 - паяние деталей не подверженных нагреву. У него всего 182 гр. ПОС-90, для паяния посуды. Или другой тугоплавкий припой.
@viktaryasiukevich1848 4 місяці тому
@@victorp.6907 Можно и так, хотя хорош любой припой с температурой плавления на пару градусов выше кипения воды. А без воды можно довести до плавления любой припой :-)
@arts5653 4 місяці тому
Вот и Я зашёл в комменты написать, что проще припаять. Но тут и так куча подобных высказываний. Столько мороки из-за чайника за 500р.
@user-uz8qy2yu1y 4 місяці тому
Я свой чайник спаял. Ортофосфорная кислота и обычный припой плюс газовая горелка
@freimenromeromora Місяць тому
Hola de costa rica gracias muy buen invento a mi me gusta todo lo qse invento caseros
@inventorK20 Місяць тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, a friend from Costa Rica, I'm from Vietnam and I really love your country's football, a hospitable country, thank you, have a nice day! nice day! Nice day
@user-cv7id5fp9z 4 місяці тому
It’s like, you break the permanent attic to repair a chair not worth much.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, it's nice to chat with you, thank you for giving me extremely valuable knowledge and I will use them, I am a person who likes to discover new things to help me complete my work, I love repair work, what about you? Do you like your job? Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas, dear friend
@vesemko 4 місяці тому
I am surprised that some commentators said buy the new tea pot instead.. I will say: now you have a good welder for various welding tasks 🎉
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@vesemko 4 місяці тому
​@@inventorK20Thank You😊
@legend3780 2 місяці тому
Hello and like from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿👍
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you a happy new day
@NikolayMelnikov73 2 місяці тому
Карабах это Азербайджан
@BengkelIdeKreatif 4 місяці тому
Wah mantap caranya keren dan mudah ❤❤❤
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ♥️♥️♥️♥️, I look forward to receiving your support in the near future. upcoming. upcoming. I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@arkivani1 2 місяці тому
Купить новый чайник на много легче, чем такая волокита с потерянным временем 😂
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you for sharing, have a nice day
@user-nc6gx5oq7o 4 місяці тому
Если бы автор подключил к инверторному сварочному аппарату вместо электрода угольный штырь от батарейки вышедшей из строя то он бы ничего не потерял ,а вернул к работе свой чайник. Но как понятно из видео сломался не только тот чайник что для чая ,а и тот что у самого этого автора не варит... Испортил АКБ от инструмента и потратил кучу своего и нашего времени.
@krishnasamyvijayarangan8361 4 місяці тому
Nice idea to learn
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year
@bolasnarede8894 4 місяці тому
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year. Wishing you and your family all the best.
@bobcat3653 4 місяці тому
Luckily its for hobby and not machinery lol
@FilosovMenhayzen 4 місяці тому
А если в сварочник графитовый электрод вставить и ток по минимуму получится нержавейку заварить?
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments. It helps me have more motivation at work. Thank you ♥️ ♥, ♥ My main job is repairing and I really like it, it helps me be creative. And I think you are also passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year. Wishing you and your family all the best.
@ThienQuocBien 3 місяці тому
thank you so much
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me and a lot of useful information for us, ♥️ ♥️ ♥. ♥Thank you very much. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. We wish you a happy new day
@vecihittinkose5550 4 місяці тому
I am calling from in turkey. Very good. I am living a island ın here 😊
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, happy to hear your positive comments, I think nothing can make it difficult for you, ♥️♥️♥️ ♥️, you are a creative enthusiast. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy new year, dear friend
@fernandomota7360 2 місяці тому
Exelente idea gracias por conpartirlo con el pucblico para las personas que realisamos a su inventos o cualquier cosa que tengamos que unir y no sabemos como hacerlo y esta idea es maravillosa super jenial que dios te bendiga y te conserve saludos desde veracruz ver .
@inventorK20 2 місяці тому
Hello, thank you very much for your positive comments to us. You are a very nice person, nice to meet you. We look forward to receiving your support in the near future. Wishing you a happy new day
@user-sb6tj1uy7f 3 місяці тому
Для источника питания рекомендую использовать щелочные аккумуляторы, они не боятся коротких замыканий.
@user-zv2mp5zv7c 2 місяці тому
Да он просто - наркоман...😂
@huynhha4446 2 місяці тому
Ở liên xô có nhiều pin kiềm còn ở Việt Nam chỉ có pin chì ,,pb,
@vvkalt 2 місяці тому
точно , не боятся, просто без глаз оставляют.
@mistar-t 2 місяці тому
лучше стопку батареек от часов
@vpchelko 2 місяці тому
лучше уж автомобильный для сабжа - стартовый ток самое оно для сварки
@Sherlock-ub8uq 4 місяці тому
Это древний способ, при союзе мы с отцом акамуляторы ремонтировали, они тогда разборные были.
@inventorK20 4 місяці тому
Hello, nice to chat with you, you are right, but sometimes ancient methods work very well for us, thank you very much, my main job is repair and I am very like it. love it, it helps me be more creative in life. And I think you are also a person who is passionate about creativity and innovation at work. You find joy in it. Wish you have a good job. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas, dear friend
@Roq5Brdv 3 місяці тому
я тоже паял аккумы для ЯВЫ, с машинных.
@touchmenot49 4 місяці тому
Great job
@user-tp3yh7bk5h 3 місяці тому
Muito bom,gostei!!!!
@inventorK20 3 місяці тому
Hello, I am very happy to hear your positive comments for me, it gives me more motivation to complete my work, ️ ️ ♥, ♥Nice to meet you. We look forward to your support in the near future, my good friend. Wishing you a happy new day.♥♥
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