The Quantum Law of Being: Once you understand this, reality shifts.

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Stellar Thoughts

Stellar Thoughts

8 місяців тому

What if. The universe depends on you? The widely accepted Newtonian model of reality is now getting questioned. As it is based on separation.
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@kaytypicalnotsokaytypical6145 6 місяців тому
Ok I’ll become a millionaire in two years and I’ll be back to this video to confirm this theory. See you at 3am on October 16 2025.
@IgnoretheButter 6 місяців тому
Make sure you put the work in so you don't come back the same
@omoregiebenedict2762 5 місяців тому
If in two years you get stuck in a desert land, I think shelter water and food will be all you need to feel a millionaire.. life is never all about money..
@IIIIIIIIIIIIIx1 5 місяців тому
@@IgnoretheButter cope
@Roseenmarie 5 місяців тому
it doesn't work like that, there are still laws 😊
@stevenjackson3167 5 місяців тому
if you apply the laws fully (which hurts like hell & feels amazing like heaven) you should come to peace and enlightenment. there you can speak with God/Creator and he'll let you know your life's purpose beyond your human desires. it sounds unappealing but you will get to peace before then. peace is having 0 desires. peace is what you get after war...
@mark19800 6 місяців тому
This is the exact explanation i have been looking for to describe what I have known, felt and experienced, but couldn't put into words.
@bitkurd 5 місяців тому
😂 your experience is unique, your brain only hears what it wants to hear. 99% of the talk around the new age spirituality is nothing but mumbo jumbo. Go beyond that brother
@stevenjackson3167 5 місяців тому
it's the patterns of nature. nature = the universe. the universe is God
@stevenjackson3167 5 місяців тому
look at the emotional frequency charts and see where youre at & begin to progress...
@jessicajoyk 2 місяці тому
Check out The Universe: New Evidence of Parallel Worlds S3E2 of the History Channel!! It goes into the quantum physics behind it and it’s really cool
@IConquer0 2 місяці тому
I simplified it for me The heart is the reason why we are here in this realm it's the reactor The consciousness is the control room period
@Dev-op7kn 7 місяців тому
Your mind has power. You can manifest your desires. I’m living my dream life now after a years work
@user-pt8mu9wg3i 2 місяці тому
YEARS OF WORK, you did not jujst think yourself where u wanted to be.
@MasterDao Місяць тому
@@user-pt8mu9wg3iUh, manifesting is just a factor. Of course you have to put in work silly. You really thought you were onto something, huh buddy?
@grayfox35 16 днів тому
So why the fuck did you dream inflation!! ????
@jackroberts416 6 днів тому
​@user-pt8mu9wg3i I believe the way it works is opportunities open themselves up to you. And yes...some people literally dream up their wealth such as a lottery win. There are others who claim they can reality shift. But it doesn't happen over night. It takes commitment, patience, continued visualization, faith, etc...
@nathananderson8720 6 місяців тому
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my UKposts channel 8 months ago about self development. Now I have 788 subs and > 300 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
@ValleyOfTheSunTarot Місяць тому
Now you’re up to 2.3k!!!! Good for you honey🎉🎉🎉
@nathananderson8720 Місяць тому
@@ValleyOfTheSunTarot Whoever you are, I don't know you personally but I can say that you're one of the non-judgmental and open-minded people who is not fixated on tangible or external factors in order to learn from someone like me. Just because someone doesn't have a piece of paper as a credential, doesn't mean that person is not entitled to share personal experiences with the hope & intention to inspire others. Keep up with whatever it is that you're doing to improve mankind or improving your life even to a slight degree each day. This is just one part of a bigger puzzle for creating my UKposts channel about holistic health. I literally could have died back when I was 14 years old due to major depression but here I am right now replying to you, a UKpostsr, who's full of fulfillment and dedication to help others to be a better version of themselves. I ain't better than anyone else but my old self. That's all that really makes this UKposts thing more meaningful and enjoyable. Thanks so much for your support! I am hoping that you can join me with this endless personal development journey! :)
@ValleyOfTheSunTarot Місяць тому
@@nathananderson8720 what an awesome response, I am humbled you took the time out of your day to respond so kindly! And you’re correct, we ALL have something to share, somewhere! With someone else, or perhaps many others… our experience IS education, albeit in a different format than one would consider traditional. And there’s soooo much to learn from our experience, separately and collectively!!! Good luck on your future endeavors my friend🫶🙏💪
@carmaela2689 21 годину тому
Your message is hitting me at the perfect time
@nathananderson8720 9 годин тому
@@carmaela2689 Thank you! What I really focus on is the value of the content and what I’m truly passionate about while helping others! I'm glad that I'm foolish enough to believe that I can actually start making money through my passions. I've never thought that I'd be able to gain more than 2k subs faster. I can't imagine how many opportunities could have been wasted if I didn't have courage to go after them. That includes having this channel, being in a management role, having the people who actually care about me for who I am, freelance gigs, being an ambassador in a creative community and now I'm also planning on honing my public speaking skills through joining a toastmaster club and these all happened in 2023. It started with writing them all down on a piece of paper. A paper that serves as a reminder for me to go after what I want even through hard times. I'm not bragging about my accomplishments but simply hoping that this message can also inspire others to believe in themselves.
@greyspot270 7 місяців тому
Amazing. I love the mirror theory. And we are god. God is us. We worship ourselves. Not in a narcissistic way, but a loving way. If we believe in god, we, therefore, believe in ourselves.
@sussekind9717 2 місяці тому
Seltsam (oddly strange).
@sonikwro Місяць тому
No, there is no you there is only God. How do you feel about yours fictional self? You exist as a sin or lie.
@Ta2dwitetrash 22 дні тому
This is more accurate than you know.
@sussekind9717 22 дні тому
Are you out of your ever-loving gourds? Please, come back and try to get a grip on reality.
@VictoriaJ1111 8 місяців тому
If you believe it and surrender to the knowing it is yours - then you will experience it in 3D. Believe it and see it - no one is keeping anything away from you, but you as there is only YOU in your reality.
@ujjwalsharma4453 7 місяців тому
This comment is a sign for me from my Lord SHIVA!! Thank you mam!
@VictoriaJ1111 7 місяців тому
@@ujjwalsharma4453 you are very welcome🧡
@VictoriaJ1111 7 місяців тому
@@dabiededoo Your perspective and truth is as valid as any other. What i have come to understand and what i know now, which is always changing, we are all in separate reality bubbles and so therefore you contain the whole Universe inside you and it's projected out. You attract to you consciously or not what is active in your vibration. Fear based beliefs draw onto you fear based experiences. And also the Universe (again, from only my pov), is not random. It is an orchestration. In the scenario you mentioned above, yes, you will experience the effect and pain of that event (the experience is real), but at the same time, another vesrion of you, did not have this experience at all. The outside world is a shadow world; a projection of what is active in our consciouslness. If you want the world to change, you must change yourself and then you shift to a reality that is more aligned with the experiences you prefer. There is no outside and quantum physics has proven that. So, what you put out, is what you get back. Now, having said all this, please know that your beliefs and perspective are equally valid. Much love.
@Manifesteconscientemente 7 місяців тому
​@dabiededoo we are all one. We are all connected. So, your reality is made up of your dominant thoughts, beliefs, and imagination. Everyone is YOU pushed out. So, it's all YOU!
@janab.2196 7 місяців тому
Your Name ist also a sign to me, too 😊💖 because I See 1111 everywhere 🍀⭐
@anecho489 5 місяців тому
I learned this the hard way. In the black pits of Cptsd and a depressive episode (all diagnosed by multiple psychiatrists) i had to find something to hold to for control, and in the middle of desperate nothingness i found something that i lost long long before the depressive episode and nightmares - i found myself, and did full 180 on how i cope with my health conditions, the world seemed so happy and different thanks to MY perspective, i know it sounds like empty words but if i can do it, i bet you can too
@Jb-zx2fw 2 місяці тому
Cptsd? I can relate friend it's poorly misunderstood and can seem endless but you what you speak of doesn't sound like empty words to me, be strong, be kind, be you. Power of mind is being unchained, best wishes
@anecho489 2 місяці тому
@@Jb-zx2fw once you break the chains of cptsd it feels like you gained control over your destiny ans narrative again, thanks man
@hambakhaya 2 місяці тому
​​@@anecho489 you are not talking trash my friend👍🏾❤ I have experienced this as well❤ Your whole reality and emotions you experience can literally change based on the images that repetitively play in your head.😊😊
@anecho489 2 місяці тому
@@hambakhaya that is so true
@adrianhoop9638 2 місяці тому
​@@hambakhaya do you have Tips how to Change your perspective? Like how do you Change your Image of the world?
@morpheusspirit6609 3 місяці тому
This is an absolutely powerful video. So much pure wisdom in those words. There is a fourth dimension where everything we desire (with passionate emotion) already exists. Creation and manifestation is done!! You’ve already created it. Now it’s simply The Journey of spiritual alignment. The law of vibration (much deeper than the law of attraction). Hold the image with as much detail and clarity as you can (without the anxiety)… ‘stay there’… then the thing is yours. 🙏🏾
@AkhonaMandleni 3 місяці тому
Very powerful. Man
@Jewelsessences 2 місяці тому
Unfortunately it didnt work & I tried that so many times.
@dylanmcdaniel2084 Місяць тому
Doing it wrong.
@FvckSignup 7 місяців тому
Following this wisdom for more than a year now. It stepped into my life just at the right moment and I am so grateful for it's content. Keep it up, Wise Voice behind this channel!
@jeffcosten5788 7 місяців тому
The mirror analogy is brilliant! Major light bulb moment. Thank You!
@RobMeezGodisLove 5 місяців тому
I found this video at the right time and I'm thankful for it because I know this UKposts channel is about to change my life thank you for all you do ❤💯🙏🏾❤️
@WildernessSoundscapes 2 місяці тому
Hey everyone, just dropping in to remind you all that you're doing great! Life can throw us curveballs sometimes, but remember to take a deep breath and trust in your resilience. Whether you're facing challenges or cruising through smooth waters, know that you're capable, you're worthy, and you're feeling fine. Keep shining bright!❤
@hennessy4716 8 місяців тому
What's funny is me too when i prayed to god, god showed me neville. and this channel. thanks a lot
@v2ike6udik 6 місяців тому
you think it was god? :D löcifer boys. god showed me all the full chaiko criminal stuff, they do in shadow of the glow. if you have hard times understanding - please understand that there are no countires. countries are õpen brisöns. Past 3 years is the keno-cider made by them. tlump = bidoon = pütään = ob boomer= whoever.... THEY ARE BEST PALS. "Just take that beautiful chillshot" (it was ready long time ago), and so ChewbaccaTlump and gave the industry "billions and billions" of dollars through w4rpSp44d. 4-5 billions?" wake the ehv up. if you belive in god, think of phallus phangels.
@freedomfreedom6544 8 місяців тому
“The All will not meddle with your freedom of choice as that spoils the fun”. He will part the sea for you, but you still have to cross.
@deformissimia6935 2 місяці тому
What if you don't cross, will the ocean return back to its original form? What if he doesn't part the sea and you just get on a boat to cross? What if the sea is infinite?
@evitapepperoni1980 8 місяців тому
I want exactly what you wanted... freedom and be financial independent. I have read many autors, inclunding the ones you mentioned, everyday meditate, try to change beliefs, mindset and still I'm stuck, nothing changes. I'm grateful for your video and happy that you are free now.
@jencoleby2494 7 місяців тому
Observe your patterns rather than trying.
@The_lucky_one4 7 місяців тому
If you feel stuck and assume that you are, so you are. "You must assume the feeling that will be yours when you were already in possession of your wish" Neville.
@gribwitch 6 місяців тому
@@The_lucky_one4 In other words, lie to yourself. Nope. I don't do that.
@carlosrave3389 8 місяців тому
Glad to have you back men. Keep posting
@tjiinae 5 місяців тому
I greatly thank you for this beautiful and clear video as i study spiritual topics. Ive written an astounding 3 pages just off of this 7 minute video due to you sparking the match in my brain. Keep uploading these gems
@junebug702x3 7 місяців тому
This video lifted my spirit thank you my man.
@smuirhead3107 7 місяців тому
Well of all the countless times I've heard this explained, I'm talking for years, this is the best explanation I've ever heard. Utopian moment going on right here 🧡🙏💛
@galanbrown 7 місяців тому
THANKS for this posting! It has really caused an awakening.
@The_lucky_one4 7 місяців тому
As the mirror with Neville, to me with this video. Thank for exist ❤ Since I learned English, I'm so grateful because I've learned so many things that I wouldn't in spanish. I was agnostic and became spiritual and curious of consciousness as I listened and whatched lots of content in that regard. Everything is just connected 💗💗
@robertrichard2322 7 місяців тому
Read some Neville, no one can explain it as clearly as him
@Shane... 7 місяців тому
Well said
@veronicab.5949 6 місяців тому
same in Italian language, + italian are very ignorant on this topic...I'm grateful for understand English
@The_lucky_one4 6 місяців тому
@@veronicab.5949 Are you a native Italian speaker?
@veronicab.5949 6 місяців тому
@johnruggiero 6 місяців тому
This video is very powerful. Love the comments and seeing how people's lives transformed based off of this principle ✌️ ❤️
@michaelburrill561 8 місяців тому
Thank you for your time and effort to make this amazing content. You are a lighthouse in this stormy ocean.
@Alpha-Trion7 5 місяців тому
lighthouses are SO HOT!
@canadiankiss5901 5 місяців тому
You explained that so well. Absolutely thought provoking ❤
@JAZARISTARLIGHT 7 місяців тому
Thank you so very much. I will watch this every morning and every night!❤😊
@forrestwheeler916 3 дні тому
Thank you for this wisdom. Very liberating and true . The truth does set you free!’
@felicecancellara4524 8 місяців тому
Always good stuff here, thank you Stellar 🙏🏻
@nguyendiemthuyduong3969 3 місяці тому
Your video literally answers all the questions that I’ve had for years . Tysm. Wish i discovered this channel sooner. Just subscribed ❤
@vaishnavikaushal5198 9 днів тому
i was sitting with myself today and just looking at the moon outside the window, and then i see the reflection in the window glass and that's when it all hit me at once. I was telling myself exactly the same things as you talked about in the video and so i wanted to understand more about homogamic or parallel universe and found this video and in this moment, i feel so proud of myself for figuring it out on my own but i am also blessed by the universe for sending me a reassurance in the form of this video. yuuhuuuuuu. sooo happy.
@erickbotha 8 місяців тому
I feel your story man! I was once at a point were I did everything a "Christian" would do. but I felt empty. why would a loving god make me feel this way. I also asked. And Joseph Murphy, the whole rabbit hole of LOA and true spirituality was shown to me. Now I know I hold the power.
@DjWiiwy 7 місяців тому
To teach u a lesson ? Im not even Christian, but i mean, of u think that god is the most powerful lets say « being », creators of universes, and almighty, if he but u in the spot of feeling empty is to teach u something
@IAMinfiniteandfree. 7 місяців тому
​@@DjWiiwyWhat kind of loving father teaching a lesson through trauma?
@JaredJuetten 7 місяців тому
@@IAMinfiniteandfree. The trauma is due to a violation of spiritual law. Living in sin and committing sin causes a reflection in the mirror of sin back unto you. Whatever you sow, you shall reap. So remember to sow wheat and other good things (happiness, love) instead of poison (hate, resentment, etc).
@IAMinfiniteandfree. 7 місяців тому
@@JaredJuetten If this is true, how is it possible that childten are being tortured, raped, used in horrible video's and killed in pedofile networks? Come on...What kind of father would make us, drop us into delusional family systems, who teach us nothing, even abuse us, with no help, even indoctrination that God doesn't exist in many families, and than tell us that it is karma. Something is missing in this story... the truth I believe
@Alex722 7 місяців тому
@@IAMinfiniteandfree. No one says that you can not be caught up into the unconsciousness of other people.
@kavalkid1 7 місяців тому
Excellent! With this knowledge one may also change the past.
@dansonn111 15 днів тому
I love the way this has all been explained! Thank you!!
@eduardomartins1510 8 місяців тому
I truly understood everything you said in your content here and nothing changed. That proves that only by understanding one will not change its life. It must be felt, it must be part of one's beliefs, not only mental. Please, make a video teaching how to feel, not only mental.
@josephsaladi4001 8 місяців тому
ofcourse, it must be followed by consistant action, graditude and belief as well. It's a 5 step process, not two. Visualize and Feeling being the first two.
@russiansurf 7 місяців тому
and compassion/kindness towards others. :)@@josephsaladi4001
@far574 5 місяців тому
Wow, I've always known this and live my life trying to he better than the day before. A year and half ago something happened. That moment is when it hit. This is a great explanation.
@yeetfios 3 місяці тому
it’s weird to hear other people say what i know without me ever sharing it in detail but also comforting. i hope you all enjoy your experience :)
@bambi0607 8 місяців тому
Excellent video! Thank you! 🙏🏻
@michelleford8038 22 дні тому
Amen I'm just a diamond ready to shine and strive for the stars and all ❤
@P3pperland Місяць тому
Thank you my man, bless and love upon you
@krisiam Місяць тому
This is very powerful!!! Thank you! Neville Goddard rocks!!! 🎉🎉🎉
@pahan95 8 місяців тому
Stellar thank you so much! Since finding you exactly about an year back. My life has been a moonshot! I have brought in such a lavish easy free life using this ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏 I am so grateful for your work and grace
@pawelp9219 8 місяців тому
@cloudwalker714 7 місяців тому
what exactly did you do? in terms of methods?
@tinam462 6 місяців тому
Beautiful words, thank you so much for your videos, I appreciate you ❤🧡💛
@AfsanaParmar09 6 місяців тому
Nothing is missing in me☯️. I have everything in my life 💜🤩💚 Amazing explanation and Thank you for sharing 🙏❤️
@dianasleiman2893 8 місяців тому
Great message Thank you 🙏
@modernblue24 3 місяці тому
Physical changes is currently occurring. And picking up the on the sequences that led me astray from this point. Good content.
@anitharaj6581 8 місяців тому
The reality is with you for the connection we had but with everyone I had soul connection that you can't change ...
@vanaraen3474 5 місяців тому
Great video as always. Stellar, a sleep affirmation regarding manifesting a 'lavish stable dependeable income, doing what I love" would be great next meditation video 😃
@LeeS-ur1lk 8 днів тому
What a beautiful thing that we are one. The universe is us. ❤
@yushavikamonk4666 7 місяців тому
your channel is trully one of a kind for me, it answers all my questions relating law of assumption. discovered your channel approximately one year ago when i was trying to manifest my sp. i kid you not, i manifested him within 2 MONTHS. AND things couldnt get better, we started traveling to another countries which ive never experienced it being done with my partner. its been a year and this is the longest and healtiest relationship ever. im so grateful for this experience ❤
@Jewelsessences 2 місяці тому
Your just lucky it doesnt work for everyone
@yushavikamonk4666 2 місяці тому
@@Jewelsessencesit does work. u just have to believe. im a living proof
@joannrobinson6363 7 місяців тому
Gratitude 💕✨
@musokemusa3592 8 місяців тому
Thank you🙏
@angelapagliarulo5723 2 місяці тому
Great video! Thanks for sharing
@mainulislam6318 8 місяців тому
Thanks a lot. God Bless you.
@Self-University 8 місяців тому
Appreciate! The message take ownership of my life.
@NotASocialMediaInfluencer000 Місяць тому
Thank you for a fascinating video!
@Suj599 3 місяці тому
This video is best example of’ pain told and solution sold ‘ these kind of videos will always work on weak minds unfortunately
@faiyaz9768 Місяць тому
I’m not understanding this vid at all
@sammacintyre2583 8 місяців тому
That’s it right there. Truth
@dianafriend6236 2 місяці тому
With including all of humanity in our heart, we begin to reveal what connects all and why....
@sharongonzales-wq1qt 5 місяців тому
Soooooo happy for you ❤🎉🎉🎉!
@samanthaclark4 Місяць тому
Visualize and feel as if it is and it will be! Power of belief. Where attention goes, energy flows!
@agavebob3462 3 місяці тому
You cannot depend on what you have been told about God. You must learn yourself who God is.
@foreignboiii4350 7 місяців тому
The key to achieving is happiness even through grief
@laylahalgharib3150 8 місяців тому
Thank you!
@IngeniousDimensions369 8 місяців тому
Thank you.🤝🤝
@ripelsdave 6 місяців тому
beautiful. small and crisp message. super
@Lovebuzz11-11 7 місяців тому
I'm beginning to understand that moving into 5d is merely a rise in concious awareness of who and what we are.
@gribwitch 6 місяців тому
There's nothing "merely" about it. I'm finding it impossible to understand.
@sunbeam9222 Місяць тому
​@@gribwitchyou're tryin to access 5 D wearing a 3 D equipped headset. Understanding in 3 D is based on intellectual reasoning. It's not how it works in 5D. You must remove the headset.
@anthonyryan8231 7 місяців тому
Excellent explanation.
@christiangabrielwildtmedra2305 12 днів тому
Thank you!!
@David65702 7 місяців тому
Appreciate you.
@lyricsmaster106 7 місяців тому
Broke it down perfectly
@jimmymorrison8314 6 місяців тому
We're conscious tendrils of an ever curious universe, experiencing, learning and playing.
@BlinkBeatz777 4 місяці тому
All Facts No Cap! 🙏🏾💯🧿
@TheKoolaidekidd 6 місяців тому
He explained everything spot on, and I have searched and studied internally and externally for years. We are whatever we choose to be within. Another note is letting your ego go, as we have no control over anything but our choices and our state of being. Accept the truths as they present themselves verses living in denial makes life much easier.
@gribwitch 6 місяців тому
"...we have no control over anything but our choices...". That's absolutely not so. You can't "choose" to be happy, unhappy or neutral. There has to be a reason to be any of those, a preliminary cause or event to stimulate an emotional reaction, which then produces the relevant state.
@TheKoolaidekidd 6 місяців тому
​@@gribwitch Choosing to be happy is a "choice". If you rely on your ego, or something outside of yourself you will never be happy. Truth is, we are already at a perfect state, and are temporarily blinded to it by design. Goal is to rediscover who/what you are and knowing that nothing is missing or needed. You can choose to be a victim of someone or something, or some excuse. Truth is we are not. If we are not, then we have a choice to be whatever it is we want.
@gribwitch 6 місяців тому
@@TheKoolaidekidd I was stating you can't choose to be happy or unhappy because yes, I am looking from an ego perspective. Because I'm not spiritually awake. So that's all I CAN look at it from. Do you remember your 3 D life ? Then you would know this too - i.e. you can't choose happiness. Your reaction to circumstances is what determines your mood. I'm well aware of what we are expected to do. I'm angry and frustrated because I'm not able to make the connections required to awaken. I'm finding it very difficult to understand the concepts. And these "light energies" that are supposedly flooding the planet to assist us, are doing fuck all for me. Never felt or noticed them.
@TheKoolaidekidd 6 місяців тому
@@gribwitch I totally understand your perspective. Yes, how you respond to everything greatly influences your state of being. Especially negative experiences. We are all spiritual and psychic beings by nature. Our beliefs shape our reality. Our greatest detriment is fear. Everything negative has a relationship with fear. Fear of not deserving, fear of being judged, fear of not “fitting in”. Fear of the past. Fear/anxiety of the future. The fact that you are responding with great curiosity says that you are already awakening. Ask the hard questions of everything you don’t understand. By right you are a l loving, Devine, unlimited spiritual being having a limited experience. If the energies supporting us were not with us, very few would survive our intended incarnation. The messages are very subtle and are mostly blocked by the chatter of the ego mind. Today just ask “energies in support of my well being show me that I am not alone.” Forget about everything for a while. These energies would be the first to tell you we are all equal. No being its greater than the other. You are just as deserving as the highest ascended master by right.
@AzureNative 4 місяці тому
Language itself conditions how one thinks:reality. English language in particular, is a powerful tool for steering thinking.
@user-dz8us5pq1y 10 днів тому
今椅子から立って久しぶりにゆっくりと自分の顔を目を見つめてみました。鏡の向こうには私が思っていたよりも、疲れた顔で眠そうにしているわたしがいました。これは寝ないとダメだ。そう気づかせてくれました。 この4日で5時間ほど寝ただけです。やりたい事、知りたい事が沢山あり過ぎて寝るのが惜しいのです、 しかし鏡でじっくりと見た私のSOSが間違いなくそこにはありました。 倒れる前に気づかせてくれたのだと、この貴方のメッセージもそれをサポートする為に宇宙の意志が囁いてくれたのだと感謝の思いで受け止めます。 ありがとうございました
@U-inverse369 7 місяців тому
thank you
@ambseyyy 3 місяці тому
this is a brilliant video
@manifestingreality9803 28 днів тому
The mirror analogy offers a profound insight into how reality reflects our inner state. Just as a mirror faithfully reflects our physical appearance, reality mirrors back the contents of our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. It reminds us of our power to shape our external world by cultivating positivity within, thereby steering our lives toward greater fulfillment and prosperity.
@lovegesine 6 місяців тому
Absolutely love this. ❤so true 😊
@BarbieCastroConcordFilms 5 місяців тому
This is great! 🙇🏼‍♀️🥳
@Un_Bison 3 місяці тому
I’ll be a millionaire before the end of 2024 and in good health so will be my family aswell. Ill see you in January 2025
@legionnaire2U 7 місяців тому
Thank you.
@nickcirillo6191 7 місяців тому
The experience 💯
@user-mee82 5 місяців тому
I have started to think that if we attract what we believe, it is VERY IMPORTANT that we share with people that after this life we ​​will all have a beautiful destiny and find peace forever, because if people think that they do not deserve to have a beautiful ending, they could make it happen :( And maybe that is why there are souls that remain hanging around because they may have believed that they were going to stay like this or thought that they not deserve to rest :(
@cadence456 7 місяців тому
Thank You
@Ryanfreewei 4 дні тому
This makes alot of sense
@charlottewalsh7664 Місяць тому
You the man😎
@dianrose7718 20 днів тому
I see 999 when I open and see the comments from one person.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. I am absolutely lucky to know this video.
@ajaj9655 7 місяців тому
Thank you all ❤
@ronin_1776 7 місяців тому
Credit the artwork on the thumbnail. Marcos alvarado...
@andreaudette3946 7 місяців тому
Great experiment i wish to all . I did this 25 years ago and and it still timeless and amazing. The conversion of my persona (mask) to the deeper self(being) is a process in witch the unknown is talking to you and it’s the most consciousness thing to BE. Thanks
@migueldualan1747 8 місяців тому
Thank you
@chloedooley2287 6 місяців тому
I believe that higher power is giving us this as a challenge to transcend when we’re ready
@pinhohelena7812 6 місяців тому
Merci beaucoup ❤🙏
@kimchibro78 3 місяці тому
MR. A.I thank you 👍 for explanation 😅
@wheelerking8380 8 місяців тому
I loathe most YT but I love your channel
@Bill0102 2 місяці тому
I'm thoroughly impressed. I read a book with a similar theme, and it left me thoroughly impressed. "Unlocking the Brain's Full Potential" by Alexander Sterling
@amadeodgiorgio2 3 місяці тому
Thank you! :)
@thedude3189 Місяць тому
Yup i became a nicer person, extremely honest and serious about health, half the people around me now dont like me, the other have are now extremely happy and im loving life and being ok with dying any day.
@hordebucket8971 5 місяців тому
This is what I have always theorised
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