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The Sidemen Face Off in a Cooking/Baking Challenge! #SidemenSunday
Sidemen Clothing:
● Miniminter: / miniminter
● Zerkaa: / zerkaa
● Behzinga: / behzinga
● Vikkstar123: / vikkstar123
● TBJZL: / tbjzl
● Wroetoshaw: / wroetoshaw
● KSI: / ksi

@tukxu 5 років тому
Harry: "It says I need dark brown sugar" Tobi: *_w h a t d i d y o u c a l l m e_*
@emma7437 4 роки тому
Joakim Tukiainen I was your 420th like 😂
@tukxu 4 роки тому
why did this blow up
@keeganfuller2185 4 роки тому
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhaahhaahhahahahahahahaha Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhh Hahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahah Hhahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahh Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahhahh Hhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahhhhahahahah Hahhahahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhhaah Hahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahaahahahhah Hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah Hahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhaahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahhahah Hahahahhahahahahhahaahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahah Hahahhahahahahahhahahahhhahahahaahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah
@keeganfuller2185 4 роки тому
Joakim Tukiainen hahahahahahhahahahahah Hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhah
@voli0247 4 роки тому
@fierceeagleofficial1570 4 роки тому
I love how this woman is watching as her kitchen is being ruined
@MrHussain1998 4 роки тому
Put she probably made more money that day then she made the whole year
@_itsian_3623 4 роки тому
Lol that woman I'd the sidemens chef I'm pretty sure I saw her cook for JJ in his new house and during the first $10,000 holiday
@_zlack 4 роки тому
She making da money doe
@chokoofficial4346 4 роки тому
it think she is JJ's and Simon's chef, cuz i am pretty sure a have seen her in spend 100k challenge at the end on the background as the presented what they have spent
@fierceeagleofficial1570 4 роки тому
@@chokoofficial4346 Thanks for telling me that I know for next time now :)
@Prof.Maxwell0.38 Рік тому
37:04 I just love the whole Mexican conversation right here too much. It’s el jollof. -Am I el stupid? -Nando’s rice? El Nando’s
@molls1101 10 місяців тому
Even as a mexican who probs should be offended by it i lafed my effing head off
@teeee9632 9 місяців тому
@@molls1101 there's literally nothing to get offended by lmao
@dazaiosamu3496 9 місяців тому
@@teeee9632 LMAOO FRR
@musiczzz9298 9 місяців тому
It’s nandinios
@downd.stairs2874 8 місяців тому
@@musiczzz9298 i think they said nadinhos
@softeezssan12 Рік тому
I just can’t help but smile and laugh at everything harry is doing
@shadowviper3971 Рік тому
average kpop stan
@victoriagrzybowinski669 Рік тому
I died when he just comes over next to Ethan (whislt JJ is calling Ethan a special man), and harry just sticks his fingers into the watermelon
@jurkus7078 Рік тому
@@shadowviper3971 *average harry stan
@micgreenson7308 Рік тому
Why so gheey
@connorcourtney2335 Рік тому
@@shadowviper3971 tbf anime ain’t much better boss
@randomcommentor246 5 років тому
14:02 might be the cleanest trickshot I've ever seen. Strawberry hits his target with precision then lands perfectly in the box with the other strawberries to leave no trace whatsoever of the projectile. 9.5/10, solid effort.
@sats2634 5 років тому
Even faze can’t do that
@benbraddock8666 4 роки тому
Somebody call dude perfect cuz that was first attempt unlike ALLof the dude perfect trick shots
@chimpityyy 4 роки тому
This isn't science class
@lyrx4815 4 роки тому
chill we aint writing a descriptive essay for English class
@mythicalmew8459 4 роки тому
10/10 :/
@Gabriel-uj9li 3 роки тому
This is one of JJ’s most underrated characters
@rocckky8436 3 роки тому
It’s literally one of his most liked
@Yasakatie 3 роки тому
@@rocckky8436 isn't this folabi?
@jimpickensisholygod4225 3 роки тому
Babatunde is
@gamingbox7663 3 роки тому
@@Yasakatie no this is sir Theodore the III
@dom8759 3 роки тому
Yasakatie isn’t folabi the one at the spelling bee
@manuelgimferrer Рік тому
Just a little note that 3 years later, Harry still hasn't lost a single cook off challenge. Just putting it out there...
@user-gc6vs4hb2p 6 місяців тому
@EnsoHenzo 5 місяців тому
What about now?
@Himothy1243 5 місяців тому
@@EnsoHenzoyeah bro lost today. Get your facts straight.
@manuelgimferrer 5 місяців тому
The comment was made 10 months ago. At that date, he still hadn't lost one
@TheDarkKnight238 Місяць тому
​@@Himothy1243Bro this comment was a 1 year ago
@mikeyd9459 Рік тому
25:17 JJ eating in the back while they bring in the already made cake 🤣🤣🤣
@Zeen__ Рік тому
Bruh i just noticed that
@fatfetus7449 Рік тому
HAhhahahh he was trynna hide too
@lvdr-f3315 4 роки тому
Lady in the background just watches as 7 grown men ruin her kitchen for entertainment
@combatx3373 4 роки тому
No she's sidemen chef ..
@felicitymclaughlin3074 4 роки тому
@@combatx3373 no she's not
@siddharthmundhara3913 4 роки тому
@@felicitymclaughlin3074 she is
@misty5015 4 роки тому
LVDR-F well she’s being paid stacks
@DanteThenu 4 роки тому
she gets paid mad probly don't worry bout her XD
@misty5015 4 роки тому
Simon: We’ve won KSI: We shall be making, black people food Simon: We’ve lost
@noabinnendijk361 4 роки тому
@@sachairvine7099 bruh it's literally a quote in the vidoe
@fanthefrog847 4 роки тому
@@noabinnendijk361 Joe learn how to spell video
@jothaman3555 4 роки тому
Who is KSI? I only know Sir Theodore III
@thomasteby6710 4 роки тому
@@noabinnendijk361 spag errors
@thomasteby6710 4 роки тому
@Aesthetic Rayyy yo go to school yea then tell him to shut up
@ryan_chew97 Рік тому
Honestly this was JJ's greatest acting performance ever
@scul_krushr_games3762 6 місяців тому
He’s too good at being a arrogant cocky man
@duvsha 6 місяців тому
Babatunde is crying over his lack of water
@footballyzvid2780 2 місяці тому
@@scul_krushr_games3762maybe cuz he already is one
@jarnekompier Рік тому
2:20 Simon: *We won* Simon literally 13 seconds later: *We lost*
@harrietdoesnt 3 роки тому
“are u on benefits” is single handedly the most british saying ever
@harrietdoesnt 3 роки тому
im british dont come for me
@redguardoverall6807 3 роки тому
@@harrietdoesnt nah your right luv.
@zzzzf99309 3 роки тому
@@harrietdoesnt it’s more so coming for people on benefits if anything
@harrietdoesnt 3 роки тому
@@zzzzf99309 lmao what 😭 that makes no sense
@zzzzf99309 3 роки тому
@@harrietdoesnt it does? His character was technically making fun of middle class/poor people so if anything they should be mad even though it’s jokes
@safiaomar7298 4 роки тому
7:53 jj: Clearly Ethan is a special human being Harry: *casually standing right next to him with his fingers in a water melon*
@perkele1109 4 роки тому
NoName Tuna lmao
@Tobywilkinson1 4 роки тому
@leilastorey7055 4 роки тому
@Milosaur_03 4 роки тому
Sir Theodore III**
@tabbyozard3339 4 роки тому
omg didn’t even realise 🤣🤣🤣
@swagdeeznuts7560 Рік тому
3 Years later and this is still hands down one of my favioute Sidemen videos please make a part 2!!
@blue-vr8dd Рік тому
they did 2 others. edit: 3
@itslite2083 5 місяців тому
it’s a tradition to go back and watch this video every once and a while
@t_Error-50420 5 місяців тому
May it continue for generations....
@jaidhillon5375 4 роки тому
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Harry’s strawberry throw
@sirbroods5533 4 роки тому
Yeah, the fact it landed with the strawberries...
@judithcastaneda7736 4 роки тому
Time stamp ?
@jaidhillon5375 4 роки тому
TheRandomCharger 2.0 13:45
@bishalkhadka4776 4 роки тому
Jai Dhillon Harry with all his crossbar shots prepared him for it even though he used his hands not feet still he's like the off brand dude perfect Man decent
@Korrupt27 4 роки тому
Already did
@mt6 4 роки тому
My man Ethan legit tried to peel a watermelon 😂😂😂
@lsd-rickb-1728 4 роки тому
Lol wyd fam?
@pauliewalnuts100 4 роки тому
Well he also thought cows drink milk.
@lsd-rickb-1728 4 роки тому
@@pauliewalnuts100 lol wyd fam?
@gavlargriffiths7556 4 роки тому
@salahsaadsalah7509 4 роки тому
LSD-Rick B-172 u good fam?
@sophiadelacruz2283 Рік тому
18:51 the way harry hid behind ethen had me dying 😂
@Chris-vj1px Рік тому
25:18 I saw Kai eating and hiding 😂 😂😂😂
@tierneypinie2621 Рік тому
@elitesniperr7034 Рік тому
@@tierneypinie2621 facts
@nox..thecoolone Рік тому
Kai?? Who tf kai 😂😂
@Chris-vj1px Рік тому
My bad copy righted Ksi
@jydoran4643 Рік тому
@gokusan3846 4 роки тому
Harry: Who’s got the vinegar JJ: *quickly turns over*
@gokusan3846 4 роки тому
Nicholas Garcia 5:29
@christianbalgoma2380 4 роки тому
I’m the 420th like on your comment👌
@oliviazamora2343 4 роки тому
Prob not useful but I'm your 950 like :)
@tengems8437 4 роки тому
Who's got the v...
@idknils2920 4 роки тому
It's not JJ
@hassi1on1 5 років тому
Who loves to see JJ as a Host but also wanted to see him as a contender
@dysfynnction 5 років тому
Should've had gordon ramsay come in to host them
@notmeee496 5 років тому
If only there were 2 of him
@nohomolads 5 років тому
It's better if he just stays as the host since no one else can be that good of a host, maybe Harry if he tried but that's about it.
@dre4445 5 років тому
@@notmeee496 I guess his brother is a worse version of him
@andythewarriorwang4755 5 років тому
@@dre4445 Well.....
@paddynevs5885 Рік тому
37:47 still kills me to this days
@lipenlotha3784 8 місяців тому
24:35 had me dying 😂😂...and can we appreciate how serious Harry was, he was the only one actually trying to cook!❤
@spikespiegel1754 3 роки тому
"El Joloff? Am I El stupid?" Top tier moment.
@Ramoss177 2 роки тому
@chriswhittaker5075 2 роки тому
He is el stupid, seeing as Nando's is not Mexican, it is Portugese
@ladysarcasm6226 2 роки тому
@@chriswhittaker5075 I'm portuguese and we don't have Nandos. Never seen it in my life lmao
@sxtn7736 2 роки тому
@@ladysarcasm6226 nando's is actually south african, but has Galo de Barcelos in its logo
@ladysarcasm6226 2 роки тому
@@sxtn7736 Yes, which is kind of wierd because it was a British colony so I really struggle to see the connection. There's some local art in Barcelos they could have embraced instead 😂 guess they just liked our chicken 😁
@tanvi.p17 4 роки тому
0:00 - 0:17 me writing an essay in English with a wide vocabulary in hopes of getting a higher mark
@freddyj836 4 роки тому
@annabeldavidson2785 4 роки тому
Me too%
@adityasundaram9299 4 роки тому
Here's the messed up part: I actually GET a higher grade...
@excilit0550 4 роки тому
I cant 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
@filipvaquero8140 4 роки тому
I only knew what fastidious meant and I am completely proud with myself
@observantlongbow8967 Рік тому
14:11 Best clip ever.
@hio9525 2 роки тому
18:24 the perfect example of a sibling relationship. Asking for *literally* anything
@IyaorIsis 2 роки тому
To this day, JJ’s acting is impeccable honestly not even joking.
@RevertsFnn 2 роки тому
@benz9790 2 роки тому
The first 30 secs have me DYING
@asiankas94 2 роки тому
What about laid in America
@S.Dave.P 2 роки тому
Sir therdore the 3rd
@shivi1642 2 роки тому
Where’s JJ? All I see is Sir Theodore lll
@sraptrap5915 5 років тому
Bless Harry actually trying - well most of the time
@caseybuttery5855 5 років тому
@callumxboon 5 років тому
And Tobi
@flyguyp6382 5 років тому
Yeah he always tries his best to win
@JP-ir8gl 5 років тому
josh and simon were just being immature
@samhmi4427 5 років тому
jj need an afro lol
@danieldanil8217 Рік тому
Its insane how much the production went up
@adityanahata3351 Рік тому
True but imo this vid was better than any of their vids in 2022
@Yousifzzz Рік тому
The sheer disappointment in Sir Theodore’s face when team A’s cake comes out is just comedy gold!
@atonbennett 3 роки тому
24:37 He went from "Don't waste the mixture" to "DON'T WASTE THE MIXTURE" 0-100 real quick
@onyxdragon349 3 роки тому
That's what it's like cooking with me lol
@ytnoskillzz712 3 роки тому
Aron Bennett I feel sort of bad for laughing because he actually trying
@yenaingoo952 3 роки тому
@@ytnoskillzz712 Yeah, he's the only one who's trying lol. I feel bad for him
@magmafang7187 3 роки тому
Then starts to waste it with it dripping
@mamunhussain7825 3 роки тому
actually the angriest i've ever seen harry
@AntGasowski 4 роки тому
English teachers: We are going to be reading some Shakespeare today. Every student reading Romeo and Juliet: 0:08
@mnty7703 4 роки тому
SpellShack Gaming this was so funny
@yourereadingthisinyourhead7184 4 роки тому
Tried 2 calm down
@minniemouse5923 4 роки тому
This was good😂
@AJW70 4 роки тому
@harrymurphy4076 4 роки тому
@Meranaamshauryahai Рік тому
20:42 biggest threat to jj 😂🤣🤣🤣
@PlaYer93757 Рік тому
I have watched this so many times. JJ absolutely killed it in this one.
@D-MaxYT Рік тому
Watchubg it rn. In my bed after night shift. Left esrly cause im reslly ill
@tinokuzovamunahu211 Рік тому
27:10 expeciallly this part😂😂
@LeShayan 4 роки тому
AHAHAHAH 7:53 - "Clearly, Ethan, is a, special, human being." * Harry next to him casually with his fingers in the watermelon and looking around*
@cillotheretro 3 роки тому
Oh god
@harrymcdonagh4013 3 роки тому
I think he's autistic I think he said it in another video
@kojavlogs469 3 роки тому
Harry Mcdonagh he’s not, his parents thought he was so they took him to check if he has autism, he doesn’t.
@mostafaabdel8631 3 роки тому
What a spot I didn’t see that
@shush5878 3 роки тому
@@harrymcdonagh4013 it's a joke lmao
@officialkawaiisquish3371 5 років тому
37:09 JJ: that is not jollof Simon: it's called El jollof JJ: it's called El jollof? Am I El stupid?! 😂😂😂😂😂
@andrewkirkhope2842 5 років тому
37:48 lol
@apologyman376 5 років тому
I'm crying 😂😂🤣🤣
@2vibranttv643 5 років тому
@jamesrasser7666 4 роки тому
Stupido* sorry I'm a nerd
@KirbyVanPelt 4 роки тому
@@jamesrasser7666 Estupido*
@Meranaamshauryahai Рік тому
23:01 cameraman deserves a raise 🤣🤣🤣
@razarking619 Рік тому
I always come back to this vid every other month. The opening monologue, JJ catching the t-shirt, harry screaming, and sooo much more. Love this vid
@christmasel9130 4 роки тому
24:33Harry went full on Gordon Ramsay 😂😂
@JoeMama-gv2pc 4 роки тому
Swear he went a bit mental
@UZIKING 4 роки тому
But the way the woman reacts makes it way better
@jackaammo 4 роки тому
@Natalia-gm6vl 4 роки тому
i was actually peeing myself
@mulac9903 4 роки тому
Easily the best part of the whole video
@ayeshanuma2643 2 роки тому
7:54 JJ saying Ethan is clearly a special being, meanwhile harry is sticking 3 of his fingers in a watermelon and holding it up for no reason lmao
@blueforphilip4576 2 роки тому
@savv2314 2 роки тому
@@blueforphilip4576 folabi
@mileyreee8728 2 роки тому
It's a bowling ball
@mileyreee8728 2 роки тому
@nathanielperry2714 2 роки тому
@@blueforphilip4576 KSI
@soul3638 4 місяці тому
one of my all time fav sidemen videos.. the humor, jokes, characters.. everything is just on point
@rishapyadav8727 3 місяці тому
YEAH FAX I love this vid 😂❤
@palaksingh8001 10 місяців тому
18:18 I love how Simon is dancing when Josh is shaking the chicken and then he notices Simon and starts dancing with him 😂
@paulkallumalickal2233 3 роки тому
JJ has clearly impressed us with his extensive vocabulary.
@gavin3144 3 роки тому
@GayumaNiAbra 3 роки тому
It's not JJ it's Sir Theodore bruh.
@RaghavCR007 3 роки тому
Who tf is jj
@seanmccabe7164 3 роки тому
@Ripperin0 3 роки тому
In the wise words of babatunde "Who is JJ?"
@Certified_Futbolero 3 роки тому
Imagine if Gordon Ramsey hosted the Sidemen bake off. It would be insane
@valdemarthers9787 3 роки тому
It would be more sick ud sir Theodore the Third had a cook og with gordon
@Certified_Futbolero 3 роки тому
@@valdemarthers9787 That would be cool.. But I would like to see JJ under pressure from Chef Ramsay's cursing
@mxkl4463 3 роки тому
Gordon would be like: 24:36
@Kookie_Crumb 3 роки тому
@the2twins123 3 роки тому
Star hei og takk til deg og din bedrift hei jeg har ikke vært for å få en best mulig
@kingjb554 8 місяців тому
25:17 ive watched this video hundreds of times, Im just now noticing JJ sitting in the back trying to hide😂
@abhrajyotibanerjee3904 Рік тому
10:05 JJ spoke like he really knew what cooking is all about and rightfully so.
@mlc8921 5 років тому
this is the best hairstyle jj has ever had
@callumdoesnthaveanaccount9727 5 років тому
M he looks like Deji 😂
@ogbhenryii 5 років тому
legit looks better than the one he has now
@chizzyfromthe2383 5 років тому
The funniest thing is it's a wig
@zentric5623 5 років тому
Thats because he has a better hairline.......
@ogbhenryii 5 років тому
​@@chizzyfromthe2383 ,nice one sherlock.
@katstebrant615 2 роки тому
24:37 Even Gordon Ramsey is afraid of this man
@OSC-AR 2 роки тому
Rubbish he would g Have trauma
@zane-x4705 2 роки тому
Contrats i made ur comment have 400 likes
@h3lli123 2 роки тому
crackhead rage
@rxy3011 2 роки тому
Laughs in Marco Pierre white
@alisonsilvestre3256 2 роки тому
@rayakhiralden6753 Рік тому
hands down one the best sidemen vids ever, i always find myself coming back to watch it
@--ChokeOnACactus 5 місяців тому
Honselty one of thw most underrated sidemen videos some of there best jokes still watch it religiously 4 years later especially when cooking
@iClutchSZN- 3 роки тому
24:30 lmao I don’t know if Harry was joking or being serious when inner-Gordon Ramsay came out of him
@blurxyt2052 3 роки тому
@thatbanana5173 3 роки тому
Plot twist: *Gordon Ramsay is Harry's father*
@d3monboss266 3 роки тому
@@thatbanana5173 😳
@ArkforestMusic 3 роки тому
That means Harry is Scottish
@masonhare9419 3 роки тому
@@ArkforestMusic no hes not 😂
@alishahumphries8896 5 років тому
The woman standing in the corner is instantly regretting her life decisions.
@weldonspivey5708 5 років тому
Who is she?
@nothingreal7137 5 років тому
Weldon Spivey probably owner of the kitchen
@stenroots3064 5 років тому
She's the chef for the sidemen
@JohnDoeTheGoodGuy 5 років тому
She's having fun laughing at them. Look at her.
@disrxptxd8746 5 років тому
Weldon Spivey she is either the kitchen owner or the Sidemen’s chef
@Hyperspeed96 Рік тому
“DONT WASTE THE MIXTURE!” That had me cracking up soo much
@kakarot198 3 місяці тому
22:05 How smoothly he said "It'll be allowed. KSI nails every character he does man!🔥
@InexperiencedProject 4 роки тому
JJ: *announce teams* Simon: we’ve won JJ: we are making black people food Simon: we’ve lost
@brad1ey50 4 роки тому
Frank Daniele true some people just aren’t original and copy others
@lewiscallaghan9527 4 роки тому
@InexperiencedProject 4 роки тому
Frank Daniele if it’s a copy comment I’m sorry I didn’t mean to copy anyone
@InexperiencedProject 4 роки тому
icantthinkofaname 900 if I copied someone I’m sorry I didn’t know
@InexperiencedProject 4 роки тому
HawkZ Nightz sorry if I copied it I didn’t mean too
@izzymae440 4 роки тому
‘This is not jollof’ ‘It’s Mexican jollof’ ‘El jollof’
@edh286 4 роки тому
‘Am I El Stupid?’
@d.27.c86 4 роки тому
bella elsie am I el stupid
@ismaonsticks5092 4 роки тому
Dbella elsie vampj
@kdhskdh2348 4 роки тому
Wow nice quote from the video
@inhle1688 4 роки тому
bella elsie do they think nandos is mexican tho??😂
@mclaren765lt6 Рік тому
Ethan is peeling a watermelon 💀 he's adorably cute
@momo-lz9kw Рік тому
I am rewatching this video after three years and it is still my favourite video
@geoffreyclayton5 4 роки тому
24:36 Gordon Ramsay’s cousin
@rtaijahyches8834 4 роки тому
@Luke-jv5iw 4 роки тому
Geoffrey Clayton *_DON’T WASTE THE MIXTURE_*
@monikablu6699 4 роки тому
😂 😂 😂
@damnmariux2512 4 роки тому
Harold Ramsay
@PBC_WAS_TAKEN 4 роки тому
@killerjack6 4 роки тому
25:16 JJ is in the back eating food and trying to hide 😂
@gerarddunne956 4 роки тому
🤣🤣😂😂😂I seen that
@shreyasgovande2772 4 роки тому
Nice attention to detail bro!😂
@blakablaka2709 4 роки тому
Indrajit Xzibit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@callumr335 4 роки тому
Indrajit Xzibit he’s looking for something
@heyimmads9260 4 роки тому
Haha! Didn't see that!
@thebeat3689 Рік тому
I've watched this 5 times already and never better :"D
@stephenburden2084 Рік тому
This is epically good! We need to see more of this i was putting it off as im not into bake off but on every front its perfectly done 🤣💯🤝🏽
@sats2634 5 років тому
The black version of Gordon Ramsay Edit: Thanks for the likes lads
@finnishbeast_ 5 років тому
Knock off version.
@victoriahann8593 5 років тому
Iv HAT3R vI tHaTs RaScIsT
@finnishbeast_ 5 років тому
@@victoriahann8593 what?
@amil4026 5 років тому
@fartingmaster4082 5 років тому
@D25Bev 4 роки тому
24:28 Can we all just appreciate this underrated Harry moment
@no-man4600 4 роки тому
It’s not underrated everyone’s talking about it
@redmetalcs2139 4 роки тому
@saltyass7856 4 роки тому
Is there a Harry compilation anywhere 😂
@savanaharrison6891 4 роки тому
i can’t tell if he is being serious or not 🤣🤣
@maxk9353 4 роки тому
Saltyass his bday one
@finnanmcd06 2 роки тому
Literally the umpteenth time watching this and I am still swimming in my tears after "don't waste the mixture" 😂😂
@pranavchalla421 6 місяців тому
How is a second part of this not made yet…this has to be one of the funniest videos ever
@jaredsweetman1669 4 роки тому
@saffronx1085 4 роки тому
Xareus Harry: Stick finger inside watermelon
@boro_on_switch3651 3 роки тому
14:18 my man went from Theodore III straight to lil Theo
@breadstick6683 3 роки тому
|| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||
@vlurs992 3 роки тому
@@breadstick6683 No
@ryanolsen294 3 роки тому
@@breadstick6683 ur bald, there don't spam
@breadstick6683 3 роки тому
@@ryanolsen294 lol its peter griffin on caillou lmao
@nayutard6545 3 роки тому
@@breadstick6683 lmfao
@Enzo_cory 8 місяців тому
This just reminds me of food tech class all over again
@freeeppalestine Рік тому
i will never stop watching this over and over again 🔥
@obvea 3 роки тому
7:50 Ethan - showing off the fact that theyre removing seeds outta watermelon Tobi - minding his own buisness Harry - Sticking 3 fingers in half a watermelon and standing it up.
@macywray847 3 роки тому
@shravanlucken3614 3 роки тому
@ra_khvc 3 роки тому
I just fuckin noticed Harry lmfao
@thurnus 2 роки тому
@@ra_khvc Same, I've never noticed him doing that until I saw this comment lol. And I've seen this video like 10 times already!
@tomiricdonato449 2 роки тому
@@ra_khvc Harry is my idol at this point
@pheonixthunder2459 2 роки тому
5:17 Harry: I need dark brown sugar Tobi: What did u call me I'm dying 😂😂
@qwert7222 2 роки тому
Harry was like where's the vinegar 😂😂😂
@javinrichardson 2 роки тому
Harry is the funniest member
@pheonixthunder2459 2 роки тому
@@javinrichardson i agree
@slavicson694 2 роки тому
@@javinrichardson lol it was tobis joke
@starfire321 2 роки тому
@zwefanta3134 Рік тому
This video has so many golden sidemen moments. I cant count the times ive rewatched this masterpice!
@christianowen1760 Місяць тому
this is the first sidemen video i ever watch
@D3Xxxx1 28 днів тому
@lilyjoyce6907 4 роки тому
7:50 , Harry just casually sticks his fingers in the watermelon 💀
@meg3832 4 роки тому
Lily Joyce I love it🤣🤣🤣🤣
@phoebenixon7219 4 роки тому
While jj is saying Ethan is a special human being 😂😂
@harrymurphy4076 4 роки тому
@craftysim1376 4 роки тому
i literally coulld not stop laughing that the editors didnt even notice to point it out and he just looked at his watermelon fingers
@cnjfq6573 4 роки тому
@sidtom2741 2 роки тому
“Don’t waste the mixture”, Harry said calmly...
@dangerdean9066 2 роки тому
key word 'calmly'
@almosteducational3729 2 роки тому
@henry2844 Рік тому
Shitd got me crying bro it's to funny
@cesarlokkz3406 Рік тому
Why did everyone not mention this ! It was so hilarious!
@the_hoodie_kid6657 Рік тому
Harry Potter reference
@YusufAli-xj3hz Рік тому
Have to come back to this one every now and again 😂
@robbierotten2874 3 місяці тому
Obviously JJ is the huge standout here, but this was probably one of Simon’s best performances. The entire team B judging segment was comedy gold bc of him
@Evan-hn3qp 5 років тому
My man Ethan really just tried to peel a watermelon😂
@jessbrownley1855 5 років тому
Watching him try to cut it was the most painful thing aswell
@abidjason7070 4 роки тому
lmfao only reason I scrolled down
@rohanchivukula2809 3 роки тому
Imagine how different this would be without Harry
@mefw-ezra7120 3 роки тому
@elton7151 3 роки тому
@jids_ 3 роки тому
@@elton7151 no more “ DONT WASTE THE MIXTURE!!!”
@zebaty2804 3 роки тому
imo everyone was funny in this video
@bobbyspud6599 3 роки тому
I rather not tbh
@ethanwilcox8144 Рік тому
i love this video sm dude i keep watching it
@co2_consumer409 Рік тому
This video is full of my most favourite clips Definitely in the top 5 sidemen videos without a doubt
@richardguzman1370 4 роки тому
Whose here waiting for a sidemen bake off 2
@Crustylips598 4 роки тому
Lol Lol OMG yewaah
@yashvadapalli7658 4 роки тому
not gonna happen
@vickycooper4809 4 роки тому
@SR2active 4 роки тому
Lol Lol meeeeee
@iaingeronimo8540 4 роки тому
I'm here waiting for a 10k Holiday/Vacation vs 100 $ Holiday/Vacations 2
@noabloespanol1391 3 роки тому
"DONT WASTE THE MIXTURE" That is Harry unlocking his inner Gordan Ramsey
@perfectlyencountered478 3 роки тому
Ramsay* LOL
@beltinapajaziti821 3 роки тому
@ismaeldeharo1571 3 роки тому
@noabloespanol1391 3 роки тому
@@ismaeldeharo1571 ik
@anthonyjones7471 3 роки тому
That is very true
@cheetah219 11 місяців тому
It's these kinds of videos that are missing. We don't need infinite video ideas, just the 7 of them dicking around a theme.
@gungameguy11 Рік тому
I only started watching the sidemen about a year ago but my brother already watched them so he recommended this video to start so this video is special to me, also this video is bloody hilarious, I wish sidemen videos were still this funny now
@MrPhoenixWT 4 роки тому
25:18 *JJ caught bulking behind the scenes*
@gazza42069 4 роки тому
fam didn’t even notice that lmao
@MrPhoenixWT 4 роки тому
Ga lmao XD
@minanikolic6600 4 роки тому
@anayravindra8369 4 роки тому
@femiplayz9242 4 роки тому
its just for entertainment
@pranavchalla421 6 місяців тому
We need a part 2 of this with the same exact teams and host istg
@nathanvm4217 10 місяців тому
I can't imagine what that poor lady in the background must be thinking lmao. This is such a classic video, keep going back to this every couple of months!
@islemhamiani7504 3 роки тому
2 years later Sir Theodor the 3rd has made it to actual bake off
@koby-3791 3 роки тому
@Lily-cc6hn 3 роки тому
Omg, when I read this jj said that
@mayditg2122 3 роки тому
I watched this again cuz Harry screaming
@gordonduprez6183 2 роки тому
@@mayditg2122 same 😂
@szaezra00 2 роки тому
@harrybrown367 4 роки тому
14:00 Dude Perfect Quality Trickshot
@HazbroDemolish 4 роки тому
My g same name
@Totally.midget Рік тому
this is legit an accurate representation of my food tech teacher
@midrangekilla 4 місяці тому
the editing on this video is goated. the way this video is put together is actually underrated. no dull moment.
@da_laker9782 3 роки тому
5:28 Legendary moment
@kamchancellor745 3 роки тому
@skullbeastgaming9758 3 роки тому
@buzzarcher4171 2 роки тому
@tristan6599 2 роки тому
@curiouslad6390 2 роки тому
@jackwhalen6529 4 роки тому
@hmmm69420 4 роки тому
69 likes noice
@sophia4441 4 роки тому
I’m Still Crying
@aliceanderin1236 4 роки тому
Jack Whalen 2020 now !
@kanechappell3477 Рік тому
To this day this is easily one of the best sidemen videos eve
@TDF__Productions Рік тому
This video deserves way more recognition than what it’s gotten
@jasonvoorhees9117 5 років тому
29:29 the woman behind Ethan is having a break down
@firedoommage2515 4 роки тому
@jurriennn 4 роки тому
That's the sidemen's personal chef
@bartpomaranski9422 Місяць тому
@@firedoommage2515nnnminnnnlhihihihihihihihih😅 😅😅😅😅😅😢😅😮😅😮😅
@bartpomaranski9422 Місяць тому
@bartpomaranski9422 Місяць тому
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