The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Livestream

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The Sims

3 роки тому

Discover what you can do for the world in The Sims™ 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack!* Sustainable living starts with reducing, reusing, and recycling, but it goes far beyond that. Learn more here:
Every choice you make affects your community-and their choices affect you too! From the power sources you rely on to how you design your home to the Neighborhood Action Plans you vote for, even the smallest changes can have a huge impact. Will you go green or embrace the swarms of flies?
Available June 5, 2020, on PC/Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation®4.
Learn more about this Expansion Pack:
Preorder now for PC, Mac, and Xbox One:

@J_Cain78 3 роки тому
If I had a dollar for every time he said “what’s that Jill” I would be able to buy this pack.
@Leoslavv 3 роки тому
Hahahahah same. 🤣
@kk_frost9549 3 роки тому
@chrishall21 3 роки тому
More like every pack
@goobyeah 3 роки тому
“Huh Jill?” “What about you Jill?”
@user-pc3sw6dp1f 3 роки тому
HahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahHhHahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahaahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhaahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhah Same
@richfamily550 3 роки тому
am I the only one that just realized I waited for eight minutes when I could've just skipped that
@flavinhaak327 3 роки тому
This "live" was last week
@aturchomicz821 3 роки тому
Im losing Hope in Humanity...
@tweenies5334 3 роки тому
@geogary4771 3 роки тому
You’re a lifesaver
@monalisashow5200 3 роки тому
@evan_patrick9711 3 роки тому
I wish they added rain causing power outages and the generators help bring power back on
@Psilanthropy 3 роки тому
Yes that would be amazing! Power outages are already a thing (City Living) so why not expand it out to other packs.
@briannas1852 3 роки тому
Majorie Desmarais because that takes more money and EA is money hungry, unfortunately ☹️
@Psilanthropy 3 роки тому
@@briannas1852 I know. It's never going to happen lol. EA would be rolling in money if they actually listened to their playerbase though 👀
@paytonnderson 3 роки тому
@@Psilanthropy Exactly! If they actually focused on what people want and gave them as much as they'd like, they would make a lot more profit from the sims. Sadly this just makes them look money hungry and each pack doesn't really spark my interest, and clearly doesn't spark a lot of other simmers' either.
@kristenrimmel4436 3 роки тому
Well weather is already a main feature in a different expansion pack. People were upset about the hot tub being included in a base game update because one of the main reasons some bought Perfect Patio were hot tubs, feeling like their purchase was somewhat wasted. Not to mention the uproar of My First Pets Stuff and requiring a pre-existing expansion, no one wants a repeat of that haha. I feel like they would maybe try to avoid a similar scenario, as cool as that idea really is.
@ashleybrown847 3 роки тому
It would be cool if the train station actually became a train station and you could use it to travel to different worlds or districts. Maybe even a little animation 🤷🏾‍♂️
@somerandomperson2687 3 роки тому
Somebody will probably a mod for that
@1982gooch 3 роки тому
Or a way we can do a small adventure on a train. that would be fun..Dinner car anyone!!
@madisondobra9922 3 роки тому
OHHHHH and be able to paint graffiti on the cars!!!
@ellabean3531 3 роки тому
Update babies and give them more than just living in a bassinet
@CupcakesKitties 3 роки тому
@mialowery3386 3 роки тому
@bifurioussiren 3 роки тому
@mayra3641 3 роки тому
Ohh yeah!
@nooneimportant5316 3 роки тому
There has been hints towards updates on babies and I hope it's true!!
@user-lc2qg8mf7x 3 роки тому
I just realised they could have used this pack to expand on the plantsims 🤧
@KentaSims93 3 роки тому
They could have, but should they have? // looks at Mermaids in island living.
@gled2081 3 роки тому
@@KentaSims93 if only they had made underwater diving areas 😔
@ida6950 3 роки тому
Yepp! I love the idea of plantsims, but they suck.
@eruru08 3 роки тому
@Fimply 3 роки тому
Plantsims was a one time thing only.
@danieldivlev3037 3 роки тому
For everyone who doesn’t know this is the stream from 21st may on twitch!
@annasmith5606 3 роки тому
Daniel Divlev thank you, I was so confused!
@joepollard815 3 роки тому
Grammar 100
@all-star-hero73 3 роки тому
@a.7711 3 роки тому
I did not get why i got a notification either, so thanks for informing us. Not worth watching again. Im done with this franchise trying to sell us cheap content for too much money.
@Jakobhordegard 3 роки тому
55:55 even the Gurus wants to call it Eco living 😂
@ames_7707 3 роки тому
Expansion pack: Gets released Everyone: wHaT aBoUt BaBiEs?!
@AjaArrow 3 роки тому
I don't get the obsession with the babies! I'm sure it's mostly kids asking for an update. Adults that have babies in real life are not obsessed with having them in a video game.
@stilesstilinski774 3 роки тому
@stilesstilinski774 3 роки тому
@ellacamille2727 3 роки тому
Is there a degree that would help you be a civil designer?
@SennaAugustus 3 роки тому
Physics and communications.
@NuDiva14 3 роки тому
I have a Sim who he and his girlfriend just finished their Physics degrees at Foxbury so I’m gonna pull the plug and get this just so they can become a civil designer couple. I’m trying to hold off playing them so they can move to evergreen harbor as recent grads for their new job, but I’m sooo anxious for the game to come out!
@BrianIvanCusuanto 3 роки тому
yea i thought that civil engineering or industrial engineering in the case of industry. you can design plus have knowledge to make it happen.
@user-uc6hl6pr1j 3 роки тому
i think eco lifestyle actually has the potential to be the best expansion pack for the sims 4, they added so much to the gameplay and it has the best cas items i’ve seen for a pack
@123analovely 3 роки тому
This is pretty cool but I want the child care taking your kids and put them into a new household where you can still play them, policemans and thiefs and more ways to die, also more missions like the secret lab
@whokwnos7648 3 роки тому
And more meaningful relationships with different impacts, also.. why don't my sims CUDDLE IN BED? THEY'RE MARRIED FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!
@catspatch7098 3 роки тому
Yessss to everything above
@moo2024 3 роки тому
@@whokwnos7648 ikr, they always face the other way :(
@reinal7896 3 роки тому
I honestly can’t be excited about anymore packs until my restaurant can actually run smoothly. The workers don’t even show up half the time. Fix the bugs before releasing a new world that costs $40 to pick up trash
@bfever46 3 роки тому
True!! I’ve had so many workers not show up, I just act as if they called out sick. It sucks the most when the restaurant host doesn’t show up though! I just wish they had given us the option to also assign jobs like in Get to Work or have the sim who owns the restaurant be able to fill in...
@cecewilliams1660 3 роки тому
yeah and not only that when you go to a restaurant it is so slow and glitchy!! like the sim will stand there for 30 minutes and then it will take HOURS to order and get my food and I just wish the diner experience would go by so much faster
@s.m.4198 3 роки тому
@FanharSaputra 3 роки тому
@livvecchio 3 роки тому
you just need to up lighting settings on your game and the issue goes away lol
@FanharSaputra 3 роки тому
@@livvecchio the issue goes away another health issue especially with the eyes will come, stupid, lol
@mineyvoid1308 3 роки тому
@@FanharSaputra what? please explain what you are saying. from what it looks like it seems like your saying that health issues come with better graphics
@livvecchio 3 роки тому
fandan20 ?
@FanharSaputra 3 роки тому
@@livvecchio brighter ur screen will bring damage to ur eyes,
@BexiBlitz 3 роки тому
Who's ready for Jim Pickens to destroy the environment?
@ams2364 3 роки тому
Me me me
@jackn8110 3 роки тому
All hail Jim (And Turg)
@ams2364 3 роки тому
@thatboy5746 3 роки тому
@smellincoffee 3 роки тому
Or for Grey to set Floridaman loose on Evergreen...
@lylyrauz1325 3 роки тому
Does slob sims mind being in a bad environement?
@SimGirl00 3 роки тому
I want personalities to be fixed so they actually matter. The sims are all the same no matter what personality you give them. I also want body hair because I like my men hairy ☺️
@KentaSims93 3 роки тому
I use cc for body hair, it's from Lumia.
@MischievousMischief 3 роки тому
Sims 4 will stay boring no matter how many packs you add cuz the base game gameplay is blaaaaaand!!!
@lamicadelcuore 3 роки тому
@@MischievousMischief and that's a shame... We've lost years on a mediocre game...
@1982gooch 3 роки тому
Yes body hair!!
@whitneywood1690 3 роки тому
MischievousMischief you not wrong there is literally nothing to do my sims just stay in the house😔
They were lowkey coming for each other in this livestream like damn. Lmfaoooooooo
@PinkCocoGaming 3 роки тому
Happy for the pack but I want real movable babies thank you!
@bifurioussiren 3 роки тому
@sophiawestgard7251 3 роки тому
Me too
@wisedred 3 роки тому
it'll arrive soon enough
@someoneintheworld4682 3 роки тому
This pack has so much more than what was showed on the trailer! I'm really excited to play this! 💚
@GabbyRN545 3 роки тому
I got so overwhelmed watching this. They covered SO much and still not all. I cant wait to play it.
@Sara9se9 3 роки тому
I’m so excited for this pack! The trailers truly didn’t do it justice. The livestream showed off so many cool and detailed features. This is up there with seasons for me
@chroma8950 3 роки тому
I know, right! Some people are really against it and it may not be for everyone, but there are so many cool things in the pack. I think many people are judging it too quickly.
@aram8391 3 роки тому
Agreed, there's a lot of gameplay in this pack. And I love that the candles have stages.
@shelovesgigi 3 роки тому
Hey I'm trash! Add me to the game!😂😂😂
@ale-hn5kt 3 роки тому
Pretty good idea
@shelovesgigi 3 роки тому
@@ale-hn5kt I'm not complaining😂
@pixie2194 3 роки тому
We love trash
@radwooah 3 роки тому
@@pixie2194 who's we babe
@claymoura2484 3 роки тому
cosmetic kitty how dare you make me almost spit out my ice cold water
@nicklynch216 3 роки тому
All I see is an update to allow me to make a homeless family
@algsunshine7075 3 роки тому
Seems to me like you lack creativity in your gameplay and that's something the sims team can't fix *mic drop*
@onflux4787 3 роки тому
@@algsunshine7075 😂 Seems like you haven't play other Sims games, so you have a very mediocre idea of what this game should be. And it's pretty sad that you don't understand the Sims was a game that actually gave you flexible gameplay, but this is just a glorified build software with very limited gameplay.
@RandomTVOffcialYT 3 роки тому
Aeon Flux 👏👏👏👏
@ida6950 3 роки тому
I WISH that our sims could actually be homeless
@algsunshine7075 3 роки тому
Aeon Flux work with what you are given and I have played almost all of the other sims games except for sims medieval and some other smaller stuff. So what do you mean, honey?
@yolismiranda8463 3 роки тому
the only think i am pump on this game is they need more more more hair styles, tattoos and piercings. i think they should just do a pack of styles and just focus on only on that. but the rest of the game looks awesome.....
@ramona3840 3 роки тому
Did you even see cas?! We're getting so much of all those things. Lol
@Lalala-nh7ej 3 роки тому
If they made a pack just focusing on that people would be furious as always
@loftt_01 3 роки тому
Bruh that was literally most of the CAS items...
@pichii 3 роки тому
Have you tried downloading CC? Custom content. Not being sassy or rude, genuine question.
@lilipen7499 3 роки тому
@@pichii what if you play on console?
@DesertBloomBettas 3 роки тому
I am so excited for this expansion- I truly think that between it, and the new base game updates, this is one of the best updates we've gotten.
@chicken_haver2111 3 роки тому
When you missed the livestream by 12 seconds 🎷🐬
@Psilanthropy 3 роки тому
This was the same stream from about a week ago. 👀
@simplyjamz6668 3 роки тому
The pack looks alright. Just not for me. I'll wait for the next one. Whatever that is🤣
@Barbaravieirab 3 роки тому
Me too
@aaliyah03_ 3 роки тому
Will they even release more packs? I swear sims 5 is supposed to be released the end of this year or next year?
@aturchomicz821 3 роки тому
@@aaliyah03_ yeah wtf
@eloeden2056 3 роки тому
@@aaliyah03_ I'm not sure but i think i did read somewhere there would be 2/3 more expansions before sims 5
@eddiesherman3069 3 роки тому
@@aaliyah03_ TS5 hasn't even been announced yet. There are rumors that it is in pre-production. I f this is in fact true, it will take YEARS for it to be out, so we shouldn't be worried about a lack of content in TS4 because of a possible TS5. The Gurus have even said that they have a few years' worth of content coming to TS4.
@drewcification 3 роки тому
yeah thats cool and all but fix the moschino camera that people paid for
@topsecret1857 3 роки тому
whats wrong with that camera?
@gameboy770 3 роки тому
Dineout ... get to work... etc these need to be fixed too!
@adriana-wf5lj 3 роки тому
@@gameboy770 yes and the get famous acting job is super buggy
@fracturedsporks 3 роки тому
What’s wrong with the camera?
@nicolediallo8097 3 роки тому
@@fracturedsporks ​@UCxMZPOuEQnqUTqDewhdriPw it's just buggy overall
@lola22x 3 роки тому
lowkey wanna buy it just for the piercing and that tied at the front jumper in cas 👀
@Jummybaby 3 роки тому
Custom content, i’ve had nose piercings in my game for yearsssssss
@lola22x 3 роки тому
Mia Heaven Sadly I cant get it on console :(
@suesteig3025 3 роки тому
I wish the mens clothing was better.
@little11clarinet 3 роки тому
i really liked the shorts tho
@whitneywood1690 3 роки тому
The volume inside of this bus is astronomical (tik tok reference) but that’s exactly what I’m saying I wish it was better and more stylish
@sarahkelley886 3 роки тому
I feel like some of these comments are really focusing on the negatives and I just wanted to say I love the sims sooo much and I can tell there trying and listening ❤️
@mahammadodj 3 роки тому
sims 5 with open world . vote for this
@DayaTom 3 роки тому
How long will it take the modders to change the paper bags with face masks..? And counting!
@aturchomicz821 3 роки тому
Isnt that already a thing though?
@simmerelise 3 роки тому
Started watching only to find out I already watched this on Twitch.
@isidoraveronica 3 роки тому
Ok so when are we going to be able to work at our own bakery or food-truck?
@Lynn-vs4uu 3 роки тому
With get to work you can open your own bakery and there's some awesome Content in the gallery that is a food truck, So you could probably make your own lot with the food truck and then have it be a business and sell the food if you have dine out!
@papileche8686 3 роки тому
you can literally work at your own bakery already...
@isidoraveronica 3 роки тому
Lynn Robinette no it doesn’t work
@isidoraveronica 3 роки тому
papi leche No way
@isidoraveronica 3 роки тому
papi leche only other sims will work at the bakery for me
@jenniferjimenez6748 3 роки тому
I hope in the future pack burglars,curfews and cops get included ❤ Edit: I know parenthood has curfew but i meant like the Sims 3 where if u stood out late the cops would take u home and lecture the parent about staying out late
@joepollard815 3 роки тому
Didn't curfews come in parenthood?
@thestrangething8917 3 роки тому
I thought there were curfews in parenthood
@bifurioussiren 3 роки тому
yes to burglars & cop npcs
@radwooah 3 роки тому
These features should be free, not put in a pack 🤦‍♀️
@jenniferjimenez6748 3 роки тому
@@thestrangething8917 not in the way sims 3 had it...if a kid was past their curfew a cop would take them home and lecture the parent for allowing their kid to be out late
@morgan2625 3 роки тому
Love this, this is right up my alley, I’ve never been so excited for an expansion pack not even cats and dogs
The trailer did not do this pack any justice at all. Then again I’ll wait til this pack goes on sale. No Sims 4 game is worth 39.99 plus tax.
@JulesSunshine 3 роки тому
This thing can be a buck and I won’t get it
Jules Sunshine oop, periodt.
@helendean5837 3 роки тому
Please can we fix the makeup in the update to work on dark skin tones without effecting the texture?
@ozzman123 3 роки тому
Can we get more adventure locations like China and Egypt? Along with more archaeological items. My Lara Croft sim demands it 😂
@monalisashow5200 3 роки тому
We already have selvadorada
@minaspetpenguin910 3 роки тому
Monalisa Show and? I want freakin Switzerland
@loftt_01 3 роки тому
@@monalisashow5200 Keyword: MORE. I think she knows that Selvadorada exists but after that pack they kind of just forgot about destination worlds and archaeological stuff.
@alienvampire6719 3 роки тому
Sims With corona virus
@Hannah-sr6qz 3 роки тому
I was just thinking about this earlier! honestly, world adventures was such an amazing pack for the sims 3. it added THREE new highly detailed worlds with puzzles, temples, a decent amount of lots etc and they were open world. In one expansion. now in the sims 4 you have to pay for two separate packs for a jungle and to go camping which you can only play once without it being repetitive.
@driesbaelen2221 3 роки тому
wHaT's ThAt JiLL?
@LucyGreenYT 3 роки тому
The fact that I've seen this 2 hours livestream more than once bc I want the pack really bad and this is the only thing I can do right now hurts 😂 ❤️
@tammyw-w4294 3 роки тому
Thank you for putting this on UKposts! :)
@firequeen76 3 роки тому
I love the beauty of each world. The water in each world. The detail and different feel of each world. Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into this game. I am excited to play Eco Lifestyle
@fie2645 3 роки тому
when jill started talking i SCREAMED lmao
@theholytoilet6668 3 роки тому
I’m not willing to spend 2 and a half hours to answer one question, so I’ll ask here if anyone has. Is there any MEANINGFUL gameplay here? Say you complete cleaning the neighborhood. What next? Make it dirty again?
@aram8391 3 роки тому
Theres a breakdown of the features at simsvip, simscommunity, and others for a faster look and answer to your questions.
@delotara 3 роки тому
They’ve done a base game update to the bill system, but lots of the items in this la k will go to creating power and energy to save on your bills or even make money. That’s a big one- plus every world has an ecological footprint and depending on what times you use in your builds that can affect what your community is like in each world, and it fluctuates. Reminds me of Seasons a little bit, like weather, ecological footprints can change and fluctuate and you can control them. You can now recycle basically anything, including garbage, and that goes to being able to make furniture, etc. which is also part of a freelance career. I guess it depends on how you play your game, but I think there is meaningful gameplay in this pack. In my opinion, it looks like it’s shaping up to be one of the better expansion packs, plus the build/buy content is incredible.
@chiroptophilia 3 роки тому
@@delotara agreed, I think it's like Seasons in that all worlds can be affected but you don't necessarily have to engage with the features, they just keep happening in the background...which I love for immersion 😊
@iaminfinitelyimmortal 3 роки тому
@ghost Exactly.
@vanillabean7832 3 роки тому
I watched the whole livestream and it seems like once you clean the world once you won’t want to do it again. You could do this for other worlds but their polluted versions don’t have trash in them and once you clean them the auroras will show up even in worlds where they don’t make sense. There is some cool gameplay like making your own furniture, making fizzy juices and candlemaking, and there are some weird interactions for the dumpster. Unfortunately a lot of the gameplay items are weird looking and you wouldn’t put them in a normal house/lot and therefore not use them much (such as the recycler, fizzy juice machine and 3D printer). If most of this doesn’t interest you much, I would definitely skip the pack. If this is your cup of tea, only buy in on sale because it’s kind of lacking for $40 and the replayability doesn’t look so great.
@DayaTom 3 роки тому
That's actually a really exciting pack for me. I'm surprised positively. Love the realism in the neighborhoods and the slow progression. Hope the mods will work well with all, and we won't have to crash again.
@lorenadavidson7646 3 роки тому
I rlly want paralives to come out lol
@richfamily550 3 роки тому
@freethegays 3 роки тому
@@Evelyne571 Theres literally no drama....
@alexjd1278 3 роки тому
@@freethegays right and it's still gonna come out
@kentingz 3 роки тому
Évelyne ... the sims 4 literally has more drama than paralives. This isnt even that big. Their hiring 2 or 3 other devs so it shouldnt matter
@chloegroizard2546 3 роки тому
How dare you
@NikiTikiNew 3 роки тому
“Weird flex, I know”
@annabanana5546 3 роки тому
Pre ordered and ready to go! 🤗 I’m so excited!
@krazykayla17101 3 роки тому
The toddler bed was the highlight for me
@eruru08 3 роки тому
This guy is deaf lol I could hear Jill perfectly
@harlowgolden1758 3 роки тому
Anyone else get jumpscared when a voice cut in during the trailer that said "It's echoing"? Gave me a heart attack
@bridget6445 3 роки тому
@olive1529 3 роки тому
me too
@pixelcattv8172 3 роки тому
I'm not
@MoonlightGlxssy 3 роки тому
I am!
@pepperjuice1344 3 роки тому
Are you able to turn the environmental footprint off?
@panicasap5120 3 роки тому
Yeah in the settings
@Choppete 3 роки тому
But can we enable/disable the eco footprint for specific scenarios?
@sarvisquad3890 3 роки тому
I hope they will add a feature that lets your kid sims come back (not to the household but they become townies) or something once they become young adults if they get taken away by the social worker.
@itsclemtime2357 3 роки тому
I like the premise of Eco Lifestyle, because I make smoggy northern england and I’m so hyped
@Ash-wr8et 3 роки тому
@joepollard815 3 роки тому
No it's a 40$ dlc
@Ash-wr8et 3 роки тому
@@joepollard815 yeah I know but along with the expansion pack they are releasing a big patch to the base game!! That is what I am excited for! I don't really care about the pack
@alannahballew2365 3 роки тому
I keep listening and then thinking about all the mods I’ll have to get rid of. Cool stuff.
@aturchomicz821 3 роки тому
You mean updaiting right? Cause thats the real annoying thing here...
@chrisjohn5795 3 роки тому
Same tho. I’m like which ones will be broken now lol.. and can I live without them for a bit
@ladyspud7732 3 роки тому
so can't wait to get this and start doing some awesome builds
@katrishawendzel5806 3 роки тому
I want to know if you can use ladders on half walls!
@galaxysayo1530 3 роки тому
The Sims is the coolest thing I've ever played
@onflux4787 3 роки тому
😂 Like if you're talking about The Sims 1, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 you're spot on gurl. But if you're referring to this cash grab mess, then you need to play more games honey.
@thestrangething8917 3 роки тому
I love sims games too
@omotorera 3 роки тому
Aeon Flux It’s their opinion gosh
@cdupdetat 3 роки тому
@@onflux4787 let people have fun, jesus.
@redrobinrose692 3 роки тому
@Onion Face people can like more than one game.
@catrollz2949 3 роки тому
This was the best livestream ! Thanks you !
@thebookishwriter 3 роки тому
So can things be sold straight from a table on your lot rather than having to set up a stall in the city or buy a separate commercial lot?
@Kkorabova 3 роки тому
What we want: 1. Less packs BETTER BASE GAME 2. better BABIES 3. More free worlds or CREATE A WORLD TOOL 4. OPEN WORLD 5. COLOR WHEEL 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@tanaja 3 роки тому
Narrator: “I love me some home grown, ultra, organic, fresh, farm table fizzy juice!" The sim: “EWW” 13:40😂😂😂😂
@missmckenziemckenzie 3 роки тому
FARM he mentioned farm but do we have that NNNNOOOOOPPPEEEE
@tildemartineeide3865 3 роки тому
It’s 1am where I live and there is school tomorrow, but I’m watching this
@Stellatrans 3 роки тому
Do another Sims 4 pack like farm living
@ktvedte755 3 роки тому
Stellatrans 2014 yesssss! We could have pigs,cows,chickens horses sheep! For me it would be cool to have like a horse pack and we could do shows for money
@Lynn-vs4uu 3 роки тому
so glad there's new environmentally friendly content and normal looking apartments and selling clothes and free love lol
@zeneta1231 3 роки тому
How do you get the new garden planter box? And the one with the meat?
@Tayte3 3 роки тому
Do anyone know the names of the three main characters on the eco lifestyle cover/trailer
@livia_adams 3 роки тому
Hi guys, I have a question. Will you add an expansion pack or game pack containing horses? Many people miss these beautiful horses from "The Sims 3". However, once we found in the game codes the code "containing" a horse. Is it just an accident or did you want to do it and just couldn't? When the "Cats & Dogs" expansion pack came out, we also expected horses, but they weren't there. Are you going to release an expansion pack/game pack for horses in the future? Or do you give up and won't do such a thing? I care about your answer. Thank you and best regards. 😊
@anniemcdougall6393 3 роки тому
Okay its June 5 in uk and I went onto my ps4 to see the stuff in the pack to make sure I 100 percent wanted it and its not there does anyone know why?? 3 роки тому
@gracewild9093 3 роки тому
I'm so confused, I swear they've already done the livestream? Is this a new one?
@Emma_5524 3 роки тому
@dylandwhat 3 роки тому
they uploaded the old one
@Quake04 3 роки тому
It is the same one from twitch now on yt
@CoffeeRising 3 роки тому
They’ve done this livestream on Twitch on the 21st of May originally
@lil_mace_ 3 роки тому
This pack looks generally cool! It has a lot more stuff than I expected and in super excited to play it! ✨
@Kylesimslover 3 роки тому
Thank you guys this looks great
@digniteykeitt4753 3 роки тому
Does the eco-footprint detector is available in all worlds or just in this world?
@MediumDingus 3 роки тому
I want to skip the stream starting time, but what if I miss something
@scarlettmc7210 3 роки тому
When is it supposed to come out because it’s June 5th but no one can access it
@redalpha2392 3 роки тому
Lol didn't know they were going to post the livestream on YT
@Kittekassitar 3 роки тому
The strange thing is, that people who live in such environments use face masks and things, but Sims 4 doesn't do it. Why? Don't get me wrong, paper bags are fun, but they do not hold the fog :P
@hanacharyislost5047 3 роки тому
not China, yeah, but theyre nowhere close to the amount of damage done in China. Also facemasks are very detrimental to the earth and they are trying not to leave an eco footprint, not to mention they would have had to do new animations for all sims and they have deadlines to meet. Maybe next time tho.
@aturchomicz821 3 роки тому
@@hanacharyislost5047 Reusable Face Masks eh?
@goodidea8730 3 роки тому
Oop, excited!!
@TheMarionettePlaysGamez 3 роки тому
It'd be nice to see if they will add some version of power generation or water collecting just for the base game for those who want to do more off the grid lots and can't afford to get this pack.
@julianalicciardi 3 роки тому
they wouldn’t do that, as it would render this pack basically useless. defeats the purpose of making it paid dlc
@kimberlymary5350 3 роки тому
was there someone snoring in the background? lmao
@sladechimera2837 2 роки тому
So a country home in Henford-on-Bagley has loads of eco friendly things and loads of plants but also has fire places that aren't even lit. It's going towards industrial very fast! How is this happening?!? Could a country fire place just existing turn the fresh country air bad???????
@oreanges 2 роки тому
I lowkey wanted the rundown version to be on the gallery
@yasqueen2177 3 роки тому
This is the earliest I've ever been. But my battery is at 5 percent
@Max_The_Flower 3 роки тому
video starts at 12:05
@Ashualey 3 роки тому
so I noticed that you guys cam out with a mac/sims 4 collab and like where are the falsies the eye lashes? I want eyelashes
@wlw5441 3 роки тому
Can you plz put all packs on Half price on ps4 pleaseeee I’ve been waiting for a while now
@vincentharvey2815 3 роки тому
Can u guys put back the zoom in for create a Sims on consel xbox please like I'm happy bout this update but just how am I supposed to edit my Sims nose up and ears like omgggg
@vincentharvey2815 3 роки тому
Srry false alarm lmaoo
@violetm2963 3 роки тому
I love the new icon for your channel
@woskieoe 3 роки тому
Is there any possible way thatw e can download sims 4 on windows 10?
@richfamily550 3 роки тому
wait so you houses will be on parking lots?
@rosedishi8397 3 роки тому
When is it the next expansion pack sale ?
@lipikabora114 3 роки тому
I cant stream sims4....plz helpp...other games in streaming works...but this game only souds came no game video showing
@mrstardhi6420 3 роки тому
The build item is amazing..but the gameplay is just...seriously though this should be gamepack like strangervile not expansion pack!
@ElectraShocks 3 роки тому
Thing is though, the stuff in the Strangerville pack affected things ONLY in Strangerville, while this pack affects ALL worlds, like Seasons did.
@rebeccaong8822 3 роки тому
it isnt just a one time story thing. even after you clean up all the worlds, if many of the sims' lifestyles are not eco friendly the world will become polluted again. it motivates you to keep playing
@teagan4996 3 роки тому
this pack is FILLED with content, even more than the usual expansion pack if you think about it. it took lots of effort and time to create, and the team would not be able to have nearly as much content in the pack if it was a game pack:) no hate
@mrstardhi6420 3 роки тому
I jusr cant waste my money on the not wanted expansion pack😂 i watched the game changer and the build mode i got to say its incredible but i got bored with the game ocd kills me of not buying the i have to waste my money on the upcoming expansion pack 😂
@onflux4787 3 роки тому
@@rebeccaong8822 🤔 But how is that supposed to happen if the default state of the neighborhoods is neutral and the inactive households don't do anything for themselves, you end up forced to move to that specific neighborhood and do the exact same thing all over again. That's limiting and it's going to get old really quick, like they should at least allow us to make changes to other neighborhoods with cheats and gameplay without having to move to that neighborhood. Or at least implement some sort of story progression, also playing in other worlds isn't that good cause you don't get the trash just the aurora and smog the special effects.
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