VFX Artists DEBUNK Ghost Footage

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Sam and Niko venture into the paranormal in order to prove that every ghost video you've ever seen was fake.
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@SpeckyNation 2 роки тому
I'd like to see Corridor make "The Perfect Ghost Video," where nothing's obvious.
@endlessoul 2 роки тому
Gauntlet, or Hauntlet has been thrown!
@ezrarichardson279 2 роки тому
Yes Please!
@bitslay 2 роки тому
That actually relies more on what people think a ghost is rather than actual good vfx. For example a ghost could look like a black dot floating in the screen. Which obviously takes no effort to make digitally. But there would be no way of knowing if a floating dot is added on top of the video digitally or if the ghost is just a black dot that doesn't change it's shape
@sarvadpaygude6712 2 роки тому
@swig_gigolo 2 роки тому
Using old fashioned visual effects like Méliès
@tompollockjr144 2 роки тому
You guys need to make the "We made the best Ghost Video on the internet" video and put all your VFX artistry to the test to make something terrifying and un-debunkable.
@TheJrerick 2 роки тому
Yes please
@sonipitts 2 роки тому
Oooo, yes!
@darismathewrivalx5862 2 роки тому
after 10 years somebody will repost it with caption "Ghost caught on camera"
@breetree36 2 роки тому
@mymomsbasement69 2 роки тому
VFX isn't real. Ghosts are. They shouldn't mess around with this stuff.
@AFellowDoktuh Рік тому
I like to imagine that Ghosts are just people who slipped into another dimension where they suffer from having a massive impulse to touch everything.
@Wynneception Рік тому
I love that people’s idea of a ghost is “person carrying a package at night”
@jungtothehuimang Рік тому
I love that people think that the only thing ghosts do is walk by aimlessly or beat the shit out of people and destroy their houses. Like, even old granny ghosts are coming back to scare the piss out of their grandkids? It's goofy.
@lars7747 10 місяців тому
Imagine dying and you still have to work your delivery job. Poor guy
@Dhips. 9 місяців тому
@@jungtothehuimang You'd think these ghosts would get bored slamming doors for 300 years.
@jungtothehuimang 9 місяців тому
@@Dhips. Seriously. All ghosts can do is slam doors and cabinets and knock things over? Wouldn't that get old? If I were a ghost I'd simply spend my time sneaking into movie theatres and concerts.
@happyfoxproductions 2 роки тому
Ayy you guys debunked my footage - I'm honored!!! You got a lot of it right, the table compositing was an error I made not thinking the video would blow up as big as it did. I would've spent an extra 2 minutes cleaning the roto there ;) the light on the ground was a nightlight that we use in Vegas to keep scorpions out. Only other thing I'll say is that there were no humans in the shot with the cats. I used the audio feature of the security camera to talk to my cats which startled them - you can see their ears twitching and looking back toward the camera because thats whee my voice was coming from. When I got home I realized if you take the audio out it almost looks like a ghost is in the room so I composited in all the vfx elements from there. Cheers! :) *edit* wow y’all I wrote this comment with zero effort towards the grammar, I was just excited my favorite channel reviewed my clip lmao
@isaacgruver7061 2 роки тому
Hold on, you're telling me that you have lights to keep scorpions out of your house? And that the video you posted involving this light was not a video talking about how you need lights to keep scorpions out? This is infinitely more terrifying than a potential ghost
@lanceturley7745 2 роки тому
Well, now I'm no longer afraid of ghosts, but I am now terrified of scorpions hiding in my dark house.
@happyfoxproductions 2 роки тому
@@isaacgruver7061 Yeah there’s been numerous occasions where myself or my mom nearly step on a scorpion chilling in our carpet and we read they don’t like lavender and they come out when it’s dark (like most bugs) so we decided to keep night lights on while we were on vacation to help with that problem :)
@mathewyerry2072 2 роки тому
@rat... 2 роки тому
@@voraciousreader3341 dude
@TheNathon11 2 роки тому
Would love to see Corridor crew have a ghost footage competition, each one makes ghost footage either using CGI or practical elements and the other guess how its done
@ephraimlusansu9807 2 роки тому
i second this
@LeonGale06 2 роки тому
thats a great idea
@itzame2127 2 роки тому
This needs to go up
@Gavla 2 роки тому
@RainOrigami 2 роки тому
yes! a ghost off!
@Incepter. Рік тому
Corridor should honestly do more of these debunking videos like how they debunked ghost videos, they are pretty amusing to watch.
@hannahpumpkins4359 Рік тому
I was in a FB paranormal group, and this kind of stuff was on there all the time, with tones of thousands of people loudly proclaiming, "IT'S REAL-AND DO NOT TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE"! I left the group because it got tiring of seeing people's videos of the 'millions of orbs flying wildly around my living room' - video of dust particles from when their 3 dogs and 4 cats were jumping on the couch, while they had the ceiling fan on. I tried explaining it was dust (I used to be a police investigator, so I'm good at discerning particulars), to which they'd reply, "shut up, you a-hole! they're orbs! ghosts! and everyone says so which means clearly you're stupid and have no idea what a ghost even is". SMH...
@cottoneyejoe97 Рік тому
Yes, sadly idiots like to group up together to ensure each other what they believe in is real. It's a similar hive mind phenomenon on which religions are based.
@IhateAlot718 Рік тому
It's usually women who believe everything
@jaylu7021 Рік тому
I used to be a police investigator, so I'm good at discerning particulars 😆
@trissmoke13 Рік тому
I can actually say I seen some Bigfoot thingy it was screaming loud i was with 5 of my friends playing at a school park, and it ran really fast but yeah it was huge amd dark. I'm FN and live on a reservation, there are weird things out there
@smlyangz1829 Рік тому
@@trissmoke13 maybe a homeless man?
@SuperWiiBros08 2 роки тому
I love how they went all the way to do some ghosts skits
@Yea___ 2 роки тому
Yes i really appreciate it
@k0lpA 2 роки тому
I like how the ghost doesn't have pants.... just like real ghosts !
@user-cd4bx6uq1y 2 роки тому
316th 3rd
@arcturionblade1077 2 роки тому
@@k0lpA Don't need pants in the afterlife. Can just let yourself hang out and sway in the breeze. Ghosts are bohemian like that.
@SinnerD2010 2 роки тому
The ghost parody skits was pretty funny
@legitbread 2 роки тому
The amount of dishes piled up in Corridor's sink is scarier than all the ghost videos Sam and Niko reacted to
@aabidamn 2 роки тому
Fun fact: Corridor crews don't wash their dishes. They edit them.
@ScooterinAB 2 роки тому
It is an art studio.
@lordtatertot4066 2 роки тому
Dude why are you here
@fnfmods336 2 роки тому
@@lordtatertot4066 because there is nothing that said he couldn’t be here
@lordtatertot4066 2 роки тому
@@fnfmods336 because reasons
@xaleypoo4779 Рік тому
When you die, your voice is added to the laugh track used in sitcoms.
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 👆
@lukeskinwalker9335 Рік тому
This kind of viewing and reviewing/debunking of ghost videos, should be a regular feature on this channel. I would definitely watch this every time. I loved this. I liked the special effects debunking they usually do, but it's even better watching the debunking of these videos. Because everyone has watched these videos and has screamed at the screen about how obviously fake it was, but this just gives those thoughts some satisfactory validation to the viewers.🤘
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🔼👆
@AgathaBailey1012 2 роки тому
"I think big foot is blurry, that's the problem, it's not the photographer's fault. Big foot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. Because there's a large out of focus monster roaming the country side." - Mitch Hedberg
@redspartan7772 2 роки тому
Mitch Hedberg was a great comedian. it’s sad that he’s gone
@greenberrygk 2 роки тому
I don’t wanna ruin 269 likes
@trevorhaddox6884 2 роки тому
Now he's all blurry roaming around in someone's house. XD
@RealPlasmodium 2 роки тому
Lmfao this is great.
@ihavefallenandicantreachmy2113 2 роки тому
"Pull my Finger, for a Blurred everything." -- Please.
@aduckwithayoutubechannel 2 роки тому
You guys should do a hoax competition. Each one of you gets an assigned cryptid/anomaly. Possible choices might be UFO’s/Aliens, Bigfoot or Nessie, and ghosts. Whoever creates the most convincing video wins.
@mrsweetkandy7673 2 роки тому
Yesssssss pleaaaase
@angelbear_og 2 роки тому
@revolvency 2 роки тому
Not only the most convincing video, but the most convincing campaign as well. Remember yes man channel with Justin Bieber eating Burrito? Or Ooblah Butler fooling the tripadvisor and paris fashion week? Something like that!
@andrewilianto 2 роки тому
And then dumb people will start to share it without context and their smartass opinion will rule the world
@slickstretch6391 2 роки тому
I 2nd this opinion. Please give us this, crew.
@josephc8312 Рік тому
I find it interesting that most these videos have a resolution just bad enough, that you wouldn’t be able to see a string
@ArtForSwans 6 місяців тому
I once saw a video of a burglar breaking into a building, but because it was taken on the world's worst security camera in the world's darkest room, you couldn't see anything except a smear walking through the frame and disappearing around a corner. Apparently whoever that camera belonged to assumed it was a ghost and not in fact someone breaking into their building. The alarm was even going off and was found disabled the next day, but their first thought was that just because it looked weird on camera, it must be a ghost.
@ValcryeTheSecond 2 роки тому
This is the first time I’ve ever heard someone say “are ghosts just drunk?” And everything just became so much clearer as to why they are always opening doors and pantries and throwing stuff everywhere
@xxMpEGxx 2 роки тому
I swear ghost footage is just crap. If its really souls who came back, what happened to their intelligence?? They're able to open some drawers but they cant write down what they want??
@DataLal 2 роки тому
@@xxMpEGxx To be fair, a ghost is literally brainless. 😏
@2ndbrain909 2 роки тому
@@DataLal you say that with a smug face but you’ve never actually had a ghost introduce themselves to you and shake your hand. And if they’re supposed to be intelligent and a person. Then why would they possibly act different without a brain?
@kof2645 2 роки тому
@@2ndbrain909 bruh he just playing. You took as a World Cup 😭😂
@AndrewCheshire 2 роки тому
Seriously, they're just looking for a breakfast burrito.
@R0GU351GN4L 2 роки тому
Niko: "nobody would ever put a security camera in a stairwell like this" Me: "Allow me to introduce you to my employer."
@r-mur 2 роки тому
I'm guessing they're a "we need footage but don't want to spend the money" kind of employer?
@tropicalvikingcreations 2 роки тому
I had the same thought. Lazy people would. The type of person to not even bother to put a recording system in.
@siukong 2 роки тому
There's also hidden cameras you can get that look like electrical outlets or fire alarms or other wall-mounted stuff. Not saying that's what was in the video but it's a reason why a camera might be mounted at ~head/chest height.
@whitherboss3355 2 роки тому
Your comment made me spit my drink, well done
@johnschwalb 2 роки тому
@@siukong if it's pretending to be a fire alarm it better work when I pull it.
@IamN0-1 Рік тому
Man, you guys are a breathe of fresh air amongst the sea of turgent BS that is social media Keep debunking👍
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🔼⬆️
@Gregoses 9 місяців тому
Ive been watching a lot of paranormal investigations lately and i have to say thank god theres people like you who use reason and logic to debunk stuff. All the "investigators" are super biased and freak out at every tiny crack noise or whatever, and dont get me started on spiritboxes/ovulus etc
@KingBobbito 2 роки тому
As someone that has security cameras, when you see "spirit orbs" on your camera it's literally just bugs.
@MentalParadox 2 роки тому
could be the ghosts of bugs
@MewDenise 2 роки тому
Bugs has wings
@KingBobbito 2 роки тому
@@MewDenise things extremely close to an infrared camera appear as a bright white dot, just with how they work. If I check outside when I see one of these spots you can see a bug, often spiders/things caught in their web.
@KingBobbito 2 роки тому
@@MewDenise it's actually a major problem since spiders will set off the motion sensor sometimes
@ishaanupreti6438 2 роки тому
@Miles Doyle Shut up
@williampulley 2 роки тому
Ghosts are real. They're obviously the spirits of VFX artists who can't let go of their craft.
@coolgreenbug7551 2 роки тому
@CreativeUnoriginals I love the idea that real ghosts make fake ghost videos
@TiMERZ 2 роки тому
Dang it 😂 😂 😂
@metalheadmaniac8686 2 роки тому
@@coolgreenbug7551 yes XD I can imagine a ghost uploading a ghost video to youtube with a mouse that looks like it's moving around by itself
@macerunner4674 2 роки тому
@@metalheadmaniac8686 lmao
@JesusOfPaign 2 роки тому
“Wouldnt it be cooOOOoooOol if i used a string to pull this draaaaawweeeeerrrrr???? OoooOoOooOOoooO. If we use black thread and the camera is shitty enough it’ll look totally reeeaaalllll and we won’t even need to roto anything oooouuuutttt”
@ihavenoideadanny Рік тому
Fun fact about the school clip with the wet floor sign, you can visibly see a string when the sign does a flip.
@DavidRTribble Рік тому
12:19 I used to "levitate" common household objects using thin transparent gray nylon thread, which is practically invisible _even up close_ under normal indoor light, and can hold an object up to about half a pound.
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🆙🔼
@CoralPolyps 2 роки тому
*_"I'm boutta give you a very brief, but very aggressive session of paranormal ground 'n' pound"_* is my new catch phrase
@LordMoku 2 роки тому
Sounds hot, I'm in.
@user-vi4xy1jw7e 2 роки тому
@@LordMoku ew
@alicepbg2042 2 роки тому
@@user-vi4xy1jw7e ew? common... sex with a ghost sounds kinky as hell
@russellayton6408 2 роки тому
So kinky
@Fyrmer 2 роки тому
The first moment that I met her I did not expect a spectre When I shook her hand, I really shook a glove She looked into me so sweetly And we left the room discreetly No one else could know the secret of our love
@TinPrince 2 роки тому
Can we just have this as a series? I'm sure a lot of people would watch this kind of debunking thing on the regular. Sort of similar to how Captain Disillusion does.
@brettlawson5679 2 роки тому
I feel special effects experts looking at these videos would be a great series
@poorsoulja 2 роки тому
I would love that too!
@brendanbeardy9190 2 роки тому
There are some really good ghost videos. Would love to see them get broken down.
@larryjohnson150 2 роки тому
I’ve been posting this in the comments for forever, unfortunately all the videos they showed here are all very obvious fakes or have very simple explanations. I want to see what they say about some of the crazier videos out there like ones that have been caught on livestreams and stuff like that.
@nic2097 2 роки тому
I think this is just a miny series branching off of vfx artists react
@redinsc69 Рік тому
A school in Cork, Ireland admitted they faked both of the videos, right before Halloween in 2017 and to bring attention to the school. Your assessment was exactly right!
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🔼⬆️
@reachandler3655 10 місяців тому
I just found your channel today, and I'm really enjoying your debunking collection!
@TheAknok 2 роки тому
"Ghosts are made out of string." The new string theory that ties everything together.
@mentaya11 2 роки тому
I was thinking the same thing.
@harrihaffi2713 2 роки тому
@AssignmentIntoEternity 2 роки тому
This wins.
@platogkrone7161 2 роки тому
@@harrihaffi2713 *Clever.
@harrihaffi2713 2 роки тому
@@platogkrone7161 yes! 🙏☺️Thanks and sorry for my bad spelling!
@hunter4hire 2 роки тому
Strings are great. When I was 14 I saw Ghostbusters. Me & friends went out to this abandoned building and found old tv parts and tubes, and made makeshift proton packs. We got this idea to scare some patrons at a local cafe/bar (this was in Italy 1988) In the early morning we went there and tied some fishing wire to legs of chairs and table cloths and, one of our friends hid behind a pop vending machine. We hid, and waited for patrons, once the place had a few patrons, we yanked on the strings one by one, first we moved a chair, then pulled a tablecloth off a table, our friend was too small to rock the vending machine as we hoped he would, so he just ended up kicking it. Then we dropped the strings, put on the proton packs, ran around the building to get to front door and burst in saying! "The Ghostbusters are here! Have you witnessed any paranormal activity here!" We would get such a laugh as we pretended to catch ghosts, using a shoe box with masking tape and duct tape to make it look like a trap. We were embarrassed because they didn't fall for our act, looking back now, it was such a fun time. Crazy how much a kid can get done with broken parts and string.
@lukeperez7953 2 роки тому
Good comment :)
@JohnJ469 2 роки тому
Sounds like good clean fun to me. 😂
@GeoffCostanza 2 роки тому
Tell me you're from the Midwest without telling me you're from the Midwest... pahp
@K0sm1cKid 2 роки тому
That sounds like something from a disney movie 👀
@hunter4hire 2 роки тому
@@GeoffCostanza Actually I'm from Poland, my Dad took his family and we escaped in 1987 to a Refugee camp in Italy. Lived there for 3 years, and got a sponsor in Canada, and been a Canadian ever since.
@doodelay Рік тому
Ghosts never made sense to me from a physics standpoint. If you can see it then that means it's interacting with light which means there's nothing supernatural about it, which kinda defeats the purpose.
@drewkwashnak9807 Рік тому
This is a fun watch. I've been watching ghost videos for a while and this video gives me some ideas on what to look for. I wish I could find some of the better ones and see what they catch.
@derdes4475 2 роки тому
"It was Jordan in a blanket!" "And it would have sold so well if hadn't been for those meddling VFX artists."
@jedironin380 2 роки тому
@williamsnyder8399 2 роки тому
So the only criticism I have is that having worked in security for 12 years.. yes places have security cameras in terrible places with absolutely no lighting. No matter how many times you notify management or maintenance about it, it will never be changed. Those cameras are everywhere.
@CrankyBarista Рік тому
I was thinking the same thing. How many ppl have gotten away with crimes because of cheap, poorly placed, ill-lite security cameras? Millions, I'm sure.
@williamsnyder8399 Рік тому
@@CrankyBarista Easily. One place I worked the whole store had white tile floors, so the contrast on the cameras wasn't ideal but you could still make out colors and such. Another LP from a different store works at mine for a day, his store has nice dark gray floors so the contrast is much better. Anywho he complains to my store manager that the contrast needs to be changed because he's not used to working with my setup. Problem is only corporate, for some unknown reason, is allowed to change the camera settings. Corporate actually changed the contrast and then left it at auto contrast. Well auto contrast when focused on an all white floor eventually turns everything that isn't white black, just solid black. I get back and my whole system is screwed up, I ask corporate to put it back, they say no. Long story short this happened 3 years ago, I no longer work there but the cameras are still jank. So if you had to go to court to identify someone it was impossible, it makes having loss prevention pointless since you can't do anything.
@GuardianTiger Рік тому
Sounds like they need to place them in better areas or at the very least get cameras that used infrared light or night vision.
@J.L.Wolfson Рік тому
I am glad someone else already mentioned this. I have worked in security for 12 years as well, and EVERY building I have worked in, and it has been upwards of 6-7, has had cameras in TERRIBLE locations or haven't updated their systems in so long that the best you can get is evidence of motion of some kind, but no detail. Artifacting is real.
@williamsnyder8399 Рік тому
@@J.L.Wolfson Oh yeah! We can take a 20,000,000k pic of another galaxy, but will ask you if you recognize these 8 pixels.
@fauxcuss2 Рік тому
Welcome back guys, glad you got your channel back!
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 👆🎁
@Jarod-te2bi 7 місяців тому
I’ve been hoping for these videos to happen. I want more of these please.
@honda2363 2 роки тому
My mother-in-law was absolutely certain she had a ghost because she was hearing scratching at her window on windy days. I'll have you know that after I trimmed a couple tree branches the ghost never scratched the window again..
@ryotoutsukai7605 2 роки тому
Tbf this kind of stuff isn't a modern day issue. There have been ghost claims and the like as long as humans have had an instinctual fear of what they can't see in the dark.
@commenturthegreat2915 2 роки тому
Somehow people just instinctually make the genius deduction that "some noise at night" = "someone who died years ago managed to come back from the dead, but instead of having a body they're invisible now and can throw objects around but only when you're not looking"
@svenleeuwen 2 роки тому
And back in the days when there were no glasses, people mistakenly saw all kinds of things.
@FFKonoko 2 роки тому
"Critical thinking is a thing of the past" After demonstrating a younger person having better critical thinking. Under video of people debunking claims. On a site that has many such videos. And in the context of those past days, of ghost sightings and such being a constant, along with all kinda of witch hunts and such. It should hurt to miss your own point so hard
@TheKaurK 2 роки тому
FFKonoko your comment game is flawless ✨
@urbanshadow777 2 роки тому
I am a professional photographer and people try to show me "ghost" photos all the time. It's usually quite easy to tell what it is or how it was done but then they get pissy and tell me I don't know what I am talking about because I just destroyed their belief. Its like hearing scratching in the attic and calling pest control then getting mad at him because its mice and not unicorns.
@sigmasquadleader 2 роки тому
"I hear hoofbeats, must be zebras!"
@arizonaexplorations4013 2 роки тому
Same, I make “ghostly” photos with nothing more than my DSLR and a long exposure in low light. Some people cannot be convinced that it is just a photo technique that has been known for over a 100 years. The crazy part is that my photography isn’t even supposed to be “supernatural”. It is supposed to be dark and moody conveying a sense of time and decay.
@billveusay9423 2 роки тому
Perfect analogy xD
@Perroden 2 роки тому
Ya it's amazing how ppl devolve into children just because tell them facts, even if your being as nice as you can about it.
@Droptima15 2 роки тому
Literally, even the stuff that isnt faked pretty much always has a logical explanation.
@matthewwalker5430 Рік тому
It'd be great to see Corridor Crew do their own version of 1 of those ghost hunting shows, with the guys staying overnight in their "haunted" studio and then have all this stuff going on. I guess the big plot twist could be that the ghost is of a CGI comrade who passed away 1 night in the studio and every night he comes out to try and finish editing the project he had been working on when he died ... the project of a haunted FX studio.... I guarantee that if you guys give it a title like "Did We Catch a Real Ghost On Video???" you'll hit 20m views no problem
@shannonrickard8605 Рік тому
Head-level is actually a pretty common place to put security cameras if you want to make sure you're capturing faces. The entrances of stores and schools are a good example.
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🆙🔼
@robertwlovett 2 роки тому
The scariest thing about this video is that Jordan walks around the office barefoot. That's real bravery!
@stevenborg102 2 роки тому
I was thinking the exact same thing. Have you seen the state of those floors?? She asking for Tetanus in her toes lol
@declanp1 2 роки тому
@@stevenborg102 that's not how you get tetanus.
@declanp1 2 роки тому
@stevenborg102 2 роки тому
@@declanp1 It was a joke mr killjoy :/
@Necromancer0225 2 роки тому
Jordan's probably wearing ghost Vessis
@xRiizo 2 роки тому
I bet Jordan had so much fun making those ghost bits! Also you guys should make a super convincing ghost caught on video for next year and fool the internet!
@tarettime9392 2 роки тому
What are you talking about. That's clearly a real ghost it can't be her
@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 2 роки тому
and to make it even more convincing they should make a new account, be active on these so called "ghost" videos for a year or so, leave comments on how they believe this crap to be real and stuff, and upload a few other easy to fake "ghost footage" then seal the deal day before halloween and upload a no efforts spared fake ghost caught on camera video thats inspired by all the best fakes out there, perhaps make it seem like they are in danger, respond to comments for a while, express "real" concern for how they feel like they are in danger, make another video where they ramp it up a bit, make it seem more aggressive, respond to some comments for a couple days, then nothing, never log in to the account ever again. if they make the videos good enough, and considering the low standards of the believers, it will barely take any effort what so ever, once they stop responding there will absolutely be people who will seriously believe the "ghost" got them, then a week later crush them by uploading and showing behind the scenes of all the videos on this channel and link it on all their fake videos.
@NicholasMarshall 2 роки тому
Their fake robot video convinced a lot of people.. so I'm sure they could..
@albertlofling7310 Рік тому
at 9:00 I have to give credit to the floor light, my grand parents have one as they have to go to the bathroom at night and a full on blinding white light would knock you out of your sleepy state so they have a blue light on the ground lighting up the hall, it looks similar to that
@ryleighs9575 Рік тому
Man, I love whoever wrote "some paranomoral ground-and-pound" XD So good lol
@danialiskandar7930 2 роки тому
At this point, I might be more afraid of VFX artists than ghosts and aliens.
@self-proclaimedanimator 2 роки тому
Bruh what are these bots
@Perroden 2 роки тому
@@self-proclaimedanimator they have been plagueing UKposts for a few weeks now iv just been reporting them.
@self-proclaimedanimator 2 роки тому
@@Perroden I don't think that work I also used to report them Man but they now spreading faster
@Perroden 2 роки тому
@@self-proclaimedanimator ya it's ridiculous. I watch a lot of different ppl on here but it's on nearly every channel on most of the comments. I wonder if they are paying UKposts
@l.s.11 2 роки тому
SOUND DESIGNERS might be the scariest of them all. ;P
@ProfArmitage218 2 роки тому
Even when they aren't hoxes, a significant number of "ghost caught on security camera" videos bear a striking resemblance to an out of focus insect or spider a small distance in front of the lens. I remember a "dancing ghost" that was a spider dangling back and forth on a web strand.
@PaperThinArmor 2 роки тому
Ghost Hunters be like “Insects? Nah, they’re spirit orbs”
@eduardovieira303 2 роки тому
Spiders are nasty creatures, tho
@Fede0779 2 роки тому
Dancing to the Spiderman catchy song , lol
@Ben-Rogue 2 роки тому
Same with the UFO ones. A lot of similarities in how people who don't think about it or have insufficient understanding of how cameras work are easily fooled
@jm1551701 Рік тому
Thank you guy's for having this video I have watched many of these fake caught on camera ghost videos and have upset many of the folks that upload these, I am a retired LEO and have lived my life on just the facts mam, so I watch and just debunk there is always an explanation for all these and I usually spell it out pretty good at the end and man do I get a lot of pissed off people because they want to believe and then when you reveal the truth of this they get really annoyed and angry, you guy's do great fact analysis and you have the training and know how to back up what you put up, thanks great job, to many people are perpetrating a fraud and getting folks to believe this crap they post .
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🔼👆
@thewitt55 4 місяці тому
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Houdini and James Randee would be proud of your debunking!!! I appreciate it.
@noitnem 2 роки тому
How does Niko manage to look like he is in a perpetual state of "just woke up"
@umairusman 2 роки тому
@WinchesterxNL 2 роки тому
@Miles Doyle Put the crack pipe down, buddy. Put it down.
@timtheskeptic1147 2 роки тому
That's how most people who work in visual effects look. Almost every young person I know in a technical field looks that way. Between the demands of the job and trying to have a personal life it's not easy.
@camilovallejo5024 Рік тому
@@timtheskeptic1147 as an independent game developer I confirm that
@d34dR0d3n7 Рік тому
From one of their other videos, it's because he is. Dude powernaps throughout the day every few hours in order to stay at the office longer.
@timtheskeptic1147 2 роки тому
Back in the day if you wanted ghost videos you'd get some old tapes from security guards. Those tapes had been filled, erased and reused so often that, eventually, it would show "phantoms" walking around wherever the cameras were pointed. "Look, it's a ghost!" "No, it isn't. Your equipment is worn out. Here's 4 dollars, go to Kmart and get a new 3 pack of blank vhs tapes. There, haunting solved."
@SuLokify 2 роки тому
Obviously nothing supernatural, but in a way those tapes did sort of contain images of ghosts, sort of
@djinnxx7050 Рік тому
Ahh... vhs, the good old days.
@ahmed4363 Рік тому
Captain Disillusion already proved that for the "disneyland ghost" I applaud you for explaining it to people who didn't know otherwise
@timtheskeptic1147 Рік тому
@@ahmed4363 it's like an old projector TV, leave it on one channel long enough and eventually that channel's logo would get "burned" on to the screen permanently. Good gawd, it's almost embarrassing to look back at entertainment tech from the 80s and 90s. Almost.
@jamessparkman6604 Рік тому
@@SuLokify he’s an artist, all right a con artist he’s just trying to trick me to believe in ghosts don’t exist. Why won’t work because he’s a liar.
@latoshaadams7482 2 роки тому
Thank you for doing these
@TopsyTriceratops Рік тому
I want to see you guys review and debunk as many convincing videos of supernatural footage you can. I would watch until part 30 and beyond of this magic.
@sarahotto6006 2 роки тому
I'm pretty sure from this footage that when someone becomes a ghost, they turn into a cat. That's why they just open doors, knock stuff on the floor, and try and move furniture to see if something is behind it. Ghosts are just giant invisible cats.
@Scribbled2Death 2 роки тому
was gonna say. ghosts are just cats walking around knocking random shit off counters
@iminumst7827 2 роки тому
i don't know any cats that can open doors though. whenever i shut the door on my cat the stupid thing just sits there and can't get in. XD
@indigowulf 2 роки тому
@@iminumst7827 I had a mainne coon cat that would jump up and hold on to the doorknob and try to sway to open it, because he knew how we opened it and mainne coons are smart af. It only worked once in his 18 years of life, but man was it impressive that one time it did! Wasn't on camera and nobody else saw it, so I was the only one that got to be amazed.
@Sunshine_day 2 роки тому
@@iminumst7827 I've owned multiple cats through my life who observed, then taught themselves how to open doors using the door knob. Most of them had a significant amount of Siamese in them.
@mlem6951 2 роки тому
Yeah, that's was i think by every video where "ghost" push stuff from tables and so on xD.
@FumbleAIBO 2 роки тому
Can't stop laughing at the paranormal ground-and-pound. "I finally kicked your ass, Ray!"
@harrihaffi2713 2 роки тому
That is funny!
@jirobow 2 роки тому
I mean tbh if there's no ghost police, given you're already dead, you might as well kick someone's ass.
@FumbleAIBO 2 роки тому
@@jirobow , it's the shooing him away with the hat that kills me :D
@earthlad420 2 роки тому
Oh you guys are good at this, kept my eyes glued, thanks
@daisyinthewoods9081 2 роки тому
oh wow thank you for explaining all of the camera stuff - I always wondered
@ecksdeeeXD 2 роки тому
That dust falling from the ceiling could also just be someone vaping into one of those air cannon/puffer things and launching it. Seeing how straight the dust column flies.
@hagerty1952 2 роки тому
My first thought as well. Whamm-O Airblaster!
@xxMpEGxx 2 роки тому
maybe it was a sudden gust of wind that carried the dust in a straight line
@woodgatejack 2 роки тому
A few years ago, around Halloween, I found myself watching quite a few "ghost" videos on UKposts. I took them with a pinch of salt- just a bit of spooky fun- I wasn't looking proof of the supernatural. Some where pretty cool (particularly the Japanese ones), there was a lot of crap. However, one film left a bad taste in my mouth, particularly when I did a bit of digging. The video itself was (meant to be) footage of a nanny-cam, focused on a child's crib. A shadowy figure crosses the room and the baby is heard crying. The footage was easily debunked in a rival video, who pointed out how artefacts in the background shifted when the "entity" passed over them, revealing that it had been layered in and that the baby's cries were stock footage, easily obtained online. The original poster denied this and blocked his rival and deleted and blocked any cynics from his channel. The thing is, he would double down on the "authenticity" of his video, claiming that the incident was ongoing and being investigated by renowned paranormal investigator Lorainne Warren (who would have been about 80 at the time. BTW, the incident was meant to happen in the UK). OP would play on the sympathies of believers, asking for thoughts and prayers for the family. I found this particularly unsavoury when I looked at his other videos, some of which were about Madeleine McCann- a very real and tragic (and unresolved) case of a missing girl. It's one thing to fake a ghost video for shits n' giggles, quite another to do so to impose yourself into the narrative (or invent one) and almost _feed_ on people's emotions.
@scpcow1597 2 роки тому
What was the name of the guy
@woodgatejack 2 роки тому
@@scpcow1597 I thought I could remember, but I just looked that username and although he's was around at the time, the ghost videos and vids about Madeline McCann are not there. Either I'm miss-remembering, he took them down or it's another user with a similar name.
@woodgatejack 2 роки тому
@@scpcow1597 Also, I am loathe to "name and shame" any individuals. It _was_ over ten years ago and that could be a lot of time for the guy who posted it to realise the error of his ways. ( I myself recently had a reply to a rather crass comment I made ten years ago) I merely wanted to highlight the motivation of _some_ of the kinds of people who post ghost videos. I would guess that _most_ who post (and watch) such videos are just in it for a bit of spooky fun, however some take it seriously or have more nefarious motives.
@xGaLoSx 2 роки тому
Ghosts aren't real, so don't sweat it.
@mastegoh7139 2 роки тому
The Warrens are scam artists
@rickybobby8054 10 місяців тому
honestly way more fun than most ghost videos , great work and yes the algorithm bought me here from watching ghost vids. why do ghost vids usually have ambience that builds towards the event , makes no sense at all.
@C3R133RUZ Рік тому
Man I'd love for this to be a continued series and watch other highly viewed ghost videos. The explanations and conversations are both funny and quite interesting.
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 👆🎁
@BryAlrighty 2 роки тому
Y'all need a Ghost Footage debunking series.. don't just do this for Halloween only.. this is great content!
@SheBeast-OG 2 роки тому
@PhantomFilmAustralia 2 роки тому
Even things from the "bigfoot" film, to UFO's. I would also like to see "official" footage analyzed from the Zapruder Film to sketchy 9/11 footage. I'm not holding my breath, as they will most likely be de-platformed.
@Dragoonv 2 роки тому
I used to do "Paranormal Investigations" back in the day similar to the way you think Ghost Hunters did their stuff. We did a lot of personal homes instead of historic locations tho, and people called us to come investigate after they had "tried everything to explain it". After clients explained everything going on to us, 98% of the time I'd look around and be like "Yeah ... you have 5 cats". One time the guy in charge had found an EVP and had spent several hours listening to it trying to figure out if it was anything. He e-mailed it to several of us on the team to listen to as well, then the next day e-mailed us all back and told us to disregard, he found he had burped in a different room at the same time frame and was able to match it up.
@runlarryrun77 2 роки тому
I heard of something similar but different. The Institute Of Psychical Research dealt with a case in the 70's of a woman who swore she had a poltergeist who would hide things or open doors when she was out. Turned out the poor lady had early onset dementia. She was doing all the stuff herself then plain forgetting. There was another one years before that too, investigators were brought in to solve a mysterious rhythmic noise in someone's living room. That one ended up being an alarm clock in a bedroom upstairs. The noise was travelling down the leg of the stool the clock was on & being amplified by the cavity between the floorboards & ceiling. Usually there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for these things. Be it mistaken identity, folklore or people just plain lying for attention. That leaves about a tenth of a percent that are genuinely inexplicable. Even then that doesn't necessarily mean "ghosts".
@smileyp4535 Рік тому
Wow good for you for being real about it, did you make any money when people got disappointed though?
@tsdobbi Рік тому
When my wife and I were house shopping. I was alone upstairs in this house. I walked into the bedroom and the drawer on the night stand just fully opened all on its own right in front of me. It was the very definition of spine tingling. I closed it then realized when I would walk over a certain part of the room, the vibration was enough to make the drawer just slide open on its own. I was able to make it happen multiple times, and if I would just close it and stand off to the side still nothing happened. Even though I knew what was happening it was tough to shake the feeling and I don't even believe in ghosts, lol. No I didn't buy that house and that situation did contribute as part of the reason why. The house shouldn't be vibrating that much to open a damn drawer on command just from walking, it's a potential sign of structural damage.
@greygum4647 Рік тому
I often watch shows like Paranormal Caught on Camera if I need a laugh. I am sure none of the footage they show is ever meant to be taken seriously, yet many people do seem to be easily hoodwinked. The most interesting phenomenon on earth is the way some people prefer to believe in fake crap while avoiding the logical and plausible. It is often a dead giveaway when the hoaxers are interviewed by so-called "paranormal investigators" and they start giggling between themselves or passing those "knowing" looks to one another. You can tell by their expressions and demeanor that they are lying through their teeth.
@greygum4647 Рік тому
@@tsdobbi Yes, this can happen if a cupboard or cabinet is not sitting quite level. I have a cabinet that seemingly opens by itself and a filing cabinet that does the same. After I put a spirit level on them (pardon the pun!) I discovered that they were both leaning slightly forward, meaning that even the vibrations of someone walking on the timber floorboards nearby, or a gust of wind through an open window, or even the vibrations from a large truck or roadworks outside, could cause them to open on their own. I guess I should set up a camera and send the footage to the paranormal people. They would probably see it as proof positive of ghosts.
@Bl4ck0utr3b0rN Рік тому
Liked and Subbed to hopefully see more of these vids, didnt really get into all the other stuff on this channel.
@ABAR_Extra 2 роки тому
thank you for using easiest videos to proof its fake.. and not using other videos that really hard to explain and in really haunted areas well done.
@roskiart8750 2 роки тому
This stupid excuse. And the basic epistemology failure of assuming "you can't explain this" equals "therefore ghosts"
@alextowers3564 2 роки тому
I love how it's like "professional VFX artists use their expertise to debunk ghost videos" and then you're just like "well that was obviously just someone rattling the lockers from behind the window" or "that cat literally just looked at the cameraman". You guys are way overqualified compared to the incompetence of the guys who fakes these videos.
@CrankyBarista Рік тому
These videos were farrrr too easy. I would've liked to see them debunk less obvious videos.
@Viking_Raven Рік тому
That's because people who watch these videos on their own time are 90% of the way there to be convinced of this type of stuff. They're just looking for confirmation bias and whatever you show them will do.
@ralphire77 Рік тому
@@Viking_Raven or you're looking for the super skeptic to find which one is real lol
@christiantaylor1495 Рік тому
Unfalsifiable hypothesis doesn't constitute a debunk.
@christiantaylor1495 Рік тому
@@Viking_Raven Or it's because these guys know 90% of you people don't actually look for the real videos to try and find real proof that your own current belief is wrong and you are just here because of YOUR CONFIRMATION BIAS making you always look for debunks.
@maropenaflor2546 2 роки тому
I would just like to show appreciation to Jordan for those ghost reenactments. Amazing 👏👏
@LenLeonardo 2 роки тому
yes and dean for being an absolute madlad shielding in the corner
@MAVAelitewolf-guys 2 роки тому
@oliverboije7718 Рік тому
did nobody see that random glitch in the footage near the window blinds at 2:19
@gusrubio489 Рік тому
Just found you guys and subbed, good stuff!
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🔼
@uosdwiSrdewoH 2 роки тому
It's nice seeing Jordan get more screen time even if she is wearing a sheet most of the time.
@jonajona6976 2 роки тому
@matthewbarry7026 2 роки тому
I thought for sure that was Wren under the sheet? but I didn't really look for clues, just the way the ghost moved and that Wren used to be a mascot. I thought it was him Edit: Looked again and yes she is the ghost for most the shots, the ones where the ghost has the apple watch
@_SirJavier_ 2 роки тому
Is it Jordan wearing a ghost suit just on this video or.. the ghost was the whole time wearing a Jordan suit since the begining? 😰
@Rockhopper1 2 роки тому
she is really cute, and is obvious the office prankster
@GiuseppeGaetanoSabatelli 2 роки тому
I love when we get to see her cute toes.
@sin8800 2 роки тому
It's safe to say that everyone here would like this to be a regular monthly (maybe weekly?) series on debunking youtube ghost videos.
@CrAzYpotpie 2 роки тому
No, it isn't.
@kiaraneves8852 2 роки тому
Hell yeah
@Xia-hu 2 роки тому
and UFO videos
@royroos8036 2 роки тому
I'm also subscribed to Nukes Top 5. Its funny how gullible people are in that comment section. I would like Corridor to review those videos and get their thoughts on it.
@sumitmishra1696 2 роки тому
You guys are great. Keep debunking ghost videos.
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 👆🎁
@johntziannis1134 2 роки тому
Great video. Could you guys debunk those mirror videos where the reflection moves?
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 👆
@ERey55 2 роки тому
The dust one was actually a very detective-like observation by Niko haha
@crooker2 2 роки тому
Finally!! Someone explains String Theory in a way everyone can understand! Well done!
@Nehasupnfan Рік тому
@javabeanz8549 Рік тому
IR cameras have some great effects. Moths look awesome, there was a news article in the Bend Oregon area a while back, after watching the video clip, I recognized it as a moth. And fog on IR is wild, makes for a really spooky look.
@BubblewrapHighway Рік тому
The second video in the driveway looks really good. I think they combined the stomp/dust particles with VFX in the shape of a little ghost baby. That bodily shape does not dissipate as it moves out of frame the way dust would. I wanna know more about that clip but can't find it.
@rodomeneses2548 2 роки тому
We need a series of this! Oh boy internet is flooded with this crap, you have all the content needed, easy piece and very entertaining.
@WaldoFindsYo 2 роки тому
Captain Disillusion has been doing this for basically 10 years
@rodomeneses2548 2 роки тому
@@WaldoFindsYo didn’t knew what’s the channel?
@revolvency 2 роки тому
@@rodomeneses2548 captain disillusion
@Cushingura 2 роки тому
Debunk Channels don't get views. There are a lot of good debunkers and literally all of the ghost videos that are older than a month are allready debunked. Sometimes really well made ones pop up, they take a bit longer to debunk. But the "I believe in ghosts and all those videos are evidence" fraktion does not care about the debunk channels. It would shatter their whole reality appart so they rather convince them self its real.
@TimJBucci 2 роки тому
@@Cushingura Have you ever been to haunted place or have the chance to experience anything paranormal? Or are you just content in watching debunk videos on UKposts from the safety of your home?
@Blynat 2 роки тому
The "dramatizations" were fucking hilarious.
@DawnSentinel 2 роки тому
Jordan walking away from Dean's paranormal ground and pound got me good.
@karimoon5323 Рік тому
❤️From Minnesota guys and your videos ROCK❣️
@micr0d0t97 Рік тому
I love these videos, can you do another one of these videos with the recent clip of the UFO that shows like multi color lights in a shady cloud over a high school or a sports game and then it just speeds away in a split second, also another video of a ufo over Jerusalem in like 2011 or 2012 that shows it hovering above the city then it like flash’s a bright light then shoots straight up into the air faster than a speeding bullet.
@calebpetersen8158 2 роки тому
I think it’d be interesting to see corridor try to make CGI look like old school claymation. They could even make it a competition between the many talented VFX artists on staff!
@NickHoad 2 роки тому
If you haven't seen Worthikids' Captain Yajima and Dried Up Old Bones, they're CGI that looks like claymation/puppets and it's absolutely flawless
@Kix-86 2 роки тому
Hot take: the Ghost of Corridor knows how to properly place silverware in the dishwasher, evidenced by how it flipped the spoon head up in the cup, thereby allowing it to be more easily cleaned (if it was in a dishwasher, of course).
@Epicurus341 2 роки тому
I'm not sure they have a dishwasher. Skip to 13:07 and that sink is a lot more terrifying than any ghost. 😉
@Dargonhuman 2 роки тому
Thank you! That has been a pet peeve of mine since I first shared a dishwasher with roommates. I literally cannot count how many forks and spoons I've had to either rewash by hand or leave in the dishwasher because they were still dirty. I even had one roommate put the spoons and forks head down and all of the knives blade up! I truly wondered if I was living with a legit psychopath...
@kevinmills1041 11 місяців тому
The Shape would love your debunks!
@robin-ch9to Рік тому
The video with the cats, the TV tray table, when it shakes, it doesn’t shake in the mirror reflection at all. Around 8:38 and 9:46
@oscar1081 Рік тому
Didn’t notice that, thanks for pointing that out
@Hedgemonkey5 2 роки тому
Idea: Comp the ghosts into each shot, bumbling around opening doors and slipping on wet floors
@green7449 2 роки тому
I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis where I've felt my bed sheets moving like something is trying to pull the sheets off my bed. But my dog sleeps in bed with me and if she doesn't react then nothing is actually happening. Its still freakin terrifying though...
@alextortugo 2 роки тому
Yeah I would sometimes feel something touch me or even shout in my ear in my night terrors. But I guess it's all in my head.
@Kyrkby 2 роки тому
Yeah, not much can get past dogs or cats. I grew up with a bunch of both and had the exact same thought process like you whenever I thought something spooky was going on. If the dogs weren't barking then nothing's happening.
@grutarg2938 2 роки тому
Have you ever considered that it is your dog who is pulling your sheets?
@boobietubee8373 2 роки тому
I've had sleep paralysis a few times. I forced myself out of bed, my blankets felt like vines an they suddenly snapped an I fell on the floor an was dragged into my closet, I was on my back an could see in the outline of the closet doorway a black Gollum creature crouching on my chest. I woke up in my bed so it was all in my head but its weird how so many people see the same creature. Another time I had it I turn my head an my dog was having a seizure, woke up an he was fine an in a different location. I got pissed. Last time I got it I decided to react with love an instantly got out of sleep paralysis.
@green7449 2 роки тому
@@grutarg2938 No, it feels like someone is grabbing the sheets near my shoulder and lifting them vertically. It's also paired with a terrifying noise like someone is playing a deep base note through a loud speaker. I always try and wake my dog up by screaming and kicking her to help me then I wake up and realize nothing happened and I never tried to wake my dog up to begin with.
@Phillygirl183 Рік тому
You are the BEST GHOSTBUSTERS ever! Thanks for your very entertaining mythbusts!!
@thephantomtimelord1613 Рік тому
Could you debunk the Fresno Nightcrawlers? I was always curious how exactly those videos were done.
@rafikminasyan3363 2 роки тому
NIKOOO How perfectly explained that dust off the porch, I love how y’all’s brains work, more of these because the videos through your guy’s eyes are different please more of these thank you for the content. God Bless You
@benpurcell4935 2 роки тому
Except that’s not a porch it’s a carport which are regularly built with no rooms or anything above it. There obviously are exceptions but I don’t think that’s the case based upon how the roof is slanted and not leveled.
@spike5499 2 роки тому
@@benpurcell4935 A comment said that it could be someone vaping into an air cannon/puffer and launching it
@OJames1138 2 роки тому
Dust is fine particles that are only slightly heavier than the air around it. As it falls it's being swept sideways. Ever breathed hot air in winter and watched the mist get carried away? That's the motion.
@WastedTalent- 2 роки тому
@@benpurcell4935 I see them all the time as raised decks.
@ZechsMerquise73 2 роки тому
@@OJames1138 Yes. That so-called breath air is a ghost. They like to come out of your mouth when it gets cold, obviously.
@RoniPsm 2 роки тому
"No-one would ever put a security camera in a stairwell like this that has zero light and can't get you an image" Bank Security Camera: "Are you challenging me?"
@thatguyoverthere8441 2 роки тому
Is this like a :am i a joke to you meme?
@djbassaus 2 роки тому
Exactly! So many low quality, poorly lit security cameras out there.
@TheFelipeBZ Рік тому
You could put the string around the faucet to be able to pull things from a different angle in the first one
@paranoidgenius9164 Рік тому
Watched a few of your vids but just remembered to sub Sorry guys for the sub delay 😊👍 I'm glad I'm not the only one who questions content that claims to be real! Working sponsorships within a script is genius!
@jagerhimselftoo1. Рік тому
Congratulations 👏 you got selected text me up 🆙🔼
@katurosbardock8370 2 роки тому
In the first example: Shortly before the drawer was completely opened you can see the penultimate frame popping a string.
@Dark0neone 2 роки тому
just wanna say I love the word penultimate. I appreciate any time it's used.
@chandankumar10360 2 роки тому
The last time And the only time I saw this word was in school science book about atom orbits(penultimate orbit). I guess I need to study more books.
@erwinr9328 2 роки тому
@CreativeUnoriginals Watch more racing, they use it all the time. Penultimate lap, race or corner etc
@Barely_Edited 2 роки тому
@@Dark0neone sadly I don’t think this is an actual use Since if it’s before the drawer opens it can’t be the penultimate… since penultimate means ‘second last’
@Dark0neone 2 роки тому
@@Barely_Edited true, but it could be the 2nd to last frame before the string pull
@kurtlindner 2 роки тому
7:30 All true points, however, this still represents 110% of all security footage when you need it.
@jackhughman282 2 роки тому
I can attest to that with my Arlo cameras, lol. They're essentially garbage. Might as well use a potato.
@blahorgaslisk7763 2 роки тому
I used to laugh at this when seeing the useless videos released by the police whenever they looked for someone. I have worked with security cameras and what we installed had little in common with the footage the police keeps releasing. The cameras we used were high definition and used quality lenses. The image quality was quite good and there were no problem identifying anyone caught on video, and yes even in the dark they still worked, just not recording in color. And that was the standard cameras you used everywhere. The videos released by the cops would not have been accepted by any of our customers.
@matthewboire6843 Рік тому
The cameras on the rovers that are on mars is 10x better.
@RoarOfWolverine Місяць тому
A lot of people don’t know that you can get matte monofilament line. In fact, monofilament line is matte when created and they add a glossy finish so that fishermen can see the line against the water by the highlights from the sun. If you get a matte finish line, it is virtually invisible, even to the naked eye, from a distance. Most cameras can’t resolve anything as thin as 8lbs test line. Without a gloss finish to reflect light, it completely disappears on most cameras, especially with high compression rates. It’s still frustrating that someone pulling a drawer or door with some fishing line get millions of views, when there are really good videos, with great effects being uploaded all the time that don’t get a half million views. It doesn’t take much to convince most people of paranormal activity in videos.
@nikkitronic80 2 роки тому
Love this vid! More please!
@CaptainVictory666 2 роки тому
This has reminded me how much you NEED to get Captain Disillusion on a VFX artists react
@JereR 2 роки тому
Captain Disillusion FTW!
@LobbyDaLobster 2 роки тому
They've said before that they have had trouble getting in contact with him or getting him to collaborate with them or something.
@marioegea9267 2 роки тому
This channel... I've been here for years, and it's becoming my fav... Every video feels cozy, like I know them, and it's a super cool feeling. Great content guys keep going 💘
@MokeSumUp 2 роки тому
2 comments in years? Gotta show some support, man.
@GreebusBleeb 2 роки тому
@@jennifer_____8833 oooh you are nice looking girl near me! not robot at all!
@kevinbarr9003 9 місяців тому
These guys did that "To the death" Jedi video? Now that was great work!
@josedorsaith5261 Рік тому
I wonder if people talked about bacteria and viruses this way, before the invention of the electron microscope / germ theory
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