march 1
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happy new year
4 місяці тому
Christmas video
4 місяці тому
4 місяці тому
There is a GNOME in my KITCHEN
5 місяців тому
5 місяців тому
Antillia's Guide to Making Friends!
5 місяців тому
I love conspiracy theories
6 місяців тому
youtube shorts history content be like
6 місяців тому
starfield SUCKS i go to BED
6 місяців тому
8 місяців тому
8 місяців тому
how quaint
8 місяців тому
summer lovin'
8 місяців тому
What does the Covenant from Halo TASTE like?
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2 роки тому
"Hardly Working" [STAR WARS SFM]
@ECOKAI День тому
So many deep cuts, so much lore. Thank you.
@Assman45ACP69 День тому
The Martians, while smart, don't seem to have fought a war in quite a long time. At least to me.
@niotikk День тому
Loved the "everyone knows that" reference :D Amazing Video!
@abramhinde8178 2 дні тому
Its been a month but I want to ask a question if you have ever heard of the bbc’s tripods and will you be making a video about it? I love that show but never actually got the book after all this years since its hard to find on my country and I dont know any online sights that I can read for free. Ever since discovering war of the worlds as a kid I was craving for more content related or inspired by it so I watched all the movies (except those terrible B movies, BUT I loved that Faithful adaptation with the terrible cgi, the recent one) and I discovered the tripods and sad to say that it ended horribly because of budgets or somethingy, I cant remember or care to search right now but I guess its budget. Won’t spoil it though even the terrible ending thats super different from the source. Edit: just realize that after 17 years I never thought of just looking it up online so I can print it.
@antilliachannel 2 дні тому
I’m vaguely aware of the series but I’ve never seen it myself nor read the books. I’m sure I will at some point though, it’s on my list.
@lwes4 2 дні тому
hmm this remind me there war of world minture game that got a booker sires what was it called The Great Martian War.
@mikaelangehagen7251 3 дні тому
The tripods would just find hg wells and force him to continue the story with the martians winning
@roboticintelligenceunit1a652 3 дні тому
I wanna see British empire/ commonwealth of mankind invade mars but with a Martian perspective, Maybe even where the humans and Martians are in a agreement that one side cannot kill the other, we can’t invade them, they can’t invade us, eventually wiping us out in a Cold War with interplanetary atomic weapons or coming to become the Sol federation
@zabor4082 3 дні тому
This is such a fascinating video, and honestly explains a lot (if it was cannon). The notion of Martian society being split between tribes/warbands/nations that are constantly at conflict also in turn explains the limited amount of forces sent to earth. As maybe, the forces that were sent were an attempt made by one soul group trying to expand their influence beyond what would be noted as traditional. I honestly love this take and together with the other 2 videos on this topic are most fascinating. They portray a well painted depiction of the novel that seems extremely grounded and logical. Love your content and takes on sci-fi 😄
@brandonteflon1232 6 днів тому
Thanks for this. I had to sleep on this vid to put my thoughts together. By the way, I'd love to know what to think about the following theory. I think the main reason why the Martians get sick and die, more than any other reason is due to your theory. When you really get down to it: the "livestock" is less naturally bred and and domesticated like cows and pigs or chickens and more like processed food. I have no doubt my mind that the Martians that you're describing in your theory would of course have made sure that there food supply was bacteria free and parasite free. Kind of like how canned food is more or less safer to eat now that we've gotten rid of the risk of botulism in a lot of canned food that used to exist in the past. Or better yet, it's more like bologna slices or heavily processed cheese and pasteurized milk. We as humans have gotten rid of a lot of the foodborne illnesses that plagued our ancestors due to our technology. The Martians did the same and even if we just stayed strictly for efficiency, becoming essentially vampires for the sake of not having to need to to and very little waste to get rid of after digestion...kinda works. Plus if we are honest, it's not like they need the calories when they plainly aren't doing a great deal of physical labor. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there was a article that explained that we as human beings burned something around the lines of 30 calories maybe up to 100 just by chewing alone... The point I'm making here is that they were eating the blood equivalent of pasteurized, processed food for who knows how long... To the point where they don't even have to worry about the kinds of neurological consequences that come from cannibalism... Then they invade earth, a process that used up their entire food supply that they brought on the way there, and and then they jump to eating humans, cows, pigs and whatever else they can get their tentacles on? Think about the kinds of parasites you can get from just eating undercooked pork! There's trichinosis and parasites that can even eat into the brain. Which the Martians are pretty much 90% nervous system, talk about prime feeding material for the parasites alone. Get to humans and it's worse. The kinds of diseases that could be transmitted through blood are staggering. Hell, syphilis was the past's version of an AIDS and HIV. When you get down to it they were doomed from the start by food supply. That is my theory. It wasn't but common cold that killed them so much as a pure lack of common sense. To put it in human terms, there's a reason why pretty much every culture on the planet cooks its food. It's kind of like eating all your rations and trail mix on a massively long hike that takes you days maybe even weeks, with the promise that there's going to be plenty to forage from at your destination. Example: the lack of any of these other kinds of Martians when the invaders arrive. You get to your destination, probably with hunger setting in as you had to start rationing your meals or just go days without altogether so you don't starve, and there is so much to forage from. Berries, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of animals... You and your friends are going to town but you do things like... eating the seeds of an apple which contain cyanide. Eating berries that look like another kind thinking they are the same when one is poisonous and the other is not... Example: eating humans, cows, pigs, just about anything they can get their tentacles on. Of course, not cooking any of your food. Example: the aliens draining people alive instead of processing them in a sort of way... Ghoulish as it is to think about some Martian version of Louis Pasteur probably could could have saved their nonexistent butts. Finally, as you start to get sick and possibly realize you probably shouldn't have eaten the green part of the rhubarb plant (again: a real thing you should not do) You probably don't have the time to invent up with any safe methods of processing while you're vomiting, getting diarrhea, having parasites eat you... Etc. I know this still falls in line with Wells's intent as an author but I believe the implication that it was disease that killed them has always been just a little bit off. I'm curious to know what you think because an army no matter how loose marches on its stomach and if your stomach is cramping that Army ain't marching too well... Thoughts? Id love to hear them.
@antilliachannel 6 днів тому
Seems perfectly logical to me, thanks for sharing! I guess the question then becomes why exactly a race so seemingly advanced failed to carry out such basic measures, which I think is where my whole “techno barbarians living in the ruins of their enlightened ancestors” thing comes into play. They knew all this at one point but have regressed so far that their knowledge is inferior to even 19th century humanity, buoyed to their threatening state only by the fact that their ancestors left them advanced tech to play with. Truth be told I don’t know where authorial intent ends and genuine outdated science begins on Wells’ part, it’s hard to tell; I think in the case of the disease angle the message came before the logic for him which is why we’re left coming up with logical explanations a century later. Not a criticism of the man or his work, of course, and I suppose the exact nature of the disease doesn’t matter that much for the message to work. It leaves more fun for us in piecing it all together, after all.
@brandonteflon1232 6 днів тому
Thanks I'm glad you like it. To answer the question as to why they didn't know, I have an answer that will cover both my example and the techno barbarian angle... They just didn't. For my angle we can go off of the assumption that were dealing with people who always had it in a certain way. It's kind of like how people live in the city don't know how to farm. There are certain rules and even important knowledge that someone who farms might know that I have someone who was born and raised in suburbia wouldn't. I don't know your background but do you know how to rotate a crop? Or why a field should lay fallow in terms of crop rotation? Or even how to help the births of a calf along? You may know it, but I don't. If we get right down to it in my theory, were dealing with beings who have not had to deal with the true realities of life for a long time. In fact, it would be like if anyone of us were taken back to the year H.G. Wells was born and then told: okay, survive. That trial of fire, I'm pretty sure most of us would not be able to make it through. How about the something as simple as blood tests to check for diabetes or cholesterol and how quick they are... As for the techno barbarian angle, you're right on that account. In fact, is just a different kind of ignorance running along the same road. Parallel, but not exactly step-by-step. Again, when your every need is taking care of and you don't even really have to try, there's an ignorance that jus kills. In The Time Traveler, I think Wells had like two different species of humans. One so soft they were called fairies and another one that was just ugly and brutal and ate the fairies? Well just make the fairies warlike and I think you get the Martians... I'm gonna lose my point here but yeah...
@Railbrony 6 днів тому
I just chopped it up as some sort of fuel like oil. Never really thought much on it
@brandonteflon1232 7 днів тому
Okay. Now that I've thought about it... I would say the one thing that supports this theory is the fact that the tripods communicate to sound. Since you're using Alvim's version of the tripods, though I believe Gorey's is about even, get a sense of biological personality with them. For species so focused on efficiency and technological progress, they don't use radio or telepathy or anything. Even in the most recent interpretations, such as the ever hated 2005 movie, it has the tripods essentially howling at one another to communicate. Given the last video of yours I watched dealing with how the war would've gone if the Martians hadn't died from disease, then this would be like, at best, military professionals shouting at one another to communicate orders in hostile territory. Mind you, I'm not familiar with just how far or developed the sci-fi genre was when H. G. Wells wrote the war of the worlds so it's entirely possible that he never considered a silent form of communication or if he did, just want to use the sounds the tripods made for dramatic effect. That's neither here nor there. In regards to this theory, it acting as essentially an Iron Man suit for the aliens is quite fitting with the story. If anything, it would act like the opposite of a sensory depravation tank, allowing them to comfortably hover in fluid to relax from the gravity of Earth.
@brandonteflon1232 7 днів тому
Are you sure you're not from some alternative timeline where the Martian's actually invaded...? I swear you soud like a professor hired by the government to create a psych profile for the heads of state after the war.
@brandonteflon1232 7 днів тому
Okay. You earned my sub for the music alone. Had a whole damn flashback one i heard thise notes. Otherwise, i have to admit this is about the most realistic view of this ive seen (not that ive seen many). Like it treats the Martian's like the threat they are but humanity doesn't fold like an omelet. Great video. Great voice. Keep going.
@thesynthpub6511 8 днів тому
@Aprettysillyguyreal 10 днів тому
W Video, interesting, you earned a sub. 10/10.
@thebongmaster 10 днів тому
i think they may have been a misunderstanding somewhere. the 1st 2 cylinders produced 1 fighting machine from my understanding, the crew of the 1st crawled over to the second cylinder under a hood (assuming to be the upper part of a machine) where the machine was completed. as for the amount of overall machines, i think they only sent 1 cylinder per night over about 10 nights. so 10 cylinders and possibly 1 machine per 2 cylinders, mebe with some extra parts to combine with others to squeeze out a few more, plus the earth movers and handling machines, depending on the crew amount and inventory of each cylinder. the London base being where they gather all their materials and equipment, plus what they managed to mine from earth (observed during the time under the collapsed house, some refining and forging of metals being done), this could also have increased or repaired some of the machines numbers, and also been used to build the flying machine. the item shot up into the air after the Thunderchild incident could very well have been a Black Smoke Mortar used as a 'Lets secure this entire area by killing everything in it', thus giving them time to secure their position and remove any more human guns, as opposed to being a Flying Machine. i believe the flying machine wasnt developed until the London Camp was established. this is some of what i gathered from the many readings of the book
@hanzduffenschmirtz2408 10 днів тому
W music at the end
@williamlydon2554 17 днів тому
Quite an interesting premise. You certainly bring up some values points about the lack of logistics on the Martians part, and the advantages humanity would have. The bit of the rapid deployment of gasmasks to fight the black smoke is especially interesting to realize.
@mrgodzilla-ki2us 17 днів тому
Oh heres another theory maybe its dried blood? Like they did drink the blood in the story
@NERailwayRambler 17 днів тому
I love the way these videos are presented. They have the feel of a casual conversation, yet full of interest for the subject. Fantastic job. :)
@MrHelpy34 18 днів тому
Would you believe it! another question!: I do wonder though, what do you think we would do with the left over martian technology? I;m not sure what it says in the book. Would we use it to fight each other? make deadlier weapons? or prepare for another invasion.
@antilliachannel 18 днів тому
The book mostly seems to run with the idea that humanity largely stops fighting each other and comes together in a system of alliances loosely referred to as the commonwealth of mankind. In practice I mostly came to the conclusion in my first WotW video that this would take a form similar to the Eight Nation Alliance but more permanent. Certain bits of Martian tech are successfully adapted in the short period between the end of the invasion and the writing of the book such as flight, but the attempts to figure out how the heat ray works resulted in two separate unspecified disasters and the Black Smoke is only of interest due to the presence of an unidentified element that is able to combine with argon somehow. I would imagine that the electromagnetic components of Martian machines might prove useful for study, but to be honest unless the machines really are made out of living metal or some other material not known to humanity I’m not sure there’s much there to actually study in-depth. It mostly just seems to be alternate methods to do things we already can, and because so little real information regarding Martian tech beyond the external is available(do they have computers, for instance, we never see one) it’s hard to make any real judgement regarding what humanity would find useful and what we’d just shelve as curiosities.
@MrHelpy34 18 днів тому
@@antilliachannel Ah okay that makes sense. What would you also think of how the space race would play out? would we just not try to go to space of the known danger as shown by the Anglo-Martian War? would we have any further contact with them. Idk if this is said in the book, or the Massacre of Mankind.
@antilliachannel 18 днів тому
@@MrHelpy34 I reckon humanity would aggressively pursue space flight with the goal of neutralising the Martians as a threat one way or another.
@KorbynTaylor 19 днів тому
If the war of the worlds was real, and the martians had immunity, we'd be screwed.
@antilliachannel 19 днів тому
I disagree
@georgestefanou4250 20 днів тому
Please do a part 2 to this where humans invade mars at some point
@steerdevil 21 день тому
More war of the worlds
@antilliachannel 21 день тому
Probably not for quite a while
@steerdevil 15 годин тому
​@@antilliachannel but I will be waiting for more war of the worlds and love your videos