Temi Odumosu: "Sensitive Skin"
2 роки тому
Steven Barnett: "Whose Ethics?"
Jonathan Heawood: "Culture vs Ethics"
Joseph Koerner: "Enemy painting"
@PravdaSeed 6 хвилин тому
🧞 Rupert 💓 You are the Best.
@carpentersjourney 23 години тому
"Intellectual" prattle. Grain of salt these people. They ain't better than you, the argument can be made they have potential to be worse. Food for Thought n Sheit.
@araratqarachatani3806 День тому
Consciousness is hallucination, no more
@chrisalive День тому
The brain is not completely off under general anaesthesia. General anaesthesia makes the subject completely unconscious of their body and the outside world. It prevents memories from forming and being registered in the brain. It prevents bodily movement. It also diminishes neurovegetative activity. A common mistake is this: people think that general anaesthesia makes consciousness cease to exist. It is not entirely true. General anaesthesia induces complete amnesia (as well as paralysis). You did not cease to be conscious when you were put under, you just did not record anything that happened in your memory. When you woke up, you simply didn't remember that you were conscious all through the operation. Memory of being conscious isn't the same as consciousness itself. You can have been conscious (at the time) of things that you've now completely forgotten.
@jamesmay1900 День тому
EVERY TIME, they say the hit rate is far higher than expected, they never give us the hit rate, they never say how many times over the test was done. In fact, they try their best it seems to not provide the test conditions and permutations, number of executions etc. That should say a lot. They can't fool us, we had a legend in the name of James Randi!
@BreezyBrett День тому
The brain bends time as much as time can bend.
@BreezyBrett День тому
12:36.. You would Come too without being aware of anything happening. If you were not aware that anesthesia was entering your body...
@erickdavid2412 День тому
This "exclusive" shit is why LTT got canceled
@susanjickells2504 День тому
Consciousness is when we all come home to our collective soul and know that we are all one
@CamCos День тому
The evidence that Putin wants Ukraine to be part of Russia is obvious. Putin is not a feasible person. It's not US fault Ukraine voted for independence. The last Russian president accepted Ukraine's independence.
@firstdayversion1015 День тому
Ah! the true Trinity Father Son Holy spirit Mind Brain Conciousness Its almost like all of these people watched THE MATRIX and had an epiphany "I DID NOT REALISE PEOPLE WERE SO DUMB" They are not conscious of the fact of where consciousness is but they are well conscious of how they can talk BS and make money from it "I WILL DEBATE ANY PERSON ON THE PLANET ON HOW CONCIOUSNESS WORKS AND WHERE IT IS."
@firstdayversion1015 День тому
Our Conciousness extends out into the universe andis part of the universe. Ive been trying to tell people this since I was 15 Years old , people called me stupid and a fantasizing day dreamer, probably why I'm a PhD Professor and they are not, I don't like big crowds of people who are there telling a story they learned from someone else and then pretend they came up with the thesis. Sickening money grabbers and pathetic.
@noelward1367 День тому
Bolton is making this really painful to watch. He may or may not understand what is going on, including historically, but his attempts to manage opinion offend understanding.
@russellreeves373 День тому
love how she also assumes God doesn't exist. It's like an ant on an island theorizing a man doesn't exist
@russellreeves373 День тому
Amazing how she injects theory as if its assumed fact ie climate change and nobody challenges her
@mimszanadunstedt441 2 дні тому
First guy, had a lot of nothing new to say. Idk their point honestly. Doesn't go far enough, they should look into Semiotics. Second person. Evangelical?, lmao. Lots of grasping at straws. Hm how to say it accurately and succinctly. When they said phenomenology, they don't even realize its hypnosis, not a mystical phenomenon. 35:30 She even mentions pain. Ok, so she knows she is being dishonest and knows what hypnosis is, alright. 37:00 She mentions the barrier. Thats literally just the prefrontal cortex, the filter of behavior of what is or is not you psychologically. 'The more they affirmed' Yeah, hypnosis. I really feel like this person is incredibly dishonest. Evangelical history bleeding out. I already know about tulpamancy. People in a bad place with self identity being affirmed in a toxic positive way gets the 'voices of madness' from dissociating the perceived negatives of themself. I know more about this than she does. I know her goal is to be convincing but, there is a way to do so with more integrity. The way she affirmed pain, was to try and bring the listener closer to the desire of non-pain, which is what hypnosis does, it causes pain reduction. There is a difference between being convincing, and being manipulative, hence a disingenuous form of discourse. A lot of tulpamancers have ways to distinguish tulpa from other non-tulpa tho. Third guy, is not a materialist, point n laugh please. I would consider energy a material, E= MC^2 after all. But lets listen to the fields idea, a lil interesting. Gives some neat ideas. Well, blue eyes do reflect light at night. So. What? lol. 1:00:00 Well, here is the problem. You are taking the blunt unnuanced scan very very literally, probably to reaffirm your priors because it seemed to you *unfair* that people told students over and over nothing comes out of the eyes. So you have this prior motive to already agree with the interpretation a different expert recommended, which was, *as we know it with current science* , not absolute. Error on your end. Perhaps exercise a bit more, remember to hydrate more often, don't sit for longer than 2 hours it causes increased risk of stroke. And you know, long periods of sitting reduce oxygen to the brain, increasing hypnotic suggestion risk. Which is why Hegel and Homestuck are both memetic hazards. Very lengthy. The detective stuff is interesting, but couldn't it just be polarized light or something else physical? 1:04:30 Well, thing is they could tell subconsciously through vibration, pressure changes in the air, or some type of light reflected that penetrates faintly into the skull where the brain detects it. It doesn't have to not be material. Like, how blinded was the study? You sung many praises about astronomical statistical significance. But didn't sing any about it being blinded? So it wasn't blinded? Like. What about a one way mirror room without pressure connection or air connection? That doesn't block, whatever the eyes may reflect? But its a one way mirror? How do you even go about this. The child should not be allowed to turn around, and it should be glass, and blind-folded, and no air connection. And then done in a procedural way, not a subconsciously decided way. Oh, Descarte. Ok allow me to diagnose your skill issue. Philosopher worship. Its just some ultraviolet emission or something. Tulpamancers often know how to actually get phantom limb sensations, funny you should bring that up. They can get wings and more. So, its not quite evolved to fit our bodies. Its like, a neurological interpretal interface or something. Its not like they are flying and shit with those created phantom limbs. But the body may hold some consciousness functions imo. Neurons are there after-all. Now to the actual debate. The first guy is caught with his pants down on niche info lmao. Like in fighting games, using an unpopular character can score you some easy wins from the opponents being unprepared. 1:12:30 This people awareness thing, is because the direction of religion's anthropological evolution. First, tall tales prior to religion, it was not human centric. Then, for religion, after sedentary society or static structures were largely utilized the gods were anthropomorphized, because humans became the biggest decider, the most important factor in nature. So everything is kinda ego-centric in a way. Not nature respecting. And people develop the illusion of, a grand mover, someone moving things behind the scenes, because, their entire life has been dictated by humans deciding everything everywhere all at once. So, the projection of that, lies in the concept of god. Which is why she can't surpass it as a believer. She is bottlenecked into it. 1:18:40 She is still full of shit lol, well maybe she is open to being wrong, but her suspicions, are kinda qualified as a belief in some way. Thats why she keeps trying to reaffirm it lol. 1:19:50 She is gross like someone giving cold readings, and suggestions. Completely dishonest lmao. 1:22:00 And she is giving affirmations that people are not allowed to see or understand things. Still disgusting. 1:25:15 LMAO is this guy for real, why don't people see the hallucinations of schizophrenics, when next to schizophrenics then, lmao. 1:27:50 So, she is admitting its challenging for her to not have a skill issue on this subject lmao, she is so stuck in her narrow minded ways, she has to assume neutrality for the sake of her non-neutral research or she doesn't even comprehend the subjects she interviews. Really says a lot about modern society. Sad in a way. 1:30:50 Guy believes in telepathy. I am a twin, I would know if the assumptions about it were true. Its just body language, and recognizing parallel emotions in their twin. Happens to lovers too, because they spend a lot of time learning about each other. Its like 'game sense' of broodwar, you can 'feel' out different things based on intuition, which is informed by experience, not by some supernatural force. 1:34:00 Lemme simplify this philosophy debate once for everyone, alright. Internal qualia, are subjective pre observation, then subjective observing them. External qualia, are subjective on observation. External is less subjective than internal. Its that simple. AND furthermore, 'I think therefore I am' and such. How do you think you think? You recognize you think, you perceive that you think. Its a sense, an internal sense. Its still subjective, intuition is not true, its informed by the hippocampus. L philosophers, take the L. Accept the L. For it is a glimpse of the truth. Reductionism undermines the authoritative waiting line of education and owning homage to everyone. So, yeah, *certain types of people* will prefer it. I like the guy going on about pan-psychism, seems pretty honest. Now she is commenting. Thing is, if everything is alive like animism, some are alive in one way and others are alive in multiple ways. Like if a rock is conscious, then the material self of me is conscious, but also the body configuration of the material is conscious, then I am also conscious through the neurons. So, akin to buddhism' 3 bodies, we have 3 types of consciousness or life, and the universe/material only has 1 such as a rock. So in that sense, possibly, but then there is still this extra-relevant type of consciousness that *is* the 'reductive' view. 1:41:10 This feels like she thinks she has a gotcha, a moral argument. Well, abrahamic faiths are anti-animism. They reject all life except that which is tied to the divine. So like, proving the one guy wrong, wouldn't prove a moral system right. Thats like saying clearing one line in Tetris clears the whole board. Theists love to do that in philosophy lol. 1:43:00 Oh right I forgot to remember that explanation for the detective stuff. Cool he brought it up. Yeah, replication crises. Yeah he has little idea of the tulpamancy stuff or perhaps their addressing it will come later. Would be interesting to see. But no yeah, a lot of tulpamancers do believe its supernatural, not all think its just psychological. But, maybe community differences or small interview sample size, Or, aha, even a selection bias in who to fly over to interview. Of 30k, could they afford a thousand plane tickets, or closer to a few dozen? She could have easily done a poor interview methodology, and then on top of that, she had a skill issue of comprehension. Like this guy lmao ukposts.info/have/v-deo/l31pbX56cJujmGg.html so powerfully seeking confirmation for affirmation addiction, which she has expressed her envy of. I get it. But ya know. Imma still be blunt about it. Skill issue lol. She has a decent point that, this might not fully be in the domain of science, but of culture. But then she posits some sort of ultimate good which is absolutely an abstract prior, L Skill issue. Well, nothing in this vid is super surprising tbh. Ciao.
@RTX2080TIGAMES 2 дні тому
Listen to Alex Jones and Joe Rogan intrw !
@scuba36fun 2 дні тому
I prayed to God,...and after few years I got my answer,...it was "move to Russia",...regardless of how ridicules it sound to me this nine months ago I did it,... Best move of my life I ever did!!!,... I met my wife literally two days after i moved here,... My life new today just starting,...yes in Russia!!!, lol
@romainl2268 2 дні тому
Thank you for this !
@ilovehanoivietnam2521 2 дні тому
Fantastic discussion
@Alexander_Martin 3 дні тому
How can you look worse every year? I guess he's eating those apple that never rot... Damn Nature, you scary!
@kevinpitre3676 3 дні тому
first if these are our foremost and most prestigious scientists in their fields then we are in deep shit the only one that even has a slight bit of understanding on the topic their debating and proposing theories for is Sheldrake and even he only seems to have a very narrow and mislead understanding of the very thing they are receiving some of the most prestigious awards and recognition for. the fact of the matter is they are just spreading misinformation and anyone with common sense and half a brain figured that out less then 30 seconds into each one of their speeches.
@illmaticTKD 3 дні тому
@Advancedmonke 3 дні тому
@Beardshire 3 дні тому
Self consciences is a curse in a lot of ways. Just like we don't have experiences before birth as we did not exist, we do not after. However in that small microscopic time frame of the universe you exist, and did, therefore it will always exist as time will stay in it's place in the universe as a constant that perceives to move with atrophy, you just will not be aware. Trying to come to a balance and take both considerations into question does not make you a fence sitter as that would mean the one relaying the information would have any grasp on it at all, and they do not.
@sirgoatofcheese 3 дні тому
I lost respect for Anil when he admitted not knowing about the PhD hydrocephalus case. The host was correct. That was the Black Swan and Anil was arguing against it... Nope. He might as well started arguing that gravity isn't real.
@Advancedmonke 3 дні тому
The tulpamancy thing is crazy, I gotta try this
@CoachSteve4u 3 дні тому
Jordan Petersons daughter Michaela Peterson's Ted Talk was also banned because she had the audacity to talk about how a meat only diet cured all her disease.
@Advancedmonke 3 дні тому
Well it did for many other ppl too
@michaelhansen7516 4 дні тому
Without watching this, the answer is clearly no. By what mechanism within the standard model of physics would this occur? Because if there was anything outside of the model, we would have found it. It's either too weak or too short-range.
@KingHackR1ofAnonymous 4 дні тому
We as a people need to grow up. A body is just a machine of matter that has a program (like software) that tells the matter that was created long ago to create the organs and prepare it to be entered by the real us or Soul (Soul is the name we have given what we really are). Do you want to join the rest of the universes? We are being watched all the time because the rest of universe wants us to join them. But every time they look at us we are in turmoil. We are so selfish that we destroy anything that will not fill our pockets or fulfill our selfish desires. Because we cannot make fair judgements and see the big picture we let powerful people lead us by the nose. We need to step aside take a look at others differently Now. Are you ready for the truth? Well even if you are not I will tell you some of it anyway. We all come from a higher realm and are beings of light. We come into the bodies from our home realm to grow as free beings who have to learn good and bad choices. The creator or father loves us all. We are very powerful beings but are willing to come here to this lower level world to overcome our weaknesses. Like cars we enter different bodies each lifetime we come here to experience. Now ask yourself this if all the members of a large family each bought a car and some bought Red cars and some Yellow cars and some black cars. Would you hate the family members who bought yellow cars because the cars were yellow of course not? You know that the person in the car is a family member. This is the same with different color bodies also. The bodies we are in are machines that carry our real self the body is not the real us. When we leave the bodies we learn we are all family. Like cars we change bodies till we have grown enough to not have to come back here unless we do so to help another to grow. Our real selves sometimes enter white bodies or black bodies or red bodies or yellow bodies till we learn. I made this as simple to understand as I could. The rest of the Universes want us to grow up on this plane so we can join our wiser brother and sisters who live on other worlds like this plane of existence and love us.
@KingHackR1ofAnonymous 4 дні тому
Here is your Answers! When you leave your body the real you looks like a sphere of pure energy with intelligence because that is the real you. Now this pure energy being is a member of a family of similar beings. We are all family in this form we have no body or Sex but we have tendency to be female or male like in our thinking. We can come back into a female or male body but that is for another conversation. We do have a Father like being where we came from many call this being God we were a part of this being. Now to the answers. We have the ability on that side to manipulate matter to whatever we want so God our Father created places we can go and live with him and places we can learn to create like him. This is love. We start like any other being and have to learn to live together in Love. Some from a long time ago did not agree and they wanted to take over but lost. This then required a place that a being can learn good and bad choices and the results of these choices that is here in this matrix like creation. Here you are given paths to go down but you choose the path yourself. This some call Karma (That is the payment for what you choose) paid in this life or the next. We are all growing in wisdom and must be careful how we use our knowledge or wisdom. We and all beings in this universe all are family.
@KingHackR1ofAnonymous 4 дні тому
The body is a machine like a creation on a holo-deck on star trek but unlike the Holo-deck that we step into in our real form we are not part of this creation but we enter the body because we are an energy not from this Holo-Deck but we can connect to the body and use the electrical signals of the brain to connect to it, we in our real form are spheres of an energy not of this dimension that the program is running in. So we in our real form are what makes it seem like the body is alive and can think. With us not in the body the body will not think like a car without a driver it will go nowhere.
@KingHackR1ofAnonymous 4 дні тому
I know the truth and to begin to understand is to realize the bodies are just machines we enter and leave when they wear out or are in an accident and our time is up. This world is an illusion and a training ground to help us progress by learning from our choices. We come back and enter new bodies to share experiences with other. When we reach a higher level we can come back on a planet that is more advanced to continue learning or stay on the other side in a created higher simulation with simulated bodies we create or we can keep the look we like. Or we can stay in a place that is hard to explain where we do not have bodies but keep our real form a sphere of energy.
@iggycrow 4 дні тому
cat blinks...blink back...close his eyes a sec.or 2.etc./Copy and i found b4 long a small dialogue now u cant shut'im up!truth is wunder whos teaching who!/ On oblivion i choose a new mind conscious/create our nxt world!...'maybe the whole of u knows its been 4ever*
@KingHackR1ofAnonymous 4 дні тому
OK you want some more truth they will not tell you, I learned this when my mother died and I saw her leave the body this was at 11pm the body was still alive but like a car without a driver it would no longer respond the body did not stop working till 2pm the next day. The next day the family came at about 10 in the morning to the hospice and I told my daughter what happened but she did not believe me and tried to communicate to my mom’s body but got no response, I looked out the window and said look there are pigeons out there for her, my daughter turned and said she does not deserve pigeons she deserves doves and just then all the pigeons flew away and doves came there. Your true form is a sphere the size of a soccer ball that looks like energy and in the sphere is coils like a brain maybe that is why the brain is in coils.
@zedstar0 4 дні тому
Proportionally the USA has the largest incarcerated population and to add to the inhumanity it is mostly privately owned as a business!
@zedstar0 4 дні тому
The MYTH of US being the Flagship of Democracy and most moral and Benign Benefactor to the World is Debunked and fraudulent! Boltons world terrorists keep doubling down the lies!
@zedstar0 4 дні тому
Yanis maintained his Decorum despite the exceptionalism and entitlement but also the outrage when the dominated and exploited countries don't like being pillaged and bullied for ever! The one country he is exploiting is his own, as the vast majority of whom are the workers who have been impoverished to feed the Oligarchy's greed!
@ericbarkemeyer 4 дні тому
he is approaching the consciousness boundary
@noonesflower 5 днів тому
Fact checking has become only the art of lying...badly. Surveillance is evil and disgusting.
@julie4897 5 днів тому
In April of 2020, I wrote in my journal that I thought the Covid virus was man-made with the help of AI. Call it my intuition which I think is part of our consciousness given to us by GOD /Creator as part of our navigation system. Science is so lost, it wasn't always that way. Your own navigation system has been telling you that you are and have been played but in most people it is shot. Oh well people, good luck...
@VanMan83 6 днів тому
Words don't really work very well in trying to understand these things.
@ashlangmer3618 6 днів тому
Divinity you are a divine being .There is good and evil from lying to murder ,divinity gives you the option or choice ,you are judged on your conscious decisions by our creator so when you pass you start again or move to loving light .I f this wasn't correct why do they keep you stressed and in low frequency .They do this because they want to control you and it starts at school probably earlier .Tell the truth be kind and eat good food and you will see how strong your consciousness can be and you will see the world for what it is .
@joeymac3969 6 днів тому
For the love of God, brush the damn hair out of your eyes. Use one. What a distraction! The Tulpa made them feel less alone... Is there any surprise there? Children invent imaginary friends all the time.... to feel less alone.
@aximbreeze 6 днів тому
The deputy speaker is complicit and will face her karma
@user-fn9mn4bj2p 6 днів тому
Quantum Existence interpreted
@fringefringe7282 7 днів тому
Bolton is an essence of American redneck arrogance.
@bauzaque 8 днів тому
For starters, the spectrum of Hydrogen fits a classiical formula which does not place a limit on one of two numbers needed produce iit. The same formula simultaneously says that the possible states are quantized, and these are also produced by a non classical method called quantum mechanics, formulated by using probability waves rather than the particles of classical mechanics. Regardless, the infinity of states possible remains... and complete explanations are thus impossible to begin with, and probably undesirable to end with. Infinity is something we can't directly deal with, I think we are able to feel some of its consequences, but not to put such down on paper. Copyright 2024, George D Bhalzhak...
@moe9196 8 днів тому
Science has become an industry . recently and now If this, that or the other does not equal something like H20 = Water 100% of the time , The theory is often wrongly concluded to be a fact .
@chuckbeattyo 8 днів тому
I had/have a problem with the "....probably...." statement about non living things not having the "feeling like a ........(fill in the blank)...." Because what better "feels like a table" than the table? Theravada Buddhism Pali canon Buddha discourses seem relevant, the way the Buddha teachings lead the followers to cease all the mechanisms of "being" and "self" to reach nibbana. I always feel so disappointed with these consciousness discussions which don't take into consideration the Pali canon nibbana achievement steps which include dissecting and dispensing with "being" and "self" mechanisms.