@juezna 21 годину тому
stop. building. skyscrapers.
@arte2arquiteto 21 годину тому
Flat Facade cost = 1X, Curved Facade cost = 2X, Double Curved Facade cost = 10X
@JeannetteReed 21 годину тому
Still I need to ask, how is water made?
@user-xe9es4sd7u 22 години тому
The pace of these documentaries is so slow and VERY repetitive. Try condensing.
@BoomZhakalaka 22 години тому
Wamba wamba👽
@TommyPrins 22 години тому
the use of epic music hollywood style doesnt help/work anymore...makes it seem like a cheap movie or game these days....
@TommyPrins 22 години тому
funny..neither a democracy or communism are what they claim,yet a dictatorship and a monarchy are....makes it appear that freedom is lying,and absolutism is telling the truth....and religion hasnt even entered this equation...
@Ramo0781 23 години тому
Stop buying adds goods .. protest it.. i doo. Unless its truly needed some adds are..
@kustje 23 години тому
ALIEN ENCOUNTERS and UFO sightings only happens in the USA because the aliens know an American is dom and stupid, or is it because some aliens only speak English.
@henryvoigt4791 23 години тому
Great program. And if commercials are bothering someone, don’t forget that they pay so you can watch this excellent video for free.
@mongotard2542 23 години тому
Only in Norway 😎
@jozseferdelyi5674 23 години тому
márrégenlekelletvolna adni ezeket a műsorokat. kőszi
@Spedatr0n 23 години тому
Very interesting
@tombrunila2695 День тому
And Galileo neither had nor needed AI! He used NI, Natural Intelligence!
@chi80sbae95 День тому
I'm happy to see this video being shared. I am actually working on this very certificate right now through Google. Thanks Google!!
@azrios День тому
I call it. BS prove me wrong. Cool theory tho
@bryceclark409 День тому
Could the mysterious spin mechanism have to do with hydrodynamics, where the spin of water creates a smoother flow? For example the knobs on a whales flipper or the spherical bulb on the front of large ships that makes them more efficient in the water?
@Niven42 День тому
Am I the only one disgusted by "la neen ya" instead of "la nee na"? Only El Niño has the "yo" sound. La Nina doesn't.
@gooner72 День тому
I'm sure there will be another one soon to wipe our sorry species off of this poor planet, Mother Nature must be pretty p*ssed off with us by now.......... I wouldn't blame her if she wiped the slate clean again.
@mikejimenez1518 День тому
Tha fuselage assembled just like a scale model airplane… that’s amazing 🤩 🙌😎
@alfalfred8722 День тому
Man ignores the given assignments that he can see all around him, and embarks on those that are not his, that no one will ever blame him for not doing.
@annenamishia9902 День тому
The rate is down on damage. The system is flawed. Tornados are starting to hit more homes and causing harm to humans. They seem to argue about the rate of the winds compared to damage caused. Logical considering the human population is growing. But tornado alley has expanded to include Dixie Alley. Weather is hard to explain so they keep chasing to capture unknown information. But I’m hooked on the El Niño and La Niña. They are really looking at these two weather patterns. On a light note ~~ call it democratitis. That’s all I saw at the beginning of the video.
@minty69420 День тому
5:40 The turning torso in Malmö was built a decade before the Cayan Tower
@warpigz666 День тому
the narrator is feeding everyone with TOTAL BULLSH!T of how the ocean's will rise 1 meter worldwide due to humans producing carbon dioxide ! The Real Truth of the matter is, that the earth goes through cyclical changes constantly & as the sun produces more sunspots, the earth will go through changes of flooding, warmer & colder weather ! What the scientists are NOT telling everyone & the news media has been restricted from reporting the true facts by varied governments, that the earth's magnetic field is changing, which will cause a global flip on a gradual time line & the earth has gone through 11,861 global flips in it's total lifetime = almost 4.7 billion years ! The world's deserts are actually shrinking due to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere & that will cause more plant life to thrive ! Deserts will change locations due to the global flip & the weather will change due to that factor ! The north point has been on the move since 380 years ago & is slowly increasing towards the equator. The earth's North Point is traveling at about 35.3 miles per year & it's headed towards the equator & this is why lakes & rivers are drying up, the water just finds another place to flow into. There are pictures of dinosaur foot prints that are walking up a vertical incline & we all know that is impossible, thus that in itself proves the Global Flip theory ! Don't let the government brainwash you into believing their bullsh!t agenda !
@johntooth9294 День тому
I follow Bruce Crandall ..A Vietnam Helicopter pilot...Him and Ed Freeman.. Ed has passed away a few years ago.. Both MOH men ..They went through hell also.. All great stories to listen to..
@oriondream2.0 День тому
12:07 NASA total racist employer, why we dont see there 50% Black, 50% Woman, 50% LGBTI+, 50% Allah followers? White privelege. of course I'm joking. We all know that there must be the best brains and not propaganda for sheep.
@Ghryst День тому
pity the thots n simps wouldnt follow suit
@tsprague67 День тому
The fossil fuel cartels and the politicians they buy are turning earth 🌍 into mars
@scottmollan8904 День тому
oh and btw, intelligence does not seek out stupidity idiocy greed and malice. so that leaves us out.
@scottmollan8904 День тому
cant you say "wow"? it's not "wah"
@neiltaylor6645 День тому
Well since the jubilee line in automated the drives just need to hang on
@user-jv1zv4wp2b День тому
Get your own content, you will never get a like from me
@HugoStiglitz88 День тому
Tornadoes are crazy. Even supermans dad got killed by one
@nutier День тому
Awesome video ! Thank you for sharing . Happy week to you !
@salparadise1220 День тому
Until they realise the role of electromagnetism in the climate and weather, everything will remain a series of baffling mysteries and terrifying conclusions.
@rekunta День тому
I’m surprised that as the O-rings were a part that, even with redundancy, was a single-point failure, they weren’t preheated to performance parameters by wires or such prior to lift off. I mean, car windshields can be defrosted, why couldn’t this crucial component be? 19:55 How the heck do you get hired as an astronaut for the Space Shuttle and not speak English? Did he have a translator go up with him? Doubt all the other astronauts spoke Italian.
@jmdnelson4891 День тому
City sized MEGA tornado?? Jesus... now that's terrifying!!
@Chirsstimson День тому
Not living under a rock .. This all ,makes my ass tired ! Oh my God , we are all going to DYE ! Well , start planning ,some of us should perhaps leave Earth ?
@sammy4538 День тому
Biggest worry for all the life on this planet, is human overpopulation. First signs of it started to show already centuries ago, it's the main reason for wars, hunger, diseases, pollution, drought and extinction. All the "we must learn to..." -hippe nonsense is useless, there's just simply too many humans here. This planet can propably support only a few percent of current population, in order to have any kind of long-lasting balance with nature. Especially large cities is where this shows, and the areas around them.
@yeorges День тому
I don’t believe it
@Chirsstimson День тому
At speeds of a 30 mph or higher , our hearts will detach from their plumbing arterial and veins ,when hit by another object . head on . Our brains are just as bad , when they are moving along at speed , then are suddenly stopped - leaving people as TUBERS and CARROTS . F*CK hogs , crouch rockets and not wearing seat belts !
@tb0nz4ya День тому
Probably would be in our best interest to stay in the shadows and not invite a superior species to our home. History doesn't prove to be in favor of the less advanced in any confrontation on earth.
@CMMC989 День тому
@yeorges День тому
Elan musk said we can nuke the tornados
@gregjohnson298 День тому
Can't help thinking Earthling's would just corrupt any alien culture in a matter of weeks.Maybe we should keep to ourselves until we grow up on this planet.
@thebends6580 День тому
blah blah the drake equation. that's friking obsolete
@Rayervin711 День тому
I'm so glad I got baked and decided to watch this
@dynamicdopamine День тому
Dude is so smart he's stupid. Sad sad little man
@Biker65 День тому
I have been hearing this same song and dance for 58yrs. These people have found nothing and every year they beg for more funding. No one wants to fund them anymore.
@MichaelVescii День тому
To think the government knows about ET, and keep the truth from us, regardless of the reason, is something that is unforgivable