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Want High Speed Fiber?  Watch this First!
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2 місяці тому
C++ Super Optimization: 1000X Faster
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C++  Racing:  7995WX vs Chromium
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VLANs: How to Protect Your Wifi and LAN
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The Minds Behind Windows: Raymond Chen
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Windows Pinball at 1000 FPS
5 місяців тому
@flargnut 21 годину тому
Task Manager (Not responding)
@0bscura 21 годину тому
I went to Texas A&M studying Computer Science in 1986 and they required an HP RPN calculator. I still have it and still use RPN calculators on my computers and phones.
@MyShopNotes 21 годину тому
Great video. z16 rocks
@charleschurch5397 22 години тому
@therealpicklerick1 22 години тому
This is all legit, I bought it and tried it. I needed something for my DVDs to get the stickers off, and EVERYTHING WAS SAFE. The stickers on the DVD sleeve paper were over 20 years old so it took a while but it was still really easy and it's like the sticker was never or the liquid was ever on it. Literally good as new...F*****ING PAPER GOOD-AS-NEW
@Bob-of-Zoid 22 години тому
Well Dave, unlike Bill O'Reiley, you're not a complete and utter moron!
@mikelacroix1882 23 години тому
ctrl+shift+enter will run the selected executable as administrator
@earlnoli 23 години тому
i use procexp, it allows to kill individual threads 😅
@PaulRandle-sc8qk День тому
Fix 0: back up your data and install an appropriate version of Linux.
@PaulRandle-sc8qk День тому
Computers get slower with age, because MS considers that the primary purpose of an OS is to suck all the power out of the processor so that it can't run other company's apps. MS puts all the heavy lifting of its own apps into the OS, so that MS apps appear to be faster, thus "better". This involves hidden APIs, that it's rivals cannot use.
@geoffreybarrow8935 День тому
I always used to use the sleep function at the end of the day, but after upgrading to Windows 10, this no longer works. The system appears to go to sleep, but moving the mouse to wake it up causes the system to SHUT DOWN completely. I have never been able to find a solution to this.
@trailheadmedia5578 День тому
They never work. The captive portals render them useless at 95% of the hotels I’ve tried them at. When they do work, it’s pretty sweet having a WireGuard tunnel back to the mothership though. Media server and all!
@PaulRandle-sc8qk День тому
If you think there are any girls that like Kali Linux nerds, you are doing some seriously bad drugs.
@TheFaustianMan День тому
This aged well. "Scathing federal report rips Microsoft for shoddy security, insincerity in response to Chinese hack"
@joegr0ss День тому
Have a look into the uxg-pro, it has 10Gb sfpbwan and you should get around 3.5Gbps with all the features on.
@TheFaustianMan День тому
No mention of the worst hack to ever occur to United States security happened because of Microsoft? So many government secrets compromised.
@mccharliebliss5881 День тому
@danwake4431 День тому
the jump from 33.6 to 56k was awesome, really noticeable. All the little local ISPs competing for our dollars, half were advertising 56k the other half were 56Flex. Ended up with an external 56k USR modem because you could reboot it without restarting your whole pc, which back then could take several minutes.
@SHREYAS1112 День тому
I already have opnsense setup as a router behind the fiber NTD. Can i just do the last two steps to get all the benefits of IDS and IPS? Thanks
@Ttamlin День тому
What's with all the garbage "AI" art? Wholly offputting.
@wisemantv1367 День тому
Being the creator of task manager in the PC world could verry well be like God creating time and space
@RuiLuz День тому
Thank you for making The Task Manager my good sir.
@sagittarius_sq4 День тому
Fiber optic wiring system is most certainly Alien technology next to (Laser's) and (X-Ray's) and (WI-FI) and (Bluetooth) and the good old (Internet)
@Justinicus24 День тому
awesome score. My new favourite game is Tempest 2000. Anyone play that? I just got 669k on my nintendo switch version
@n1kkri День тому
I am looking for something that will let me use a travel router at a Timeshare. You log into the Timeshare Internet with the Timeshares webpage. You enter the code the front desk gives you and you have internet only on that device. How do I do that with this unit? My goal is to have the rest of the family connect to the travel router as well as a streaming device that is connected to the room TV.
@enragedgrandpa2889 День тому
I have an old windows NT system. I wonder if I could get the kernel to act up and give ya one last ring! haha
@bangeranguh День тому
What if Im using fiber? Do I need to buy a beefy setup like dave for SFP?
@daelra День тому
You also have to add in the fact that laptops do things differently depending on whether they are plugged in or not when to put to sleep. I'm not sure if it's fixed yet but if you had one of those laptops with 'modern standby' (the successor to S3) and the laptop plugged in, closed the lid and then pulled the plug, it would remain in 'network connected' sleep mode and would be in some standby state that included leaving the wifi connected, allowing for background updates, wake on notifications, etc., (therefore draining your battery whilst it was in your bag). If you pulled the power before closing the lid, it would flip the standby mode to 'network disconnected' mode and put it to sleep properly. To diagnose (sadly, not fix), powercfg /a is your friend here as it will tell you if you're in 'network connected' or 'network disconnected'' mode. This was identified as an issue over a year or so ago hopefully those with more recent BIOS's might have this fixed but if not - *pull the plug before closing lid*
@byrd203 День тому
I can not use SPI because of my phonesystem is Voip based if I do it will cause oneway audio and dropped calls because they are udp ports and it added to much lantacy to it I have had this enabled before but causes issues if I do but I took other measures as well to prevent cyber attacks like enabling the firewall along with blocking protcals that do not go through there correct ports and enabling rdp protection too.
@DeusKite День тому
LOL just learned about the ctrl-shift-alt thing and it works like a charm (16:30). can use this in troubleshooting times in future, just tested it. when you use two hands its pretty easy to do it. thanks for the task manager dave!
@d1zguy864 День тому
you're so smart, unlike me. I once though something was wrong with my OS install when all I got were the graphs, I went as far as reinstalling windows then I realized I just needed to click the dead space
@69k_gold День тому
Hi Dave, can you make a video on Windows clipboard? Like how it can copy huge files and can even copy them over RDP into and from other Windows machines. I always thought of it as a fascinating concept
@calisingh7978 День тому
This may have been true in the 60’s it’s not now. It’s computer generated ai tech that follows you from machine to machine. If you get a big payout your next machines will be dead because they are taking it back. There is also certain times if the day/night/shift changes where the machines are designed to bonus then it is shut off quickly. Just as there are Indian scam call centers where half is scam half is legit working for b of a ect. Same with Chinese slot machines, the Indian casino gets higher cut so they are in bed together.
@GRHmedia День тому
Sounds more like a skill issue.
@JvnnyV День тому
Comparing Task Manager to a bird house is crazy!
@DOGEME День тому
I can't, for the life of me, get my riverbed steslhead cxa-770 extra 4 NIC's to work. They are lighting up solid orange while powered on. I tried everything (i think). Disable link bypass, adjusted tunables for bridge and member, firewall rules. Has anybody fiddled with one of these devices and got it to work?
@gbossman2 День тому
The ai images are very offputting. Not a fan.
@HarryJarrell День тому
I think you are completely wrong when you say that the Linux UI is lacking. Windows requires you to go down endless rabbit holes to make changes, while changing the UI on Linux is much easier. One of the most glaring faults of Windows is when I boot the system, do I end up at a boot prompt, no, I end up at a pretty picture. What is the purpose of this, do I just love that picture or do I just want to type in a password and move on. Also, the other totally annoying thing about Windows is that when I finally press enter and then get to the login screen, enter my password, and finally get to the desktop, Windows is not done booting. After reaching the desktop, Windows spends another 30 seconds or so completing the boot. The appearance of the desktop is just for show, it is really not ready to work, we have to wait.
@driptcg День тому
Cool vid
@user-eu6op4ly2s День тому
@emaworks99 День тому
Tnx !!!
@maskedswan85 День тому
I’ve spent a decent amount of time travelling and your tip with making an open VPN server and then routing back to it via this pocket router is exactly the solution I’ve been looking for! Thanks for the great videos, I only learned about your channel a few weeks back and I’ve already learned a lot!
@fullstackcrackerjack День тому
A whole lotta cache that cost a whole lotta cash 😂
@Edsdrafts День тому
A word of caution to all thinking of buting this display for your needs - check reviews like RTings before splashing almost 2k on this monitor. Unfortunately their reciew is far from glowing. I can see why Dell sent you one for review - it seems perfect for your use case.
@richardwernst День тому
Great, thanks. I would have liked a more detailed setup for what I would consider common setups like in a hotel (or cruise ship, I guess). I have an old netgear pocket router that I could never get to work, but would like such a device. I would think that you first connect via wifi to the router's default SSID, then what? Open a browser and go to ??? How does you/the router connect to the hotel's wifi when it requires a login? BTW, don't know if you've even looked at the very low cost ($20) ONN brand (Walmart) android powered streaming box. I have one and love it, beats roku by a mile, even if you don't get the "roku channel"... :)
@gavkinn День тому
Enjoying the education on problem-solving. Ever since I installed Windows 10 my computer has slowed down 40% and Google Chrome (Not Responding) keeps coming up and that's frustrating.
@RalphWeber-nm1ip День тому
I want to know more about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!
@Cat_Diaries День тому
I followed the instructions, and all seem to work well, but not seeing any display. it is the ESP32-S3R8 and on the box says T-Display S3. is it possible the library does not support this board, and i need to hunt for a replacement lib?
@RalphWeber-nm1ip День тому
maybe music encoding - a weber married mozart
@RalphWeber-nm1ip День тому
I want a mug