@namenotshown9277 13 днів тому
nice work, amazing how complicated are these e-cigs, I have some old ones trying to repair, they are vamo brand very early versions ( large pen type with one 18650), they are much more compact but work on same principle, components all a bit small and lower power, but pretty much same method of circuitry.
@Manche-De-Pelle 20 днів тому
Such an amazing idea. I only own like 10 sample of each, so it won't be useful for me now but if someday I do a big project, I'll know where to.look
@ameliabuns4058 25 днів тому
0:49 what software are you using? omg that looks fantastic, it's a nightmare with kicad
@samlane1078 Місяць тому
Hi Robin! I can't believe I've only just discovered this project, it looks amazing. I noticed on your website that you have your CE and UKCA certificates. I know it might be a slightly boring subject, but I'd love to hear more about that process and EMI/EMC testing.
@tggggggtttttttttt6992 Місяць тому
Hi, really cool tool. Is there any guide , for DIY version ? If I order mainboard and print it?
@dparson 2 місяці тому
Massive thanks! My base plate broke and you saved me a huge amount of work. I was able to jerry rig my broken extruder to print the replacement you designed and now it's fully functional again. The screw necessary to lock the idler bearing in place on my v1 machine was a little different than yours, it was a dome head screw rather than the allen head screw required for the design, but I was able to exchange the dome screw for an allen head version being used to hold one of the z-axis guide rails in place.
@falwk 3 місяці тому
Got a myself an esp8266 and thought I could be done in an evening thinking it was either just some polarity switch or pwm signal. Now I’m thinking that I can keep the original buttons and just hook into the LIN-pin, send a frame with the desired value (copying the id of the original if necessary) - is there a reason you simulated button presses instead of doing that? Is the LIN-pin only for reading? If so would it work by splicing into the blue cable? Great video, helped so much 🙌
@mundhiral-kiyumi8300 3 місяці тому
Where to buy those SMD components any good supplier
@startobytes 4 місяці тому
And now i have like 5 or 6 bags of 100x 10k Ohm resistors cause i forgot i already had them. Lol
@MrHaXx 4 місяці тому
I'm still trying to figure out how to connect 2 tables to 1 controller, could i ask you to look into that?
@awesomecronk7183 5 місяців тому
I wonder if you couldn't add an LED + photo sensor to count how many components are used... Brilliant design!
@bobbytalbert2778 6 місяців тому
Is it possible to run 2 desks (4 legs) with only 1 controller?
@MrHaXx 4 місяці тому
I also wants to know this
@user-jv8jh8gh2d 6 місяців тому
sir how to purchase this product
@RobinsTools 6 місяців тому
Hey there! Its available in my shop.
@JasonTRogers 7 місяців тому
I want to get into board making but I have no idea where to start. Do you have a video that could help someone like me?
@JasonTRogers 7 місяців тому
To make the print smooth take a kitchen torch to the surface for a few seconds
@DieterElektroniks 8 місяців тому
That is very impressive, I might actually build one myself. Great work!! a really useful tool for electronics!! and it is very compact
@RobinsTools 7 місяців тому
Thank you!
@DieterElektroniks 7 місяців тому
What Pump did you use? @@RobinsTools
@edgarwideman737 8 місяців тому
They might not be for everyone. But 100% for me. THANKYOU!
@karigisla 10 місяців тому
just wow, well done!
@TnInventor 10 місяців тому
i love this so much
@PattysLab 10 місяців тому
Quite cool to see your dynamic pring adjustment for tape thickness!, I used your design as a base and made an complient version of it. Without having seen this video, great work!
@PattysLab 11 місяців тому
@dukedadson774 Рік тому
more than interested
@hermanoguimaraes Рік тому
Very nice, thanks for sharing your work.
@C00ltronix Рік тому
Use labels with a thicker adhesive ;-)
@SpectraV3i Рік тому
This video is very good. Thank you.
@ambroseliu6207 Рік тому
is the screw hole threaded ?
@Jakob127 Рік тому
Thank You! This will make that Project a lot easier.
@Good0Music0for0you Рік тому
Amazing, thank you very much
@AmateurInventor Рік тому
This is some gennuenly great informational content right there
@pablob5483 Рік тому
Nice idea! thanks for sharing it with the community! As a user of an ikea beakant I really appreciate! You've got my like and suscribe to your channel!
@extrememod_ahu Рік тому
this is brilliant
@lifeonaleak9389 Рік тому
dude thanks. nobody explains this on google. just drag and drop
@jiriandrle7473 Рік тому
I mean step by step so I can do it thank you
@giray2529 Рік тому
Im super uber jealous about ur knowledge 😁
@alzalame Рік тому
Nice tutorial
@joehuerta6985 Рік тому
What would cause the motherboard to not let stepper motors activate or sd card along with fans to function? Should I be looking at the capacitor of transistor? I have 3 motherboards that all have the same problem on the monoprice mini select same as you worked on in the video?
@KasimirvonFinck Рік тому
urgh, i love atom ai and never thought i could use it as arduino ide replacement. But on ubuntu and windows arduino ide does not want to get my esp32 working and i would love to give platformio a try. BUT it does not clear the last setup stage. i got the latest python version installed (python 3.10) and it does not accept the python folder ... any ideas?
@tfk5853 Рік тому
Looks like you never did make that final video? Would love to see the finished product in the end. Fantastic project - thanks for making this, which I will try build per your instructions :)
@TilmanBaumann Рік тому
I see you just re-used the original board and buttons. I suppose the movement commands are also LIN packets? So one could entirely replace the original controller.
@matthuszagh7358 Рік тому
Ordered one can’t wait! What’s the pink cutout you used in the stencil process? Looks useful
@danielma2824 Рік тому
hello the video is nice. how do you learn that? Which book or what do you have to learn? that you can do that
@rhythmhappenings3578 Рік тому
Just printed 2 dozen of these out of PETG. The labels seem to do better with it as it has higher surface energy than PLA. Great design!
@alzalame Рік тому
Kudos , very good explanation .
@Charkel Рік тому
Intro made me have to pause and lay down for a minute I got very dizzy and sweaty...
@JasonCoon Рік тому
New stream:
@AJRobinson Рік тому
Dude I really love what you've made here! I remember watching your first version a long time ago, and then when I woke up this morning and saw "Pixel Pump" in my inbox I was excited all over again to see it!
@vicentemartinez4335 Рік тому
Congratulations! It looks awesome! I'm already ordering one for small batch PBC assembly and I'm probably ordering 3 more for the repair shop. Is the software running on your tablet a custom solution? do you have more info on it? I usually just create a Paint 3D file color coding the assembly files by package, but yours seems more automated. Thanks!
@RobinsTools Рік тому
Awesome! Thanks for ordering a unit 🥳 The software is called iBOM. Its running on a Mac nearby and the iPad is just a remote monitor. The Pixel Pump is connected to the Mac with USB-C and is therefore capable of remotely controlling it.
@RobinsTools Рік тому
iBOM itself is a KiCad Plugin that generates an HTML version of your board. Its great for picking and placing. The Pixel Pump will get software improvements over the next weeks which brings more functionality to the second pedal.
@gregclare Рік тому
Can you please give me a link to your video on the updated v2 magazines? I saw a video linked from somewhere, but I can’t find it again, and for some strange reason it doesn’t seem to be visible in your YT video listings? I can only see your original old video on the v1 magazine listed (which I’m currently using). Thanks.
@RobinsTools Рік тому
I haven't made a video specifically for the V2 magazines. Maybe that was something you saw on twitter?
@gregclare Рік тому
@@RobinsTools I found it! It is linked from your website on the magazine product page. It is a YT video called “SMD Magazines Intro” (unlisted) 6 July 2021. It’s an excellent 10 minute long video which answered my questions. i.e. The loading process of the magazine components, and that the original 3D printed rails are compatible with the v2 magazines. You really should make this video “listed” in your YT video list, as it really is still an excellently detailed intro to v2 cartridge usage. Especially for those of us wondering about the usability differences compared to the old v1 design (the upgrades look really good by the way). :)
@vishnu7794 Рік тому
Awesome machine for makers . One of the best diy tool.
@ryanbarbier1422 Рік тому
Very cool !