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Should I Play Holy Paladin in Season 4?
@Vaffel91 Годину тому
Ele needs more spells... you cant just spam lightnin bolt ant chain lightining,.... its super boring.. id rather spam lava burst, it has interraction with flame shock.
@jcemocion812 Годину тому
Could you try augmentation evoker please
@Zikkar 2 години тому
Thinking of playing my shaman this Xpac. I didn’t really like the play style in DF.
@XdjpopcornX 3 години тому
I am vibing so hard with ur ascension refreshing ancestors idea and storm ele casting an insta tempest. I feel like you ripped off the top some really good suggestions for the devs. Hope these ideas reach them!
@beastlyshotzful 4 години тому
The big questions I have with tempest revolve around if it is going to interact with everything that lightning bolt does(I.e overloads, talent damage increases, stormkeeper, call of lightning…). Farseer I am a bit uninterested with, the cdr on each summon does less than surge of power. Also, I would personally like for it to instead give a low amount of cdr on pwave.
@janu8313 4 години тому
Can you post your ideal stats? Like 30% crit, 30% haste and 80% mastery or so?
@ZucoWoW 3 години тому
About 6500 Mastery (80% or higher)... You def want at least 30% haste... The rotation feels awful if you have less... Above 30% is ideal, but wherever you can stack Mastery, you should... Crit is less of a prio... Something like 4800 is solid.
@andrewshandle 5 годин тому
What I do like about both of them is they encourage different play styles, but both seem to miss the mark in the execution.
@andrewshandle 5 годин тому
Tempest really needs to be instant cast. Given that apparently Haste doesn't lower the cast time I'm wondering if they just screwed up and it's meant to be instant like it is for Enhancement
@Remorle123 6 годин тому
also with arc discharge: wouldnt you just cast the instant chain lightnings also on single target, because they do 75% more dmg ,which is then more than a lightning bolt ?
@Hoodrych24 6 годин тому
Hype to see you got into beta. Cant wait to see your Paladin review hope you cover Holy and Ret
@Roflcorso 6 годин тому
Damn the free chain lightnings on Stormbringer are insane. This build looks so cool, if it stays like that I definetely switch from my Enhancement to Ele. I really like the more simple builds and I'm also very happy that you don't need the Icestrike anymore because thats the thing that made me change to Enhance. Thanks for giving shaman some love and testing all out, you're the best shaman youtuber! :D
@andrewshandle 5 годин тому
You get the same on Enh, it looks like it flows a bit better too because it also spawns lightning puppies
@randomdude5079 6 годин тому
Seems like a cookie cutter build. Howabout theory crafting a new build using talents that need to be buffed, that can be reworked, something that isn't boring! It is alpha patch
@jad3636 Годину тому
wtf is the point of theory crafting with talents that we know need buffing? without any current mention of buffs being made to them already? that sounds stupid as hell lmfao
@Remorle123 6 годин тому
Thumbs up for also hating eotgs. =)
@gohomehero 6 годин тому
They really gotta update Ascendance model.
@simecki4222 6 годин тому
Tbh Farseer is what im gonna go with. Like the idea of ancestors and how they respond to aoe and single target Stormbringer is basically lighting spam which your ancestors can do too with aoe stuff
@honestusfitness 6 годин тому
I'm so glad you got alpha. Your video process for class testing is my favorite.
@ZucoWoW 6 годин тому
I appreciate that!
@Tyrannus59 6 годин тому
You are not reading correctly the talent on beacon of Faith, it's 2 beacon of 15 % healing but nerf of 30 % effectiveness so it's 2 beacon at 10 % ... It's litteraly a huge nerf for holy paly as light of martyr seems rediculous in TWW. You heal now for 120 % with holyshock but you take a healing penalty of 30 % of the total amount healed ... So for example with this numbers : Holy shock heals 100 hp, with litght of the martyr, you heal now 120 hp but you took a 36 hp penalty heal on your paladin ... At result you have heal 120 your mate but you loose 36 hp = 86 hp with holyshock it really sucks dude. In fact you heal a lot more by not taking the talent imo.
@angelabadzhiev9036 7 годин тому
Sinergy might be left for tier sets
@Aiscold93 7 годин тому
This is why i don't like playing as a healer. It is like manager at nuclear power plant that is about to have a core meltdown and you a re losing ur sh*t to manage to hold on and fighting every second for dear life. This is not fun at all, pure stress.
@ZucoWoW 7 годин тому
That's exactly why I love it! Save the nuclear meltdown from happening!! :)
@slowga4215 День тому
Maybe im old-school or thought wrong. But i was told by better DK to not use slappy hands with ERB. Also for Entangle if u have the tracking timer you can use AMS to negate it unless you need to soak something. You can pre apply AMS and the entagle will be avoided, but if your in the vine already you can cast it and ignor it as long as it presist you wont get stunned best to use it with like 2-3 sec left on the root.
@HumbertoM21 День тому
About the blessing of summer, we will do more damage with the buff on us or still better to use it on another person?
@ZucoWoW День тому
Another person for sure. The buff deals damage based on the amount of damage that was dealt, so dps players are gonna do way more damage per hit than we will.
@HumbertoM21 День тому
@@ZucoWoW and that extra dps that we give to another player counts to us on the details?
@ZucoWoW День тому
@@HumbertoM21 Yes it shows up on our meters
@thelastspectre8141 День тому
Pretty sure totemic might be lava/windfury since you know windfury totem...totemic....maybe lol
@ds8867 День тому
If they dont update the elemental tree, im not playing. Doenst matter how cool the hero talents look
@Callelel День тому
Sounds fun! Feels like we wont be able to spend all the maelstrom. Being overcapped all the time
@Roflcorso День тому
I'm really surprised that Blizzard is focusing so heavily on the Stormstrike build. It really showed up with the Season 2 set in DF, but with the Season 3 set they've shifted back towards the Primo Wave and Elementalist build, which people also voted for in Season 4 because it's very popular. I'm really excited about the Stormbringer talents, because I love the Stormstrike build. The only issue with the Tempest procs is that, they won't work well with Ascendance. Because if you've already casted Chain Lightning before Ascendance procs, then you're also casting Chain Lightnings during the Ascendance window, where theoretically you should be weaving in a Tempest proc. This way, your next Chain Lightning deals more damage, and Tempest will always have prio during big pulls, because it's uncapped, but then you're casting Lightning Bolt in Ascendance. They have to make Tempest count as an own spell, so it doesn't count as Lightning Bolt, allowing you to continue casting your Chain Lightnings during Ascendance.
@ZucoWoW День тому
Yeah for sure... Multiple streamers have brought up the problem with having to cast a lightning bolt during an Ascendance proc, then switching back to Chain Lightning. It just doesn't work well... I'm hoping they hear the feedback early on and change Tempest so it isn't so awkward.
@Roflcorso День тому
@@ZucoWoW Ok good thing its a known issue. So hopefully they change it.
@drogonr9318 День тому
Honestly, the Stormbringer talents seem uninspired. Except for the Tempest spell itself (which feels and looks boring to me), nothing in that tree looks new or fun or exciting. Compared to what some of the other classes got, this feels sad.
@ZucoWoW День тому
There are definitely some incredible themes in the Hero Talents. Rider of the Apocalypse DK is insanely cool... Frostfire Mage is incredibly iconic... But not all trees are going to be able to offer spectacular themes... This tree is lacking some pizaz and some of the visuals need work, but the core synergies here are undeniably strong. There are so many talents in here that make the Storm build what Enhancement shamans have always wanted it to be. Other talents bring some renewed faith for Ele shamans by giving huge synergies with the Lightning side of the tree, something we've been wanting for all of Dragonflight. If you look under the hood, this tree is actually really strong. Hopefully in time Blizzard can give the visuals and effects the love they need.
@Rohan_Trishan 10 годин тому
Yes very boring.... just the same old supercharged LB and CL. With plenty of passive buffs. I would like to see them fully utility the storm frost fire mix of elemental damage with some unique spells for each and a way to combo them in together. Enhancement had this somewhat with a mix of spells like physical/nature dmg with SS and LB, with a CL or flame shock fire nova aoe, and then the frost strike/shock for some combo single target burst. Plus you had sundering for earth dmg for a quick burst and stun knockdown utility. Elemental shamans should have the same way of mixing in different elemental spells for different purposes to really be a "Tempest Stormbringer" style shaman.
@peacemayn3 День тому
#BringBackOldDruidHurricane #GiveItToShammys
@victuss1413 День тому
Hope they let you glyph lava burst to just be lightning
@phnxx5301 День тому
After i finally obtained my legendary for sure pally is main
@jojo-gx9sl День тому
I cried a little tho 😂
@INexperienceiskey День тому
doesn't shaman always look promising and then they nerf us in the first few patches lol
@ZucoWoW День тому
NOT THIS TIME! lol... Shaman has been in a fine place for awhile now
@INexperienceiskey 12 годин тому
@@ZucoWoW for who? Resto shammy is last for m+ and mid pack for raids lol and as far as i know enhancement hasn’t been good since legion
@ZucoWoW 11 годин тому
@@INexperienceiskey Have you played it at all this expansion? The stats you're referencing are an incredibly small picture of what's actually going on with Shaman. I pushed up to 3500 io in season 3 on my Resto/Ele Shaman... The Elementalist build for Enhance has also been really strong. Go check out Waves on twitch and you can see it in action.
@nobleneckbeard7356 2 дні тому
Ok so you said we're mostly using stormstrike, crash lightning, and lightning bolt/chain lighting; what does that mean for ice strike/frost shock and fire nova talents. I hope we're not using them because enhance feels like it has too many buttons
@ZucoWoW День тому
No no, when you do the Storm build you don't take all of the Lava Lash and Frost Shock talents... It's a very different build.
@zacharyshapiro1867 2 дні тому
Have you tried using AC Wings with this build? I’d think the one minute wings allowing for more hammer casts would be more valuable than the extra crit during wings but curious what your opinion is!
@emansfield2017 2 дні тому
Man, I can see ascendance and thorims popping OFF with this. It's going to be so fun. Gonna be interesting keep track of all the instant free chain lightnings.
@rubenmunoz6053 2 дні тому
Ok i have a main for the Next expansion😅
@Quetzelkoa 2 дні тому
I'm excited for the one glorious week of alpha where primordial wave accidentally copies tempest and does nuts enhancement damage. 😁
@lukegienger3116 2 дні тому
If the visuals are epic this could be an S tier tree mannnnnn
@attinger117 2 дні тому
They better update the Ascendance model…
@chappeden 2 дні тому
I really enjoyed the lightning theme build. But it was to weak at the end of the day :/ Hope this feels just as amazing with a little more Umph! behind it.
@gohomehero 2 дні тому
It's insane to me that they still havent updated the model for Ascendance. Nothing makes you feel like you're using a powerful cooldown like shapeshifting into an undead with ps1 graphics. Honorable mention for Guardian of Ancient Kings as well.
@tyranuel 2 дні тому
Exactly , they could just replace it with a random storm elemental trash mob from primal voti and it would be much better lol
@minimcune 2 дні тому
cant upvote this enough
@Quetzelkoa 2 дні тому
Blizzard really underestimates how much ability animations affect player enjoyment. Ascendance could look amazing, but as is I'd never touch it.
@tyranuel 2 дні тому
@@Quetzelkoa Some may not like this , but I use a certain program with which you can swap spell animations/items and many other things , which is against tos but I have been using it for a great while now and no warns or anything , including other people who have been using it . And one of the main things that I use it for is simply giving my enh shaman appearance of 2 polearms , which enlarges the stormstrike/crash lightning animations ... and it is much better ... And with a Tauren it looks like you are actually charging a powerful lightning strikes and makes it a fun button to press Also since I play only melee specs , primarily blood and enh , I can not stand playing any race that is not a Tauren due to how unimpactful it looks on other races , just a little line that somehow deals tens of thousands of damage ... It makes no sense ... Also oblit animation for Tauren was bugged for more than 4 years I think , made it completely unplayable for me Things like what warlocks have with changing colors of their abilities should be available to all specs , and they do not need to make new effects , just change the hue , adjust the brightness if needed and there it is .
@minimcune 2 дні тому
@@Quetzelkoa 100%!! And the reason for that is CLASS FANTASY which is ultimately what each class is really about. I'd never take it either cause it looks and feels lame AF, but if it turned me into the embodiment of the storm / elements (y'know, like actually ASCENDING) id use it every single time.
@eddiOrtiz 2 дні тому
Lets gooOOooOO !!! whats up Zuc!!! <3
@bradbroussard1156 2 дні тому
@johnwong2305 2 дні тому
As someone who loves monk and pally and playing all roles, this is awesome to see! I haven’t tried holy yet but love fistweaver and this seems similar in concept. Will you release a more comprehensive guide for M+ like using healing skills and big heal cds? Or is your recent raid guide sufficient for M+?
@kailback1093 2 дні тому
@slowga4215 2 дні тому
R shaman guide coming up?
@Sinovix 2 дні тому
I can tell you from an Aug point of view at higher level keys I'm using my pres on top 2 DPS players only. However healer will still get Ebon might.
@haven7388 2 дні тому
Only 6 on that realm
@paulinehawkins2207 2 дні тому
I learned so much from you. Thank you so much. Subbed.
@ZucoWoW 2 дні тому
You're welcome!
@storathzaleric1141 2 дні тому
Doesn't it better for Damage to Daybreak into Divine toll to multiple hit with glimmers during your triple holyshock thx to daybreak?
@astrokid7624 2 дні тому
Dmg sucks as hpal eu best pal