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@shrs06_ 18 годин тому
The answer to the slug hospital is a very large box
@Nick_the_antzzzz 18 годин тому
"Mae hen wald fy nghadau" in wales starts with "mae" witch is a really hard word to translate tbh, here it acts like a "the" bur normaly its "there"
@LesbianIdiot-uc3fi 18 годин тому
Possum his ankle biting move is op but the raccoon’s moves are also great
@RandoMasked 18 годин тому
0:55 I love the fact that besically the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries are using a fan to block the hurricane with Europe also using a fan to blow it at North America xd
@BarakuBamu 18 годин тому
8:01 i relate to jojo jesus yes its actually jojo jesus from the 7th part
@christopheredwards9904 18 годин тому
I guess that one dude never heard of an ethanol fire
@gold3n365 18 годин тому
that was oregon tho
@LovebugsLab 19 годин тому
Second Comment I've made, "Turbononce" means an extreme predator of minors. Hope this helps.
@Lochlann-Nl 19 годин тому
If I remember correctly, there actually was a black samurai who got bathed almost al the time, because his master thought he was covered in black ink
@hihello6773 19 годин тому
We shall build raccoon city, what could go wrong
@sparrowEP 19 годин тому
@S0me0ne_0dd 19 годин тому
He said at 38:32 im dying 😭😭😭😭
@DionysiosVasilopoulos007 19 годин тому
As a 10-year-old with 20 years of experience, I can relate...
@Theloudestquietkid 19 годин тому
Quokka mothers will throw their kids at a predator to escape.
@Theloudestquietkid 19 годин тому
Golduck and noctowl should be psychic.
@BibbleGrahBrah 19 годин тому
2:56 👀 uhhhhhhh
@CrazyZebra-fv4lp 19 годин тому
11:13 I realized 2 days ago that the pacific ocean has 3 c's pronounced differently
@takenshota546 19 годин тому
7:30 This should be an arby's ad
@Theloudestquietkid 19 годин тому
If Charizard was a dragon, it would completely unbalance the game and require all three starters to be dragon type
@cyberseba7663 19 годин тому
The first one is so true
@LovebugsLab 19 годин тому
See, but my cat IS the love of my life. She's my daughter, as I don't plan to have children due to my lack of patience. Love of my life doesn't mean romantic, it just means the top of your list. Do keep that in mind. Spread love ♥
@CatKitt 19 годин тому
I like how the entire cast 4 foot despite looking 3 compared to most pokemon and characters.
@Crystal_loves_tigers 19 годин тому
The camel in that position looks like my cat sleeping (he's orange)
@user-wx9uh6zq3o 19 годин тому
@winry2357 19 годин тому
For the “Americans, name this country” one, I thought I had completely lost my mind because there isn’t a country there. Sure enough, after peeking at a map real quick, there is no country there. Thank you for making me panic for a second.
@Awesomebubba80 19 годин тому
not the ifunny screenshot bro
@TheCrimeStand_2231 19 годин тому
It’s 4:15 am where I am I’m gonna draw
@Bugdug123 19 годин тому
I love Minecraft but I can’t stand how many times people say this to me when I’m trying to play the game
@user-ds8rc4rq7g 19 годин тому
0:12 As a man that was playing the game with this guy, I couldn't agree more, his team was braindead.
@SpiritGamingYT2391 19 годин тому
But like, who the fuck would look at some random fluid and say, “Ima put that in my hair!”
@ItsyourUnitedStates 20 годин тому
I remember my parents died too You’re not the only one.
@PokeBrave 20 годин тому
If Pokémon were real and Legendary were real It all good cause most of them are locked behind Seals or Banished to alternate Realities and stuff *UNTIL A EVIL TEAM UNLEASH THEM AND A TEN YEAR OLD STOP THEM AND CATCH THE LEGENDARY*
@1ts4nna 20 годин тому
I don’t get any of this
@charlottesearle7997 20 годин тому
Imagine saying, "There are zero situations when someone is starving in which eating food would help, rather than harm." Like, that is all I can hear. Some people really do be delusional
@bigguy1943 20 годин тому
For frog contest That's why totalitarian is better to develop a country than democracy
@Ayanoaishiedits. 20 годин тому
0:00 💀💀💀
@Ikdulo 20 годин тому
A black samurai did exist during the time of Nobunaga. The guys name was Yasuke. The camera wasnt invented until 200 years after his death however.
@Some_dude764 20 годин тому
6:17 I'd probably be fine with it too, but after how long we've been waiting, it better be the best game of all time
@CatKitt 20 годин тому
*B U R G E R*
@stegra_3377 20 годин тому
@gengardabest6959 20 годин тому
1, 3, or 4. I can’t decide.
@Gabby_Draws-vk6py 20 годин тому
I hope you men can find your medieval peasant core🤭😍
@nofaithinhumanity. 20 годин тому
Thats not roblox, roblox has a golden check
@ZoobiethePopplio 20 годин тому
Fortnite knows their audience well
@user-gy4kt3jt1j 20 годин тому
That ain't a "yee haw" it's a "ye A"
@drakispain2213 20 годин тому
@MySerpentine 20 годин тому
Of course people in horror movies don't know they're in a horror movie, so they're not going to freak out at every little sound.
@clamiyep7008 20 годин тому
Do not touch the baby, the mama isn't far, and if she sees you, she might get the wrong idea and what'll happen next is not gonna be pretty
@siddmohsin 20 годин тому
Is he sad for the ps2 Or the hugges and kisses ?
@ajking8836 20 годин тому
1:08:41 pov: most normal cat names