100% wind and solar is coming!
Is El Niño really getting worse?
Rethinking electricity grids.
Місяць тому
Battery prices just fell off a cliff!
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. The Verdict
Battery Energy Revolution. What now?
2 місяці тому
Will your next battery be based on salt?
How to fix the climate by 2030?
3 місяці тому
Moving waste heat from industry to homes.
Global Energy Transition. Are we winning?
This energy storage technology is HOT STUFF!
We need to talk about ANTARCTICA...AGAIN!!
Iron and Saltwater Battery How easy is that
Big Oil, Big Lies and Big Al...
7 місяців тому
@explorerofmind 22 хвилини тому
I’d like to see a world full of countries that are so energy independent that they no longer fear each other.
@benc6384 39 хвилин тому
Have a look at Guy mcferson, "we get to be here at the end".... Evolutionary biologist and climate change specialist. Unfortunately we have past the time for action decades ago. The plants and animals we consume for food will go first, humans shortly afterwards 🤣👍
@keng528 Годину тому
@Rndmflw 3 години тому
Another reason why Chinese products are cheaper, apart from cheap labor and subsidies, is the lack of environmental regs or health and safety regs. Hard to compete with all those factors combined, so what to do? Rely on a potential adversary for all your products because they are cheaper.. or what?
@stijndeklerk 4 години тому
"long live communism!"..? The west can't compete on labour costs..or forced longterm policy. Ultimately the "free" world, should have an advantage in innovation.
@mitkoogrozev Годину тому
Well, not quite. There isn't communism anywhere in the world. Pretty much capitalism dominates everywhere, just with some flavors to it. Some person in power might have communism aspirations in their head, but in practice it doesn't exist anywhere. China is better described as state capitalism.
@steviedohertymusic6605 4 години тому
More fear porn for the masses.
@MaxMisterC 6 годин тому
UKposts is demonitizing Pro-Ukrainian channels, promoting anti-electronification channels, pushing anti-global-warming messages & advertising bull💩 products & scams!
@seanJones-mu8uo 6 годин тому
I'm being targeted they are trying to use psyops to suicide methods. Help
@elietedarce1266 6 годин тому
Coal is not cool.
@i6power30 6 годин тому
This accusation of Chinese overcapacity is really starting to sound more ridiculous the more you think about it, as if the Western government is running out of narratives to accuse China of.
@elietedarce1266 7 годин тому
Weird how people want to have kids and said to love them, but at same time don't give a damn to the problematic future these kids will get into. Humans are irrational.
@wormwood6424 8 годин тому
Maybe more attention should be paid to noaa and soar services...
@jimellaboudy544 8 годин тому
Great video!
@funky_hedgehog 8 годин тому
Americans' love of personal cars is doing a lot of harm to the planet.
@jeebusk 8 годин тому
will this be the first thing you've ever covered that comes to market, or do you just jinx perfectly good ideas 😅
@billsimpson604 9 годин тому
Your politicians are the ones who sold your gold for $250 an ounce, which today sells for $2,300 an ounce. And your gold is gone. China & Russia are buying tons a month. Better be careful which 'experts' you listen to. Cut off the power a few hours a day, & see how fast public perception of wind turbines changes.
@alpenhuhn1 10 годин тому
In Germany we had a very cold spring , still going!
@carlwalsh5720 10 годин тому
Thank you very interesting to learn new stuff
@prayforjannah7268 12 годин тому
Anything western is not affordable anymore
@Pid75 12 годин тому
The only issue with wind and solar is you have to build them out of mines materials and that makes them not very clean energy after all.
@AmerBoyo 12 годин тому
Accurate as always! People don’t realise that the IPCC tend toward the most conservative data available. We’re beyond f*cked at this stage.
@joanneward6746 13 годин тому
If we stay around long enough. Future generations will be amazed at the weird effects of us cooling down the centre of the earth too much. As soon as we get energy we're like 'this is practically infinite so its infinite basically' they'll start running more and more stuff off this energy. Soon it'll be like 'look lady its my right to fly to Mars whenever I like'
@danguee1 13 годин тому
I do like the idea of a PHEV with a domestic home PV roof. I like the plug-in part because, let's face it, 98% of journeys are 10km or less (or at least <100km). So, why do you want a GIANT, eco-unfriendly, carbon-heavy battery for the time you visit Aunt Marge or the folks for Xmas or the trip to Wales a few long journeys a year? For that, have a small hybrid element that's a) efficient and b) will, with the charged battery, get you there with a bit of energy management along the way... And it's easy to charge the 98% off the home roof. And, of course, every battery system needs a *_SMART_* battery management system: batteries last 2 or 3 times longer if they're charged between 15% and 75% normally rather than zero to 100% - which seriously degrades them...
@duncanmcneill4007 14 годин тому
My credit card expired, how do I get the new number to you to pay for the essential work you do? Kind regards, Duncan McNeill
@brandonsheffield9873 14 годин тому
I just like cheap electricity and fuel for my truck. I don't really believe humans have any affect on Global Warming. Warming and Cooling are natural. Humans may according to scientists have less than a 1% forcing on mother nature. Imagine being made to get a vaccine that may have less than a 1% chance of keeping you safe, would that be worth spending hard earned and even harder to keep money on?
@brandonsheffield9873 14 годин тому
How do heat pumps work without electricity? With gas furnaces you can manual light the pilot light on them. Will people just have to take freezing showers?
@hamsterminator 15 годин тому
Fascinating video! I admit i am no great fan of China as a political institution- but the info here was almost all new to ne and contrary to the narrative.
@peterp5099 16 годин тому
But wasn’t the global temperature during the African humid period about 1 degree warmer than today, and therefore about 2,5 degrees warmer than at the beginning of the industrial revolution? This would make the claim about 2 degrees maximum a bit inaccurate?
@John-yx6yz 17 годин тому
Come on, that Uyghur oppression claim is just bogus. I just watched an English couple touring Xinjiang, there are mosques everywhere, the locals speak Uyghur, signs are in Mandarin and Uyghur/ bilingual, the metro stations are clean and efficient and everyone's going about their daily lives. There are dozens of these videos on UKposts but the algorithm will simply show you the oppression stuff first.
@ceogaudet8590 17 годин тому
Old mine shafts tend to fill with water. How will they deal with this? Keep pumping it out? That will use electricity.
@user-hx3pd8zi5l 18 годин тому
Destroyed the rest of the planet and the water may well f up the ocean floor 2.unreal
@Novideos00 18 годин тому
David thanks for such an informative and balanced analysis of the current state of play in the global green industry. You will find that a lot of the Chinese leadership are pragmatists and will engage in a reasoned and fair discussion on issues. One area that is a no go area and a red line is Taiwan. But with most of the other things there is room for negotiation. For your information I attach a talk by Dr Jane Hayward lecturer at Kings college on why the Chinese government cannot be regarded as Marxist communist. I would suggest they are socialist. ukposts.info/have/v-deo/l3FodYt8eXmgk4E.htmlsi=xLCJASG_xz7sG2g4
@annkoh8653 18 годин тому
I want to set d record straight as someone who lived in China for 2 decades & had travelled to Xinjiang several times in d course of that period that there's NO genocide of any sort going on there. Period.
@wudubora 18 годин тому
China isn't doing any of this out of humanitarian concerns. China wants to knock off the US and replace them as the world hegemon. The US isn't great but I would much rather live under the US hegemon than China and their disdain for anyone who isn't Chinese.
@wudubora 18 годин тому
China would never flood countries with cheap products until it wipes out local production and then force those countries to bow down to draconian demands in order to keep those Chinese products coming in.
@wudubora 18 годин тому
Why would China pay Americans good pay to build what they can make themselves for a fraction of the price?
@wudubora 18 годин тому
Why would China pay Americans good pay to build what they can make themselves for a fraction of the price?
@utubesux1 18 годин тому
Younger dryus anyone?
@LeeHeck27 18 годин тому
www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been# This article shows temps over a longer period with more explanation around cause and effects. It states we're still in a cold period. Warming temps may impact humans but the planet will do what it's always done, change. The change again. If we try to change the earth and it's temps, given our track record do you really think we're going to make things better, and for what and at what cost, to others living with us.
@wudubora 19 годин тому
And they decided to power their electric cars by building 2 new coal fired power plants a week.
@petersq5532 19 годин тому
this guy is talking chinese propaganda. nothing it true about what he says about the chinese society. lifting up over 800. million People to low middle lass... not true. propaganda. i wonder how much of his other numbers are true ...
@DalePitman 19 годин тому
So much propaganda, how much were you paid for this?
@wflai98 19 годин тому
Thanks for giving a fair observation on the current Chinese energy development. The human right and forced labour in Xinjiang is fake news made by western media.
@petersq5532 19 годин тому
i wonder then why china contributes almost 1/3rd of global co2 emission and why they build new fossil based powerplants?
@petersq5532 19 годин тому
those chinese data appear to be fals. those cars are only sold on paper amd in practice they are rottening in megadepos. the good quality chinese cars are fairytales. my comtractor drives a chines made van. rno comparison to a western model. bad design even worse quality. but cheap ...
@petersq5532 19 годин тому
those chinese data appear to be fals. those cars are only sold on paper amd in practice they are rottening in megadepos. the good quality chinese cars are fairytales. my comtractor drives a chines made van. rno comparison to a western model. bad design even worse quality. but cheap ...
@juanandresmarambio 20 годин тому
2:40 Great video! Thanks a lot! Kind regards from Chile!
@thechloromancer3310 23 години тому
Western reports about human rights abuses in Xinjiang are as credible as Western reports about Iraqi WMD back in 2002/2003. I've found, historically, that any news from the West about US geopolitical rivals is often more fiction than reality. For the truth about the human rights situation in Xinjiang, one can look through the videos of UKpostsrs that actually live in Xinjiang. All of them routinely bust the false narratives propagated by the Western press.
@orwin64 23 години тому
Amazing what the Chinese have achieved since the 1980s. Their ability to collaborate and work for the good of all is second to none.
@DavidHalko 23 години тому
16:00 - “frustrating contradictions… human rights…” Poverty to middle class is NOT human rights. When they weld you in your apartment during Covid and everyone in the apartment dies during a fire - freedom of exiting your own home to survive a fire is NOT a human right, even if they are “middle class”