How green is fake meat, really?
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I don't think I can keep doing this.
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How do we know our carbon emissions?
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2023: A Year In Climate Change
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Everything you need to know about El Niño
COP was a supersoaker
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Global Warming: The Century We Saved Earth
The bias problem with climate satellites
The revolution in finding habitable exoplanets
Why aren't we all using heat pumps?
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@SpencerLupul 5 хвилин тому
@Pingwn 6 хвилин тому
Your videos never fail to encourage me to keep being environmentally conscious and fighting for shift in our climate policies. I have been vegetarian for years and I am slowly reducing my animal-products consumption, hoping to eventually becoming full vegan.
@noobartz0890 22 хвилини тому
ok this actually intrigued me excuse me what green and coal in one sentence? will definitely watch that
@_xeere 43 хвилини тому
What an awful graph at 5:17. Makes it look like the earth is heating up faster as you go deeper, but instead the temperature is staying about the same past a certain depth. It's like someone rotated it 90°. I guess it's just so that depth can be vertical, but it sucks to read.
@kyleeames8229 45 хвилин тому
13:11 The volcano erupting the moment he finished his line as if to say “ワシを馬鹿にしておるのか⁉️” is just awesome.
@ticthak Годину тому
Ultimately, it's only BURNING coal or any other carbon fuel that is the existential threat; using ANYTHING as an industrial material will have problems associated, but ANY source of carbon will have potential value, perhaps great value. So, if sourcing coal for non-fuel use pays for its extraction, any geothermal use of the holes made to extract that mineral is essentially free (yes, you still have the capital costs of installing the lines and operation, but the access to useful geothermal is essentailly free)
@revengeofshadow9353 Годину тому
Hundreds of years later when there will be people complaining about how destructive geothermal energy is for the earth by sapping the heat from the core or something lol.
@SCP--ck5ip Годину тому
Quorn mince sucks so bad, use the swedish meatballs or nuggets instead
@VictorThierling 2 години тому
Watching this in 2024, being a teenager and just wanting to work at Cern. :)
@MarcPagan 2 години тому
If atmospheric CO2 is a crisis, what’s the plan to stop plants from rotting? Per MIT / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 90%+ of Earth’s atmospheric CO2 is from decaying leaves alone, 2% at most from fossil fuel. Search: "The mathematics of leaf decay" for the MIT News article from 2012.
@TherconJair 2 години тому
And another Ground news sponsorship. And again, no mention of Ground news using the US left/right spectrum, especially noteworthy since you are definitely UK based. One reason how the overton window in Europe is moved thanks to the US media supremacy, which only increases thanks to Ground news as it only takes English language news into consideration. As someone who majored in Media Studies, I am absolutely annoyed with the proliferation of Ground news and it's "shilling" on every channel - the new Raycon. But the implications are much different considering the earbuds don't influence our news consumption.
@SimonClark Годину тому
This is really valuable feedback - thanks for this.
@Penthox 2 години тому
I watch alot of climate critical videos and never once have i seen a ”doomist” Seems like conjexture based on a small very vocal group. Like Antifa. Certainly not big enough to start censoring the internet even more than it already is. Atleast Jordan brings on scientists. And they generally aren’t deniers just sceptical of the dangers. All the climate establishment needs to do is have debates in a public forum to sway public opinion. What they definatly shouldnt do is force the narrative on people (even if its true) because thats what causes the denial and skepticism. And Jordan is mainly critising the policies implemented. The ones that don’t even improve the co2 output but make it worse because the people implementing them didnt do a consequence analysis. Example being Sweden, Germany shutting down their coal plants to just have to import dirtier coal energy from other nations. Making the entire policy backfire. Or policies that may kill millions of people due to expensive energy/more poverty.
@colinofay7237 2 години тому
I really dont understand why we dont have loads more nuclear power stations in the west, it almost seems like the oil coal and gas industry got together to suppress nuclear in the eyes of the public 21:48 looking, mostly awful 😖 Theres no way on earth anyone truly loves living there, i looked it up, it looks nasty there, all the awful looking modern houses. Glad i dont live there!
@mavigogun 3 години тому
Bait the hook, then pay out the reel for the algorithm. A lot of tap dancing/filler separating claim to conclusion, with good education lost in between. Qualified thumbs-up.
@surturiel 3 години тому
The weirdest crop I've been seeing (including outside of the internet) is that Anthropogenic climate change/global warming is ACTUALLY GOOD! "Plants love CO2" or some such...
@DrJens-pn5qk 3 години тому
"In respect, I really missed some very obvious signs." I know this feeling.
@user-sd3ik9rt6d 4 години тому
This message is brought to you by Koch industries.
@mrtbts 4 години тому
him : 20-25 degrees celcius is relatively hot me watching this in thailand : why don’t you just send a pipe to us and get free heating from the 40++ degrees
@TeethToothman 4 години тому
@FaustsKanaal 5 годин тому
You are very quick to just throw everything under the umbrella of a right wing misinformation campaign. And really eager to stiffle speech. Kinda scary. There should be free debate about the proposed solutions, for example, the promotion of EVs is unlikely to solve climate change, as the grid isnt able to handle it yet and so on. Therefore opposing EVs and promoting public transport is a good idea, but government has been subsidizing EVs. At least in Europe. And EVs really are only a solution for the rich. They are too unaffordable for mass transit and less able to sustain a secondhand market as batteries decay faster than a combustion engine can be maintained. You can criticize people for calling everything the government does "communism" but you sound like the other extreme, just marching in lock step with any policy without questioning it.
@jameso1447 5 годин тому
Dimming of a certain wavelength is called absorption spectrum. That energy is immediately reemitted on the emission spectrum. Why are you totally ignoring that part? The fact that light changes color has no bearing on heat retention at all. Thank you for making me see another gaping hole in the absurd theory of multiplying heat with mirror gas theory. If any of that crap were true there wouldn't a blue box propagandizing the idea.
@MegaZayd1 5 годин тому
If it isn't nationalised it shouldn't happen, we shouldn't have another company adding to the cot of living
@MegaZayd1 6 годин тому
lets be real here, its not about the cost. the oil barons wont let it happen
@ellieban 6 годин тому
“The extreme North” *points to what Scottish people call “The South”* 🤣
@Tanja42 6 годин тому
Wouldn't heat pumps still be more efficient? And you could also do cooling with those in the summer
@davidegaruti2582 7 годин тому
I an detecting a pattern : high upfront cost technologies with low running costs are talked like the antichrist .
@ItsaDigitalHamster 7 годин тому
Subscribed for "Oh that's why it's called that" and **Look at this graph** KEEP EM COMING
@xinzeng-iq7zv 8 годин тому
what about a thrift store nitendo of contra
@xinzeng-iq7zv 8 годин тому
i don't know, nitendo may sue for the rights of that emulator