Beyond Einstein: Gravitational Echoes
Beyond Einstein: Gravitational Rainbows
Searching For Cosmic Origins
4 місяці тому
AI: Grappling with a New Kind of Intelligence
Mind Over Molecules: The Biology of Memory
Shedding Light on the Dark Universe
7 місяців тому
The New Golden Age of Space Exploration
9 місяців тому
Memory: The Hidden Pathways That Make Us Human
Rewriting the Story of Humankind
10 місяців тому
Brave New Prehistoric World
11 місяців тому
Black Holes: Seeing the Unseeable
@oldoddjobs 23 секунди тому
I would love to hear what Maldacena has to say on these topics
@jaafarbendriss7534 2 години тому
Amazing conversation between two very bright minds. A pleasure listening to Eric Schmitt
@frankdeak2397 5 годин тому
Thank you for making me feel better. Genius isn’t easy to be when no one can see it.
@worldisone511 5 годин тому
We can see the strings in front of our eyes when we look at the sky and they are vibrating too😁
@BorisGrem 6 годин тому
Мама Мария ласковая труженица. Мама Мария, родная душа, работа кипит Дом мой родной, где сердце матери спит, Малая родина ты со мной и мамой навсегда Мелеуз дорогой, где я рос и жил, Благодати красота Каждый день я думаю о маме прекрасной О счастливых мгновеньях на заре ясной О друзьях, что выросли вместе со мной, Об их улыбках в кипучей игре дворовой Мама Мария, твои руки крепки и нежны Они защищают меня от бед всегда нужны В твоих объятьях я чувствую себя защищённым И все проблемы прочь - душа моя стала раскрепощённой Дом мой родной, ты как крепость для меня, Твои стены уют и тепло дарят счастье мне суля Малая родина, где бурная Агидель пенится Образ матери у каждого глубоко в сердце хранится... Спасин Этот стих наполнен любовью и теплом к матери и родному дому. Автор использует яркие образы, чтобы передать свои эмоции и чувства. Он описывает маму Марию как ласковую труженицу, которая всегда готова защитить своего сына от бед. Также автор описывает свой дом как место, где он чувствует себя защищенным и счастливым. Структура стиха удачна, рифма приятна для слуха, а использование повторов создает особую мелодичность. В целом, это очень трогательный и проникновенный стих, который может поразить сердце каждого, кто читает его.
@disappointed6859 7 годин тому
So love this guy.
@selenasanchez7336 8 годин тому
I will neverrrrr believe that BS. I can not wrap my mind around it. He knew what key to use, what house to go to, where the police station was. I do not believe that at all. If he passed a polygraph test i was be in total shock ,but he did not take one.
@RealWoutLies 10 годин тому
Sent here to learn something. I’ve gotta soak this up. What will it look like to know what we don’t? What will our ascendants be able to comprehend (if we don’t mill ourselves off)? When will 46-2 occur? I so wish I could see.
@anemski 12 годин тому
You would graduate harvard now .... if you say YES
@philanimagagula5458 13 годин тому
Who's here after watching an episode of the big bang theory?
@calayajwilliams6567 13 годин тому
i recall information about a commune in Finland during 60s & 70s, where folks grew roses on a beach in sand.
@ebbandari 14 годин тому
I'm going to watch this again! It's absolutely brilliant with a lot of things to question as well as learn. I disagree with Yann about planning and need for physical interaction. Prof. Wilson if CMU wrote a famous paper on planning being search; may be Yann means something else by planning. But when you think of a maze where you have to find the exit, we search... and think linearly drawing on paper... etc. As for the world coming to an end, look at computer viruses! We have always had black hats and white hats, good guys and bad guys. The Worst thing you can do is stop the good guys. But this was amazing video. For instance what if we trained a small model -- or a big one -- to fold small molecules and proteins or RNAs... I'm sure that's being done. Or try to figure out how to feed and increase the amount of photosynthesizing plankton in the ocean to fight global warming... I also loved what Yann said at the end. LLMs are powerful because they have read the Internet and they know more. But knowing more has nothing to do with the desire to dominate. In fact, for truly knowledgeable people it's the opposite. But in general, a machine having knowledge and wanting to desire are not the same. This video was really excellent.
@calayajwilliams6567 14 годин тому
This book blew my mind
@williamschwartz9283 14 годин тому
Professor Rovelli: “The singularity is all over… in the future.” Just as the center of the Universe is all over… in the PAST. The singularity is in the future only from the Particle’s perspective. From our perspective, the particle’s time stopped at the event horizon. If we had a perspective into the Black Hole, GR predicts backwards time travel. Causality is preserved because we DON”T, and NOTHING can escape a Black Hole. Maybe all Black Holes connect in THEIR future, to the one White Hole singularity in OUR past: The singularity we call the BIG BANG.
@CFLsurfr 15 годин тому
I didn't realize Mayonnaise had a clinic. You learn something new everyday.
@zacharydaniels3186 15 годин тому
Truly excellent chat. My mind is full now. Time to digest...
@lawrencetillotson9033 16 годин тому
What IS, God. Universe
@chrissysnowmusic799 19 годин тому
@sangeet9100 19 годин тому
Maybe White Hole is Dark Matter or maybe it is a Big Bang thingy itself. Black Holes disappearing/dying into another universe. If it should be the dark matter, why wouldn't it be detectable once it crosses the Black Hole singularity??, and since the Black Holes are taken into account while calculating the expansion of this universe, how can you count it twice (as Dark Matter as well) - Black Holes and the corresponding White Holes have mutually exclusive existence, as I dare to it
@jeffbguarino 20 годин тому
The problem might not be the physical theories , it could be the fact that they are using classical math. Math needs a good overhaul because it is totally based on classical physics. We need a quantum math. A quantum math would have numbers that are forbidden and no continuous real numbers as in contemporary math. Also ideas like zero and infinity are classical. We all know classical physics is wrong so why keep building math up based on it? For example , you can't have an empty set. There is always something tunneling into a set , the quantum waves of whatever will be very tiny but not zero. Logic also needs an overhaul because as we know things can be true and false at the same time , as in Schrodinger's cat. Electrons can be spin up and spin down at the same time. Classical logic does not allow things like this and this is the origin of Russell's paradox. If you start thinking in terms of the quantum world, then there is no Russell's paradox. The barber who shaves only those who don't shave themselves can exist in a superposition of shaving himself and not shaving himself.
@robthenorm 21 годину тому
Shotgun. I’ll clean them for our overlords. Lol.
@alexb6695 21 годину тому
Thats ny bigfest problem with scientists. When they discovere something they cant explain/out of ordinary, very often they label it, as it wrong, bad etc. They hardly, if ever, just simply admit "they dont know". And they dont care about impact. Ego overtakes. Big style. First and foremost, they must looks smart. And ppl follow it blindly. Scientis Fanatics. Ironically same ppl smerk n talk very disrespectful about religious ppl and accusing them believing in something they cant prove. My oh my... truly ironic. Logic out of the window.
@GabrielaCambero 22 години тому
The patronising tone towards string theory 💀
@johnjacquard863 23 години тому
my hero! blessings to you! the future of AI lives in the interdiciplinary study of abstract symbolic representation. quantum computation isn't the only possibility ! there are new things on the horizon!
@sanny2k2 День тому
Interesting and insightful conversation. However it was sad to see that Eric used this platform to sprinkle his woke principles. People sitting in ivory towers, still think that few sporadic pictures on immigration mislead a common man. So out of touch with ground reality.
@roldanduarteholguin7102 День тому
Export the Azure, Chat GPT, Revit, Plant 3D, Civil 3D, Inventor, ENGI file of the Building or Refinery to Excel, prepare Budget 1 and export it to COBRA. Prepare Budget 2 and export it to Microsoft Project. Solve the problems of Overallocated Resources, Planning Problems, prepare the Budget 3 with which the construction of the Building or the Refinery is going to be quoted.
@kskoolstuff День тому
Eric is a fabulous interview and brings so much experience to the table! Great conversation!!
@shoughton День тому
What are quantum pridibations? 1:16:30
@user-ei8yc3xi4q День тому
Every matter got anti matter and sub anti matter, beware to your captured human anti matter. They are capable to take over the software technologies.
@AdamGNordin День тому
No need for fishing license when fishing without a hook😂 awesome tip!
@rw9207 День тому
What Yann describes at the start as"stupid", isn't!... He is describing a lack of experience. Primarily of the real world.... not the same thing. Give it a body eyes and hands and we will see a sudden change in that.
@user-bv8ts9go4f День тому
yes thank you
@user-bv8ts9go4f День тому
we get a free educational program
@user-bv8ts9go4f День тому
thank you
@mrhassell День тому
Ruediger Schack's eyes nearly popped out of his actual head! 😂
@dixztube День тому
How can anyone trust any of these folks like him. It’s a shame what google has become. He admits democracy will fail , lies about immigration and blames stupid people… I mean these tech elites are so horrible. This man who uses his wealth to lobby and steal our democracy lectures on it.
@peterkerruish8136 День тому
I've got to the 11 minute mark + all I'm hearing is Dribble Dribble Dribble... Bye.
@DanjunaDJ День тому
At 4hrs35min. Your example is incorrect with Gracie and her friend measuring a short distance as the train will have moved between when Gracie out her hand up and her friend did. If you set it up so that it was like a Mexican wave, every one of her friends put their hands up when they saw the back of the train and pit their hand down again, with 1 exception, the moment Gracie put her hand up when she sees the front of the train, which every friend see her hand go up, leaves their hand up. That way, the raised hands would be synchronised between the front and the back of the train and you simple measure the distance between her hand and her friends.
@yatinsinha6796 День тому
This is one video on the entire UKposts which I wish never ends.
@user-pl8fr8kt2o День тому
It was a great discussion. My question to Professor Brian- I didn't hear further development or experiments or tools being developed to observe or measure string theory. Would you please shed some light on this. Recently I have heard the talk from Dr Neil Turok, He has proposed. The "right neutrinos" are the potential candidates for Dark Matter. particle what is your take on this please.
@williamrodgers4669 День тому
Globalism has no Moral Compass
@Thaulopi День тому
As long as we, the human race, see Business as the prime motivation of progress and not exploration, education and mental expansion, A.I. will reflect that and will not live up to its full potential to be our prodigy and our consummation
@williamrodgers4669 День тому
Sorry, but opening with support of WHO and the UN, two bodies who strike fear and distrust in the hearts and minds of freedom loving people. It diminishes all your hard work. Perhaps your dreams are bringing your Human Spirit to the surface and giving you a warning. Think about all the inventions that had an initial positive potential for mankind, but are almost always turned into a grave danger. One example is Elon Musk creation of AI, now he seems to have lost control of it to others who stole it and are using it with no control systems where it will be abused and used in ways that Musk never intended.
@bradfordjhart День тому
Chat gpt4 cost 20 bucks a month. I can't afford that
@sunbird7349 День тому
Exciting prospects... Thank you!
@williamrodgers4669 День тому
@jinstinky501 День тому
Search my butt :)
@user-qx1rk7lu2n День тому
You need a governing body that can address the moral implications of AI and its capabilities to "solve problems'. The fear comes from not knowing if AI will cause more problems in the end. To eliminate that fear technology needs a governing body to oversee the moral evolution as the technology improves and presents new experiences for humans in the future.
@decouscous День тому
"Being intelligent can sometimes cloud one's perception of reality.".."Not surprising to hear accolades for human massacre. I realize the real focus here is on artificial life." From artificial minded people
@TayyabNaseebi День тому
in your openion every thing is made from vibration😂😂???