Solving Rust’s biggest problem
2 місяці тому
Why do developers hate Rust?
2 місяці тому
Rust keeps making JavaScript faster
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Rust's most wanted feature just arrived!
Should you learn Rust in 2024?
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Fatal C error took her life
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AWS now officially supports Rust!
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Rust 1.74.0
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The Rust Survival Guide
6 місяців тому
Microsoft just gave up C/C++ (use Rust!)
Rust 1.73.0
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Rust YouTubers Tier List
7 місяців тому
The ultimate Rust IDE is here
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Rust 1.72.0
7 місяців тому
All Rust string types explained
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Rust 1.71.0
8 місяців тому
Deploy your Rust project in 20 minutes
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Rust is easy... (we make it hard)
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Rust 1.70.0
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All Rust features explained
10 місяців тому
Rust is being destroyed from the inside
11 місяців тому
Rust is taking over Windows!
Rust 1.69.0
Рік тому
@karacan2469 Годину тому
lol!!! lots of code, unnecessary complex!!! go get rusty!!!
@dangelgeek 17 годин тому
Do you have the repository about this examples? thank you, great tutorials!
@Im_Ninooo 17 годин тому
this is beautiful
@bbkr2063 День тому
So there is no way to express "fn foo<T | U: Trait> (a:T, b:U ) { ... }" without name repetition? Having two params of different type but implementing the same trait. Is there an idiom/syntax for it?
@prasanthkarunakaran5883 2 дні тому
I think at 7:26 in the video, say will throw error. fn main() { let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]; let third = &v[3]; v.push(7); match v.get(2) { Some(third) => println!("The third elemet is {}in vector {:?}", third, v), None => println!("there is no thrid element.") } } But I tried it in rust 1.78. The code working fine. Is they updated it?
@Code_Cabin 2 дні тому
Hey Bogdan, I can't thank you enough for the knowledge you've shared on "Let's Get Rusty"! 🙏 Your Rust tutorials have not only helped me build my own library for matrix manipulation, but they've also inspired me to start my own UKposts channel. 🎉 On my channel, I'm sharing my journey as I code along and apply what I've learned from your tutorials. It's been an incredible way to reinforce my understanding and share my progress with others. Your work has truly sparked a passion in me for learning and teaching Rust. Keep up the fantastic work, you're making a huge difference in the programming community! 👏👏👏
@Ishaan_Garud 3 дні тому
I don't know why people think rust is hard I moved from python (I did python for 8 years) to rust in a few weeks
@arubaga 4 дні тому
The static lifetime on the async has bad usability. Ease of debug was bad as well. The main purpose of async / await was for no wait I/O, and you just as well use such a no wait IO crate directly.
@rohitcr6839 4 дні тому
Good attempt at these videos.. Thanks to u, Lang book is fastened up nicely !!!
@jongeduard 4 дні тому
Rayon is really amazing! It's actually incredibly performant. I have even been comparing with loop parallelization in Fortran and C which can be done by a compiler such as GCC, with a lot less guarantees. I tested it to perform faster, even though especially modern Fortran has some interesting features as well, such as a `do concurrent` loop and also so called array programming features. And apart from that, loop parallelization absolutely only works with the proper compiler flags, otherwise it does not. I like the expressive functional programming way of Rust a lot more, where that problem does not exist and Rayon handles it so much smarter, and you can tRust it. It also reminds me of Parallel LINQ in the C# programming language, which is similar, although obviously it cannot compete with Rust performance at all. In this whole daylight, I would also like to mention NDArray, which is a really powerful crate for multidimensional array functionality. With things like these, I totally see a very serious place for Rust in both game development as wel as in scientific parallel computing. Actually amazing!
@TheRealWinsletFan 4 дні тому
The proliferation of code pages was an issue many years before the world wide web hit critical mass. Not everyone developed code to run in only one Country/Region.
@danarnold5560 4 дні тому
10:12 You're already root here, sudo is unnecessary!
@Simrealism 4 дні тому
In computing, when you see something like JSON you're suppoed to see the linguisitic humor or word play in it. You can see Jason there, right? You new guys are still funny geniuses, no? Read the the tao of programming, the jargon file, the hacker's dictionary and maybe the bohf series to get an idea of the sort of dry humor programmers used to implicitly understand just by their very nature.
@tensofdu1700 4 дні тому
Rust is woke Zig is based. ZIG HEIL!
@sonicjoy2002 4 дні тому
So basically all covered in computer science
@TheRealWinsletFan 5 днів тому
cargo modules structure
@devOnHoliday 5 днів тому
Why does this sound like a cult initiation
@ildani1658 5 днів тому
If I may Very good video! but your voice makes me sleep :( ...
@indibarsarkar3936 5 днів тому
Can I run the executable directly without cargo?
@rocknowradio 5 днів тому
Easier to debug? Ha ha ha.
@Code_Cabin 6 днів тому
I am building a Machine Library in Rust from Scratch.
@Code_Cabin 6 днів тому
16 years of programming background here. I started learning Rust in 2018. Till chapter 4 was all good. Then, I got stuck. Fast forward 2024, I resumed learning Rust but it was not easy. This time, I built a Matrix Library from scratch in Rust and I am making a video series on the same topic. I just know 60% of Rust, I still need to get hold of the rest 40%
@maxdemian6312 6 днів тому
@gnagyusa 6 днів тому
Not a fan of Rust, but it's still a billion times better than Swift.
@gnagyusa 6 днів тому
The syntax is hideous. It looks like a corrupted C file.
@kmaximoff 6 днів тому
everything is great, except background music is annoying. Makes it hard to focus.
@garychow7719 7 днів тому
thanks for the explanation, very nice. However, does anyone hear some prayers voice in the background??
@bbkr2063 7 днів тому
First example with unified interface quickly backfires - returning empty string as "special value" instead of Option is sketchy AF. The only advantage of this approach I see is that Box logic is hidden from library user. While there may be situation in second solution where user would have to use Box to encapsulate all different state types himself. BTW: I love this taking ownership of self trick. It makes second solution so bomb-proof just by pure language design. You cannot accidentally "fork" states and keep using old one and new one at the same time.
@mihunt3r929 8 днів тому
The content is pure gold! Thank you very much
@jjmalm 8 днів тому
Silly question, how does he display the inferred syntax? Is this an option that can be enabled in one of the plugins?
@0xDEAFBEEF 8 днів тому
yes rust is hard, hard to make mistakes on Also, all jokes aside. Just 3 days in, I learned to translate C/C++ code/documentation into working rust code. I learned this because I'm writing a game using raylib in rust that has a LAN mutliplayer feature. Point is, rust is surprisingly straightforward, aside from fighting the borrow checker which has its knife constantly at your throat Wish me luck!
@MadMathMike 8 днів тому
I love Rust, and I really like this channel, but I actually think these patterns are pretty easy to implement in other languages too. I don't see Rust having a particularly big advantage where these patterns are concerned. Most people who have learned about DDD and some iteration of "clean" architecture will have likely seen how these patterns can be implemented in their language.
@faniabdo99 9 днів тому
2:32 Wait, WHAT?
@Undead34 9 днів тому
Muchas gracias amo estos videos!! Saludos desde Venezuela.
@ReRubis 9 днів тому
This channel feels like a Rust propaganda. Which I probably do not mind.
@npip99 10 днів тому
All of this work only for rust to reinvent the concept of exceptions lol.
@rocknowradio 10 днів тому
So many efforts to finally get a poor man visual studio.
@omarmassaoudi2932 10 днів тому
Oh my fucking god this dude yaps so fucking much what a shitty video. get to the goddamn point man....
@thegeniusfool 11 днів тому
Shee-shee exetra. Classic.
@thegeniusfool 11 днів тому
The Halting Problem…. That was quite a curve ball in this context. Nice
@gusslx 11 днів тому
For those saying "just use an enum", every time you use the post you'd have to check (match) the state before using its methods. The type-enforced state is much better because Rust is aware of an instance type, so the state is already known at every point in time.
@osheagalen 11 днів тому
watching this and your subscribers are at 114k congrats and thanks for the awesome content!
@robert36902 12 днів тому
I didn't know about array_windows, so thank you for that tip!
@ahmedamineyahyaoui3296 12 днів тому
I was a c++ developer, then I switched to Js/ React but I feel like I am done with React and Js problems. I am thinking about Rust but I will need good resources for learning
@StephanusTavilrond 12 днів тому
I hate Rust because it's too political. Too much emphasis on gender, race and other stuff. I don't want BLM and other American crap shoved into my face.
@follantic 12 днів тому
I like Rc<RefCell<_>> and cloning. It's easy mode rust. But if you're always using it to avoid thinking about ownership your code won't be as elegant, fast or (potentially with RefCell) crash resistant as it could be. But usually it also won't really matter. It'll be less memory intensive and probably faster than GC'ed languages anyways.
@sundae6610 12 днів тому
how many times I've rewatch this
@Tsundaere 12 днів тому
I'll give you the main and only reason. The market is saturated with "Developers" who are in the vast majority in it for the money or attention and not much tech passion. These people prefer the higher easier to use languages with even easier to use frameworks.
@duke605 13 днів тому
Learning low level concepts is the biggest reason to learn rust (Or even Zig now). Understanding stack and heap in an intimate way is invaluable as it's transferable to (almost) every other (sane) language
@Tsundaere 13 днів тому
With each video I truly understand it gets cooler and cooler.