When Thieves Pick The Wrong Person To Rob
When Dumb Teenagers Try to Mess With Cops
When Entitled People Think They're Above The Law
Drugs At Its Finest
14 днів тому
When Dirty Cops Make Fatal Mistakes
When Dumb People Try To Fight Cops
Seconds Before Chaos Erupts
28 днів тому
1 in 1,000,000 Police Traffic Stops
The Dumbest Police Officers Ever
Місяць тому
When Bullies Are Taught A Lesson By Cops
@ammead4 Хвилина тому
Yall are dumb if you think you have to do the field tests. Cops fail you anyway .. No matter if you drink or not . They fail you Always
@1115asmara 6 хвилин тому
The officer in the park should be fired. He is a shame to his police force.
@That1Guy4_ 12 хвилин тому
White people calling other people cracker is crazy
@Bresgrandmashouse 15 хвилин тому
I love Kristen's response to the officers when she finds out that she hit the tree. Like, how could you guys be making a big deal out of me hitting a tree?It wasn't a person.
@gregoryhines7 19 хвилин тому
Freedom of speech absolutely gives you the right to say racial slurs and use provocative language. Dont lie to people.
@MIngalls 35 хвилин тому
Woah, was he saying he has to get the dog, who is from Israel, to Prescott for a peace treaty? 50:42 😂😂
@fngrusty42 38 хвилин тому
1 cop for about 500 people yep without asking questions they need to be reading minds. There are mistakes and it costing cities a lot of money but look at places like San Francisco that crime runs rampant. Which do we want honest mistakes or crime that hurts your wallet and place you live and maybe your life.
@paradoxer212 40 хвилин тому
Cthulu wins its not Even a debate, he absolutely curbstomps Godzilla with zero effort
@elainewong1719 42 хвилини тому
I really wish these videos would comment during or after clips happen bc it feels like a spoiler when you’re saying “this is what’s gonna happen, watch!”
@piratepop7115 43 хвилини тому
Dang stop popping out kids by these loser guys. Just my humble observation and advice
@timd1833 48 хвилин тому
If you're talking, you are getting air across your vocal chords,; therefore, breathing!
@TheBrhenry1985 53 хвилини тому
Here is something to know (1) If you give an officer consent to search you or search your vehicle or your home What no one will tell you If you have the Right To withdraw your consent for them to search And tell them to stop at any time so long as They did not find anything in the course of their concentral search That would give them The legal reason to continue. ... Remember these magic words Officers Stop the search I want you to stop the Search right now I Revoke my consent for you to search then they most stop if they don't stop anything Collected his evidence beyond that point will not matter (2)Thank before you Open your mouth! (3) Supreme court has Said cops can't hold you more then the time it takes A reasonable officer to Conduct a traffic stop and Write the satition past that point Without a reasonable Suspicion that they can Articulate it Is transforms from a traffic stop to illegal detention and Judges and courts all over are starting to crack down on the cops and the games thay play (4) you don't have to answer questions in most cases its not Illegal To lie to the police about most things... The whole were you coming from where you going to thing cop Small talk to Trip you up and Stick it to you...remember tho not all LEO are like that tho I Suggest Being courteous but still stay away from conversations they are experts in interrogation Tactics and techniques also called Verbal Judo and will win in the Regard 5,000 out 100 times ....I don't hate cops I have a deep respect and Appreciation for the good ones they are important part of our community's just remember that just make sure to leave the Encounter the same way you went in with your Rights intact and Blood on the inside no lakes lol God Bless
@kenrumney8634 58 хвилин тому
Glass is a fool
@mikecathrew9658 Годину тому
You call it fake tough guys,what about ploice brutality you have nothing to say
@brianmacpherson4913 Годину тому
the last chick was an annoying karen but her boobs were immaculate lol
@fngrusty42 Годину тому
So the best way to rob a store is walk around like you own it. Dont answer questions ,. Just tell them nothing maters . So when they think about it and leave because they dont see a crime just a bunch of people walking around in it. Cool think it might work. Especially now days when people are sueing cops for asking questions. I bet that cop will not look into that answer no question mans store even when there are being robbed
@nathankox190 Годину тому
The cop that arrested the guy on a probation violation & uses his taser and acts like its not volant is really a terrible cop. He could have easily warned the guy & kept it moving but chose to escalate it at every point. In any other western country cops don't get to act like thugs straight away, its really sad.
@keanghayung3445 3 хвилини тому
I’m pretty sure the first guy was warned before he was tased
@TheBrhenry1985 Годину тому
Facts (1) cops lie (2)cops put things in cars and on people that Otherwise was not there before the lights went on..15% to 50% depending on Law Enforcement Agency! (3)Cops can lie to lie about hide things from you and take things from you under the claim of in the Course of an investigation (4)cops will almost always Try to either bully and intimidate you Into a confession Or play angel cop in an attempt to Convince you and have you believe that they are only looking out for your best interest?They have you and your best interested mine and only won't to end the encounter as quickly as possible in a favorable way for everyone And? Try to get you to believe that overall you the person being deprived Of your Freedom of movement in travel Because of the temporary detention for the purposes of an investigation on the roadside And you can make it all go away.The sooner you confess to whatever it is they're accusing you of the sooner.They can just get you on your way and get you home What they do not tell you is the home.They're referring to is the new when they're trying to get you to move in to (Jail) Think about it (4)Thank B4 You Speak Words matter when cops are in your face they are Is always looking for a reason When they have you stopped for speeding They're looking for anything else. They can use to get inside that vehicle.
@salbill4484 Годину тому
He literally took a minor violation and turned it into felonies. Literally snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Imagine if he's said "yes officer, here is my PO name BUT how about I walk the other way and never see her again?" Maybe that might have worked, maybe the officer would have left it alone but nope!
@greta8819 Годину тому
It is extremely obvious that none of the kids in this video, were raised with a father! They have never been disciplined, never held accountable for their actions, and all been taught and/or encouraged to have zero respect for authority! Every adult in their lives have failed them, but then they want to call the police for help when they can’t control them and they are THEIR problem!
@fngrusty42 Годину тому
Bet the one with the panic attack stole a lot of times and laughted about it, then panics when she gets caught. What a life.
@anthonyhopkins2230 Годину тому
Yeah sure you have tough guy!🤣🤣🤣
@user-vs4sm9ts2v Годину тому
Keep this stuff off here so sick and no one cares take it behind closed doors where it belongs
@MonicaJones-wh4lj Годину тому
Raymond is really mad that he can't be around a woman that he isn't supposed to be around. 😂😂😂😂
@TheBrhenry1985 Годину тому
Cop I know you good something me no I do cop I know you do because I told my dog to set down beside your car so I could lie and say it Alerted for Drugs so I've searched your car.I've searched you in your friends.I have not found anything because of the dog doing the fake Alert I told him to I need to take you to the County so I can Search you the way I need to because I can't do it here??? Me NO THANKS GO FACK YOURSELF I AM Invoking My 5th Amendment Right to remain silent I would like to speak to my lawyer now please...I also Revoke any and all Consent Or implied there of to any Searches of any kind I have nothing else to say
@stefanvollmer3973 Годину тому
We viewers are too stupid to understand what we see and hear in a video, and we are too stupid to form our own opinions. That's why we're very happy that a clip is constantly interrupted so that a speaker can explain to us exactly what's happening in the clip and what we should think about it. Simply GREAT!!! Stop the constant interruptions. Show the damn clips!!! IT'S SO EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!!!
@Oliver-jg8og Годину тому
Female officers are an obvious liability.
@Coconut_pawzz Годину тому
The only unicorn the ever exist was the Siberian unicorn that lived 39,000 years ago. As real unicorns do not live to this day.
@BellionaireStudios Годину тому
this is Hawt AmIRightGuys
@richardmonroe1955 Годину тому
So you think the drug dealer is gonna take the fall and do more time for anyone? These white girls think these drug deals gonna be a family man until they get pregnant or in trouble then bye bye baby. 😂😂so neive it’s sad
@Clarytee217 Годину тому
Okay, I’ll run a “calling far mommy” counter.
@nicoledion7132 Годину тому
Poor officiers having to deal with those pieces of 💩
@thekraken8082 Годину тому
Soooo basically if you don’t play by the rules you get mummified by police 😂😂😂😂😂
@finefelinegirl Годину тому
That police officer is 100% a hero and needs to win awards and have a parade in his honor!!! These are the people we NEED to be looking up to not the likes of Diddy, Oprah, Taylor Swift, and JLo. The work THIS man does is heroic. Some might say he does God's work. Hero! Joe Biden is not a hero.
@the1tigglet Годину тому
Poor Adrian Flaka is a terrible drug.
@livilivinglife 2 години тому
Imagine acting like that to an officer that saved you're life.
@EmmersonGamesPS3 2 години тому
All 10 Looks like the same animal to me. . .🤔🤨🤨😴😴😴😴 Under different camera tones🙄🙄🙄🙄
@WILDCHILDNJ 2 години тому
Look up The Fall of Minneapolis Documentary
@danielobrien1571 10 хвилин тому
Are you a lady with stunningly long hair? I adore women who grow theirs that way, describe it please?
@sharondavis6674 2 години тому
The guy who wouldn't get out the car brought all that on himself. He fought with the cops. What did he think was going to happen?
@billiejeanthesweet1 2 години тому
I'm not that guy lol what the hell 😂😂😂😂
@jeffersonthomas7811 2 години тому
The narrator's tone is so inappropriate, it sounds like a disney commercial
@gordanagrizzanti6370 2 години тому
The First one is such a piece of Work 🙄. Holy smokes, his Mouth should be a additional Charge 🙄.
@hillbilly4christ638 2 години тому
This is why I live in the country with neighbors a long way away. I used to live in the city and suburbs. Used to.
@ChrisAndCats 2 години тому
I appreciate the first lady is a witness but if we took a shot every time she says 'like', we would be intoxicated too. Like.
@sharondavis6674 2 години тому
He has her wallet but wasn't walking next to her? How did he get her property?
@OmariBizimana 2 години тому
idk why the first guy is really funny
@thekraken8082 2 години тому
This is really the finest of suspects 😂
@vrdallas9259 2 години тому
Ok if she was “born and raised” in the U.S. how is her country of origin Mexico??
@redactedcookies5360 2 години тому
@danielobrien1571 11 хвилин тому
Happen to be a lady with stunningly long hair? I adore women who grow theirs that way, describe it please?
@fngrusty42 2 години тому
No stand off he was in cuffs with 3 cops lol he was where he was supposed to be everything else is just talk. When you just talk it's cheap except when the judge looks at it then more time. Got to know they have tasers if they don't work they have bullets