Persona 4 Demake IS PERSONA 5 DEMAKE!
Persona 4 Demake IS MUST PLAY IN 2024!
Persona 4 Demake IS THE BEST GAME!
Persona 4 Demake IS GAME OF THE YEAR 2024!
Persona 4 Demake SECRET BOSS FIGHT!
Persona 4 Demake CALLED ME POOR!
Persona 3 Ranking ALL SOCIAL LINKS!
Persona 3 Portable I'M A PRO IN TARTARUS!
Persona 3 Portable SHINIRO THE CHAD GOAT!
Persona 4 Demake IS WRONG FOR THIS!
2 місяці тому
Persona 4 Demake SOCIAL LINK MAXED!
2 місяці тому
@SupremeS1sDescendant 3 хвилини тому
The culprit Is mitsuo btw (no spoilers)
@4t0mm Годину тому
why does this give AO ONI vibes
@ExySmexy 18 годин тому
whys this so detailed
@chungusyoshi1871 День тому
Damn, I cry bruh :( (not really at how cracked this game is but yeah lul)
@chungusyoshi1871 4 дні тому
Nah, it's fine, you reject her nothing happens, if ask her when you are not in an relation ship, it's counted as cheating and the game will remember that, if you are single it will not count as cheating, the only thing it does if you ask her other then the risk of cheating if you are already in a relation ship, just adds extra dialog at the end of the game.
@felicitous_felix 4 дні тому
Naoto in this is so goddamn funny lmao
@shadowscar808 5 днів тому
Is this a demake of the whole entire game??!!? If so props to the devs
@raandigar 5 днів тому
Its a parody which covers most of the game.
@heyyou322 7 днів тому
Bro… this is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen
@SupremeS1sDescendant 7 днів тому
This ain't persona 4 Golden this Is people 4 bronze 💀
@Anonymous529 6 днів тому
Pessoa 12/3 Yellow
@SupremeS1sDescendant 6 днів тому
@@Anonymous529 *insert adachi true meme*
@chungusyoshi1871 7 днів тому
Yeah the Chungus moment is new to this version, ngl kinda neat and also yes, you wouldn't have been threaten by Rise if you didn't already had 1 girlfriend (if you had none or more than 1, Useless wouldn't have commented it)
@calculoopy 9 днів тому
Ngl this was actually hilarious. I like Naoto in this game more than persona 4
@chungusyoshi1871 10 днів тому
Yeah it was pretty annoying to go through but still neat, also if you question yeah it does check if you get Naoto for some extra lines in it (mostly because I don't have anything else to add on lmao). Since you didn't get a chance to buy equipment and items, it mind be a good idea to grind exp from the dungeon enemies while going through the dungeon, like don't forget that you have the 'G-home" and you will be able to get back to the last floor you were no problem.
@chungusyoshi1871 11 днів тому
Nah pretty much it's based only on your girls party member, saying this since it would pretty much be a waste to just get charisma over the max amount (unless you didn't unlock the final fanfic which I think you either need Naoto in your party or a bit later after that). Also if you though the last dungeon was bad than oh boy you will have fun with Naoto's one (by that I mean no since the enemies will be even more "fun" to deal with). I'd say good luck to not make a 2 hours episode on it lmao (at least comparing to Kubo's dungeon).
@chungusyoshi1871 12 днів тому
Since it took a bit to get back at it, the forgor kicked in lul. But yeah 255 is for Charisma and Intelligence while around 70 should be for Seductiveness, also yeah even if you get all the answers correct you still need some intelligence to get on the top.
@InkHashira 14 днів тому
Easiest boss in da game
@helpihavebats6392 14 днів тому
Mitsurus first Theurgy has a 80% Freeze rate and gets boosted by Ice Boost, Amp and Magic Ability Sword. Which her Second Theurgy lacks. This next one might hurt Mitsuru has very mid damage throughout the game and by the time she gets Diamond Dust shes outdone by Akihikos Gods hand and Junpeis 70%ish Crit Rate with Brave Blade. This is because Elemental Heavy Magic is about as strong as two Hit Swift Strike (14.8 true damage to 7.7 1-2x). Theres even points where Aki does more Magic Damage than her because of Buff Amp. Ken does very similar damage to Mitsuru most of the game. Kougoan has 350 base power (18.7) to Bufudynes 220 (14.8) and Ken has access to Boost Via Gae Bolg. He actually starts with higher damage and gets outdone when Mitsuru has Ice Amp Accessories while Kens waiting for Bless Amp Accessories but once he does have it he does VERY similar damage until Mitsuru learns Diamond Dust. There’s even a Damage by level Chart that shows everyones average damage per level with updated equipment that has Boosts/Amps. Going to pause my comment here to watch more Shinji Starts with more damage but had he actually stayed in the Party his shortcomings would show themselves bit because outside of Bloody Charge (which is basically a 15% damage Boost that costs 40% Max Hp every other Turn) he lacks any Passives that boost his damage like all the other Phys Characters Here are the other characters Passives for comparison Junpeis Crit Amp being a 40% Crit Damage boost and +10% Crit Rate Akihiko Buff Amp doubling the Effects of Buffs (1.8x) Aigis Phys Amp being a 1.2x Phys damage Shinji has temporary Buffs. He appears stronger than he is because he leaves right when most of the party would start to pick up and surpass him. When i look at Ken i see a significantly better Yukari. Both Characters will have Mediarama for most of the game and Yukaris supposedly super cheap healing is nearly matched by Ken (Yukaris 4 Sp Mediarama to 16 - 10 = 6Sp Mediarama Ken). And by the the time they get Mediarahan Ken has for a long time had the ability to full party heal for about 2 Sp with two Turn Theurgy tactics. He also does more damage than Yukari and has higher Hp and END. I feel like I already elaborated Kens damage bit so wont repeat here On the Support Side Ken heavily outdoes her as well with Yukari having a 30% Accuracy debuff and Aoe Concentrate. 30% isn’t that much wont really accomplish alot in a fight. Only two characters really even want Concentrate being Aki and Mitsuru. Akihiko would prefer Phys Spam and only wants Concentrate in the case of Theurgy and Mitsuru doesn’t do much damage and she already has Concentrate so shes already pretty set. Yukaris Theurgy Condition while easy isn’t that fast requiring several turns dedicated to healing to Charge at a decent rate (you shouldn’t be in a situation where you’re healing every turn). And even if she spams heal skills she will always require at least 1 more turn then Ken to Max Theurgy. Ken has Magic/Phys Reflects, Dekaja, more elements and a full party Heal/Revive/Wall. The Walls prevent Weaknesses from being hit and can send Charged Phys attacks back at the enemy. Dekaja shuts down any Buffs enemies will try to set up and many shadows midgame will try to set up aoe buffs. Everyone likes being protected from weaknesses and the fact Ken has among the fastest Theurgy Charge speed allows him to just spam it (He will get it every 2-3 turns). He can meet his Theurgy condition before the battle even starts by exploiting Equipment to set his Sp below half. What lead does Yukari have on Ken then? Ailment Cures but shes not super effective at it because her Low Agi means she will act after most of the party has had a turn. Items that Cure ailments are common and can be bought for a very low price at the Pharmacy so this doesn’t mean much.
@raandigar 12 днів тому
I can agree with a lot of points here and will add mine. 1. Shinji, as pointed by someone else as well is that he leaves the party, so his performance no matter how good it is doesn't matter because he's not there for end game. 2. Junpei having crit is something I won't get into because in the past and even now, I always have had terrible luck with critical boost characters. My Koromaru dodges so many times because of his agility and doesn't get hit multiple times in one fight but then my Junpei doesn't do crit. Its not only Junpei but like Chie from P4, Yusuke from P5 (though Yusuke has good damage and stuff without it). Chie I respect because she did crit once against the Reaper for me at 887 damage I believe and she is a support at the end. 3. Ken in my experience he's really good and his Theurgy is amazing on paper but I don't want to use it instantly. Rather I use it as a reset. Lets say I'm winning and because its a Persona game, the boss does something completely unfair like cook everyone in an instant and it has happened to me a lot and boom everybody survives with really low hp and Ken just dies. I see Ken's damage is really good but the role I see for Ken is not to deal damage but to actual be a defensive wall that protects everyone. Even when the boss isn't being unfair I have seen Ken die multiple attacks, in my experience he helped cheese the final boss for me but before that he dies 2-3 times for me. Also before the final boss he died multiple times in the last bosses for me. Ken has the best Theurgy but in my experience Ken just dies too many times and I want to keep the Theurgy in my back pocket as a reset in the fight. 4. Yukari to me feels better (I said in the video I'm not counting MC but obviously you can't remove him so if a character compliments the MC that's good) is because Yukari complements with the MC, I did say in the video that for me the MC should be a damage dealer and others support but I also said my friend played P4G and did the opposite, he made everyone a damage dealer but the MC a support, so maybe my point is more towards my play style but Yukari to me feels more resilient to attacks aimed at her and because she does everything to support the MC with heals or concentrate all while the MC attacks and at the same time her first Theurgy is an attack which I have seen help me deal finishing blows. 5. Akihiko I feel like I need to re-evaluate because I have hearing that Aki's damage is really good so I'll take my L on that one. Though Akihiko is one character where I go, got worse because of the meta changes and also him not having all debuffs he had in the PS2 Version. Shock is not crit anymore though Akihiko at the start of the game is amazing because he can cause the enemy to have an ailment that can help do Crits, its just he has two attack theurgies that makes him in the later game a bit disappointing whereas others have a mix of special support abilities mixed in them in their theurgies which also adds more tech. 6. Mitsuru to me is at the top is not just because of her damage which is amazing but also because the game's meta changing has improved her and also Mitsuru is one of the very few or only characters that Crits for me, while I hate characters that are like critical maniacs where for other people they just crit, Mitsuru actually does crit for me so you can say there's a bias there. My other point is that with the damage she does, she also has different tech, in the PS2 P3 era Marin Karin, Tentafaroo these techniques were pathetic and worthless, if they work they are awesome but mostly they were terrible and back then Mitsuru sucked because she only had those as a character, but now she does amazing damage, eith these ailments, she debuffs with her second theurgy and can freeze the enemy with her first Theurgy but again my luck I have seen her freeze less with her Theurgy but also now freeze does guarantee crit instead of shock like in the PS2 era. I do respect and appreciate your thoughts, it did help me correct some things and when I play the game next time in the future, I'll make sure to notice Akihiko a lot more.
@helpihavebats6392 12 днів тому
@@raandigar for point 3 Kens Theurgy isn’t something that should be saved generally so waiting until you need it rather than using it to prevent it being needed in the first place is not letting Ken play to his Strengths. (If i recall outside of Shinji Ken has the Fastest Theurgy Charge period). Not sure what to comment about him dying more often when he has more Hp/End and access to Walls when compared to Yukari though. For 4 Concentrate/Charge in P3R is not as good as it is in p4/5 as its a 2.3x boost and 2x on Theurgies. With how weak Magic Skills are late game and how long it will take for Yukari to charge Meter its not really speeding things up (if at all). Mc will just prefer Phys Spam anyway because those Skills have a ridiculous amount of base power (especially when taking into account Crits). For 6 Mitsurus Damage is pretty bad as until Diamond Dust every single Phys Character will outdamage her and even with it she only outdamages Aigis (Koro will also outdamage her with Getsui until level 55 where she learns Concentrate). Ailments are not as great as you make em out to be as you cant see whether a boss can even be inflicted by ailment and alot are just outright immune (like Full Moon bosses). Her Theurgy should absolutely not be one of your sources of Debuffs. It takes a long time to charge, you sacrifice damage and Mitsuru already has Rakunda. If you want Debilitate get Koro as he can apply this very consistently along with Revolution and a way better Support Theurgy with Power Howling.
@raandigar 12 днів тому
@@helpihavebats6392 I should have also ranked them so that I can like say that they interchangeable. I was ready to change Koromaru, Mitsuru and Ken, Ken I want to keep high but I guess maybe I'm unlucky my experience with him is that if he gets his Theurgy and I can use it then bam he's golden like honestly you can make the case he's like number 1 because then sure characters are there to out damage them but that protection is too good and not many bosses do or spam Megido and above attacks. This is where I can say my list lacks is that experience can change my opinion on certain characters like I'll repeat again, Crit characters are considered amazing but then I don't get the Crits, against the Reaper I bring Junpei because I always here he contributes the most in that fight with Crits and I use him and he didn't crit once against the reaper and sure I won the fight but again Junpei doesn't crit but I have respect for thr guy because his second theurgy helps a lot in that fight. Its just one of those things where this happened to me and then maybe it didn't happen with others.
@helpihavebats6392 12 днів тому
@@raandigar i love using Ken in my lineup but i don’t really consider him to be particularly great hes like under Aigis for me. (This mostly stems from how i feel item’s easily cover Healers). I really don’t have much else to say but i hope you had a good time reading what i had to say (hoping it wasn’t too messy) and sorry that you never really get Crits. Have a nice day dude
@raandigar 12 днів тому
@@helpihavebats6392 nah man I enjoyed it. Its fun to discuss things that I love and gives me a new perspective on things. When I replay the game IF I do cause I rarely replay games so I'll keep these things in mind. Next run I'll try different things to make it even more and different for me. I appreciate your insight. ONE DAY I'LL GET THAT CRIT TURN 🤣!
@splaturials9156 14 днів тому
Akechi is a fraud duh
@taleSkele 14 днів тому
im really hoping these games get a port on pc or switch or atleast a Q3 when p6 happens
@joshburt8145 15 днів тому
im literally famous
@DuskyDark4175 15 днів тому
22:49 a lot, I guess you're right. I don't know what I wanted honestly im just a person who likes the older graphics even though I'ven ever grew up or had nostogila with the older models I just like low poly
@raandigar 12 днів тому
I can understand. Like in P4G I do like the retro vibe and also I like the atmosphere complementing the Pause Menu and UI. Me personally I just think that the new UI and stuff is way more fun and intuitive to explore. Its also not a diss at older Persona Games, its just I have never seen other games do this. Usually when I play other games I just go to video settings and test whether I want performance settings or quality settings, after doing some testing for 5-10 minutes, I just go and enjoy the game. My recent example would be Spider-Man 2 where I just looked at the video settings and the web settings because you can make web swinging difficult in that. Other than that I never really open the pause menu unless I want to load the game and that's also rarely.
@OokiiPeter 15 днів тому
I still need to get around to PersoNO, I remember playing through Chie's dungeon and it was so funny
@raandigar 12 днів тому
These games are actually really game, and they aren't like just funny but actually fun story and gameplay wise.
@chungusyoshi1871 17 днів тому
Honestly idk, I guess the Splurgy Revamp did it since I don't remember it happening in the original. Also I forgot the characters name from Persona 3 which in PersoNO 0 takes you to his SL even if you say no, funny enough Ai does that too if you didn't tried it yet. Also about the SL increasing, usually when you SL with your party members in this game outside of your school you won't need points until you get them to Rank 9 and want to Rank them to 10, so you can basically get them pretty early to 9 if you are lucky in the weekend + vacations but since you did that Kanji and Yuyuko need a ballbusting amount of points now lmfao (tho you can still earn points in the SL events since they don't reset from Lv to Lv, so you only need a X amount for rank 10).
@raandigar 12 днів тому
I tried it with Ai. She's just like Hidetoshi. Gotta keep that in mind for next time.
@chxiying_dw 17 днів тому
Nice video
@chungusyoshi1871 19 днів тому
Damn Naoto and I think you can check out Yuyuko's Rank 9 if I remember right you get to date her or not at Rank 10 in PersoNO, oh and yeah no Dogima or Adachi SL, still sad that aren't that many SL for evening too like in PersoNO 0.
@chungusyoshi1871 20 днів тому
I forgot to leave a comment on the last video so this one's might be a lot longer lmfao, but yeah cheating basically makes you so that you won't get a special passive for Useless, each girl has their own special passive that it will be give to Useless in the End Game, so it's your choice if you want to cheat or not, about Rise yeah if you don't date anyone or if you cheat basically you won't get some funny extra dialog on Rank 10 which is why I suggest not to, again if you don't cheat you can rank the girls to max no problem, the only other funny dialog I could suggest is trying to rizz (date) Chie, by that I mean just save before saying that you want to date her and than reload your save (trust me, even if don't cheat you'll have to do it lmao).
@chungusyoshi1871 20 днів тому
About the last video, fun fact: FNaF was a game that the old dev probably was into (not sure how much), but more likely is Five Nights at F***boy's which is a Full fleshed out RPG Maker Parody of FNaF (with 3 games in the series), RegretTourmaline before he did PersoNO and PersoNO 0, he made FNaFb (FNa F***boy's for short) fan-games in the past which blew up great, or decently enough. FNaFb in general is more less story focused and more fights and some grind, filled with bonus content for the player to fight and explore, tho swearing is more common in these games or at the same level as PersoNO (the P4 parody), but at the same level the gameplay is pretty cool and funny most of the times so I could suggest the game to some peps who don't have huge problems with swears (they are not big swears like what Yosuke said or whatever so they are a bit more tamed in that regard lol).
@raandigar 20 днів тому
I actually am dating Ayane and I want to start the harem route. I'm just hoping that I can get the dialogue with Rise even though I'm dating Ayane. I don't mind swearing though, my thing is I read out loud or do voices the issue is I don't want to say something controversial, like in the recent video with what Naoto said and it got me.
@chungusyoshi1871 20 днів тому
Fair, you'll get the dialog as long as you only date 1 of the girls.
@LucaxCorp 20 днів тому
Y’know with a few dialogue tweaks the Walter White trailer could be applied to Kazuma Kiryu.
@rohankishibe3073 21 день тому
atlus will release this and charge us 150 dollars
@igm1571 20 днів тому
Never, even P3P they put to Steam doesnt cost like 30$(my country of course).
@JohnLee-dp8ey 21 день тому
Wonder if P5R Demake exists?
@YukiSnow75 21 день тому
I wish I had all the persona’s Q
@gerardoantoniozerpachacin6580 22 дні тому
This is my list: 1. Yukari: Her characteristic reduces in a 75% the SP cost of healing skills and she charges her Theurgy by healing allies, she can give Concentrate to all the party and her wind skills are so good, all of this makes her the most useful and indispensable party member and my Persona queen of the franchise.💖💖💖👑👑👑 2. Koromaru: His fire and dark skills are so good, so much agility that makes him untouchable, he can give Charge to all the party, he has Revolution to increase the critical rate and Debilitate to reduce all the enemy stats. 3. Aigis: Her Orgia Mode and physical skills are so powerful. She charges her Theurgy every time she uses a physical attack, so is too fast to charge and it has good support skills to heal allies and debilitate the enemy. And she's resistant to all the types of physical attacks. 4. Ken: Divine Intervention is the best Theurgy in the game without counting the Armageddon and he's a good versatile character, it has electric skills, light skills, Samarecarm to revive allies, Tetrakarn and Makarakarn to reflect attacks. 5. Akihiko: He's still a good party member, he has good electric and physical skills, his AOE Theurgy is really good to kill multiple enemies at once and he still has good support skills. 6. Junpei: When he makes a critical, it makes so much damage and his Theurgy charges faster, but you will not have lucky. 7. Mitsuru: She has Concentrate, but Yukari can give Concentrate to all the party. Her characteristic is to have more critical rate when the enemy has an ailment and she charges her Theurgy by giving ailments to the enemies, but ailments against over leveled enemies or bosses are completely useless or have a really low chance to hit, so Mitsuru loses half of her utility, her second Theurgy reduces all the enemy stats, but Koromaru can do that more frequently with Debilitate. 8. Shinjiro: He's completely broken, but is in the bottom just because you can only use him for one month.
@raandigar 21 день тому
I can agree with this list and also Shinji being last because he literally can't participate in most important fights. He's made for one fight the Hermit and he destroys Tartarus but then again he can't participate in mostly all major fights.
@calculoopy 22 дні тому
Congenital means hereditary or inborn
@calculoopy 20 днів тому
Congenital is a term used in medicine
@yandyspec9016 23 дні тому
Yukari is always on my party, best support in the game
@raandigar 22 дні тому
In my opinion she's the most fun to use because she can be a good offense and healer and support with how you use her.
@yandyspec9016 22 дні тому
@@raandigar true my friend
@calculoopy 23 дні тому
@ohno4197 24 дні тому
Akihikos criticals do the highest dmg in the game due to a bug where his code has the % higher so he can out dmg his own theurgy with his god hand and does higher dmg than the main character
@roast_beef Місяць тому
May be a bit late but nice vid hope you feel better soon!
@raandigar 23 дні тому
I appreciate it. I have gotten better and getting back to uploading now and hopefully consistently again.
@roast_beef Місяць тому
W, hope your health gets better man! ❤