@LuberthDijkman 11 днів тому
Flash from Browser
@Hal-Zuzzu_Model_Railway 22 дні тому
Excellet details in video but I am getting an error saying the sketch is too big for my ESP32. Same ESP32 as you have. Help?
@aswinvenu3489 23 дні тому
Can we use it for measuring in digital meters.
@bradtarratt6931 Місяць тому
Thank you for having the only video I can find that shows how truly easy removing a front-mounted IR filter is. Every other video shows the back-mounted filters "look, just pop it out, poof you're done!" I was rather surprised at how easy it was to shave off the plastic. You've also inspired me to try detecting when my chickens lay eggs in their nest boxes, though I'll be doing it with micropython and tensorflow lite (it's only reinventing the wheel if you don't learn a generalizable skill from it!)
@samsonstrike 2 місяці тому
Danke! 😎
@rakeshc2723 2 місяці тому
Please share steps to flash it using esphome for home assistant
@negridodz6776 2 місяці тому
Why we need USB to ttl converter
@NicolasVDN 2 місяці тому
Excellent video thanks! What would be the final weights of the electricity and water analog 3D model ? Thanks!
@nielshetzke4965 2 місяці тому
Hi Meike, Can you tell me what type of LED you used and where I can buy some?
@3DComputing 2 місяці тому
WARNING - If you copy the URL links above and past them into the boards manager, the Arduino IDE cannot start, ie you cant get to a menu to fix it. (Ubuntu) due to escape characters being illegal in the IDE that is, the forward slash "/" translates to %2F in the URL and stops the IDE from working. To fix this you must locate your preferences.txt in the .arduino15 directory and use a text editor to take all the escape characters out. THEN the IDE will start again.
@3DComputing 2 місяці тому
10 / 10 No crap, fast paced, informative, THANKS
@walterblanc9708 3 місяці тому
Great video but unfortunately only have PC :(
@oliverhihn8505 3 місяці тому
Very well done video, subscribed instantly! Keep it up!
@AndrejsZavadskis 3 місяці тому
why there is no device selling for this ?
@quaninhphamhong7130 3 місяці тому
Sir can i have your gerber file sir? Or at least a picture where you design TP4056 and HT7333. I'm doing a little project but wondering the power source using TP4056 and HT7333 for Li-ion battery. Thank you sir!
@XiaZ 3 місяці тому
Suggestions: - Use the included ADC on the ESP to sense the VBAT and send them alongside your door state so you will know when it's time to charge the battery. Don't forget to add PMOS and only turn it on when needed to save the battery. - ESP-Now can improve the connection process and extend your battery life by 3x minimum. - Add a ground plane to improve EMI. - Switch to ESP8684 (it's an ESP32C2 with build-in flash in 4x4mm QFN package, it also have a version with USB-CDC for programming named ESP8685, which is the C3 equivalent) as ESP8266 is an old platform and is not recommend by Espressif. The ESP8684 come with better security, Bluetooth BLE, better ADC, better power management, better WiFi performance, faster core, more memory, more peripheral, at the same price point. If you mainly use module, I recommend the official WROOM-06C series as it can be mount both vertically and horizontally. If you don't mind designing your own antenna then the WROOM-07 is also a recommend for small design. And then there's the WROOM-01 which is a drop in replacement for the ESP-12F with the same pin layout.
@brackcycle9056 3 місяці тому
Wonder if the AI will still read the meter if the camera is mounted at 30 degree angle .. thus not getting a reflection from the LED ?
@alainfrenois33480 3 місяці тому
Hello, I never managed to get it to work and I bought several and each time it doesn't work on many videos you see that it's so easy but in truth it's not easy at all to ask yourself if the videos are real are stupid or a nice montage for idiots like me
@davidpomper6207 Місяць тому
Try using 9600 baud rate, that helped me to get it recording
@LuberthDijkman 11 днів тому
Flash from Browser
@LouisBurki 4 місяці тому
Just what I was searching... Although I didn't thought that someone already did it a video on it, so I was just looking some general video on the eSP32 CAM when I suddenly saw this thumbnail :D
@aimanfaris9100 5 місяців тому
hello i have a problem where when i entered my ip address, it doesn't show the initial setup page. how to fix that?
@wasdaletimelapse7658 5 місяців тому
This is a really great video. I have been trying, unsuccessfully, for 3 days to get my new ESP32-Cam modules working consistently. But now with your kind sharing of your code I have managed to get it working. I was having problems, that I now know were probably due to a weak WiFi signal, that the video stream was a complete waste of time. I now have the ESP32 connecting to a Pi4 that is running as a hotspot in close range and I use my iPad to browse to the output on that network. It all seems to be working great. My intention is to monitor a nesting Blackbird next year in my garden. Thank you very much for your efforts and keep up the great work. I have Subbed and look forward to more content from you in the near future.
@MakerMeik 5 місяців тому
I'm glad I was able to help you with my video. Since you are obviously interested in birds, I can recommend BirdNET-Pi. It's a very interesting project for tracking the bird calls in your garden with a Raspberry Pi:
@laryssalima6435 5 місяців тому
Love german accent.
@mim2990 5 місяців тому
@M4XD4B0ZZ 5 місяців тому
Wow crazy intro 😅
@deathtrooper0820 6 місяців тому
Hier mal ein deutscher Kommentar. Richtig geile Idee. Findet man die Datei auf Thingi oder so?
@MakerMeik 6 місяців тому
Klar, hatte sie in den Shownotes verlinkt, aber die sind bei den Shorts ja ziemlich versteckt. Also hier noch mal für dich: 3D-Modell: Attiny85-Code: Ich würde inzwischen übrigens ein Glas mit einem größeren Durchmesser empfehlen und die 3D-gedruckte Schrift besser fixieren, z. B. indem du sie zur Rückwand des Glases hin abstützt.
@IamAJoe 6 місяців тому
I don't speak German but I think the 3d printed piece and the led wiring look really nice. Well done 👍
@CANADIAN727 6 місяців тому
I don’t understand a word but it looks cool so I liked
@Abi3761 6 місяців тому
0:26 I like to see gas meter moving!
@TheMistervac 7 місяців тому
It can be simplified by using NODEMCU and espeasy and the contracton module, which is responsible for generating logical states. ESPeasy provides support for "pulsers" with a long logic level lasting up to several hours. This makes sense when the gas meter magnet stops and shorts the contact. Everything necessary is included in this system. You can read the counter and write a few rules that will forward the data, e.g. to Home Assistant, Domoticz or your website.
@akhan999 7 місяців тому
Would have been more useful to go through each part and what’s needed
@the_smart_home_maker 7 місяців тому
Awesome tutorial 🔥
@dronefilmsgermany 7 місяців тому
Just checked i have a somfy IO Remote in this case can I do the modification to control the window shutters via mobile app?
@user-gd8ek7xv6d 8 місяців тому
Excellent project! Any experience to run it on battery? I only need to run it 2-3 times a month. Thx
@filledmug 8 місяців тому
Was that time-lapse of sky-clouds captured by ov2640 ?
@MakerMeik 8 місяців тому
No, it is a Raspberry Pi High Quality Cam. I think for this use case you will get similar results with the normal Rapsberry Pi Cam as well. However, with an OV2640 it is hard to get good pictures, but I have heard that ESP32 cams with OV5460 are very good. Please let me know if you have your own experience with this.
@IdioticUsername 8 місяців тому
Thank you so much for this! We always misplace the remote and have to run around and search for it. Now I have the awning integrated in Home Assistant and it works beautifully! BUT I also have the sun and wind sensor, and there is a button on my remote that toggles it on and off by long pressing that button. Do you by chance know what command I should use to trigger the toggle? I tried sending 0x9 but nothing happened. Thank you so much!
@user-cb7sb5iw1y 8 місяців тому
Fantastic tutorial! Really well done and executed. I have problem tho, my D1 doesn’t show as connecting in the Arduino Monitor. Script upload without issue. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks 8:14
@stealthgerbil 9 місяців тому
How is this working out after a year? Doing research to build a similar setup.
@MakerMeik 9 місяців тому
It's still great and I keep recommending it. I now have the second 10 kg bottle in use. However, the 10 kg bottles seem to be subject to greater price fluctuations, so that the last bottle was about 30% more expensive. In total, of course, it is still worth it.
@MrBestwon96 9 місяців тому
Can i use this guide for the Somfy Situo 5 io Pure remote? it work at 868Mhz, i need just to replace a crystal?
@ericsiasiewwei5227 9 місяців тому
10:48 how do you obtain the local IP address of ESP32 cam?
@abdoun8214 10 місяців тому
More videos.. please!
@vibhvesh 10 місяців тому
Thank you! I'm glad you find the project intriguing. It's true that using a camera to capture actual readings adds versatility to the monitoring process. In the past, relying solely on timing pulses with a PIC provided useful data, but integrating a camera with AI capabilities takes it a step further. By leveraging AI, the captured images can be processed and converted into text, providing more detailed and accurate readings. This approach opens up possibilities for various applications and extends the functionality of the system. It's exciting to see how combining different technologies can lead to innovative solutions.
@superbikeengineer 10 місяців тому
I tried building one. 5 pcbs actually. Had gpio13 connected to the reed switch. Out of 5 pcbs one was working as expected after some modifications. I made some more modifications and forgot to save the one that worked . And now i have 5 pcbs, none of which are working as expected. Can you help?
@manmeetk3939 10 місяців тому
I've built the XOR gate circuit as shown in the video, but I'm only getting a low pulse while closing the door ( reed switch ) and while opening the door, it doesn't provide a low pulse to wake the esp chip. I have rebuilt the circuit on a breadboard but same results. Can anyone tell, What could be the reason ?
@manmeetk3939 10 місяців тому
The guy in the following video is amazing. He just used ATtiny85 chip and programmed it to do all kind of stuff like sending Door open/close code, sending battery low/high codes. And his circuit idea uses only 4mA just for a second while sending code and than at 0.5uA in standby mode. Seems battery would last much much longer.
@tis4real 11 місяців тому
Hello, thanks a lot for your share! I managed to make it work but shortly after the crystal stopped working and after several attempts (soldering of several crystals) I managed to make it work again and the crystal stopped working again. Currently unable to operate the device. Could it be a soldering temperature problem? What is the best temperature? I'm a bit lost (I'm more than 10 tries).
@MakerMeik 10 місяців тому
I usually solder at 350°C. The soldering iron should remain for about three seconds per solder joint, then you should not have any problems. I wonder if maybe your transmitter has problems with the 5V voltage or a short circuit somewhere? Instead of changing the crystals you could try it again with another transmitter. What makes you so sure that it is the crystal? An if you have connected everything only with jumper cables, it can often come to loose contacts. Since the problem you describe did not occur with me, I can only guess.
@abdoun8214 11 місяців тому
ur intro is so far the Coolest one i've ever seen on YT.
@lokivision 11 місяців тому
Gibt es das noch mal in deutsch für Kids?
@user-ti2ru2tz2b Рік тому
Hallo Meik, ich möchte gerne eine Zweite Markise ansteuern muss ich nur den #define Remote eine zweite Zeile eintragen mit einer anderen Nummer oder muss ich noch mehr machen, das ist mir nicht klar. Bin neu in der Arduino Welt, sorry für die dumme Frage
@MakerMeik 10 місяців тому
Beachte meinen angepinnten Kommentar. Einer meiner Zuschauer hat den Code erweitert, sodass du auch mehrere Empfänger ansprechen kannst. Ich habe den erweiterten Code nicht getestet, aber er scheint deinen Bedarf zu decken:
@camerongreco2146 Рік тому
Do you know how far a magnetic pulse output is good for? Got 26 gas meters and I got one that's up to 200 feet.
@MihaiKrieger Рік тому
The installation works now using the web installer, so the whole python step can be completely skipped. Thank you for the tutorial.
@MakerMeik 10 місяців тому
Thanks for the hint. Added this to the pinned comment 👍
@DDC251992 Рік тому
Is it possible to have more details or pictures about the wiring of the ESP with capacitor and resistor?