@z4molxe690 23 години тому
Force Awakens could have a been a legitemally ok movie had they had actual politics, atleast establish that the New Republic is a failure and a power vaccum is filled by the First Order. When I first watched it many ywars ago I had no idea what and why was going on. Many promising characters didnt have enough develooment, such as Finn, and they butchered Han Solo. The duels were a flop, the wierd shaky-cam, slow-mo's and the dumb plothole of Rey having no idea how to use a lightsaber and beating a trained sith in a duel. I really liked the hunt for luke skywalker, the interesting approach to it and really hate the stupid plot-conviniences of 'oh yea we dont have any idea how the galaxy looks, noone has a map but r2d2 convieniently had one fully completed except the wierdly left out bit bb8 had. It's so infuriating and uncreative.
@SoCoolScience День тому
Wicked Witch; Im the best movie villain. Palatine: Hold my lighting hands.
@dannyfinch День тому
The more time passes, the more awful all 3 new movies are, at least for me, i think and analyze them more and more, and they keep getting more terrible 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@Fede_uyz День тому
Anakin didnbring balance to the force.... 2 remaining sith, 2 remaining Jedi.
@akagi937 День тому
We want more videos like this, please comeback So Uncivilized , specially the last part was great
@lonewolforigin День тому
Each Trilogy makes you love the previous one. The Sequels made me appreciate the Prequels, the Prequels made me value the Originals. I hope it doesn't reach the point where I love the sequels 😅😅😅
@lucasisz День тому
Wolfgang Schäuble always reminded me of Sheev Palpatine
@Antarius 2 дні тому
This youtuber understands Star Wars better than JJ Abrams or anyone else in charge at disney
@akagi937 2 дні тому
I hope I could find Joy😄😄
@henrywilliams10 2 дні тому
They bought with no plan so they could spread "the message"
@romansalvatierra5521 2 дні тому
best analysis ive ever seen of the prquels fr
@Trey_816 2 дні тому
Disney bought the biggest film franchise ever. You'd think they'd take better care of it.
@m.moffat 2 дні тому
It’s just such a shame that the sequel trilogy and Disney Star Wars has gone the way it has. Imagine a world where we got quality Star Wars content imagine how much cool shit could be apart of the universe and think of the potential new fans. Sucks to think of what could have been.
@Trey_816 2 дні тому
I liked Episodes 1 - 3. But, I'm not most people.
@suhyunkim3589 2 дні тому
I love how they introduced Finn as a storm trooper gone rogue and then threw him in the trash
@supermanmoustache9462 3 дні тому
Pretty sure the plot of the sequel trilogy is really about the hubris of Directors who believe they are geniuses, I mean, I'm sure Disney wouldn't care if the scripts were by Lucas or not, as long as they made money. My two cents; they should have used Lucas' scripts as the Skywalker Saga is his story, then have the Star Wars Story be written/directed by other people. That way, it's Star Wars, but not Lucas Star Wars (which Disney Star Wars is anyway). But, hey, they're just movies, not like they're something akin to a religion, right?
@thecowboy9698 3 дні тому
Nice play in the video, saying: "A villain is only as good as his plan," and then showing the Joker from The Dark Knight saying: "Do I really look like a guy with a plan?" Clever!
@lumbagoboi1649 3 дні тому
Man i love the original trilogy. When i was little it was for pretty superficial reasons like darth vader being cool or how awesome the AT-ATs were. But Ive sort of come back to the films with a more critical lens and i gotta say George Lucas's vision for these movies truly transcends time. This is a story that will remain relevant for people hundreds of years from now, the same way we can kinda relate to old myths nowadays.
@Finn-qq5ln 4 дні тому
13:52 Ok hear me out: I don’t think that this had happened to Luke or any other character. Luke essentially and directly created a threat to the galaxy through Kylo Ren, and in turn had to deal with immense remorse and self-doubt in addition to the doubt on the Jedi Order causing Vader’s turn. In ROTJ, Luke merely confronts an enemy who just happens to be his father, since Luke never spent time with his father and never questions the Jedi Order at large. The closest we get is with Anakin and Obi-wan, and even then we are reminded that Anakin’s fall is not caused by Obi-wan. A flaw in this criticism video (which by the way is the best I’ve seen since it’s presented in a civilised way) is that it twisted things in the entire saga to fit an argument that the movie is bad. It goes to show that the Sequels aren’t as “objectively bad” as people think Edit: re-wording
part 7: a new hope but looks cooler and doesnt make sense Part 8: i forgot Part 9: a story from jar jar abrams's dream,without a single change to it
@kgruber3395 4 дні тому
@FormulaProg 5 днів тому
All this anti stuff is so modern society, they failed because they have no meaning and purpose just like modern humans.
@kevincross2435 5 днів тому
Very good video.
@timorean320 6 днів тому
I have a solution that could solve this problem in 5 minutes. The shortest Star Wars Movie ever. It opens with Luke all sweaty. Tossing, turning, having force dreams. Flashes of Trilogy plays, he moans, suddenly wakes up all wild eyed, and says "Thats the last time I ever take Death Sticks, what a nightmare." Roll the credits. Hey, Dallas did it, Star Wars can too.
@lulukomadori9651 7 днів тому
Like, even the tv shows does NOTHING with these at all, not even setting up the first order or snoke, just Lol, zombies and thrawn for this tv movie that doesn't matter in the end
@aarontran1026 7 днів тому
Honestly, you can look at the Sequel Trilogy and there’s nothing it did that hasn’t been done. There’s nothing about them you remember other than the “Star Wars” title, which they bought.
@Itsallawesome 7 днів тому
I hope these movies are uncanonized
@stephenmansfield2722 8 днів тому
I just cannot accept that anyone with any degree of cinematic competence can give George a pass on this! It’s just awful!
@stephenmansfield2722 8 днів тому
No, come on! It ranges from not bad to embarrassingly bad!
@Fancylvania 8 днів тому
I just watched another video from a year later and it is blowing my mind how much direct plagiarism is taken from this video.
@MTT563 9 днів тому
Your points about the strangeness going on with things like the moisture vaporators and cameos definitely hit, and of course the overall conclusion about the rise of “deep fake movies” is so on point… but there’s something I just couldn’t shake throughout the Rogue One section. For all this fakeness, all this pandering, all these soulless insertions of random imagery… why do people still like it so much? What I settled on is that - drawing from your own analysis of what Star Wars is in the Disney Trilogy video - Rogue One, despite its algorithmically assembled setpieces and imagery, still understands what Star Wars is about. It first hit me regarding Baze’s skepticism of Chirrut’s Force powers. It hadn’t struck me as odd during my first viewing, nor my second. I thought, maybe the banter between them is just that good? But no, I realized it’s more than that; it’s poetry. Baze’s skepticism of Chirrut is meant to rhyme with Han’s skepticism of Obi Wan, with each character being an amalgam and reshuffling of traits of the New Hope cast in the process of cutting their number down by 1. Chirrut is both wizened force user and sarcastic quipster, Baze is both Force skeptic and heavy weapons guy (he and Chewbacca both have ammo belts, too), K2SO is the droid but also the dashing rogue’s companion, and Cassian combines that roguishness with being an all-loving hero like Luke. Jyn, then, is a combination of Luke and Leia into a single experienced protagonist longing to learn more about her father, and for as much as her experiences are told and not shown, we’re told and not shown almost the exact same amount about Luke and Leia’s experiences. And what format are all of these rhymes combined in? One that Star Wars has never before explored in its six movies; a spy thriller! The mission debriefing that Jyn’s conscience won’t allow her to turn down, the gathering of new allies with different needed skills, the constantly moving goalposts as plans keep failing, the ticking clock on the final infiltration. Krennic kind of even just *looks and feels* like a James Bond villain, with that cane and his grand expositions and manipulations; and he certainly receives an end fitting of one. I’m open to criticism and interpretation on this. What do you all think? TL;DR, Rogue One is so loved by so many because it’s a *proper* Star Wars film that understands the medium and tries to take it in a new direction, with half of the Deep Fake elements actually being classic Lucas poetry.
@mygumybear 9 днів тому
I loved all the 3 prequels, because they answer things came out to be in Star Wars. Disney and JJ Abrams just destroyed the Star-Wars essence. He makde it for people who don't care about Star Wars.. They dumbed down the movie for the next generation. Don't understand how these directors can earn so much money but gives back garbage in fact. Just look how Villeneuve maDE Dune. Abram could learn one of two about respecting his audience intelligence from Villeneuve. I think this is in fact the fault of the audience, if they have welcomed the prequels these directors would not have dared to screw up Star Wars. Anyway, slowly Star Wars fans have become older in fact senior citizens. Dune might take up the baton. But surely after George Lucas this franchise was just tossed away by irresponsible people.
@rainjacketdot54 9 днів тому
Preguels >>>>>>>>>> sequels
@thelegendxxx1409 9 днів тому
Best villain of all time
@danielclawson2099 10 днів тому
Well, now I know why George Lucas never talks about Star Wars: he really has moved on.
@h4roldproductions148 10 днів тому
The sequels were just copying the original trilogy Both New Hope and Force Awakens were about destroying a space station Empire and Last Jedi were about bonding between people And Return of the Jedi and Rise of Skywalker was about killing Palpatine
@rebelleader13 11 днів тому
Fine I'll watch star wars again
@DanielMumby 11 днів тому
Superb analysis :)
@Benjahmin1138 11 днів тому
That literally is what happened with this movie. Disney disagreed with Gareth Edwards and has several reshoots done, so some of the more algorithmic scenes are probably a result of the studio getting between the artist and the film.
@vezolf4313 11 днів тому
Great essay. Also highly recommended Thrawn Trilogy. Its just perfect
@harrybottero6756 12 днів тому
Man I sincerely hope you make more of these.
@bigblitz 12 днів тому
It wasnt J.Js fault the sequels went distastrously, it was Disney for replacing him with Rian Johnson for one movie and then bringing JJ back for 9, having to use whatever rian left for him, if JJ had stayed director 7-9 it probably would have worked out better
@infectioussneeze9099 13 днів тому
9:07 actually theres still 1, LUKE!
@carthienesdevilsadvocatenr2806 13 днів тому
One comment that I saw and liked; was that the Rise of Skywalker was a "Great Star Wars Parody", as it can be amusing when viewed from that angle... and after the Last Jedi, that was really all there was left that could be done with the final movie!
@danmoun6835 13 днів тому
Everyone hated the prequals until the seguals came out.
@Finn-qq5ln 4 дні тому
Well said, but it seems that Sequels are getting more and more left out since, unlike the Prequels, don’t have tons of good books and video games to prop it up
@MultiRamaan 13 днів тому
Gorgeous essay
@AndthenthereisCencorship-xc6yi 14 днів тому
Once Disney touched this story it disintegrated.
@andysyark4696 14 днів тому
"Stuffman" really shouldn't be criticizing movies. He thinks "rey trilogy" is masterpiece
@tonyyul703 14 днів тому
@tonyyul703 14 днів тому