How "Anti-Vaping" ads trick you into vaping
Why is Clint Eastwood like that?
10 місяців тому
Off-Grid Grifters... Debunked
crashing | by maggie mae fish
@2yearoldeastercandy935 3 години тому
i remember when those anti-vaping "depression stick" ads came out and there were loads of teens posting about how they were going to vape even more out of spite
@oricouldjustnot 6 годин тому
this video deserves attention so I try to interact with it every time I see it
@staCats 7 годин тому
Bro I've been thinking this everytime I see an 'Anti-Vaping' ad. Before I got ad blocks for literally everything, and have no cable. I'd always mention after seeing them that 'These make me want to vape more than wanting not to." (I don't vape/smoke, watched Aunt die miserably from smoking) I think advertisements that are disguised and meant to trick you should be outlawed... Congradulations to drugs for winning the war on drugs.
@itsumayo 9 годин тому
In middle school my school treated energy drinks like black tar heroine. Lo and behold, everyone drank tons of energy drinks. I still admittedly drink way too much Monster zero
@mercurygirl67 9 годин тому
You think being an investor, wise with money, supposedly would make him have the obvious wisdom to get insurance the place he was going to be using for people to randomly use on Airbnb
@h.w.4482 11 годин тому
what's with the constant use of "white male" as an incriminatory descriptor against the programs she's complaining about? it has nothing to do with any points she discusses, the only thing it could relate to is putting crack into black neighborhoods but at 8 minutes she's mentioned "white men" twice already without even a passing acknowledgement of that event (even skipping over it as Clint Eastwood literally mentions crack by name, just calling him an "old white man" and moving on)
@bigri8032 14 годин тому
The second one has always been pretty transparent
@silvershoelaces3976 15 годин тому
When I was a child + teenager, I saw the "just say no" ads and my initial reaction to them was, "Are they stupid? Of course I'm going to say no to drugs, because I don't want to do drugs." Did the ads do anything to change my impression of drugs? Not remotely. But the ads didn't stop. They kept reminding me about drugs. A topic I would not have thought about otherwise. Increasingly, the impression I got was that the intended message was "only people who care about what others think do drugs". You know who cares a lot about what others think? Teenagers. The ad campaign that did work, the one that was memorable to me, though: "Pedestrians don't come with airbags." It's a simple image of an unhappy looking person with tire tracks on their face, with a color filter to make the image look more dramatic. And the goal is to make drivers think about pedestrians so that they don't accidentally hit them.
@maxfieldfulton 19 годин тому
Wonderful video. I love the counterpoint between the casual delivery of your brilliant insights and your meticulous editing of these clips. And I agree that Kubrick’s filmography is largely phallocentric, but that’s why it’s sublime when Alice gets the last word in Eyes Wide Shut. (And then there’s the yonic connotation of those signature one-point perspective shots …)
@0xpolymath 20 годин тому
Such a great video !
@RayPoreon 20 годин тому
Kids get sick of being spoken down to. If you just speak with them and make your case as to why doing drugs is a bad idea and be as honest as possible in the process, then you'll have better success than demanding that they stay away from them. I think things like "just say no" caught on among advertises because it's catchy, even if it's completely ineffective as a persuasion technique. Other than addiction being a thing marketing firms like to milk for money.
@newtronix 21 годину тому
So you're making money off of these people? A sort of bottom feeder?
@bigri8032 13 годин тому
And inaccurate one hanna never pretend to be anything she just flims random stuff she is up to and where's cute dresses sometimes
@Apemopo 23 години тому
dystopian as af
@SpookyDeerArt День тому
this vid sat forever in my watch later, but i finally got around to watching it. honestly agree, ever since i started seeing the wacky, colorful anti vape ads, i had a sneaking suspicion they were stealth pro-vape ads pushed by the corrupt. when i frequented tiktok, i would constantly get them and would think how bizarre they were compared to the anti smoking ads of our youth, how those stick with me even today. i think a good chunk of people in my age range are anti smoking because of both those ads and seeing the reality around us as we grew up, i remember hearing about how smoking was down in youth and then it felt like candy colored vapes with flavors to match came out and kids were being encouraged to use them. i know it's shitty of me, but if a friend picks up vaping i can't help feeling judgemental. they're the same age as me, saw all those ads growing up and seeing people we love getting cancer and having health issues from it, only to start vaping even after the info coming out about how toxic those same vapes are. i don't openly give them shit for it, but i do quietly judge them despite knowing it's more complicated than that. idk, growing up with a grandad who died from cigarette caused lung cancer right before i was born, both my siblings being born with asthma because my mom chain-smoked with them, and then seeing the very strong anti smoking ads and being shown the gory results in school made me jaded on the topic. my mom even tried to get my brother to smoke her vape when she started and both he and i spoke later about how ridiculous and stupid it felt.
@AugustCrossroads День тому
That lady smokin from her throat is the most metal thing ever
@stefan8410 День тому
Nice video until you went all communist.
@bigri8032 13 годин тому
Nah half was inaccurate anyway
@evilincoln23 День тому
Definitely my favorite lynch movie
@yungNeutrinoChoppalegit420 День тому
mean NPDs/mo? yeah ya got me bud
@scummathias День тому
why is the color of the old man emphasized so much? seems like youre tryna push an agenda.
@peter8488 День тому
That's metal...especially the millions of cars spewing metal into the air already.
@TheFalseEsquire День тому
I don’t know why, but the emotional gut punch ads like the animals looking sad up in cages playing a song like “In the arms of the angels” or something like that. I’m desensitized to it. But when two people in a show have a genuine human moment like “A Life Well-Lived” from Hunter: The Parenting it hits different. It causes me to pause my life whenever I see just to appreciate it
@genderfreeflour День тому
can someone tell me how many years Brent spent up there?
@HiMyNameIsEvvaaannnn День тому
Dude Tim heidecker is not funny. What is this blasphemy
@HiMyNameIsEvvaaannnn День тому
Summary of this video, Rob Schneider isn’t funny and a mean racist conservative. While Tim Hendecker is a legendary genius comedian
@HiMyNameIsEvvaaannnn День тому
This chick seems like a crazier lamer Halsey
@JAbramowski88 День тому
First time? I always felt like the anti smoking commercials just made me wanna light up sold I was quitting.
@tabithabasye2440 День тому
You have the best audio voice! If you don’t read audiobooks it’s worth a look into. 💜
@gregmoyers7757 День тому
My grandparents lived through a economic depression. My mother was a young child. They had nothing and never threw anything away that did not break. Odd thing is the save and never want mind set followed my parents through raising 4 of us kids. Off grid today is very expensive. It would cost you less to rent a house in the suburbs. And grow a vegetable garden. You must have electricity, internet, indoor plumbing, and a kick ass 4x4. A tractor and other farm equipment. Real off grid means that you start with nothing but do not starve and you have a dry place to sleep. My grandparents did not have electricity until 1962. They never had a phone. They never had a pump put into the well. I spend hours daily pumping the water up my hand during canning season. They farmed 20 acres and their house was on an additional 1/2 acre. With 5 kids the 20 acers in crops was just about all they needed. Once the kids were grown grandpa sold much of the crop at the farmers market. He made so much that he bought a new used pickup. Up into the late 1960s he had a used 1947 Ford car that doubled as his truck, and car to give grandma a ride to church. He still plowed his fields with a mule into 1970. You want real off grid? Look at what your grandparents or their parents did. I will never forget the summers my parents sent me to be free labor to the grandparents. They were off grid before it was fashionable. My grandparents lived off grid. My parents were raised off grid. I have a house with lights that turn on with a switch. TVs and internet. Yes I pay a company to deliver electricity. Trash pickup. And taxes to keep the road maintained. Which they seem not to be doing. But I have for a residential area a large garden. And a small green house. If they turned off my electricity I would still survive. If grocery stores went belly up, I would still eat. But late at night, I would miss those odd weird free movies that are on the internet. My cell phone sits in a holder that I made and it is mounted on my kitchen wall. Just like the phone my parents had when I was growing up. But that phone had no message service. Want to be off grid in 2024? Think long and hard about it. Do you really want to go off grid? No such thing as free. Want electricity? That is going to cost you rather you have a generator powered by solar, wind, or water. Might be cheaper to stay connected to power company. Want free water? A well is expensive and a maintenance issue. Food? Live stock and vegetable garden require an investment and maintenance. You might be a master at carving up a holiday turkey. Can you take a live one, kill it, make it ready for cooking?
@syderosparky2084 День тому
"thats metal" means "that is like the material metal" not "metal" as in badass
@scummathias День тому
@elijahisconfused День тому
yea haha it was a mockery of it
@gavinreed260 День тому
I was in Just say no and Dare and have done nicotine, weed, and drank before I've turned 21. These programs dont do shit
@tchad49 День тому
Most anti-vaping ads increase curiosity among teens who don't vape (which is 92% of them), inform them of all vaping options including 'flavors,' and convince them "all your friends are doing it." Monstrously stupid. But just FYI: JUUL launched in 2015, and US teen nicotine vaping dropped 30% the next year. Stayed relatively low in 2016. And it's even lower now.
@linwoodnymph6113 День тому
If not ca$h, what did all his fans expect for all their 'free' work? Free stays at the hotel, IF it's ever completed?
@spookiiboi День тому
challenge: watch tv for like 30 min - 1 hr and take a vape hit every time you see one of these ads, i guarantee that you'll be nic sick by 15 minutes
@linwoodnymph6113 День тому
There was fire insurance. He probably overvalued his property for insurance. No one has EVER done anything like that before, right? /sarcasm
@spookiiboi День тому
was put through the tourture of having to 'promise/pledge not to do ANY drugs' I was considering the logistics of that and I thought of my entirely legal perscriptions, and future potential for drug use and I said..."I can't promise anything"
@HiltsyAdventure День тому
You're not wrong. And using a homemade composting toilet for a year for five people is a pain in the butt lol. The one I built was basically 5 gallon bucket and then a funnel going to a gallon jug. And if you really want to know how much your kids and your wife pee, then I recommend this system... Lol
@ryliebrown858 День тому
First time viewer. Love the enthusiasm and the edits. You have such a fun and welcoming personality. Might just stick around….
@onerom_evad День тому
Wow, how did i not see this....its like the veil has been lifted... THANKs i guess,,, another "Santas not real" experience for me,,,kinda like my divorce... Really i was, totally bright eyed and bushy tailed with these off grid self sufficient van life just goes to show that at one point it really was real and ment something,,,, then good ol marketing comes along to brainwash the collective and feed off their creativity and hard work,,,cuz if it were easy you be a banker,,, jesus is born and then you have the Vadican. Cheers!
@kaveman800 День тому
fantastic video, no idea who you are but I'm sub'd now! some of your pixelated visuals gave me anxiety bc I thought my monitor suddenly died 10/10 would stress again
@bigri8032 13 годин тому
Not that great half the other people she put on blast went hiding anything she just made up fake drama
@zvezdoblyat День тому
Nothing on earth can make me smoke. I don't understand how other people do it. You guys aren't bothered by the smell? Cigarette smokers make me want to commit assault just so I don't have to smell that shit. Vape smells like poison, and I have never come that close to throwing up just from smelling something. And weed smokers make me suicidal.
@geckoram6286 День тому
2:52 The "emotionally evocative" part reminds me of the spanish government's road safety ads (I think they should be illegal, they put that shit on kid's channels, you can search "anuncio dgt 2022", they probably have subtitles)
@MrUpgradable День тому
Fresh! 😄😄😄
@shroomer8294 День тому
Where were all those cool drug dealers offering free drugs when I was a kid?
@seriphyn8935 День тому
American homesteading is wild. Y'all just skipped over having 'farming villages' and any sort of agrarian/pastoral phase, so I think Americans yearn to have a true rural lifestyle that doesn't really exist in North America. A European that is sick of the big city can just move to a small town or village and experience that life, whereas an American small town is...unpleasant comparatively.
@nathanschied6042 День тому
Good information, decent minidoc, terrible editorialization. The more opinions you put in the harder it was to take your side
@HueyGnash День тому
Why is Tyler Durden Meggie so hot? 🥺
@shortstuph123 2 дні тому
My brother is a regenerative farmer, my other brother owns a house in the woods, my god-sister is homesteading with her gf, and I obsessively cultivate wild birds and own a scruffy pony. I love all these people and think they are genuinely lovely humans. Except my brothers who are evil because of that one thing from when I was six and they were three. They know what they did. You know how we all can do this? Our family is rich. That’s it. Full stop. Every homesteader or back woods people I know (which is a fair number as you can see, these are just the ones in my immediate family) are either funded by their parents or work way, way too hard to ever open up social media to sell themselves. Or get 400 dollar haircuts. We try to do what we can to donate a lot of our money and time to good causes, but we are still rich, mostly because my grandfather was an obsessive saver and my genius dad was a genius and also got very lucky in the eighties. Those are not replicable strategies. I have never tried to obfuscate our financial safety net, but because I live in these communities, I know what they are like. They wear Casios to seem humble, while funding wars and police raids on encampments. They install solar panels but own five gas guzzling cars and charter jets. They donate a couple hundred dollars to brag about it, while moving their millions into tax havens. And I in no way should be let off the hook. I know I can always buy my way out of an emergency. I know what these people look like, because I look like them. So do the people in this video.
@Shotgun_Gospel 2 дні тому
I'm convinced that the purpose of those ads is to push people battling nicotine addiction to relapse. I'd have relapsed in a second watching this video, if I wasn't wearing a patch.
@elizabethm1698 2 дні тому
Oh my god they got Jerry Russo 4:45😭😭😭😭
@davidiancrux 2 дні тому
Completely disagree on your political takes, but definitely an interesting vid