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5 місяців тому
Making a Floating Banquette - Full Build Video
@Carolinawoodturner 10 хвилин тому
Like many lifelong woodworkers, I enjoy watching your videos and learning from them. Adopting and learning new technology and applying it to our craft is what makes it interesting. I too have migrated into the world of 3D printing and find it complements woodworking. Using this new technology also offers an opportunity to expand our knowledge, skills and ideas. Keep the 3D videos coming.
@myboxissharp 25 хвилин тому
i like the 3d print stuff
@ralphyo6285 29 хвилин тому
So what did Mathias think of your designs? You left us all wondering about the challenge.. :)
@jg5966 30 хвилин тому
More 3D print please
@waynegibbons352 39 хвилин тому
If you want to fill small gaps with superglue, place the superglue then sprinkle baking soda over - the baking soda will insta-cure the superglue and one can then sand it smooth or to shape.
@robnhill6767 Годину тому
You need to make a 3D printer from wood!
@gunningdesign Годину тому
the large wood table with the flange design for the 3d printed insert makes sense to me... The insert is a replaceable part as you mess it up with the blade... good for 3d printing you can print another anytime... The trunion is good as 3d print too... Not sure about the blade guides... PLA has such a low melting temperature... Also, I saw a thing. someone did a survey with pretty scientific testing of the various infills. Gyroid was strongest. But counter-intuitively the number of walls was more important to overall strength than infill. I think the combination of 3d printing and woodwork is pretty cool. So many options...
@internetapocalypse4885 Годину тому
I'm happy to see the 3D printed content.
@rimonerez9570 Годину тому
You can use carbon fiber filament😂
@petpaltea Годину тому
You do you.
@ianboreham454 2 години тому
I'm keen to see what you can do with a 3D printer, but I wouldn't want you to give up on wood entirely.
@ianboreham454 2 години тому
It might be a good idea in future for multi-part prints to design them so they only go together one way, and avoid some rework.
@Qosmio1955 2 години тому
I'm ambidextrous. By all means, carry on with the 3D stuff as well as the woodworking. I tried 3D printing some parts with Bambu Labs PLA-CF (carbon fibre) yesterday. The part I printed needed to be a little bit stronger than average and it worked beautifully. Brimming with confidence, I set about printing multiples of the same part and came to a screaming halt just 15 layers into the first print. Clogged nozzle... It was the Devil's own job unclogging it and the carbon fibre filament is back on the shelf for the time being...
@BensHacks 2 години тому
3d printing is the way to go for complex shapes. But the process of making is very different from traditional woodworking
@mickgentry8128 3 години тому
Wood is fully sustainable and planet friendly, plastic isn't ! Don't we have enough plastic already? Plastic is made from oil .
@maker-restorer 3 години тому
a fence would be handy on that John👍👍
@boyohboy17 3 години тому
Clearly it's time to make a 3d printer out of wood.
@1stEldestWolf 4 години тому
3D Printing is cool, but I like wood more. I'd like to see some 3D printing stuff, but mostly wood. I'd say a good 3D Print to Wood ratio for me is about 1:10 to 1:5. Also, it looks like the wood watched on the seem in the table. I don't know how you'd fix that other than maybe glue or some kind of filler. Or maybe printing a very thin piece that lays in the middle of the seem.
@rafvdp6391 5 годин тому
I don’t mind that you sometimes go print crazy 🙂or show how to replace parts with printed parts, I would prefer that the channel stays a woodworking channel. No matter what I will keep following because it is all interesting . The changes to the bandsaw are pretty amazing , since I don't own a 3D printer you are opening a new world for me. Also looking forward for the new saw build, and I guess I am not the only one.
@hed420 5 годин тому
I would love to see a fully 3d printed tool series. You could also share the files and make it open source and watch it turn into a 3d printed tool revolution.
@debeeriz 5 годин тому
looks like you need a 3d fence
@tedforrester2797 5 годин тому
More 3d printed parts
@mikedurkee7296 5 годин тому
My thought is push the 3d printing to the limit and do the entire bandsaw (minus the blade) on the 3d printer... no rush, I'll wait, it may only take 13 years to print all the parts (not including the design time) 🤣. All kidding aside, Love your work and have learned a ton!
@Electric-Bob 5 годин тому
John... that was Interesting!!!
@Smex9680 6 годин тому
Great job, Wood, and 3D good to see your problem-solving. I like seeing both but wood is better for your videos on this channel.
@vlajkozr 6 годин тому
More 3D printed stuff!!!
@ekim131 6 годин тому
Keep going with the prints!
@ekim131 6 годин тому
Would also love a section on your site where we can download your files to print ourselves.
@acidxero 6 годин тому
I'm so glad you got a 3D printer. The ways in which you think to implement it are creative and clever. I'd hope to see some mix of woodworking and 3D printing in the future.
@slammyfart 6 годин тому
would be cool to see comparisons of precision between parts made with plastic tools and tools you use in your normal work flow
@James-un6kx 6 годин тому
any plans for the lobster clamp?
@CopperTOPDave 6 годин тому
instead of adding thicker infill, use thicker walls proper. 5 layers is minimum for rigid parts. infill doesn't add as much strength as one may think vs the design of the project and wall thickness. cool concept nonetheless.
@teridzard1776 6 годин тому
The difference between the wood and the 3D-print material is, that you can hardly reuse the plastic, while the wood you can at least be burned in an oven afterwards. Try that with your 3D-print leftovers.
@benkeller3 6 годин тому
I enjoy wood , metal, and wood projects. I think seeing them all on your channel would be great.
@bradgillispie 6 годин тому
Love the Hybrid 3D printer/woodworking is awesome. I'm into the same thing. I love making jigs and fixtures and anything to help the shop via 3d printing. Do you have your files available anywhere? Thank you and keep it up!
@hansh5140 6 годин тому
just like "pocket hole joinery" there are times and places where each is acceptable practice, so print away. :)
@vincentdimaggio5627 6 годин тому
I guess there’s a place for these plastic parts but it could be taken too far I think. Not liking the plastic band saw table.
@ScottSpecial 7 годин тому
Are you sharing your clamp design stl s?
@user-gy7hv2nh8o 7 годин тому
You should build with watever you are interested in at the time. It keeps you excited about what you are doing and makes for good content as well. I think many of your viewers, myself included, are interested is using a lot of different materials and come to your channel to see you problem solve and make interesting things
@jerrystark6766 7 годин тому
You keep doing what you want to do; we will keep watching. This video was fascinating.
@dallaseggleston4731 7 годин тому
More wood please
@BentusiProgenitors 7 годин тому
How about a 3d printer out of wood :P
@cperalta 7 годин тому
Definitively would like to see a fully printed version. Try printing with ABS/ASA or PETG. Use Caseway SC-200 to weld the parts together instead of CA glue or construction adhesive.
@robertsamagalsky1617 7 годин тому
Go for it!!!
@henrymach 7 годин тому
Just a tip from someone who has been 3D printing for 10 years: more perimeters make stronger parts. The infill doesn't matter as much. But I see you discovered that by yourself in the video
@EagleCrafter-up2kt 7 годин тому
But can you 3d print a sewing machine?
@SamJantz 7 годин тому
That's super cool! You can use a glue specifically for PLA called 3d gloop to solvent weld parts. I find CA glue is great but will fail without warning and pretty spectacularly on some of my parts. Adding 3d printing into the mix is great. Why limit yourself to only wood :D
@henrymach 7 годин тому
@hockeyer 7 годин тому
I’ll offer a dissenting opinion: I prefer the wood. Appreciate it all though!
@mcoram3486 7 годин тому
I solvent weld lots of parts together with dichloromethane. Same solvent acrylic aquarium builders use.
@longshot789 7 годин тому
Eh, I'm down for whatever