A Brand New Chapter | Who We Are EP1
Season One Finale | RachReflects Episode 22
@kinmayy 5 днів тому
Thank you for the episode!!! It is not easy to take on uncomfortable conversations and apology is definitely one of them !
@weischan9235 5 днів тому
It's so great when both parties are on the same page. Such actionable pointers from today's episode!
@Jay-ru2cw 6 днів тому
Thanks Rach for inviting Leo. My favourite episodes are the ones about relationship and how both of you strengthen your connection and relationship. It helped me gained clarity and boost my courage to better support my partner. Looking forward to more of such episodes that are filled with useful science-backed and/or evidence-based tools!
@bluehaert 7 днів тому
I will preorder the book! Looking forward to it
@weischan9235 11 днів тому
“life is not that straightforward” and “it’s not absolute, you can have both emotions”. Nice to hear such perspectives. Indeed, life is not binary, there are different shades of grey btw black and white, seemingly opposing things/emotions can coexist.
@chukwudichiemezieenronobi283 11 днів тому
Great Book!
@amberhong1396 12 днів тому
I LOVE PAT LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Rachel for getting her to speak on your podcast!!! She always give very valuable insights whether is life or business! How much is the book btw? I +1 first 🎉🎉🎉
@xina3502 13 днів тому
thank you so much for this insightful exchange! i realized i lack all these communication from my manager to me as an entry level staff. i do hope i have leaders like this to guide me , providing examples or feedbackfor improvements 🤩
@vintagemeister 19 днів тому
Leo needs to share his skincare and wellness routine!
@weischan9235 25 днів тому
Looking forward to this new season of further collective growth!
@sharmainequake Місяць тому
Thank you for blessing us with a new season!
@dayanaracons Місяць тому
Cool! I just discovered the Season 1 yesterday and been planning to watch one video to start and end my end day. A conscious effort to keep me away from checking my messages and inbox first thing in the morning. Excited to learn more from you Rach and the guest Coaches.
@ms_rach Місяць тому
Welcomeeeee to the community! <3 Looking forward to learning and growing with you.
@siyingchen1085 Місяць тому
Love the new name of the season! So excited to see what you have in store for us 🥰 thank you for doing what you do.
@ms_rach Місяць тому
Thank you Siying, this means so much!! Excited to be learning and growing together x
@Corthespiritualrockstar Місяць тому
I love the info but also this guys energy is magnetic and your listening / interviewing skills are a conduit for all this info thank you so much Rachel!
@Corthespiritualrockstar Місяць тому
You’re such a great listener / interviewer Rachel (same thing lol) , and I enjoyed the guests story. I deeply resonate! So glad I found your channel, thanks!
@janeloh6064 Місяць тому
Thank you for your humble sharing, continue to walk this marriage centred in God!
@mayfoo7258 2 місяці тому
Great couple, so articulate and wise
@teoevelyn7744 4 місяці тому
Thank you for sharing such great points. There were a lot of great takeaways for me.
@Jay-ru2cw 7 місяців тому
I enjoyed every episodes of your rachreflects and have been following you since the zoom sessions. I hope that you can record the LIVE sessions and share them with your followers who are unable to attend the in-person sessions. I have learnt so much from the episodes and would rewatch them to pick up different things. Thank you so much for carving out time from your personal life to do this for your community. I wish you all the best and I look forward to season 2!
@panderlust 7 місяців тому
Thank you for genuinely sharing this with us! On the side note, I didn't know Rachel is a co-founder of Love, Bonito which is one of my favorite brands!
@eyesonme976 7 місяців тому
Woww I love this. This is a gem. Thank you rachel lim podcast
@cherylshares6856 7 місяців тому
Hi Rach! Is there any tentative date for now?:)
@kinmayy 8 місяців тому
Hi Rachel! Thank you for sharing! It’s my first time learning how we can apply the concept “prototype” in real life! And really love the before cannons , try the bullets first! It’s def a reminder for us to rem to also celebrate small wins :)
@meghasingh7520 8 місяців тому
Registered for the workshop! Can’t wait 🙌
@gladystan9328 8 місяців тому
It's such a good topic. The gut is known to be the 2nd brain in TCM. Guess it takes guts to be more intuitive.
@FoundinGrace57 8 місяців тому
One of the most inspiring podcast from both women whom I look up to and follows on their socials, using a hearing heart to receive from these two had been one of the most amazing journey I can have for myself as I learn how to recover from all the traumas I had and slowing finding myself back into a non anxiety mode bcos I need words to put into expressions of the certain things that I had gone thru, and both of you always manage to expound on that for me. Thank you!
@samueltay9016 8 місяців тому
Thank you for this inspiring session Rach and Crystal! Relieved to know that most of us make decisions emotionally (I'm guilty) and it was great to know how we can hone the other intelligences and integrate them in :) Holding space and finding time to pause, think, and reflect is truly important!!
@lyn2669 8 місяців тому
Thank you Rachel for doing this together with Leo. We need more of this - to know how to navigate relationship / marriage in modern time. I’ve learnt a lot from this episode. LEO, please do this more more Rach!! We need to hear more from the men’s perspective too!!
@kiranaali7838 8 місяців тому
I really love your sharing Rach & Leo! Very much agree that you need to stay curious about your partner. I can see this is a good healthy marriage relationship from your discussion. I hope you guys stay soulmates as husband and wife til death parts.
@Jay-ru2cw 9 місяців тому
Hi Rach. Your weekly uploads makes Tuesdays a lot more bearable. There are so many golden nuggets in all of your podcasts. Really appreciate the hard work and effort put into these videos. I want to share that my relationship benefited so much from both of your sharings. I can relate my relationship dynamic to yours. Leo’s sharing really help shed some light to how a man thinks and it helps me understand my partner better. Thank you both so much for being so open in sharing the ups and downs. Most importantly how your relationship has evolved across the different seasons and how both of you have overcome the challenges to emerge as a stronger and more loving individuals towards each other. Always looking forward to hearing Leo’s insights. Would love to know more on how Leo takes such good care of himself while juggling with family and work commitments. The struggles that men go through that are often go unheard.
@Ana_Lev 9 місяців тому
This is an amazing video. Very informative
@Ana_Lev 9 місяців тому
This was a very insightful video! Amazing to see two people thriving (with great communication skills)
@qianhualee6049 9 місяців тому
So inspiring!
@eelingtan1680 9 місяців тому
Thanks for sharing Rach. This is really helpful especially never rely on motivation. Lately I’ve been feeling lost and demotivated due to the working environment and the way things are handled. One of the main issues is the outdated management style and approach of my direct boss. This podcast made me feel beter and readjust my mindset
@susannao1466 9 місяців тому
Thank you for sharing your mindset and experience so openly! As a new small business owner in Singapore myself, I’m very grateful to have a voice like yours to inspire and guide me along my journey. I’m also a happy love, bonito customer. I hope to meet you one day. ❤
@clairehan7535 9 місяців тому
This was great sharing. Thanks Rach.
@dottydot06 9 місяців тому
Thank you for this - I enjoyed every bit of it. We all get to go on a journey - being honest with ourselves, getting to know ourselves and how to make an imprint on the world in our own special way. I love how we can always work on reframing our mindsets to be better and more resilient versions of ourselves. Please continue doing what you're doing.
@ooiguekcheng 9 місяців тому
Great content
@sarah.ashley. 9 місяців тому
What if it was your boss, insulting you verbally and subtly about something totally unrelated to your work, but your boss is part of the family in the family business that you are working for? Even the "HR" is part of the family. What advice would you have for someone who is afraid to move to somewhere new due to bad experiences in previous workplaces with politics and bosses? (E.g. Once I spoke up to HR about my boss's behavior, and HR went to tell my boss about it, and my boss shouted at me in front of everyone in the office, saying that she will make sure I cannot get another job if I quit this one).
@totorotororu 10 місяців тому
What an AHA video! When Nir touched on the internal triggers i.e. the desire to escape from discomfort, it reminded me of what Dr Becky Kennedy of Good Inside mentioned. She mentioned the goal of parenting should not be to make our children happy, as "the more we focus on becoming happy, the less tolerance we have for distress and the more we search to feel any other way than how we’re feeling" Nir's sharing has not only 💡my time management, but also the way I guide my children in their online habits. Looking forward to Part 2 on raising indistractible kids! (PS: The first thing I noticed was Nir was not on Zoom and I googled! He's in Singapore ☺)
@linteo5000 10 місяців тому
Thank you for this podcast! This book was sitting on my bookshelf and I forgot about it until I saw this podcast! Thanks for synthesizing the coaching habits key takeaways! I totally agree that the @coaching habits”” moves us towards being a better communicator and in building positive relationships.
@linteo5000 10 місяців тому
Thank you for this podcast! This book was sitting on my bookshelf and I forgot about it until I saw this podcast! Thanks for synthesizing the coaching habits key takeaways! I totally agree that the @coaching habits”” moves us towards being a better communicator and in building positive relationships.
@linteo5000 10 місяців тому
Practical advice. Rachel Reflects podcasts never fails to push me to want to learn and deep dive more into the various topics discussed.
@dottydot06 10 місяців тому
Enjoyed this - I will check the book out for sure - thank you for the episode and recommendation!
@susietiong3673 10 місяців тому
So much depth in this episode .Thank you Rach and Su Shan for such generous sharing
@redeon123 10 місяців тому
Rach, I’ve been loving your series and am learning much from the sharing. However, I do have a question - As a Christian (I believe that’s your faith unless I’ve misunderstood), where does God fit in all of your journey? Would love to hear more of your testimony about Christ, if you’re willing to share. Thanks!! ❤
@totorotororu 10 місяців тому
Awesome interview! My hub used to work with Su Shan and I heard so much positive feedback about her. Key takeaways: As we walk in the direction of True North, we have to maintain our self awareness, as well as our spirit of curiosity and develop resilience. Rachel, your sharing has an inter-generational impact as I share your posts with my teenage daughter. Thank you for planting the seed of wisdom in the community. ❤
@joydiannne 10 місяців тому
Develop inner resilience --- this is my main takeaway from this podcast episode. I agree, young professionals (like me) nowadays have some sort of mental fragility. Listening to these two inspiring leaders reminded me of the value of learning how to surpass emotional highs and lows: take a step back, breathe, calm down, and regain mental stability. Thank you, Rachel and Su Shan!
@joydiannne 10 місяців тому
Loving your episodes! Please keep them coming, Rachel! <3
@jaynetan3672 11 місяців тому
Thanks for the insightful sharing so vulnerably !