1968 • Kevlin Henney • YOW! 2018
@kalsenksangma 12 годин тому
Wow nice video full support like ❤👍🙏
@techworldwithmilan 18 годин тому
Great talk! A lot of things boil down to common sense.
@rhone733 19 годин тому
SystemD and Rust. Next topic.
@GeorgeMonsour 22 години тому
Semantics: at about 8:04, in reference to the use of Jira, the term Mr. Klemetti used is 'overlook' which effectively means to not see. I believe he means the term 'oversee' which is what management should be doing. English is tough, coding is easier.
@jamesmorgan3623 День тому
I think this is an underestimate of what AI is going to do to software development over the next few years. AI won't be writing code; it will be writing binaries. Software developers won't be using the languages they use now. They'll be using some form of much higher level language that is a some sort of structured / formal specification language - functional languages perhaps being the closets we have at the moment. Software development is incredibly labour intensive; AI will be like change this completely - with as much affect as the mechanisation of farming
@vsolyomi День тому
I have a feeling that a lot of AI tech will converge onto an idea that we can't improve AI further without improving humans.
@fburton8 2 дні тому
How to explain burritoids?
@Dogo.R 2 дні тому
Your prediction measurement is almost self fulfilling. The nest 5 in the top 20 will be languages in the top 30. And almost all are staticly typed. You would need like multiple insane overtakes to be wrong. Its a bad measurement. Not to mention the fact the list your using is missing many languages, domains, and usecases.
@Dogo.R 2 дні тому
I dont relaly like the arugments here. "Lets plot a point for when there was a low amount of slavery. Is the future a low amount of slavery [has blank graph in front of him]?" Thats just a complete mis understanding of how the future works. The future CHANGES. It wouldnt be the future if it had already happened. You cant look at the past for what with happen in the future... its a very very weak prediction tool. This is a common fallacy people have. You have to use logic and reasoning bkut the fundimental world that the change is on top of. To try to get a prediction of where the water may flow in the future, by leveraging logic and reason about the foundation that makes the stream bends to predict the upcoming stream bends, even though you cant see them.
@AnaMartins-kt8yf 2 дні тому
@Tony-dp1rl 2 дні тому
GOTO conferences used to be good, but they don't seem to have the depth anymore. Nothing in this one for anyone with more than a year of experience.
@eduardeigner9041 2 дні тому
I had to work with people having One or More Years of experience and i wish they got half of the Concepts in this talk
@digital-dude 2 дні тому
The subtitles kill me when it transcripts "jet brains" as "dead brains" :)
@GeorgeMonsour 2 дні тому
Give this guy a talk show! He's so much better than the Spotify or pot fuelled 'talking' heads out there. Just give him the radio station for that matter! We'd lose a good programmer but AI is gonna need an overlord anyway. I nominate Dylan for overlord! ;-)
@NawfalHasan 2 дні тому
Please provide chapters. Easier to navigate
@dominik__7960 3 дні тому
Please improve the sound next time!
@Thereza99110 3 дні тому
I don't undertand english very well!🤔
@Tvde1 3 дні тому
TLDR; don't do "expert" course
@Tony-dp1rl 3 дні тому
What an ugly syntax
@ilhanilhanDev 3 дні тому
@ilhanilhanDev 3 дні тому
Good thing
@ilhanilhanDev 3 дні тому
@ilhanilhanDev 3 дні тому
@anthonycyrille 4 дні тому
Like many "strongly opinioniated developers", he's terribly good at convincing us of what's wrong and awful at explaining what's right.
@DanHaywood 4 дні тому
Eoin, why are you in a prison cell?!
@CaimAstraea 4 дні тому
99.999% of the time microservices are not needed imo. Much easier to scale and reason about with a monolith. The headaches and introduced complexity is just not worth it.
@manueldippold5124 4 дні тому
I stared at the options for ordering the city names for several minutes. 'cause we don't have a definite rule either if e.g. Ö comes right after O oder if all Ä,Ö and Ü are just scrammed after Z. My German gut said Ö is a type of O. So Österreich comes after Ostern but before Zürich. :D
@TNothingFree 4 дні тому
Nice talk but not very coherent, honestly these are just generalization of software work.
@RayAndrewsDev 4 дні тому
When I think of the projects, people, and teams in my past that I would like to have tied to a chair and force to watch this ...
@archetype0 5 днів тому
One of the best talks from GOTO 🔥
@TechTalksWeekly 5 днів тому
This talk has been featured in the last issue of Tech Talks Weekly newsletter 🎉 Congrats Marty!
@dfs-comedy 6 днів тому
Chat-GPT also gaslit me when I asked: "What is the smallest even number greater than 2 that cannot be expressed as the sum of two primes?" It came back with 4. Then apologized, and said 6. Then 8. etc... And yet when I asked it what the Goldbach Conjecture was, it answered correctly and told me it had been verified up to a very high number (I forget how high exactly, but much higher than 8!)
@dfs-comedy 6 днів тому
I think there's another tipping point coming, caused not by technological innovation, but by unrestrained greed: Nowadays, it's hard to buy music. Mostly you rent it. And so physical media is becoming popular again because people like to own stuff. (Though, you don't need physical media; you just need to be able to download music and listen to it without an Internet connection... which the big streaming companies hate.)
@seanys 7 днів тому
A thousand dollars for a webcam?!?
@Roanoked 7 днів тому
enjoyed this one, thanks :)
@Dj74033 7 днів тому
Going to listen to this one again with my pen out! Lots of good one liners of knowledge.
@lerinarazafy7826 7 днів тому
"Labeling a person as a problem, is a self fulfilling prophecy" That's gold!
@nathnolt 7 днів тому
It's interesting to see that inheritance isn't a section on this list.
@rootwes5030 8 днів тому
Ahahahahahahhhhhahahhhh spring framework
@ZephyrMN 8 днів тому
Love it , excellent talk .
@PristinePerceptions 8 днів тому
While the Reactive Manifesto's definition of Asynchronous communication was imprecise, the speaker's rebuttal was also disingenuous. The important piece of the definition was "arbitrary time". Meaning you cannot predict the time after which the server will process the request received from the client. The rebuttal should've focused on the imprecision of the term "arbitrary" rather than the usage of "after". Nobody's disputing causality.
@kauegatto 8 днів тому
Excellent talk, tysm
@StylishHobo 8 днів тому
Why are you giving a platform for these scammers? Oh right, because they paid you. Pathetic
@TechTalksWeekly 8 днів тому
This talk has been featured in the recent issue of Tech Talks Weekly newsletter 🎉 Congrats Simon!
@amiteitan 8 днів тому
@GOTO- 8 днів тому
Thank you very much, @amiteitan, this is much appreciated! ⭐️
@GOTO- 8 днів тому
Stefan Tilkov was a regular presenter in the global software development conference industry, with close ties to GOTO Conferences. He leaves a digital legacy comprising many insightful presentations and talks including this one. Commemorating the enduring legacy of Stefan Tilkov gotopia.tech/articles/248 Consider a donation to "Doctors without Borders" www.innoq.com/en/stefan-tilkov
@ilhanilhanDev 9 днів тому
@apester2 9 днів тому
Randomly watched this today. 5 years later to the day.
@MikhailPryakhin 9 днів тому
Brilliant idea, thanks! How do you enforce the minimum privilege principle (authN and authZ) for Orbital when you don't know in advance which services it will talk to?
@martypitt6529 8 днів тому
Hey. Great question! We apply data access policies to data type, rather than services, and then apply them globally in the middleware. Turns out this aligns quite nicely, as people tend to want to secure data and capabilities, so the data contract is a more natural place to declare this, than in the implementation code of a service.
@bfors8498 9 днів тому
Really nice to see someone who relentlessly cuts through the crap, it was nonstop useful information
@Antiorganizer 9 днів тому
I can absolutely envision a full blown portable Netflix application entirely done in Kotlin with Compose Multiplatform. Just create really nice logical hierarchies of components and minimize platform specific layers. In fact, if I had my money on the line, that is exactly what I would use. And to everyone else here: Jetbrains can use a bit of marketing help here! We need to write more about this, help advertise it, spreading the word. This is truly the most sophisticated cross platform tech and tools that exists, imo. It's stunning how much Kotlin Native and Kotlin JVM overlaps for example. Compose does coroutines, which means you get unsurpassed visual control (eg animating UIs). Performance isn't a problem. Heck, for the web, it leverages WASM now, hello! No multithreading? Use coroutines! Coroutines can prevent corruption of shared data! I prefer coroutines over old multi-threading, for anything now.