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matter protocol factory data
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matter commissioning
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matter Protocol PASE Deep Dive
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Day 2-3 设备事件机制使用
@SalonJapanese 2 місяці тому
@user-lq9jw2te2h 3 місяці тому
@HwamingChen 6 місяців тому
@marclinlin2799 6 місяців тому
@jangAckman 8 місяців тому
@lapetiteanessesoap7559 9 місяців тому
@jangAckman 9 місяців тому
请教一下:为啥这个频道叫IoT Bootcamp呀? 好像没有与物联网相关呢?
@torchiotbootcamp7844 9 місяців тому
有的, 比如matter系列 ukposts.info/slow/PLkc2nflOpCG0grD9ae_v_QydpC9JCwEWg
@jrkim8126 9 місяців тому
It lookz really good... but I can understand Chiness 😢
@happyplace2live 9 місяців тому
Thank you.
@twotwo66 10 місяців тому
@evanyu1802 10 місяців тому
@TheFaileur Рік тому
wtf, I searched high and low for matter binding process and json format, and this is the only answer I've got... Thanks alot dude you saved my job
@ahawo3467 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
这个是因为我们准备发声时候比较紧张, 前几个字声音会比较大声. 我也是这样的, 注意调整一开始的音量就可以了. 或者选择录音做淡入淡出效果也可以将音量降下来
@ahawo3467 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 thank you!
@oktoberyue89 Рік тому
老师您好! 感谢您的视频,非常有帮助!这里我有一个问题想请教您:在点击screenrecording 之后弹出来的小框内所有按钮都是灰的,但是在选择了select area之后,录制按钮就变成橙色可以录制了。和您展示的不太一样。这是怎么回事呢,感谢您的回复!
@elyse.l Рік тому
@yidai108 Рік тому
Thank you
@-mapleeducationcanada4879 Рік тому
@distone07 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
Powerpoint没有这个功能, 可以导出视频后用剪映来处理AI语音自动读文本
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
### Building chip-cert ``` source ./scripts/activate.sh gn gen out ninja -C out chip-cert ./out/chip-cert help ``` ### Building spake2p ``` ninja -C out spake2p ./out/spake2p help ``` ### Generate Attestation Certificate ``` cd out ./chip-cert gen-att-cert --type a --subject-cn "Matter Development PAA 01" --valid-from "2022-10-15 14:23:43" --lifetime 3650 --out-key Chip-PAA-Key.pem --out Chip-PAA-Cert.pem cat Chip-PAA-Cert.pem openssl x509 -in Chip-PAA-Cert.pem -text ./chip-cert convert-cert -d Chip-PAA-Cert.pem Chip-PAA-Cert.der ./chip-cert gen-att-cert --type i --subject-cn "Matter Development PAI 01" --subject-vid FFF2 --valid-from "2022-10-15 14:23:43" --lifetime 3650 --ca-key Chip-PAA-Key.pem --ca-cert Chip-PAA-Cert.pem --out-key Chip-PAI-Key.pem --out Chip-PAI-Cert.pem ./chip-cert gen-att-cert --type d --subject-cn "Matter Development DAC 01" --subject-vid FFF2 --subject-pid 8001 --valid-from "2022-10-15 14:23:43" --lifetime 3650 --ca-key Chip-PAI-Key.pem --ca-cert Chip-PAI-Cert.pem --out-key Chip-DAC-Key.pem --out Chip-DAC-Cert.pem ./chip-cert validate-att-cert --dac Chip-DAC-Cert.pem --pai Chip-PAI-Cert.pem --paa Chip-PAA-Cert.pem ./chip-cert gen-cd -C ../credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Cert.pem -K ../credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Key.pem --out Chip-CD.bin -f 1 -V FFF2 -p 8001 -d 0257 -c "ZIG0000000000000000" -l 0 -i 0 -n 0001 -t 0 ``` ### mfg_tool * Download all files of mfg_tool at github.com/espressif/esp-matter/tree/main/tools/mfg_tool * Copy all files to new folder ./connectedhomeip/mfg_tool #### Install python dependencies ``` cd ../mfg_tool python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` #### Add the chip-cert and spake2p path to $PATH ``` export PATH=$PATH:~/chip/connectedhomeip/out ``` #### Generate 5 factory partitions [Optional argument : -n] ``` ./mfg_tool.py -n 5 -cn "My bulb" -v 0xFFF2 -p 0x8001 --pai \ -k ../out/Chip-PAI-Key.pem \ -c ../out/Chip-PAI-Cert.pem \ -cd ../out/Chip-CD.bin ``` #### Parse QR Code ``` ../out/chip-tool payload parse-setup-payload MT:634J0KQS02LMTV4NF00 [1666949221847] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Parsing base38Representation: MT:634J0KQS02LMTV4NF00 [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Version: 0 [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] VendorID: 65522 [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] ProductID: 32769 [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Custom flow: 0 (STANDARD) [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Discovery Bitmask: 0x02 (BLE) [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Long discriminator: 3754 (0xeaa) [1666949221848] [32835:2444817] CHIP: [SPL] Passcode: 19451119 ``` #### Flashing the manufacturing binary ``` esptool.py write_flash 0x9000 ./out/fff2_8001/0ce45224-43be-4195-b35d-c9a38b26e9c0/0ce45224-43be-4195-b35d-c9a38b26e9c0-partition.bin ``` ### SDK config ``` cd examples/lighting-app/esp32 idf.py menuconfig Component config → CHIP Device Layer → Commissioning options → Use ESP32 Factory Data Provider] Enable config option CONFIG_ENABLE_ESP32_FACTORY_DATA_PROVIDER to use ESP32 specific implementation of DeviceInstanceInfoProvider. [Component config → CHIP Device Layer → Commissioning options → Use ESP32 Device Instance Info Provider] ESP32 implementation reads factory data from nvs partition, chip-factory data must be flashed into the configured nvs partition. Factory partition can be configured using CONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_NAMESPACE_PARTITION_LABEL option, default is "nvs". idf.py build idf.py flash monitor ``` ### Pairing the device with new PAA trust store path ``` ./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 0x11 SSID password 19451119 3754 --paa-trust-store-path . ```
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Sir please make video on wild card
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
onnectedhomeip/examples/light-switch-app/esp32 connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/esp32 connectedhomeip/out/chip-tool # Write ACL to lighting-app device: 0x22 ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": 【112233】, "targets": null },{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": 【17】, "targets": null }]' 0x22 0 # Write Binding Cluster to light-switch-app device: 0x11 ./out/chip-tool binding write binding '【{"fabricIndex": 1, "node":34, "endpoint":1, "cluster":6}】' 0x11 1
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Please make video on unpair
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp CHIP_ERROR DeviceCommissioner::UnpairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId) { // TODO: Send unpairing message to the remote device. return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } It is not supported yet in the chip-tool
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
It looks like the darwin tool implement the unpair. But I have not Apple developer account to test it. examples/darwin-framework-tool/commands/pairing/PairingCommandBridge.mm void PairingCommandBridge::Unpair() { dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip-tool.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); MTRDeviceController * commissioner = CurrentCommissioner(); auto * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(mNodeId) controller:commissioner]; ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Attempting to unpair device %llu", mNodeId); MTRBaseClusterOperationalCredentials * opCredsCluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:device endpoint:@(0) queue:callbackQueue]; [opCredsCluster readAttributeCurrentFabricIndexWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable readError) { if (readError) { CHIP_ERROR readErr = MTRErrorToCHIPErrorCode(readError); LogNSError("Failed to get current fabric: ", readError); SetCommandExitStatus(readErr); return; } MTROperationalCredentialsClusterRemoveFabricParams * params = [[MTROperationalCredentialsClusterRemoveFabricParams alloc] init]; params.fabricIndex = value; [opCredsCluster removeFabricWithParams:params completion:^(MTROperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable removeError) { CHIP_ERROR removeErr = CHIP_NO_ERROR; if (removeError) { removeErr = MTRErrorToCHIPErrorCode(removeError); LogNSError("Failed to remove current fabric: ", removeError); } else { ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Successfully unpaired deviceId %llu", mNodeId); } SetCommandExitStatus(removeErr); }]; }]; }
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
Test steps: # Device 1 side ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null },{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 4, "authMode": 3, "subjects": [1024], "targets": null }]' 0x11 0 ./chip-tool groupkeymanagement key-set-write '{"groupKeySetID": 42, "groupKeySecurityPolicy": 0, "epochKey0": "d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime0": 2220000,"epochKey1": "d1d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime1": 2220001,"epochKey2": "d2d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime2": 2220002 }' 0x11 0 ./chip-tool groupkeymanagement write group-key-map '[{"groupId": 1024, "groupKeySetID": 42, "fabricIndex": 1}]' 0x11 0 ./chip-tool groups add-group 0x400 grp1 0x11 1 # Device 2 side ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null },{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 4, "authMode": 3, "subjects": [1024], "targets": null }]' 0x22 0 ./chip-tool groupkeymanagement key-set-write '{"groupKeySetID": 42, "groupKeySecurityPolicy": 0, "epochKey0": "d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime0": 2220000,"epochKey1": "d1d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime1": 2220001,"epochKey2": "d2d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime2": 2220002 }' 0x22 0 ./chip-tool groupkeymanagement write group-key-map '[{"groupId": 1024, "groupKeySetID": 42, "fabricIndex": 1}]' 0x22 0 ./chip-tool groups add-group 0x400 grp1 0x22 1 # Controller ./chip-tool groupsettings add-group grp1 0x400 ./chip-tool groupsettings add-keysets 0x0042 0 0x000000000021dfe0 hex:d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf ./chip-tool groupsettings bind-keyset 0x400 0x0042 # Send command ./chip-tool onoff toggle 0xffffffffffff0400 1
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
Identity Protection Key (a Universal Group key shared across a Fabric)在commissioning阶段传递给commisionee的
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
是的, 每次都通过CASE过程生成动态密钥. 这样即使暴露了某次密钥也不会因此导致过往通讯数据被破解. 这就是所谓的前向安全保证
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 我跟google工程师确认了下,他说不用每次都生成,可以重复通过session来使用
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@@leoxie1971 非常感谢你的分享. 应该是 Session Resumption. “The protocol also provides a means to quickly resume a session using a previously established session. Resumption does not require expensive signature creation and verification which significantly reduces the computation time. Because of this, resumption is favoured for lowpowered devices when applicable. Session resumption SHOULD be used by initiators when the necessary state is known to the initiator.”
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 up视频全是干货,希望能出更多视频
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@@leoxie1971 希望多交流, 共同进步
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
我看你写的session id 和 security flags与0.9spec中是反的,是新的文档更正了吗?
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
我看了1.0 pre的Spec, 没有改变呢 “The Unsecured Session SHALL be indicated when both Session Type and Session ID are set to 0.”
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 视频51s位置的session id 和 security图片和0.9、1.0的spec不一致,有可能新文档后期更改了这两个字节的顺序
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@@leoxie1971 的确如此, 前后顺序在1.0里改变了, 谢谢分享🙏
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 那个协议对比词汇的图在哪找到的?
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@@leoxie1971 那个是matter的spec, 加入CSA可以获得
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 homekit weave zigbee matter 名词对比那个链接可以分享下吗?我没有找到
@leoxie1971 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 无法截图回复,图片在第42秒的位置
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Sir please make video on bridge matter device
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read extension 0x11 0 [1661255337724] [10969:695747] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 3429936549 [1661255337724] [10969:695747] CHIP: [TOO] Extension: 0 entries ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read subjects-per-access-control-entry 0x11 0 [1661255120115] [10897:693307] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0002 DataVersion: 3429936549 [1661255120116] [10897:693307] CHIP: [TOO] SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry: 4 ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read targets-per-access-control-entry 0x11 0 [1661255203988] [10915:694127] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0003 DataVersion: 3429936549 [1661255203988] [10915:694127] CHIP: [TOO] TargetsPerAccessControlEntry: 3 ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read access-control-entries-per-fabric 0x11 0 [1661255240554] [10930:694577] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0004 DataVersion: 3429936549 [1661255240554] [10930:694577] CHIP: [TOO] AccessControlEntriesPerFabric: 3 ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read attribute-list 0x11 0 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_FFFB DataVersion: 3429936549 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] AttributeList: 9 entries [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 0 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [2]: 1 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [3]: 2 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [4]: 3 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [5]: 4 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [6]: 65528 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [7]: 65529 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [8]: 65531 [1661255392157] [10991:696396] CHIP: [TOO] [9]: 65533
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read acl 0x11 0 [1661336842773] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 2919594747 [1661336842773] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] ACL: 1 entries [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: { [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] Privilege: 5 // Administer [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] AuthMode: 2 // CASE [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] Subjects: 1 entries [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 112233 // Default controller node ID [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] Targets: null // Grant access to all clusters and endpionts [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] FabricIndex: 1 [1661336842774] [12661:891268] CHIP: [TOO] } ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": [{"cluster": 41, "endpoint": null, "deviceType": null}]}]' 0x11 0 . ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol read acl 0x11 0 [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 2919594750 [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] ACL: 2 entries [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: { [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Privilege: 5 // Administer [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] AuthMode: 2 // CASE [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Subjects: 1 entries [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 112233 // Default controller node ID [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Targets: null // Grant access to all clusters and endpionts [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] FabricIndex: 1 [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] } [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] [2]: { [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Privilege: 3 // Operate [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] AuthMode: 2 // CASE [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Subjects: null // Grant access to any Node [1661336966441] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Targets: 1 entries [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: { [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Cluster: 41 // OTA Provider Cluster (0x0029) [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: null // On all endpoints [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] DeviceType: null [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] } [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] FabricIndex: 1 [1661336966446] [12701:892555] CHIP: [TOO] }
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
./out/chip-tool onoff on 0x11 1 I (148055) chip[ZCL]: On/Off set value: 1 1 I (148055) chip[ZCL]: Toggle on/off from 0 to 1 I (148055) chip[ZCL]: On Command - OffWaitTime : 0 ./out/chip-tool onoff off 0x11 1 I (395375) chip[ZCL]: On/Off set value: 1 0 I (395375) chip[ZCL]: Toggle on/off from 1 to 0 I (395385) chip[ZCL]: Off Command - OnTime : 0 ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1 I (442435) chip[ZCL]: On/Off set value: 1 2 I (442435) chip[ZCL]: Toggle on/off from 0 to 1 I (442445) chip[ZCL]: On Command - OffWaitTime : 0 ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1 I (500685) chip[ZCL]: On/Off set value: 1 2 I (500685) chip[ZCL]: Toggle on/off from 1 to 0 I (500685) chip[ZCL]: Off Command - OnTime : 0 ./out/chip-tool levelcontrol read current-level 0x11 1 [1660114857995] [44794:1971334] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3777538792 [1660114858000] [44794:1971334] CHIP: [TOO] current level: 1 ./out/chip-tool levelcontrol read min-level 0x11 1 [1661247821287] [8493:636030] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0002 DataVersion: 639425111 [1661247821287] [8493:636030] CHIP: [TOO] min level: 0 ./out/chip-tool levelcontrol read max-level 0x11 1 [1660114966214] [44890:1972503] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0003 DataVersion: 3777538793 [1660114966214] [44890:1972503] CHIP: [TOO] max level: 254 ./out/chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 50 0 0 0 0x11 1 I (2688145) chip[EM]: Received message of type 0x10 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:2669250607 on exchange 44221r I (2688155) chip[ZCL]: Event: move from 1 I (2688165) chip[ZCL]: to 50 I (2688165) chip[ZCL]: (diff +1) ./out/chip-tool levelcontrol read current-level 0x11 1 [1661248428253] [8635:641217] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_0008 Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 639425114 [1661248428253] [8635:641217] CHIP: [TOO] current level: 50
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app ./out/chip-tool descriptor read parts-list 0x11 0 [1660058780346] [42822:1867926] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0003 DataVersion: 3950208479 [1660058780346] [42822:1867926] CHIP: [TOO] parts list: 1 entries [1660058780346] [42822:1867926] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 1 // Endpoint No ./out/chip-tool descriptor read parts-list 0x11 1 [1660058799550] [42836:1868173] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0003 DataVersion: 779055651 [1660058799550] [42836:1868173] CHIP: [TOO] parts list: 0 entries ./out/chip-tool descriptor read device-list 0x11 0 [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 3950208479 [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] device list: 1 entries [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: { [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] Type: 22 // 0x0016: Root Node [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] Revision: 1 [1660058608268] [42734:1866106] CHIP: [TOO] } ./out/chip-tool descriptor read device-list 0x11 1 [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 779055651 [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] device list: 1 entries [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: { [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] Type: 257 // 0x0101: Dimmable Light [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] Revision: 1 [1660058633068] [42752:1866401] CHIP: [TOO] } ./out/chip-tool descriptor read server-list 0x11 0 [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 3950208479 [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] server list: 21 entries [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 4 // 0x04: Group [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [2]: 29 // 0x1D: Descriptor [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [3]: 31 // 0x1F: AccessControl (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [4]: 40 // 0x28: Basic Information (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [5]: 42 // 0x2A: OTA Software Update Requestor [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [6]: 43 // 0x2B: Localization Configuration [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [7]: 44 // 0x2C: Time Format Localization [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [8]: 48 // 0x30: General Commissioning (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [9]: 49 // 0x31: Network Commissioning [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [10]: 50 // 0x32: Diagnostic Logs [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [11]: 51 // 0x33: General Diagnostics (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [12]: 52 // 0x34: Software Diagnostics [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [13]: 53 // 0x35: Thread Network Diagnostics [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [14]: 54 // 0x36: Wi-Fi Network Diagnostics [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [15]: 55 // 0x37: Ethernet Network Diagnostics [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [16]: 59 // 0x3B: Switch [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [17]: 60 // 0x3C: Administrator Commissioning (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [18]: 62 // 0x3E: Node Operational Credentials (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [19]: 63 // 0x3F: Group Key Management (M) [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [20]: 64 // 0x40: Fixed Label [1660058671040] [42764:1866703] CHIP: [TOO] [21]: 65 // 0x41: User Label ./out/chip-tool descriptor read server-list 0x11 1 [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 779055651 [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] server list: 7 entries [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 3 // 0x03: Identify (M) [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [2]: 4 // 0x04: Group (M) [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [3]: 6 // 0x06: On/Off (M) [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [4]: 8 // 0x08: Level (M) [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [5]: 29 // 0x1D: Descriptor [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [6]: 768 // 0x300: Color Control [1660058692237] [42776:1866934] CHIP: [TOO] [7]: 1030 // 0x406: Occupancy Sensing ./out/chip-tool descriptor read client-list 0x11 0 [1660058736512] [42794:1867393] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0002 DataVersion: 3950208479 [1660058736512] [42794:1867393] CHIP: [TOO] client list: 1 entries [1660058736512] [42794:1867393] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 41 // 0x29: OTA Software Update Provider ./out/chip-tool descriptor read client-list 0x11 1 [1660058752452] [42808:1867616] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 1 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_0002 DataVersion: 779055651 [1660058752452] [42808:1867616] CHIP: [TOO] client list: 0 entries ./out/chip-tool descriptor read attribute-list 0x11 0 (Same as endpoint 1) [1660058830165] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001D Attribute 0x0000_FFFB DataVersion: 3950208479 [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] AttributeList: 8 entries [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [1]: 0 // DeviceTypeList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [2]: 1 // ServerList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [3]: 2 // ClientList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [4]: 3 // PartsList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [5]: 65528 // GeneratedCommandList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [6]: 65529 // AcceptedCommandList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [7]: 65531 // AttributeList [1660058830166] [42854:1868525] CHIP: [TOO] [8]: 65533 // ClusterRevision
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Please make video on Matter device to non matter device communication.
@darwinding320 Рік тому
你好,视频中的ppt 能否分享下
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Very helpful
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
When I did it.. I got PASE error.. Please help me to solve it
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
You can try the BCM first, once you have done. You can try the ECM
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
#./out/chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window node-id option timeout iteration discriminator # option = 0 (BCM), use previouse setup pin code 20202021 ./out/chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 0x11 0 300 1000 3840 # on iMac ./out/chip-tool pairing onnetwork 0x11 20202021 ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1 # on macbook ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
#./out/chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window node-id option timeout iteration discriminator # option =1 (ECM), generate new setup pin code ./out/chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 0x11 1 300 1000 3840 # Find the pairing code and QR code from chip-tool output [1657854373712] [75891:1596232] CHIP: [CTL] Manual pairing code: [35019939638] [1657854373712] [75891:1596232] CHIP: [CTL] SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN00GWOA45E10] # parse the setup pin code using chip-tool ./out/chip-tool payload parse-setup-payload 35019939638 [1657855087442] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] Parsing decimalRepresentation: 35019939638 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] CommissioningFlow: 0 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] VendorID: 0 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] Version: 0 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] ProductID: 0 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] Discriminator: 3840 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] SetUpPINCode: 64930839 [1657855087443] [76027:1600390] CHIP: [SPL] RendezvousInformation: 0 MarkdeiMac:connectedhomeip mark$ ./out/chip-tool payload parse-setup-payload MT:-24J0AFN00GWOA45E10 [1657855117598] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] Parsing base38Representation: MT:-24J0AFN00GWOA45E10 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] CommissioningFlow: 0 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] VendorID: 65521 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] Version: 0 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] ProductID: 32769 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] Discriminator: 3840 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] SetUpPINCode: 64930839 [1657855117599] [76041:1600614] CHIP: [SPL] RendezvousInformation: 4 # on iMac ./out/chip-tool pairing onnetwork 0x11 64930839 ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1 # on macbook ./out/chip-tool onoff toggle 0x11 1
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@@torchiotbootcamp7844 it's solved thanks for your support Can you make video on how matter node communicate with chiptool and with each other... TIA
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
@@hiteshmathukiya1297 You can watch the matter CASE, ukposts.info/have/v-deo/qoWbgX5rf62UloE.html that is capture of the communication between node and chip-tool
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Keep it up sir... Very knowledgeable video
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Please make video on 1) one chip controller to multi node 2) matter node to matter node communication. 3) chip controller to chip controller communication 3) matter to non matter device This will very helpful. Thanks🙏🙏
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@yurishion5388 Рік тому
最好的教程往往用最通俗易懂的方式讲解,赞 !
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Nice.... Can you make video on unpairing device.... And.....video on multiple commissioner and multiple commissionee..
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Nice video
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
Thanks so much!
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
Please make video of multi admin
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому
Put on the todo list. Just publish a new video "matter commissioning"
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@hiteshmathukiya1297 Рік тому
@torchiotbootcamp7844 Рік тому