@ethoh100 4 години тому
Watching from the motherland, keep up the good work.🌍
@yrmatesux2191 6 годин тому
Also I just wanted to say that there are ancient monolithic things here in newzealand . My friend was planting weed and rolled down the hill onto it. I think that after they went to Australia they also came here
@yrmatesux2191 6 годин тому
I've shown so many people 19 K . I fully understand that this is the truth. A specially wen after it I saw an unrelated video of a man who melts rocks and all sorts of things with the sun
@paulrichards3928 15 годин тому
Fehmi Krasniqi, you need a graphics speicalist to tell this story along side you.
@DougMayhew-ds3ug 20 годин тому
As for the granite blocks that might not have been poured, look at this methods for single-handed my moving and raising multi-ton blocks without modern technology l, the best methods have ever seen demonstrated on video:
@DougMayhew-ds3ug 22 години тому
I buy the argument for concrete, but the lens used to melt rock would be very difficult to make, it would be very heavy, like today’s telescope mirrors. Perhaps an array of flatter, smaller lenses, or a Freshnel lens, which were invented expressly for that purpose of lessening the weight of lighthouse lenses. All solar lens theories rest upon mastery of glass making, with sufficient purity and transparency. Didn’t Alexandria have a huge lighthouse? Maybe it showcased a freshnel-style lens? One might also look at copper parabolic reflectors, as an alternative.
@BearCY 23 години тому
From 37:12, at having seen the rest of the videos in this playlist, it doesn't seem to me like the wooden beam is stuck in any original concrete, but in modern concrete added by the restorers or plaster of Paris that was added by the ancient Egyptians during the times of the pharaohs. This as it is much whiter than the original stones (that may also have been earlier concrete; I don't mean to dispute that!). The original stones are darker yellow and also covered by salt crystals from when the pyramid-thousands of years earlier was still in commission working as a pollution free lightening driven with inverse piezo electric ultra sound of molecule smashing 43 kHz creating granite chambers-and as a side effect seasonal rain producing-chemical plant, making the Sahara lush green for thousands of years. This salt is only present on the older stones in opposition to both on the concrete or the plaster of Paris and neither on the wooden beam does there seem to be any salt. Maybe we'll just have to look for it, to see it?
@ChutneyInc. День тому
rain isn't pure anymore
@ChutneyInc. День тому
i dislike that Billy Carson hasn't seen this or skips bring the K19 documentary up. Even tho it goes against his teachings/theories.
@BearCY День тому
If you have found organic materials in these stones; not just imprints of them, do you by any chance know of any samples of them being carbon dated? I've previously heard of insects being found in the stones of Giza pyramids, and have obviously got the same question in relation to them. Beyond this, thanks for a surprisingly interesting movie! I have therefore permitted myself to insert it into my "Ancient Technology" playlist, because it complements it perfectly: If you find my actions to be embarrassing, and would prefer to deny me to link to it there, please do tell me to delete it, and I will!
@freeurmind8856 День тому
Thank's a lot for the good job you're doing for humanity!
@skinnyway День тому
I would love to be able to watch all of Fehmi's videos - can anyone help get them translated please??? K-2019 blew my mind wide open. answered so many questions along with the original photos of the white male explorers destroying the noses of all the statues and even destroying and remaking the sphynx themselves. I hate the human race. all you can do is focus on skin color. you're so damn stupid. dont you get it yet??? PERFECTION IS CRYSTAL CLEAR. NO COLOR AND ALL COLORS. God flooded the world they were in charge of and the truth of the matter is that the black race worships animals - CATS - and sex. Watch Beyonce and all those other freaks for proof or evidence. Just because they were in charge AT THE END does not mean they created it. The pharoahs had statues made of themselves by other men who understood the science. have you learned nothing in the last hundred years? The world BECAME so corrupt... Genesis 6:5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
@sankofaafari4374 День тому
Thank you for not being afraid of telling the truth about Ancient Egypt being a black civilization. The world needs to come to terms with that and deal with their racist, prejudice, biased, selves.
@skinnyway День тому
can the blacks even do that? the blacks were in charge when God killed the world. let that sink in. Read how the world was so corrupt and God hated His creation so badly He DESTROYED them. hello.
@shanefanon День тому
Thank you. День тому
Wonderful show, We should have this on TV
@jaytypat963 День тому
Thank you.
@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n День тому
You know whats a historical truth? The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
@momoelmomo9045 День тому
and mine
@IsraelHoyle День тому
Hear say 😂
@Sekou156 День тому
@kherachikadour6726 День тому
Mr Fehmi Krasniki your genius work ..Great Pyramid K 2019 ..must be first regonise by ALESCO ..of arabs because all north africa are african semits ..and must be than recognised bu the UNESCO ..the world human organisation ...and you have to contact Dr Louiz Ferachan in USA who needs to saw your human discovery ...he was a black american citizen who love human justice and Africa continent ....from the drop of water all sciences technologies are possible ...and in the semtic arab Koran ...from water all things is to be in life congratulation to you and your work ..eternally ....from Zarfa the son of tobna and alkahina and aljazia the algerian the semite the african ...
@luigisola8264 День тому
The Shadow banning continua...
@luigisola8264 День тому
UKposts e la sua censura di merda...
@luigisola8264 День тому
Perché non ci sono i sottotitoli !!?
@fabricefernandez4112 2 дні тому
Non mais machin, insupportable cet Alexis hein.A part ça rien de clair. C'est d'un chiant.
@marianapreda4233 2 дні тому
The bias idea of Fehmi Krasniqi is that the world history should be rewritten because black Egyptians built all the pyramids and megalithic constructions all around the world beginning from Egypt, South America, Australia, India, Europe with polymer concrete and wooden forms, and a 5m lens powered by the sun that melted granite to form statues, obelisks and granite blocks in molds. The black egyptians invented civilization also the metric measurements and weights system, chemistry, mathematics and sacred geometry there were no smarter and bigger builders than the black egyptians. The Greeks and the Romans were imitators and stole their ideas from black egyptians. In the animated movie there is no structural comparation shown between the polymer concrete blocks and natural cut stone blocks. The concrete in the 2-3 tons mold should be in liquid form to form a solid block and the mold can't be filled fast enough with a bucket. The problem with melted granite or basalt is that will not turn back in granite but in black obsidian glass, and nobody could work barefoot and naked close to melted granite or basalt lava and withstand 2000F degree without being cooked alive.
@cedricmuzitakiomba7994 3 дні тому
Joyeux anniversaire 🎉🎉🎉🎉 . Avec un peu de retard... désolé.
@inconnu9363 3 дні тому
Tres interressant j'ai regardé totalement le film. Par contre j'ai décroché sur le voyage des égyptiens en amerique du sud. Au debut tout est tres détaillé pour l'Égypte mais ensuite comment quelques hommes ont pu construire tous ces temples, avec quelle main-d'œuvre, quel langage, quelle intendance? Et ensuite se répendre sur la terre. Il a bien fallu des descendances donc des couples multinationales ? Là il y a un questionnement au niveau géographique et temporel. Et qui a construit et comment ces lentilles nont pas ete vu en Europe à Lyon ou en Inde etc?
@007EnglishAcademy 4 дні тому
@momoelmomo9045 4 дні тому
Vos comparaison me tueront toujours de rire monsieur Krasniqi. On se film pas sur le trajet des courses car on a besoin de prouver cela a personne^^ L'absence de videos prouvant que jy etais ne prouve rien qd au moyen de transport que jai utilisé. a pied, en voiture, en velo ou sur le dos de ma grand mere... concernant legypte par exemple... evidement quil savait beaucoup plus de choses quon ne le pense. c'est certain mais... la question pour moi c'est comment, quand et surtout pourquoi? ps: on aime ceux qui cherchent meme si ils se trompe. car eux au moins ont compris que la soupe fourni au refectoire est juste degueulass. tout mon soutient Fehmi.
@roninsamurai1749 4 дні тому
Excellente Video ! on veux d'autres similaires, courage a vous Mr Fehmi
@williamsainato697 4 дні тому
Mr. Krasniqi , i believe the water droplet💧 must be measured in a Zero gravity chamber to create the universal constant. Weve already seen the floating/flying objects carved into pyramids so i believe Egyptian scientists also had gravity chambers in their laboratories or at least figured a mathematical formula to simulate the measurement they needed.
@user-lp9tb2ng8t 4 дні тому
UKposts censure cette chaîne pas possible.
@alfredmarguet9008 4 дні тому
Excellent résumé , merci pour vous partages des contenus très enrichissantes , bonne continuation . Cordialement
@PurdyNapps 4 дні тому
Can you provide more content in English?
@FehmiKrasniqi-Official 4 дні тому
Hi, it requires financing. I am alone and I have no funding. Regards
@PurdyNapps 4 дні тому
@@FehmiKrasniqi-Official I totally understand. You have amazing content and I love learning new things. I appreciate your work!
@Planetelushoise 4 дні тому
Lourd frère,on attend
@fkwithaak206 4 дні тому
You guys do everything but admit Jesus Christ is real. I hope you guys have fun, denying him and spending eternity burning and fucking flame.
@guydevaux5635 4 дні тому
Attention Fehmi a raison sur bien des points..
@francinedonneaux596 5 днів тому
Mais il paraît que toutes les pierres assemblées dans le monde ex ltoutes les pyramides ou au Pérou ne peuvent s'expliquer par la technique décrite
@Thesupergeeeks 5 днів тому
Mdr pour les poubelle de science 😂,bonne anniversaire a to.n fils et longue vie a vous trois,
@urantiawisdom 5 днів тому
" One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from Japan, eventually reached South America and by intermarriage with the natives of the Andes established the ancestry of the later rulers of the Incas. They crossed the Pacific by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands they found along the way. The islands of the Polynesian group were both more numerous and larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed them, biologically modified the native groups in transit. Many flourishing centers of civilization grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of Andite penetration. Easter Island was long a religious and administrative center of one of these lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the Americas. The migratory conquests of the Andites continued on down to their final dispersions, from 8000 to 6000 b.c. As they poured out of Mesopotamia, they continuously depleted the biologic reserves of their homelands while markedly strengthening the surrounding peoples. And to every nation to which they journeyed, they contributed humor, art, adventure, music, and manufacture. They were skillful domesticators of animals and expert agriculturists. For the time being, at least, their presence usually improved the religious beliefs and moral practices of the older races. And so the culture of Mesopotamia quietly spread out over Europe, India, China, northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands." The Urantia Book, Paper 78, Section 5. Thank you, Fehmi Krasniqui, for your brave exploration of the Pyramids. If you like, take a look at the Urantia Revelation which outlines the pre-Egyptian history that led to the excellence of Imhotep: God bless you!
@alariaesculenta8177 5 днів тому
I'd like to know how they moved the giant glass sphere up the pyramid as it must have weighed a ton ..... Many things are not explained clearly in this presentation, rather skimmed over..... needs more in-depth demos and explanations
@donatejoelvincent9584 5 днів тому
bravo et merci de ce jolie travail pour la belle histoire du savoir qui va nous faire prendre concsience de tous les mafieux qui nous on endormis fini merci Fehemi la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase a étais mesuré
@CEMOSHKUPI 5 днів тому
@davidmichalska3680 6 днів тому
Joyeux anniversaire
@Sekou156 6 днів тому
Kemi, we love you. Please focus on your scientific research and history and leave Theology out of it. It makes you look bad
@FehmiKrasniqi-Official 5 днів тому
@Sekou156 Dear @Sekou156. I don't do theology, esotericism or religion. I do mathematics. I invite you to watch my videos on my channel. Especially this one Regards
@localrachel 6 днів тому
This was an interesting documentary until it was assumed all of this structural work and link to sacred mathematics etc etc were for a death. It's far more likely to be used to prolong or enhance life. My guess would be those who pilgrimaged to the pyramids were after healing and those who the pyramid were unable to restore ended up buried close by instead!
@violette8848 6 днів тому
Bonjour Fehmi Krasniqi je vous suis depuis longtemps et j'ai toujours aimé ce que vous dites, toute la vérité et dans vos paroles avec toutes vos recherches et vos calculs. Le mètre et les pyramides très instructif, vivement votre prochaine vidéo. Il vaut mieux être seul avec l'entité créateur, que d'être entouré de monde sans créateur. Portez vous bien
@SiMbA866 6 днів тому
MBOlo MBOte jaMBO, Ani Sôgôma.... Vie Force Santé.... Maâtondo....
@cedricngouwajocktane1978 6 днів тому
Joyeux anniversaire au petit Krashniqi, Beaucoup de bonheurs à toute la Famille 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Force , Prospérité et Vitalité
@marie-pauletessier4171 6 днів тому
Merci Fehmi pour ce très beau message diffusé encore une fois avec beaucoup de profondeur et d'humanité. Je me reconnais dans vos valeurs nourries de votre amour pour le vivant. Dieu, notre Créateur, La Source ... accueilli dans notre espace coeur transforme notre vie nous sommes le tout. Je partage avec vous ce moment heureux d'anniversaire de votre fils prière pour votre famille ici et là-bas.... Vous apportez la chaleur ce manteau douillet dont l'humanité à tant besoin. Nourrissons cela. Gratitude à vous Fehmi. ❣🌺🙏🏼☀🎁
@luigisola8264 6 днів тому
Meriti molto di più, purtroppo UKposts ti fa un shadow bann spregevole. Saluti dall'Italia.
@dinahlesage9974 6 днів тому
Bonjour Fehmi. Joyeux anniversaire au petit homme, fils d'un grand homme 🎉❤