AI thinks in different dimensions
10 місяців тому
The Paradox in Predicting AI
10 місяців тому
Computer Scientist & Neuroscientist + AI Pioneer
157 Consciousness Scientists Want to Know
@cyan1616 10 годин тому
If Ayn Rand was right, you don't exist.
@packymancard День тому
It still seems like with a negative supposition of quantum measurements where you explicitly measure for the inverse states that you could emit a structured binary sort of data.
@packymancard День тому
Imagine two eyes open, the object assumes either state A or B upon opening the eyes. What if you only ever open eye A or B and force the remote state to be the inverse of a known measurement?
@John-tc3ln 2 дні тому
Outstanding, even I almost understood! for like half a sec. I think...
@ralphmacchiato3761 2 дні тому
Dont forget: time is merely a concept from a model.
@jjzr2man1 3 дні тому
Quantum wave function's part of the code that runs the program that runs the universe.....a new form of mathematics....a whole new brach of mathematics will be needed to read the code....AI might do it in about another 100 years or so
@ergnoor3551 3 дні тому
Thank you for a brilliant interview!
@nawalseijari9734 3 дні тому
Quantum mechanics are equations that calculate time dilation
@user-sp9ue1ws7c 4 дні тому
Wow. What an interview. Thank you
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
1:13:59 In theory, with enough compute power, enough data...a ridiculous amount, every single interaction could be predicted Turning quantum into predictable and hence determinstic
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
18:33 So, retrocausal?
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
But, if everything that was, is, and will be, is all connected... as it must be or they would be separate universes Back and forward It's all one thing
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
Could be incorrect, just a guess I had a while back
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
I considered using the word hypothesis as opposed to guess, but I didn't want to sound pretentious Now I realize using the word guess may come across as cocky or arrogant...
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
I'm commenting as I encounter portions, thinking/considering what's being talked about as it's occurring and sharing my thoughts as they occur
@BrandonMcCurry999 4 дні тому
I do this often, many videos
@ROBERTBROWN090564 4 дні тому
Jumping back and forward instead of using a split screen is a bit distracting
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
time stops at the singularity which would be the moment experienced... everything leading up to the now is eventually frozen in the now which is then transitioned into the past. archeological evidence shows the moments in time are frozen on the 4d surface which is space by correlating all of these past civilizations to astronomical phenomenon. they created the moments of the past rather than aligning their civilization to them
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
at each moment all things are frozen during that moment
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
look into the orion nebula... king tut and the egyptian civilization... this is one example of many celestial objects correlated in light-years to major moments in our past
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
think of it like x-ray and mri but on a cosmic scale
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
he's describing decision making when he's describing the super position in the beginning... this would be quantum theory on a cosmic scale; collapsing reality into a single state we can observe at a single moment while still being able to consciously travel through possibilities
@collegephysicsforeveryone7744 5 днів тому
each decision we make has a multitude of opportunal outcomes based on probability from our past experience and understanding and we eventually are forced to make a decision even if that decision is seemingly making no decision
@dougmills3380 5 днів тому
It's sad that math magicians are leading the field of theoretical physics they don't do any field research or experiments they just sit and do math which has led us down the road to dark energy and dark matter and black holes which is all a bunch of bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!! THUNDERBOLTS PROJECT!!!!!!!!! WE LIVE IN AN ELECTRIC UNIVERSE AND THE EU MODEL EXPLAINS ALL THE STUFF THAT THE STANDARD MODEL CAN'T AND THEY MAKE UP STUFF FOR THEIR LACK OF EXPLANATION WAKE UP PEOPLE
@lisadavie5282 5 днів тому
Amazing discussion Thank you! Also, Please invite Dan Winter to discuss This things Einstein and Hawkins Did NOT know why objects fall to the ground... Dan Teaching the proper Physics of Consciousness. if you haven't had him on already..? ❤ Dan is amazing his inventions (water Imploder, Thera-Phi Healing devices,) and teaching Children how to read blind-folded reading without their Eyes, also his trigger for bliss & lucid dreaming, flame in mind Bliss/Training for sanity grounding & kundalini ,also his documented measured Gamma brainwaves of Bilocation working with Jean Charles Moyen as well as Dan's Equations a "Smoking Gun" he has the solution and conclusions ❤
@MrKydaman 6 днів тому
If a particle can be in more than one place in space at one point in time. Then why couldn't a particle be in more than one place in time at one point in space?
@perimetrfilms 7 днів тому
What if both theories are simply wrong?
@composerlafave 7 днів тому
I asked ChatGPT for a bio of myself. It told me I had died.
@composerlafave 7 днів тому
How classical is classical physics if, in emerging from the "quantum mess," it happens in the past? The present becomes an illusion. Or am I getting this wrong?
@Sukisunn 7 днів тому
The single most difficult thing to do in this existence... Is ask the questions you don't even know yet.
@BeauJBarton 8 днів тому
Could the Big Bang have been the first wave function collapse?
@celebratedrazorworks6732 8 днів тому
Roger, yes all possibilities are created. The difference is in coherence. Only the witnessed state is recorded in a line of reasoning for the observer and hence the others fall outside the light cone of future possibilities. However, the other instances persist exactly where we leave them in space/time. All points continue to exist after we've left it for our new charted location. Just think, watch I'll snap my fingers and change location.. Okay so now you & I are both in different locations in spacetime technically simce the earth, sun, solar system, and galaxy are all moving and will never be in exactly the same spot again. Anything that could have happened in that time frame we just left in the past 🫡
@mariloubannon5874 8 днів тому
Is there really a collapse of the wave function, or is the wave function just a theory of probability (possibilities or superposition) which is removed (or collapses) by certainty (I.e., measurement)?
@ronaldsimonds4013 9 днів тому
I think "wave function collapse" is misleading. I'm more comfortable describing the function as condensate. Close to the transitions of the water cycle from gas to liquid to solid.
@valboolin3538 9 днів тому
Мистер вы в контейнере
@johnrichardson7629 9 днів тому
This interviewer is quite good.
@marlobardo4274 10 днів тому
"But it is truly a unique feature of nature that we can cognitively jump back into the past and retrieve information that allows us to use it to change future outcomes." So the experienced present now occurring is not ever changeable. It is always already happening -frozen in the present. The collapse via jumping back is that which actualizes, allowing for the change chosen as the possible present. The cognitive jump is the choice and actualization, that gives both rise and access to this malleable present now changing.
@Ta2dwitetrash 10 днів тому
The edge of a fractal can change instantaneously across all its surfaces. This is more than likely how spooky action at a distance works. And entangled particles must be collaped into the same wave to become entangled.
@geoffreynhill2833 10 днів тому
ev er yt hi ng is in ev it ab le
@geoffreynhill2833 10 днів тому
Such a Celt face!
@felipebaranao3912 10 днів тому
Ella a veces se queda admirando... se dá cuenta que está con un sujeto muy grandioso y muy humilde....
@johnnyraybartoshevich3073 10 днів тому
1:06:11 1:06:13 and a ideal the bright light there in the pic upper center 😅 1:07:10
@johnnyraybartoshevich3073 10 днів тому
May there be trasendenst higher levels of reality in Left handed people johb121 😮 22:25
@todd4956 12 днів тому
"The quantum state goes backwards in time to the creation point " ...Penrose is very fond of Plato for several reasons. Heisenberg declared that Quantum Mechanics has settled the argument between Plato and Aristotle concerning the metaphysical nature of reality with Plato being the clear winner. Plato was highly influenced by Heraclitus and Pythagoras. The simple reality is that the Forms of Plato are but the idea's of the Divine Logos of Heraclitus. If Quantum Reality goes back to the creation point instantaneously, then perhaps we should examine Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato more deeply? And this is precisely what the early pioneers of QM did. Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg and Pauli among others.
@stevenpace892 12 днів тому
A few of the things we know to be true are not. That is how we get stuck.
@fredcunningham9753 12 днів тому
I watched your interview with Penrose and that was the best interview I have seen with him. Thank you
@denisemannino 13 днів тому
Great interview! I would love to hear you moderate a conversation between Roger Penrose and Jude Currivan!
@chrisw685 13 днів тому
I didn't fully understand the whole "Understanding the rules allows transcendence of the rules." Part of this interview. Great job Andrea, you obviously did your homework and actually understood it. For an interview you maybe could have made generic and no one would have blamed you. You chose the 4x4 route route through the woods that are quantum mechanics. Would like to learn more with you about quantum entanglement.
@nickturnock3369 13 днів тому
Very interesting but the bit about gravity collapsing the wavefunction wasn't explained - vey little refernce to gravity. Regarding retrodecision making, one does have to consider the toaster problem. I understand, that it is established fact, that it is beyond human capability to stand by a toaster, waiting for the toast to pop up and catch the toast before it falls back into the toaster.
@lillydogpoo65 13 днів тому
What a cool guy to get to talk to..I kept having to rewind and listen several times
@jacobnoren316 13 днів тому
Great conversation, thank you for doing it and sharing it.
@RenoLaringo 14 днів тому
How could ''gravity'' help understand the collapse of the wave function any better than ''consciousness'' did? There's not a single soul on Earth who has the slightest idea about what gravity might be. It looks more like switching a ghost for another one...
@RobinCheung 16 днів тому
Incidentally, one parting thought: i suggest eliminating the application of quantitative methods such as systems of parametric equations when modeling high order complexity systems and in their place, only systems of inequalities that model the landscape of local "slippery slope" maxima & minima, which can be described fully non quantitatively and instantly converge on a solution for systems with higher order complexity
@RobinCheung 16 днів тому
It's non computational to discourage us from banging our reductionist thinking against the wall (with the writing on the wall already completely written by our own hand, make no mistake) only to find wed squandered our useful time only to find turtles all the way down... And it may become noteworthy to note that i don't believe that jumping off the cliff is mapped 1:1 to my death and approaches impossibility, in fact, at this juncture. This may be a worthwhile way to illustrate the "force field" that clearly delineates a "light cone" as i manoeuvre through my own life and can actually palpate that "light cone" boundary
@RobinCheung 16 днів тому
Id propose an "experiment which is not an experiment" (insofar as the activities undertaken act directly only society itself, and are fully righteous to do, since each targets a fatal flaw in societal dynamics, but would reflect retrocausally in a way i can apply my extreme sensitivity beyond even what typical neurodivergent sensitivity is, to describe the discrepancy in memory--which my eidetic memory, also i found typically greater than your average neurodivergent eidetic memory. The third advantage is that i fully embraced the difference between a "Jack of all trades, but master of none," and true polymathic depth across the breadth, supported by formally credentialed foundations that most neurodivergent individuals haven't shown propensity to
@RobinCheung 16 днів тому
My life since 1979 up to 2015 is replete with extreme (because it is in my innate nature that i only know if level 0 or level 9999 but nothing in between) exemplars of retrocausally modified trajectories all of which i now realize (having endured so many of them) have a theme encoding the 'writing on the wall' that is, what must me changed in society that would have me not suffer the injustices, each of which obliterates the life i had rebuilt from nothing (once not even a shirt on my back),
@OldScrewl1928 17 днів тому
Dr. Penrose is rare in this day and age. The fact that he is able to say, "I don't know", is the hallmark of a REAL scientist.
@RobinCheung 17 днів тому
So you've got like a "Quantum Fourier Transform" 😂
@RobinCheung 17 днів тому
Just call it "arbitrary" instead of random then 😅😂🥴
@RobinCheung 17 днів тому
Interesting... I took the last year that you could take 5 Latin credits here in Ontario, Canada: it was back in the early 1990s (1989 actually i was in grade 9)--we had Grade 13 during those years, but it wasn't called Grade 13 any longer😅😅 They were then "Ontario Academic Credits"