casual vibes on blackout
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I'm cracked with this
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enemy gets hit with the 180 yucky
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It's pizza time
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How to win a 1v4 on Halo 3
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14 днів тому
chill halo 3 gameplay on guardian
Hot N Ready Ripperoni
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Hacker in Halo thinks I'm cheating
A battle between two gods on Halo
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Snipes against the homie on Halo 3
Untouchable FFA snipes guardian
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Beating a professional 1v1 Halo player
What a filthy play
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Good match of Halo on Waterfall
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Halo Domination on Blackout
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I'm a ninja on Halo
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Cracked aim on Halo
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Halo 3 Hardcore Team Doubles
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@thejoef 15 годин тому
Clean AF hell of a game
@dragon7king1 16 годин тому
Looked like you were playing swat at 1:18 lol
@creakures1993 16 годин тому
See that's a good title to put on your video. Not everyone is a kid some people like me were top in the world. So my journey is done. At least I was top in the world on one tag and stuck to it. But I'll always support you like I always have but the respect needs to be there for some of the players that put time into the game. Let them know it's legit you that real competition. I got a gf to tend to this didn't matter it was all over sobriety and getting over a ex girlfriend. That's all it was. ❤
@Gxdzpeed 15 годин тому
Brother, I play the game like for an hour once every week or two from being gone a year it's hard to keep track of who I'm playing against I was also so exhausted from work that I did not even pay attention to who the gamertags were in game and the title meaning had 0 reference to you or anyone personally it's just some random shit I throw on there and i ain't trying to be on no hater shit I respect any mf that plays halo no disrespect my homie 💚💯
@Nextgen_Account 21 годину тому
I miss the death sounds. Now they just die and ragdoll, soulless😢
@connorking6852 2 години тому
So true honestly.
@Naded День тому
Wow insanely clean
@Stigs79 День тому
@DarkOps2877 День тому
@meine.wenigkeit День тому
That last one...sheeesh!!
@zRustX День тому
whats your settings and controller?
@PriorityNoneEnt. День тому
So this is what it looks like being alive on this map for longer than 20 seconds
@ComradeKoopa День тому
It sucks that 90% of matches are full of scrubs. I swear every match is basically 1v1 with bots.
@DarkOps2877 День тому
Bro for me (I’m not very good at the game so I guess I’m a scrub) it’s literally the exact opposite. 99% of matches is like going against the ogre twins and is basically unwinnable
@ComradeKoopa День тому
@@DarkOps2877 This wouldn't happen if the population were healthier. The game de-prioritizes SBMM when there aren't many players so that matches are made more quickly. There's clearly a massive skill gap in the existing population, and players from both ends of the spectrum should never be in the same match. Unfortunately, almost every match has one person going 20+ with hardly any deaths and another guy going like 1-18. It makes an otherwise wonderful collection of games a whole lot less fun to play. I have no issue with skill variance in matches, but the real problem comes from balancing. Nearly all my games every night pit me against a competent (likely pre-made) team, sticking me with three teammates who, bluntly, are very bad at the game. Winning is only possible if they quit and I'm put in a 1v4, but even that's basically impossible if the other team is coordinated. Super frustrating for everyone, good and bad players alike. Thankfully when the game scrapes together a good, balanced match, it's the best Halo MP has to offer, and everyone has loads of fun.
@DarkOps2877 21 годину тому
@J.I.B-theidiot 16 годин тому
@@ComradeKoopa this is probably the best statement about MCCs MP I've heard
@mfsandwichtime6100 День тому
haha wtf gg
@jakexdilla День тому
What is your view model for the rifles?
@Nix11999 День тому
Just moving in slow motion
@LoneAidenPryde День тому
one of your more filthy gameplays that is for sure
@inuyashav214 День тому
@akaunderdog4223 День тому
Only guys like you like this map PS. That guy at 7:52 somehow managed to get a kill on you and even tbagged you 8:05 Real MVP lol
@IronFistOG День тому
So dirty yet so clean at the same time
@ThePhillyphan89 День тому
Pretty killer with the sword. Would love to see you wreck some fools on Halo 2 swords👀👀
@meine.wenigkeit День тому
0:37 he really thought he had you too sneaking around like that 🤣😂
@rrevelationnss День тому
360 sword kill is crazy🤣
@curehazy 2 дні тому
I luv that ur still playing mcc 2EZ
@ladondracorex7679 2 дні тому
More impressive than anything in these videos is the casual parkour
@RobsMiscellania 2 дні тому
There was so much ripperoni, I love it
@ActicAnDroid 2 дні тому
Always nice to see people sharing a console like the old days
@user-jl4ov8kf4l 2 дні тому
Samuraiかぁ 日本人にはピンと来ないな笑
@Gxdzpeed 2 дні тому
My bad bro I'll change it.
@nickstahhhh 3 дні тому
One thing I can say. Your team mates had thumbs compared to the rats 😂
@mrakaflame 6 днів тому
that looks like one of the people i used to play against, only they were worse with their 45 kills solo vs all
@Midnight_Freefall 6 днів тому
Dat FoV 😊
@bentley9579 7 днів тому
😌 P r o m o S M
@spartanzneverdie3211 7 днів тому
3:50 oooff grabbing that shotty in the air is some "master chief in the books" kinda stuff
@wize5836 9 днів тому
5min15 secondes put it at speed 0.25 gj for the aimbot 100% lock
@JadedNebula 9 днів тому
FatRat: Combat Evolved
@Julian-bs6ds 9 днів тому
Hi gxdzpeed :)
@Gxdzpeed 9 днів тому
@tuscan9617 10 днів тому
Laser boy getting on my nerves, and I'm not even playing.
@kelvin4941 11 днів тому
Nade predictions blowing me mind
@zorrovian 11 днів тому
Wow. I suck
@MayoloGames 11 днів тому
Halo 3 Sh1t Game
@YolkiiGaming 11 днів тому
You're an absolute sweat. I love it. Keep up the good work! Edit: That kill on the warthog driver was pure disrespect lolllllllllllllll
@John630 11 днів тому
I wish I can play a 1v1 with you...... Only for the lol, I am pretty bad XD
@Mat-threw 12 днів тому
Solid play
@upshifteddy600 12 днів тому
@remembertedcruz7213 12 днів тому
I will never not laugh at assassinations from camping the teleporter
@cryptochris9001 13 днів тому
Why does your gun angle look different,? What's your fov?
@gausselim1474 13 днів тому
That was so bad-ass. I'm an eternal Noob and would kill for those skills. Great watch!
@DarkOps2877 13 днів тому
Gawd dam!
@DarkOps2877 13 днів тому
Holy crap I would’ve quit
@stealthkiller203 14 днів тому
I can already picture him saying " you wanna fuk with me mf you wanna fuk with me?👿" Each time he gets tbagged by this 1 dude
@andrewsharif6017 14 днів тому
Watching halo on shrooms/playing halo on shrooms is fucking wild. Takes this shit to the next level
@RobsMiscellania 13 днів тому
I highly recommend LSD also. You too can become a 26th century robot killing machine for 11 hours straight
@Rawnchy 13 днів тому
Lmfao I love the gaming community
@jaimecruz7275 12 днів тому
Bro 😂😂 H34L
@BlitzAce13 7 днів тому
Did this before. Definitely one of the best times I had for sure lol
@EzMcKellip 14 днів тому
He was just a grown man that wanted to impress other grown men on a video game that means nothing in the end.