Minecraft, But There Are Custom Dimensions...

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Minecraft But There Are Custom Dimensions...
👕 MY MERCH! - bionicware.net
🔴 WATCH ME LIVE! - / bionicsan
Inspired by @xNestorio's Minecraft, But There Are Custom Realms...
TikTok: / dannybionic
Twitter: / dannybionic
Instagram: / danny.bionic
Discord: / discord
My Editor: @Saflmao
IP - bionic.games
#minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut

@xNestorio 2 роки тому
Those dimensions were actually insane, DaBaby dimension next?
@chillshxrd4052 2 роки тому
@MerpGd 2 роки тому
Yeah sheeeeeeeeeesh
@CWP1 2 роки тому
lets goooo
@fujikaii 2 роки тому
The cars all be da babay
@jeremybucketo22 2 роки тому
@dumdum2693 2 роки тому
Bionics first word: Bionics mom: He is going to say mom Bionics: Mohamonoynoynoynoy!
@ValHanuman 2 роки тому
@mkgamer8365 2 роки тому
Wat da f 2 bots
@isiajahhhahahababblvjylvjy1034 2 роки тому
@Tom Simons ☑ Tommyinnit!?
@mang1223 2 роки тому
I just realized how often he says that 😂😂
@noone23853 2 роки тому
“Roses are red” “Violets are blue” “As long as Bionic suffers” “He gets a view”
@randomchats5199 2 роки тому
@Georgie’s fun house with Sam ikr
@gamingkizz2842 2 роки тому
@Georgie’s fun house with Sam he is Joking
@Piney12 2 роки тому
@hypez_4349 2 роки тому
@rainsfall3705 2 роки тому
@@randomchats5199 take a joke "JONES"😒
@Tasteful_Edits 2 роки тому
Bionic: “God apples? I can have UNLIMITED GOD APPLES!!” Me: “Wait, I’ve seen this one before.” Bionic: “What do you mean you’ve seen it, it’s brand new!”
@putrafarriel2041 2 роки тому
@MidwestMatriarch plss dont talk like that
@llevc 2 роки тому
are you referring to the fact that this video is mostly a recreation of the orespawn mod?
@Tasteful_Edits 2 роки тому
@@llevc No, it’s a joke about how Bionic keeps getting super OP stuff.
@what_4836s 2 роки тому
@@llevc yea it is a recreation of orespawn the mod is called chaos awakens
@lararose6729 2 роки тому
@archerzhao6912 2 роки тому
@baconhair31 2 роки тому
The hole, and the golden apples
@clashgaming6430 2 роки тому
@ZyunkoLocks 2 роки тому
"Air those thingys the gigaly the boboly" -Bionic 2021 6:26
@Curseycubey 2 роки тому
@Ichinu 2 роки тому
Even though this is only 18 minutes long, it felt like 1 hour. There’s just so many unique dimensions and mobs.
@Jc_Andadam 2 роки тому
No it take him 1 hour to edit
@axolotlyt3241 2 роки тому
@beam.6650 2 роки тому
Actually, the video is 18 minutes, and 38 seconds long.
@TechnoCreeper Рік тому
@@beam.6650 🤓
@markbryanvillareal8124 Рік тому
MALAS|PinoyAnimation #pinoycartoon #pinoyanimation
@aidenyuen5595 2 роки тому
"Ladies and Gentleman, What the balls" - Bionic 2021
@mahas942 2 роки тому
@ckruxisadog 2 роки тому
Lol *2.0*
@andreengelbrecht9866 2 роки тому
@darwinseriosa873 2 роки тому
Ladies and Gentleman, we got em
@random-fq4si 2 роки тому
@@ckruxisadog L O L 3.0
@Venturers. 2 роки тому
Bionic:"This is actually lit." Me:"Its literally on fire."
@Iamfarley 2 роки тому
S ame
@SkyGaming69420 2 роки тому
@@Iamfarley same everybody says same
@SkyGaming69420 2 роки тому
@@Iamfarley bye
@turtlesarecool 2 роки тому
It's LITerally on fire
@tiogush 2 роки тому
exactly lit means lit fire
@daveyhofman6099 2 роки тому
Hi bionic you helped me feel less nervous about my exams this year so thank you
@engiunnay 2 роки тому
I also got a exam!!!!!! End of grade 3 exam!!!! :)))))
@sketchy5609 2 роки тому
Ok Davey how does his silly vids help with exams
@shanedawndusk3290 2 роки тому
@@sketchy5609 Could help release stress. No logic involved.
@Vi0-2 2 роки тому
I’m in fifth grade in elementary school and I hopefully passed math :(
@EriqonDMos 2 роки тому
lol i have Half-yearly
@polgi6771 2 роки тому
I miss the old days with the famous goongangingang
@axelotl9812 8 місяців тому
“Okay, now *this* is lit :D” Bionic said while he stood in a pit full of fire
@deathtzy1438 2 роки тому
@rickeyshorter8821 2 роки тому
Couldn't be me- 😞
@travelingkiefer8413 2 роки тому
@Mango BOT
@username5characters 2 роки тому
Imagine cannot spell
@thekittyqueen3495 2 роки тому
@@username5characters imagine having grammar issues
@dannyy..9826 2 роки тому
@@thekittyqueen3495 imagine roasting the persons grammar =)
@evanschrist6443 2 роки тому
So we never learned what was inside the weird green scary dimension...
@sol_swrvlz1687 2 роки тому
Kinda dissapointing...
@KawasakiR211S 2 роки тому
Barley Anything In There
@jadieo4785 2 роки тому
Just death…
@kcxjames13 2 роки тому
1 .Bastion from overwatch 2 .idk
@swapankumarbairagi6894 2 роки тому
I know the mod, the dimension is very barren and the bosses in there require a lot of running through barren landscapes picking flowers to spawn in.
@Beast_swift 2 роки тому
When he was gearing up he said I don't want any lizards or owls licking my toes I was drinking water and spat it all over the place
@-suki-9106 2 роки тому
rip your bed/wherever you were-
@RubyPiec 2 роки тому
@@-suki-9106 why the -? When are you going to finishyour sentence?
@xpellidagoat 2 роки тому
I like how Bionic almost mined the andsite but then he stopped and started mining stone
@enricoluischavez8664 2 роки тому
You mean granite
@katemaeryllmagdula9470 2 роки тому
@@enricoluischavez8664 yea
@V_BluMagz 2 роки тому
Creature 'does 1.5 hearts' Bionic 'IT NEARLY KILLED ME'
@tgu_skullz6862 2 роки тому
Bionic: Sees a group of villagers Villagers: Look at him Bionic: Go talk to you friends idiot.
@dogguy7052 2 роки тому
@archerzhao6912 2 роки тому
@page.madudu 2 роки тому
@Tom Simons ᨆ wait wha?
@page.madudu 2 роки тому
@Tom Simons ᨆ is this the real tommy
@winteralexander677 2 роки тому
Not idiot nerds
@emmettperrry5732 2 роки тому
That is freaking so sweet dude. Would love to try this world out.
@Blackout_ 2 роки тому
@Bionic I know you probably won't see this but thank you for using Chaos Awakens I am a developer of the mod and it is awesome that you saw the mod, The mod with the platinum stuff the emerald sword the termite and the enchanted golden Apple cow, as well as the robots that were shooting, the termite dimension and crystal apple cows
@swapankumarbairagi6894 2 роки тому
Basically everything
@jdawg_bsg 2 роки тому
“This is lit.” *Yes it is, literally.*
@cdpotenkasiblock9136 2 роки тому
@thenamesrazen1784 2 роки тому
As soon as I read this I saw the meteor
@sizuka8571 2 роки тому
💌特に18歳以上の成人向けの最新コンテンツ ✿◉●•◦💥👉 ssur.cc/QACiCs?only18 ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . ! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物煮的時候
@sizuka8571 2 роки тому
💌特に18歳以上の成人向けの最新コンテンツ ✿◉●•◦💥👉 ssur.cc/QACiCs?only18 ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . ! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物煮的時候
@biggolchonker9095 2 роки тому
Sorry i need to report this cuz theres a lot of bots
@content_deleted2993 2 роки тому
someone should make a texture pack, mod, or something with all the names switched like, cobble stone is cobbler, crafting table is smashing table, etc
@imtso_ 2 роки тому
You’re a genius
@cousinandgames9999 2 роки тому
@@imtso_ E
@imtso_ 2 роки тому
@@cousinandgames9999 wdym “e”
@nannn09 2 роки тому
Sure il code it...
@omnitato6988 2 роки тому
Oh yeah, it’s big brain time
@FilthyActsAtAReasonablePric3 2 роки тому
Bonc : WHY DO YOU HATE ME?! Crystal monster : Dude you're literally trespassing in our dimension
@kayori2930 2 роки тому
First dimensions: Mob Aliens & Alien Robots Second dimensions: Glass Crystal & Crystal Cow Third dimensions: (Just Some Mod Blocks & Mob Spiders) Fourth dimensions: (Just Some Golden Floating Apples & Golden Cows)
@OrionTheDemon 2 роки тому
Next Video Idea: Everytime I say Omg a Tnt Spawn
@aidanwoodward3975 2 роки тому
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I gotta stop saying omg!
@tealy337 2 роки тому
God: how dare you
@OrionTheDemon 2 роки тому
@@tealy337 He remembers God a lot
@GAMERIN-rn6dj 2 роки тому
Bionic- did I forget something? Bonc,s brain - if you forgot something it wasn't important What he forgot his 3000 mod series
@RenatoGloe 2 роки тому
I know you probably won't see this but thank you for using Chaos Awakens I am a developer of the mod and it is awesome that you saw the mod!
@-suki-9106 2 роки тому
that sounds like cap
@danielsimon2120 2 роки тому
Imagine if when we coming to the regular world he did dream's boat clutch
@talenttronic2911 2 роки тому
Omg I can’t wait this is going to be so cool! Like all your other videos lol
@Hannah-zo4cq 2 роки тому
your a noob
@samrockstar8460 2 роки тому
Bionic: breaks minecraft My pc when i download 20 mods: guess i will die
@_Cragon_ 2 роки тому
My pc when I download 5 mods: aight ima head out
@davidb08 2 роки тому
My pc when i download minecraft: guess ill die
@SONDOS-ic7el 8 місяців тому
“Cuz gamers, if there’s gonna be some toe licking lizard, or owl.” “I don’t wanna be BOOTY naked, you know what I mean?” 😂😂😂😂
@Moxy9021 2 роки тому
Me: coal dimension. bionic: Licking toes dimension. Also me: wtf
@komanderbg9204 2 роки тому
That was sick!!!!!!!!
@zed9087 2 роки тому
@Hibu shut up bot
@your_jerr 2 роки тому
Bionic's videos just makes our day the best when it was the worst
@sanjaramasawmy243 5 місяців тому
🎉❤🎉🎉🎉 you are the best you are my hero
@TechnoCreeper 2 роки тому
I'm a dev for this mod! Great to see one of my favourite youtubers playing it!
@RenatoGloe 2 роки тому
Same Im a dev fo Chaos Awakens
@TechnoCreeper 2 роки тому
@@RenatoGloe Yo rev how ya doin?
@augusteclipsegaming5286 2 роки тому
I’m dev for sky block
@harveylivsey6239 Рік тому
I'm confused most of the mobs and dimensions look identical to mobs from orespawn so did you take inspiration from orespawn or is this just an updated orespawn Edit by most I mean the crystal dimension
@TechnoCreeper Рік тому
@@harveylivsey6239 it's an updated orespawn, the original owner knows about it, at some point he was in the discord server, and he approves of it! Currently in 1.16.5 but once its done were updating to newer versions
@Gone-Rogue 2 роки тому
Dammmm Bionic, I stopped watching UKposts for a while and just after u hit 2 mil, and I swear it has been a day and u already got 3.5 mil, just wanted to say congratulations
@chickenpiggaming3364 2 роки тому
When he was making a shield I thought that he was making a frick’n chestplate of wood 😂
@clashgaming6430 2 роки тому
@IshowSongNames 2 роки тому
Bro me too lol
@yazanreacts5780 2 роки тому
@laurellemunoz5961 2 роки тому
I thought u were Beluga for a sec
@harumi5204 2 роки тому
Me too
@dm4ri 2 роки тому
Imagine Minecraft with custom villages 🤔
@wellusee688 2 роки тому
@Lesterdamolester 2 роки тому
i hope this comment blows up cuz i wanna see bionic do that
@dm4ri 2 роки тому
@@Lesterdamolester yessir
@TRIPLETS.4.3.7 Рік тому
Bionc: I just want to play normal minecraft!! Also blonic: let's go in the ore portal
@alexandrasavintaylorurlich5487 2 роки тому
Omg bionic you do such crazy things
@mxscyclone6052 2 роки тому
Imagine getting a heart from bionic. I love you videos bionic
@chriseudueiwiwiw1477 2 роки тому
Do you know how bionic gets good spawn
@chriseudueiwiwiw1477 2 роки тому
If you want to know how tell me
@mariztan9828 2 роки тому
heart is stupid
@ToxicSnake48 Рік тому
The big robots and the apple cows in the platinum dimension gave me major nostalgia towards when popularmmos did his epic proportions series
@xpellidagoat 2 роки тому
I like how Bonc refuses to make another axe but used the stone one
@Jeremy.11833 2 роки тому
Bionic:*being pretty mad because he fell in the void* Me:*Smashes whole pc when dies in the void
@night_jun818 2 роки тому
@yoru977 2 роки тому
17:43 Bionic: I just one shot them and get the GOD apples oh my GOD(apple)! LMAO
@randomchats5199 2 роки тому
Shut it
@epikpey 2 роки тому
“The what the ball sack dimension” XD
@sbenhaba 2 роки тому
@pyr0tz138 2 роки тому
A lot of the things he is using is from the chaos awakens mod :D
@NovartisMC 2 роки тому
Wooo another banger video🔥
@CJ_1406 2 роки тому
Villager #1: Hey, have you heard about the random bald guy spawning in villages? Villager #2: Yeah... oh no, he's here! Quick, stay quiet. Bonc: What are you guys talking about?
@seagull668 2 роки тому
0:42 what every new minecraft players say
@valeriemoreno6075 2 роки тому
@swapankumarbairagi6894 2 роки тому
Someone is finally giving chaos awakens some recognition!
@Vulcan. 2 роки тому
is that the mod?
@swapankumarbairagi6894 2 роки тому
@@Vulcan. Yeah, it is the main one he uses, he also has another mod that addes the stone brick dimension but bionic barely explores it and sneaky used the things from chaos awakens to make some of his own custom dimensioms and the only dimension added by the mod that bionic actually shows is the crystal dimension.
@Vulcan. 2 роки тому
@@swapankumarbairagi6894 ah, thank you!
@Blackout_ 2 роки тому
@@swapankumarbairagi6894 thanks for bringing attention on what the mod is called
@swapankumarbairagi6894 2 роки тому
@@Blackout_I can't believe you have to say thank you because someone said what the mod is called that is used in the video.
@mrpencilton3204 2 роки тому
Its crazy craft all over again this brings back memories
@anthonybabcoc6252 2 роки тому
This would most likely remind you of ore spawn which is in crazy craft.
@mrpencilton3204 2 роки тому
@mrpencilton3204 2 роки тому
Like gapple cows ant dimensions ray gun ykno all the good stuff
@jackdaw5814 2 роки тому
hey mate! im glad it reminds you of that, i actually made this mod! Atlanticraft is going to include it in their 1.16.5 version if crazycraft! im glad you enjoyed it, (the mod is called Chaos Awakens)
@mrpencilton3204 2 роки тому
@darianleyer5777 2 роки тому
You: Infinite God Apples Me: Um ... Herobrine: You're on.
@faded_goats2673 2 роки тому
Love how he didn’t make emerald shield when he had two left
@-Dr.Plague- 2 роки тому
I recognize all of the mods in this video and it’s insanely nostalgic, og Minecraft mods for the win
@jakejuno-kasofsky5550 2 роки тому
What are the mods please tell me
@jakejuno-kasofsky5550 2 роки тому
@Dr. Plague
@davidlotd4044 2 роки тому
@@jakejuno-kasofsky5550 the undergarden, pandoras creatures and chaos awakens
@jakejuno-kasofsky5550 2 роки тому
@@davidlotd4044 thanks
@Blackout_ 2 роки тому
Chaos Awakens 😍
@arsenalgaming6149 2 роки тому
Are we not gonna talk about how it looks like an updated version of the Ore Spawn mod for Crazy Craft?
@TechnoCreeper Рік тому
It is though
@maxruntrest7565 2 роки тому
Bionic:wow what is this ,an ore dimension? Gwen:who is that guy? Kevin:he has diamond armour! Ben:dont worry guys i will finish him *clicks* ,,Chroma Ant!"
@GoofyGoober594 2 роки тому
1:59 pls make that dimension next video bionic 😂
@grapeguy6843 2 роки тому
The second I saw this I instantly clicked it because I know it’s gonna be a banger Btw is this orespawn?
@liamtgreat 2 роки тому
it is
@dogguy7052 2 роки тому
Some of it is
@grapeguy6843 2 роки тому
@@dogguy7052 it’s a new orespawn when they said they were gonna update it they actually made a new one that’s way better
@razrazgamer 2 роки тому
the ant dimention 100% the rest probs havent played in a while
@Blackout_ 2 роки тому
@@razrazgamer the platinum stuff, emerald stuff, apple cows but the other dimensions shown are not part of it
@ayo_danni 2 роки тому
Can we just appreciate the fact that Bionic just uploads *QUALITY CONTENT* and doesn’t hide the fact that he isn’t a god in minecraft but still tries?
@Oofkyu 2 роки тому
Just over react
@Somerandomguy1927 2 роки тому
11:24 "Wait they're so easy to kill" *turns into doodle bob*
@luciferr3255 2 роки тому
Alternate title: Minecraft, but I say OMG after each sentence
@Sinister.jayyyy 2 роки тому
Keep up the good work bonc! Love ur vids man
@wellusee688 2 роки тому
ukposts.info/have/v-deo/mmWge5mrnKGapJs.html ..nn
@militarykidsyt7321 2 роки тому
Omg I clicked faster than bionic can find a village
@NotGojocat 2 роки тому
One small step for a Bald bionic a long leap for us
@FLUD30 2 роки тому
Me - Oh... what's that Bionic - "that's a portal to the WHAT THE BALLSACK dimension
@skylarrose5787 2 роки тому
We get to slowly watch his hair grow back :)
@ferdinandmasaspet6759 2 роки тому
Bionic! When are you going to upload One block skyblock ep19? Its been 9months now🤧.
@lararose6729 2 роки тому
Maybe the world got corrupted
@ferdinandmasaspet6759 2 роки тому
His promise to be on top10 is.........
@MTBT-er1be 2 роки тому
@itsrenhere4979 2 роки тому
nobody: literally nobody: Bionic: *w h a t. t h e. b a l l s a c k*
@VintageSucculent 2 роки тому
You posting a video makes everyone’s day better :D
@waitwhat3500 2 роки тому
@kweepamon8883 2 роки тому
"Shut the front door" LMAO 6:15
@stayhalalbrother1562 2 роки тому
16:57 BROOK!? IS THAT YOU!??!?
@eclipse_6670 2 роки тому
“I’m the CEO of calling things by the wrong name” -Bonc 2021
@pramitsengupta8040 2 роки тому
I m from 2025
@redhandedninjastar 2 роки тому
@@pramitsengupta8040 how’s it going in 2025? Anything interesting going on? I’ve never talked to a time traveler before, please reply back!
@pramitsengupta8040 2 роки тому
Huge earthquake and volcanic eruptions all around the world
@illuminatioliver07yt88 2 роки тому
@@pramitsengupta8040 xd
@redhandedninjastar 2 роки тому
@@pramitsengupta8040 so… the world is ending?
@eddrickongyongzhiwrps2554 2 роки тому
hey bionic here's a suggestion when you cure zombies, they become youtubers
@centercrazy4883 2 роки тому
Thank goodness you made the emerald sword! 💿📀
@carbino8923 2 роки тому
Fun Fact: Every Bionic Video has a voice easter egg hidden in it! most of the time in the first bit of the video!!!
@goatedindividual582 2 роки тому
this is lit(no pun intended).
@omnitato6988 2 роки тому
Take a shot every time bonc says “WHAT THE NUTS!”
@camraman487 2 роки тому
I like how he was like "WHERE DID YOUR FRIEND GO" me be like "PRAISE THE GODS THEY HAVE HELPED ME" me still dies me "REEEEeE
@darkswrdmaster7825 2 роки тому
0:38 Doni Noices
@marcucu9933 2 роки тому
Dimensions Bionic Discovered: 3:16 - Platinum 7:12 - Crystal 9:32 - Trap 13:12 - Infinite Ores 16:24 - ??? 16:43 - Golden Apple
@Sarah-cn5ho 2 роки тому
@Sarah-cn5ho 2 роки тому
@Sarah-cn5ho 2 роки тому
@DoughBros2 11 місяців тому
I should have watch these in 2022
@GrYT2008 2 роки тому
Imagine getting a heart from Bionic, great video!
@solarepl4813 2 роки тому
haha you wont get
@jaroslaw14 2 роки тому
11:11 the power goonganginga has secretly done thos After seeing the truth me reaction: ...... what a scam
@llll493 2 роки тому
To warm my feet:shoes. To warm my hands:gloves. To warm my heart:Bionic.
@deadlypg3d 2 роки тому
Who else is happy Bionic uploaded???
@wardenlmao6083 2 роки тому
I love how every bionc video rename almost every item poop pickaxe cobblerestone. bald man chinkens smashing table cobblerestone pickaxe hay bale = bread black stone axe last hit golem = i liek ur cut g. what the balls
@rickeyshorter8821 2 роки тому
Lol is its chimkens
@lararose6729 2 роки тому
Black stone axe is true because he made an axe out of blackstone
@andreengelbrecht9866 2 роки тому
i love how everytime he says wth is that but he built it xD
@KingClawthorne2 Рік тому
I have a backstory for the crystal mobs from the infinite ores dimesion here it is These two miners came across a "nether" portal to a new dimension and when they went through they were amazed but when the mined a weird never seen ore they mutated when they held it and become horrific monsters dedicated to kill anyone who tries to take their ores
@Blockyverse 2 роки тому
":O We spawned inside a village!!" Dont you say this every video bonc
@gdly4686 2 роки тому
U know it’s a super good day when bionic posts another vid
@aar0nfr587 2 роки тому
The first dimensions was the star platinium dimension! XD
@amonkus0392 2 роки тому
Just finished making an ME system in atm 6 to the sky and im proud of myself
@gamingwithcov8763 2 роки тому
Keep going man., love the content., you’ve really inspired me to keep going with my gaming channel.,!
@khb4203 2 роки тому
ah yes, 1 view 6 likes, and 1 comment. youtube is awesome
@VIGITOBGbackanytimesoon 2 роки тому
7:12 what what what what!!
@DJUNGELSKOG-lh9ot 2 роки тому
Only Og minecrafters know the crystal dimension!
@DevyBoi 2 роки тому
Day 7 I think of trying to get a heart from Bionic: Ya’ll should be used to this by now…
@Rock-sf6vk 2 роки тому
Lol ok
@Macaromece 2 роки тому
Lol okay
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