Explain me Metal like I'm 5 - iOS Conf SG 2020

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iOS Conf SG

iOS Conf SG

4 роки тому

Speaker: Andrey Volodin , prisma-ai.com
This talk is dedicated for the audience that has minimal or no experience with GPU programming on iOS or elsewhere. We will go through on how GPU works and what specific distinction Metal has. Andrey will show how to write modern Metal pipeline that works just blazingly fast and can be easily understood.
About the speaker
Cocos2D-ObjC lead developer, creator of world’s first pure Swift Android game engine, leading developments of two apps full of AI and CV with over 100M downloads at Prisma AI.
Event URL: 2020.iosconf.sg/
Produced by Engineers.SG

@nilesbrandon4217 5 місяців тому
I’m 15 minutes in and this is one of the best talks I’ve ever seen.
@douglasaraujo9763 3 роки тому
Now I understand the title: „explain like I‘m 5 coders studying at the same time“ :) Other that that, good video, thanks for the insights
@Hub593 Рік тому
As somebody new to swift, I found this extremely useful. Not sure why others in the comments seem to disagree.
@SteigerMiller 3 роки тому
Great video. I was a little familiar with Metal so I could follow along and I liked how you talked about the organization. Thanks.
@alexnovikov1609 5 місяців тому
The header is misleading but I’ve got an idea. Thank you!
@darkexior 7 місяців тому
@nickmack7282 Рік тому
I got an idea, I'll make a conference where everybody has to talk into a potato mic
@meru_lpz Рік тому
Please do! I can convince Kenny McCormick to come give a talk
@kaiqueamorim2716 4 місяці тому
Just checking because this comment is 1 year old. Is your life still so miserable that you don't have anything positive to say about the video?
@nickmack7282 4 місяці тому
@@kaiqueamorim2716 yeah no, you got it backwards, I have less humor now, I believe I'm becoming more like you
@itmandar 3 роки тому
Ok i felt like a 5yo until 12:00 then I had to grow up :(
@TomCarbon 2 роки тому
there are a lot of errors in this presentation… - I developed games for the 2600 and other 8 bits platforms, then 16/32, etc… and this was no way similar to the described nightmare!! - racing the beam was mainly to ensure the cycles taken by one frame would not exceed the time the frame is displayed, and display things in order right after the vbl - the tiling system used by consoles in the 80s wasn’t to faster display things on screen but to reduce memory usage with repetitive/shared tiles! - the 3d cards for consumers arrived in 1995/1996 (I had my first one in 1996), for instance motherboards got AGP in 1997 - etc… etc…
@carlosmartins3297 3 роки тому
Jesus, I've studied Metal a long time ago, so I have a simple idea how it works. However, this video was harder and it has a misleading title. I am 28 years old, i must be stupid or something, it can't be.
@freesuraj 4 роки тому
This is an extremely misleading title. The explanation is hard even for a seasoned swift developer to follow let alone a 5 year old boy. smh
@deanolium 3 роки тому
It doesn't help that it's using his helper library extensively, so it actually obfuscates the basics of using Metal. Like it's probably easier to work with since it combines a few steps, but not a great way to explain the concepts of what's actually going on.
@JoeW11B 3 роки тому
Someone... PLEASE help me I need to get Metal onto my Mac High Sierra
@JoeW11B 3 роки тому
@@UliTroyo I've spent hours searching the computer and can't find anything that says metal. I thought the same as you but then when running a program that requires metal, it does not run it.
@ThomasSselate 3 роки тому
@@JoeW11B There is nothing saying "metal" to look for. Metal is a way to program a macOS app. If you have a Mac, you will be able to run programs that use Metal. Nothing else to do.
@JoeW11B 3 роки тому
@@ThomasSselate I just bought a whole new computer. Apple sucks lol
@JoeW11B 3 роки тому
@@ThomasSselate thanks though
@gaelenski_ 3 роки тому
@@JoeW11B People were a bit wrong here in the sense that you need a Metal ready GPU in order for Metal to be there on computers running up to High Sierra. My old 2011 MBP can run HS but it’s GPU cannot run the Metal API sadly. Anything that runs Mojave or later has a Metal GPU.
@LaurentLaborde 3 роки тому
and then proceed to explain "alloy". meh...
@ZoeSummers1701A 4 місяці тому
How to write a title like you’re 5. /smh
@ZoeSummers1701A 2 дні тому
They should start teaching you how to use English and grammar, rather than computer programming.
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