Life Inside Massive US Submarine Patrolling the Sea at Maximum Speed

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Welcome back to The Daily Aviation for a feature on the 3.5 billion dollar US Navy Submarine and the daily operations that go onboard as the crew remains undetected underwater for weeks at a time.
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@user-me6gi2hu4f 2 місяці тому
My brother is a retired U. S. Navy. I was amazed by him as one of the navies. He enjoyed his job. He is now 90 years old.
@waheed7997 9 місяців тому
Thank for this information 🇮🇳👍
@IDaydreamALittleTooMuch Рік тому
I salute the guy who casually plays on his Nintendo on a 3.5 billion dollar sub like it is the most normal thing in the world
@capristone Рік тому
he gotta be playing against bots fr
@alexandrech8874 Рік тому
Very good documentary video, especially of the US attack submarine.
@innovruptly1769 Рік тому
How do the vessels pumped-jet propulsion systems handle solid matter drawn into the system with particular reference to plastics?
@allgood6760 Рік тому
Submarines are awesome 👍
@xavierthomas8311 Рік тому
Jolie reportage et je plains ces militaires de passer beaucoup de tempe sans sortir. bravo a eux.
@rohossobanglatv4264 10 місяців тому
awesome The Daily Aviation Video
@valeriamoraes6468 Рік тому
Deus ajude esses homens,trabalho árduo.
@bernardmentzngalo5514 Рік тому
Merci beaucoup
@rael5469 Рік тому
2:55 USS Minnesota (SSN-783) is a nuclear powered fast attack submarine, the 10th of the planned 30-boat Virginia-class.
@carasmussen27 Рік тому
so the Virginia class is replacing the Los Angles class?
@rajKumar-zt1cg 4 місяці тому
I am so amazed ❤
@user-mx8yr6bp4c Рік тому
נבקש תרגום מובנה בגוף הסרט כתוביות שפה עברית תודה רבה
@dww527 Рік тому
That is an OHIO class sub, not a VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA''s have a hump at the front of the sail and no rudders on it. The command center uses touch screen displays and joystick manual control if needed.
@carasmussen27 Рік тому
my husband was on an Ohio class sub. His has been converted to something else but not sure. They took out the missiles.
@dww527 Рік тому
@@carasmussen27 Bottom line that is a TRIDENT, not VIRGINIA
@Gman-109 Рік тому
@@dww527 The USN NEVER EVER puts a seal delivery vehicle lockout vessel onboard a TRIDENT missile carrying SSBN ballistic missile carrying submarine, as was shown at the start of this vid with the boat on the surface, that's a SSGN class cruise missile carrying sub like USS Florida/etc, which are all CONVERTED from older Ohio SSBN ballistic nuclear missile carrying subs. So, "bottom line", that is NOT a "Trident" (whatever that is, I've never heard a SSBN referred to by that name, nor a SSGN, it's the ballistic missile which is a "Trident Missile", NOT the sub itself). The only thing you've gotten right is that its not a Virginia class, none of the several different flights of Virginia boats that have been commissioned so far.
@zed332l 10 місяців тому
, But my a$$ is not riding on that, I want Main and vital hydraulics Not something that shorts out when it gets wet! WTF Happened, OH Joey,......
@johnmason-smith Рік тому
C2 Greyhounds rock. I am going to miss them on the carriers.
@dww527 Рік тому
Agree but they still pack quite a punch being SSGN's versus SSBN's.
@manjunath4623 Рік тому
Bài hit làm mưa làm gió một thời của chị Bảo Thy. Cám ơn Đức Phúc mang nó trở lại với màu sắc mới ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ethylhexyphthalate Рік тому
Wow! Congratulations! You served up more tasty morsels in this edition than that sub's galley.
@ashishthapa943 2 місяці тому
I am fan of submarine
@descripiton1929 Рік тому
Vary nich
@nmaddpnmaddp7333 5 місяців тому
any high tech item it is easy to buy but it is very hard to keep it because the cost to keep it in good quality is much more than the cost to buy.
@letsmakeadrink6565 Рік тому
Hate to break this to you but, you're showing video footage of Ohio SSBN's, Los Angeles Class SSN's, British SSN's and all the while, claiming it's a Virginia Class SSN. If you're gonna talk about the Virginia Class SSN's, show Virginia Class SSN's. I'm sure the U.S. Navy would love to provide you with footage if you only contact their PAO through the Dept. of the Navy.
@jetsetgojetsetgo-ft5lb Рік тому
USA should develop the best stealth capable submarines for world peace and stability.
@geronimocollado96 Рік тому
explorando a marte
@garyhunter6030 Рік тому
I thought this was about subs, about 10 min. was all there was on subs. Mis-leading.
@coastroad_7886 Рік тому
@jaydeecee Рік тому
A submarine is long and hard and full of seamen.
@oneeyedjack8806 5 місяців тому
Yes I was😬
@juniorshlomo Рік тому
All equipment navy's is proficiency for the next 👏 👌 😉
@muhammadkazarinbinazraikoj3146 Рік тому
@valentinvetements 9 місяців тому
People want to travel to know and learn, but why not build cities below sea level and create oxygen and use submersible as a submersible car and then travel in space, if the concept of creating domes under the sea is to create motorists who travel under the sea people in a few years will have spacecraft that can travel in space with such simplicity that there will be no problem of oxygen and fuels
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 5 trilhões manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@geronimocollado96 Рік тому
burbuja de agua ley de gravedad flota todo nasa
@chamararohanudayasiri3937 Рік тому
Lassana hada😇😨😥
@danielmesery2904 Рік тому
Heres 2 Ya.🍻
@zed332l 10 місяців тому
I served on SSBN 628 Tecumseh and Kamehameha 642 in the 1970's If you served. food like that you would have a Riot.
@ephraimsililo2235 Рік тому
@sultan92625 Рік тому
@Jasona1976 15 днів тому
150 young male sailors leave port, 75 couples return.
@joaojorgedemarchi7021 Рік тому
@wimbalinge7312 Рік тому
Ok at the beginning then the supmarins whend hiding😁😂
@user-lm7gv1mt5w Рік тому
通常動力潜水艦は 浮上して バッテリーを充電しなければならないが 原子力潜水艦は 浮上する必要ないし 原子力の巨大パワーで 水を電気分解して 酸素も作れる❗
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 900bilhoes manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@marquinhosdasilva1022 Рік тому
Sou u Marcos * to no Brasil 😤 > to para us inimigo aqui qualquer coisa chama reforço aí
@derrickholzhey9685 Рік тому
@Idahoguy10157 10 місяців тому
On patrol fresh milk is gone in a day or so. Fresh fruit and vegetables can last a week. Depending on how much is taken to sea. Which depends on how long the patrol is expected to last.
@zed332l 10 місяців тому
"Expected" to last been out 121 days what's for lunch, dinner breakfast CANNED HAM!!!!
@Idahoguy10157 10 місяців тому
@@zed332l ….i’m thinking local ops out of your homeport. Not a patrol situation. Yes I know about a 60 day load out.
@lalkumara6554 Рік тому
I trust that Aliens from another planet may helped them if not how come withing such a short period ,
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro dessa classe o submarino todos por 900bilhoes manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@bonasperry8747 Рік тому
If my tax money that I pay is going toward these courageous man it makes me happy,happy that they eat the best,they deserve it
@spg77777 Рік тому
@0:38 "During a subs 33 year service life, 14 - 15 deployments are anticipated." So less than half of its life is spent at sea... doing its job.... Where do I sign up? ; ]
@kveldgorkon4611 Рік тому
So Proud of Our Military... We Always Need to Show Strength.. Our Enemies - Russies, Iran, North Korea, China will jump at any chance if we show any sign of weakness -- Fist Bump from New Jersey
@wattsmichaele Рік тому
Do the officers get waited on by the cooks/cook helpers???…..really???
@Chris_at_Home Рік тому
My older brother was a Sonar Chief on a fast attack. He and I went out drinking one night overseas and we came back to his sub at 2am. The cook in the Chiefs mess made us steak and eggs.
@searay7723 3 місяці тому
why talk about the virginia class and put clips of other classes of sub?
@tompow9782 Рік тому
@donabele1243 Рік тому
Three minutes in and still NO shots of an actual VIRGINIA-class submarine. Appears to all be just b-roll of other submarines they are throwing together!
@CeleniaMendez-pj7yy 2 дні тому
Hola How are You doing There l hope all of You are doing well, l am Hna: viudas Laika misioneras jeroniana celenia F D armitaña house. Praying for all of You.may they Lord bless You and keep You in his heart.4/5/2024
@omairadaza7066 11 місяців тому
Todavía se seguirá viendo por vino curales
@failuretocommunicate Рік тому
Not likely to be "patrolling at maximum speed," even if it what you're showing were a Virginia class lol.
@MrPants1970 Рік тому
Interesting vid. Is there really much point in wearing a covid mask in a submarine?
@tomterrif8503 Рік тому
there is no point, period
@MrPants1970 Рік тому
@@tomterrif8503 indeed
@AAa-cf1oe Рік тому
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro por 150bilhoes o submarino manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 4trilhoes manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@Torenhg Рік тому
missile hatches on a fast n black n never come back, interesting?
@suwarto3548 Рік тому
Itu kapal water resistan,Amerika sulit dikalahkan,itu kesalahan sedikit bisa fatal,tenggelam,mati
@dritantata9844 Рік тому
Me ryklliet nostalgjin e atije viti kure sdisja nendetsen jashte e Brenda ne pashalimane
@jansalazar9601 Рік тому
We introduced the first nuclear submarine in history, we reached the moon and we are the only ones who achieved it, we created nuclear weapons, we in just 200 years became the most influential nation economically, militarily and politically than all other nations , I am proud to be an American, Ronald Reagan: "The first obligation of the Government is to protect the people, not direct their lives."
@Chris_at_Home Рік тому
The 5000 year leap book explains how this happened. Every citizen of this country should read this book. Politicians all need to read it a few times.
@charliebravo6869 Рік тому
Oulà ! Calme toi ! Un peu d'humilité ! N'oublie pas que tu es mortel... Tes chevilles enflent comme ta tête; tu risques d'exploser 🤪🤪 Assied toi et bois frais 😎😎
@jimferguson762 Рік тому
All. TRUE. !!
@matthewcurran82 Рік тому
America's economy? That in itself is a joke. Let's talk about education ranking, see how great America isn't.....
@user-ku6gx6nh7m Рік тому
@chamararohanudayasiri3937 Рік тому
@franciscocardoso6910 Рік тому
Pense ai numa coisa ruim.
@davidDiih68 11 місяців тому
@tomterrif8503 Рік тому
Chicks on submarines = the stupidest thing ever, in military history.
@Travelingman-1980 Рік тому
Aircraft carriers, ships and helicopters have got fuck all to do with living on a submarine.
@alexandrewillaume1445 Рік тому
*Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today*
@edwinmcmaster7876 Рік тому
Same here, will praise mr Dylan Hill over and over again because he has great skills, i started with $2000 and after 2week i received a returns of $6,000 then i continue with him ever since he has been delivering
@Coperola792 Рік тому
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@jonathanholifield7585 Рік тому
Please how can reach out to Mr Dylan? I urgently need his management on my INVESTMENTS!
@jonathanholifield7585 Рік тому
@Matthew Douglas Thanks☺️
@billy4072 Рік тому
Nah. If i ever thought about sub work.......I would ask for the menu . Your only connection to reality .
@tRRickedOut Рік тому
If they are at sea (normally), why are they wearing masks? Its a closed vessel.
@nhattuongmobile34 11 місяців тому
Qua xam
@craig4867 Рік тому
Fighter Pilot rips Navy read Craig below!
@abderrahimanasse5438 Рік тому
@jaybee9269 Рік тому
Not undetected at maximum speed, lol.
@nst263 Рік тому
@bozkurtkaraca6654 Рік тому
Keşke Amerika Dünyada barışı tesis etseydi.
@valeriamoraes6468 Рік тому
Seria ótimo!
@georgen9755 Рік тому
submarines and hydrostatic pressure , turbines and hydraulic press, how does the turbine engine work and how does the hydrostatic pressure inside and outside the submarine affect the working of the submarine is a science or science fiction ..... did you know that the hydraulic laboratory electric meters were connected to street lamp or connected to sump meters of university . was this intended for laboratory purposes . sundarrajan was the laboratory instructor and later the head of the civil engineering Dept of Pondicherry engineering college who was directly under the supervision of deva gowda the then principal and vice Chancellor of the Pondicherry engineering college who have all the biometrics of the village blocks of administration .... ... seal and signature of warden Pondicherry engineering college
@CeleniaMendez-pj7yy 2 дні тому
Ok gracias God bless You all
@jeep7 Рік тому
امريكا عملاقه لكن هذي العملقه اتت بعد قتل ملايين البشر امريكا حضاره ستنتهي مهما حاولو استمرارها فسقوط الدول يبدا بعطاء الشواذ مسؤولية القرار وهذي بداية النهايه !
@jimmyboudreau4207 Рік тому
You're way off on the top speed of that submarine way off when I was on board over 50 miles an hour that baby could go and even more
@oldthudman Рік тому
Looks like an Ohio class.....No fillet on front of tower and dive planes are on the tower not on body of sub...
@vancegodin4149 Рік тому
same chicken-burgers?
@herijaya8825 Рік тому
@aryabhattmishra-yj8nd 5 днів тому
World War 3
@ernstlotz 5 місяців тому
Ohne Gott werdet ihr nichts erreichen!
@eugenekyte6783 Рік тому
Что за хрень? Показывают то "вирджинию", то "огайо"... Ролик для идиотов.
@StrongHarm Рік тому
And here we have a Ruskie pointing out to an American that they're showing an Ohio Class Submarine while talking about a Virginia Class. Thank you Boris, it's comforting to this old Sailor that you can identify your nightmares by sight.
@eugenekyte6783 Рік тому
@@StrongHarm нас - рать. А врагов знаем в лицо. К серьёзному врагу относимся с уважением! (и готовим дубину побольше)
@outdoorlifemaine6691 Рік тому
I'm worthy idiots and three quarters of your submarine fleet is sitting in the harbor sinking
@coskunyalcin374 Рік тому
wwadana harakat saati 23TC✓
@chanwu5615 Рік тому
@veermani-hw3lm Рік тому
@wattsmichaele Рік тому
When did submarines start having women onboard???….Man, I’m behind the times.
@carasmussen27 Рік тому
I was wondering that. Even if i could serve ( I'm far too old) I could never be on a sub. Too scary for me. I wouldn't mind a little ride you know :-)
@carlosLopez-cc1xo Рік тому
pu pu pu pu sonar seaview.
@b4er6di 6 місяців тому
@danieltrottier8599 Рік тому
@happyguy4525 Рік тому
Sausage fest
@user-bx9fs9jg3u Рік тому
Stop Putun!!!!!Help!!!!!!
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 2 trilhões manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 4trilhoes manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 50 trilhões manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
@sergiodesouzajunior3962 Рік тому
Compro os submarinos dessa classe por 900bilhoes manda para a base do rio de janeiro Niterói brasil marinha
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