The life of cucumbers.It tastes like Li Ziqi’s summer. How about yours?丨Liziqi Channel

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李子柒 Liziqi

李子柒 Liziqi

3 роки тому

Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on UKposts if you like my videos:
During the Covid-19 outbreak in the first half of the year, I set up bamboo fences around the outer walls,
and planted some vine plants and vegetables, like cucumbers and luffas.
When fleeting spring gives way to summer, these cuties start to send green glow.
Pick the fresh cucumbers from the vine, and some termite mushrooms from the mountains.
Cucumber peels with Lap-mei, cold noodles with chicken shreds, fried rice with cucumbers, Chinese chicken burrito…
It tastes like Li Ziqi’s summer. How about yours?
#LýTửThất#李子柒#李子柒Liziqi #ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood
【李子柒 Liziqi 】
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liziqi李子柒精选视频/decent video
李子柒●花开有声 | Soud of blooming flowers:
李子柒 ●饮食以节 | Chinese festival food:
李子柒 ●适时而食 | Seasonal diet:
东方非遗传承 | Oriental intangible cultural heritage :
传统工艺 | Traditional handicraft:
Spring 春之卷
Summer 夏之卷
Autumn 秋之卷
Winter 冬之卷
#LýTửThất #李子柒 #liziqi

@ondine3335 3 роки тому
I see many people comment that these videos make them feel bad for doing nothing/being on their phones, and it makes me a bit sad... Why not take them as inspiration instead? I can't do everything she does, but since I started watching her videos I've taken up knitting, crocheting, hand-sewing and embroidery. I've planted some aromatic plants in my apartment. I make handmade gifts for my family and friends, and I visit my grandparents more often. This summer, I want to try wood carving for the first time! My life isn't quite as cool as Li Ziqi's, but I'm working on making it better... Good luck to all of you!
@user-fh3xi4oi4j 3 роки тому
@teresahegerich8835 3 роки тому
I think she's an inspiration and a gentle nudge. I'm going to try a small border to protect my plants with the random dried up wood scraps on our property. In the old days, I would have gone off to the store first.
@user-gj6fd4ij6d 3 роки тому
@nefertiti1052 3 роки тому
I've started using some of her cooking techniques like frying my spices before adding the food instead of adding the spices last. I think I've been generally trying new things in cooking.
@user-fh3xi4oi4j 3 роки тому
@@nefertiti1052 To be honest, in China we usually fry the spices first and then fry the dishes. This kind of food tastes very good.
@aarthyk5368 Місяць тому
Miss you liziqi
@Londonpony 27 днів тому
Yes 😞😞😞😞
@nuryanah3673 25 днів тому
What happen with her??
@DornosaTuscano 23 дні тому
Yes I missed her too❤
@RangerGaming-69 23 дні тому
ওনি এখন কোথায়
@Definitely_Not_Maddie_816 22 дні тому
Did she die...
@bieassialaw6832 7 місяців тому
I am not embarrassed nor ashamed to say that I play her videos at night to help me sleep! They are so soothing 😌 and I'm waiting for the day when she returns to her loyal fan base ❤
@micarfi72 7 місяців тому
Hago lo mismo 😁
@vivinmarwah8244 7 місяців тому
Me too
@thomastatinthomastatin6874 7 місяців тому
@geniousx7358 6 місяців тому
Hago lo mismo😅
@user-sf7tz5qc1o 6 місяців тому
И я жду. Не хочет
@JenJenMegaDooDoo 8 місяців тому
I could watch her videos all day. Her home is so beautiful and peaceful. I love that she takes care of grandma so well, too. I wish I had a life like this.
@ritulondhe6737 3 роки тому
After watching all her videos , one thing is very clear about her that she is very hardworking woman with skill of ancient healthy cooking techniques with presentation knowledge and for most of all she can make everything beautiful including her self
@floresferrera 3 роки тому
@jkardi9803 3 роки тому
This is the mother of all "get productive with me" videos 😂🥰
@princehacker4525 3 роки тому
F f eo v4b,
@selvaranikaruppasamy 3 роки тому
➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618744160
@addictrogue516 3 роки тому
@ben8718 3 роки тому
Rural life could be beautiful, there is no meetings, no schedules, no calls from boss, but it needs serious hard work.
@cookeecutkk 3 роки тому
Very true. But it’s meaningful work.
@marielefront2448 3 роки тому
@marielefront2448 3 роки тому
@rameshsingha8526 3 роки тому
I love you
@susihapsari8212 3 роки тому
@@cookeecutkk 9jm
@tanzinaorpi378 8 місяців тому
Miss you liziqi😢
@nancydeoliveira3939 27 днів тому
O que houve? Porque ela não faz mais vídeos?
@MdRifat-ss1fw 9 днів тому
@ayushis7 7 місяців тому
came here after watching stephanie's video and i just wanted to say that you are literally the most amazing person ever Liziqi. i admire you so much. i really hope you do come back but even if you don't, you will forever remain as the person who brought light, warmth and so much comfort in your viewer's lives
@user-xq3iz6fc9y 5 місяців тому
Здраствуйте! А почему в ленте стало вылезать видео лизики?этому видео 3 или 4 года! Кто то её видео выкладывает на ютуб?? Она же ещё не выиграла суд! Что вы мне можете ответить???
@user-xq3iz6fc9y 5 місяців тому
А кто такая Стэфани?? Спасибо за ответ
@anushkapatil6906 4 місяці тому
Here after Stephanie's video too! ❤
@mani.gmani.g2690 3 роки тому
How many want to live this kind of life.
@ihavenosoul670 3 роки тому
I’m too lazy to
@xxxyyy985 3 роки тому
I think not do many. There is lots of work
@kianaleggitt9277 3 роки тому
Great reward comes with lots of hard work.
@DuongManhTien 3 роки тому
@@xxxyyy985 But how about with HER ?
@capmeal 3 роки тому
i really want it, but I can't farming or coocking 😭
@user-fy3br9tc2l 3 роки тому
iamgine we are still here watching her cook when she was 70, witness her getting married and have children, we grow old along with her, that would be wonderful😊
@HOTA_CHATON 3 роки тому
I don't think she will get married and have children.
@boleyn8463 3 роки тому
@@HOTA_CHATON chinese women especially in rural area do get married, usually at very young age once they have mastered in household skills (idk how to translate this in english hopefully you understand) I lived with my grandma when I was little at Hangzhou.
@gowd3092 3 роки тому
Johnny Baker why do u think so?
@lucasyoung2909 3 роки тому
@@HOTA_CHATON I agree with you~
@taurus1843 3 роки тому
That’s beautiful,I feel so touched
@youuth4248 Рік тому
This are my favorite series “the life of” plz come back liziqi
@pinkydubey450 8 місяців тому
@mohiazim4828 Місяць тому
​@@pinkydubey450 she took break from making such content for her channel since 2021 after some issues. As it is already more Than 2y of her break, her fans wants her to come back to her channel and make new videos
@untarichannel7371 2 місяці тому
your grandmother is the lucky omen,,who can eat and enjoy her old life
@nangnuon6314 3 роки тому
She makes me want to leave everything and move to the mountains and live this lifestyle.
@erikwurschner9840 3 роки тому
Hi Ake you have traditional food
@erikwurschner9840 3 роки тому
You also have beautiful eyes like Lev writes to you some man from Slovakia
@erikwurschner9840 3 роки тому
Nang Nuon has beautiful eyes
@user-00dog 3 роки тому
@cshuang5993 3 роки тому
@@erikwurschner9840 -_-#-_-#
@nathaninadventurelandfamil404 3 роки тому
She is such a unique angel, I watch her videos daily and not get bored. Who agrees with me, Love from kerala India , she is such a multitalended lady
@FN-tb3up 3 роки тому
ഞാനും മലയാളി
@ramakrushnapujari1288 3 роки тому
@lynnaguarin4089 3 роки тому
Same everyday and before I go to bed
@JustyPie 3 роки тому
Eda stalam
@nathaninadventurelandfamil404 3 роки тому
@@lynnaguarin4089 same before going to bed
@Vithiquy1997 Місяць тому
Spring is the most beautiful season of the year as well as of life 2:34 ❤
@addis1333 Рік тому
I'm so surprised about what this beautiful and brilliant lady did I'm so happy for you the peoples of China 🇨🇳 we love Chinese peoples much love from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ❤
@man-yp1gb 3 роки тому
She'll definitely survive any world catastrophe. She's got survival skills in isolation.
@sithumiperera5212 3 роки тому
I agree😍❤😘
@ravenpreston1032 3 роки тому
She makes her own sugar, raises pigs, and forages for what she doesn't have 😍
@user-00dog 3 роки тому
@user-jd8kt3bj1h 3 роки тому
In order to make a video, she has a special team to train her!
@ljz7623 2 роки тому
@@user-00dog South corn
@aarjae4396 3 роки тому
Who wants liziqi's house tour ?? I'm damm sure that video will be the most famous of her channel (No intention to damage her privacy, safety-just want another peaceful experience from her house !! )
@jameshongtaoliu9698 3 роки тому
I apply.
@kmtpi5500 3 роки тому
But she won't give house tour that's for sure. I too soo much want to see her house and garden
@rbkkpooi3244 3 роки тому
i don't think that is a good idea. cause in previous time got some lunatic fans that disturbing her private life. exposing such detail will lead to unwanted accident.
@joshnaviperumalla1831 3 роки тому
Yes mee to want that chance and taste her food once
@aarjae4396 3 роки тому
@@rbkkpooi3244 that's absolutely true but just a sneak peek of the places that she always show us like her garden, kitchen,patios etc
@amaliavernier9750 Рік тому
Lindo ver harmonia e o equilíbrio com a natureza, parabéns a vc, seus bichinhos são mto fofos ❤🐾🐾🐕🐕
@ayslanofc 8 місяців тому
@Priyan-Jana 8 місяців тому
Miss u liziqi
@basumatarytoon7185 5 днів тому
Dead or what ?
@LanceRoopchand01 3 роки тому
I fell asleep twice watching this...not because its boring...its so Enchantingly takes my brain somewhere out of this world...into a story book maybe ❤
@huyoan3879 3 роки тому
Lui raaa
@sandhyalakhani5988 3 роки тому
Oh I didn't like this killing her chicken it was so peaceful to do that...
@nihaamohamed394 3 роки тому
@LanceRoopchand01 3 роки тому
@@sandhyalakhani5988 and she used knives on the plants😱
@hashemali5697 3 роки тому
Very good
@miwakotsukiyomi 3 роки тому
When she was harvesting the mushrooms I thought oh she didn’t bring a basket . I should’ve known she would MAKE A FREAKING BASKET
@alexoolau 3 роки тому
11:26 Liziqi invented the palm leaf basket. Here is her tutorial video. Enjoy.
@monicaG305 3 роки тому
@@alexoolau muchas gracias!
@heydaddy2471 3 роки тому
@@alexoolau i dont think she invented tho
@mpc7111 3 роки тому
@yaojianleung 3 роки тому
@@alexoolau 我看完都没懂,不会中文的人怎么可能懂……[doge]
@ghislaineavigdor7048 12 днів тому
She is an inspiration of what life should be for everyone. I hope she fonds one day the right companion and that a grand mother can live more than a 100 years. Bless them. 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
@user-cz2xj9oy9k Рік тому
Я не перестаю восхищаться этой девушкой. Миллион лайков ей хочется подарить.
@queen.aurora 3 роки тому
*Lizqi Forgets to bring basket* Her: " let me just grab this leaf and make one"
@renupunjabi9482 3 роки тому
Hehehe ya
@jaehyunkim458 3 роки тому
@SweetGirl-nk9pk 3 роки тому
N she did .. m so jealous of her😒 how can she be so perfect..
@lebonheuralacampagne9341 3 роки тому
Magnifiques vidéos, les gestes sont beaux et on a envie de goûter à chaques plats
@sismaitijamatia9927 3 роки тому
How many people are watching here and reading comments. Camera angles are beautiful.
@awildandsimplelife 3 роки тому
Yes I agree ✅
@tigerseasyrecipes4232 3 роки тому
@anniely707 3 роки тому
Omg yaas😅
@brancomctab1248 3 роки тому
Not me. I am not reading your comment. BTW what did you write in your comment? I am curious to know. 🤪🤨🧐🤓😎
@dslrpics3859 3 роки тому
@sanjanaartdrawingacademy8094 9 місяців тому
Really I am obsessed with you 💕 love from India
@WiwidOcta 8 місяців тому
Ku rindu liziqi
@LVo-mk4sr 2 роки тому
Those who say "It's like living in a paradise", "My dream is to live like her", be careful what you wish for. It's just a wonderful picture made by a talented team, real village life is harsh af. . To do all this work by yourself you have to be physically strong and sturdy like I don't know what. She is a real hero. Real village life is only for village life" connoisseurs" : ) For starters try to bake bread for your family every day, stop buying it in a shop. Then you'll get at least a slight idea of what village life is like : ) And the video is exquisite.
@littleonezzz78 2 роки тому
she used to everything by herself and only got a team after she can't manage cooking and editing and shooting. But yes I agree, if you are a starter, to do this all by yourself is nearly impossible, it takes years of practice.
@seizethedayandlive 2 роки тому
Absolutely right. Same is true of other things like farm life. With a skilled videographer and editor, you could make almost anything look incredible but most people wouldn't last a week on a farm!
@empanada65 2 роки тому
It is true that there is hard work involved, but I want to live like her while knowing all of these things. Living a life of hard work but simplicity is really all in life. I dont want extravagance. I just want to grow my food, provide for a family, and connect with the earth in ways I can't where I'm at.
@mochiblast5577 2 роки тому
I mean she working while earning money and making products for ppl to buy from so it’s like a dream cuz most of her food is organic from growing it herself. But life isn’t a dream it’s how you make it that it makes you feel like a dream.
@godheaddwarka1584 2 роки тому
I made full lunch dinner and breakfast for my family at the age of 12 3 days in a month. Now I feel what is hardwork called
@ofeliag7352 3 роки тому
11:43 why she draw a circle on the ground after picking those mushrooms? The elder told me when I was child that if you draw a circle , those mushrooms will not run away and grow in the same place next year.
@jasonliu6820 3 роки тому
@Anonymous-hx5sz 3 роки тому
@kaixx7865 3 роки тому
It was a heart shape love
@muhammadriskisuaputra5510 3 роки тому
This is the only comment I’ve been looking for
@jaiman2023 3 роки тому
Put cheese tooo
@Zillennial_Woman Місяць тому
It’s 2024 I’m still watching her videos.
@eduardobarretom4037 8 місяців тому
Todos los videos de liziqi son bellísimos....entretiene y relajan llevando nuestra mente a otro mundo donde solo hay paz...felicidades....ojalá vuelva a ponerle al día con ellos...
@StudlyHunk 3 роки тому
Caption: 0:02 - year 2019 winter 0:44 - year 2020 before spring 4:26 - year 2020 spring equinox (after mid of March) 7:40 - cure with salt until the moisture comes out 8:02 - smashed cucumbers 8:38 - sun dried 8:46 - sugar, soy sauce, salt, Chinese white wine 8:53 - let it cool down 9:02 - sun dried the moisture on the cucumber surface 9:29 - marinate in cool dark place for 2 days 10:00 - soak the dried cucumber until became normal 10:25 - Do not recklessly pick wild mushrooms 10:44 - termite mushroom 13:45 - chili and mushroom oil 14:55 - stir fried cucumber skin and cured meat 15:05 - soak the soba noodles in cold water after cooked 15:43 - shredded chicken with cold noodle 16:25 - mushroom cucumber fried rice 17:13 - pickled cucumber in soy sauce 17:40 - sauced cucumber chicken wrap 18:21 - cucumber meatball soup 19:10 - cucumber-sour plum drinks
@sara9083 3 роки тому
Wat oil is she using for cooking,, all her dishes turns yellow in that oil
@StudlyHunk 3 роки тому
@@sara9083 I'm not sure but Google search say she might be using rapeseed/canola oil
@Connie4580 3 роки тому
THANK YOU so much!! Can you do this for all? lol
@veenav5072 3 роки тому
@ttzhang1085 3 роки тому
@@sara9083 watch this epic, it is rapseed which is commonly used in Chinese cuisine
@jenniferkajichekajiche2832 3 роки тому
The most talented and perfectionist women ever in the world I could say, your grandma will be the luckiest to have a daughter like you ...I wish you and your grandma good health and prosperous wealth may God bless.... Love from Manipur India
@iromindira8619 3 роки тому
Me too Manipur 😊
@Al-Qalb1702 3 роки тому
Yah she is a very talented women 😊
@DH89715 3 роки тому
WOMAN not women... singular
@millarich8583 3 роки тому
She is a filial Granddaughter 💕
@cathygreen5719 Місяць тому
Greetings from Port ELIZABETH, South Africa 🇿🇦
@Yang_Juhi_ 3 місяці тому
I really miss her a lottttttt😭😭😭her videos are like heaven 💗!!! I'm waiting for her came back😅❤️i hope she's well😭🤲
@febrianasoebardi359 Рік тому
Aku rasa video ini ad yg terbaik d seluruh dunia yg menayangkan ttg pedesaan, secara keseluruhan, estetika, teknisnya, pemandangan alamnya, cara penyajian nya, alur cerita nya semua indah logic wajar nyaman dilihat walaupun dlm kurun waktu brp puluh tahun LG kedpan masih layak d menakjubkan...❤
@ragilapriliarahayu8139 8 місяців тому
Betul sekali
@rosaahsiu6658 3 роки тому
She's a millionaire and she doesn't act like one she's very humble and easy going, and work hard too, doesn't talk alot just get on with her job she's one of the luck one who take care of her grandmother not many who do that they chase their own fortune God bless her in many ways 💞🌝
@debcambria665 3 роки тому
How do you know she's a millionare
@erynn9968 3 роки тому
How do you know how she acts? You only see what she decides to show.
@alanchin8657 3 роки тому
Woah shes a millionare?!
@alanchin8657 3 роки тому
@susanthajayalath6180 3 роки тому
@sampharma5506 3 роки тому
This is magical, it looks like she lives in a fairy tell away from all modernism, technology and pollution, this is heaven on earth. I think all humans should live this way, it's the healthiest ever and so peaceful.
@AgoengBS 3 роки тому
And then they came.. Politician, Economist, Lawyer....Businessman. They destroy everything.
@cupcakestrawberry2958 3 роки тому
@@AgoengBS u hi ghhhtrre6tti
@cupcakestrawberry2958 3 роки тому
Hf on one more thing me mom
@b.k.damajors8229 3 роки тому
Well then you won’t be seeing it if she’s truly away from modern technology,lol.
@purbaganguly158 3 роки тому
Obeasly not the demon human beings they will try to destroy it
@alanhill769 6 місяців тому
Wonderful show. Thank you LiZiqi and your camera team. Your videos are beautiful.
@user-hn1ol9sv1x Рік тому
جميل جدا، لكم جنة فوق الأرض ما شاء الله، أتمنى أن أستعيد عافيتي و أهتم بحديقة منزلنا، صحيح ليست لنا نفس الطبيعة لكن الحمد لله، و بارك الله لك في جهدك و في حديقتك❤
@ballalohitha9042 3 роки тому
She's like a real life Cinderella performing all tasks all day long yet looking so calm ,happy and pleasant..,,😊😃
@supersteveenglish7340 3 роки тому
And isn't allowed to watch her own videos on UKposts over there
@simT_T 3 роки тому
She uploads from China. I can only order her products in China. How come she is famous in China if no one watches her videos there?
@hayleekim6959 3 роки тому
@@simT_T she upload her video to one of the most famous app In China Douyin
@edukid1984 3 роки тому
@@supersteveenglish7340 LOL it's open secret known to everyone, including the government, that virtually any Chinese can bypass the great firewall and access almost all (normal) foreign websites, porn included. All you need to do is spend a few bucks on a reliable VPN. And for many institutions they are formally allowed to be exempted from the firewall. Honestly, stop living in your own world.
@supersteveenglish7340 3 роки тому
@@edukid1984 "allowed" didn't stand out as a key word, I suppose, in your own huge world. Meanwhile, beat cops in China make double what an accountant does & walk around extorting people for this exact thing, among hundreds of other extortable offenses. And they don't have to get a warrant to barge in & scan for offenses. But great lecture, professor!
@MariaGarcia-fh4rf 3 роки тому
Me: How is she going to carry all the mushrooms? Ziqi: *makes the basket with some random plant. *
@asunadaimonji 3 роки тому
yep was thinking the same
@nytekeeper6861 3 роки тому
yup! my jaw literally dropped lol!
@dilonnarutherford2182 3 роки тому
*Pikachu surprised face*
@Neyobe 3 роки тому
I was so surprised
@hikarley 3 роки тому
when I saw that part I screamed out loud " No way" what does she NOT KNOW,! she is an amazing woman
@ehmedovresid34 7 місяців тому
Ziqi sizi Azərbaycandan izləyirəm möhtəşəmsən. Eyni mətbəxə sahib olmasaqda sizi severek izleyirem❤
@Zidniaailman 3 роки тому
*This is how many people watching liziqi's videos before going to bed*
@peterhenter4601 3 роки тому
:D the Same
@TomboTheTornado 3 роки тому
زدني علمًا 2.0 reads this as he lies in bed
@yangfat7587 3 роки тому
@igorvoloshin3406 3 роки тому
Yep. And then get up to go to kitchen and eat something! 😅
@kashiffarazkhan5887 3 роки тому
I am also
@misellzha2204 3 роки тому
Oh my God, she makes basket leaves to carry the mushroom on the spot! She is indeen an amazing one!
@Garinozz 3 роки тому
How creative OMG
@mrbaeman39lolman60 3 роки тому
@@Garinozz to whomare you refering?
@ninam4650 3 роки тому
I know right, everytime I'm like, what is she doing, then it all makes sense! She is amazing
@Garinozz 3 роки тому
mr bae man 39 lol man i mean how Liziqi creative to make basket from leaves on the spot
@marthacamachoquiroz6847 3 роки тому
Es usted genial
@ghislaineavigdor7048 12 днів тому
Her grand mother is a cutie, always smiling and laughing, showing her happiness.❤❤❤
@andikamariah18 8 місяців тому
Rindu dengan miss Liziqi. Seperti Malaikat tak Bersayap.selalu Energik.sukses selalu❤❤
@xiaoyilong896 3 роки тому
I just love the relaxing moment of Ziqi's morning. She walks around her garden like a queen goes on patrol. She picks up the ripe fruits and tastes the sweetness of her harvests after all those hardworking. She really deserves that moment!
@flynridder2579 3 роки тому
Yes, indeed!
@user-pq1su7rx5r 2 роки тому
@preetkalyaan9063 7 місяців тому
@DasandrasCuisine 3 роки тому
She has a million recipes for one vegetable. AMAZING
@towardsthenature905 3 роки тому
Hi 😘
@kim-sr8cx 3 роки тому
응 계속해보자 ㅋㅋㅋ 성지순례 왓습니다. 뎃글달면 바로지우는? 쫄? kimci 🇰🇷 Corona 🇨🇳
@yonolim7264 3 роки тому
We are here to appreciate Liziqi videos and support her videos Just ignore the rude and nonsense comments Love Liziqi ❤️❤️❤️
@DasandrasCuisine 3 роки тому
No hates guys just love..hope everyone is okay
@madax3276 Рік тому
@jessperjunior434 5 місяців тому
Love from india manipur❤😍😍
@supraricky 3 роки тому
Grandma is lucky to have such a caring and talented Granddaughter taking care of her.
@rojalinbehera6242 3 роки тому
yeah ,damn true ,grandma is so lucky to get her
@yunxue8669 3 роки тому
all she teach liziqi
@evaakhtar 3 роки тому
So true she’s an amazing girl
@jamesf78 3 роки тому
Idk the exact story but i believe grandma also took good care of her when she was young and probably also a beauty
@abrar3846 3 роки тому
@@jamesf78 where is her family???🤔🤔
@ezhilprasanthm2168 3 роки тому
Am i day dreaming or is she just made a basket with a leaf...some of her skills are just astonishing...
@keepcalmandmakememories8167 3 роки тому
Yes I first saw her making it few years ago on her early videos but in weibo account...
@conceicaosilva2409 Місяць тому
Amo vê o trabalho dela é um exemplo.extraordinario❤
@montoshpaul7341 8 місяців тому
Very beautiful woman and her daily village life.with love ❤and good wishes from Assam ❤️ India.
@Buecherfreak16 3 роки тому
I saw a quote some time ago: "There are two kind of people: those who look for beautiful places and those who create beautiful places." She is definitely one who creates beautiful places and things. It's really amazing and inspiring!
@wafabawazir1426 3 роки тому
You got that right
@paradisemgh683 3 роки тому
Absolutely right 👍
@changyingshu2675 3 роки тому
Especially when we think that she had a very unhappy and hard childhood (separation of her parents, dead of her father, a stepmother who treated her badly, dead of her grandfarther, ... then she lives with her grandmother till now ), it gives her even more merit for creating such a passionating life.
@MJ18888 3 роки тому
I am the first, but I wish to be the latter.
@zsg_993 3 роки тому
Want to be like her! ♡
@ambrosioromero1539 3 роки тому
I pray my daughter finds such a paradise in her life. 😋
@beaniz 3 роки тому
Invest in fertile land...hope she loves to plant
@margaretbarwa1367 3 роки тому
Paradise are never found has to be created
@kamaldeepminj4485 3 роки тому
She has and lives a life of a fairy princess
@azizahmuflihah9768 3 роки тому
@JustyPie 3 роки тому
could you please rate my videos 🙂❤️ bcz it means a lot to me 🐼
@TasteofIndiawidbishnupriya 2 місяці тому
I love your Village, your home, the way you live, your hardwork, your confidence and your love for's really inspiring for those girls who underestimate themselves...I think they just don't know the hidden talents reside within them...... but I'm sure by watching your videos they will surely find out😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 lots of love from India.
@tina.m558 6 місяців тому
Tu bebé es hermoso 😍 cuídate mucho que dios te bendiga ❤🎉😮
@shiboneths8165 3 роки тому
I swear at this point this women could make a house and I wouldn’t be surprised. She got the skills man
@elviramack1864 3 роки тому
You missed that video
@Djsaucy1 3 роки тому
That's how I originally found
@Mr.K_Vibes 3 роки тому
Who needs a basket when u can just make one there itself 😅. She's gifted and hardworking 👍
@Nature_girl........ 7 місяців тому
This is called struggle........❤❤❤ Some girls say made a boyfriend for their living ......but they have to struggle like her and build her own lifeee 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Who agrree .....
@wjsaxton 11 місяців тому
I’ve been a fan & follower of the amazing Ms. Liziqi for a couple years now.. like everyone else I do really hope she resumes making videos sometime (but totally understand if she’s on a different path now). Anyway I just wanna say about this video real quick, how blown away I was by her impromptu leaf basket she made in the woods, to transport the mush’s back home!! She is a true renaissance woman. 💜🕉🙏
@wjsaxton 10 місяців тому
@@lupaetborealis929 ~ Oh yes, I do the same thing too.. have got a few of them saved in my ‘Foodstuffs’ folder, and reference or send to others from time to time, lately has been her ‘Life of Roses’ and ‘Life of Potato’ vids 😋 as my mom grows a lot of roses (really wanna try making L’s rose-rice wine!), and everybody eats ‘taters, but L’s assortment of dishes with them was incredible! Sorry to rant.. Oh but lemme just make sure.. have u seen Liziqi’s vid where she constructs a badass sofa entirely from bamboo..?!? 🤯 Good lookin’ out and take care! 😉
@HoangHuyenTrang-uw9zy 6 місяців тому
Her idea was great, I learned a great new way to plant seeds
@ThettiyilCrafts 3 роки тому
She is the most hardworking youtuber I've ever seen.
@ThettiyilCrafts 3 роки тому
@Christina Hayles 💯 true♥️♥️
@HuangRex 3 роки тому
@pragyacute6011 3 роки тому
@aarjae4396 3 роки тому
Yeah, look at size and the work she does !! SALUTE
@user-ec3vd2gs9z 3 роки тому
@nathaninadventurelandfamil404 3 роки тому
She is very unique lady and I watch her videos daily and not get bored. Who agrees with me, love from kerala India
@sikatokbipisikatokbipi1238 3 роки тому
Me too I'm from karbi Anglog
@asnapt4131 3 роки тому
Me too From Kerala india
@mariner3282 3 роки тому
@asnapt4131 3 роки тому
@akhilaakku3626 3 роки тому
@user-ij1bi5ub2s Рік тому
Как много умеет эта хрупкая и красивая девушка! Видео завораживает: красота и гармония звуков, растений. Ничего лишнего. Я не знаю, что она готовит, но не могу оторваться - так красивы, грациозны и точны все её движения
@jesminkhatun7473 Місяць тому
We Miss you a lot.. please come back as soon as possible
@farisasmith7109 3 роки тому
We need a full garden tour. It looks like there are so many sections with different types of fruit trees and vegetables. It must be an amazing place to live in.
@StudlyHunk 3 роки тому
She has an old video where she take us on a tour that is like over a year ago so now her garden is much larger.
@donali9804 3 роки тому
@planesight1142 3 роки тому
pray that her village is still safe. these videoes could have been shot months ago, and have been in the editing and "getting the video out of china" process. there is MUCH destruction at her door! Prayers!!
@hiposbi 3 роки тому
I will literally choose this life than a luxurious life Imagine living a simple life fresh air and natural resources❤❤
@nawazkhankhattak2276 3 роки тому
I have such life.Believe me it is so peaceful & beautiful to live in village .Near to nature.
@sraiemeska2111 3 роки тому
@@nawazkhankhattak2276 yeah very true.
@mississippimusicpublishing254 9 місяців тому
To watch you weave a basket from the leafs to carry the mushrooms in was unbelievably useful Zi ✨
@avantikapatel8099 8 місяців тому
Beautiful place.. totally paradise......m from the way you showing ur world 😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏
@atuanakamei8219 3 роки тому
She is one of the most talented person
@user-00dog 3 роки тому
@nitawealand3629 3 роки тому
@@user-00dog 🙏🙏🙏👁👁🇺🇸
@lilyinthevalley8046 3 роки тому
@@user-00dog Hong Kong is already FREE. It is one of the most free city in the world.
@annettelemmer9649 3 роки тому
She really is talented and blessed.
@floresferrera 3 роки тому
@annalukarsono9428 3 роки тому
It’s like walking in heaven inside her garden. The puppies are adorable. Much ❤️ your way 🙏.
@HanginOutWithStan 3 роки тому
You are right.
@Neyobe 3 роки тому
Yeah! I agree
@icansurviveuniversity.imra1405 3 роки тому
6:17 tomatos are poisonous for dogs 😅 I love her channel thou
@Neyobe 3 роки тому
Julie’s Heart Healed By Jesus That’s a stereotype and no, she doesn’t. I don’t know if you can tell at all in her videos, but she loves her dogs very much. Literally no Chinese people (including myself) has never tried or don’t eat dog constantly as an everyday protein. Most people don’t even know when going out of China that that’s a stereotype against us. So please don’t say that and generalize any group of people in this world
@Neyobe 3 роки тому
I can survive university. I'm Rachel! According to this, they can be fed for “an occasional snack” so yeah
@lourdesrodriguez2488 6 місяців тому
I watch these videos and I’m like WTF! This woman could build a new world on her own. She’s amazing. 🙏🏼
@user-tl2vg3dy9d Рік тому
@MrRightPhf 3 роки тому
I think the grandma is her best teacher,cus the elder is full of wisdom in Chinese rural.
@user-00dog 3 роки тому
@residenceemerod5080 3 роки тому
Her late grandpa was a rural chef.
@userparadox 3 роки тому
@@user-00dog SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!! SK belongs to NK!!
@jinggu2948 3 роки тому
파란목도리 free!takeshima!how do you think?
@jinggu2948 3 роки тому
파란목도리 free takeshima!free takeshima!free takeshima!
@rambled 3 роки тому
Forget to bring a basket? No worry, just build one with leaves.
@swethav6308 3 роки тому
@veronika6324 8 місяців тому
Saya sangat rindu dengan konten nya❤❤
@shatinaalena Рік тому
Хрупкая, но при этом сильная девушка. Вы с такой любовью готовите кушать❤
@fischlfamily 3 роки тому
She is so amazing, Smart, Beautiful And peaceful life
@ceylonfishcutting471 3 роки тому
@uauaua9477 3 роки тому
perfect wife
@hellokitty524 3 роки тому
Except for the killing of chickens. Yikes!
@user-nl5ib7uc1v 3 роки тому
@rameshsingha8526 3 роки тому
Also you.. I love you...❤️
@sajeethsathyankzm4115 3 роки тому
This channel truly teach us what the real life we need to deal with and how to take care of our grandparents... And of course how to love and respect our nature....
@Dianthuschinensis 3 роки тому
This is what He wants for us but we are so ungrateful that we follow people that wants to complicate everything for us and oppress us ! Glory to Him !
@ariannaliu6720 3 роки тому
Sajeeth S 👏👏👏👏👏👏
@tulipsandroses6263 3 роки тому
Jesus Christ will return again. Repent people seek him. He loves all of you and doesn't want you to perish. The Bible prophecies are coming to an end the microchip will come never take it
@muyue01 3 роки тому
Yep.This was the life of traditional Chinese in the past,until The First Opium War.....
@jonmcintire9067 Рік тому
Liziqui is also behind everything in the universe , highest ranking angels 💀💀💑😎😈😈😀😀😀, but she's a farmer , and the best cook on UKposts 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
@FitriFitri-po1ey 5 місяців тому
Kangen wanita multitalenta inii.. Videonya meng inspirasi orang banyak..pokoknya miss you a lot..ditunggu hasil karya² berikutnyaa❤❤❤❤❤❤
@bigquirkclaire2232 3 роки тому
7:11 the green cucumbers do not grow well 8:04 granny:rice is a little dry ziqi: not so bad 12:25 granny: wow, so much ziqi: haha lucky day, I found so much. 13:49 I’ll be here, hold on, do not run around. 18:26 granny, time to eat. Heavy rain~It’s rainning a lot. 18:37 granny, eat this chicken ball, I can’t eat them all. 18:44 granny, the chicken soup smell so good, right? Emm tasty 18:47 so relaxing, hhh tasty~ 18:57 granny try this chicken burrito, with mayonnaise spread 19:05 just a bit dry in the mouth 19:15 cold water, let’s cheers, hhhh 19:42 this is delicious~ 7:11 这个青黄瓜今年结的很差 8:04 婆婆:这饭煮的有点干子柒:还好吧 12:25 婆婆:诶...(语气词)捡了这么多哦子柒:还是捡到了, 今天。婆婆:捡到了。子柒:还是好,运气比较好。 13:49 等会儿就过来?嘿,别乱跑哦。 18:26 婆婆,婆婆来吃饭咯,你看这个雨下得好大哦婆婆,下这么大,一会都下这么大 18:37 婆婆,你把这坨丸子也吃了,我吃不到这么多。 18:44 婆婆,这个鸡汤味香。嗯,好喝。 18:47 这个还安逸,嗯好喝 18:57 婆婆这个里面裹的是蛋黄酱 19:05 就是有点干 19:15 凉白开,来喝,干杯,哈哈哈 19:42 这个好吃 四川话初级学者我又来了,这次子柒说的真的不多,但也是尽力听了一下哈哈哈,我真的喜欢吃生黄瓜的各种做法,熟的黄瓜有点emmm,夏天就应该喝凉白开,解暑神器!万能的凉白开! guys, I'm coming, lately I will translate the recipe showed in this video, hope to help you get ziqi's delicious food hahhaha one of our typical side dish with rice congee is pickles, so many vegetables can be pickled,pickled cucumber is so hot and sour refreshing~
@anuradhimadushika9376 3 роки тому
Thank you 😊.....
@user-fh3xi4oi4j 3 роки тому
@bigquirkclaire2232 3 роки тому
@@user-fh3xi4oi4j 哈哈哈是你大佬,你是四川的吗
@user-fh3xi4oi4j 3 роки тому
@@bigquirkclaire2232 哈哈,土生土长川渝人,四川出生重庆长大的娃。。。 有机会欢迎到川渝做客,火锅串串小零食随便挑,哈哈哈
@deweyr2012 3 роки тому
@gregshiller7179 3 роки тому
This girl can make a basket using a leave, it’s beyond my expectations.
@muyue01 3 роки тому
This used to be very common in past Chinese village. My grandmother's generation(60th~70th) could do it.
@TDebby 3 роки тому
My mom always made bag of thïs type😊
@sashika6053 3 роки тому
@jiluo5656 3 роки тому
Ziyuan Wang I’m a Chinese never seen this before
@muyue01 3 роки тому
@@sashika6053 My poor English...
@user-np3sc3yk2d Рік тому
Keep Up Your Great Efforts to Use Season's Best for Nutritious Meals and Nature Conservation activities ❤
@PeacefulPlaceOfficial 7 місяців тому
This girl deserves an award for "Best Farmer", "Best Cook", and "Best Granddaughter"..
@ioannadearc7901 3 роки тому
This woman is an engineer, a craftsman, a great chef, and a priestess. She made a sign on the ground for peace-keeping with the spirits.
@christophercolumbus9172 3 роки тому
Aha so that is what it is, I was wondering why did she do that.
@jazzbuenviaje1572 3 роки тому
this was the answer I was looking for why I went to comment section. So that's why she drew that circle on the ground!
@amankumar-gi6xm 3 роки тому
@Chinoy_ 3 роки тому
I believe similar to a Filipino custom when you pull things out from the wild, we need to ask permission from the Spirits. Respect for Nature.
@ggwc938 2 роки тому
Liziqi and her grandmother died of food poisoning
@moniquecabutin8685 3 роки тому
me: Oh she didnt bring a basket? How is she going to carry- Her: Makes a basket out of a leaf
@youmateg7350 3 роки тому
@alexoolau 3 роки тому
11:26 Liziqi invented the palm leaf basket. Here is her tutorial video. Enjoy.
@monicakalburgi9416 3 роки тому
I know I was so impressed
@mohammadkurdiwijaya5319 3 роки тому
@@monicakalburgi9416 .. It is cool ..
@greatfurnitureptyltd4597 3 роки тому
Smart and beautiful girl from inside and out
@oiyster4062 3 дні тому
dari liziqi belajar menikmati pekerjaan rumah tangga, itu menyenangkan bukan stress
@Velozz-wm3tc 3 місяці тому
Cantiknya halaman rumah dia.. Rasa seperti di taman syurga. Di kelilingi tumbuh tumbuhan,, bunga bungaan.. Nampak sejuk nyaman dan tenteram..
@user-ce5xg9ko6m 3 роки тому
Who is excited about Liziqi's video update like me
@angthao8376 3 роки тому
Me too 😁😁😁😁
@SriLankanBeautyHome 3 роки тому
I'm also
@taktsing4969 3 роки тому
@blessaliamarak5103 3 роки тому
Me too
@user-yq1gr5yf3e 3 роки тому
@@SriLankanBeautyHome ใ
@lavenqueen 3 роки тому
Girl went mushroom picking and thought ‘oh I need a basket’ and legit grabbed a leaf and weaved it into a basket. She’s so innovative and skilled, she’s honestly so amazing
@user-cz2xj9oy9k Рік тому
Корзиночка сплетенная из листьев прелесть 😁
@dudungidi9632 3 роки тому
Better, more soothing, healing, soul nourishing food, lay back scenery and landscape, cooking for her grandma, hard work, teaching and silently encouraging us to copy her. Better to watch than most famous chefs we see on various videos
@LenkaSaratoga 3 роки тому
✅ fully agree
@paolashalymarcolonrodrigue1626 3 роки тому
Agree!!!! Video full of joy
@twishatandel9534 3 роки тому
I agree
@joshuaz5560 3 роки тому
the summary is perfect!i agree!!!
@fathimarinshap2694 3 роки тому
@user-pd9be6lp8v 3 роки тому
@sonusharmafc8845 3 роки тому
@user-yf1lr6ds8c 22 дні тому
Where is she now why is she not posting!?
@user-dk7dd7mr3d День тому
​@@user-yf1lr6ds8cshe has a legal issues with her sponsoring company
@renatamello7297 9 місяців тому
I swear this lady saved my life at least twice.
@diemdiemnguyen9363 Місяць тому
Liziqi là cô gái thông minh, sáng tạo, mạnh mẽ, đảm đang, coa nghị lực, tính thẩm mỹ cao. Tình cờ đọc báo nói về kênh của L, mình tò mò xem. Thật sự ngưỡng mộ cô ấy❤❤❤
@racquelblake9303 3 роки тому
I was wondering, how she gonna carry all of that with no bag or basket? Then she reminded me of whose channel I'm watching by weaving a basket made of leaf
@afrahf9010 3 роки тому
She just effortlessly made that basket for the mushrooms, without a single equipment. 😍
@sweta9590 2 роки тому
Yes i was searching for this comment that why didn't anyone commented for this 😅
@ricksanchez845 2 роки тому
wtf, the exact same comment is posted by another user under this video. are you a machine learning bot?
@afrahf9010 2 роки тому
@@ricksanchez845 when was that comment uploaded? Mine is original.
@khyatiramteke7182 2 роки тому
Yes ...actually is purey video mai...making of basket is the main hero of the video ❤️
@fuckyoutube4changingmyusername 2 роки тому
She did have a power tool to drill on the brick though...when she was making bamboo cladding over the brick wall.
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