Valve Did Something Good

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10 місяців тому

Twitter: / garbaj2
2nd Channel: / garbajgaming

@KingKrouch 10 місяців тому
Valve seems different from a lot of AAA publishers and developers simply because they’re not publicly owned/traded. Been noticing a pattern with how companies sign a deal with the figurative devil as soon as they appear on the stock exchange. At that point, endless corner cutting to appeal to investors thinking that endless growth isn’t a myth.
@huxleyleigh4856 10 місяців тому
One exception to the trend is that roblox was scamming kids and exploiting young developers before they were traded publicly
@BigDaddyWes 10 місяців тому
You still have to appease shareholders when you're a private corp.
@chrismcpherson7582 10 місяців тому
​@@BigDaddyWesthere is a HUGE difference in a private and public company.
@triplebb9809 10 місяців тому
@@BigDaddyWes Bro the definition of a private company is that it isn't publically traded, which means there are no shareholders.
@ishashka 9 місяців тому
Valve also treats game development more as a side gig. Steam is their main money maker, which means they don't have to milk their games for money just to survive
@devforfun5618 10 місяців тому
free players aren't only possible future paying players, they are also part of the content, to have a healthy matchmaker, specially for novice players, you need a lot of players of varying levels of experience, if the game only has veteran players the new players will not stick to the game, either because they cant find a match or because the matches they find are unbalanced
@ince55ant 10 місяців тому
i was gonna say the same thing. it reminds me of Yanis Varoufakis' argument that social media companies should be paying their users. (funnily enough he used to work for valve too)
@Jackfromshack 10 місяців тому
Veterans purposefully enter matches for newcomers, deceiving the selection system (smurfs) in order to trample newcomers into the mud and feel good (or pump someone's account for money, I don't know). Casual matches are a little better due to the complete chaos in the skills of the teams (people with 200 hours of play against people with 8000 hours)
@pedropimenta896 10 місяців тому
Back in my day there was no queue to play, just join lobby and the host would start the game, and then less than two minutes of loading time to play. No skins or cosmetics, no "ladder", no bs.
@shhnochannelhere1576 10 місяців тому
Valve's been on a massive pro-consumer kick. From providing a teardown video on the Steam Deck (as well as purchaseable spare parts), to heavy Linux support, to updates like this.
@paegr 10 місяців тому
The second they start considering becoming a publicly-traded company, it’s all instantly going down the shitter
@kornflakes8983 9 місяців тому
@@paegr Which will be never. Gabe Newell said back in 2012 he would rather the company disintegrate than ever be bought out.
@maybemythyt 10 місяців тому
Garbaj playing deathmatch with the UMP. What a legend
@andrewperson4012 10 місяців тому
Wait doesn't garbaj identify as a she? Anyways, still a deathmatch legend
@cleo42 10 місяців тому
​@@andrewperson4012I was wondering about that as well after seeing the avatar used on some streams, I hope someone can tell us
@maybemythyt 10 місяців тому
@@andrewperson4012 I'm not sure but if so I apologize
@z0bi_ 10 місяців тому
@@maybemythyt No you're right they have their Pronouns in the Description of their gaming channel "Garbaj Gaming".
@mattdos7171 10 місяців тому
@@andrewperson4012 Garbaj identifies as she/they
@eyssewieringa2084 10 місяців тому
I like valve alot, because of their interest at efforts in linux :D
@heloapako 10 місяців тому
Linux is the future of gaming
@andrymiolakolaka 10 місяців тому
They are the only who cares about brazil, thats why i like
@mr_sauce_cooks 10 місяців тому
I believe Linux would be the future of desktop computers but its missing two elements 1/ *A LOT* of softwares out there don't work on Linux and especially games so that needs to be attended to somehow 2/ most Linux users don't understand that some people such as myself want everything working out of the box no fine tuning no manual calibration or anything like that Due to these reasons *A LOT* of people just don't want to use linux and maybe in the future both will be addressed or at least the first one
@leothehuman_9476 10 місяців тому
@@mr_sauce_cooks 1: It's not Linux's fault for that, it's Microsoft and the big coprorations monopolizing everything that has made switching to Linux harder for some people due to the less software available. And in fact, the Linux community is doing their best to solve this problem: introducing Wine and Proton, Windows subsystems for Linux. They aren't emulators or virtual machines: they're much faster, and Proton could actually make videogames run faster on Linux due to the DirectX to Vulkan conversion!! Even tho it's rare. Most things should run slower than on native Windows but just the fact that this exists is incredible!! 2: There are A LOT of Linux distrubutions that aim for that. In fact, the majority of modern Linux distrubutions are made with exactly that purpose in mind. Let me just name a few: Zorin OS, Pop!_OS, Nobara, Cutefish OS, Garuda Linux, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Deepin, MX Linux, even the new Debian 12 and most importantly: Ubuntu. All of these distributions are as simple to use as possible and try their best to have as much software ready out of the box as possible, to make sure that everything works for everyone at first boot. It's just not true at all that Linux doesn't care for tech-illiterate people or just people who want a stable system that has everything working out of the box: This is actually the main goal of most Linux distributions!!
@KingKrouch 10 місяців тому
@@mr_sauce_cooks​​⁠1. Yeah software compatibility is an issue for some things, but it’s getting better. Only things that aren’t supported at this point is Adobe software, Visual Studio (but if you are programming Windows software on Linux, you likely already have MinGW set up), some tools (like Cheat Engine), and games with anti-cheat. As for Microsoft Office, a cloud variant exists and OnlyOffice exists as an offline solution. It’s still far more serviceable now than it was 10 years ago. Most of my games that I play just work without much coaxing required. 2. Don’t hop on distros that require tons of tweaks like Arch or Ubuntu (while they’re fine for programming work, they are missing a ton of tweaks for content creation and gaming), or distros that are unstable like Manjaro. Go for something already optimized for gaming like Nobara, ChimeraOS, or (when it drops) SteamOS. Part of the issue is that most “top 10 distros” lists on Google seem AI generated, and some YT content creators aren’t responsible enough to stop recommending distros that will have their support and updates pulled quickly. Honestly, if you don’t use winget, you are going to have a way harder and longer time setting up Windows, especially if you are using a TV setup where you can’t guarantee a controller being connected and don’t use Steam for it’s Big Picture mode or desktop/chord configs for controllers. And that’s before even getting to DPI scaling settings on Windows messing with any game that doesn’t handle it correctly (which requires going into the properties of each game executable and adjusting compatibility settings), and how it’s practically required for any display from a distance. And that’s before any third party tweaking software or registry tweaks needed on Windows because a lot of stuff is hidden away.
@bidnat5254 10 місяців тому
Humility can be a hard thing to come by in the internet. Garbaj, you give the impression through your videos that you are kind, humble, and fair. Quality content, thank you for being a role model to all these other UKpostsrs
@MadisonRootbeer69 10 місяців тому
We are looking at you, Activision.
@limpfall13 10 місяців тому
I honestly just like valve for the games they have made especially portal 2and half life 2 but also for the steam deck it assisted my switching to linux and tbh I like it even if figuring out particular obscure or niche things is a bit difficult I still love the steam deck. Honestly I only use my windows laptop occasionally for charging any learning game making.
@ntPingu 10 місяців тому
DotA first introduced the battle pass and now it puts it back in the ground when it got out of hand. I applaud their decision and the new update shows that it was the right one. (Because with the newest big update they already took some of the development power from the battle pass team and put it into balancing and creating new mechanics, a bigger map and much, much more)
@rand0m426 10 місяців тому
Isnt this like the 100th time they did something good? Stop arguing in the comments goddamn
@thewoodpeckers655 10 місяців тому
@lettucebob7395 10 місяців тому
Well yeah,problem is that the time between good things is way too long
@Menon9767 10 місяців тому
Valve is good at making Steam, good at making single player games. Horrible at monetizing multiplayer games, I mean just look at CSGOs cosmetics
@lettucebob7395 10 місяців тому
@@Menon9767 The good things you listed were like 20 years ago
@Menon9767 10 місяців тому
@@lettucebob7395 yeah just giving a summary
@TheJakeSweede 10 місяців тому
I remember the olden day when you had to buy wc3roc and wc3tft to play dota. Then HoN came, a spiritual succesor to dota, but which cost money. And LoL came, which actually was a very different game, balance and gameplay wise- and it relied on either a ton of games/ hours played to unlock other heroes for free, or you had to pay. But balancing was made so that you didnt really "need" all heroes, you would be fine even though you only had a dozen or so heroes from a 100+ pool. This was very different for dota, and the typical dota player would hate this restriction. Counterpicking was nowhere close to dota, it was overall a much more static and way less dynamic game than wc3 dota (or HoN). Then dota 2 came, completely for free, all heroes unlocked instantly, and you had access to matchmaking, ranked (came later) custom games, everything you needed to play. It 100% relied only on cosmetics. You didnt have to grind to get access to heroes or game mechanics, you had everything. There literally was no good reason to play HoN after that (I thought the same for LoL, as I just saw dota as superior in pretty much all aspects, except its more overwhelming for newcomers. But i eventually understood that LoL is quite a different game, and they have different appeals). I think its easy to forget how much is actually provided in a game like dota 2 completely for free. I never cared for cosmetics, i only cared about a fun competetive experience. I always found it a bit funny when people were complaining about "expensive" skins in games that are 100% multiplayer, 100% free to play. Never understood the appeal of "shiny gun", and why an expemnsive price tag made people pissed off. Im glad that Valve is focusing more on content accessible to f2p players, and im glad that you are glad about that. But honestly, even if Valve didnt decide to make this recent change to make more cosmetic stuff to f2p, and everything was exactly like it always was in Dota2, I still think that would be a better and more generous business model than HoN, LoL, and most multiplayer games overall ever was.
@pedropimenta896 10 місяців тому
Players want progression. Some dont have the time to play ranked and/or hone their skills, so they go casual - but they still want to progress, so developers reward players with free skins and cosmetics for their time and engagement. This announcement is to reflect that, that Valve "cares" for new players and player retention.
@samuelkohn7282 10 місяців тому
The way I understand what you presented, is that it's not that they want to nice nice to free player but that if all the content they produce is included in the yearly battle-pass they can only monetize each player once a year at most. So if they now sell content outside the battle-pass, they will be able to monetize the paying players several time (potentialy for more than the old battle pass in total) and maybe make the players who didn't purchase the battle pass now paid on occasion for smaller purchases.
@devforfun5618 10 місяців тому
they dont need any of that, a free player can get free random cosmetics, and if it is a rare cosmetic they will want to sell it in the marketplace, steam takes a cut of the sale, as long as someone is willing to pay for a rare cosmetic it doesn't matter who gets it, steam will make money, they cant directly control the price of a cosmetic, but they control the rarity
@yanneyanenchannel 10 місяців тому
I cannot speak for Valve's true intentions, of course, but based on the blog post "Most Dota players never buy a Battle Pass and never get any rewards from it. Every Dota player has gotten to explore the new map, play with the new items, and accidentally die to a Tormentor; every Dota player benefits from UI improvements and new client features. " For context, recent patches changed the map (map changes are/were very rare) and added new objectives on that map, added a bunch of new (in-game, gameplay-affecting) items, UI improvements and matchmaking improvements to name a few of the changes. According to Valve, this wasn't possible with the battlepass model, since focusing on that took too many resources away from improvements/experiments like these that affect all players.
@Johnnyb167 10 місяців тому
Always seems like all game companies with live service models are more worried about there short term gain rather than their long term gain. I'm glad Valve is well aware of this and does the more consumer friendly thing.
@Johnnyb167 10 місяців тому
Obviously there doing this for money, but if valves follows through with this than this will prove easily a two sided win in the future.
@cleo42 10 місяців тому
​@@Johnnyb167I mean for most companies (the ones who don't own steam you know) it kinda makes sense to want enough money to pay your employees... But it's a tricky balance between greedy asshole and broke but nice. The squad devs are in trouble because they only sell their game once even if they continue to improve it for years after that. Not saying predatory monetisation isn't bad, just saying players should be more understanding sometimes.
@barney10240 10 місяців тому
Gabe already had disillusioned with Microsoft before he take his colleagues out of Microsoft and build Valve from the ground up, of course he already has integrity and vision.
@versev0 10 місяців тому
Valve is actually the one who started battle pass thing and maybe they gonna make something new for everyone to copy
@NguyenHaTheHoang 9 місяців тому
Also lootboxes and NFT.
@neotron6490 10 місяців тому
Finally, its about bringing a right plan for the job. Kudo to Valve and King Gaben. That should counter anti-player monetization tactics at least
@thewoodpeckers655 10 місяців тому
Valve is the empath of the triple a world.
@lukaszbrzozowski9486 10 місяців тому
Garbaj posting, lets gooo🎉
@dead5827 10 місяців тому
every other gaming company: i'm gonna pretend i didn't see that
@NguyenHaTheHoang 9 місяців тому
Nah, they will try to copy Valve if this plan is actually succeeds.
@bombboy3427 10 місяців тому
TF2 players : "Ah yes. DOTA DOTA CounterStrike, DOTA DOTA Counterstrike. Greatttt."
@sollybrown8217 10 місяців тому
Valve has always been goated
@NorroTaku 10 місяців тому
they haven't done something good they just announced something good
@raynfall77_69 10 місяців тому
meanwhile free-to-plays on tf2
@nomisnake3567 10 місяців тому
The number 3
@TEJR69 10 місяців тому
Been playing DotA Allstars for who knows how many years and when DotA 2 was announced, I've gained access between one of the first players in 2011. Since then I've never cared nor will I care about cosmetics. Well, that would be a lie for which I'm sorry, there's been some exceptions I really wanted from those battlepasses. One of them were the Gaben announcer pack, the skins for Dragon Knight and Mirana based on the animated series and some random skins that people mostly didn't care about, but I liked them. I've bought battlepasses just for the Gaben announcer pack and those skins mentioned before, not because I'm a cheap person, not because I hate this system nor because my little smooth brain goes apeshit when I unlock something... it's just because I don't need it to play better :^) The instances where I bought the Battlepass I sold some skins on steam market so I didn't actually spent any money on it. And I have that with every single game I play, if it is a multiplayer game I don't care about the cosmetics what so ever. For example Sea of Thieves, I've been playing since the release on and off and I've NEVER in my life bought a cosmetic there for real money nor did I bought a single "plunder pass" as they like to call them. To me it's just a waste of money to be honest... So what my character looks different? Doesn't make me play better in these games so ... why?
@devforfun5618 10 місяців тому
i go further, i specially dislike that the game is more than 40 gigs because of the amuount of cosmetics, i think it was 12 GB when i started playing
@TEJR69 10 місяців тому
@@devforfun5618 I mean games will always get bigger in size the longer they are out there (ofc of the development did not stop) and since the beginning, there's much more heroes, items, the whole menu is a god damn anime opening type of navigation, but I'd bet my nuts the bigger portio of the game's size would be bloated by the cosmetics. I personaly don't mind it since I've around 3 TB of SSD space, but hey, I can completely see your point and understand it
@WarpSonic 10 місяців тому
ok the way you said that at first made me worried that they were going to stop monetizing DotA. I would be concerned about that since when TF2 cosmetics enormously deflated in price, Valve just stopped updating the game and now it's infested with bots. Also if they stopped monetizing then TI prize pools would plummet.
@literatemax 9 місяців тому
Valve far ahead of the curve once again
@im.weasel 10 місяців тому
I had no idea Dota 2 had a battlepass.
@UrielJager 10 місяців тому
Hope CS has a similar update. Especially events and more content would be great.
@Septic24 10 місяців тому
Yea maybe put something in TF2 it wouldn't take much to make the whole community go ballistic, snakewater "update" for example Just give us something valve anything.
@Hi-6969 10 місяців тому
dota dota counterstrike
@jiggles.3397 10 місяців тому
Valve just putting their foot in again to make an example. Love them.
@WheatMuncher3000 9 місяців тому
Can they now focus on the Heavy Update???
@JuanGamer0202 10 місяців тому
No fucking way
@IndieLambda 10 місяців тому
Oh, is Dota 2 going the way of TF2? Dota 2 might be going the way of TF2... is TF2 comming back? TF2 isn't comming back. Wait, Neon Prime is real? Dota 2 is going the way of TF2 is going the way of TF2 and Neon Prime is real, they're going all hands on deck, Neon Prime is replacing Dota 2, the way Dota 2 replaced TF2, CS2 and Neon Prime will be the new Valve ESports duo, Dota 2 is joining TF2, Day of Defeat, Artifact and Underlords to the Valve MP games grave yard.
@johnvic5926 10 місяців тому
Oh, come on! Why the completely vague title?
@diederikeding6544 10 місяців тому
Its valve, their the best
@spec9513 10 місяців тому
@rand0m426 10 місяців тому
You are officially first
@fatfingersman 10 місяців тому
Like wtf man, they created that post saying that there will be no more battle pass and did not specify literally anything...
@mazidul4902 10 місяців тому
Wait what
@francobuzzetti9424 10 місяців тому
you know what dota gave you for free for like 20 years? the ability to play ANY character without having to grind weeks to get ONE
@blakedake19 10 місяців тому
I mean, it's not like people who do not spend money get nothing, they get to play the game for free indefinetely which is the main point of a videogame. Cosmetics and "content" is a plus and because nothing is free it means that your playtime is covered by someone else buying those things.
@D.KlWA-aG 10 місяців тому
bruh i just deleted it. I aint gonna wait a year to redownload it again
@D-N-0 10 місяців тому
at least we get "bare minimum" unlike TF2 players
@yeshuabalili4836 10 місяців тому
They learned their lesson last year that making the battlepass free for everyone to access to, giving us free arcanas, and free dota plus to compensate for the mediocre 2021 battlepass right after arguably one of the best battlepasses ever the 2020 battlepass actually helped brought brought back old players and new players alike for the sake of missing out of what seems like 4 monts of battlepass content, for the first in idk 5 years DOTA had millions of players again for this exact reason. (Not to mention that the arcanas that releases every battlepass become unobtainable after the internationals, so i hope they make arcanas marketable after TI again just like the arcanas pre 2018 and stop capitalizing on FOMO on limited unobtainable cosmetics)
@captainnoyaux 10 місяців тому
I don't think a happy customer is a future paying customer. It's just about value, if you provide more value that you think you pay for, more people will pay. I won't pay for shitty skins that adds nothing, but I can pay for a battle pass that enables me to earn more drops and earn money (for example)
@arthank1263 10 місяців тому
I clicked my w key cause I had to bound to "clear decal" in csgo :))) cause the blood was annoying me
@darknetworld 10 місяців тому
It was very limited but they should have produce content and let be not paywall by battlepass as most are normal player without much money spend useless that they do not want. They must have found in their research that battlepass is not working as they need money produce some good and keeping game upkeep. They should let player buy items. But required a lot of check and artist and brain storm some content which cost money to burn. It would need balance and team size as well.
@devforfun5618 10 місяців тому
when they first introduced the "batlepass" they have a very compelling pitch, a part of the money would go to the championship poll, the more players bought the better rewards everyone would get, it also had various minigames based on the championship, it wasn't tied directly to the dota game, but to the dota championship, it was a huge success that other games imitated, and now everyone was copying the formula fortnite used, including dota what i really hate is the dota+, which hides information of the game that are freely available on the internet, or the player guides included in the game
@TheJetonELIT 10 місяців тому
companies should look up to drg smh make all pass free !!
@torockiusz8836 10 місяців тому
I don't believe the title
@iplayminecraft2248 10 місяців тому
and yet no tf2
@yubr6064 10 місяців тому
W valve
@fulvio3211 10 місяців тому
I must say as an ex dota player that the battlepass at least was cheap and you originaly got one every year. Not like some other games that a battlepass cames out every 2-3 months and you have to pay your 10 bucks montly and maybe not have the time to get all the skins and such. At this point we are back to WOW with it's montly payment
@AGENT_MIFTAHUL 10 місяців тому
omg im early today! luv ur vids man
@LautaroQ2812 10 місяців тому
They want free players to be more inclined to buy the BP which is not wrong. Also, like LoL, it's a free game and skins do nothing. So if they only had BP skins, it's ok too. But they don't wanna detour players from the game for not having the "sparkly thing" that they don't need.
@casual256 10 місяців тому
hi :D
@1leg 10 місяців тому
@LizardOfOz 10 місяців тому
Content for the store is not content for the game. Nice to see Valve being aware of it and introducing actual game content for their games and not just the store content. CSGO is probably the hardest, because most people simultaneously don't like any gameplay changes to the ranked matchmaking, but they also want something new.
@Dr.Mohandes 10 місяців тому
Meanwhile tf2: doesn't get content to either payiny or free players
@Jackfromshack 10 місяців тому
My problem with dota 2 is that matches are too damn long, and 70% of that time is passive accumulation of resources. 30-50 minute matches are good, only in cases when both teams are equivalent to each other, which obviously happens with the same frequency as holidays. In most cases, one team mocks the other, and artificially stretch the time without finishing the game, savoring their own superiority growing like a snowball. 1 match in Dota 2 is equivalent in time to 3-4 matches in Quake, and I don't feel morally and psychologically squeezed out after the last one which is more intense by the number of events at a time. Also losing doesn't feel so painful there because of the wasted time. My whining about- add the GIVE UP BUTTON if you want me to come back. This is why I stopped playing, but the game is good.
@SanyaBane 4 місяці тому
Due to the fact that valve rips of developers for 30% of their games price, they can make all their games entirely free (including battle passes and cosmetic items) and still receive millions of dollars. So nope, they didn't do anything good yet.
@foxnachos_ 10 місяців тому
If only valve had this mentality for tf2
@UnrealChaosHD 3 місяці тому
Yeah, i dont agree. Look its been only 6 months but give it 6 more and you will see the results. Without the help of the TI Price Pool to PUSH the other tournaments to reach new heights everyone will leave. Sponsors leave, teams leave, then the company makes less money and they stop with the constant updates(that has already started to happen), and finally the players leave. I hope everything goes ok for the game, but no, its not a good thing
@wolontong 10 місяців тому
other than paid stuff, both free and paid players just hate when they are playing the exact same mind numbing patch for months. devs there need to check their ego because they only made patch for their own gameplays. its cringe. like people actually tired when a useless hero keep getting nerfed while broken hero keep getting buffed. it just funnel the whole creativity.
@kekscoc1656 10 місяців тому
@mazidul4902 10 місяців тому
@rand0m426 10 місяців тому
@BigDaddyWes 10 місяців тому
Battle passes are trash and dumb to smoke.
@lukasbrophy6120 10 місяців тому
@rand0m426 10 місяців тому
@somdov 10 місяців тому
I don't find this accurate sorry. The constantly evolving game balance and new characters/items has always been free which is more free content than almost any other game. I don't know how this announcement could possibly be unexpected, and the free players DEFINITELY have never been fed the bare minimum.
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