@christinelroy 2 секунди тому
Nurses are not actually with a patient for hours a day.
@Boostlagg 59 секунд тому
I work in IT and get paid very well. It was my passion and now I hate it. I loved cars and now I hate working on them.
@philaman1972 3 хвилини тому
After WW2 ended, millions of young GIs returned home to marry, raise families and enjoy lifetime marriages (50+ years). At least we have good examples of how things used to be...
@kellyedwards2544 9 хвилин тому
The best primary I have ever had was an older nurse practitioner
@rabiebiel7955 9 хвилин тому
that look of shock on Chris
@Lepa782 11 хвилин тому
How this podcast can be free😳
@iarab.1588 13 хвилин тому
Why does Connor hate 'toxic' and 'manifest' ? It surprised me to hear that from a therapist. I believe there's nothing wrong with using it if it makes sense and in the right context.
@alicemorel6779 13 хвилин тому
Just want to point out that many neurodivergent people struggle with recovering from their emotions, unexpected changes or disagreements and I wouldn't want them to feel discriminated against by what he is saying. People are multifasceted. No one is perfect. There's always going to be positive and negative aspects to a person's personality. Its more about finding connection and loving someone as a whole even for their flaws. Love isn't some robotic or mechanical thing. You are worthwhile to many ❤ :)
@rezzer7918 15 хвилин тому
Biden. LMAO
@michaelburkey1968 17 хвилин тому
Woo woo nonsense
@hanswoast7 19 хвилин тому
1:25:00 I had a similar experience during a kidney scintigraphy. Some of these contrast agents are quite peculiar.
@BushyHairedStranger 20 хвилин тому
Danny Trejo confirming he’s a liar.
@lefou4570 23 хвилини тому
The other thing that is being failed to be mentioned is the safety part of what women desire in choosing a man. If y can't be found to be a safe person to be around to have a gf. Thn you will get rejected. Leaving the pool of men hard to pick from. If you can't show that you can be a safe person she feel the right to not want you
@TheArtofBlues 24 хвилини тому
Im just saying the coolest guys in the fitness industry are power lifters. Fluff for life 😊
@JCrashB 25 хвилин тому
I only did the Einzelkämpferlehrgang 20 years ago during my officer's training in the German Armed Forces, which I'm sure is just a walk in the park when compared with SEAL Hell Week. Nevertheless, those 4 weeks of pain and sheer misery still motivate me to go through any form of hardship that normal life throws at me, because of 'been there, done that'. It's amazing what a human body can endure if the mind is stubborn enough.
@nunofurbiz 26 хвилин тому
2:20 Its called mob mentality
@Hafford1314 27 хвилин тому
Wow! This exactly describes someone I know.
@iarab.1588 29 хвилин тому
I've always suspected Chris is an avoidant
@lilianrodrigo22 30 хвилин тому
Not to mention that hey, it’s affordable nowadays. Not everyone can afford the healthy shit cause, …shit, I don’t understand why shit grown and just packaged isn’t cheaper than shit super processed
@simonsilva250 30 хвилин тому
Gold stuff
@SorryYoureNotIrish 31 хвилина тому
Sounds a bit like my DMT trip
@donk3ysmash 31 хвилина тому
I didn’t realise you could live off site whilst doing buds?
@lilianrodrigo22 32 хвилини тому
Kelloggs, back in the day, didn’t have all this sugar. This came along with time so to say generally Kelloggs is to blame is ignorant
@ZyroZoro 33 хвилини тому
So what is the utility?
@siritalis4956 35 хвилин тому
I have a naturally deep voice but started using the higher one when I started working retail. It's weird now when I or other people notice my unintentional voice changes now
@brianboggs8462 38 хвилин тому
Get out of my head!!!
@debrawalters9746 39 хвилин тому
Epiphany 😢
@lge5647 39 хвилин тому
As an ObGyn I see women in their late thirties and early forties every day that now want children desperately. And they panic when they realize they might be too late. And you don't know how many patients in their fifties I have that decided against having kids and now regret it. Or ladies in their 70s: Partner dead, friends dying left and right, no kids and they're depressed because they're completely and utterly alone. There might be some that it's right for, but a lot of those that think being childless is right for them at thirty belong in the aforementioned groups later.
@alexfox4647 40 хвилин тому
Dr. Jordan Peterson > Macken Murphy
@EloSportsTalk 40 хвилин тому
.....didn't need this on Mother's Day
@natefisher1867 42 хвилини тому
He is so funny 😂
@Ryleigh_156 44 хвилини тому
I don’t like how well this relates to me and how this explains my experience over the past…, nearing seven or so years? But I do appreciate how well this explains what I myself struggle to understand. So, overall, thanks for the callout. 😭😂✨
@berylalanthwaite5325 45 хвилин тому
I watched the movie The Day After, made in the '80's I think. A really good movie, but it is very depressing.
@vernie7882 47 хвилин тому
I didn't get anything from the book.
@toxicmale2264 48 хвилин тому
If I see a man with an overweight wom I automatically assume that he was desperate. When I have overweight wom hitting on me, I assume that being seen in public with said wom, will make others view me as desperate. If you had choices you would obviously pick a wom who takes care of themself.
@MsCalval 49 хвилин тому
@tiamiesha 50 хвилин тому
Okay…well I wasn’t expecting to be read for filth on a Friday but here we are. Thank you 🙂
@jason-mk 50 хвилин тому
chris giving hamza advice reminded me why hamza unfiltered was the best content hamza ever made. raw, uncut and full of authenticity. but the game is game i guess...
@hanswoast7 53 хвилини тому
Zero sum thinking, broad generalizations and tribalism is a heck of a combo.Throw in a bit of perspective mismatch and missing accountability ... welcome to hell.
@salvador759 55 хвилин тому
Same with the band (?
@junevandermark952 55 хвилин тому
Thanks for honoring my freedom of speech. My most ambitious goal came about after believing for 70 years that the universe was created ... to change my system of belief to the scientific theory that in one form or another, the universe and energy always existed ... no creator ... no plan ... and to believe that suffering of all forms of life ... is natural. If people believe they can't be moral unless they have religion in their lives ... that is a sad statement about the mentality of humans in general. It's as though you are saying ... "I can't be moral unless I fear that a god is going to punish me if I'm not moral." I am almost 85 years of age now ... and I believe that if I treat each situation with as much kindness as it deserves ... I can't DO better than my best ... and "let the chips fall where they may." “Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order. The ancients did well, therefore, to invent gods, and the belief in punishment after death.” Roman historian, Polybius.
@Randy22124 Годину тому
@smyffmawzz Годину тому
If only she had a BOOK coming out ...
@vocaldancemusic Годину тому
why is he holding a pen the entire pod?
@RayK4r Годину тому
Yea thts right on the money
@marcosromo7640 Годину тому
Thank you for the great podcast episode
@AB-wf4gt Годину тому
Good thing he spent more than half of the podcast to talk about his Achilles
@krashdummiez007 Годину тому
There’s nothing wrong with giving your kids organic food. And greasy bacon? Come on
@michaelhales5695 Годину тому
Tim Kennedy: What a bunch of cowards though... Also Tim Kennedy: Denied coverage of honest hard hard-working Americans who subscribed to his insurance scam of a company in case they ever were in a scenario in which they had to use their firearm for self defences.
@IMABEAST191 Годину тому
Every time I hear Annie I just want to get tucked into bed I get so sleepy lol