@littlenewton6 4 години тому
I am glad to see this video.
@alialdulaimi2259 Місяць тому
Can I get the presentation file ?
@aminollahzakizadeh5888 Місяць тому
Well after 4 years I am here, because I could not download sdk toolchain in vscode [ which crashes while cloning from github] so that made me to use legacy nrf5 sdk v17, I encountered many problems. I opened twi_sensor example and saw that the sdk_config.h of that example have configurations which was not available in config/nrf52832/sdk_config.h , seems that Nordic Semi have many shortcomings in providing software tools.
@rhksgh3235 Місяць тому
Finally... I am here.
@DAECKarthikN Місяць тому
hello when build the program i am getting error as Building ‘ble_app_blinky_pca10056_s140’ from solution ‘ble_app_blinky_pca10056_s140’ in configuration ‘Debug’ 3> Linking ble_app_blinky_pca10056_s140.elf 3> C:/Program Files/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio 8.10b/gcc/arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: Output/Debug/Obj/ble_app_blinky_pca10056_s140/ses_startup_nrf_common.o: in function `InitializeUserMemorySections': please guide me to solve this bug thank you
@karthic4404 Місяць тому
Can you make the video tutorials using nrf connect sdk
@rhksgh3235 Місяць тому
In my case, printf() always does not work. I don't see anything in the PUTTY. But when you used NRF_LOG_INFO, I could see the output. Do you know how I can fix to see printf()?
@zDoubleE23 Місяць тому
Love the functions where you don’t have to configure the tedious stuff like direction, pull-up resistors, and enables. Very Arduino like with that.
@rhksgh3235 Місяць тому
If I do a right click on the sdk_config.h, I cannot see the CMSIS_Configurator. Do you know a solution for this? Thanks
@gvkvacus Місяць тому
@aokerem 2 місяці тому
Thank you so much. At first, It didn't work in my special board. the reason is that I connected the tx rx pins to different gpio legs. I understood it when I saw the pin configuration from boards.h in your other videos. I wish you're going to heaven if you believe in :)
@syousufimam 2 місяці тому
Which J Link are you using ? Can you share the link of the same ?
@danigeorge959 2 місяці тому
thank you for this!
@RicardoOliveiraRGB 2 місяці тому
Great videos. Too bad you stop posting them, cuz the full course is expensive
@zynq_training2876 2 місяці тому
Hi, There is something wrong and misleading in your slides. Standard services have 16-bits UUIDs. You say: they have 4 bytes, it is wrong. 16-bit = 2bytes. Thank you for your sharing.
@BavanMendon 2 місяці тому
Great series! Really wanted to know how to get BLE Central Mode to work on nRF52 though
@kavindushehan8984 3 місяці тому
too much complex for a beginner to understand
@see_ai_0 3 місяці тому
will this tutorial be suitable for nRF7002 ??? pl Guide
@MightyScharp 3 місяці тому
This is amazing. I will support you on patreon once I get my paycheck in a few days. With a guide like this I can work on my bachelor's thesis on capturing BLE signals in test center in my university. I absolutely love your videos.
@user-qj8ll6fc8e 3 місяці тому
what does it mean by cheat shit? How do i try it? I am only a beginner. please help.
@daniel.dosaru 3 місяці тому
How can this battery level be updated at runtime ?
@aokerem 3 місяці тому
Thank you very much for what you told. I have a question. I dont use any nRF SDK but I have nRF52832 chip in my card. I try to program it from SWD port with J-link but I couldn't. Im open to your advice.
@falrus 3 місяці тому
Did you use any button debouncing?
@rostyslavpetrenko6098 3 місяці тому
if you got an error like ".text is larger than specified size" and ".rodata is larger than specified size" then navigate to ./pca10040/blank/ses/ inside of your project directory, open flash_placement.xml file, find folowing lines: <ProgramSection alignment="4" load="Yes" name=".text" sizeof="0x4"/> <ProgramSection alignment="4" load="Yes" name=".rodata" sizeof="0x4" /> and remove sizeof="0x4" in both cases. this error occures in newer versions of ses but the solution above fixed it in my case
@cjh8344 2 місяці тому
Hey thank you for this comment, saved me major time.
@jonathanvfr 3 місяці тому
This is the best tutorial on how to install the nRF sniffer plugin for Wireshark - thank you!
@victorruiz3318 3 місяці тому
Hi, i have a doubt. I am programming two nrf52840 devices. One of them acts as advertiser and the others one acts as scanner. But my question is: Could I send a message in form of advertisement from the scanner to the advertiser without connecting them? I mean, using a directed adv from scanner and them receive It in the advertiser? But, with this approach, I would enable the advertiser and the scanner simultanously, and I do note think this is possible...
@sanfksag 4 місяці тому
Super nice
@fherm5 4 місяці тому
Help, the web page is down 🤨🤨🤨
@ismailcivan 4 місяці тому
Thank you my Indian brother. you know this job
@manuel5187 5 місяців тому
Where can I find the security tutorials?
@mineofinvention5068 5 місяців тому
My program stuck at nrf twi rx () function I am running i2c scanner example please help
@manobala2539 5 місяців тому
i am sending data in STM32 hal_uart(127 bytes) and receive data in NRF52840 in app_uart_get but i am not getting 127 bytes can any one give solution app_uart_get inside the uart_event_handle function
@023_dhilipraj.s_ecea8 5 місяців тому
why are you stopping uploading videos
@023_dhilipraj.s_ecea8 5 місяців тому
how to 555 timer puls read with nrf52832
@sangwoosuk1395 5 місяців тому
Hi, Thank you so much for the video. I having a issue with downloading the blinky_pca10040 file using target function to my nRF52 DK. It gives me an error saying the .text section is larger than specified size, .rodata section is larger than specified size, and finally the build failed. please help!
@andybasacchi4485 5 місяців тому
Well I had to install nrf52840 dongle into Wireshark and I found your excellent tutorial! I know I would have been lost without the many detailed steps. Thank you for doing this video.
@kenengel620 5 місяців тому
Hey, I just finished your series. Great stuff! Hoping there's more to come...
@anormes 6 місяців тому
Extremely useful series. I hope that you'll do videos on BLE mesh one day
@kenengel620 6 місяців тому
Does anyone know how to get this to work on more than one input at a time?
@mav474 6 місяців тому
Thanks for the explanation!
@mav474 6 місяців тому
unable to link because of this error Linking uart_pca10040.elf undefined reference to 'functions' build failed. Any help?
@kenengel620 6 місяців тому
So....I went through these tutorials and got this far, but I have run into a few snags: 1. The code never runs successfully the first time, I get the first "RTC Initialized" message but then it says app: Fatal error. I can, however, reset the device and everything seems to work on the second run. 2. I cannot seem to run both puTTY and NRFConnect BLE at the same time. (COM9 Access denied.) I've tried disconnecting puTTY and running the NRFConnrct BLE by itself and get a message that the device must be programmed. If I say no, it drops the message "Unsupported soft-device version!" Any ideas?
@mav474 6 місяців тому
I'm using a mac to run the SDK and often I see a message that JLINK got disconnected. Any ways to improve this?
@kenengel620 6 місяців тому
I think I did something wrong. When I tried I get this: Error: Unable to access jarfile ../../../../../../external_tools/cmsisconfig/CMSIS_Configuration_Wizard.jar Anyone know what this means? Edit: I have JAVA installed and the option is showing in the dropdown menu when I right-click the sdk_config.h file, but nothing happens. The error is there in the SES output window but right after it it says, Finished CMSIS Config. I also noticed that there were some issues with certain things not escaping correctly in the .xml file provided and I fixed them according to the .txt reference. Still not sure what the problem is. Edit 2: Got it figured out. You need to go to Project > Options > Code > Build > Project Macros and tell it where to look for the .jar file. It's in the External Tools folder of the Nordic SDK. Don't forget to include the file name, not just the path. In my case it was: C:\Users\Mal\Documents RF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560 RF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560\external_tools\cmsisconfig\CMSIS_Configuration_Wizard.jar
@ovais217 6 місяців тому
You are setting , disconnect_on_fail = false; but in the event handler you are doing this : if(p_evt->evt_type == BLE_CONN_PARAMS_EVT_FAILED) { error_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(m_conn_handle,BLE_HCI_CONN_INTERVAL_UNACCEPTABLE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(error_code); } how does this make sense ? why not just do disconnect_on_fail = true;
@023_dhilipraj.s_ecea8 6 місяців тому
bro i need a bmi 270 with nrf52832 tutorial
@orstig 6 місяців тому
Very good tutorial series, were to go from here? Any suggestions?
@user-ni1yk5zw2h 7 місяців тому
thanks for making this series.Hope that you will make a BLE MESH tutorial soon
@ovais217 7 місяців тому
when the clock source is PCLK1M, and the division factor is 4, why is the clock frequency 1 MHz ?
@ovais217 7 місяців тому
For people who are having the issue of unknown type name '__printf_tag_ptr', revert to the older version of segger embedded studio. The sdk was tested for version 5.42a.