The dark side of feminism | Tommy J Curry
@Erickhetfield Хвилина тому
"More data will come and confirm my theory." What if the data don't confirm your hypothesis? You can't use inexistent data to confirm a scientific theory.
@gokhanelpe1377 5 хвилин тому
Did the universe exist before you were born? It sounds the answer depends whose experience this is. But if our consciousness is its content which is same for everyone then yes there was a universe before i was born and there will be a universe after i m gone.
@Erickhetfield 10 хвилин тому
"I know a lot of SERIOUS string theorists..." I love Sabine ❤️
@Erickhetfield 12 хвилин тому
String theory is a joke. It was not the topic. The fact scientists earn money by not contributing anything to science with these fantasies, is absurd.
@neosis4182 23 хвилини тому
Think about it each one of us is 13.8 billion years old.
@69goodfella 37 хвилин тому
I hope they can change the past so I’m never born.
@Davidinski Годину тому
People play computer games all across the globe together in real time.
@rustyshackleford735 Годину тому
That's one way to say absolutely nothing while using a lot of words.
@seangomez2331 Годину тому
Hang on a second... Doesn't US have a sphere of influence. imagine Russia or China setting up military bases and arming subversive groups in Latin America, does this Amy Goodman impersonator think the US will just be ok with that?
@williamgrosbach4237 Годину тому
Mearsheimer isn't a realist, he's a medievalist. He spouts the Russian propaganda line like he believes it, It's not clear to what extent he's a Russian propagandist himself and to what extent he's just as fool.
@nvarras7 Годину тому
His half baked ideas cost Greece 80 billion dollars in 2015. Greece was being destroyed by debt and his "theories" as economic minister added 80 billion in new interest which he charged to the middle class.
@nooones3033 Годину тому
This is the same eric that thinks Einstein is not a genius.
@adamsawyer1763 2 години тому
Just completely incoherent rubbish. Firstly QE is not "printing money", it's just an asset swap. Secondly raising interest rates is exactly printing money - it's literally creating new money and giving it to the holders of government bonds.
@jameszampetti36 2 години тому
Great answers! So, what is gravity?
@ALavin-en1kr 2 години тому
It will require understanding forces, how they operate and impact substance. Also magnetism is not understood.
@babaoreally8220 2 години тому
Kamala should chime in to clarify this paradox.I’m sure her Venn diagram would explain all of this.
@JADES-GS-z13-0 3 години тому
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
@jonathans.bragdon5934 3 години тому
@jonathans.bragdon5934 3 години тому
Good poetry rebukes the idea that explanations removes the strangeness of anything.
@jdbimmer3853 3 години тому
I need more time to digest this. Slow me!
@Alfie1970Waterhouse 3 години тому
At 4 minutes JM does not take up the challenge SP laid down.
@Alfie1970Waterhouse 3 години тому
Ok. I wonder if JM was one of Tetlock’s subjects. I wonder about his Brier score.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 3 години тому
Cosmic womb? Maybe your aim is a few inches too high.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 3 години тому
So one indirect analysis can prove another indirect analysis? How nice.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 4 години тому
Relativity is a beautiful theory of egocentric mind fookery. There is no left or right side of any space until a ego steps into a room and measures itself against reality. Test the theory. paint on the walls which side is left and which side is right. Then turn around and discover who is lying.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 4 години тому
The cat is dead and alive at the same time. But don't peek. Otherwise, you'll destroy the deception function.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 4 години тому
Michio Kaku is Cuckoo if he thinks the world economy is based upon quantum theory. He has a bubble brain that collides with the bubbles in his a$$ and that is called a big brain fart. The implications are cosmic.
@johnnyt.sollitto512 4 години тому
🤣SILLY FOOLISH scientist - ONLY GOD PERSISTS GOD IS LIFE ✝️ and JESUS SAVES if u have trouble persisting😉 - May GOD BLESS US ALL with PERSISTENCE 😉🙏🏼❤️
@leemog2334 4 години тому
Lies, one particle constantly increasing In velocity would pass itself and at some point collide. Why are there 2 particles in this experiment? Because they wish to fix results. Open the mind
@Pablo-du9kr 4 години тому
You're full of bulls....! Thanks to capitalism you both can discuss freely, full of health, without restrictions you are longing for the rest of people.
@akmmonirulislam3961 4 години тому
We don't know the reality.
@brianbozo2447 5 годин тому
Never understand why people say Putin is smart. The conduct of the Russian army in Ukraine has been disasterous, the society is riddled with corruption, Putin never anticipates anything the west does and never has a counter or continguecy plan his help to allied countries such as Cuba, Venezuela is minimal. All Putin does is allow the corruption to continue and clings to power.
@eccentricaste3232 5 годин тому
Richard Dawkins in his 1 trick pony business.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 5 годин тому
Relativity is egocentric. There is no left or right side to any space until an observer/ego steps into the room.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 5 годин тому
Existence and non existence are conditions. Reality supports both. Reality is unconditional. Today I exist. Tomorrow I don't exist. The truth/reality/validity/certainty remains the same, regardless. Only the conditions change.
@user-fu8kk2kn8s 6 годин тому
Damn. Why do they have to be so wordy? Reality is whatever is true. The conditions matter not. Reality is unconditional. The end.
@Mangolorian-je3eo 6 годин тому
I remember another time we were too smart for god: “how can god answer two prayers at once? Checkmate!” Haven’t heard that much since multitasking computers went mainstream…
@ChessCat9 6 годин тому
She thinks that if her lies are repeated often enough . . .
@trancemuter 7 годин тому
oh yeah, countries still have spheres of influence, like USA has, and a very bloody one too, look at the genocide in gaza and then ponder how bog of a BS statement you just made! 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️
@anonion9920 7 годин тому
me: the food is hot bro:
@aperson2020 7 годин тому
Something very wrong with this guy.
@JundArbiter 7 годин тому
Yes. Pack it up.
@sccur 7 годин тому
Idk, in some ways math is more real than physical reality.
@kylork0 7 годин тому
Listen up, you. Eric is right to cut to the chase. Everyone else drones on with their boring ass inconsequential long answers, going way over their alotted time and providing no substance. And Eric simply says "Yes" to the first question, because why bore the audience with a long-winded response? I watch your channel because of the guests sometimes, but most of the time it involves lots of talking with little actually being said. And I get bored. If the purpose is scientific debate and the proposed question is turning up dry, encourage the interactions to naturally pivot to the most interesting new subtopics that the discussion has begun evolving toward.
@davidmooten6646 8 годин тому
hahaha is there a way ? i dont even think time exists....
@vanikaghajanyan7760 8 годин тому
"God does not change the rules He has chosen once." (Socrates).
@vtr8427 8 годин тому
Tim has no sense about common sense.
@guilleibarra9664 8 годин тому
Que bien explica el flaco Menotti
@questions6746 8 годин тому