10 WORST Game of Thrones Endings
12 годин тому
Game of Thrones RUINED Sansa Stark
Why The Red Wedding Is TIMELESS
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Sansa Stark Is Tragically Misunderstood
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A NEW House of The Dragon Show
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This Is Just STRANGE Source Material
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@SnakeWasRight 13 годин тому
Yeah her arc in season 7 and 8 were not even rushed, per se, it was just bungled horribly. All these characters do similar things. She needed to be doing things that make no sense at all, and/or have her breaking point actually make sense and not be so over the top. Like, she needs to be completely paranoid and actually justified somewhat in that paranoia. Not able to trust anyone. Just her and her dragon against the world. Not just be completely out of pocket randomly. She could do something emotional, which makes her advisors do something which causes her to mistrust them all. Maybe a power grab among the advisors, not necessarily against her, which takes out her most trusted advisors. Idk... But what WAS rushed were the white walkers. That was completely and utterly a waste of time and attention and had absolutely zero effect on the story whatsoever. A minor side quest of zero consequence except a couple characters that had no other role got fed to the meat grinder.
@stephenmillertime 14 годин тому
Danny was a horrible leader, that was common sense. She was a conquerer, not a leader. Trying to to use others who were mad to is a horrible justification.
@DCharles 14 годин тому
Justification? I’m talking about characterization and framing in relation to the world building established by the show itself.
@sdzielinski 15 годин тому
Catelyn Stark died. Lady Stoneheart is not Carelyn Stark. Brienne's oaths to Catelyn died with Catelyn's death. Her dying turned her into a monster, an evil being. Catelyn Stark no longer exists save as a memory. Brienne's commitment to rescuing Arya and Sansa is a choice she could make because she feels doing so is the right choice to make. Her obligations are to the living.
@taotaostrong 7 годин тому
Interesting point. I always saw Stoneheart as Cat with no filter. Cat was ruthless in some ways. She was cruel toward Jon. She was impulsive and unwise. Please let me know your thoughts as Stoneheart as Cat with no prefrontal cortex.
@sdzielinski 6 годин тому
@@taotaostrong Cat was not a morally unambiguous person. She harmed Jon because her vanity could not tolerate caring for another woman's child. Forbidding Jon to say goodbye to Bran, which Jon rightly ignored, and then saying to Jon that "it should have been you" in the cripple's bed is as vile as anything Cersi or Geoffrey or any other Westrosi monster would have said to anyone. And, as one person called her, "Cat was the Karen of the North." She, as much as anyone, was responsible for the Five King's war and all of the death and destruction that War caused. Moreover, Baric Dondarrion and Jon Snow died and were resurrected. Both were warriors, and were thus guilty of killing. But, even if their deaths didn't turn them into monsters, it did diminish them. Cat's resurrection produced Lady Stoneheart, a batshit crazy and resentful killer. She certainly was diminished by dying and returning. Brienne, Jamie and Podrick were innocent of the Red Wedding. Yet, Lady Stoneheart wanted them dead. If Cat's Tyrion-hated was born of a pre-existing hatred intensified by a lie, it still seemed correctable by reason and evidence while she was alive. Lady Stoneheart, on the other hand, lives in a space that us beyond reason, justice and mercy. She leads the once defensible men without banners on a killing spree that appears out of proportion to the crimes committed against her and her family. She littered her path with corpses. So, she changed. The question is: What accounts for that change? I would say that the Red Wedding broke her. Like the Broken Men, she had lost her humanity even before her body died. The Red Wedding murdered her soul before it murdered her body. It made her a vengeful ghoul. Killing Cat at the Red Wedding was, in an odd sense, an act of mercy. Her resurrection damned her to live her life nearly dead, in a Hell on earth.
@taotaostrong 6 годин тому
@@sdzielinski thanks for your response. Very thoughtful!
@devinfleenor3188 6 годин тому
"Breaking guest right is something the gods cannot forgive" Lady Stoneheart is "the gods" punishment for breaking guest right. Or the curse of breaking guest right is using Catelyn's body and consciousness as a vessel to enforce the the curse. Catelyn Tully/Stark is the same as Lady Stoneheart as a caterpillar is to a butterflly with neurolink.
@sdzielinski 5 годин тому
@@devinfleenor3188 An explanation as plausible as mine. It makes better use of the story's magical elements than mine does.
@Gamespectives 15 годин тому
So.... we can blame Trump for GRRM not finishing his book xD
@shawnhenderson2091 16 годин тому
I like to imagine a world where GRRM finishes the books and MAX commissions competent writers who love the source material and wish to honor it the way D&D did for the first 4 seasons, they do an anime that continues the story as depicted in seasons 1-4 and starts there, the cold open would be the very ending of Storm of Swords, where we are introduced to Lady Stoneheart as she hangs the Frey, chilling way to start the series and establish the feel of the show much the way it did by showing the white walkers in the series premier's opening scene.
@DCharles 16 годин тому
Someday something animated could be interesting. That’s what I’m hoping for with the 10,000 Ships/Nymeria concept someday, but too obscure for casual readers/viewers.
@PistachioDean 5 годин тому
I’d be down for an animated series from Book 1 tbh
@shawnhenderson2091 16 годин тому
I thought it was funny the first time I read that Stoneheart is making incorrect conclusions about Jaime's character as well as Brienne's, much as she did about Jon Snow when she was still alive, going so far as to think he's got evil intentions up to the point of her death at the Red Wedding...mistaken in death much as she was in life.
@Themitten 17 годин тому
Thank you for another great video
@clumsyturtle8544 17 годин тому
It's s e xual fustration because she couldn't boink her nephew not madness.
@DCharles 17 годин тому
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@bravassSubs 18 годин тому
I would love to see Arya, Cersei, Jaimy with three dragons. Oh boy, the show would have ended in season 5.
@michaelangeline9726 День тому
Catlyn ruined evvvvvvvvvvreeeething!!!
@katiePetsy День тому
We won't know until the last books are released (if they ever are). In favour of her going mad- the most recent book has her having a conversation with her dead brother. Could be delirium could be something worse. I think in the end she'll be like Viserys. Feeling entitled to rule a land that doesn't want her and becoming cruel over it. Only difference is she has an army and dragons to express her anger
@devinm524 День тому
4:40 here you are confusing what was and what would have been. it doesn't matter in the slightest that Lyanna stark loved Rhegar. She was contracted and betrothed to marry Robert and Prince Rhegar was alreeady married. Lyanna caused the war as much as Robert if she absconded with her secret lover(these are the rules told to us by the author by the way, not my interpretation of how modern society should adjust). Remember marriages are more about political alliances than family unions. You have to see that she broke the laws of the land (unless Rhegar truly did abduct her which none of us think is what took place) Not Loving him wasn't the issue at play, it was not wedding when she was promised to and instead being unfaithful. Don't get me wrong Rhegar who was touted as a paragon among men, should have been more considerate of the consequenes, the Lions share definitely falls on him since he has the power and authority of the crown backing him but still foolishly burns bridges and causes a massive rift in the peace of the kingdom as for Noble Robert he did what he should have done in that position and did it better than any man alive could have. his only fault was clinging onto his hatred of the Targaryens when at that point I believe their fall from grace was absolute. the real question is why was she entombed in the crypts of Winterfell which was historically reserved for the Lords of Winterfell
@therayldeal6683 День тому
The reason I thought her madness made some sort of sense because of the death of her dragons and her claim to the throne being contested by Jon's true heritage. I buy that Martin's end goal for Dany's ending could have possibly, maybe been the burning of King's Landing, but the show needed a season or two to properly set that up. I still wish the Azor Ahai foreshadowing from the books would have come up in the show. It would have been much cooler and tragic if Jon had to forge Lightbringer to fight the Night King by sacrificing Dany.
@wrongnumber878 День тому
Screen Rant is always wrong. If there's one thing I noticed it's that they are paid to write certain things and they write as to not offend anybody and to cater to the largest audience. They never express their true feelings and it all comes out as flat. I don't care for Jon Snow anymore personally. He ruined his chances and bitchslapped us all when he bent the knee to Bran. He was a lackey of House Stark all along. That said, he is beloved by many and if anyone's story can continue it's his. He can be the mediator to the conflicts between the different Wildling tribes. He can be there to smooth things over between the snobbish Northerners and the Free folk-they couldn't stand each other. All while respecting his exile and staying close to the Wall. Realistically, he's no longer the rightful king since he accepted Bran. He'd never go against him-not in a million years. And especially against Sansa. So he's not going to end up king. Daenerys returning would be fun, but they cannot be a couple anymore after his betrayal. But I don't believe she'd be back. Drogon coming back doesn't work since D&D said he was never seen again. And there's no way he's letting Jon ride him after he killed his mother. Like it or not, dragons in sequels make little to no sense. Which is why they're going with prequels-people mostly watched to see dragons and the dead and now they're gone. I feel Martin WOULD write a sequel if he had more time, but he's old and it'll be fortunate if he finishes the books he's currently writing.
@wrongnumber878 День тому
It is madness that people are going after Daenerys crucifying slavers without investigating but love, even adore Arya for killing the Freys without investigating. Some of the Freys(many of them) were appaled at what Walder did in the books. Arya literally says she kills all the important male Freys- not the ones guilty, no-just the important ones. How she is still beloved, but Daenerys is so hated is hypocrisy at it's finest. I would rather burn by a dragon, than be butchered by Arya. Neither is a good death, but Arya relishes every kill. Daenerys doesn't. Yet somehow the latter has to go, while the former sails off into the sunset. I feel that Dany hate is because people loved and believed everything Tyrion said. Dinklage is the most beloved actor of the bunch, and so is his character. Daenerys also believed him and look where it got her. The Taryls had it coming-to stay on topic. How is burning them worse than feeding Ramsey to the dogs? Both actions were revenge, one for Sansa and one for Olenna.
@Outlaw8908 День тому
Yeah Robert I think loved the idea of Lyanna, but I do think he would have tried to stick to her. Instead of being a hedonist. She was all he wanted, and that tells me he would have absolutely tried to amend himself. She just never gave him that chance. Would she have made him more miserable than Cersei? No. Cersei is just that horrible of a person that Robert drank and whored even more. Lyanna is also a bit of a hypocrite that ran off with a married man. Robert is an imperfect guy and massively so, but a chance at character growth was denied. The war he fought certainly traumatized him, and the hole that unfulfilled desire left… Just soul crushing. It’s not really surprising he sank into trying to fill it. He had no reason to do better.
@wrongnumber878 День тому
Thank you. Most people are like: Show Sansa is the best ever. But her potential was wasted. I disliked her, then i loved her, and now I just hate her. Her behavior with both Jon and Daenerys is atrocious. Ok, she didn't like or trust Dany, but did she also distrust Jon? Why is she arguing all his decisions publicly-the Northern lords refused the call so the Starks needed to be united before them! Her showing them all she'd rather be in charge is showing them their weaknesses. And if she doesn't trust Daenerys, why antagonize her? Like, if she knew or suspected Dany would turn out mad, why risk getting on her bad side? Sansa was supposed to be the smart one of the Starks. I hoped to see her outplay people with her cleverness. Instead she just gets lucky her siblings are there to save the day. They needed Daenerys against the Dead. Sansa should've played nice while Daenerys was still useful to her. The book will do it well, mark my words, but the show cannot be constantly backed up with the books. Marrying Sansa to Ramsey was one of the dumbest things they did in the whole show. Why is it necessary if no one answered the call? Theon should've stopped the rape and this dumb storyline.
@seanedwards7047 День тому
Absolutely horrible writing at the end. Spot on with your analysis.
@footwearisoptional8766 2 дні тому
Can we give the Tarleys dishonorable mention? I mean, I know Randall and Dickon weren't really in the show much but dammit, the Tarleys were Targaryen loyalists and if a legitimate Targaryen ruler showed up with a dragon, well, Randall's knee would have been pre-bent. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, the TYRELLS were Targaryen loyalists so ol' Randall might have gotten a few bros together to avenge their liege lord (speaking of no consequnces, a Tyrell vassal is outside your gates, woman and you just don't fuck with Randall Tarley. Dany would have had not only Horn Hill but the possibly the entire army of the Reach. Drogon could have just perched on the roof of the Red Keep and sat the battle out. He wouldn't have been needed.
@somersault1123 2 дні тому
I never said the arc succeeded. All I said was that there were allusions and foreshadowing that she was mad. Like being consistently reminded of mad Targaryens and people reminding her that family as close to her as her own father went mad. But god no, they didn't pull off a satisfying conclusion to this at all. It was absolutely atrocious.
@Gamamaster101 2 дні тому
Jon decapitated Janos simply for disobeying an order. What Dany did in this scene was more than justified.
@shawnjackson3764 2 дні тому
varys got a bad ending
@lokialutt3445 2 дні тому
As for what happened to the Tarlys Ned Stark would have done the same thing. They were defeated in battle and given a chance to bend the knee. They said no. What would you expect?
@imissdetroit 2 дні тому
If you’ve paid attention to current events over the last 4 years, it’s really not surprising that the “conspiracy theorist” was right.
@kathovard4574 3 дні тому
Danny didn't really go mad until watching her 2nd baby (dragon) die and sink beneath the waves that's when she really lost it and has every reason to yes she kept the dragon closest to her hee number 1 baby but the other to dying took its toll on her and when the 2nd baby died she just couldn't handle it and didn't care weather u were innocent or not at that point same with her warriors when they stormed the city
@dudeguys6362 3 дні тому
"If you care about that kind of thing." Yeah, she died in his arms like the prophecy said. I guess I care about that kind of thing.
@DCharles 3 дні тому
“Wrap his hands around your pale white throat and choke the life from you.” They didn’t include the valonqar part of the prophecy in season 5 opening, but it still would have been a good callback for the book fans.
@dudeguys6362 3 дні тому
Cersei's death wasn't empty- that's like saying Robb's death was empty because he said his mom's name and died. In that case, well no shit. If all you do is measure a character's last moments, then probably 99% of the deaths are "empty". Cersei feeling at peace, knowing her brother was her soulmate, they might go to a better place together holding hands, and she got away with crazy shit for 8 years straight. It was, "You're right, my love. Maybe it is time for us to go. Together." That was her ending, and it worked for me, 5 years ago and now.
@Nephlyte348 3 дні тому
I'm not sure why she's seen as evil OR mad. Both words seem to be too limiting for what's attempting to be portrayed. The real issue is that the show is from her POV for a long time and when shes fighting rando slavers in a place no one gives a crap about, shes the hero. When you pit her against people coded to be the people you're supposed to care about (the European allegories) then she's suddenly evil and mad. She was always a feudal lord born believing she had a right to rule that was stolen from her and she deserved it back. Of course she was a tyrant. She always was, it just was more noticable when you had people that were on her level unlike the slavers, merchants etc. She did just did what any conqueror does. Anyone surprised by where the story went wasnt paying attention. How it got there is another issue entirely.
@robstewartstewart98 3 дні тому
In retrospect.........I think George should have not bothered with the Bravvos arc, had Arya and the Hound arc quickly join up with Sansa and Lady Stoneheart, had Tyron quickly get to Dany, no Robert Strong/Mountain return (screw Clegangebowl) and no Dany returning to the Dothraki Sea (can't have the Dothraki charge the field if they dont come over with Dany). Heck......there are things you can do for the story to create a scenario where Dany and Tyrion go straight from Essos to White Harbor rather than Kings Landing/Dragonstone first. Heres an alternate timeline then........George completes Winds of Winter (and makes it the last book) in 2017, with the last season of the show (season 7) coming out in 2018. As for me........i decided to just kinda fuse multiple fan theories from a bunch of great fan theorists out there together, and write a fan fic where George decides to just write a blog post where he says what the plot points for the last books will be. Then printed it, stabled it, and put it on my shelf next to the books. Created some nice perspective. Helped me both imagine changes to the show I would have made.....AND some scenes I pretend happen during and after the series we got.
@ayiza8511 3 дні тому
Changing Jeyne whit Sansa ruined both Sansa and Little finger. I like Sansa's storyline in the books. In the show they somehow turned Sansa into Cersie 2.0. And little finger became dumb
@Callycat868 3 дні тому
I don't care if it comes out because at this rate I won't live long enough for the final book anyway.
@KangaRooTube 3 дні тому
There are signs of her turning mad back in seasons 2 and 3. Ser Barristan even senses this and explains to her that killing people can make you feel powerful and always right. Her madness is mostly hidden early on because she's killing people that deserve it, and she mostly listens to her council that can stop her doing the wrong things. But later on in the show she starts losing her advisors and she starts to feel powerful and always right. The problem isn't her going mad but how the show handles it. It happens way too quickly because the show should have been at least 10 full seasons, instead it's super rushed and delicate plots like Danny turning mad no longer make sense. I'm sure the books will go the same direction but it will make more sense as it will happen gradually.
@Candyohh 3 дні тому
Yes. I agree with your every conclusion.
@DCharles 3 дні тому
That’s a rare thing.
@SelphieTheNutter 3 дні тому
I think him not telling Robert has more to do with Roberts Wrath
@SelphieTheNutter 3 дні тому
As far as him watching Aera sword fighting I'm not sure if he's thinking about what happened to Lyanna or if its finally hitting home how dangerous Kings Landing is
@TheLadyKemet 3 дні тому
A tyrant is not the same as a madman. And yes, Daenerys becomes tyrannical (although only they felt that way, those who had already been following her never saw her as a tyrant) but again, that is not the same as a madman. Daenerys' supposed madness is not based on anything, she did not hear voices like the mad king (which we could argue that in the book she did, but we do not know if it is madness or that Daenerys is also a dreamer like Daenys who predicted the fall of Valyria).
@Gotenks7Kid 3 дні тому
Best thing they could have done- Tyrion charge shae and kill her as a murder saying “you never loved me, no one could ever love me!” Then progress as normal until becoming Danny’s hand- The people of wasps love her so help them, but call for fire and blood on the evil people of Westeros who do not know what live is. He helps her to madness, and snaps when he sees what he wroughts- doesn’t resign because of outrage, but because he sees what he and she have become. Knows he deserves death and tells John there’s no saving what he has twisted her into.
@Gotenks7Kid 3 дні тому
Best thing they could have done- Tyrion charge shae and kill her as a murder saying “you never loved me, no one could ever love me!” Then progress as normal until becoming Danny’s hand- The people of wasps love her so help them, but call for fire and blood on the evil people of Westeros who do not know what live is. He helps her to madness, and snaps when he sees what he wroughts- doesn’t resign because of outrage, but because he sees what he and she have become. Knows he deserves death and tells John there’s no saving what he has twisted her into.
@Gotenks7Kid 3 дні тому
Best thing they could have done- Tyrion charge shae and kill her as a murder saying “you never loved me, no one could ever love me!” Then progress as normal until becoming Danny’s hand- The people of wasps love her so help them, but call for fire and blood on the evil people of Westeros who do not know what live is. He helps her to madness, and snaps when he sees what he wroughts- doesn’t resign because of outrage, but because he sees what he and she have become. Knows he deserves death and tells John there’s no saving what he has twisted her into.
@lokiplays6868 3 дні тому
The episode was also co-written by Martin so D&D arent off the hook.
@DCharles 3 дні тому
George wrote only 1 episode in season 1 and this wasn’t it. While George may have been consulted at D&D’s discretion, George himself did not have creative control.
@tytybaby06 4 дні тому
Totally agree with this list!
@SelphieTheNutter 4 дні тому
You say Ned is incontinent and on the surface your right. The nature of the criticism is what your missing. Dispite Neds Opinion of Aers, he didn't hate Rhaegar. As I said before, Ned holds vows of faltey in high regard and a ruler can't rule without loyalty. So warriors who keep there oath are people Ned respects the most. Hence why he hates Jamie. Pycell n the other hand isn't a very good Maeste or man at that.. His knowledge of poisons is better than his knowledge of healing. His influence was at the Hart of a lot of Aers atrocious acts. Killing with poison is a cowards tool and when a coward chooses to serve a tyrant like Aers, they deserve no respect. Ned is a warrior at heart, not a politician. The North is easy to Rule, because it's filled with warrior clans. The south is filled with people like Pycell, who'll I'd a tyrant like Aers for power regardless of the consequences. This reason is why he doesn't trust Varys or little finger either. Ned is used to the brutal honesty of the North. The south is full of liers, backstabbers and cowards. None of which, Ned trusts or respects.
@gentwhoisoverit6992 4 дні тому
THANK YOU! I've been saying this for years!
@SelphieTheNutter 4 дні тому
The line that Ned gives Jamie *you served him well, when serving was safe" simple, Jamie protected the king while he was committing all his atrocious acts but when the tables turned and Tywin joined the rebellion, rather than continue to do his duty like Sir Bariston and risk death to keep his Oath, he chose instead to break his Oath and turn on his king. It's not the slaying of King Aers that Ned holds against Jamie, it's the fact that he broke his Oath to do it. Taking a Oath of fealty is something Ned respects and regards Highley which is why he forgave Sir Bariston and why he can't forgive Jamie. He'd never hate a soldier for doing his duty, even if their his enemy.
@Traye76 4 дні тому
Ned and Catelyn didn't refuse to accuse the Lannisters because they were afraid of Tywin, they knew Robert wouldn't act without proof, anyone can accuse anyone of anything, but you don't condemn people without proof. They wanted the matter settled with proof before even bringing it up because at that point, the matter would be all but settled and impossible to refute, even by someone with their head in the sand like Robert.
@SelphieTheNutter 4 дні тому
I never once questioned if Ned was a good guy. I've never read the books but I've spent a, lot of time learning about real world history. Ned is a honorable man and that is part of what makes him a good man. The scene where Ned executes the deserter from the wall says a lot about him. "The man who passes the sentence must swing the sword" that one line sums up what Ned believes in., The Old God's. To be a king (which is what the Starks have always been even if its not in name) you must back up your mouth and take responsibility for your actions. Which is what the old gods are all about, even if the path is brutal. The sceene where Ned executed the deserter is horrific to people who don't understand it. The first men agreed to worship the old God's to end a brutal war and fight back the white walkers. The Starks are one of the Few that have kept their word and out of all the families who still keep the old way, Ned is one of the few who believes that the white walkers are real. Which is why he doesn't judge the deserter and also why he both executes him and pities him. He understands that if to defeat the white walkers you have to stand your, ground and not give in to fear, too much is at stake, and that is why dispite his pity for the man, he executed him. His pity comes from the fact that he knows the guy isn't a warrior and never should have been asked to be one, coupled with the fact that the deserter is a good man, or he wouldn't have accepted the consequences of deserting the Nights watch. The honor of the north and their intimate relationship with the wall is the only thing that makes the wall get volunteers for the nights watch. The Starks, house Mormont both have volunteered. Everyone else are criminals who choose to serve rather than be expected or be dismembered. That sceene says all that in a few short moments between Ned and the deserter. Does Ned accepting this make him a bad man? Not in my eyes. If the white walkers won, the guy would die anyway. And had he tried to run, others would have done far worse to him and many would have used his desertion as a excuse to fuel there twisted desires (the Boltons being a fine example). What Ned did was a kindness in ore ways than one, because Westeros is a cruel place to live. The Deserter too was happy to be executed by a Stark or he wouldn't have accepted it, in his mind your better off being executed by them than anyone else, the won't torture you, they'll make it quick and as painless as possible.
@SelphieTheNutter 4 дні тому
I don't think Robert loved Lyanna, I think he loved the idea that he'd be Ned's Brother in name as well as heart.. Lyanna was his chance to be Closer to Ned aed because he loved the idea of belong Ned's Brother in Law is why he failed to retain any memories of Lyanna herself.
@saraa.4295 4 дні тому
As a characterisations of tywin, those scenes were fine. As a viewing expierence they were brillant, easily the most enjoyable scenes in Harrenhall. But they do harm Aryas Arc: in the original Arc, her time in Harrenhall was filled with fear and brutality, and the first ray of hope was Jaquen, which was kinda dashed once her allies reclaim power of Harrenhall, yet her own brothers bannerman is brutal and not trustworthy..
@DCharles 4 дні тому
It definitely misses the insight into the groundwork for the Bolton’s eventual betrayal.
@saraa.4295 4 дні тому
@@DCharles that too... But again, if you have Charles Dance, i understand the urge to use him more.. But those little changes added up to a point where Aryas choice to jpin the faceless men seemed to be mainly about revenge, not the sheer desperation it for ANY group she could belong to after years of being alone and afraid, changed her arc for the worse i fear...
@superjohngoldsmith8406 4 дні тому
Like your videos - however imo your assumptions are COMPLETELY off-base on this one. The show’s ending is exactly what GRRM told them
@DCharles 4 дні тому
I don’t dispute the ending exactly, my assumptions are that there’s no way we take the same path to get here and I don’t know how anyone can disagree with that based on where George takes the story in AFFC & ADWD.
@superjohngoldsmith8406 3 дні тому
@@DCharles True, but I watched another of your videos and the video supposes that D&D were wrong to compress Feast/Dance to one season & cut Young Griff. imo D&D were correct in both of these decisions
@DCharles 3 дні тому
@@superjohngoldsmith8406 well then it sounds like you don’t think I’m completely off-base, rather you’re in favor of how we got the show ending compared to the hypothetical ending George may give us (probably not if we’re honest) someday. A lot of people rank AFFCs as their least favorite in the series, and many have ADWD as their 2nd least favorite. I’m actually about to put out a poll on this. I’m in the minority for having an affection for AFFC, so perhaps that bias is showing. Regardless, I appreciate the comment as it makes me view both my opinions and others more critically.